
譯文資料區 => Pathfinder RPG => Pathfinder => 资料统整 => 主题作者是: 璀璨星炬 于 2020-07-12, 周日 12:09:55

主题: [Bestiary4]木乃伊化生物; [Pathfinder#81](pg. 84)木乃伊化动物;(pg. 71)变体木乃伊
作者: 璀璨星炬2020-07-12, 周日 12:09:55

木乃伊化生物(Mummified Creature)模板 出处:Bestiary 4 pg. 196

木乃伊化动物(Mummified Animal)模板   出处:Pathfinder #81: Shifting Sands pg. 84

变体木乃伊(Variant Mummy)                       出处:Pathfinder #81: Shifting Sands pg. 71
主题: Re: [Bestiary4]木乃伊化生物;[Pathfinder#81pg. 84]木乃伊化动物;[Pathfinder#81 pg. 71]变体木乃伊
作者: 璀璨星炬2020-07-12, 周日 12:17:36

d10       元素

1            电
2-3         酸
4-7         火
8-9         冷
10         音波
作为防止其叛乱的安全措施,在其制作仪式中,木乃伊化生物的身上一个不显眼的地方会被巧妙地标上一个象形文字,以辨识它的弱点能量。要找到标记需要一个成功的DC20感知鉴定,但要破译该象形文字的含义仍需要成功的DC 25语言鉴定。
攻击:木乃伊化的过程将生物的骨骼硬化到了类似石头的程度。给予了基底生物一个强大的挥击攻击(如果它没有其他的天生武器)。这个挥击的伤害基于木乃伊化生物的体型(Bestiary 302),在计算对应的伤害时将生物的体型视为比它原本的大一级(译者注:和丧尸一样的算法)

精通天生武器攻击  出处:B1,效果:天生武器攻击伤害投骰增加一级


Creating a Mummified Creature
“Mummified creature” is an acquired template that can be added to any living corporeal creature (hereafter referred to as the base creature). A mummified creature uses all of the base creature’s statistics except as noted here.

CR: Same as the base creature +1.
Alignment: Any evil.
Type: The creature’s type changes to undead (augmented). It retains any other subtypes as well, except for alignment subtypes and subtypes that indicate kind. Do not recalculate class HD, BAB, saves, or skill points.
Senses: A mummified creature gains darkvision 60 feet.
Aura: A mummified creature gains a frightful presence aura with a range of 30 feet and a duration of 1d6 rounds.
Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +4.
Hit Dice: Change all racial Hit Dice to d8s. Class Hit Dice are unaffected. As an undead, a mummified creature uses its Charisma modifier to determine bonus hit points (instead of Constitution).
Defensive Abilities: A mummified creature gains DR 5/— and the defensive abilities granted by the undead type.
Weaknesses: The mummification process leaves a mummified creature vulnerable to a single energy type. Choose or determine randomly from the following list.
d10   Energy
1   Electricity
2–3   Acid
4–7   Fire
8–9   Cold
10   Sonic

As a fail-safe in case of rebellion, a mummified creature is subtly marked during the ritual process with a hieroglyph someplace inconspicuous on its body or wrappings that identifies the particular energy type to which it is vulnerable. A successful DC 20 Perception check is needed to find the mark, but a successful DC 25 Linguistics check is still required to decipher the hieroglyph’s meaning.
Speed: Decrease all speeds by 10 feet (to a minimum of 5 feet). If the base creature has a flight speed, its maneuverability changes to clumsy.
Attacks: The mummification process hardens the mummified creature’s bones to a stone-like density, granting the mummif ied creature a powerful slam attack if the base creature has no other natural attacks. This slam attack deals damage based on the mummified creature’s size (Bestiary 302), treating the creature as if it were one size category larger.
Special Attacks: A mummified creature gains the following special attacks.

Burst of Vengeance (Su): Despite its slow, lumbering nature, a mummified creature is capable of lurching forward to attack with a short but surprising explosion of speed. Twice per day as a swift action, a mummified creature may act as if affected by a haste spell for 1 round.

Dust Stroke (Su): A creature killed by a mummified creature’s natural attack or slam attack is disintegrated into a cloud of dust and ash, completely destroying the victim’s body (as disintegrate).

Abilities: Str +4, Int –2 (minimum 1). As an undead creature, a mummified creature has no Constitution score.
Feats: A mummified creature gains Toughness as a bonus feat, and Improved Natural Attack as a bonus feat for each of the base creature’s natural attacks.
Skills: A mummified creature gains a +4 racial bonus on Stealth checks.
主题: Re: [Bestiary4]木乃伊化生物;[Pathfinder#81pg. 84]木乃伊化动物;[Pathfinder#81 pg. 71]变体木乃伊
作者: 璀璨星炬2020-07-12, 周日 12:17:53

防御能力:木乃伊化动物获得基于它HD的伤害减免(DR): HD为5或更小的获得DR2/--;HD为6-10的获得DR5/--;HD为11或更多的获得DR10/--。
特殊攻击:木乃伊化动物保留全部特殊攻击,除了那些依赖活体来起作用的,例如蛇的毒液和臭鼬的臭液(revolting musk)。木乃伊化动物还获得以下特殊攻击。

Creating a Mummified Animal
“Mummified animal” is an acquired template that can be added to a creature of the animal type. A mummified animal uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Challenge Rating: HD 4 or fewer, as base creature; HD 5 to 10, as base creature +1; HD 11 or more, as base creature +2.

Alignment: Neutral evil.

Type: The creature’s type changes to undead. Do not recalculate BAB, saves, or skills.

Senses: A mummified animal gains darkvision 60 ft.

Defensive Abilities: A mummified animal gains damage reduction based on its Hit Dice: one with 5 or fewer Hit Dice gains DR 2/—, one with 6–10 Hit Dice gains DR 5/—, and one with 11–20 Hit Dice gains DR 10/—.

Speed: Winged mummified animals can still fly, but their maneuverability drops to clumsy. Retain all other movement types.

Special Attacks: A mummified animal retains all special attacks except those dependent on a living body to function, such as a snake’s poison or a skunk’s revolting musk. A mummified animal also gains the following special attack.
  Servant’s Curse (Su): Once per day, a mummified animal can touch a creature or hit a creature with one of its natural attacks to deliver a curse. Any living creature struck by this attack must succeed at a Will save or take 1d3 points of Dex and Wis damage. The save DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 the mummified animal’s Hit Dice + the mummified animal’s Charisma modifier.

Abilities: A mummified animal loses its Constitution score, and its Charisma score becomes 14.
主题: Re: [Bestiary4]木乃伊化生物;[Pathfinder#81pg. 84]木乃伊化动物;[Pathfinder#81 pg. 71]变体木乃伊
作者: 璀璨星炬2020-07-12, 周日 12:18:06
这些能力也可以被加到有着木乃伊化生物模板的不死生物上(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 196)。就变体能力而言,任何代替了绝望灵光的能力可以代替复仇迸发,任何代替了腐尸症的能力可以代替尘埃之触。一个可选项是,直接把复仇迸发替换为绝望灵光尘埃之触替换为腐尸症来简易的创造一个有着和传统木乃伊一样能力的木乃伊化生物。

Variant Mummy Special Abilities
Source Pathfinder #81: Shifting Sands pg. 71

The abilities of a mummy reflect the circumstances of its creation. Mummies that arise from traditionally embalmed corpses usually exhibit standard abilities; those arising from natural mummification or more exotic embalming rituals may not.

Several variant mummy abilities replace a mummy’s basic despair or mummy rot abilities, as described in the ability, and do not alter its CR. Exceptional mummies may gain additional abilities instead of having their powers replaced. GMs modifying mummies with additional or variant abilities should check the final monster and adjust the CR appropriately.

These abilities can also be applied to undead with the mummified creature template (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 196). For purposes of variant abilities, any ability that replaces despair can replace burst of vengeance, and any ability that replaces mummy rot can replace dust stroke. Optionally, to create a mummified creature with the same special abilities as a traditional mummy, simply replace the mummified creature’s burst of vengeance with despair, or replace its dust stroke with mummy rot.

Many variant abilities are described in terms of a standard, linen-wrapped mummy. Adjust the description appropriately for mummies with different origins. For example, an ice mummy grapples and constricts its victims by chilling them to the bone with waves of cold instead of by wrapping them in linen strips (as presented in the entangling wrappings ability).


冻寒之触Chilling Touch(Su)
This mummy’s touch carries the chill of glaciers and mountain heights. Its slam attack deals an additional 1d6 points of cold damage, and creatures struck by it are slowed for 1d4 rounds (Fortitude negates). The save DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 the mummy’s Hit Dice + the mummy’s Charisma modifier. This ability replaces mummy rot.

缠绕裹布Entangling Wrappings(Su)
A mummy with entangling wrappings can unravel and detach some of its linen strips to make a grapple check against a creature up to 10 feet away (or twice the mummy’s reach for larger mummies). This attack doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. It can constrict for an amount of damage equal to its slam attack with a successful grapple check. The linen strips remain wrapped around the victim and attempt a grapple check to pin each round on the mummy’s turn. They continue to deal constrict damage on a successful grapple check. The wrappings cannot be damaged by any attack or effect while detached, but turn to dust if their victim escapes or dies, or if the mummy is destroyed. If the mummy still lives, its wrappings reappear at the end of its next turn.

The mummy is not inconvenienced in any way while its wrappings are detached and grappling, but it cannot use its wrappings to entangle again until they return. This ability replaces either despair or mummy rot.

一具虫蚀木乃伊的体腔内携带着一个圣甲虫集群(Pathfinder Adventure Path #79  89)。他可以用标准动作释放这个集群,也可以在它受到挥砍武器攻击的时候以一个即时动作释放集群。集群完全受木乃伊控制,并且在木乃伊体内不会受到伤害,但木乃伊被摧毁它们还是会从其体内涌出。如果集群被摧毁,新的集群会在24小时后生长出来。变体虫蚀木乃伊可以携带任何CR不大于3的集群而不是圣甲虫集群。虫蚀木乃伊的CR+1,但你也可以用此能力取代绝望灵光和腐热症从而不增加它的CR。
An infested mummy carries a scarab swarm (Pathfinder Adventure Path #79 89) inside its body cavity. The mummy can release its swarm as a standard action, or it can do so as an immediate action after taking damage from a slashing weapon. The swarm is completely under the mummy’s control, and can’t be harmed while inside the mummy, though it streams out of the mummy’s body if the mummy is destroyed. If the swarm is destroyed, a new swarm grows to replace it in 24 hours. For variation, instead of carrying a scarab swarm, an infested mummy can hold any swarm of CR 3 or lower. An infested mummy’s CR is 1 higher than that of a normal mummy, or this ability can replace despair and mummy rot and not affect the mummy’s final CR.

刻咒木乃伊Spellscribed Mummy(Sp)



制造一个刻咒木乃伊:刻咒的能力以类似于创造魔法物品的方式添加到木乃伊身上。开销等于一个每日可用一次的以命令字启动的魔法物品:1800 gp ×法术等级 ×施法者等级÷5。例如,把火球术刻在木乃伊上花费1800×3×8(标准木乃伊的HD)÷5,共计3,3745gp。刻咒木乃伊的创造者必须拥有抄写卷轴专长。
When scrolls and magical texts are used in place of linen wrappings, the result is a spellscribed mummy. A spellscribed mummy has the complete text of up to three spells written on its wrappings. The total spell levels scribed cannot exceed the mummy’s Hit Dice, and the spells must be of a level no higher than half the mummy’s Hit Dice. This allows a standard 8 HD mummy spells of up to 4th level that add up to no more than 8 levels. The spells need not be from the same spell list, and arcane and divine spells can both be used in the creation of a spellscribed mummy. Individual spells cannot be repeated. The mummy can use each spell scribed in its wrappings once per day as a spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to its Hit Dice. Save DCs are Charisma-based. A spellscribed mummy’s CR is 1 higher than that of a normal mummy.

Lesser: A lesser spellscribed mummy bears a single1st- or 2nd-level spell in its wrappings, usable once per day with a caster level equal to half its Hit Dice. Its CR does not increase.

Greater: A greater spellscribed mummy operates as a normal spellscribed mummy, but its wrappings can hold as many spells as it has Hit Dice. The total spell levels scribed cannot exceed twice its Hit Dice, and the spells must be of a level no higher than half its Hit Dice. Spells cannot be repeated, but spells of a level no higher than one-quarter the mummy’s hit dice can be used 3 times per day instead of 1. (For example, a standard greater spellscribed mummy with 8 Hit Dice can have up to 8 different spells, of no higher than 4th level, and a total of not more than 16 spell levels. It can use spells of 2nd level or lower 3 times per day, and spells of higher levels once per day.)

In addition, a greater spellscribed mummy has spell resistance equal to its adjusted CR + 11. A greater spellscribed mummy’s CR is 2 higher than that of a normal mummy.

Creating a Spellscribed Mummy: Spellscribed abilities are added to a mummy in a manner similar to magic item creation. The cost is equal to a command-word item that’s usable once per day: 1,800 gp × the spell level × spell’s caster level ÷ 5. For example, spellscribing a mummy with fireball costs 1,800 × 3 × 8 (the mummy’s HD) ÷ 5, for a total of 3,375 gp. The creator of a spellscribed mummy must possess the Scribe Scroll feat.

腐尸症变体Variant Mummy Rot (Su)
Those afflicted with the dreaded mummy’s curse wither and fade, resisting all healing until they finally crumble into dust. Other forms of mummy rot exist, affecting the victim in the same fashion as classic mummy rot except where otherwise noted. Typically, the method of mummification determines which type of rot the mummy causes. These alternate strains of mummy rot do not alter the mummy’s CR.

Corpse Chills: Corpse chills manifest as bitter cold and frostbite. Those suffering from corpse chills gain vulnerability to cold and resist fire 10. Immunity to cold prevents and suppresses corpse chills, but does not cure the disease if it has already been contracted.

Grave Ichor: Water saturates the skin of victims of grave ichor until their very flesh breaks down and sloughs off their bodies. Grave ichor deals 1d4 points of Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma damage. The loose skin caused by grave ichor grants the victim a +4 bonus to CMD against grappling.

Phantom Infestation: The victim’s skin breaks out in welts, but it exhibits no other trace of infestation until the body bursts in an eruption of scarab beetles at the instant of the victim’s death. Phantom infestation imposes a –2 penalty on all ability and skill checks.

Swamp Crumble: This affliction causes 1d3 points of Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma damage. The disease dissolves the bones, leaving behind a putrid mass of skin and organs after death. Bludgeoning weapons and effects deal 1 additional point of damage per die against those afflicted with swamp crumble. As the diseases progresses, the victim’s hair turns the color of fresh-spilled blood.
主题: Re: [Bestiary4]木乃伊化生物;[Pathfinder#81pg. 84]木乃伊化动物;[Pathfinder#81 pg. 71]变体木乃伊
作者: 璀璨星炬2020-08-04, 周二 21:33:04





Variant Mummies
Source Pathfinder #81: Shifting Sands pg. 71

Not every preserved and animated corpse is a linenwrapped tomb guardian. Some cultures preserve their dead in different ways, and the following suggestions can help GMs represent these variant mummies.

Bog Mummy: A bog mummy’s DR changes to DR 10/slashing and is vulnerable to cold instead of fire. A bog mummy causes grave ichor (see page 72) with its slam instead of mummy rot.

Ice Mummy: An ice mummy, sometimes called a mountain mummy or a glacial mummy, lacks a mummy’s normal despair and mummy rot abilities, and instead gains the chilling touch and entangling wrappings variant mummy special abilities (see below).

Osirian Tomb Guardian: An Osirian tomb guardian is a mummy that lacks the typical despair and mummy rot abilities, and instead has the infested variant mummy special ability (see page 72).
主题: Re: [Bestiary4]木乃伊化生物;[Pathfinder#81pg. 84]木乃伊化动物;[Pathfinder#81 pg. 71]变体木乃伊
作者: 璀璨星炬2020-08-11, 周二 22:03:01
Corpse Chills
Grave Ichor
Phantom Infestation
Swamp Crumble
这四个的译名实在是没有(好的)头绪 :em032
主题: Re: [Bestiary4]木乃伊化生物;[Pathfinder#81pg. 84]木乃伊化动物;[Pathfinder#81 pg. 71]变体木乃伊
作者: 璀璨星炬2020-11-20, 周五 08:40:31