作者 主题: 【Asian Archetypes - Magical】奥能师变体:折纸师  (阅读 6899 次)


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【Asian Archetypes - Magical】奥能师变体:折纸师
« 于: 2021-11-01, 周一 03:06:58 »

折纸魔宠(Paper Familiar, Ex):折纸师必须选择魔宠(familiar)作为1级的奥能技艺,但其并不获取活物魔宠,而是用繁复的折纸构筑出自己的魔宠。折纸魔宠拥有通常魔宠所拥有的动物或虫类外形,但其生物类型为构装体。作为构装体,其拥有60尺黑暗视觉和构装体免疫特性,并丢失除移动速度外的任何动物或虫类特性,也并不获得魔宠的通常增益(如,折纸蟾蜍并不提供3点奖励hp)。只要手上有足够纸张,折纸师就能用8小时时间免费完整回复魔宠的血量。折纸师无法获得进阶魔宠或联结物品。这调整了1级时获取的奥能技艺。

折纸备法(Paper Preparation, Ex):折纸师能用折纸取代任何不超过1gp的法术材料成分来施放所准备的法术。

纸艺卷轴(Folded Scroll, Su):5级时,折纸师获得转耗魔具(consume magic items)奥能技艺,但他只能消耗卷轴或其他纸制魔法物品来使用该技艺。此外,当折纸师准备法术时,他也可以使用一分钟将卷轴纳入一枚折纸,使他能在本日将卷轴中的法术视作当日准备法术。该法术必须在术士/法师的法术列表中,且在折纸师所能施放的等级范围内,却不必事先写入其法术书。如果该折纸丢失或者摧毁,折纸师将无法再使用法术位施放该法术。在折纸师下次准备法术或24小时后(取其先者),折纸中的卷轴成分将化为灰烬。

折纸构形(Paper Making, Sp):9级时,折纸师能以类法术能力使用幽影咒法术shadow conjuration),不过在近处检视即可发现所有以此能力创造的生物和物体皆由复杂的折纸构成,使生物在识破幻术时得到+2豁免加值。除此之外,这些造物与幽影咒法术中所描述的相同。9级之后每2奥能师等级,折纸师能复制更高1级的咒法(创造)和咒法(召唤)法术,最高在19级复制8环法术的效果。(这些法术仍然只有20%真实度,创造的物体硬度总为0。)折纸师每4奥能师等级能使用一次该能力。
折纸师在10级时自动将厄运折纸unfortunate origami)加入已知法术列表,在12级时加入纸船paper vessel)。在使用这些法术时他无需在升级时学习和选择来获取。

纸人化身(Paper Self, Su):13级时,折纸师能将自身变作栩栩如生的二次元纸片人,具有高度和宽度但是没有深度,将其第三次元的部分折入随身的异空间。折纸师可以以迅捷或移动动作进入或离开该形态,他可以在该形态维持每天每奥能师等级的轮数,使用时间无需连续。
以一个迅捷或移动动作,折纸师能进一步卷自己,将其第二次元也移入异空间,所在位置上仅剩一个不可见的线条。识破隐形see invisibility)无法定位该形态下的折纸师,但是真知术true seeing)可以让其他生物看到你,类似妖火faerie fire)和闪光尘glitterdust)的法术则能将你以一条线的方式展现出来。在该形态下,你自身的感官作用如常且移动如常,并能穿过穿过任何允许线条穿过的缝隙,并能绕过所有障碍如同行动自如freedom of movement)。在此形态下你可以免疫几乎一切攻击,尽管你的感官仍然能被幻术、凝视武器、宁芙的致盲美貌、鬼婆的恐怖外表及类似能力影响,你仍可能如常进入目盲、眩目或耳聋状态。此形态下你仍需呼吸,所以吸入性毒药或类似效果仍能影响你。不过你能如常屏住呼吸或移开目光来进行应对。
次元锚dimensional anchor)、次元锁dimensional lock)、禁制术forbiddance)或类似能阻挡位面旅行的效果无法阻止你的移动,但会阻止你在不同次元的转换(不过在你消耗完本日能力轮数后仍然会回到三次元形态)。

劇透 -   :
(Arcanist Archetype)
The fine art of paper sculpture is an ancient and honored
Asian tradition, and those who weave and tinker with the
forces of magic are well-practiced at infusing magical
energies into the delicate structures they carefully construct.
Paper Familiar (Ex): An origamist must select familiar
as his arcanist exploit at 1st level, but rather than a living
creature he crafts his familiar out of intricately folded paper.
It has the shape of an animal or vermin typical for a familiar,
but its type changes to construct. As a construct, it gains 60-
foot darkvision and construct immunities, it loses any special
abilities the animal or vermin has other than movement
speed, and it doesn’t provide the usual familiar benefit (for
instance, a paper toad doesn’t provide 3 bonus hit points).
With a supply of paper on hand, an origamist can spend 8
hours to restore his familiar to full health at no cost, unless
the familiar is destroyed, in which case he must follow the
usual rules for replacing his familiar. An origamist can never
gain an improved familiar or a bonded object. This alters the
arcane exploit normally gained at 1st level.
Paper Preparation (Ex): An origamist can substitute a
folded paper sculpture for the material component of any
spell he prepares that requires a material component with
a cost of 1 gp or less.
Folded Scroll (Su): At 5th level, an origamist gains the
consume magic items exploitACG, though he may use it only
to consume scrolls or other magic items made from paper.
In addition, when he prepares spells, he also may spend 1
minute folding a scroll into an origami sculpture that allows
him to treat the spell on the scroll as one of his prepared
spells for that day. The spell must be on the sorcerer/
wizard spell list and must be of a level the origamist can
cast, though he need not learn the spell or inscribe it into
his spellbook. If this origami is lost or destroyed, he can
no longer cast that spell using his spell slots. This origami
component crumbles to dust the next time the origamist
prepares spells or after 24 hours, whichever comes first.
An arcanist can fold one or more scrolls into the form of a
costly material component whose value is equal to the price
of all scrolls used for this purpose. This takes 1 minute per
scroll and requires him to expend a number of points from
his arcane pool equal to 1/2 of the total spell levels of all
scrolls he is folding together (minimum 1).
The spell contained on the scroll(s) does not matter, and
it need not even be a spell the origamist can cast. If the
spell contained on a scroll is on the sorcerer/wizard list and
is of the same school as the spell for which it is serving
as a focus component, its price is doubled for the purpose
of serving in place of a focus component. A scroll used as
a focus component is not destroyed or otherwise harmed
(unless the normal focus component of the spell would be);
however, unfolding scrolls folded into focus components
requires the same amount of time and the same expenditure
from his arcane pool as folding them together in the first
This replaces the arcanist exploit normally gained at
5th level.
Paper Making (Sp): At 9th level, an origamist can use
shadow conjuration as a spell-like ability, though on close
inspection the creatures and objects he creates are obviously
made of intricately folded paper, granting creatures a +2
bonus on saving throws to perceive the illusion. These
creatures and objects otherwise function as described for the
shadow conjuration spell. For every 2 arcanist levels beyond
9th, the origamist can duplicate conjuration (creation) and
conjuration (summoning) spells of 1 level higher, up to a
maximum of 8th-level spell effects at 19th level (though
they are still only 20% real, and objects he creates always
have a hardness of 0). The origamist can use this ability
once per day for every 4 arcanist levels he has.
An origamist adds unfortunate origami to his list of spells
known automatically at 10th level and paper vessel at 12th
level. He does not need to select them as spells learned
when he gains a level or otherwise research or acquire them.
This ability replaces the arcanist exploit gained at 9th
Paper Self (Su): At 13th level, an origamist can transform
himself into a flexible and perfectly flat paper facsimile
of himself with height and width but no depth, shunting
his third dimension into an extradimensional space that
moves with him. He can enter or leave this form as a swift
or move action and can maintain this form for a number
of rounds per day equal to his arcanist level. These rounds
need not be consecutive.
While in paper form, the origamist gains concealment and
attacks against him have a 20% miss chance. In addition, as
an immediate action he can turn sideways in response to an
attack, granting himself total concealment and a 50% miss
chance on that attack; even if the attack hits, he takes only
half damage. The origamist takes normal damage from area
effects and takes 50% more damage than normal from fire
effects. A creature flanking an origamist in paper form deals
double damage to him with slashing weapons.
As a swift or move action, the origamist can furl himself,
shunting his second dimension into the extradimensional
space as well, leaving only a virtually invisible single line
denoting his location. See invisibility does not help locate
you, but true seeing allows creatures to see you and effects
like faerie fire and glitterdust reveal your presence as a
sinuous line. Your own senses function normally and you
can move normally in this form and can pass through any
gap small enough to admit a single thread, and can slip
through impediments as if using freedom of movement. You
are immune to virtually all forms of attack in this shunted
form, though your senses can be affected by illusions,
gaze weapons, the blinding beauty of a nymph or horrific
appearance of a hag, and similar effects, and you can be
blinded, dazzled, or deafened normally. You must still
breathe in this form, and inhaled poisons and similar
effects can affect you. You can hold your breath and avert
your eyes as normal.
You can cast spells or use items or abilities that affect
only you in this form, but you cannot cast spells that affect
an area, affect other creatures, or create an object or effect
outside your body. You can return to your two-dimensional
flat paper state as a swift or move action.
A dimensional anchor, dimensional lock, forbiddance or
similar effect that blocks planar travel does not block your
movement, but it does prevent you from shifting your
dimensionality from flat to line or vice versa, or from
dismissing the effect, though you return to your normal
form when you run out of rounds per day even if you are
subject to such an effect.
This ability replaces the arcanist exploit gained at 13th level.

线上 希尔

  • Chivary
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  • 帖子数: 1166
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Re: 【Asian Archetypes - Magical】奥能师变体:折纸师
« 回帖 #1 于: 2021-11-01, 周一 03:07:15 »
纸船(paper vessel)
学派 咒法(创造) 等级 法师/术士 6
施放时间 10分钟
成分 V,S,M(一叠折纸用纸)
距离 接触
效果 一艘纸船或纸制小艇
持续时间 1小时/等级(可解消)
豁免 无
法术抗力 无

你用一叠纸,折出浆和船体的样子,创造出一艘能出海的船。纸船在各方面都类似于折叠船(folding boat)。此外,你能使纸船在没有船员的情况下,以40英尺的速度自行驱动前行。每十分钟(不足十分钟部分以十分钟计)自行驱动消耗1小时的法术剩余时间。自行驱动时,纸船在专业(水手)检定上有施法者等级一半的加值。

厄运折纸(Unfortunate Origami)
学派 变化 等级 法师/术士 5 女巫 5
施放时间 1标准动作
成分 V,S,M(一枚折叠的纸)
距离 接触
目标 接触的物体,2立方尺/施法者等级
持续时间 立即
豁免 强韧
法术抗力 无

« 上次编辑: 2021-11-01, 周一 20:50:11 由 希尔 »

离线 AnriMachishiro

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Re: 【Asian Archetypes - Magical】奥能师变体:折纸师
« 回帖 #2 于: 2021-11-01, 周一 05:49:31 »
结合前阵子看到的集群魔宠,就能做纸鹤集群 纸蜻蜓集群了!


« 上次编辑: 2021-11-01, 周一 05:51:51 由 町城安里 »
劇透 -  近期完结:《糖》:
劇透 -  近期完结:《深海症候群》:
劇透 -  正在准备:《失落之镇》: