作者 主题: 【Mythic Realms】科塔什 科罕(Kortash Khain)  (阅读 4958 次)

副标题: 除神话法术外的神话能力用特殊颜色标出,方便查阅

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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【Mythic Realms】科塔什 科罕(Kortash Khain)
« 于: 2022-11-10, 周四 10:42:17 »
科塔什 科罕(Kortash Khain)

科塔什 科罕(Kortash Khain)CR 23/MR 6
出自:Mythic Realms pg. 54
男性食尸鬼 卡布里里的牧师 5/术士(狂野血统)5/秘术师 10/圣者 6(Pathfinder RPG Mythic Adventures 32, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 70)
混乱邪恶(CE)  中型不死生物
先攻:+11;感官:60尺黑暗视觉(darkvision),30尺观命术(deathwatch),真知术(true seeing);察觉:+11;


强韧:+25; 反射:+17; 意志:+34;
防御特性:导能抗力+2,触发术,勇者不亡(hard to kill),心灵屏障(mind blank),神话豁免(mythic saving throws);免疫:不死生物特性;


近战:啮咬(bite)+12(1d6+1附加疾病和麻痹),2爪抓(claws)+12(1d4+1附加麻痹),力量法杖(staff of power):+14/+9/+4(1d6+3);
特殊攻击逆转导能(alter channel),血即生命(13次/日),引导负能量15次/日(DC 22, 3d6),死亡之吻(2 轮, 14次/日),疾病(disease),神力澎湃(灵性咒法)(divine surge,inspired spell),冲击魔障(eldritch breach),永恒祝福(1分钟/等级)(enduring blessing,1 minute/level),信念所至(faith’s reach),传承管理者,神话之力(15/日,神力涌动+1d8),麻痹(1d4+1轮,DC 21,精灵免疫此效果),双法合璧;

类法术能力:(CL 22nd)
2次/日——食尸鬼之触(ghoul touch)
1次/日——不死仆从(undead minion,BotD2

已准备牧师法术:(CL 15th;专注+26)

8环——火焰风暴(DC 29)(fire storm)M,心灵屏障(已施放)(mind blank)D,邪恶灵光(unholy aura)
7环——灰飞烟灭×2(DC 29)(destruction)D,强效超魔焰击术×2(empowered flame strike),排斥术(DC 28)(repulsion)
6环——唤起死灵(create undead)D,高等解除魔法(greater dispel magic),重伤术×2(DC 29)(harm)M,疫病风暴(plague storm),回返真言(word of recall)
5环——异界传送(DC 26)(plane shift)M,探知(DC 26)(scrying),杀生术×3(DC 27)(slay living)D,窃取神力(DC 28)(steal power,MA),真知术(已施放)(true seeing)
4环——毁灭灵气(aura of doom),热情祝福(blessing of fervor, APG),驱逐术(DC 25)(dismissal),神能(divine power),弱能术×2(enervation)D, M,行动自如(freedom of movement)
3环——降咒×3(DC 25)(bestow curse),解除魔法(dispel magic),魔化防具(已施放)(magic vestment),祈祷术×2(prayer)M,探寻思想(seek thoughts,APG)D
2环——黑暗术(darkness)M,食尸鬼之触(DC 25)(ghoul touch)D,移除麻痹(remove paralysis),抵抗能量伤害×2(resist energy),沉默术×2(DC 23)(silence)M,灵能武器(spiritual weapon)
1环——通晓语言(comprehend languages)D,神恩(divine favor),熵光护盾(entropic shield),防护善良×3(protection from good),虔诚护盾×2(shield of faith)M
0环(随意)——侦测魔法(detect magic),神导术(guidance),光亮术(light),修复术(mending)

术士已知法术:(CL 15th;专注+25)

7环(5次/日)——死亡一指(DC 29)(finger of death)M,真言术 盲(power word blind),虹光喷射(prismatic spray)M
6环(8次/日)——游荡烈焰(contagious flame,APG),触发术(contingency)M,高等解除魔法(greater dispel magic),亡灵归亡(DC 28)(undeath to death)
5环(8次/日)——寒冰锥(DC 25)(cone of cold),支配人类(DC 25)(dominate person)M,法师密室(mage’s private sanctum),传送术(teleport),疲乏波(waves of fatigue)
4环(8次/日)——操纵死尸(animate dead),降咒(DC 26)(bestow curse),魅惑怪物(DC 24)(charm monster),弱能术(enervation)M,火焰护盾(fire shield)
3环(8次/日)——飞行术(fly),人类定身术(DC 23)(hold person),反善良法阵(magic circle against good),回避侦测(nondetection),吸血鬼之触(vampiric touch)M
2环(9次/日,剩余8次)——命令死灵(DC 23)(command undead),虚假生命(施放1次)(false life),镜影术(mirror image),抵抗能量伤害(resist energy),灼热射线(scorching ray),蛛行术(spider climb)M
1环(9次/日)——寒冷之触(DC 23)(chill touch),脚底抹油(expeditious retreat),羽落术(feather fall),衰弱射线(DC 23)(ray of enfeeblement),无声幻影(DC 21)(silent image),渐隐术(vanish)
0环(随意)——酸液飞溅(acid splash),秘法印记(arcane mark),舞光术(dancing lights),幻音术(DC 20)(ghost sound),法师之手(mage hand),传讯术(message),魔法伎俩(prestidigitation),阅读魔法(read magic),疲劳之触(tough of fatigue)


专长:诅咒重击(Accursed Critical,UM),制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),侍奉恶魔(Demonic Obedience,BotD2),法术强效(Empower Spell),施法免材(Eschew Materials),额外引导(Extra Channel),精通重击(射线)(Improved Critical,ray),神话法术学识(Mythic Spell Lore),法术专攻-死灵(神话)(Spell Focus, necromancy),死圣法术(Thanatopic Spell,UM),健壮(神话)(Toughness),武器专攻(射线)(Weapon Focus,ray);
SQ神奇先攻(amazing initiative),灵光(aura),血统奥秘(死灵系法术+1施法者等级),无界施法(5级),非凡财富(exceptional wealth),食尸鬼典范(+4魅力),神话施法能力(mythic spellcasting),恢复力(recuperation);
战斗装备:征服皇冠(crown of conquest, UE),延时超魔权杖(extend metamagic rod),高等祈祷念珠项链(greater strand of prayer beads),法术反转戒指(ring of spell turning),巧言术卷轴(scroll of tongues),死灵法杖(staff of necromancy),力量法杖(staff of power);
其他装备:+4秘银小圆盾(+4 mithral buckler),+5天生防护护符(amulet of natural armor +5),+6敏捷腰带(belt of incredible dexterity +6),+5抗力披风(cloak of resistance+5),黑颅骨(消除隐形)(darkskull,invisibility purge),观命之眼(deathwatch eyes),+6心灵力量头带(感知、魅力)(headband of mental prowess +6),+5防护戒指(ring of protection+5),价值250 GP的眼药膏(eye ointment,worth 250 GP),价值1,000 GP的金质和白金圣徽(gold and platinum holy symbo,worth 1,000 GP);

特殊能力(Special Abilities)

触发术(Contingencies):科塔什 科罕处于下列的神话触发术(mythic contingencies)效果下:当他受到造成10点及以上伤害的酸、冷、电、火、或音波效果时,触发抵抗能量伤害(resist energy);当他被降至50HP以下或在1整轮中无法行动时,触发传送术(teleport);而当他被一次需要攻击骰的攻击视为目标时,则会同时触发镜影术(mirror image)和神话版虔诚护盾(mythic shield of faith)。

疾病(Disease,Su):食尸鬼热疫(Ghoul Fever):啮咬(Bite)——伤口感染(injury);豁免 强韧 DC 21;发作(onset) 1天;频率 1次/日;效果 1d3体质伤害和1d3敏捷伤害;治愈 2次连续豁免。此豁免DC基于魅力。死于食尸鬼热疫的类人生物将在下一个午夜被转化为食尸鬼;高于 4HD 的类人生物将被转化为妖鬼。

非凡财富(Exceptional Wealth,Ex):科塔什 科罕拥有相当于20级PC的财富,而非NPC的财富,这使他的挑战等级+1。


永饿领主(the Lord of Everglut)科塔什 科罕是恶魔领主卡布里里的高阶祭祀。他作为牧王(Priest-King)统治着奈莫瑞·诺克托瑞亚(Nemret Noktoria),一座食尸鬼居住的白骨塔都市。他的城市座落于奥斯利昂地下深处幽暗之地(Darklands)的塞卡米纳(Sekamina)。卡布里里统治着深渊都市永饿(Everglut),一座满布隧道的由食尸鬼居住的独眼巨人之墓。科塔什 科罕全部的心思就是在活物的世界复制其主人的死都。


甚至连伽伦德(Garund)的巨灵(genies)都没有逃脱牧王(Priest- King)的抓捕小队。许许多多的巨灵被死亡之力所击败并皈依死亡成为高等鬼巨灵(great ghuls),并在科罕的统治下经常担任诸如军头(atamans)、省督(beys)、以及帕夏(pashas)等重要职务。最强大的四个高等鬼巨灵先知被称为四方之柱(Quadrate Pillars),每一位都是一名巨灵的亡灵残骸被扭曲成在死后服侍那与其活着时相反的元素。少数叛变的土巨灵(shaitans)已皈依礼拜了卡布里里,并于城中作为建筑师、工程师、和建筑工人以及服侍着科塔什 科罕。这个被称为黑石兄弟会(Blackstone Brotherhood)的组织在奈莫瑞·诺克托瑞亚(Nemret Noktoria)不仅因其建筑创作而备受推崇,也因其成员的狩猎能力而备受推。他们渗入其巨灵兄弟中,并引诱他们进入埋伏区。

当召唤不死生物或唤起死灵时,科塔什 科罕以及任何信仰卡布里里的牧师或先知,可获得数个独特选项。他们可以向其召唤怪物(summon monster)列表中增添以下生物:
召唤怪物I(Summon Monster I)——炼狱模板人类丧尸(标准丧尸或快速丧尸);
召唤怪物II(Summon Monster II)——炼狱模板食尸鬼、炼狱模板染疫丧尸;
召唤怪物III(Summon Monster III)——炼狱模板妖鬼;
召唤怪物IV(Summon Monster IV)——巨化炼狱模板妖鬼;
召唤怪物V(Summon Monster V)——鬼巨灵;
召唤怪物VI(Summon Monster VI)——炼狱模板鬼巨灵、高等鬼巨灵(great ghuls);
召唤怪物VII(Summon Monster VII)——炼狱模板高等鬼巨灵、炼狱模板土巨灵;
召唤怪物VIII(Summon Monster VIII)——黑神(black jinni);
召唤怪物IX(Summon Monster IX)——炼狱模板黑神;
当使用唤起死灵(create undead)时,一名卡布里里的牧师或先知可以从一名巨灵的尸体上唤起一名鬼巨灵或高等鬼巨灵(最低施法者等级15级),而非唤起一名木乃伊(mummy)。当使用该法术唤起一名食尸鬼、妖鬼、鬼巨灵、或高等鬼巨灵时,一名卡布里里的牧师或先知也可以将炼狱模板(fiendish template)应用于该生物上。这需要施法者将正常材料成分加倍,或者献祭一名活着的类人生物作为施展该法术的额外材料成分。

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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Re: 【Mythic Realms】科塔什 科罕(Kortash Khain)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2022-11-10, 周四 10:45:08 »
劇透 -   :
Kortash Khain
This withered humanoid wears sooty, fire-blackened robes and a headdress of black and gold.

Kortash Khain CR 23/MR 6
Source Mythic Realms pg. 54
XP 819,200
Male ghoul cleric of Kabriri 5/sorcerer (wildblooded) 5/mystic theurge 10/hierophant 6 (Pathfinder RPG Mythic Adventures 32, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 70)
CE Medium undead
Init +11; Senses darkvision 60 ft., deathwatch 30 ft., true seeing; Perception +11
AC 39, touch 22, flat-footed 34 (+5 armor, +5 deflection, +5 Dex, +2 luck, +7 natural, +5 shield)
hp 391 (22 HD; 2d8+5d8+5d6+10d6+308)
Fort +25, Ref +17, Will +34
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2, contingencies, hard to kill, mind blank, mythic saving throws; Immune undead traits
Speed 30 ft.
Melee bite +12 (1d6+1 plus disease and paralysis), 2 claws +12 (1d4+1 plus paralysis), staff of power +14/+9/+4 (1d6+3)
Ranged ray +17 (by spell/19–20)
Special Attacks alter channel, the blood is the lifeUM (13/day), channel negative energy 15/day (DC 22, 3d6), death’s kiss (2 rounds, 14/day), disease, divine surge (inspired spell), eldritch breach, enduring blessing (1 minute/level), faith’s reach, lore keeper, mythic power (15/day, surge +1d8), paralysis (1d4+1 rounds, DC 21, elves are immune to this effect), spell synthesis
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 22nd)
2/day—ghoul touch
1/day—undead minionBOTD2
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 15th; concentration +26)
8th—fire stormM (DC 29), mind blankD (already cast), unholy aura
7th—destructionD (2, DC 29), empowered flame strike (2), repulsion (DC 28)
6th—create undeadD, greater dispel magic, harmM (2, DC 29), plague storm, word of recall
5th—plane shiftM (DC 26), scrying (DC 26), slay livingD (3, DC 27), steal powerMA (DC 28), true seeing (already cast)
4th—aura of doom, blessing of fervorAPG, dismissal (DC 25), divine power, enervationD, M (2), freedom of movement
3rd—bestow curse (3, DC 25), dispel magic, magic vestment (already cast), prayerM (2), seek thoughtsAPG, D
2nd—darknessM, ghoul touchD (DC 25), remove paralysis, resist energy (2), silenceM (2, DC 23), spiritual weapon
1st—comprehend languagesD, divine favor, entropic shield, protection from good (3), shield of faithM (2)
0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, light, mending
D domain spell; Domains Death (Undead subdomainAPG), Knowledge (Thought subdomainAPG); M mythic spell
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 15th; concentration +25)
7th (5/day)—finger of deathM, (DC 29), power word blind, prismatic sprayM
6th (8/day)—contagious flameAPG, contingencyM, greater dispel magic, undeath to death (DC 28)
5th (8/day)—cone of cold (DC 25), dominate personM (DC 25), mage’s private sanctum, teleport, waves of fatigue
4th (8/day)—animate dead, bestow curse (DC 26), charm monster (DC 24), enervationM, fire shield
3rd (8/day)—fly, hold person (DC 23), magic circle against good, nondetection, vampiric touchM
2nd (9/day, 8 remaining)—command undead (DC 23), false life (cast once), mirror image, resist energy, scorching ray, spider climbM
1st (9/day)—chill touch (DC 23), expeditious retreat, feather fall, ray of enfeeblement (DC 23), silent image (DC 21), vanish
0 (at will)—acid splash, arcane mark, dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 20), mage hand, message, prestidigitation, read magic, tough of fatigue
Bloodline undead (sanguineUM); M mythic spell
Str 13, Dex 21, Con —, Int 17, Wis 32, Cha 31
Base Atk +11; CMB +12; CMD 32
Feats Accursed CriticalUM, Craft Wondrous Item, Demonic ObedienceBOTD2, Empower Spell, Eschew Materials, Extra Channel, Improved Critical (ray), Mythic Spell Lore, Spell FocusM (necromancy), Thanatopic SpellUM, ToughnessM, Weapon Focus (ray)
Skills Intimidate +32, Knowledge (arcana, planes, religion) +28, Spellcraft +28, Use Magic Device +24
Languages Common
SQ amazing initiative, aura, bloodline arcana (+1 caster level with necromancy spells), combined spells (5th), exceptional wealth, ghoulish apotheosis (+4 Charisma), mythic spellcasting, recuperation
Combat Gear crown of conquestUE, extend metamagic rod, greater strand of prayer beads, ring of spell turning, scroll of tongues, staff of necromancy, staff of power; Other Gear +4 mithral buckler, amulet of natural armor +5, belt of incredible dexterity +6, cloak of resistance +5, darkskull (invisibility purge), deathwatch eyes, headband of mental prowess +6 (Wis, Cha), ring of protection +5, eye ointment (worth 250 gp), gold and platinum holy symbol (worth 1,000 gp)
Special Abilities
Contingencies Kortash Khain is under the effect of the following mythic contingencies: resist energy when he’s affected by an acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic effect dealing more than 10 points of damage; teleport when he’s brought below 50 hit points or unable to take actions for 1 full round; and both empowered mirror image and mythic shield of faith when he’s targeted with an attack that requires an attack roll.

Disease (Su) Ghoul Fever: Bite—injury; save Fort DC 21; onset 1 day; frequency 1 day; effect 1d3 Con and 1d3 Dex damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Charisma-based. A humanoid who dies of ghoul fever rises as a ghoul at the next midnight; a humanoid with 4 Hit Dice or more rises as a ghast.

Exceptional Wealth (Ex) Kortash Khain has the wealth of a 20th-level PC, rather than an NPC. This increases his CR by 1.
Kortash Khain is the high priest on Golarion of the demon lord Kabriri, the Lord of Everglut. He rules as Priest-King of Nemret Noktoria, a city of bone-white towers where ghouls dwell. His city lies deep in the vaults of Sekamina in the Darklands below Osirion. Kabriri rules over the Abyssal city of Everglut, a cyclopean necropolis inhabited by ghouls and riddled with tunnels. All Kortash Khain’s immortal thought is bent on replicating his master’s dead city within the living world.

Though Khain has sent ambassadors to Thuvia, Osirion, and their neighbors to conduct trade negotiations, thoughts of war, insurrection, and murder are never far from his mind. Much of his wrath has been turned against the nearby inhabitants of the Darklands— his purges have largely depopulated Sekamina in the vicinity of his city. A fortunate few are merely dead and devoured—all of the rest have been absorbed into Khain’s ever-growing ghoul army.

Not even the genies of Garund have escaped the Priest- King’s capture squads. Many have been defeated and converted by the powers of death into great ghuls, often serving in positions of prominence as atamans, beys, and pashas under Khain’s dominion. The most powerful of these are four great ghul oracles called the Quadrate Pillars, each formed from the undead remnant of a genie twisted into serving in death the element that was its opposite in life. A few renegade shaitans have been converted to the worship of Kabriri, and serve Kortash Khain as architects, engineers, and builders in his city. This socalled Blackstone Brotherhood is held in high esteem in Nemret Noktoria not only for its architectural creations but also for its members’ prowess as hunters. They infiltrate their genie brethren and lure them into ambushes.

Kortash Khain and any other clerics or oracles worshiping Kabriri gain several unique options when summoning or creating undead to serve them. They add the following creatures to their summon monster lists: I—fiendish human zombie (standard or fast zombie); II—fiendish ghoul, fiendish plague zombie; III—fiendish ghast; IV—giant fiendish ghast; V—ghul; VI—fiendish ghul, great ghul; VII—fiendish great ghul, fiendish shaitan; VIII—black jinni; IX—fiendish black jinni. When using create undead, a cleric or oracle of Kabriri can create a ghul or great ghul from the corpse of a genie rather than creating a mummy (minimum caster level 15th). When creating a ghoul, ghast, ghul, or great ghul with this spell, a cleric or oracle of Kabriri can also apply the fiendish template to that creature. This requires the caster to double the normal material component cost or sacrifice a living humanoid as an additional material component of casting the spell.

劇透 -   :


离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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Re: 【Mythic Realms】科塔什 科罕(Kortash Khain)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2022-11-10, 周四 10:45:43 »

1、科塔什 科罕(Kortash Khain):内海魔法中科罕之军势(Khain’s Army)这个法术就是它所创。
4、职业:秘术师(mystic theurge):CRB进阶职业。
6、血即生命:术士亡灵血统(Undead)的狂野血统,殷红血统(Sanguine)的血统力量。【速查】:血即生命(The Blood Is the Life, Su):1级时,你可以从新近死亡的尸体中萃取血液。以一个标准动作,你啜饮一个在之前1分钟内死亡生物的鲜血,此生物要具有肉体、体型至少和你相等且必须有血液。此能力恢复1d6点生命,并且如同一顿大餐般滋养你的身体。你能够每天使用此能力次数为“3+魅力修正”。此能力取代墓穴之触。
7、死亡之吻:亡灵子域(Undead Subdomain)的领域力量。【速查】:死亡之吻(Death's Kiss, Su):你的接触可令生物如不死生物般,受负能量治疗正能量伤害。此效果持续轮数为你牧师等级一半(最少1),每天“3+感知修正”次。此能力不会使对像受“驱散亡灵”或“控制亡灵”专长影响。此能力替换死亡领域的流血接触能力。
8、传承管理者:知识领域(Knowledge Domain)的领域力量。【速查】:传承管理者(Lore Keeper, Sp):你可以触摸一个生物以了解它的能力和弱点。通过一个成功的接触攻击,你可以如同进行对应的知识检定且结果等于“15+牧师等级+感知修正”般获得信息。
9、双法合璧:秘术师职业能力。【速查】:双法合璧(Spell Synthesis, Su):10级时,秘术师可以(用同一个动作)同时施展两个法术,分别来自他的两个施法职业。这两个法术的施法时间必须相同。秘术师可以对这两个法术的进行独立的决定。任何同时受到这两个法术影响的目标在对抗这两个法术时豁免上承受-2减值。在对抗法术抗力时,这两个法术的施法者等级视为+2。神术士每天可施展此能力1次。
10、不死仆从(undead minion,BOTD2):卡布里里(Kabriri)颂教者神恩的第二神恩。详见HUZIqq5581611翻译的帖子[BotD]啃食者-卡布里里。
11、侍奉恶魔(Demonic Obedience,BotD2)专长:详见pandora大佬翻译的【BoDV】进阶合集,在进阶职业:恶魔狂信者Demoniac的附录中被翻译了。该专长和后来改版后的魔族仪典(Fiendish Obedience )不是一个专长,另外魔族仪典(Fiendish Obedience )也已被犬良人大佬所翻译。
14、眼药膏(eye ointment,worth 250 gp):真知术材料成分。
16、奈莫瑞·诺克托瑞亚(Nemret Noktoria):幽暗之地的城市。
19、(beys):(土耳其帝国时代的)省督;突尼斯 本地统治者的称号。暂译省督。
21、高等鬼巨灵(great ghuls):详见Dark Markets - A Guide to Katapesh pg. 63,目前暂无翻译。
23、(black jinni):详见Pathfinder #23: The Impossible Eye pg. 82,目前暂无翻译。jinni :(伊斯兰教中的)神灵。这里暂译为黑神。

4、感觉科塔什 科罕的图有种中古战锤的画风。