作者 主题: 【HotHC】优雅着装(Mannerly Dress)  (阅读 4853 次)

副标题: 出自Heroes of the High Court皇庭英豪宫廷特殊服饰中优雅着装部分

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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【HotHC】优雅着装(Mannerly Dress)
« 于: 2022-07-07, 周四 08:33:03 »
宫廷特殊服饰(Courtly RegalIa)
在贵族化的宫廷中,一个人的第一印象早在其说出的第一个字前就形成了。无论在卡利法斯(Caliphas)的沙龙或是纽梅利亚(Numeria)黑君(Black Sovereign)的所在地,那些期望拥有影响力者必须有得体的穿着及配饰。除此之外,每个宫廷都有自己不成文的着装规定,冒险家和朝臣都必须注意展现自己的方式。形式和礼仪是常态,而那些跨越自己地位或是有冒犯性的非正式化着装——不论是否故意——都会面临对其雄心的羞辱与摧残。下列物品对任何想要步入权贵殿堂者都非常有用。

优雅着装(Mannerly Dress)

长手套(Long gloves)
价格:15 GP;重量:-磅。
这种由多层丝绸制成的全长手套在杜鲁玛(Kalistocrats)和其他鄙视身体接触的地方流行。其穿戴者在对抗由他触摸的接触性毒素的豁免骰上获得+4环境加值(circumstance bonus)。

情人的呼吸(Lover's breath)|本条翻译致谢 mikun
价格:200 GP;重量:-磅。
这种炼金术的香水是将类人生物的信息素和精类的汗水混合后蒸馏而成的。当用一个整轮动作使用后,它会给佩戴者在所有的魅力检定以及基于魅力的技能检定上提供+2环境加值(circumstance bonus),持续1个小时。在这段时间内,佩戴者对来自精类的魅惑(charm)或者迷魂(fascination,又译催眠)效果的豁免受到-2罚值。

长期使用情人的呼吸会导致身体上的变化,这让使用者依稀像个如同宁芙(nymph)或树精 (dryad)一类的精类生物,尽管这些变化仅仅起到美容的效果。

锦罗玉衣(Ostentatious garment)|本条翻译致谢 白药君
价格:10 GP;重量:1磅。

价格:40 GP;重量:-磅。
无论是由薄纱还是较厚的材料制成,面纱都有助于隐藏面部表情。当穿戴面纱时,可在唬骗检定上获得+2环境加值(circumstance bonus);然而,该穿戴者会将所有其他生物视为拥有隐蔽(concealment)。穿戴者有50%的几率避免凝视,如同他移开其双眼。

劇透 -   :
Courtly RegalIa
In the courts of nobility, one’s first impression is made before a single word is spoken. Those who hope to have any influence must dress and accessorize properly, whether in the salons of Caliphas or the Black Sovereign’s palace in Numeria. Beyond this, each court has its own unwritten dress code, and adventurers and courtiers alike must take care how they present themselves. Pomp and ceremony are the norm, and those who exceed their stations or dress with an insulting degree of informality—knowingly or not—face humiliation and ruined ambition. The following items are useful to anyone seeking to walk the halls of the powerful.

Mannerly Dress
The following items help those who want to look their best.

  Long gloves
Source Heroes of the High Court pg. 28
Price 15 gp; Weight —
Category Clothing
These full-length gloves of layered silk are popular among Kalistocrats and others who disdain physical contact. The wearer gains a +4 circumstance bonus on saving throws against contact poisons on objects he touches.

Lover's breath
Source Heroes of the High Court pg. 28
Price 200 gp; Weight —
Category Clothing
This alchemical perfume is distilled from a blend of humanoid pheromones and fey sweat. When applied as a full-round action, it grants the wearer a +2 circumstance bonus on all Charisma checks and Charisma-based skill checks for 1 hour. During this time, the wearer takes a –2 penalty on saving throws against charm and fascination effects originating from fey.

Long-term use of lover’s breath eventually results in physical changes, causing the user to vaguely resemble a fey creature such as a nymph or dryad, although these changes are only cosmetic.

  Ostentatious garment
Source Heroes of the High Court pg. 28
Price 10 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Category Clothing
This term covers items not listed elsewhere, such as elaborate wigs, silk-lined cloaks, and ruffled blouses. While such garments usually offers no benefit beyond fashion, a silksworn occultist must wear several such garments of suitable quality to access her magic.

Source Heroes of the High Court pg. 28, People of the Sands pg. 29
Price 40 gp; Weight —
Category Clothing
Whether made of sheer gauze or thicker material, a veil is useful for hiding one’s facial expressions. While worn, a veil grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Bluff checks; however, the wearer treats all other creatures as having concealment. The wearer has a 50% chance to avoid gaze attacks, as if averting his eyes.

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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Re: 【HotHC】优雅着装(Mannerly Dress)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2022-07-07, 周四 08:33:26 »
2、黑君(Black Sovereign):科沃斯-库的称号。
3、情人的呼吸(Lover's breath):mikun大佬已经于2017年将之翻译到自己的专区中,萌新白嫖了大佬的劳动成果。
4、锦罗玉衣(Ostentatious garment):感谢白药君大佬的【HotHC】《皇庭英豪》(Heroes of The High Court)全部变体职业整合帖,在秘学士变体纨绔公子(Silksworn)中将(Ostentatious garment)做出了贴切的翻译,萌新白嫖了大佬的劳动成果。