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副标题: 蒐羅Paizo官方戰役設定產品線中,每本書的法術章節

离线 笨哈

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PZO9220 再探經典寶藏(Classical Treasures Revisited)
« 回帖 #10 于: 2017-11-11, 周六 14:59:45 »
應用奇妙雕像(figurine of wondrous power)讓它去進行一件任務輕鬆簡單,但困難的是如果它遇到了危險並且以雕像型態落在坑中的最底部,要怎麼把它拿回來。

本法術最初是由一位吟遊詩人米契庫‧竊靴者(Michiku Bootstealer)所創,用來在她視線範圍外,瑪瑙犬(onyx dog)不巧的變回之時協助取回的手段。自從那時起,這法術就也找到了自己在術士/法師的軍備庫中的定位。取物術(Retrieve Item)勢立即召喚(instant summons)的弱化版本,是特別為奇妙雕像的運用所創造的。但是,這個咒法系效果應用廣泛,能對任何其他輕巧的物體,像是戒指、護符、鏡片或硬幣使用。

【咒法】(呼喚)取物術(Retrieve Item)

等級:吟遊詩人/歌者 2、術士/法師/奧能師 2
範圍:長距 (400呎+40呎/等級)
持續:永久 或 釋放



劇透 -   :
You call a specific nonliving item directly to your hand from a nearby location. First, you must cast the spell on the item while holding it. Thereafter, you can summon the item by speaking a special word (set by you when the spell is cast) and snapping your fingers. The item appears instantly in your hand.

If the item is in the possession of another creature, the spell fails.



等級:術士/法師/奧能師 3
成分:語言、姿勢、法器 (至少價格50金幣的縞瑪瑙水晶球)


劇透 -   :
This spell allows remote viewing through spheres that have previously consumed some portion of the spellcaster’s body: a single digit of a finger or toe at a minimum. The caster can view and listen to events within a 20-foot radius of the associated sphere; this radius follows the sphere if the sphere moves. Unlike a true scrying spell, no other spells operate through the associated sphere, but spherescry produces no indication of its activity on the target and cannot be discovered by normal methods of magical detection.
« 上次编辑: 2018-01-28, 周日 00:21:03 由 笨哈 »

离线 笨哈

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PZO9221 組織指南(Faction Guide)
« 回帖 #11 于: 2017-11-11, 周六 14:59:51 »

【變化】奧法工藝(Arcane Reinforcement)

等級:術士/法師/奧能師 3
持續:專注 (最長8小時)



劇透 -   :
You cast this spell as you begin crafting an item using a Craft skill, and add your Spellcraft ranks to Craft checks made to create that item. As part of concentrating on the spell, you must continue chanting the verbal components, pausing at most for a few seconds at a time to speak, chew, and so on. If the crafting takes more than 1 day to complete, you must cast the spell each day to gain its benefit.

This spell originated among wizards of the Arcanamirium, though the Pathfinder Society also uses it.

【死靈】卡諾卜轉換(Canopic Conversion)[死亡、邪惡]

等級:牧師/先知 9、術士/法師/奧能師 9
施放時間:語言、材料、器材 (四瓶各價值100金幣的卡諾卜罈)、材料 (目標每HD/加值100gp的黑縞瑪瑙)
範圍:近距 (25呎+5呎/2等級)
持續:立即 以及 見下


這具木乃伊不受你的控制,但持有卡諾卜罈的人會擁有某些權力。任何持有一瓶卡諾卜罈的人,可以與木乃伊溝通,就好像他們之間擁有共通語言。持有者獲得防護邪惡(protection from evil)以及聖居(sanctuary)的效益,但只有在對抗木乃伊時才算做擁有。解封或破壞卡諾卜罈是一個標準動作,這會使卡諾卜罈的力量消散(也包含保護),但能讓攜帶者對木乃伊下達一個簡短的命令,類似一次暗示術(suggestion;DC23,意志,通過則無效)。你(也只有你)可以在一個10分鐘的儀式中解封四個卡諾卜罈,以指使術(geas;DC23,意志,通過則無效)效果來控制木乃伊;大部分施法者通常會加上木乃伊不能傷害施法者的限制,因為解封卡諾卜罈會使他們暴露於危險之中。

古代奧西里昂的法老們有時候會使用此法術懲罰他們的敵人。復甦守衛(The Risen Guard)不使用此法術(雖然他們知道怎麼使用),對紅寶石王子來說,他更喜歡值得信任,活生生的守衛。默語之道(The Whispering Way)擁有此法術的複製品。

劇透 -   :
This spell eviscerates the target, drawing forth its life essence as well as its internal organs. The target takes 1d6 hit points of damage per caster level (maximum 20d6). If this damage kills the target, the spell pulls the creature’s organs into a set of 4 canopic jars and seals them; 1d4 rounds later, the corpse revives as a mummy (if 8 HD or fewer) or an advanced mummy (if 9 HD or more).

The mummy is not under your control, but the canopic jars give the bearer certain powers over it. Anyone holding one of the jars can communicate with the mummy as if the two shared a common language. The bearer gains the benefits of protection from evil and sanctuary, but only against that mummy. Unsealing or breaking a jar is a standard action, which dissipates its power (and protection) but lets the bearer issue a short command to the mummy, similar to a suggestion spell (Will DC 23 negates). You (and only you) may unseal all 4 jars in a 10-minute ritual to control the mummy with an effect similar to geas (Will DC 23 negates); most casters typically include a restriction that the mummy will not harm them, as unsealing the jars leaves them vulnerable.

The pharaohs of ancient Osirion sometimes used this spell to punish their enemies. The Risen Guard does not use the spell (though they have access to it), preferring trustworthy living guardians for the Ruby Prince. The Whispering Way may have copies of the spell.


等級:術士/法師/奧能師 1、吟遊詩人/歌者 1、紅螳螂殺手 1


這法術常被雄鷹騎士(Eagle Knights)所使用,儘管這並不是他們創造的;地獄騎士們也廣泛的使用此法術以獲取訊息以及促進合作。

劇透 -   :
You gain a +5 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks to convince a listener that they will get in trouble with their superiors or with the law if they don’t do what you ask.

This spell is primarily used by the Eagle Knights, though they did not create it; Hellknights also use it extensively to gather information and foster cooperation.

【咒法】(召喚)召喚元素坐駕(Summon Elemental Steed)[見下]

等級:德魯伊 9
範圍:近距 (25呎+5呎/2等級)
持續:10分鐘/等級 (D)


這元素生物會保留所有的屬性以及能力,但它會失去揮擊攻擊,而會獲得踐踏攻擊(見怪物圖鑑1 P.305)。


此法術幾乎只有蒼翠誓約(Green Faith)再使用。

劇透 -   :
You summon a greater elemental (air, earth, fire, or water) bound in the form of a mighty chariot that moves at your command and can carry up to nine Medium creatures. Passengers inside are not harmed by the elemental, and can see, breathe, and act normally, suffering no environmental damage even when the elemental chariot is flying, underwater, burrowing, or using earth glide. Passengers are not otherwise protected, though the elemental chariot does provide cover like a normal chariot.

The elemental keeps all of its statistics and abilities, except it loses its slam attacks and gains a trample attack (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 305).

When you use a summoning spell to summon an air, earth, fire, or water creature, it is a spell of that type.

This spell is almost exclusively used by the Green Faith.


等級:德魯伊/獵人 1
持續:1分鐘/等級 (D)



劇透 -   :
You place a willing subject into a cataleptic state. It remains aware of its surroundings but is paralyzed, appearing dead unless observers make a DC 20 Heal check. Hibernate delays the effects of poison, disease, and bleed effects for the spell’s duration, and half of any hit point damage suffered by the subject is converted to nonlethal damage.

This spell originated with the Green Faith, but has spread to all other druidic religions.

【死靈】血液標記(Mark of Blood)

等級:紅螳螂殺手 2、術士/法師/奧能師 2
成分:語言、姿勢、材料 (一滴你自己的血)
目標:一件武器與一個活物 (見下)



劇透 -   :
You place a drop of your blood on a weapon and charge it with
magic so that you transfer a small amount of your life essence
to the next creature you strike with the weapon. Thereafter,
you may spend a move action to know the direction and
general distance of that creature. You must strike a creature
within 1 minute of casting this spell or the magic is wasted.

The Red Mantis Assassins created this spell, though other
thieves’ and assassins’ guilds have similar spells. Note that this
spell is on the Red Mantis Assassin prestige class spell list,
not something anyone can cast by being a member of the Red
Mantis Assassins faction.

【死靈】柔聲傾訴(Sotto Voce)[恐懼、影響心靈、音波]

等級:術士/法師/奧能師 0、吟遊詩人/歌者 1 、牧師/先知/戰爭祭司 0
範圍:近距 (25呎+5呎/2等級)


此法術起源於默語魔道(Whispering Way)的追隨者,但非該組織的死靈法師以及其他令人恐懼的人們也精於此術。

劇透 -   :
Your dry, rasping whisper fills a living creature of 4 or fewer Hit Dice with unnatural dread. The affected creature must make a Will save or be shaken for 1 round.

This spell originated among the followers of the Whispering Way, but necromancers and other intimidating folk outside that group are known to use it.

【死靈】埋葬大軍(Tomb Legion)[邪惡]

等級:牧師/先知 8、術士/法師/奧能師 8
範圍:中距 (100呎+10呎/等級)
持續:7天或7個月 (D);見下



劇透 -   :
This spell functions like shambler, except that it calls into existence 1d4+2 advanced mummies rather than shambling mounds.

Though the spell has fallen out of favor among the Risen Guard because the Ruby Prince frowns on the use of undead, this spell is popular among followers of the Whispering Way.


等級:術士/法師/奧能師 1、吟遊詩人/歌者 1、德魯伊/獵人 1、紅螳螂殺手 1


此法術是由蒼翠誓約(Green Faith)所發明,但現在十分常見。
劇透 -   :
You animate a rope, vine, or similar object so that it attempts to trip any creature that comes near. The rope attacks anything in a 10-foot-square area you designate. The rope does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Its CMB is equal to your caster level +2. A tripped target that was running, jumping, or charging takes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage. Creatures aware of the tripvine gain a +4 bonus to their CMD against it.

The Green Faith created this spell, but it is now common.
« 上次编辑: 2018-01-29, 周一 11:12:47 由 笨哈 »

离线 笨哈

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下列的法術與無底深淵(Abyss)緊密相依,因惡魔的邪教而傳播開來,和接收過惡魔的恩惠,且最為虔誠的追隨者有所關連,或是出現在永罪之書(Book of the Damned)的頁面上。

【變化】毀容之觸(Disfiguring Touch)

等級:牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 2、術士/法師/奧能師 2、女巫 2


‧某一種屬性-2 (最小到1)



劇透 -   :
With a touch, you cause the victim of this spell to suffer a
painful curse that causes it to grow hideously disfigured. The
physical appearance of the deformity is subject to the caster’s
whim, but most demon worshipers choose deformities that
reflect their Abyssal patron’s shape or form. The victim of the
spell can resist the effects with a successful Will save, but if he
fails, he takes one of the following penalties.
•    –2 decrease to an ability score (minimum 1).
•    –2 penalty on attack rolls or saving throws.
•    Land speed reduced by 5 feet.
You may also invent other effects, but they should be no
more powerful than those described above. The deformity
created by this spell is a curse and cannot be dispelled, but it
can be removed by any effect capable of removing curses.

【咒法】(呼喚)毀滅裂隙(Rift of Ruin)[混亂、邪惡]

等級:牧師/先知 8、術士/法師/奧能師 8
範圍:長距 (400呎+40呎/等級)
目標:5呎寬、60呎深的異次元洞,最多長5呎/施法者等級 (S)
持續:1輪/等級 (見下)




在法術仍持續的任何時間點,你可以用它來呼召一定數量的無底深淵居民,來到周圍的區域,這是一個標準動作。這麼做會使裂口突然關閉,法術的持續時間結束並且將所有掉進裂口的生物遣返回表面,跟上面寫的一樣。當裂口突然關閉,選擇一種下列的生物或生物團體出現在裂口原本的區域─這些無底深淵的居民會被視為你透過召喚怪物 VII (summon monster VII)召喚出來的,並且存在的輪數和本法術原本還剩下的輪數相同。你可以從下面選一種召喚:1隻狩魔蛛(bebilith)、一隻鷲魔(vrock)、1d3隻魅魔(succubi)、1d3隻影魔(shadow demons)、1d4+1隻巴布魔(babaus)或1d4+1布瑞莫拉克魔(brimoraks)。

劇透 -   :
This spell tears a rift in reality, creating an extradimensional
hole with a depth of 60 feet. You must create the rift on a
horizontal surface of sufficient size. Since the rift extends into
the Abyss, it does not displace the original underlying material
or allow access to areas below the surface—you can create the
rift on the deck of a ship as easily as in a dungeon floor or the
ground of a forest. Any Large or smaller creature standing in
the area where you conjure the rift must make a Reflex save to
avoid falling into the rift. If the Reflex save is successful, the
creature picks which side of the rift it remains on once the rift
opens. Unattended objects or structures fully engulfed by the
rift automatically fall into it.
The walls of the rift are covered by razor-sharp blades,
while the rift floor seethes with strange chewing vermin, boiling pools of acid, writhing shards of ice, and all manner
of other chaotic and deadly manifestations of the Abyss.
A creature that falls into the pit takes 6d6 points of falling
damage. Any creature in the pit (starting on the round
it enters) takes an additional 6d6 points of damage from
the pit’s environs, even if the creature is merely climbing
or flying within the pit rather than at the bottom. This
additional damage changes from round to round, and is
randomly selected from acid, bludgeoning, cold, electricity,
fire, piercing, slashing, or sonic. Each round, a creature
in the pit can make a Reflex save to take half damage that
round. The pit’s walls have a Climb DC of 25.
When this spell’s duration ends, the rift snaps shut, violently
expelling all creatures still within. These creatures take double
damage from the rift’s environs in that round and are knocked
prone as they are returned to the surface above.
At any time during the spell’s duration, you can use
it to conjure a number of Abyssal denizens out into the
surrounding region as a standard action. Doing so causes the
rift to snap shut, ending the spell’s duration and returning
any creatures that had fallen into it to the ground as detailed
above. As the rift snaps shut, choose one of the following
creatures or groups of creatures to appear in the area—these
Abyssal denizens are treated as if you had summoned them
via summon monster VII, and remain for a number of rounds
equal to the remaining duration of the rift of ruin spell. You
can choose one of the following to be summoned: 1 bebilith,
1 vrock, 1d3 succubi, 1d3 shadow demons, 1d4+1 babaus, or
1d4+1 brimoraks.

【變化】(變形)蟲類型態 I(Vermin Shape I)

等級:德魯伊/獵人 3、術士/法師/奧能師 4、女巫 3
成分:語言、姿勢、材料 (你打算要顯現的生物的一部分)





劇透 -   :
When you cast this spell, you assume the form of any Small
or Medium creature of the vermin type. If the form you
assume has any of the following abilities, you gain the listed
ability: climb 30 feet, fly 30 feet (average maneuverability),
swim 30 feet, darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, scent,
and lunge. You don’t gain full immunity to mind-affecting
effects, but you do gain a +2 resistance bonus on all saving
throws against such effects.
Small vermin: If you take the form of a Small vermin,
you gain a +2 size bonus to your Dexterity and a +2 natural
armor bonus.
Medium vermin: If you take the form of a Medium vermin,
you gain a +2 size bonus to your Strength and a +3 natural
armor bonus.

【變化】(變形)蟲類型態 II(Vermin Shape II)

等級:德魯伊/獵人 4、術士/法師/奧能師 5、女巫 4

此法術的運作機制和蟲類型態 I相仿,除了本法術還可以讓你顯現超小型或大體型蟲類生物的型態。如果妳顯現的型態擁有下列的任何能力,你會獲得這些被列出來的能力:掘地30呎、攀爬60呎、飛行60呎(機動性良好)、游泳60呎、黑暗視覺60呎、低光視覺、震顫感知30呎、靈敏嗅覺、血液流失(blood drain)、緊勒、擒抱、突刺、毒素、拉拽、踐踏以及織網。你不會獲得對影響心靈效果完全免疫的能力,但你在對抗這種效果時,於豁免檢定上得到+4抗力加值。



譯註:本法術在UM、ISG有同名新版,而超小型本書中並未列出調整。譯者去官方網站查詢後,創意總監James Jacobs承認疏漏,並給出了具體數據,譯者已自行補上。

需要注意,在UM的蟲類型態 II中,在對抗心靈效果時,於豁免檢定上是得到+4加值,不再是抗力加值。

劇透 -   :
This spell functions as vermin shape I, except that it also
allows you to assume the form of a Tiny or Large creature
of the vermin type. If the form you assume has any of the
following abilities, you gain the listed ability: burrow 30 feet,
climb 60 feet, fly 60 feet (good maneuverability), swim 60
feet, darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, tremorsense 30
feet, scent, blood drain, constrict, grab, lunge, poison, pull,
trample, and web. You don’t gain full
immunity to mind-affecting effects,
but you do gain a +4 bonus on all
saving throws against such effects.
Large vermin: If you take the form of a

(官方疏漏):Tiny vermin: If you take the form of a Tiny vermin, you gain a +4 size bonus to your Dexterity, a –2 penalty to your Strength, and a +1 natural armor bonus.

Large vermin, you gain a +4 size bonus to
your Strength, a –2 penalty to your Dexterity,
and a +5 natural armor bonus.
« 上次编辑: 2018-03-03, 周六 06:31:50 由 笨哈 »

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PZO9226 內海世界指南(The Inner Sea World Guide)
« 回帖 #13 于: 2017-11-11, 周六 15:00:25 »
劇透 -   :

离线 笨哈

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PZO9232 敵手指南(Rival Guide)
« 回帖 #14 于: 2017-11-11, 周六 15:01:12 »

【幻術】(心靈幻覺)閃耀之刃(Dazzling Blade)

等級:吟遊詩人/歌者 1,術士/法師/奧能師 1


劇透 -   :
Dazzling blade makes a weapon appear dazzlingly shiny, as if crafted from pure silver and heavily polished. In combat, the flashing movements of a dazzling blade become almost hypnotic. The wielder of a weapon under the effects of dazzling blade gains a +1 competence bonus on all Bluff checks made to feint in combat. The wielder also gains a +1 competence bonus on all CMB checks made to disarm a foe, and a +1 competence bonus to his CMD against disarm attempts made against the weapon bearing the dazzling blade effect. This bonus increases by +1 for every 3 caster levels, to a maximum bonus of +5 at 12th level. The wielder of a dazzling blade can discharge the spell into a blinding burst of silvery light as a free action. The wielder selects an adjacent opponent as the focal point of this burst of light—that creature must make a Will save to avoid being blinded for 1 round (with a successful save, the creature is instead dazzled for 1 round). Despite its shiny appearance, a dazzling blade grants no extra benefit against creatures that are vulnerable to silver.

【幻術】(心靈幻覺)群體閃耀之刃(Dazzling Blade, Mass)

等級:術士/法師/奧能師 3
施放時間:近距 (25呎+5呎/2等級)


劇透 -   :
This spell functions like dazzling blade, except that it affects multiple weapons. Each wielder of a dazzling blade can discharge the weapon’s effect to attempt to blind a foe independently of the others.


【防護】埃其恩的完美屏障(Echean’s Excellent Enclosure)

等級:術士/法師/奧能師 9
持續:1輪/等級 (D)

你呼召一道無形的力場屏障前來你的身邊,在屏障之內,魔法不存。在此區域內的魔法、效果會被壓制,而生物受到如同身處反魔場(antimagic field)的影響。一道無法穿過,靜止的球形力場環繞這片場域,在各方面都跟球形的力場牆(wall of force)一樣,包含免疫解除魔法(dispel magic)以及受制於毀滅黑洞(sphere of annihilation)或是抹消權杖(rod of cancellation)的特性。這屏障的硬度有40,生命值有20/每施法者等級,而來自場域之外的普通攻擊(mundane attacks)和法術能對其造成傷害。如果這力場氣泡被摧毀,此法術的持續時間立即結束。
   其內部,無法施放法術、法術無法進入、法術也無法離開屏障,忽視力場牆的傳送法術(像是次元門[dimension door]或傳送術[teleport])會被反魔法場域的屏障所阻隔。

劇透 -   :
You call into being around you an invisible barrier of force within which magic cannot persist. Within the area of the spell, effects are suppressed and creatures are affected as by antimagic field. An immobile sphere of impenetrable force surrounds the field, equivalent in all ways to a spherical wall of force, including its immunity to dispel magic and vulnerability to a sphere of annihilation or rod of cancellation. The barrier has hardness 40 and 20 hit points per caster level, and can be damaged by both mundane attacks and spells cast from outside the field. If the bubble of force is destroyed, the spell’s duration ends. Spells cannot be cast within, into, or out of the enclosure, and teleportation effects that ignore a wall of force (such as dimension door or teleport) are thwarted by the enclosure’s field of antimagic. Echean’s excellent enclosure has the same effect on summoned creatures of any type and incorporeal undead that an antimagic field does, causing them to wink out of existence for the duration of Echean’s excellent enclosure unless their spell resistance, if any, allows them to remain where they are within the field.



等級:德魯伊/獵人 2、遊俠 2、紅螳螂殺手 2、術士/法師/奧能師 2
成分:語言、姿勢、材料 (一片葉子)
豁免:意志,通過則無效 (無害)


劇透 -   :
Upon casting this spell, the recipient is empowered to see up to 60 feet through thick plant matter as though it were transparent. Leaves, vines, and greenery—even moss, lichen, and slime— offer no concealment to the recipient's sight, though her vision still can be blocked by solid wood, as if from trees or wooden structures. Undergrowth does not grant concealment to a creature against a recipient of the effects of greensight.

【塑能】片狀閃電(Sheet Lightning)[電]

等級:德魯伊/獵人 3、術士/法師/奧能師 3
範圍:中距 (100呎+10呎/等級)


劇透 -   :
You create a dazzling flash of electricity that fills the target area. Sheet lightning inflicts 1 point of electricity damage to all creatures within the area of effect (no save). The true power of the spell, though, lies not in the damage it inflicts but in the overwhelming pain the lightning creates. The sudden flash and jolt dazes living creatures for 1 round if they fail a saving throw. Creatures that save are instead dazzled for 1 round. Any creature wearing metal armor takes a –2 penalty to its saving throw against this spell.

莎莉爾‧浦里馬克(Shaleera Priymak)是一位托拉格的牧師,在她消失於秋爾克(Chorak)的墳墓之前,她研究了許多特別設計用來協助對抗巨人類,或任何特別大的敵人的法術。儘管許多法術很高環,所以碎膝者(Kneecappers)的新成員沒辦法施放,但有一個特別的法術,叫做突兀下墜,這法術的環位很低,所以成為了組織內部鍾愛的法術。

【變化】突兀下墜(Staggering Fall)

等級:牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 2、紅螳螂殺手 2、術士/法師/奧能師 2、女巫 2
範圍:中距 (100呎+10呎/等級)
持續:1輪/等級 (見下)
豁免:強韌,通過則部分生效 (見下)


劇透 -   :
This spell must be cast on a creature as it falls, either from a height or after being knocked prone or tripped. The magic of this spell causes the creature to hit the ground particularly hard, knocking the wind from it. The creature takes an additional 1d6 points of damage from the fall. In addition, the creature becomes staggered for the duration of the spell unless it makes a Will save. Each round the spell's effects persist, the creature may attempt a new Will save as a free action to end the staggered effect early. A creature under the effects of this spell must take a standard action to stand up.

雖然有許多像是異界盟友(planar ally)、異界誓縛(planar binding)還有召喚怪物(summon monster)這樣的法術,可以召喚常見的各類惡魔與煉獄生物,可切利亞斯的施法者們開發了為數眾多,特別用來召喚其他九層地獄居民的法術,好做為工具或充當守衛。下面兩個法術經常被女皇之手(Queen’s Hands)所使用。

【咒法】(召喚)召喚控斥魔(Summon Accuser)[邪惡、守序]

等級:吟遊詩人/歌者 4、牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 4、術士/法師/奧能師 4、召喚師 4、女巫 4
成分:語言、姿勢、器材/法器 (一大塊腐爛的肉)
範圍:近距 (25呎+5呎/2等級)
效果:一隻控斥魔(accuser devil)

本法術會從九層地獄中召喚一隻控斥魔,遵從施法者的命令,跟召喚怪物法術(summon monster)的效果類似。控斥魔,被魔鬼大師(diabolist)稱為蠅魔(zebubs),這個醜陋的飛行生物,有著人類嬰孩的豐腴軀幹,身軀以及翅膀則像一隻巨大的蒼蠅。他們是優秀的間諜,因為他們有著能夠分享給他人自己曾目擊的場景的能力,女王之手有時候會召喚蠅魔從遠方觀察嫌疑人。控斥魔在PF的怪物手冊2中第84頁有詳細描述。

劇透 -   :
This spell summons a single accuser devil from Hell to do the spellcaster’s bidding, similar to how summon monster spells function. Accuser devils, known to diabolists as zebubs, are hideous flying creatures with the torso of a plump human infant and the body and wings of an enormous fly. They make excellent spies, for they have the ability to grant visions of what they have witnessed to others—the Queen’s Hands sometimes use summoned zebubs to observe suspects from afar. Accuser devils are detailed on page 84 of the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2.

【咒法】(召喚)召喚煉獄群舞魔(Summon Infernal Host)[邪惡、守序]

等級:吟遊詩人/歌者 5、牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 5、術士/法師/奧能師 5、召喚師 5、女巫 5
成分:語言、姿勢、器材/法器 (一條銘刻符文的羊皮紙)
範圍:近距 (25呎+5呎/2等級)
效果:1d4+1隻次級群舞魔(lesser host devil)或1隻高等群舞魔(greater host devil)

本法術如同召喚怪物V(summon monster V),但它只能用來召喚群舞魔。這些污穢的飛行惡魔,也被稱為狩魂魔(gaavs)與首領狩魂魔(magaavs),在PF戰役設定:永罪之書首輯,黑暗諸侯P.58中有詳細描述。

劇透 -   :
This spell functions as summon monster V, save that it can only be used to summon host devils. These noxious flying devils, known also as gaavs and magaavs, are detailed on page 58 of Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Princes of Darkness, Book of the Damned, Vol. 1.
« 上次编辑: 2018-03-16, 周五 01:54:12 由 笨哈 »

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PZO9234 格拉利昂的地城(Dungeons of Golarion)
« 回帖 #15 于: 2017-11-11, 周六 15:01:28 »
【塑能】衝擊爆破(Battering Blast)[力場]

範圍:近距 (25呎+5呎/2等級)


劇透 -   :
You hurl a fist-sized ball of force resembling a sphere of spikes to ram a designated creature or object. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to strike your target. On a successful hit, you deal 1d6 points of force damage per two caster levels (maximum 5d6). For every 5 caster levels you possess beyond 5th, you gain a second ball of force. A creature struck by any of these is subject to a bull rush attempt. The force has a Strength modifier equal to your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier (whichever is highest). The CMB for the force’s bull rush uses your caster level as its base attack bonus, adding the force’s Strength modifier and a +10 bonus for each additional blast directed against the same target. Each sphere of force makes its own separate bull rush attempt—if multiple spheres strike one target, you make multiple CMB checks but only take the highest result to determine success. If the bull rush succeeds, the force pushes the creature away from you in a straight line, and the creature must make a Reflex save or fall prone. This spell pushes an unattended object struck by it 20 feet away from you, provided it weighs no more than 25 pounds per level (maximum 250 pounds). This spell cannot move creatures or objects beyond your range. Used on a door or other obstacle, the spell attempts a Strength check to destroy it if the sheer damage inflicted by the spell doesn’t do the job.

【防護】防禦不死屏障(Undeath Ward)

等級:牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 5、術士/法師/奧能師 6、審判者 4、女巫 6
成分:語言、姿勢、材料/法器 (銀粉)
持續:1分鐘/等級 (D)
豁免:無 或 抑制,通過則無效 (見下)


劇透 -   :
You create a pale silver barrier that repels undead. Mindless undead and intelligent undead with fewer Hit Dice than your caster level cannot enter the area or penetrate the barrier. Undead of Hit Dice equal to or greater than your caster level can pass through this barrier by making a successful Will save against the spell, but as they do so, they take 3d6 points of damage. Once an undead creature makes its save against this spell and takes this damage, it can come and go without further penalty. This spell may only be used defensively, not aggressively. Forcing an undeath ward against creatures that the spell keeps at bay collapses the barrier.
« 上次编辑: 2018-03-17, 周六 00:22:57 由 笨哈 »

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PZO9235 探索者協會戰地指南(Pathfinder Society Field Guide)
« 回帖 #16 于: 2017-11-11, 周六 15:01:36 »


【預言】阿蘭姆‧扎依的專注(Aram Zey's Focus)

等級:練金術師/調查員 2、吟遊詩人/調查員 2、術士/法師/奧能師 2
成分:語言、姿勢、器材 (價值100gp的精製品盜賊工具)
持續:1分鐘/等級 (D)

阿蘭姆‧扎依創造本法術給他的學生使用,既是增進他們對自己技能的自信,也是確保他們在遭遇致命陷阱時存活下來。如果你沒有尋找陷阱職業能力(trapfinding class ability),這個法術會給予你此能力,並視你為等級為當前角色等級一半的盜賊。如果你通過職業等級擁有了尋找陷阱職業能力,這法術會在所有用來解除機械(但不能是魔法)陷阱上的解除裝置檢定,給予你+5表現(competence)加值。當你處於阿蘭姆‧扎依的專注效果,並在任何時間點因為進行解除裝置檢定骰低而觸發陷阱時,你可以重骰該解除裝置檢定。這次重骰會應用與第一次投擲相同的調整值。如果你的重骰高到能避免意外觸發這個陷阱,那你就能避免觸發,但你的解除仍就算做失敗。你每一次使用這種效果,法術剩餘的持續時間會扣除1分鐘,而如果剩下的時間連1分鐘都不到,那在你重骰解除裝置檢定時,這法術結束。

劇透 -   :
Aram Zey created this spell for use by his students, both to increase their confidence in their skills and to ensure more of them survived encounters with deadly traps. If you don't have the trapfinding class ability, this spell grants you the trapfinding ability of a rogue of half your character level. If you have the trapfinding ability granted by class levels, however, this spell grants you a +5 competence bonus on all Disable Device checks made to disarm mechanical (but not magical) traps. While under the effects of Aram Zey's focus, whenever you trigger a trap by rolling poorly on a Disable Device check, you may roll a second Disable Device check. This new roll uses the same modifiers as the first roll. If your second roll is high enough to avoid accidentally springing the trap, you avoid setting it off, but still fail to disarm it. Each time you take advantage of this feature, the remaining duration of the spell is reduced by 1 minute—if less than a minute's worth of duration remains, the spell ends as soon as you reroll your Disable Device check.

【防護】阿蘭姆‧扎依的陷阱防護(Aram Zey’s Trap Ward)

等級:術士/法師/奧能師 4
成分:語言、姿勢、材料 (價值100gp的精製品盜賊工具)
持續:10分鐘/等級 或 直到釋放


劇透 -   :
While he was researching the underlying causes of the resonance created by overlapping abjurations, Aram Zey discovered a way to manipulate that resonance to the caster’s advantage when encountering magical traps. The protection provided by Aram Zey’s trap ward comes into play whenever the caster is subjected to the effects of a magical trap. The spell immediately discharges and interferes with the trap’s function in an attempt to counter the trap’s magic. When this occurs, make a caster level check as an immediate action. The DC of this check is equal to the trap’s Disable Device DC. If you’re successful, the trap ward dispels the magical effect of the trap before the effect actually manifests, effectively preventing the trap from triggering for the next 1d4 rounds and ending Aram Zey’s trap ward immediately

【惑控】(脅迫)吃裡扒外(Bite the Hand)

等級:德魯伊/獵人 3、審判者 3、術士/法師/奧能師 4、召喚師 3、女巫 4
範圍:近距 (25呎+5呎/2等級)
持續:1輪/等級 (D)

藉由簡短的指令以及隻手輕揮,你迫使目標生物用盡全力攻擊召喚它出來的存在。 如果該存在並不在場,該生物會依據最後的任務或指示如常行動。本法術對於呼喚(called)而來的生物、並非由法術或類法術能力(像是召喚師的幻靈)召喚而來的生物,或並非被明確召喚的契約生物(像是聖武士的坐騎或法師的魔寵)無效。

劇透 -   :
With a short command and a wave of the hand, you compel the target creature to attack the being who summoned it, to the best of its ability. If the being who summoned it is not present, the creature acts normally according to its last task or instructions. This spell has no effect on called creatures, summoned creatures not brought forth by spells or spell-like abilities (such as a summoner’s eidolon), or bonded creatures not explicitly summoned, such as a paladin’s mount or wizard’s familiar.

【惑控】(脅迫)群體吃裡扒外(Bite the Hand, Mass)

等級:德魯伊/獵人 6、審判者 6、術士/法師/奧能師 7、召喚師 6、女巫 7
範圍:中距 (100呎+10呎/等級)


劇透 -   :
This spell functions like bite the hand, except as noted above. The target creatures do not need to have all been summoned by the same being.

【死靈】屍體提燈(Corpse Lanterns)[光亮]

等級:術士/法師/奧能師 2、女巫 2
範圍:中距 (100呎+10呎/等級)
持續:1分鐘/等級 (D)

   此法術運作方式如同舞光術,但它最多能召喚四顆球形光源,每顆都發出病態的蒼白色綠光。屍體提燈會在半徑20尺內散發流光,如果區域內的光照等級是常光或是強光,那它就不會增加區域內的光照程度。於昏暗或常光光照時,屍體提燈的光會提供奇異的對比,會讓所有在區域內的生物,於隱匿檢定中承受-5罰值。此外,因為對幻術系(心靈幻覺)法術的色調干擾(hue interferes),本法術會讓所有在照亮區域內的生物,在對炕這類法術時於所有豁免檢定上獲得+2加值。不同於舞光術,你同時間可以激活多個屍體提燈,但你在一輪中只能控制其中一個。屍體提燈可以被魔法恆定術恆定,這需要11級的師法者以及7500gp。

劇透 -   :
This spell functions as dancing lights, except it summons up to four spheres of light, each of which glows a sickly pale green. These corpse lanterns shed dim light in a 20-foot radius, and do not increase the light level in areas of normal light or bright light. In dim or normal light, the radiance of corpse lanterns provides a strange contrast, giving all creatures in the area a –5 penalty on Stealth checks. In addition, the hue interferes with illusion (pattern) spells, giving all creatures in the illuminated area a +2 bonus on any saving throws against such spells. Unlike dancing lights, you may have more than one corpse lanterns spell active at a time, but you may only move one set in any given round. Moving the corpse lanterns does not require concentration. Corpse lanterns can be made permanent on an area with a permanency spell by a caster of at least 11th level for the cost of 7,500 gp.

【預言】虛金耳語(Gilded Whispers)

等級:牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 4、術士/法師/奧能師 3
持續:1天/等級 (D)
豁免:意志,通過則無效 (物品)
抗力:有 (物品)

虛金耳語是由阿巴達爾祭司研發,用來追緝盜賊跟詐騙犯的,隨後這法術傳播到其他信仰中,而在阿蘭姆‧扎依以及柯瑞通‧沙尼(Kreighton Shaine)的努力下,出現了奧術的改編版本。探索者們往往使用此法術去追溯賄賂和非法交易的最終來源,尤其是當他們猜這有蛇徽探員的影子時。
   虛金耳語讓你使用一枚硬幣,作為竊聽法術的導管。當你使用一個【預言】(探知)法術或物品,像是銳耳術/鷹眼術探知術水晶球(crystal ball)時,你可以選擇定位受到虛金耳語影響的一枚硬幣,而不是一名生物或一處地點(就算一般情況下你無法瞄準一件物體),但任何探知效果的距離限制仍舊存在。如果這枚硬幣被一名生物帶走或持有,所有者會獲得任何對抗該效果的相應的豁免檢定。虛金耳語的施法者視這枚硬幣為熟悉的目標。其他擁有者在這枚硬幣上殘留的心靈印象,能幫助硬幣從偵測中掩蓋魔力(dweomer),從偵測魔法祕法視覺以及類似的效果中保護虛金耳語,除非施展後者的施法者通過施法者等級檢定(d20+施法者等級),對抗DC為11+施展虛金耳語施法者的施法者等級。用來觀測或聆聽硬幣周圍環應,藉由【預言】(探知) 法術創造出來的魔法傳感器, 能被如常偵測。

劇透 -   :
Developed by priests of Abadar to catch thieves and skimmers, gilded whispers later spread to other faiths and was adapted to the arcane arts through the combined efforts of Aram Zey and Kreighton Shaine. Pathfinders most commonly use this spell to track bribes and illicit purchases back to their ultimate source, especially when they suspect the influence of Aspis Consortium agents.

Gilded whispers allows you to use a single coin as a conduit for an eavesdropping spell. When you use a divination (scrying) spell or item, such as clairvoyance/ clairaudience, scrying, or a crystal ball, you can choose to target a coin you have affected with gilded whispers instead of a creature or location (even if you would not otherwise be able to target an object), though any range limits on the scrying effect still apply. If the coin is held or carried by a creature, its owner receives any applicable saving throw against the effect. The caster of gilded whispers treats the coin as a familiar subject. The residual psychic impressions left upon the coin by other handlers help mask this dweomer from detection, protecting gilded whispers against location by detect magic, arcane sight, and similar effects unless the latter spell’s caster succeeds on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against a DC of 11 + the caster level of the spellcaster who cast gilded whispers. The scrying sensor created by using a divination (scrying) spell to observe or listen to the coin’s surroundings can be detected as normal.


等級:術士/法師/奧能師 2、女巫 2
成分:姿勢、材料 (一根骨針與線捲)
範圍:近距 (25呎+5呎/2等級)


劇透 -   :
A rare spell without verbal components, lipstitch sews the target's lips tightly together if it fails a saving throw, such that no clear speech, bite attacks, spellcasting, or use of command words is possible. The target takes 1d6 points of damage as the stitches weave through flesh. The victim can still make enough noise to be heard at a distance with a DC 10 Perception check.

The thread created by lipstitch can be burst with a DC 20 Strength check as a standard action or can be sliced open with a piercing or slashing weapon (wielded by the target or an ally) as a full-round action. Cutting the thread provokes attacks of opportunity, while making a Strength check does not. Either option causes 1d6 points of damage and 1 point of bleed damage. The target has a 20% chance of failing to cast spells with verbal components until the bleeding is stopped. The effects of multiple castings of this spell do not stack. Optionally, the thread can be removed more carefully over the course of a minute with a DC 20 Heal check. If the check fails, the target takes damage and bleeds as described above. If the check succeeds, the stitches are removed with no harm. Creatures with no mouths are unaffected by lipstitch. Creatures with multiple mouths lose the use of only one mouth per casting—the particular mouth is chosen by the caster.

【預言】派圖萊格蘿的批准(Petulengro’s Validation)

等級:鍊金術師/調查員 1、審判者 1、術士/法師/奧能師 1
抗力:有 (無害)


劇透 -   :
After a particularly harrowing brush with death at the hands of doppelgangers, Venture-Captain Eliza Petulengro devised a means of being sure her companions were actually who they appeared to be. To cast this spell, you must have a bit of hair, a fingernail clipping, or some other portion of a creature. The sample must be no more than 1 week old per caster level. As part of casting, you touch the target creature, and instantly know whether the target is the same creature the sample is from. Note that if you wish to be discrete, you can cast the spell away from the target and hold the charge before touching the creature, so that the casting is not noticed. You can also use this spell to divine whether a dead body, or even partial remains from a body, belonged to the same person whose fingernail clipping or bit of hair you used when casting the spell.

【惑控】(脅迫)隔絕思維(Sequester Thoughts)

等級:吟遊詩人/歌者 3、術士/法師/奧能師 5
成分:語言、姿勢、材料 (一顆價值至少500金幣的寶石)
持續:永久 或 釋放 (見下)



劇透 -   :
Sequester thoughts allows you to erase a creature’s memory of either an event lasting not more than 1 minute per caster level or all of its knowledge about a single topic (using the GM’s discretion as to what constitutes a single topic). For example, you could erase a single battle from a creature’s memory, or all knowledge of a plot to assassinate a king. The memories you remove are stored within the gem used at the time of casting. If the gem is shattered, the memories return to the creature as long as the two are within 30 feet of each other. Once sequester thoughts has been cast, the spell remains active on the gem and can be dispelled (which shatters it). No portion of the spell remains active on the target creature, and the target does not radiate magic as a consequence of the spell, nor can its memories be returned by dispelling the creature or subjecting it to antimagic. If the gem is shattered or dispelled out of range from the creature, the thoughts sequestered within are forever lost save by the use of wish, miracle, or the like.

Sequester thoughts protects against detect thoughts, zone of truth, discern lies, and similar spells where the memories removed are concerned, though careful questioning may reveal the gaps in the creature’s memory, or that it has been affected by the spell. Note that the creature itself does not remember any details of what memories were removed until the gem is broken.


等級:牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 3、女巫 3
成分:語言、姿勢、材料 (一滴你的血)
豁免:意志,通過則無效 (無害)
抗力:有 (無害)



劇透 -   :
Ithuna Vardsdottir claims to have unearthed this ancient prayer in a ruined temple of Desna, though Pathfinders have reported the use of similar magic in Irrisen among the White Witches. While the name of this spell is sharesister, it works equally well on male or female creatures—both targets of the spell must simply be of the same gender.

When you deliver the spell, you receive a negative level for the duration of the spell, and the other target receives a +1 insight bonus to her caster level and a +1 insight bonus to the save DCs of all of her spells. At 11th level, you can opt to take four negative levels to grant a +2 insight bonus to the other target’s caster level and spell save DCs if you wish, while at 17th level you can take 6 negative levels to increase the insight bonus to +3. Any effect that removes or prevents the negative level immediately ends the sharesister spell. Negative levels received from the spell vanish as soon as this spell effect ends. Negative levels from multiple castings of this spell stack.

【惑控】(脅迫)堅定決心(Stalwart Resolve)

等級:鍊金術師/調查員 2、牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 2、審判者 1、聖武士 1、女巫 2
豁免:意志,通過則無效 (無害)
抗力:有 (無害)

堅定決心起初是創造來暫時協助正遭受特定苦難的人的。堅定決心的受術者能忽視由施法者選擇的某項屬性的屬性傷害或罰值,但若是屬性傷害與屬性值相等或超過屬性值,仍然會讓人昏迷甚至死亡。無論屬性傷害或罰值是在本法術的持續施之前或之內,無論是否包含多種來源,本法術都會應用。本法術對屬性吸取(ability drain)無能為力。

劇透 -   :
Stalwart resolve was originally created to temporarily aid those suffering from certain afflictions. The recipient of stalwart resolve ignores the effects of ability damage and penalties to a single ability score of your choice, except that damage equal to or greater than the ability score still causes unconsciousness or death. This applies whether or not the ability damage or penalty happened before or during the spell’s duration, and whether or not multiple sources are involved. This spell has no effect on ability drain.

【幻術】(虛假幻覺)存影術(Stolen Light)

等級:吟遊詩人/歌者 3、術士/法師/奧能師 3
成分:語言、姿勢、器材 (一顆價值至少500金幣的寶石)
持續:永久 或 1分鐘/等級 (見下)
豁免:意志,通過則無效 (物品)
抗力:有 (物品)




劇透 -   :
Kreighton Shaine researched this spell from the fragmentary notes of a Vudrani ascetic recorded in a strange tome, and rumors credit him with no fewer than a dozen permanent stolen light gems hidden in compartments and drawers in his study. Stolen light stores images within a gem. To store an image, as part of casting you must touch a gem worth not less than 500 gp. You trap within the gem an image of everything visible within a 30-foot cone measured from the gem, in a direction of your choice. Alternatively, you can capture a less detailed image of a single object within sight. Once the casting is complete, the gem turns opaque, and the image inside cannot be seen. The stolen image remains within the gem until released or dispelled.

To release an image, you touch a gem holding stolen light as a standard action and speak a command word chosen at the time of casting. For 1 minute per caster level, the image stored within the gem becomes visible. Details can be made out as clearly as they could be perceived at the time of casting. Darkvision is of no use for making out details in a stolen image, though low-light vision or other exceptional visual talents may reveal information the caster did not see. Light sources brighter than bright light are reduced to bright light in the stolen image. Once the image has been released, it cannot again be recovered from the gem.

Stolen light can be made permanent with the permanency spell by a caster of 10th level for a cost of 5,000 gp. This leaves the gem capable of projecting the image indefinitely, activated and deactivated by its command word, until it is destroyed or dispelled.

【變化】扭轉臟腑(Twisted Innards)

等級:鍊金術師/調查員 2、魔戰士 3、術士/法師/奧能師 3、女巫 3


劇透 -   :
For the duration of this spell, your vital organs writhe, shift, and move about, making it difficult to strike you in a vulnerable area. While this spell is in effect, critical hits and sneak attacks against you have a 25% chance of failing to inflict any additional damage—though you still take the normal damage from the attack. At 7th level, the chance to ignore additional damage increases to 50%, while at 13th level the chance increases to 75%.
« 上次编辑: 2018-10-17, 周三 11:45:20 由 笨哈 »

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PZO9237 內海魔法(Magic of the Inner Sea)
« 回帖 #17 于: 2017-11-11, 周六 15:01:49 »
劇透 -   :

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PZO9238 林諾姆諸王之國(Lands of the Linnorm Kings)
« 回帖 #18 于: 2017-11-11, 周六 15:01:56 »
【死靈】異教塑像(Infuse Effigy)[詛咒]

等級:牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 4、術士/法師/奧能師 4、德魯伊/獵人 4






劇透 -   :
This spell infuses an effigy with a powerful curse that targets a specific type of creature associated in some way with the effigy itself. When you cast this spell, it remains in effect until it is discharged. Once you cast infuse effigy, you cannot prepare a new 4th-level spell to replace it or cast another spell with its spell slot until you dismiss the infuse effigy spell or until it is discharged against a foe. If the number of 4th-level spells that you can cast decreases, and that number drops below your current number of infuse effigy spells, the more recently cast infuse effigy spells in excess of the number of 4th-level spells you can now cast are dispelled. The nature of the curse that becomes infused into the effigy you touch depends more on the nature of the effigy than anything else. You can cast this spell on a standard effigy (such as a head stuck onto a spike, or on a body hanging from a tree), but can generate more powerful effects by casting the spell on one of the more elaborate effigies detailed above—in this case, it is the established traditions of the effigy as much as the effigy itself that empowers the curse. The larger effigies, such as the tree of souls and the wicker man, have minimum caster level requirements; you must be this level or higher in order to cast infuse effigy on such a target. Once an effigy is infused, it radiates an aura of unease to a radius of 5 feet per caster level—the first time a creature enters this area, it must make a Will save or become shaken for 1 minute per caster level. This effect can only occur once per creature and is a mind-affecting fear effect. As long as an effigy remains under the effects of this spell, the body parts associated with the effigy become preserved as if by gentle repose. Once an effigy has been the focus for an infuse effigy spell, it can never again be the target of this spell—a new effigy must be constructed from new victims if you wish to recreate it. An infused effigy is treated as a magic item for the purposes of saving throws. An infused effigy has an additional effect on creatures of the same type as the largest creature incorporated into the effigy. If the largest creature is a humanoid or outsider, the additional effect only affects creatures of the largest creature’s subtype. Creatures of this type (and subtype) take a –2 penalty on the saving throw against the effigy’s aura, and as soon as such creatures attack or damage the effigy (from any distance) or approach within 10 feet of it, they must make a Will saving throw or become cursed. If a creature becomes cursed by an infused effigy, the spell effect on the effigy ends (and the caster can now use that spell slot to prepare or cast spells again), but the curse itself is permanent until it is removed. If the creature that triggers the effigy was close friends with or related to anyone whose body was used to construct the effigy, that creature takes a –4 penalty on the Will save to avoid becoming cursed. The specific effects of each type of effigy’s curse are listed below. At the GM’s discretion, other specific effigies might exist, along with specific effects they exhibit when they are the subject of an infuse effigy spell. Standard Effigy Curse (no minimum CL): –2 penalty to an ability score chosen by the caster. Blood Eagle Curse (no minimum CL): –4 penalty to Constitution and –4 penalty on all saving throws against fear effects. Nithing Pole Curse (no minimum CL): Any effect that can be generated by a bestow curse spell. Tree of Souls Curse (minimum CL 11th): The victim heals damage from rest at half normal rate, and any magical healing applied to the victim must succeed at a DC 20 Caster Level check or be negated. The cursed victim takes a –4 penalty on all Constitution-based checks, including stabilization checks and Fortitude saving throws. Wicker Man Curse (minimum CL 15th): –6 penalty to two ability scores chosen by the caster. In addition, each time the victim takes damage from any source, it takes an additional 1d6 points of fire damage as its flesh burns and blisters around the wound. It takes a –6 penalty on all saving throws against fire effects. Unless it has the Fire subtype, the victim loses any racial resistance or immunity to fire.
« 上次编辑: 2018-10-18, 周四 12:11:20 由 笨哈 »

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【預言】因果報應(Awaken the Devoured)[痛苦]

等級:牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 5、審判者 4、術士/法師/奧能師 5、女巫 5
範圍:中距 (100呎+10呎/等級)
豁免:意志,通過則部分生效 (見下)


劇透 -   :
You awaken the broken, anguished memories of the countless souls that the target daemon has consumed. These fragmented memories haunt and afflict the daemon, dealing 1d8 points of nonlethal damage per caster level (maximum 15d8) and making it confused for 1 round/level. A successful Will save halves the damage and negates the confusion effect.

【防護】卡戎的施捨(Charon’s Dispensation)

等級:牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 4、審判者 4、術士/法師/奧能師 4、女巫 4
成分:語言、姿勢、材料 (2枚銀幣)
範圍:近距 (25呎+5呎/2等級)
抗力:有 (無害)

受術者會免疫碰觸或喝下冥河(River Styx)之水的有害效果,包含毒素、記憶竊取,以及洗滌靈魂的力量。但這法術不會給受術者在水中呼吸的能力,也不會對生物或世俗的危害(例如急流) 提供保護。

劇透 -   :
The target of this spell gains immunity to the harmful effects of touching or drinking from the River Styx, including its poison, memory-stealing, and soul-leaching powers. This does not grant the target the ability to breathe water, nor does it grant any protection against creatures or mundane hazards such as rapids.

【死靈】創造靈魂寶石(Create Soul Gem)[死亡、邪惡]

等級:牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 3、術士/法師/奧能師 3、女巫 3
範圍:近距 (25呎+5呎/2等級)


如果你是一位飲魂者(見P.34),你施展此法術時,可以消耗5點靈魂點數填充寶石,等價於一個基礎靈魂(basic soul)。


劇透 -   :
You draw forth the ebbing life force of a dying creature or one that has died in the past round, forcing it into a crystal or gem receptacle and creating a soul gem. If the creature is alive and fails its saving throw, it dies and you capture its soul in the gem. If the creature is dead, you automatically capture the soul. The value of the soul gem depends on the nature of the creature it is made from (see The Soul Trade on page 30). If you are a souldrinker (see page 34), you may cast this spell and expend 5 soul points to fill the gem with the equivalent of one basic soul. Only one soul gem can be created from a particular dying creature. Any attempt to resurrect a body whose soul is trapped in a soul gem requires a caster check against a DC of 11 + your caster level at the time you cast this spell. Failure results in the spell having no effect, while success shatters the target’s soul gem and returns the creature to life as normal. If the soul gem resides in an unholy location, such as that created by the unhallow spell, the DC of this check increases by +2.

【死靈】邪魔結界(Daemon Ward)

等級:牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 4、德魯伊/獵人 5、聖武士 4、術士/法師/奧能師 4、女巫 4
成分:語言、姿勢、材料 (價值50金幣的銀粉末)


劇透 -   :
This spell functions like death ward, except as noted above and it only protects against these attacks from daemons.

【死靈】高等死亡喪鐘靈光(Death Knell Aura, Greater) [死亡、邪惡]

等級:牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 6、審判者 6、術士/法師/奧能師 6、女巫 6


劇透 -   :
This spell functions as death knell aura, except a dying creature in the area cannot stabilize on its own and automatically takes 1 point of bleed damage on its turn each round. An incorporeal undead or living spirit traveling outside the body (such as a person using astral projection or magic jar) within the aura at the start of its turn takes 1d8 points of damage.

【死靈】死亡喪鐘靈光(Death Knell Aura)[死亡、邪惡]

等級:牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 4、審判者 4、術士/法師/奧能師 4、女巫 4
持續:1輪/等級 (D)


劇透 -   :
You gain a shimmering gray aura that feeds on the souls of creatures who die within it. The aura sheds light as a candle. If a creature at –1 or fewer hit points is within the aura at the start of its turn, it must save or die, granting you the benefits of death knell.

【死靈】星界邪魔的鞭笞(Lash of the Astradaemon)[邪惡]

等級:牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 6、魔戰士 5、術士/法師/奧能師 6、女巫 6


劇透 -   :
Drawing on the essence of astradaemons, your hands elongate and sprout fearsome, translucent claws that radiate a cold phosphorescent light, giving you two claw attacks per round (1d6 each if you are Medium creature, or 1d4 if you are Small). Each hit with a claw bestows 1 negative level on your target, and you gain 5 temporary hit points for 1 hour. The DC to overcome these negative levels is equal to the DC of this spell. The claws do not interfere with your ability to cast spells or perform other actions that require hands.

【死靈】寄生靈魂(Parasitic Soul)[死亡、邪惡]

等級:牧師/先知 9、術士/法師/奧能師 9、女巫 9
持續:永久 (D)

除了上述記載的外,此法術的功效如同魔魂壺 ,而並不是用你自己的靈魂,你能將一個被拘禁(像是被縛魂術或錮魂術拘禁的靈魂)在容器內的靈魂轉移到一名非自願的目標的軀殼內。如果目標生物豁免檢定失敗,它會死去,被拘禁在容器內的靈魂會棲息於該具軀殼內,如同使用魔魂壺法術。


劇透 -   :
This spell functions like magic jar except as noted above, and instead of your own soul, you may transfer a trapped soul (such as one trapped with soul bind or trap the soul) from the receptacle into an unwilling target’s body. If the target creature fails its saving throw, it dies, and the trapped soul in the receptacle inhabits the body as if using magic jar. The trapped soul does not get a saving throw to resist this transfer. To dismiss the spell, you must be within range of the possessed body.

【死靈】天啟諸騎的蹂躪(Scourge of the Horsemen)[酸液、邪惡]

等級:牧師/先知 9、術士/法師/奧能師 9
範圍:中距 (100呎+10呎/等級)


劇透 -   :
This spell blasts the area with a horrific combination of soulrending energy and physical corrosion. Creatures in the area of effect gain 1d4 negative levels, and take 1d6 points of acid damage per caster level (maximum 20d6).

【咒法】(召喚)靈魂轉移(Soul Transfer)

等級:牧師/先知 7、術士/法師/奧能師 7、女巫 7


劇透 -   :
This spell functions like the spell completion option of trap the soul, except it only works on bodiless souls (such as incorporeal undead or a soul trapped in a gem) or creatures whose substance is a physical incarnation of a soul (such as a petitioner), but not on creatures formed from souls and planar material (such as most outsiders). It is mainly used to transfer souls from one receptacle to another, but may also be used to capture vulnerable souls that aren’t bound to mortal flesh (such as incorporeal creatures and petitioners).

【咒法】(召喚)召喚狂躁邪魔(Summon Cacodaemon) [邪惡]

等級:牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 2、術士/法師/奧能師 2、召喚師 2、女巫 2


劇透 -   :
This spell functions like summon monster, except it summons a single cacodaemon.

【咒法】(召喚)高等召喚狂躁邪魔(Summon Cacodaemon, Greater) [邪惡]

等級:牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司4、術士/法師/奧能師 4、召喚師 3、女巫 4


劇透 -   :
This spell functions like summon cacodaemon, except it summons 1d4+1 cacodaemons.

【咒法】(召喚)召喚僕役邪魔(Summon Ceustodaemon) [邪惡]

等級:牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司5、術士/法師/奧能師 5、召喚師 4、女巫 5


劇透 -   :
This spell functions like summon monster, except it summons a single ceustodaemon.

【咒法】(召喚)召喚異蟲邪魔(Summon Derghodaemon) [邪惡]

等級:牧師/先知 9、術士/法師/奧能師 9、女巫 9 成分:語言、姿勢、器材(一把昆蟲甲殼)


劇透 -   :
This spell functions like summon monster, except it summons a single derghodaemon.

【咒法】(召喚)召喚離間邪魔(Summon Erodaemon) [邪惡]

等級:牧師/先知 8、術士/法師/奧能師 8、召喚師 6、女巫 8


劇透 -   :
This spell functions like summon monster, except it summons a single erodaemon.

【咒法】(召喚)召喚饑饉邪魔(Summon Meladaemon) [邪惡]

等級:牧師/先知 8、術士/法師/奧能師 8、召喚師 6、女巫 8


劇透 -   :
This spell functions like summon monster, except it summons a single meladaemon.

【咒法】(召喚)召喚死役邪魔(Summon Thanadaemon) [邪惡]

等級:牧師/先知 9、術士/法師/奧能師 9、女巫 9
成分:語言、姿勢、器材 (兩枚銀幣)


劇透 -   :
This spell functions like summon monster, except it summons a single thanadaemon. You can only use this spell in an area with enough open water to accommodate the daemon’s skiff, or when on the Astral Plane or Ethereal Plane.
« 上次编辑: 2018-11-01, 周四 01:00:21 由 笨哈 »