作者 主题: 【IST】阿巴达尔的魔法(Abadaran Magic)  (阅读 5571 次)

副标题: 出自Inner Sea Temples

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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【IST】阿巴达尔的魔法(Abadaran Magic)
« 于: 2022-11-03, 周四 15:11:11 »
阿巴达尔的魔法(Abadaran Magic)
本节所列的萨迦瓦第一殖民银行(the First Colonial Bank of Sargava)的祭祀们所用的魔法选项。

阿巴达尔的魔法物品(Abadaran Magic Items)
以下是萨迦瓦第一殖民银行(the First Colonial Bank of Sargava)的祭祀们所偏好(并偶尔会出售)的魔法物品。

钥匙披风(Key Cloak)
栏位:肩部;价格:20,000 GP;重量:2磅

这种短披风是使用纺成钥匙状图案的金线制就的。该披风使穿戴者的AC获得+1盾牌加值(shield bonus)。以一个移动动作,穿戴者可以激活该披风,披风可以立即产生足够的钥匙,并硬化成一种金属的半球形盾牌将穿戴者包裹起来,如同穿戴者携带着一面他擅长并持用的塔盾(tower shield)那样保护着他。当使用该能力时,穿戴者不能采用其他行动(除了调整该塔盾被视为朝向的有效方位外)并且不能移动。穿戴者可以无限期地保持这种形态,但以这种形态休息等同于穿着重型盔甲休息。球状钥匙可以以一个迅捷动作解消,而如果披风被移除,它也会自动消失。

每日1次,该披风也可以以一个标准动作创造一把特殊的万能钥匙(skeleton key)。即便你没有在解除装置技能上受训,该万能钥匙也可以被用于任何一种使用钥匙的锁上。你使用该钥匙的+15解除装置加值,而不是你自己的解除装置加值;当你使用万能钥匙时,你不能取10。每次你仅可尝试使用该万能钥匙打开某个特定的锁。如果投骰失败的话,该钥匙将无法打开或关闭此锁。该钥匙持续1小时并且在此期间只能在单个锁上使用。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),鬼斧神工(fabricate),敲击术(knock),石肤术(stoneskin);
制造成本:10,000 GP

融炉保险箱(Meltdown Safe)
栏位:无;价格:10,000 GP;重量:10磅

这种铁制保险箱仅仅6尺宽6尺高,但它通向一个超维空间——它的内部尺寸大于外部尺寸,就像一个一型次元袋(type 1 bag of holding)。那复杂的门锁质量是优质(解除装置DC 40),并具备一种强大的安全功能:如果有任何不成功的开锁尝试,其内部空间会充满大量魔法火焰,并且其容纳物每轮会受到5d6点火焰伤害。在10轮极端高温后,该保险箱会完全消融了自己,变成了一堆灰烬。如果在这10轮中通过任何方式打开门,会在剩余轮数,从中喷出15尺锥型的炽热火焰,并造成5d6点火焰伤害(反射DC 23减半)。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),火焰陷阱(fire trap),秘藏箱(secret chest);
制造成本:5,000 GP

可靠薪酬包(Secure Paypack)
栏位:无;价格:4,000 GP;重量:5磅

这款坚固的背包在大多数方面都与方便背包(handy haversack)相同,并有许多隔间可以存放物品。对那些不熟悉其不寻常特性的角色,在任何尝试以一个法术辨识检定鉴别它,而检定结果在24-33之间的话,都会显示它是一个方便背包(handy haversack)。低于24的结果不能鉴别出任何魔法特性,而34或更高的结果则可揭示其额外的秘密特性。它拥有两个隐藏隔间(察觉DC 35),每个隔间可容纳体积至多1立方尺、重量至多10磅的物品。此外,整个物体被一薄层秘银纤维加固,赋予它15点硬度和5点生命值。每个隔间都有一个隐藏的优质锁(察觉DC 35,解除装置DC 40)以防止未经许可的访问。当一个隔间被锁住时,一名拥有该锁钥匙的人仍然可以以一个移动动作取出物品,如同一个正常的方便背包(handy haversack)。这些钥匙是非魔法的,并可以被一名能使现有的锁无法运作并拥有至少5点工艺(锁具)的角色造出(工艺DC 25)。每个可靠薪酬包通常在造出时配2把钥匙。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),秘法锁(arcane lock),敲击术(knock),秘藏箱(secret chest);
制造成本:2,000 GP

万用锁(Universal Lock)
栏位:无;价格:5,150 GP;重量:1/2磅

这种优质锁(硬度10,生命值10,破坏DC 28,解除装置DC 35)由纯金制就,并在其表面被蚀刻上了最初宝库(First Vault)的蚀刻画。该锁可以用于在任何可以打开和关闭的物体上(比如箱、袋、门、窗、甚至是对折起来的餐巾,也包括诸如次元袋和携带式次元洞等魔法物品)。该锁不能被用于一名生物上。以命令字,该锁融入物品,成为覆盖被锁住物品半数面积的一张该锁形象的墨水图画。如果该物品的硬度和常态生命值低于万能锁的硬度和常态生命值的话,该物品则被增至与该锁匹配的硬度和生命值。万用锁会维持在适当位置直到主人命令它解锁,亦或是至其成功被解锁;然后它又恢复到其原有形态。如果其被锁住的物品被断开,万用锁就会被破坏。一道敲击术(knock)法术不能打开一个被万用锁封住的物体,但是可以在10分钟内降低5点该锁的解除装置DC。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),秘法锁(arcane lock),封门术(hold portal);
制造成本:2,650 GP
« 上次编辑: 2024-04-02, 周二 09:25:26 由 沉淪 »

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Re: 【IST】阿巴达兰魔法(Abadaran Magic)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2022-11-03, 周四 15:13:53 »
阿巴达兰魔法武器(Abadaran Magic Weapons)
以下魔法武器在萨迦瓦第一殖民银行(the First Colonial Bank of Sargava)的银行家之间被视为巨额财富的象征。

匙之锤(Mace of Keys)
栏位:无;价格:50,312 GP;重量:8磅

这种+1公理重型硬头锤(+1 axiomatic heavy mace)顶部的凸缘形似万能钥匙(skeleton keys)。每日3次,当以该硬头锤进行一次近战攻击时,以一个迅捷动作或直觉动作(又译即时动作),其持用者可以触发该硬头锤的解锁能力。必须在进行近战攻击骰之前声明使用该能力,如果该攻击失败的话,则解锁能力将被浪费。当使用解锁能力时,以硬头锤进行成功的近战攻击后,持用者可以尝试一次战技检定来对抗其目标的CMD。一旦成功的话,该硬头锤会导致该目标身上的腰部、肩部、或颈部栏位的物品松动,并落于该目标所处空间的地面上。


制造条件:制造魔法武器与防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),敲击术(knock),穿墙术(passwall);
制造成本:25,312 GP

宝库弓( Vaultbow)|本条翻译致谢 思维熵化
栏位:无;价格:28,550 GP;重量:4磅

这把深色红木制黄金镶边的+1连发轻弩(+1 light repeating crossbow)有着以阿巴达尔的原初宝库为原型雕刻的弹匣。十字弓内有一个异次元空间保存20支弩矢。将每一支新弩矢装填进异次元空间都需要一个会引起藉机攻击的移动动作。无论里面有多少支弩矢十字弓的重量都是相同的。一名阿巴达尔的崇拜者可以将宝库弓当作一把轻弩擅长,并且可以应用轻弩相关专长的好处。


制造条件:制造魔法武器与防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),星云锁链(chain of perdition,UC),秘藏箱(secret chest);
制造成本:14,550 GP

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Re: 【IST】阿巴达兰魔法(Abadaran Magic)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2022-11-03, 周四 15:16:16 »
阿巴达兰法术(Abadaran Spells)
这些法术常被发现其被萨迦瓦第一殖民银行(the First Colonial Bank of Sargava)的祭祀们使用。

灵魂窖(Soul Vault)
环位:牧师/先知/战斗祭祀 3,德鲁伊/猎人 4,审判者 3,异能者 5,萨满 4,术士/法师/奥能师 4,唤魂师 2,女巫 4

该法术通过暂时以灵界窖(ethereal vault)包裹住目标来保护目标的灵魂。目标在对抗将目标转化为不死生物的效果,以及可以诱捕或重定向其灵魂的法术和效果(比如魔魂壶、缚魂术、和锢魂术)的豁免骰上获得+4加值。即便正常来说不允许进行豁免,受术者也会获得一次豁免机会来使这些效果无效化。如果它被施放到一名活物身上而之后该活物死亡的话,那么该目标的身体和精神在其持续时间内会受到法术的保护。如果被施放到一具在1轮内死亡的尸体上,该目标的身体和灵魂同样也会受到保护。否则,只有身体受到保护。

任何信仰阿巴达尔(Abadar)的施法者,如果灵魂窖(soul vault)通常不在她的职业法术列表中,可以将其作为4环法术学习并施展。灵魂窖(soul vault)可以被魔法恒定术 (permanency) 所恒定,需要施法者等级11级以及花费7,500 GP。

真估术(True Appraisal)
环位:吟游诗人/歌者 1,牧师/先知/战斗祭祀 1,审判者 1,秘学士 1,女巫 1

你可对物品的价值获得暂时的洞察力。你在估价检定中获得+5表现加值(competence bonus),并可以以一个移动动作尝试一次估价检定来确定一件物品的价值,且可以在一次估价检定中取10,即便是通常阻止你这样做的禁张或分心时也可以取10。你可以知晓你在一次估价检定中的成败与否,并且你绝不会确认出一个极不准确的价格。

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Re: 【IST】阿巴达兰魔法(Abadaran Magic)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2022-11-03, 周四 15:16:46 »
劇透 -   :
Abadaran Magic

This section details magic options used by priests of the First Colonial Bank of Sargava.

Abadaran Magic items

The following magic items are favored by (and occasionally sold by) priests of the First Colonial Bank of Sargava.

  Key Cloak
Source Inner Sea Temples pg. 32
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th
Slot shoulders; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This short cloak is made of gold thread spun into a pattern of interlocking key shapes. The cloak grants the wearer a +1 shield bonus to AC. As a move action, the wearer can activate the cloak, which instantly produces enough keys to wrap the wearer in a dome-shaped shield of hardened metal, protecting the wearer as if he were carrying a tower shield with which he is proficient. While using this ability, the wearer can take no other actions (other than adjusting which direction the effective tower shield is considered to be facing) and is immobile. The wearer can remain in this form indefinitely, but resting in this form is equivalent to resting in heavy armor. The dome of keys can be dismissed as a swift action, and it automatically vanishes if the cloak is removed.

Once per day, the cloak can also create a single special skeleton key as a standard action. This skeleton key can be tried on any one lock that uses a key, even if you aren’t trained in the Disable Device skill. You use the key’s Disable Device bonus of +15 rather than your own; you cannot take 10 when using a skeleton key. You can only attempt to open a particular lock with the skeleton key once. If the roll fails, the key is unable to open or close that lock. The key lasts for 1 hour and can be used on only a single lock during that time.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate, knock, stoneskin; Cost 10,000 gp


  Meltdown Safe
Source Inner Sea Temples pg. 32
Aura strong conjuration; CL 3rd
Slot none; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 10 lbs.
This iron safe is only 6 inches wide by 6 inches tall, but it opens into an extrtadimensional space—its inside is larger than its outside dimensions, as a type 1 bag of holding. The intricate lock on the door is of superior quality (Disable Device DC 40) and has a powerful security feature: if any attempt to pick the lock is unsuccessful, the inner space floods with magic fire and the contents begin taking 5d6 points of fire damage per round. After 10 rounds of extreme heat, the safe fully consumes itself and is reduced to a pile of ash. If the door is opened through any means during these 10 rounds, blasts of searing hot fire spew forth in a 15-foot cone that deals 5d6 points of fire damage (Reflex DC 23 half) for the remaining rounds.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, fire trap, secret chest; Cost 5,000 gp

  Secure Paypack
Source Inner Sea Temples pg. 32
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 4,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
This rugged backpack is identical to a handy haversack in most regards, with numerous compartments for storing items. Any effort to identify it with a Spellcraft check result ranging from 24 to 33 by someone unfamiliar with its special properties reveals it to be a handy haversack. A result below 24 does not identify any magic properties, while a result of 34 or higher reveals its additional secret properties. It has two hidden compartments (Perception DC 35), each able to store up to 1 cubic foot of material or 10 pounds in weight. In addition, the entire item is reinforced with thin mithral fibers, giving it a hardness of 15 and 5 hit points. Each compartment has a concealed superior lock (Perception DC 35, Disable Device DC 40) built in to prevent unauthorized access. When a compartment is locked, an item can still be removed from it as a move action by a character who has a key to the lock, like a normal handy haversack. The keys are not magical and can be crafted (Craft DC 25) by a character able to disable the existing locks and who has at least 5 ranks in Craft (locks). Each secure paypack is normally created with two keys.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, arcane lock, knock, secret chest; Cost 2,000 gp

  Universal Lock
Source Inner Sea Temples pg. 32
Aura faint abjuration; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 5,150 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
This intricate padlock (hardness 10, hp 10, break DC 28, Disable Device DC 35) is crafted from pure gold and etched with depictions of the First Vault along its face. The lock can be placed onto any object that can open and close (such as a chest, pouch, door, window, or even a folded napkin, as well as magic items such as bags of holding and portable holes). The lock cannot be placed on a creature. Upon command, the lock merges with the item, becoming an inked image of the lock that covers half of the item being locked. If the item’s hardness and normal hit points are lower than those of the universal lock, the item’s hardness and hit points are increased to match those of the lock. The universal lock remains in place until the owner commands it to unlock or it is successfully picked; it then reverts back to its original form. If the object it is locking is broken open, the universal lock is destroyed. A knock spell does not open an object sealed with a universal lock, but it reduces the lock’s Disable Device DC by 5 for 10 minutes.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, arcane lock, hold portal; Cost 2,650 gp

Abadaran Magic Weapons

The following magic weapons are considered signs of significant wealth among bankers of the First Colonial Bank of Sargava.

  Mace of Keys
Source Inner Sea Temples pg. 33
Aura moderate transmutation CL 9th
Slot none; Price 50,312 gp; Weight 8 lbs.
The flanges on the head of this +1 axiomatic heavy mace are shaped like skeleton keys. Three times per day as a swift or immediate action when making a melee attack with the mace, the wielder can trigger this mace’s unlocking ability. This ability must be declared before the melee attack is rolled, and if the attack is unsuccessful, the unlocking ability is wasted. Upon a successful melee attack with the mace while using the unlocking ability, the wielder can attempt a combat maneuver check against the target’s CMD. On a success, the mace causes an item on the target in the belt, shoulder, or neck slot to come loose and fall to the ground in the target’s space.

In addition, when attempting to destroy a lock, the mace ignores up to 20 points of the lock’s hardness.
Requirements Craft Arms and Armor, knock, passwall; Price 25,312 gp


Source Inner Sea Temples pg. 33
Aura strong conjuration CL 13th
Slot none; Price 28,550 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
This +1 light repeating crossbow of deep mahogany rimmed with gold has a stock carved in the likeness of Abadar’s First Vault. An extradimensional space within the crossbow can hold 20 bolts. Loading new bolts into the extradimensional space requires a move action that provokes an attack of opportunity for each bolt. The crossbow weighs the same no matter how many bolts are placed inside it. A worshiper of Abadar treats the vaultbow as a light crossbow for purposes of proficiency and applying the benefits of feats relating to a light crossbow.

Three times per day, the wielder can choose to have a bolt transform into a length of chain that wraps around its target on a successful attack. This decision must be made before the attack roll is made. A Large or smaller creature struck by this attack becomes entangled (and if dependent on wings to fly, it must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save or lose the ability to fly while entangled). An entangled creature can break (and destroy) the chains with a successful DC 30 Strength check or escape them with a successful DC 30 combat maneuver check or Escape Artist check. This chain lasts for 5 rounds before fading from existence.
Requirements Craft Arms and Armor, chain of perditionUM, secret chest; Price 14,550 gp

Abadaran Spells

These spells are most commonly found in use by priests of the First Colonial Bank of Sargava.

  Soul Vault
Source Inner Sea Temples pg. 33
School abjuration; Level arcanist 4, cleric 3, druid 4, hunter 4, inquisitor 3, oracle 3, psychic 5, shaman 4, sorcerer 4, spiritualist 2, warpriest 3, witch 4, wizard 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, DF
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes
This spell protects the target’s soul by briefly enveloping the target in an ethereal vault. The target gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects that would trap or redirect its soul (such as magic jar, soul bind, and trap the soul) and effects that would transform the target into an undead creature. The target is granted a save to negate such effects even if one is not normally allowed. If it’s cast on a living creature that then dies, the target’s body and spirit are protected by the spell for its duration. If it’s cast on a corpse within 1 round of death, the target’s body and soul are both protected. Otherwise, only the body receives the protection.

Any spellcaster that worships Abadar may learn and cast soul vault as a 4th level spell, if it isn’t normally on her class spell list. Soul vault can be made permanent with the permanency spell at a cost of 7,500 gp and a minimum caster level of 11th.

  True Appraisal
Source Inner Sea Temples pg. 33
School divination; Level bard 1, cleric 1, inquisitor 1, occultist 1, oracle 1, skald 1, warpriest 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, F (gold coin)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 8 hours
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You gain temporary insight into the value of objects. You gain a +5 competence bonus on Appraise checks, can attempt an Appraise check to determine an object’s value as a move action, and can take 10 on an Appraise check even if stress or distractions would normally prevent you from doing so. You know if you fail an Appraise check, and you never determine a wildly inaccurate price.

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Re: 【IST】阿巴达兰魔法(Abadaran Magic)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2022-11-03, 周四 15:17:08 »


1、宝库弓( Vaultbow):已被思维熵化大佬翻译,感谢大佬的工作让萌新白嫖。思维熵化大佬已经于2021-12-01将之翻译到网团活动区-探索者协会-自用自翻资源帖#487中,萌新白嫖了大佬的劳动成果。


2、最初宝库(First Vault):阿巴达尔(Abadar)也有最初宝库之主(Master of the First Vault)的称号。
3、灵界窖(ethereal vault):(ethereal)即指灵界位面(Ethereal Plane)。(vault)则参考了秘藏窖(Secret Vault)法术的翻译。


1、融炉保险箱(Meltdown Safe):施法者等级只有3级,但灵光却是强烈灵光,原文如此。

