作者 主题: 【BotD】暗夜女王们(神恩)  (阅读 14615 次)

副标题: 婊子天使集合!四位女王齐活了 魔鬼势力要支棱起来啊

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« 于: 2021-11-25, 周四 22:54:51 »
阿达德·莉莉 Ardad Lili
纯真之末(End of Innocence)
资源Inner Sea Gods pg. 328

分类:暗夜女王(Queens of the Night)
神圣颜色:黑色 绿色




第一神恩:黑暗歌神(Darkest Muse)【SP】
易容术(disguise self) 3次/天, 魅力四射(adoration) 2次/天, 或者疯狂迷恋(reckless infatuation) 1次/天

第二神恩:言不由衷(Promises Insincere)【SP】
就像阿达德·莉莉可以让凡人他们最深处的欲望一般,你可以创造一个自己的幻象来对他人做出虚假的承诺,或者以其他方式愚弄你的敌人,让他们听从你的命令。每天一次,你可以使用类法术投影术(project image)。

第三神恩:心灵爱抚(Soul-Bound Caress)【SP】
就像阿达德·莉莉一般,你的触摸会带来与你所承诺的截然不同的体验。每天一次,你可以使用类法术能力施展缚魂术(soul bind),而无需支付所需的昂贵材料的费用。但你依旧需要触摸目标尸体。

第一神恩 杠杆诡计(Leveraged Wiles)【SP】
无罪术(innocence) 3次/天, 安定心神(calm emotions) 2次/天, 或者缓慢术(slow) 1次/天

第二神恩 堕落纯洁(False Innocence)【SP】
你从这位堕落天使身上学到了很多东西,包括如何利用你的魅力说服傻瓜相信你所希望的一切。当你被指控任何事情时,你可以使用类法术群体暗示(mass suggestion)。你可以使用这个暗示来说服目标,让他们相信你的无辜。而罪责完全在别人身上!或者你可以暗示你的其他言辞都是真实可信的。在你使用这个能力之前,你或你的盟友必须先被指控有罪在身。

第三神恩 随声附和(From the Mouths of Fools)【SP】

第一神恩 私心天平(Selfish Scales)【SP】
强迫凝视(lock gaze) 3次/天, 变色龙诡步(chameleon stride) 2/day, or burst of nettles 1/day

第二神恩 提防叉舌(Beware the Forked Tongue)【SP】
就像阿达德·莉莉在她觉得自己已经受够了一个烦人的凡人时可以放下她天真无邪的伪装一样,你用与她的仇恨和愤怒相似的力量碾碎你的敌人。每天一次,你可以用标准动作释放类法术造成群体致命伤(mass inflict serious wounds)。

第三神恩 叉舌头歌者如是说(So Speaks the Serpent Muse)【SU】

劇透 -   :
Ardad Lili
The End of Innocence
Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 328
Pathfinder Wiki Ardad Lili
Alignment LE
Pantheon Queens of the Night
Areas of Concern Seduction, snakes, women
Domains Charm, Evil, Law, Scalykind
Subdomains Devil (Evil), Devil (Law), Dragon, Love, Lust
* Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait.
Favored Weapon Dagger
Symbol Wings made of snake tails
Sacred Animal(s) Snake
Sacred Color(s) Black, green
Spontaneously compose a song whose lyrics consist of a deliciously profane promise you do not intend to keep. If the promise is to another individual, you must perform the song so that person can hear it, but the intentionally disingenuous promise can instead be one you make to yourself (in which case you need not perform it for another). Gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against sonic effects and effects that deal sonic damage.
Boons - Fiendish Obedience
Source Book of the Damned pg. 22
1: Darkest Muse (Sp) disguise self 3/day, adoration 2/day, or reckless infatuation 1/day
2: Promises Insincere (Sp) Much like Ardad Lili can make mortals see in her presence their fondest desires, you can create an image of yourself to make promises you don’t intend to keep or otherwise fool your enemies into doing your bidding. Once per day, you can cast project image as a spell-like ability.
3: Soul-Bound Caress (Sp) Like that of Ardad Lili, your touch results in a much different experience than you might promise. Once per day, you can cast soul bind as a spell-like ability without paying the cost of the required material component. You must still touch the target corpse, however.
Source Book of the Damned pg. 22
1: Leveraged Wiles (Sp) innocence 3/day, calm emotions 2/day, or slow 1/day
2: False Innocence (Sp) You have learned much from the ways of this fallen angel, including how to leverage your charms to convince fools to believe almost anything you wish. Three times per day when you are accused of anything, you can use mass suggestion as a spell-like ability. You can use this suggestion to persuade targets that you are innocent, that another is guilty, or that any other statement or insinuation is true. You or an ally must first be accused of some offense before you use this ability, however.
3: From the Mouths of Fools (Sp) In the course of exacting pledges of adoration and fealty from the fools you have tricked in your dark goddess’s name, you have amassed memories of begging, wheedling, and other pathetic pleas for your favor. Far from letting this energy go to waste, you can periodically release it in a mighty cacophonous scream. Once per day, you can cast wail of the banshee as a spell-like ability.
Source Book of the Damned pg. 22
1: Selfish Scales (Sp) lock gaze 3/day, chameleon stride 2/day, or burst of nettles 1/day
2: Beware the Forked Tongue (Sp) Just like the Serpent Muse can drop her pretense of innocence when she decides she’s had enough of an annoying mortal, you can lash out at your enemies with all the force of Ardad Lili’s hatred and wrath. Once per day as a standard action, you can cast mass inflict serious wounds as a spell-like ability.
3: So Speaks the Serpent Muse (Su) When the fury of Ardad Lili is bared, it is an unholy and terrifying sight, and so is it when you display your full might to your foes. Once per day as a standard action, you can speak a profane prayer to your goddess. When you do, each enemy within 60 feet must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + half your Hit Dice + your Wisdom modifier) or its skin partially turns to scales. This painful process deals 1d6 points of damage for every 2 Hit Dice you have, and the target is subject to the effects of a slow spell for a number of rounds equal to your Hit Dice. On a successful saving throw, a target takes only half the damage and negates the slow effect. Creatures need not hear you to be affected, but you must be able to speak to use this ability. This is a polymorph effect.
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Re: 【BotD】暗夜女王们(神恩)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2021-11-26, 周五 11:29:53 »
玛汉沙拉 Mahathallah
虚幻遗孀(Dowager of Illusions)
资源Pathfinder #99: Dance of the Damned pg. 74

分类:暗夜女王(Queens of the Night)
神圣颜色:金色 象牙色



资源Pathfinder #99: Dance of the Damned pg. 75

第一神恩:雾中低语(Voice from the Mist)【SP】
腹语术(ventriloquism) 3次/天, 催眠图文(hypnotic pattern) 2次/天, 或者强效幻影(major image) 1次/天

第二神恩:持久幻象(Persistent Illusions)【SU】

第三神恩:间接注射(Indirect Dose)【SU】
你可以在武器上使用通过伤口生效的药物(drugs of the injury type),将它们作为毒药一般使用。此外,当你在武器上使用毒药或药物时,你不会意外中毒。但当你使用中毒武器攻击时投掷出了天然1,你仍然会被毒药或药物影响。

第一神恩 心灵迷雾(Mists of the Mind)【SP】
无声幻影(silent image) 3次/天, 隐形术(invisibility) 2次/天, 或者制造药物(create drug) 1次/天

制造药物 Create Drug
资源Book of the Damned pg. 183
法术成分:V S
法术距离:0 ft.
施法者创造出下列药物之一:乙醚aether, 法利夫flayleaf, 鸦片opium, 佩什pesh, 洗涤剂scour, shiver, 或者zerk(确实不知道咋翻译)。(根据GM的决定,其他类似效果的药物也可以列入此列表。)施法者使用此法术所产生的药物剂量必须在施法后1分钟内使用,否则它们会溶解成毫无价值的灰尘或蒸发成有毒但无法收集的蒸汽。如果你在创在出的药物小时之前使用它们,它们所能造成个效果可以比一分钟更久。

阿德顿 Adyton
资源Book of the Damned pg. 183
强韧豁免:DC 20

第二神恩 宙域呼吸(Breathe in the Cosmos)【SU】

第三神恩 呼出死亡(Breathe Out Death)【SU】

第一神恩 迷雾神使(Dervish in the Mist )【SP】
易容术(disguise self) 3次/天, 朦胧术(blur) 2次/天, 或者移位术(displacement) 1次/天

第二神恩 决定论(Inescapable Fate)【SU】

第三神恩 奥卡姆剃刀(Cut to the Truth)【SU】


第一神恩:雾中低语(Voice from the Mist)【SP】
腹语术(ventriloquism) 3次/天, 催眠图文(hypnotic pattern) 2次/天, 或者强效幻影(major image) 1次/天

第二神恩:持久幻象(Persistent Illusions)【SU】
在经历了虚幻遗孀女士的药物仪式(drug-fueled rituals)后,你无法忘却那些神妙的幻觉。因此你尤其擅长在幻觉之中注入你曾有过的真实感受而使得幻象更加的真实。每当你施放一个持续时间为专注(加上任意轮数)的幻觉法术时,你可以将法术的时间延长等于你生命骰的轮数。

第三神恩:间接注射(Indirect Dose)【SU】
你可以在武器上使用通过伤口生效的药物(drugs of the injury type),将它们作为毒药一般使用,若你这样做,药物的豁免DC将会增加2。此外,当你在武器上使用毒药或药物时,你不会意外中毒。但当你使用中毒武器攻击时投掷出了天然1,你仍然会被毒药或药物影响。

第一神恩 心灵迷雾(Mists of the Mind)【SP】
无声幻影(silent image) 3次/天, 隐形术(invisibility) 2次/天, 或者制造药物(create drug) 1次/天

第二神恩 宙域呼吸(Breathe in the Cosmos)【SU】

第三神恩 呼出死亡(Breathe Out Death)【SU】

第一神恩 迷雾神使(Dervish in the Mist )【SP】
易容术(disguise self) 3次/天, 朦胧术(blur) 2次/天, 或者移位术(displacement) 1次/天

第二神恩 决定论(Inescapable Fate)【SU】

第三神恩 奥卡姆剃刀(Cut to the Truth)【SU】

资源Pathfinder #99: Dance of the Damned pg. 74
将幻音术(Ghost Sound)添加到0环法术列表中
将易容术(Disguise Self)添加到1环法术列表中
将弱效幻影(Minor Image)添加到2环法术列表中
将强效幻影(Major Image)添加到3环法术列表中

资源Pathfinder #99: Dance of the Damned pg. 75
召唤怪物VIII:Cabal Devil
劇透 -   :
Dowager of Illusions
Source Pathfinder #99: Dance of the Damned pg. 74
Pathfinder Wiki Mahathallah
Alignment LE
Pantheon Queens of the Night
Areas of Concern Death, fate, vanity
Domains Death, Evil, Law, Trickery
Subdomains Deception, Devil (Evil), Devil (Law), Thievery, Undead
* Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait.
Favored Weapon Net
Symbol Bejeweled skeletal hand
Sacred Animal(s) Dragonfly
Sacred Color(s) Gold, ivory
Spend an hour in deep meditation, reflecting on the nature of the cosmos and your exceptional place above all others in the multiversal scheme—preferably while under the effects of a perception-altering drug. The DC of all illusion spells you cast increases by +2 and you gain a +2 profane bonus on saving throws to resist mind-affecting effects.
Boons - Deific Obedience
Source Pathfinder #99: Dance of the Damned pg. 75
1: Voice from the Mist (Sp) ventriloquism 3/day, hypnotic pattern 2/day, or major image 1/day
2: Persistent Illusions (Su) Whenever you cast an illusion spell with a duration of concentration (plus any number of rounds), add half your level to the duration.
3: Indirect Dose (Su) You can apply drugs of the injury type to a weapon as if they were poison. Additionally, you can’t accidentally expose yourself to a poison or a drug when applying it to a weapon—though you are still exposed if you roll a 1 when attacking with a poisoned weapon.
Source Pathfinder #99: Dance of the Damned pg. 75
1: Mists of the Mind (Sp) silent image 3/day, invisibility 2/day, or create drug 1/day
2: Breathe in the Cosmos (Su) Upon ingesting a drug—including those conjured by the create drug spell—you heal an amount of damage determined by the severity of that drug’s base addictiveness: 1d6 for minor, 2d6 for moderated, 3d6 for major. Additionally, when taking the drug adyton, you automatically succeed at the Will save.
3: Breathe Out Death (Su) You know the secrets of controlling the flow of blood and toxins in your body. You gain a +4 saving throw against poison and can no longer become addicted to drugs. Additionally, you gain a +4 bonus on rolls to become stable when reduced to negative hit points. Finally, your life span is supernaturally lengthened, with each aging step (middle age, old, venerable) being postponed by a number of years equal to double your Wisdom score.
Source Pathfinder #99: Dance of the Damned pg. 75
1: Dervish in the Mist (Sp) disguise self 3/day, blur 2/day, or displacement 1/day
2: Inescapable Fate (Su) When you wear armor not made of metal, its maximum Dexterity bonus increases by 2. This applies to armors normally made out of metal, but crafted from different materials like bone or obsidian (see Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment). Additionally, the DC for entangled creatures to escape a net you wield increases by 1 for every 4 Hit Dice you possess.
3: Cut to the Truth (Su) Whenever you attack a target and have to roll a percent mischance as a result of effects such as concealment, blur, or similar effects, reduce that percent miss chance by 10%. Additionally, when taking the drug adyton, you automatically succeed at the Will save.
Boons - Fiendish Obedience
Source Book of the Damned pg. 68
1: Voice from the Mist (Sp) ventriloquism 3/day, hypnotic pattern 2/day, or major image 1/day
2: Persistent Illusions (Su) You have experienced incredibly realistic visions and memorable hallucinations as a result of drug-fueled rituals to the Dowager of Illusions, and as such you are particularly gifted at infusing your own illusions with a veneer of reality and believability that helps your unreal creations to persist. Whenever you cast an illusion spell with a duration of concentration (plus any number of rounds), add your level to the additional spell duration.
3: Indirect Dose (Su) You can apply drugs of the injury type to a weapon as if they were poison. When you do so, the save DC for the drug increases by 2. Additionally, you can’t accidentally expose yourself to a poison or a drug when applying it to a weapon—though you are still exposed if you roll a 1 when attacking with a poisoned weapon.
Source Book of the Damned pg. 68
1: Mists of the Mind (Sp) silent image 3/day, invisibility 2/day, or create drug 1/day
2: Breathe In the Cosmos (Su) Upon ingesting a drug— including those conjured by the create drug spell—you heal an amount of damage determined by the severity of that drug’s base addictiveness: 2d6 hit points for minor, 4d6 hit points for moderate, and 6d6 hit points for major. Additionally, when taking the drug adyton, you automatically succeed at the Will save.
3: Breathe Out Death (Su) You know the secrets of controlling the flow of blood and toxins in your body. You gain a +4 saving throw against poison and can no longer become addicted to drugs. Additionally, you gain a +4 bonus on rolls to become stable when reduced to negative hit points. Finally, your life span is supernaturally lengthened; each aging step (middle age, old, venerable) is postponed by a number of years equal to twice your Wisdom score.
Source Book of the Damned pg. 68
1: Dervish in the Mist (Sp) disguise self 3/day, blur 2/day, or displacement 1/day
2: Inescapable Fate (Su) Just as Mahathallah eschews cumbersome armor, you prefer to serve your mistress in flowing robes and shimmering veils. When you wear armor not made of metal, its maximum Dexterity bonus increases by 2. This applies to armors normally made out of metal but crafted from different materials such as bone or obsidian. Additionally, the DC for entangled creatures to escape a net you wield increases by 1 for every 4 Hit Dice you have.
3: Cut to the Truth (Su) Whenever you attack a target and have to roll a percent miss chance as a result of effects such as blur or concealment, reduce that percent miss chance by 20%. If this reduces the miss chance to 0%, the creature no longer counts as having concealment against you at all. Additionally, when taking the drug adyton, you automatically succeed at the Will save.
For Followers of Mahathallah
Create Drug
Unique Spell Rules
Source Pathfinder #99: Dance of the Damned pg. 74
Ghost Sound can be prepared as a 0-level spell
Prestidigitation can be prepared as a 0-level spell
Disguise Self can be prepared as a 1st-level spell
Minor Image can be prepared as a 2nd-level spell
Major Image can be prepared as a 3rd-level spell
Unique Summon Rules
Source Pathfinder #99: Dance of the Damned pg. 75
Summon Monster III: Forlarren
Summon Monster V: Achaierai
Summon Monster VIII: Cabal Devil
« 上次编辑: 2021-11-27, 周六 12:37:26 由 Cyclop »
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Re: 【BotD】暗夜女王们(神恩)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2021-11-26, 周五 12:41:42 »
多洛蕾丝 Doloras
我们的痛苦女士(Our Lady of Pain)
资源Inner Sea Gods pg. 328

标志:泪痕(Halo of tears)
神圣颜色:灰色 红色


拿取一个小小的人偶,缓缓将针、匕首或其他锋利物品插入它的关节。在整个过程中,冷漠地叙述你正在做的事情,详细说明你如给想象中的人形带来最极致的痛苦。在每完成一次折磨和叙述后,你需要向多洛蕾丝展现你将这种痛苦奉献给她的努力。在对抗疼痛效果(pain effects)和对抗可能导致恶心的效果的豁免闪过得+4亵渎加值。

资源Book of the Damned pg. 46

第一神恩:冰冷逻辑(Caina’s Cold Logic)【SP】
行动禁制(forbid action) 3次/天, 枭之睿智(owl’s wisdom) 2次/天, 或者解除魔法(dispel magic) 1次/天

第二神恩:超物邪念(Unholy Mind over Matter)【SP】

第三神恩:超然物外(Leave This Petty Existence)【SP】

第一神恩 热情消退(Excise Fervor)【SP】
恶心射线(ray of sickening) 3次/天, 安定心神(calm emotions)2次/天, 或者回避侦测(nondetection) 1次/天

第二神恩 情外超能(Power over Passion)【SU】

第三神恩 无情空洞(Emotionless Void)

第一神恩 为痛苦女士献上痛苦(Suffer for Our Lady)【SP】
拷问(interrogation) 3次/天, 痛苦刑具(instrument of agony) 2次/天, 或者造成重伤(inflict serious wounds) 1次/天

第二神恩 折磨者(Bringer of Pain)【SP】

第三神恩 天使虐待狂(Hell’s Sadistic Angel)【SP】
多洛蕾丝深谙带给灵魂带来痛苦的方法,不论这个灵魂是多么睿智或强壮,而你也仔细研究过折磨的技巧。每天一次,你可以用标准动作在距离你100英尺范围的半径为30英尺的区域内呼唤多洛蕾丝的邪恶力量-----来自地狱的牢固锁链会锁住你的敌人的脚,将他们在你生命骰的轮数内锁死在原地。受影响的生物无法伤害这些地狱锁链,也不能利用法术逃离它们(Affected creatures cannot damage the hellish chains nor magically escape them);如果他们试图使用传送法术或类似的能力来逃脱(circumvent)锁链,法术或能力自动失败且被浪费。当敌人被地狱锁链锁住时,他们每轮都会因为刺入身体的地狱锁链而受到2d6点穿刺伤害和4d6点火焰伤害(生物在受到此能力影响后立即开始受到伤害)。若生物成功地通过了反射豁免(前文未提到豁免,也未给出豁免DC)只会在原地停留一半的时间,且只会受到一次伤害。
劇透 -   :
Our Lady of Pain
Source Inner Sea Gods pg. 328
Pathfinder Wiki Doloras
Alignment LE
Pantheon Queens of the Night
Areas of Concern Detachment, dispassion, pain
Domains Destruction, Evil, Law, Repose
Subdomains Catastrophe, Devil (Evil), Devil (Law), Rage, Souls
* Requires the Acolyte of Apocrypha trait.
Favored Weapon Kukri
Symbol Halo of tears
Sacred Animal(s) Panther
Sacred Color(s) Gray, red
Take a small, humanoid-shaped doll and slowly insert needles, small daggers, or other sharp implements into its pressure points. Throughout the process, dispassionately narrate what you’re doing, detailing the steps you take to maximize the physical pain you’re symbolically causing. After each step, repeat a mantra dedicating your efforts to Our Lady in Pain. Gain a +4 profane bonus on saving throws to resist pain effects and effects that would cause the nauseated condition.
Boons - Fiendish Obedience
Source Book of the Damned pg. 46
1: Caina’s Cold Logic (Sp) forbid action 3/day, owl’s wisdom 2/day, or dispel magic 1/day
2: Unholy Mind over Matter (Sp) Doloras’s profane teachings have shown you that the only way to true power is to have a clear mind unpolluted with petty emotions or attachments. You have made an art of using Doloras’s unholy power to inure creatures against the weaknesses emotions cause. Once per day, you can cast sequester as a spell-like ability.
3: Leave This Petty Existence (Sp) Like Our Lady in Pain, you know that the emotions and love of others, especially family members, are foolish distractions that only make you vulnerable to your enemies. Thus, you have become adept at transcending your pathetic feelings and can briefly enter new states of existence along with anyone smart enough to ally with you. Once per day, you can cast etherealness as a spell-like ability, using your Hit Dice as your caster level.
Source Book of the Damned pg. 46
1: Excise Fervor (Sp) ray of sickening 3/day, calm emotions 2/day, or nondetection 1/day
2: Power over Passion (Su) Like Doloras torturing the souls of the damned in Caina, you know that the passions of your enemies only give you more fodder with which to torment them. Once per day, when one or more creatures within 60 feet of you is under an emotion or mind-affecting effect, as a standard action you can speak a profane prayer to Our Lady in Pain. When you do, the creature or creatures must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + half your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier) or be paralyzed for 1 round and then staggered for a number of rounds equal to your Hit Dice. A successful saving throw negates this effect. When this ability targets multiple creatures, you can choose to exclude one or more of them. Once a creature has been targeted by this ability (whether or not it succeeded at its saving throw), that creature cannot again be the target of power over passion for 24 hours. This is a mind-affecting emotion effect.
3: Emotionless Void (Sp) Adherence to the ways of Our Lady in Pain has taught you how to siphon desires, dreams, fears, and hopes out of your enemies, until the void of dispassion steals the very breath from their lungs. Once per day, you can cast mass suffocation as a spell-like ability.
Source Book of the Damned pg. 46
1: Suffer for Our Lady (Sp) interrogation 3/day, instrument of agony 2/day, or inflict serious wounds 1/day
2: Bringer of Pain (Sp) Like Our Lady in Pain, who is deaf to the screams of agony from the souls that she and her minions perpetually torture in her unholy realm, you have perfected the art of visiting pain upon your enemies, and you delight in drawing forth their tormented cries. Three times per day, you can cast harm as a spell-like ability.
3: Hell’s Sadistic Angel (Sp) Doloras is well versed in ways to cause unholy pain to even the strongest and most resourceful souls, and you have painstakingly studied her torturer’s techniques. Once per day as a standard action, you can call down your evil goddess’s dispassionate, unholy might upon all enemies in a 30-foot radius centered anywhere within 100 feet of you. When you do, otherworldly chains forged in the infernal morass of Hell itself latch on to your enemies’ feet, rooting them in place for a number of rounds equal to your Hit Dice. Affected creatures cannot damage the hellish chains nor magically escape them; if they attempt to use teleportation magic or a similar ability to circumvent the chains, the spell or ability fails and is wasted. While they are rooted, affected creatures take 2d6 points of piercing damage and 4d6 points of fire damage per round as blazing, hellish needles stab into the exposed portions of their bodies (affected creatures begin taking damage as soon as they are under this ability’s effects). A creature that succeeds at a Reflex saving throw is only held in place for half the number of rounds and takes the listed damage only once.
« 上次编辑: 2021-11-26, 周五 13:57:34 由 Cyclop »
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Re: 【BotD】暗夜女王们(神恩)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2021-11-26, 周五 14:30:31 »
艾希斯 Eiseth
欲魔女王(The Erinyes Queen)
资源Inner Sea Gods pg. 328

标志:有角长弓(Horned longbow)
神圣颜色:黑色 橘色

(“复仇天使艾希斯,参上!” :em001


资源Book of the Damned pg. 48

第一神恩:黑暗的复仇之翼(Dark Wings of Vengeance)【SP】
谋杀指令(murderous command) 3次/天, 死亡丧钟(death knell) 2次/天, 或者痛苦异变(excruciating deformation) 1次/天

第二神恩:欲魔军团(Erinyes Legion)【SU】

第三神恩:堕落天使再临(Fallen Angel’s Return)【SP】

第一神恩 603年的愤怒(603 Years of Wrath)【SP】
刺耳尖啸(ear-piercing scream) 3次/天, 獾之凶暴(badger’s ferocity) 2次/天, 或者火球术(fireball) 1次/天

第二神恩 复仇风暴(Descent of Hell’s Valkyrie)【SP】
艾希斯那拍打着的翅膀扇起了强大而亵渎的能量,而你知道如何利用这种力量在战斗中帮助自己。每天一次,你可以使用类法术冲搅之风(scouring winds)。风暴带来的不是沙子,而是炽热的火山余烬,它造成火焰伤害而非刺穿伤害。

第三神恩 怒火倾袭(The Furies Unleashed)【SP】

第一神恩 黑暗圣战(Dark Battle Rising)【SP】
克敌机先(true strike) 3次/天, 火焰刀(flame blade) 2次/天, 或者力场钩链(force hook charge) 1次/天

第二神恩 烬翼之剑(Swords of the Ash Wings)【SU】

第三神恩 黑暗女王之进击(The Dark Queen Marches)【SP】
艾希斯的愤怒凡人无法承受。你仔细研究了欲魔女王的战术,你通过仿你女王的战术来为她带来黑暗荣耀。每天一次,你可以用标准动作释放类法术驭雷而行(ride the lightning)。不过你所驾驭的并非闪电,而是炽热的熔岩,本能力会造成火焰伤害而非闪电伤害。
« 上次编辑: 2021-11-27, 周六 12:38:17 由 Cyclop »
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Re: 【BotD】暗夜女王们(神恩)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2021-11-27, 周六 10:27:29 »
阿达德·莉莉(Ardad Lili)玛汉沙拉(Mahathallah)艾希斯(Eiseth)名字。。。改一下会比较好哦,之前已经有人出过名字的(躺)

四位暗夜女王在地狱深坑(Pit)中持有强大的力量。阿达德·莉莉(Ardad Lili)是个阴谋家和幕后操纵者,有征服天堂的野心。多洛蕾丝(Doloras)以折磨为乐。冷漠的玛汉沙拉(Mahathallah)注视着命运和死亡。而她们中最强大的是艾希斯(Eiseth),她正在迪斯(Dis)集结军队,希望能夺取玛尔伯格(Malebolge)的铁王座。

活用 site:goddessfantasy.net 避免各种撞车事故

顺带Unholy Symbol一般是翻译邪徽,对应Holy Symbol的圣徽
« 上次编辑: 2021-11-27, 周六 10:48:02 由 雾音 »
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Re: 【BotD】暗夜女王们(神恩)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2021-11-27, 周六 12:41:05 »
阿达德·莉莉(Ardad Lili)玛汉沙拉(Mahathallah)艾希斯(Eiseth)名字。。。改一下会比较好哦,之前已经有人出过名字的(躺)

四位暗夜女王在地狱深坑(Pit)中持有强大的力量。阿达德·莉莉(Ardad Lili)是个阴谋家和幕后操纵者,有征服天堂的野心。多洛蕾丝(Doloras)以折磨为乐。冷漠的玛汉沙拉(Mahathallah)注视着命运和死亡。而她们中最强大的是艾希斯(Eiseth),她正在迪斯(Dis)集结军队,希望能夺取玛尔伯格(Malebolge)的铁王座。

活用 site:goddessfantasy.net 避免各种撞车事故

顺带Unholy Symbol一般是翻译邪徽,对应Holy Symbol的圣徽
吼吼已改 感谢指正XD
看了一下帖子 还想请大大确定一下Hellfire的译名究竟是地狱火还是地狱烈焰?在魔鬼大师的翻译中hellfire被翻译为了地狱烈焰这样XD
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Re: 【BotD】暗夜女王们(神恩)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2021-11-27, 周六 14:09:06 »
阿达德·莉莉(Ardad Lili)玛汉沙拉(Mahathallah)艾希斯(Eiseth)名字。。。改一下会比较好哦,之前已经有人出过名字的(躺)

四位暗夜女王在地狱深坑(Pit)中持有强大的力量。阿达德·莉莉(Ardad Lili)是个阴谋家和幕后操纵者,有征服天堂的野心。多洛蕾丝(Doloras)以折磨为乐。冷漠的玛汉沙拉(Mahathallah)注视着命运和死亡。而她们中最强大的是艾希斯(Eiseth),她正在迪斯(Dis)集结军队,希望能夺取玛尔伯格(Malebolge)的铁王座。

活用 site:goddessfantasy.net 避免各种撞车事故

顺带Unholy Symbol一般是翻译邪徽,对应Holy Symbol的圣徽
吼吼已改 感谢指正XD
看了一下帖子 还想请大大确定一下Hellfire的译名究竟是地狱火还是地狱烈焰?在魔鬼大师的翻译中hellfire被翻译为了地狱烈焰这样XD

Even the smallest person can change the course of the future

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Re: 【BotD】暗夜女王们(神恩)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2021-11-27, 周六 19:31:04 »
阿达德·莉莉 Ardad Lili
第二神恩  False是虚假的意思没有堕落的意思;每日三次
第三神恩 在你以纯真之末的名义欺骗愚人换取倾慕与忠诚的过程中,你的记忆中有太多人乞求过你,对你甜言蜜语,或是献上卑微的恳求。绝不能让这些能量被白白浪费,你可以定期以刺耳的尖叫声将其宣泄出来每天一次,你可以用类法术能力施放女妖之嚎(banshee)。 有漏翻
第一神恩 爆射荨麻 (Burst of Nettles)
第二神恩 没有“相似的”
第三神恩 Serpent是蛇,参考阿达德·莉莉喜爱谎言可以翻毒蛇缪斯(大概)不过蛇也是叉舌头。。好像也没差(躺);profane是亵渎的而不是虔诚的;敌人必须成功地进行成功地强韧豁免(DC=10+你一半生命骰+你的感知调整值),否则皮肤部分将会转变为鳞片 有点拗口 可以用“若未能通过强韧豁免(DC。。。。)则。。。”;这个痛苦的过程将会造成每2个生命骰造成1d6点伤害 重复了两次造成 “每拥有2个HD会造成1d6伤害”


多洛蕾丝 Doloras(我习惯按字母顺序不要理我。。。)
第一神恩 Caina   凯恩纳  地狱第八层
第二神恩 power应该翻为力量,结合下文的小介绍多洛蕾丝并不热衷权力或统治
第三神恩 能与那些聪明到与你结盟的人 “那些能与你结伴的聪明人”会更通顺
第三神恩 情感带来的能量。。。。没有这几个词吧。。“从你的敌人身上抽取欲望、梦想、恐惧和希望,最后冷漠的虚空将抽走他们肺里最后一丝空气”

艾希斯 Eiseth
第三神恩 Hell’s Valkyrie,不是复仇女王应该是地狱女武神  valkyrie瓦尔基里,北欧神话的女武神,当然直译瓦尔基里也可以
第二神恩 艾希斯那拍打着的翅膀扇起了强大而亵渎的能量 “当燃起邪恶怒火艾希斯拍动其有力的双翅时,所有人都当留心—。。。”
第三神恩 艾希斯的愤怒凡人无法承受 “当艾希斯将无尽的怒火集中在一个目标上时,她将爆发出无与伦比的伟力” 没有说目标只是凡人

玛汉沙拉 Mahathallah
邪徽 戴着宝石的骷髅手 或 被诸多神秘符文包围的大眼 可能看的原文没写,P子日常偷懒(摘自PF WIKI Bejeweled skeletal hand and Eye surrounded by occult sigils)
第二神恩 如同玛汉沙拉天性不喜笨重的盔甲,你更喜欢身着飘逸的长袍和闪亮的面纱以侍奉你的女主人。(这一段描述性文字应该漏了);但由非金属材料制成的盔甲如骨头或黑曜石
奥卡姆剃刀定律 这个原理称为“如无必要,勿增实体”,即“简单有效原理”。正如他在《箴言书注》2卷15题说“切勿浪费较多东西去做,用较少的东西,同样可以做好的事情。(长知识了)
第三神恩 朦胧;有概率丢失的效果 这个通称失手率(miss chance)

« 上次编辑: 2021-11-28, 周日 15:00:37 由 雾音 »
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future