作者 主题: 【IST】宗-库山的魔法(Kuthite Magic)  (阅读 9976 次)

副标题: 出自Inner Sea Temples

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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【IST】宗-库山的魔法(Kuthite Magic)
« 于: 2022-10-28, 周五 17:29:14 »
宗-库山魔法(Kuthite Magic)

宗-库山魔法物品(Kuthite Magic Items)
幽影苦痛大教堂(Cathedral of Exquisite Agony)的祭祀们经常使用以下魔法物品。

坑之拳(Fist of the Pit)
栏位:无;价格:9,305 GP;重量:1磅

这种+1带刺铁手套(+1 spiked gauntlet)像是镶有金属钉的颅骨。每日1次以一个标准动作,穿戴者可以用该铁手套击打地面,在30尺内创造出一个满是尖刺的10尺见方,深30尺的次元坑,如同一道刺坑(Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 246)。该铁手套的增强加值被添加到由坑刺所致的穿刺伤害中。如果穿戴者增加了该铁手套的增强加值的话(比如高等魔化武器法术或圣骑士的神契能力),该额外的武器增强加值也可被加至坑刺所致的伤害中。同样,如果铁手套拥有任何可以造成额外伤害的武器特殊能力(比如炽焰或血光),这种额外伤害同样会被添加到坑刺所致的伤害中。不造成额外伤害或对持用者造成伤害(如反噬)的武器特殊能力不会影响坑刺。

制造条件:制造魔法武器与防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),刺坑(spiked pit,APG);
制造成本:4,805 GP

锁链外袍(Raiment of Chains)
栏位:盔甲;价格:6,250 GP;重量:25磅

在无人观察时,这种+1链甲衫(+1 chain shirt)呈现出一堆生锈锁链的形态,但当一名生物拿起该盔甲时,就马上呈现出它的真实形态。锁链可急缠或松开穿戴者的身体,并允许穿戴者以一个移动动作穿上或脱下该盔甲。锁链外袍不能被“快速穿上”。


制造条件:制造魔法武器与防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),活化物体(animate objects),星云锁链(chain of perdition,UC);
制造成本:3,250 GP

« 上次编辑: 2024-04-02, 周二 09:22:27 由 沉淪 »

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Re: 【IST】库松特魔法(Kuthite Magic)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2022-10-28, 周五 17:31:20 »
库松特神秘仪式(Kuthite Occult Ritual)
幽影苦痛大教堂(Cathedral of Exquisite Agony)的祭祀们使用以下仪式将影界(Shadow Plane)的生物穿越到物质位面(Material Plane)。全部神秘仪式规则详见异能冒险(Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures)第208–209页。

呼唤黑暗(Call the Darkness)
学派 咒法系(创造或呼唤);等级 9
施放时间 90分钟·
成分 语言(V),姿势(S),材料(M,价值10,000 GP的黑钻石尘),次要施法者(SC,至少8人,最多16人)
技能检定 知识(地理)DC 36,2次成功;知识(位面)DC 36,3次成功;知识(宗教)DC 36,2次成功;法术辨识DC 36,2次成功;
距离 近距
效果 最多20个10英尺边长的立方体/主要施法者的角色等级
持续时间 10分钟/主要施法者的角色等级;见下文
反冲 主要施法者承受1个永久负向等级。
失败 所有施法者都必须在一次意志豁免骰(DC = 19+主要施法者的魅力加值)中成功,否则会被传送至影界(Shadow Plane)中一处随机位置,如同一道异界传送(plane shift)。

该仪式必须在物质位面执行。主要施法者开始仪式时,用黑钻石尘划定受影响区域的边界。施法者们牵起手,并咏唱起宗-库山(Zon-Kuthon)圣典的诗篇,阴影之叶(Umbral Leaves)。仪式结束后,由于物质位面(Material Plane)和影界(Shadow Plane)在指定区域重叠在一起,魔法黑暗会充斥在指定区域。此后,受影响的区域同时存在于这两个位面上,成为两个位面的混合区。一薄层无法看穿的黑暗包裹着受影响的区域,因此不可能越过该区域的边界目视到任何一个位面。在该区域的颜色似乎逐渐变淡,但不像在影界(Shadow Plane)位面上那样完全的黑白。该区域具备影界(Shadow Plane)的增强魔法(enhanced magic)和妨碍魔法(impeded magic),但是所有其他位面特性与物质位面(Material Plane)相一致。只要主要施法者继续留在指定区域的范围内,该效果就会持续每主要施法者的角色等级至多10分钟,但如果主要施法者曾移出法术距离,其效果就会立即结束。

任何进入受影响区域的生物,如同留在其之前所处的相同位面,但可以与另一位面上的生物互动,就好像他们处于同一位面上一样。当施展该仪式时,其主要施法者可以设置一个条件,允许生物从影界(Shadow Plane)穿越到物质位面(Material Plane),反之亦然。为了此穿越,该条件可以是一个口令,一种单一生物必须采用的特定行动(比如逐步通过一面镜子),亦或是生物必须携带的特定种类的物品。或者,主要施法者可以准许一名生物以一个标准动作在两个位面之间通行。如果主要施法者没有设置条件或准许通行的话,生物是无法在两个位面间通行的。

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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Re: 【IST】库松特魔法(Kuthite Magic)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2022-10-28, 周五 17:35:38 »
库松特法术(Kuthite Spells)

环位:吟游诗人/歌者 3,牧师/先知/战斗祭祀 4,催眠师 4,异能者 4,女巫 4


环位:炼金术师/调查员 2,吟游诗人/歌者 2,血脉狂怒者 2,牧师/先知/战斗祭祀 2,德鲁伊/猎人 2,游侠2,异能者 2,萨满 2,召唤师/召唤师(unchained) 2,女巫 2

不是使生物即便重伤也使其坚持到底,就是延长其苦痛,你使一个生物失去昏迷时的幸福无知觉状态。在法术持续时间内,该目标获得凶猛(ferocity)能力(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 300),允许它即使在 HP 达到 0 以下,也可以保持清醒并且继续战斗。该目标仍然会恍惚并每轮失去 1 点 HP,而且该目标仍然会在 HP 降到体质属性负值时死亡。

疤化(Scarify)|本条翻译致谢 沉沦
等级:导师 1,炼金术士/调查员1,反圣武士 1,牧师/先知/战斗祭祀 1,德鲁伊/猎人 1,审判者 1,萨满 1,唤魂者 1,女巫 1


黑暗帏幕(Shroud of Darkness)
环位:反圣骑士4,吟游诗人/歌者5,牧师/先知/战斗祭祀5,审判者 5,催眠师4,萨满 5,术士/法师/奥能师 5


离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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Re: 【IST】库松特魔法(Kuthite Magic)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2022-10-28, 周五 17:36:15 »
劇透 -   :
Kuthite Magic

The following section details magic items, an occult ritual, and spells favored by priests and followers of Zon-Kuthon.

Kuthite Magic Items

Priests of the Cathedral of Exquisite Agony often make use of the following magic items.

  Fist of the Pit
Source Inner Sea Temples pg. 12
Aura moderate conjuration CL 6th
Slot none; Price 9,305 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This +1 spiked gauntlet is shaped like a skull studded with metal spikes. Once per day as a standard action, the wearer can strike the ground with the gauntlet, causing a 10-foot-square, 30-foot-deep extradimensional pit filled with spikes to open within 30 feet, as per spiked pit (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 246). The gauntlet’s enhancement bonus is added to the piercing damage caused by the pit’s spikes. If the wearer increases the gauntlet’s enhancement bonus (such as with greater magic weapon or a paladin’s divine bond ability), the additional weapon enhancement bonus is also added to the damage. Similarly, if the gauntlet has any weapon special abilities that deal extra damage (such as flaming or wounding), this extra damage is likewise added to the damage caused by the pit’s spikes. Weapon special abilities that don’t deal extra damage, or that deal damage to the wielder as well (such as vicious) do not affect the pit’s spikes.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, spiked pitAPG; Price 4,805 gp


  Raiment of Chains
Source Inner Sea Temples pg. 12
Aura faint transmutation CL 5th
Slot armor; Price 6,250 gp; Weight 25 lbs.
While unattended, this +1 chain shirt takes the shape of a heap of rusty chains, but when a creature picks up the armor, the shirt immediately starts to assume its true form. The chains eagerly wrap or willingly loosen around the wearer’s body, allowing the wearer to don or remove the armor as a move action. A raiment of chains can’t be “donned hastily.”

Three times per day as a standard action, the wearer can command chains to shoot out from the raiment of chains and attempt a reposition or trip combat maneuver check against a single target within 20 feet. The wearer is considered proficient with the chains and uses her own CMB with a +1 enhancement bonus on the check. The combat maneuver provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. The chains immediately retract back into the armor once the combat maneuver check has been attempted.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, animate objects, chain of perditionUC; Price 3,250 gp


Kuthite Occult Ritual

The priests of the Cathedral of Exquisite Agony use the following occult ritual to allow creatures of the Shadow Plane to cross over to the Material Plane. Full rules for occult rituals can be found on pages 208–209 of Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures.

Call the Darkness
Source Inner Sea Temples pg. 12
School conjuration (creation or calling); Level 9
Casting Time 90 minutes
Components V, S, M (black diamond dust worth 10,000 gp), SC (at least 8, up to 16)
Skill Checks Knowledge (geography) DC 36, 2 successes; Knowledge (planes) DC 36, 3 successes; Knowledge (religion) DC 36, 2 successes; Spellcraft DC 36, 2 successes
Range close
Effect up to 20 10-ft. cubes/character level of the primary caster
Duration 10 minutes/character level of the primary caster; see text
Saving Throw none; SR no
Backlash The primary caster takes 1 permanent negative level.
Failure All casters must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC = 19 + primary caster’s Charisma modifier) or be transported to a random location on the Shadow Plane, as per plane shift.
This ritual must be cast on the Material Plane. The primary caster begins the ritual by delineating the boundaries of the area to be affected using the black diamond dust. The casters link hands and chant verses from Zon-Kuthon’s holy book, Umbral Leaves. Upon the ritual’s completion, magical darkness fills the designated area as the Material Plane and Shadow Plane blend together there. The affected area thereafter exists simultaneously on both planes, becoming an amalgam of the two. A thin layer of impenetrable darkness surrounds the affected area, so it is impossible to see beyond the area’s boundaries into either plane. Colors appear faded in the area, but not completely black and white as on the Shadow Plane. The area has the enhanced magic and impeded magic traits of the Shadow Plane, but all other planar traits correspond to those of the Material Plane. As long as the primary caster remains within range of the designated area, this effect lasts for up to 10 minutes per character level of the primary caster, but if the primary caster ever moves beyond the range, the effect immediately ends.

Any creature that enters the affected area remains on the same plane as before but can interact with creatures on the other plane as though they were on the same plane. While casting this ritual, the primary caster can set a condition that allows creatures to cross over from the Shadow Plane to the Material Plane or vice versa. This condition can be a password, a specific action that a creature must take (such as stepping through a mirror), or a specific type of item that a creature must carry in order to cross over. Alternatively, the primary caster can grant a creature passage between the two planes as a standard action. If the primary caster does not set a condition or grant passage, creatures cannot cross between the two planes.

Kuthite spells

Priests of Zon-Kuthon enjoy inflicting misery upon the devout and others with the following spells.

Source Inner Sea Temples pg. 13
School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level bard 3, cleric 4, mesmerist 3, oracle 4, psychic 4, skald 3, warpriest 4, witch 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M/DF (a broken chain link)
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Targets all creatures in a 15-ft.-radius burst
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
An overwhelming feeling of loss overcomes the targets, and their allies’ words sound bleak and hollow. Regardless of actual allegiances, affected creatures no longer count as allies for other creatures and always count as enemies for the purposes of abilities, effects, and spells that differentiate between allies and enemies, such as flanking or spells such as bane or bless. Allies of an affected creature must succeed at a melee touch attack to affect the subject with touch spells, and an affected creature cannot voluntarily fail a saving throw even if the effect is harmless (such as cure light wounds). An affected creature still counts as her own ally and can target herself with abilities, effects, and spells normally.

Source Inner Sea Temples pg. 13
School transmutation; Level alchemist 2, bard 2, bloodrager 2, cleric 2, druid 2, hunter 2, investigator 2, oracle 2, psychic 2, ranger 2, shaman 2, skald 2, summoner 2, summoner (unchained) 2, warpriest 2, witch 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M/DF (smelling salts)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Fortitude negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
You deprive a creature of the blissful oblivion of unconsciousness, either to keep it going despite grievous injuries or to prolong its suffering. For the duration of the spell, the target gains the ferocity ability (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 300), allowing it to remain conscious and continue fighting even if its hit point total is below 0. The target is still staggered and loses 1 hit point each round, and the target still dies when its hit point total reaches a negative amount equal to its Constitution score.

Source Inner Sea Temples pg. 13
School necromancy; Level adept 1, alchemist 1, antipaladin 1, cleric 1, druid 1, hunter 1, inquisitor 1, investigator 1, oracle 1, shaman 1, spiritualist 1, warpriest 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Fortitude negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Your touch causes a single creature’s skin to produce fibrous tissue that sutures the creature’s wounds, rapidly closing them and leaving jagged scars where the wounds were. The process is painful, and converts 2d6 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +5) into nonlethal damage. If the target creature is immune to nonlethal damage, the spell fails. Damage resistance against nonlethal damage reduces the amount of damage converted. This effect counts as healing for the purpose of stopping bleed damage. Kuthites are especially fond of this spell, as it gives them permanent physical reminders of the all too brief pain they endured.

  Shroud of Darkness
Source Inner Sea Temples pg. 13
School evocation [darkness]; Level antipaladin 4, arcanist 5, bard 5, cleric 5, inquisitor 5, mesmerist 4, oracle 5, shaman 5, skald 5, sorcerer 5, warpriest 5, wizard 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M/DF (a pinch of black sand)
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Targets one creature/3 levels, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
With a dark incantation and a gesture of your hand over your eyes, you cause a shroud of darkness to descend upon the targets of this spell. The subjects treat the light level as two steps lower than normal for the duration of this spell. Bright light becomes dim light, normal light becomes darkness, and areas of dim light and darkness become supernaturally dark (as darkness, but even creatures with darkvision cannot see).

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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Re: 【IST】库松特魔法(Kuthite Magic)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2022-10-28, 周五 17:36:52 »




2、阴影之叶(Umbral Leaves):更多有关该诗篇的信息,详见Evana大佬翻译的【FoC】宗·库山(Zon-Kuthon)信徒角色指南。
3、仪式效果中:影界(Shadow Plane)的增强魔法(enhanced magic)和妨碍魔法(impeded magic):详见灯泡powerbult大佬翻译的位面特性。
【速查】:影界(Shadow Plane)位面特性:增强魔法:拥有【阴影】描述符在影界中会被增强。另外,某些特定的法术在影界会变得更加强大。幽影咒法术和幽影塑能术拥有所模拟的法术的30%的威力(而非正常的20%);高等幽影咒法术和高等幽影塑能术则拥有模拟法术70%的威力(而非60%);阴魂咒法术(Shades)仿真的法术拥有原本法术的90%的威力(而非80%)。尽管影界充斥着黑暗,任何产生、使用或操纵黑暗(darkness)的法术在位面中不受影响。
【速查】:影界(Shadow Plane)位面特性:妨碍魔法:拥有【光亮】描述符,或那些使用或引起光亮或火的法术,在影界中会被妨碍。制造光亮的法术通常效果会更弱,因为影界中所有光源的光亮范围会减半。

4、(Overstimulate): stimulate,[VN] 促进;激发;激励;刺激;使兴奋[VN] (technical 术语) 促进(身体某部分)的功能VERB 激发;激励;使充满热情。英英释义中还有激发感情,充当兴奋剂等含义。Over也有超越等含义。所以可以生译为过度激情。但这样生硬的译法不好听,所以意译为:激情荡漾、豪情满怀、心潮澎湃、激情四溢。这里暂选:激情四溢。求更好的翻译。
【速查】:凶猛 (Ferocity, Ex):拥有凶猛能力的生物即使在 HP 达到 0 以下,也可以保持清醒并且继续战斗。该生物还是会在 HP 低于 0 时进入恍惚状态,并且每轮失去 1 点 HP。拥有凶猛能力的生物在 HP 降到体质属性负值时还是会死亡。
« 上次编辑: 2022-11-01, 周二 08:24:31 由 萌新也有滥强的心 »

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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Re: 【IST】库松特魔法(Kuthite Magic)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2022-10-28, 周五 17:37:20 »

离线 咕咕没有劲儿

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Re: 【IST】库松特魔法(Kuthite Magic)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2022-11-04, 周五 16:54:34 »
库松特神秘仪式(Kuthite Occult Ritual)
幽影苦痛大教堂(Cathedral of Exquisite Agony)的祭祀们使用以下仪式将影界(Shadow Plane)的生物穿越到物质位面(Material Plane)。


线上 璀璨星炬

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Re: 【IST】库松特魔法(Kuthite Magic)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2022-11-04, 周五 19:58:24 »
库松特神秘仪式(Kuthite Occult Ritual)
幽影苦痛大教堂(Cathedral of Exquisite Agony)的祭祀们使用以下仪式将影界(Shadow Plane)的生物穿越到物质位面(Material Plane)。

