作者 主题: 【3e State Of The Art 2064】P.123-124威卡  (阅读 9694 次)

副标题: 原本是想找一些扮演威卡流派法师的相关指导,结果只找到这个

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【3e State Of The Art 2064】P.123-124威卡
« 于: 2021-03-28, 周日 21:01:29 »
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Wicca is a modern nature-revering pagan religion thatmelds reconstructed pagan lore with modern spiritualism andhermetic ceremonial magic. Wicca comes in many variantsranging from animists who follow nature totems (and rules forwilderness shamans) to quasi-hermetic mages. Some Wiccansfollow the rules for mages, some for shamans. This varies fromwitch to witch, even within the same coven, as Wicca allowsmany individual interpretations and revelations. For furtherguidelines on Wicca and its trappings, refer to p.26, MITS.Most large Wicca groups combine both hermetic andshamanic magicians, but some focus on hermetic magic (best represented by Gardnerian Wiccans) and the Goddess cultsoften focus on shamanic (idol followers of Great Mother,Moon Maiden). Some Wiccans invoke other gods in theirrituals, but treat these as facets of the god and goddess. Aminority (such as Celtic Wiccans) are truly shamanic and fol-low nature, animal and mythical totems.
作为一个融合了许多不同信仰和神话框架的流派,威卡在许多基本方面都类似萨满和赫尔墨斯。其中一个类似萨满的方面是使用神圣之林,圆环,圣地,林中的空地,寺庙和其他合适的自然地点作为仪式场所。并在仪式中起到与萨满流派类似的作用,但除非这里是一处地脉或者具有特定的背景计数,否则它们并不具有实际作用。一些威卡仪式场所可能也会有永久的赫尔墨斯圆环。尽管它们每个都要按照标准规则分别创建。另一个类似赫尔墨斯流派的方面则是,所有威卡团体对于大魔法书的使用——暗影之书——既是赫尔墨斯威卡的图书馆(max. Rating 6),也是集会所有成员的物质链接,还是一件法器,如同集会目标的化身。
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As befits a tradition that melds many different beliefs andmythological frameworks, Wicca has traces of both shamanicand hermetic practices in many fundamental aspects. Oneshamanic aspect is the use of sacred groves, circles, shrines,glades, temples and other appropriate natural locations as rit-ual sites. These function as regular shamanic lodges during rit-uals, but are normally inert unless the area is a power site orboasts a particular background count. Some Wicca ritual sitesmay also have permanent hermetic circles too, though eachhas to be created separately following standard rules. As partof their hermetic heritage, most Wicca covens and circlesadopt the use of a grand grimoire -the Book of Shadows-that doubles as a library for hermetic Wiccans (max. Rating 6),acts as a material link to all group members and as a focus forthe group's avatar to manifest.
典型的威卡魔法装备包括阿塔姆athame(一种用于仪式的匕首,通常是法器)、圣杯、宝剑(译注:在现实的威卡祭坛中应该是boline,一种白柄的弯刀)、法杖、五芒星、坩埚和扫帚。仪式包括唱歌和跳舞,偶尔还会表演 "skyclad"(译注:一种裸体的仪式),举行的仪式通常要与月相的周期相吻合。
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Typical magical gear for Wiccans includes the athame(a dagger used for rituals, and quite often as a focus),chalice, sword, wands, pentacle, cauldron and broom.Rituals include singing and dancing, sometimes per-formed "skyclad" (nude) and usually answering to thecycles of the moon.
流言称威卡流派与德鲁伊流派的秘传超魔可以让他们引导月亮的力量或唤来奇特的精魂,例如狂猎或是莫瑞甘(译注:凯尔特神话中的复仇女神,Queen of Phantoms or Demons,和库丘林有过一段孽缘)。它们是否存在和它们有什么特殊能力由GM决定。按实际来讲,如果流言是真的,这种技巧应该非常人所能知晓,只有有限的几位高级成员才能掌握,当然也与无忠无义的狂奔者无缘。这些精魂会表现出与图腾或化身有关的力量水平。
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represented by Gardnerian Wiccans) and the Goddess cultsoften focus on shamanic (idol followers of Great Mother,Moon Maiden). Some Wiccans invoke other gods in theirrituals, but treat these as facets of the god and goddess. Aminority (such as Celtic Wiccans) are truly shamanic and fol-low nature, animal and mythical totems.

As befits a tradition that melds many different beliefs andmythological frameworks, Wicca has traces of both shamanicand hermetic practices in many fundamental aspects. Oneshamanic aspect is the use of sacred groves, circles, shrines,glades, temples and other appropriate natural locations as rit-ual sites. These function as regular shamanic lodges during rit-uals, but are normally inert unless the area is a power site orboasts a particular background count. Some Wicca ritual sitesmay also have permanent hermetic circles too, though eachhas to be created separately following standard rules. As partof their hermetic heritage, most Wicca covens and circlesadopt the use of a grand grimoire -the Book of Shadows-that doubles as a library for hermetic Wiccans (max. Rating 6),acts as a material link to all group members and as a focus forthe group's avatar to manifest.

Typical magical gear for Wiccans includes the athame(a dagger used for rituals, and quite often as a focus),chalice, sword, wands, pentacle, cauldron and broom.Rituals include singing and dancing, sometimes per-formed "skyclad" (nude) and usually answering to thecycles of the moon.

Rumors persist of secret Wicca and druidic metamagicthat allow them to channel the power of the moon and toconjure strange spirits such as the Wild Hunt and theMorrigan. Their existence and specific abilities are left to thegamemaster. If based on fact, these techniques should bebeyond the knowledge of anyone but a select few high-level initiates, and certainly beyond non-devoted shad-owrunners. These forces would possess the power level ofa totem or an avatar.

Other rumors of Wicca sacrifices and use of blood magicprobably result from a misunderstanding of Wicca's ritualrespect for nature, whereby nothing can be taken fromnature without giving something back (but who knows). .
冒险种子Adventure Seeds
. 一个女巫集会的暗影之书被偷了,窃贼们正在勒索赎金并威胁说要毁掉它,听起来狂奔者们要来活了...
. 大集会终于决定要在政治上采取主动并开始寻找会支持它的利益的AGS政客。影响力广泛的Dr. Faustus Society可不大乐意看到这件事发生,保守的威斯特伐利亚教会和新圣殿骑士们也有类似看法。这几方中的任意一方都需要一些事情败露时不会牵扯到自己的人员来贯彻自己的意志。
. 蛇形威卡在捷克共和国与AGS的女巫集会中逐渐流行,狂奔者可能会被雇佣去调查这一流派是否真的和某条龙有所关联。
劇透 -   :
. A Wicca coven's Book of Shadows has been stolen and thethieves are holding for ransom and threatening to destroyit. Sounds like a job for ....

. The Grand Coven finally decides to become politicallyproactiveand begins seeking out AGS politicians itbelieves will be sympathetic to their interests. The influ-ential Dr. Faustus Society is not too happy with the com-petition and neither are the conservative Westphalianclerics or the New Templars. Any and all of the sides mayresort to deniable assets to get their point across.

. Serpentine Wicca has become clearly popular amongcovens in the Czech Republic and AGS, Runners might behired by a number of factions to investigate if there real-ly are ties to any dragons.
« 上次编辑: 2021-04-07, 周三 13:08:38 由 风炎33 »