作者 主题: 【AP#39】附录萨文斯-雅希(Saventh-Yhi)宝藏,来自蛇神颅骨二  (阅读 4398 次)

副标题: 七矛之城p55—p57的奇物翻译

离线 yuyi031

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没什么翻译经验,有什么错误还望大佬指正 :em001



命运护身符(Charm of fate)

灵光微弱防护; 施法者等级 5

制造要求: 制造奇物,移除诅咒;成本2,500金币

劇透 -   :
Charm of Fate
Aura faint abjuration; CL 5th
Slot neck; Price 5,000 gp; Weight —

This talisman made of bone, claws, and beads protects its wearer from bad luck, evil spirits, and foul magic. The first time each day that the wearer fails a saving throw, the charm of fate causes the wearer to instead successfully save if the roll was missed by 5 or less. If the saving throw was missed by 6 or more, the charm’s daily use is expended to no effect.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, remove curse; Cost 2,500 gp

幽魂视觉灵药(Elixir of Spirit Sight)

灵光微弱预言和变化;施法者等级 5

这种灵药内含的似乎是浓稠的蒸气非液体,打开塞子时能够听到持续不断的轻柔低语。任何饮用者都能在1分钟时间内获得识破隐形的能力(如同魔法see invisibility),并且他的武器和盔甲被视为拥有幽冥 (Ghost Touch)附魔。


劇透 -   :
Elixir of Spirit Sight
Aura faint divination and transmutation; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 1,000 gp; Weight —

This elixir seems to be made of thick vapor rather than liquid,and constantly emits soft whispers when uncorked. For 1minute, the drinker gains the ability to see invisibility (as the spell), and his weapons and armor are treated as if they had the ghost touch special ability.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, plane shift, see invisibility;Cost 500 gp


灵光中等变化;施法者等级 10
槽位:无位置;价格10,305金币;重量 2磅

这个+1 套牛绳(bolas)由丛林藤蔓编织成坚固的绳索并用岩石加重,受到查拉乌卡猿族的青睐。 使用锤尾的远程绊摔攻击在 CMB 检定上有 +4 增强加值。 此外,如果使用锤尾攻击未命中目标,则武器会返回,就好像它具有回力 (Returning)附魔一样。

劇透 -   :
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 10th
Slot none; Price 10,305 gp; Weight 2 lbs.

This +1 bolas, crafted from strands of jungle vine woven into strong cord and weighted with rocks, is favored by the charauka. Ranged trip attacks with a hammertail are made with a +4 enhancement bonus on the CMB check. In addition, if an attack with a hammertail misses its target, the weapon returns as if it had the returning property.

Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, entangle,telekinesis; Cost 5,305 gp

鬣狗精魂外皮(Hyena Spirit Skin)

灵光中等变化;施法者等级 9
槽位:无位置;价格16,000金币;重量 2磅

这块破烂的鬣狗毛皮蕴含着强大的魔法。每天一次,披上这块毛皮时,毛皮会赋予其佩戴者鬣狗的身体特征,如同狼之型 (Aspect of the Wolf)法术,持续10 分钟。穿戴者在力量和敏捷上获得+4增强加值,获得灵敏嗅觉,并且在绊摔战技上获得+2增强加值,穿戴者可以用迅捷动作进行不会引发借机攻击的绊摔战技。

劇透 -   :
Hyena Spirit Skin
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th
Slot shoulders; Price 16,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.

This ragged piece of fur and skin contains powerful magic.Once per day, when draped over the head and shoulders, the skin grants its wearer the physical characteristics of a hyena for 10 minutes as the aspect of the wolf spell. The wearer gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Dexterity, the scent ability, and a +2 enhancement bonus on trip attacks, and she can make a trip combat maneuver as a swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, aspect of the wolf(Advanced Player’s Guide 204); Cost 8,000 gp

生死花(Litheria Blossom)

灵光中等死灵;施法者等级 7

尽管非常罕见,但生死花仍然会在自然环境下开放出粉红色的巨大花瓣。生死花的花粉弥合了生与死之间的鸿沟,虽然花粉是被吸入而不是被喝下,但其如同灵药一般作用。 吸入花粉的生物会获得防死结界 (Death Ward)和观命术 (Deathwatch)的好处。两种效果持续 10 分钟。花朵在被摘下后仍然会保持活力,直到花粉被吸入便会凋零死亡。 花粉只有在花内时,或者是取出后的短时间内保持活力。如果从花中取出超过1轮,花粉和花都会失去魔法。


劇透 -   :
Litheria Blossom
Aura moderate necromancy; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 1,400 gp; Weight —
The litheria blossom is a rare but naturally occurring flowerwith large, pink petals. The pollen of the litheria blossom bridges the gap between life and death, functioning like an elixir, though inhaled rather than imbibed. A creature inhaling the pollen gains the benefit of the death ward and deathwatch spells. Both effects last for 10 minutes. If plucked, the flower remains vibrant and alive until the pollen within the flower is inhaled, at which point the flower wilts and dies. The pollen remains potent only so long as it held within the flower or immediately thereafter. If removed from the flower for longer than 1 round, both the pollen and the flower become nonmagical.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, death ward, deathwatch;Cost 700 gp


螳螂之刃 (次等神器)(Blade of Mantis)

灵光 强烈塑能; 施法者等级 20
槽位 无位置; 重量 2磅
阵营 LE; 自我值 16
感官 视觉和听觉 60 ft., 黑暗视觉 60 ft. Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14
交流 心灵感应(Telepathy)
特殊目的 杀光光所有人
类法术能力 (施法者等级 20th, 专注 +22)
3/天—变身术 (Alter Self), 黑暗术 (Darkness), 蛛行术 (Spider Climb), 克敌机先 (True Strike)
1/天—锐耳术/鹰眼术 (Clairaudience/Clairvoyance), 深幽黑暗术 (Deeper Darkness), 任意门 (Dimension Door), 高等隐形术 (greater Invisibility)

螳螂之刃是一把有智能的+2公理 (Axiomatic) 锯齿剑,由红色甲壳形成了弯弯曲曲的锯齿剑刃。它可以使持有者获得+1d6偷袭的能力,如同盗贼同名的职业能力,并可以与已有的偷袭相叠加。

由于螳螂之神阿卡艾克克的神圣力量,螳螂之刃能够给持有它的红螳螂刺客提供收益。挥舞螳螂之刃的红螳螂刺客在祷念杀法(Prayer Attack)的DC上获得+2的加值,它还可以每天额外获得一次猩红寿衣(Red Shroud)和淡化(Fading)的使用次数。


劇透 -   :
Mantis Blade (Minor Artifact)[/size][/color]
Aura strong evocation; CL 20th
Slot none; Weight 2 lbs.
Alignment LE; Ego 16
Senses vision and hearing 60 ft., darkvision 60 ft.
Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14
Communication telepathy
Special Purpose slay all
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 20th, concentration +22)
3/day—alter self, darkness, spider climb, true strike
1/day—clairaudience/clairvoyance, deeper darkness, dimension
door, greater invisibility
The mantis blade is an intelligent +2 axiomatic sawtooth sabre made of red chitin that forms a curved, serrated blade. It grants its wielder the ability to make a +1d6 sneak attack. This ability functions exactly like the rogue ability of the same name, and stacks with sneak attack bonuses the wielder may already have. When a creature is wounded with the blade, the wielder can activate the blade’s bane special ability against that type of creature as a swift action. The bane ability lasts for 10 minutes and is usable once per day. Sacred to the faith of the mantis god Achaekek, the mantis blade also grants bonuses to a Red Mantis assassin who wields it. A Red Mantis assassin wielding the mantis blade gains a +2 bonus to the DC of her prayer attack, and may use her red shroud and fading abilities each an additional time per day.
If a single wielder uses the mantis blade to slay nine rightful ruling monarchs, the weapon can be destroyed by a successful sunder maneuver.

猴爪挂坠(Monkey’s Paw)
灵光 微弱惑控;Cl5

这只缩水干瘪的猴爪被一条皮带围绕在脖子上。每天一次,以一个自由动作,猴爪挂坠的穿戴者可以重掷一次攻击检定、技能检定或豁免检定。他必须在结果宣布之前使用此能力。该目标必须接受重骰的结果,即便更差。如果第二次掷骰比第一次差,佩戴者有一种大难临头的感觉,这将导致他被战栗1d4 轮。

制造要求:制造奇物、丧志术、祈祷术;成本 6,000金币

劇透 -   :
Monkey’s Paw
Aura faint enchantment; CL 5th
Slot neck; Price 12,000 gp; Weight —
This tiny, shrunken, mummified monkey hand is worn around the neck on a leather strap. Once per day as a free action, the wearer of a monkey’s paw may reroll one attack roll, skill check, or saving throw. The reroll must be made before the result of the initial die roll is known. The second die roll must be used even if the result is worse than the original roll. If the second die roll is worse than the original, the wearer suffers a sense of impending doom, causing him to be shaken for 1d4 rounds.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, doom, prayer; Cost6,000 gp

七种美德之戒(Ring of Seven Virtues)

灵光中度变化;施法者等级 9

这是一个镶嵌着小珍珠,表面上刻有几何形状的青铜圆环。 戒指的佩戴者在丛林中获得恒定的忍受环境效果,同时进行的生存检定获得+5表现加值。 在萨文斯-雅希中,只要她在一根长矛所在的地区,佩戴者就可以获得七支长矛之一的激活收益。 如果佩戴者离开该矛的区域,则失去该矛的好处,但如果她进入新矛的区域,则会获得新的激活收益。 戒指的佩戴者在任何时候都只能获得一根长矛的好处。


劇透 -   :
Ring of Seven Virtues
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th
Slot ring; Price 10,000 gp; Weight —
This bronze band is covered in geometric shapes and studded with tiny pearls. The wearer of the ring gains a constant endure elements effect and a +5 competence bonus on Survival checks made in jungles. In Saventh-Yhi, the wearer also enjoys the active benefits of one of that city’s seven spears for as long as she is in that spear’s district. The wearer loses the benefits of a particular spear if she leaves that spear’s district, but gains new active benefits if she enters a new spear’s district. The ring’s wearer can only gain the benefits of a single spear at any one time.

Requirements Forge Ring, Self-Sufficient, endure elements;
Cost 5,000 gp

实至名归的的安眠权杖(Rod of Well-Deserved Rest)

灵光强烈惑控和塑能;施法者等级 12
槽位;价格62,000金币;重量5 磅

这是一根打磨抛光好的金质权杖,一端有三个玻璃制成的洋葱状圆顶。 它被视为+1轻型硬头锤。 每天最多 3 次,在战斗中成功击中对方后,佩戴者可以尝试让被击中的目标进入睡眠状态(DC 14 意志豁免免除)。这起到睡眠术 (Sleep)的作用,但目标没有HD限制。 此外,持用者每天可以创造一个不透明的力场来保护自己免受元素伤害,如同一个半径为 5 英尺的避难小屋 (Tiny Hut)法术。 如果持用者带着权杖入睡,8 小时的睡眠就可以提供相当于一整天卧床休息的治疗效果。 醒来后,持有者将享受 1 小时的强大希望 (Good Hope)法术效果。


劇透 -   :
Rod of Well-Deserved Rest
Aura strong enchantment and evocation; CL 12th
Slot none; Price 62,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.

This rod is made of polished gold, and features three blownglass onion domes at one end. It functions as a +1 light mace. Up to three times per day, with a successful hit in combat, the wearer may attempt to put the target of the attack asleep (DC 14 Will save negates). This functions as sleep, but there is no limit to the number of Hit Dice that may be affected. In addition, the wielder may create an opaque sphere of force to protect himself from the elements once per day, as a tiny hut spell with a 5-foot radius. If the wielder goes to sleep with the rod in his possession, 8 hours of sleep provides healing equivalent to a full day of bed rest. Upon waking, the wielder enjoys the benefits of a good hope spell for 1 hour.

狂野之刺(Savage Sting)

灵光强烈预言;施法者等级 12
插槽位;价格38,302金币;重量1 磅

这只由空心苇杆制成的+1寻踪 (Seeking)吹箭被涂成明亮的橙色,并被鲜艳的羽毛所装饰。 每天3次,持用者可以将剧毒附加到吹箭射出的飞镖中,如同法术毒击术 (Poison)一搬运作。


劇透 -   :
Savage Sting
Aura strong divination; CL 12th
Slot none; Price 38,302 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This +1 seeking blowgun is made of a hollowed piece of reed lacquered in vibrant orange hues and decorated with a fetish of brilliantly colored feathers. Up to three times per day, the wielder may envenom a dart fired from the blowgun with a virulent toxin, which functions as the poison spell.

Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, poison, true seeing; Cost 19,302 gp


灵光微弱塑能; 施法者等级 5
槽位 无位置;价格350金币;重量1 磅

这种天然形成的紫色结晶可以被当作射程增量为 20 英尺的投掷武器投掷。 当它击中目标或硬质表面(或受到剧烈的冲击)时,结晶就会破碎,并爆发出一阵声音和光芒。 10 英尺半径范围内的每个生物都被妖火 (Faerie Fire)勾出身形,同时受到 1d8 点声波伤害,并且必须通过 DC 13 的强韧豁免,否则就会被震慑1轮。

制造要求:制造奇物,5级工艺(炼金术),妖火,音鸣爆;成本175 金币

劇透 -   :
Aura faint evocation; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 350 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This naturally occurring, glowing purple crystal can be thrown as a ranged attack with a range increment of 20 feet. When it strikes a target or hard surface (or is struck hard), the crystalshatters in a burst of sound and light. Every creature in a 10-foot-radius spread is outlined in faerie fire, takes 1d8 points of sonic damage, and must make a DC 13 Fortitude save or be stunned for 1 round.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Craft (alchemy) 5 ranks,faerie fire, sound burst; Cost 175 gp

灵光中等防护;施法者等级 10
槽位 价格10,320金币;重量4 磅

这个特殊的的+1锐锋 (Keen)石刃剑 (AA5 ,或长剑)由一块嵌入钢铁的锋利石块制成,这把武器可以在水下使用而不遭受正常的挥砍武器-2减值。


劇透 -   :
Aura moderate abjuration; CL 10th
Slot none; Price 10,320 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
This unusual +1 keen terbutje (Adventurer’s Armory 5, or as a longsword) is made of sharp chunks of quartz embedded along a length of steel. A wavecutter may be used underwater without suffering a slashing weapon’s normal –2 penalty on attack rolls.

Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, freedom of movement, keen edge; Cost 5,320 gp

« 上次编辑: 2022-11-15, 周二 16:53:48 由 yuyi031 »

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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劇透 -   :
猴爪挂坠(Monkey's Paw)已被星云迷蒙大佬于自用自翻资源帖的#242楼中被翻译了。
命运护身符(Charm of Fate) 已被kataaaka翻译(专区就不说了)。
另外,查咯猿人charau-ka 在PFS(1ed)模组译名表中被译为 查拉乌卡猿族   组织   类人猿,鲁萨泽克的手下 。

离线 yuyi031

  • Adventurer
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劇透 -   :
猴爪挂坠(Monkey's Paw)已被星云迷蒙大佬于自用自翻资源帖的#242楼中被翻译了。
命运护身符(Charm of Fate) 已被kataaaka翻译(专区就不说了)。
另外,查咯猿人charau-ka 在PFS(1ed)模组译名表中被译为 查拉乌卡猿族   组织   类人猿,鲁萨泽克的手下 。
