作者 主题: 【MHH】魔法物品(Magic Items)  (阅读 5193 次)

副标题: 等不及先翻译怪物猎人手册中的魔法物品一节,顺便问一下,大佬还能填坑吗?

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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【MHH】魔法物品(Magic Items)
« 于: 2022-06-28, 周二 10:23:54 »
魔法物品(Magic Items)

【PFS】骨持者的刀具(Bone Bearer's Cutter)
这把+1血光匕首(+1 wounding dagger)的骨制刀柄上刻有凶猛野兽的图案。每日1次以一个标准动作,该匕首可以通过一次拥有-5罚值得近战攻击钉入一个目标得附肢中。如果此攻击命中的话,匕首会将深入到该生物的骨中,使该生物在1分钟内的攻击骰、伤害骰、和反射豁免上受到-2罚值。以一次成功的DC 15的力量检定,此匕首可以被该生物或另一名与其相邻的生物所移除。此匕首也可以在与采集残骸(Harvest Parts)专长同时进行的技能检定上获得+4表现加值(competence bonus)。
制造条件:制造魔法武器与防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),出血术(bleed),匠人祝福(crafter’s fortune)APG,惨嚎剧痛(howling agony)UM
劇透 -   :

【PFS】侦测飞镖(Detecting Dart)
这支超小型飞镖(tiny dart)由钢铁制成并铭刻着符文。飞镖的后半部分有着多彩的羽簇,当飞镖被投掷或通过吹箭(blowgun)射出时,会飞舞着到达使用者所在空间的地域。而飞镖的前半部分以一次成功的远程接触攻击造成1点伤害并将针状尖端嵌入目标的肌体中。此次攻击只造成轻微的疼痛,而目标仅能通过一次成功的DC 14的察觉检定来意识到被嵌入的飞镖。移除该飞镖需要花费1个标准动作以及1点额外的伤害。


制造条件:制造魔法武器与防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),生物定位术(locate creature)

【PFS】融合披风(Melding Cloak)
这件披风衬有着不同颜色的细线,而且会改变颜色以匹配周围的诸如泥、草或石等物质。披风的穿戴者在隐匿检定上获得+2表现加值(competence bonus)。以一个标准动作,穿戴者有能力在身体上融入诸如木材、石膏、或石料等材料(但不能是金属或其他重工材料),并在其身体表面上浮现出一道暗淡的阴影。穿戴者可以以她正常移动速度的一半,在该材料的任何外露部分移动,这允许她可以在墙壁或楼层之间垂直移动。以这种方式与材料融合时,穿戴者在隐匿检定上获得+10环境加值(circumstance bonus)。穿戴者每日最多能与材料融合10分钟。该持续时间不必连续,但必须以1分钟为增量。

周边(Nearby)的生物可以用一次成功的察觉检定意识到融合后的穿戴者。佩戴者在与材料融合时可以正常成为目标。如果穿戴者在融合时受到任何伤害,亦或是如果身体表面的材料受到塑石术(stone shape)、曲木术(warp wood)、或类似法术的影响,穿戴者会立即将材料排出到最近的开放空间中。
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),隐形术(invisibility),穿墙术(passwall)
劇透 -   :

怪物染料(Monstrous Dye)
这个小小的骨制容器中装满了稠密的染料。每个容器都有足够的染料涂满一件由骇人饰物(Grisly Ornament)专长创造出的饰物。当被应用于饰物时,它有助于饰物的保存,使其在额外的24小时内保持有效。每日1次以一个自由动作,可以命令一件使用过染料的饰物来攻击一名与佩戴者相邻的目标。一个来自被采集后制成饰品的生物那幽灵般的影像现身,并对该目标进行一次天生武器攻击,攻击使用穿戴者的基础攻击加值并造成2d6点伤害。该攻击可以在穿戴者执行的任何动作之外进行。一件使用怪物工匠(Monstrous Crafter)专长制成奇物的饰品也可以获得这种攻击能力,但这样做需要使用两次怪物染料才能正常工作。
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),遗体防腐(gentle repose),召唤自然盟友 IV(summon nature’s ally IV)

【PFS】兽之力项链(Necklace of Beast's Might)
兽之力项链是一种由下列特定类型生物的特定部位(或类似部位)所制成的粗糙项链:异怪(aberrations),动物(animals),龙类(dragons),精类(fey),魔法兽(magical beasts)泥怪(oozes)(通常使用其硬化的残留物制成),或是虫类(vermin)。不论项链是哪种部位制成的,当其特定类型的生物在佩戴者100尺内时,项链会会轻轻地嘎嘎作响。每条项链都有着基于其构成部位(或类似物)的额外能力,并且每条项链都需要在一道其制造时添加的法术。

骨(Bones):对抗被关联的生物类型时,穿戴者获得对其天生武器的DR 2/-。中等变化系;施法者等级7级;石肤术(stoneskin)。

爪(Claws):对抗被关联的生物类型时,穿戴者的攻击骰获得+2士气加值(morale bonus)。中等变化系;施法者等级8级;魔化武器(magic weapon)。

眼(Eyes):穿戴者在鉴定被关联类型生物的知识检定,以及在察觉检定对抗这些生物易容检定时,获得+5洞察加值(insight bonus)。昏暗预言系;施法者等级5级;知己知彼(know the enemy) UM。

毛(Hair):在追踪被关联的生物类型的生存检定上,穿戴者获得+2表现加值(competence bonus),以及仅能注意到关联的生物类型气味的灵敏嗅觉(scent)特殊能力。昏暗变化系;施法者等级5级;野兽形态 I(beast shape I)。

角(Horns):对抗被关联的生物类型时,穿戴者在战技(combat maneuvers)和战技防御(CMD)上获得+2加值。昏暗变化系;施法者等级5级;牛之力量(bull’s strength)。

鳞(Scales):对抗由被关联的生物类型造成的攻击时,穿戴者的AC获得+2洞察加值(insight bonus)。中等变化系;施法者等级9级;树肤术(barkskin)。

齿(Teeth):穿戴者在对抗该类型的生物时,在伤害骰上获得+2加值。穿戴者对这些生物的重击(critical hits)时,造成1d6点出血伤害(bleed damage)。中等变化系;施法者等级8级;魔化武器(magic weapon)。

制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),生物定位术(locate creature),额外法术(见上文)(additional spells,see text);
劇透 -   :

【PFS】巢穴探测器(Nest Revealer)
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),生物定位术(locate creature)
劇透 -   :

【PFS】穿透型磨刀石(Penetrating Whetstone)
这种磨刀石由精加工的黑曜石制成。用这种磨刀石锐化一把利刃需要15分钟的工作,并且使此武器在接下来的五次攻击中可以忽略多达3点的天生护甲加值(natural armor,又译天防加值)。如果武器攻击的目标拥有的天生护甲加值小于+3的话,则该武器对目标的天生护甲加值低于3的每一点会额外造成1点伤害。磨刀的过程会粉碎了一部分该磨刀石附魔的黑曜石,驱散了它的魔法并在之后将它变成了一块普通的磨刀石。
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),锐锋术(keen edge)

【PFS】口袋猎物(Pocket Prey)
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),遗体防腐(gentle repose),强效幻影(major image)
劇透 -   :

劇透 -   :
Magic Items
Certain monsters are known to be notoriously elusive or physically overwhelming, making their defeat seem impossible. Monster hunters seek to even the playing field by any means available, including the use of magic armor, weapons, and items. The items presented here can make the difference between a fruitful and a failed hunt.

  Bone Bearer's Cutter
Source Monster Hunter's Handbook pg. 28
Aura moderate necromancy and transmutation CL 10th
Slot none; Price 21,802 gp; Weight 1 lb.
The bone handle of this +1 wounding dagger is engraved with imagery of fierce beasts. Once per day as a standard action, the dagger can be driven into a target’s appendage by making a melee attack with a –5 penalty. If this attack hits, the dagger drives itself into the bone of the creature, giving the creature a –2 penalty on attacks, damage rolls, and Reflex saves for 1 minute. The dagger can be removed by the target or another adjacent creature with a successful DC 15 Strength check. The dagger also grants a +4 competence bonus on skill checks attempted in conjunction with the Harvest Parts feat.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, bleed, crafter’s fortuneAPG, howling agonyUM; Price 11,052 gp

  Detecting Dart
Source Monster Hunter's Handbook pg. 28
Aura moderate divination CL 7th
Slot none; Price 2,000 gp; Weight —
This tiny dart is made of iron and engraved with runes. The back half of the dart has a colorful tuft of fletching that detaches when the dart is thrown or fired through a blowgun, fluttering to the ground in the user’s space. A successful ranged touch attack with the front half of the dart deals 1 point of damage and embeds the needle-like point into the target’s flesh. The attack causes little pain, and the target only notices the embedded dart with a successful DC 14 Perception check. Removing the dart takes a standard action and deals 1 additional point of damage.

Once separated, the back half of the dart detects where the front half is as long as both pieces are within 1 mile of each other. Every hour, the back half gives a distinct hum and its fletching flutters in the direction of the front half for 1 minute. This effect continues for up to 24 hours or until the dart is removed, at which point its magic fades forever.

Should a creature eat the flesh of a target with an embedded detecting dart, it has a 50% chance of consuming the dart. Should the dart transfer from one creature to another in this way, the dart’s back half instead tracks the new creature.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, locate creature; Price 1,000 gp

  Melding Cloak
Source Monster Hunter's Handbook pg. 28
Aura moderate illusion and transmutation; CL 10th
Slot shoulders; Price 25,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This cloak is lined with thin strings of varying colors that shift in color to match surrounding material such as dirt, grass, or stone. This grants the wearer a +2 competence bonus on Stealth checks. As a standard action, the wearer is able to physically meld into material such as wood, plaster, or stone (but not metal or other heavily worked materials), appearing as a dim shadow on the surface. The wearer can move across any exposed portion of the material at half her normal movement speed, allowing her to travel up walls or across floors. While melded with material in this manner, the wearer gains a +10 circumstance bonus on Stealth checks. The wearer can meld with material for up to 10 minutes per day. This duration need not be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments.

Nearby creatures can notice the melded wearer with a successful Perception check. The wearer can be targeted normally while melded with material. If the wearer takes any damage while melded, or if the surface material is manipulated with stone shape, warp wood, or similar spells, the wearer is immediately shunted out of the material into the nearest open space.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, invisibility, passwall; Cost 12,500 gp

Monstrous Dye
Source Monster Hunter's Handbook pg. 28
Aura moderate conjuration and necromancy; CL 10th
Slot none; Price 2,250 gp; Weight —
This small bone container is filled with a thick dye. Each container holds enough dye to cover one ornament created with the Grisly Ornament feat. When applied to an ornament, it aids in the ornament’s preservation, allowing it to remain effective for an additional 24 hours. Once per day as a free action, a dyed ornament can be commanded to attack a target adjacent to the wearer. A ghostly image of the creature from which the ornament was harvested appears and makes a natural attack against the target, attacking with the wearer’s base attack bonus and dealing 2d6 points of damage. This attack can be made in addition to any actions performed by the wielder. An ornament integrated into a wondrous item with the Monstrous Crafter feat can gain this attack ability, but doing so requires two applications of monstrous dye to function properly.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, gentle repose, summon nature’s ally IV; Cost 1,125 gp

Necklace of Beast's Might
Source Monster Hunter's Handbook pg. 29
Aura varies; CL varies
Slot neck; Price 6,000 gp (  Eyes), 8,000 gp (  Hair), 8,000 gp (  Horn), 9,000 gp (  Claws), 9,000 gp (  Scales), 12,000 gp (  Bones), 12,000 gp (  Teeth); Weight —
A necklace of beast’s might is a crude necklace made from a particular part (or close analog) of a creature of a specific type: aberrations, animals, dragons, fey, magical beasts, oozes (often made using hardened leftovers), or vermin. Regardless of the parts used to make the necklace, the necklace quietly rattles when a creature of the specific type is within 100 feet of the wearer. Each necklace also has additional abilities based on its component parts (or analogs), and each requires an additional spell in its construction.

Bones: The wearer gains DR 2/— against natural attacks from the associated creature type. Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; stoneskin.

Claws: The wearer gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls against the associated creature type. Moderate transmutation; CL 8th; magic weapon.

Eyes: The wearer gains a +5 insight bonus on Knowledge checks to identify creatures of the associated type and on Perception checks opposed by such creatures’ Disguise checks. Faint divination; CL 5th; know the enemyUM.

Hair: The wearer gains a +2 competence bonus on Survival checks to track the associated creature type, and the scent special ability, but only to notice odors of the associated creature type. Faint transmutation; CL 5th; beast shape I.

Horns: The wearer gains a +2 bonus on combat maneuvers and to CMD against the associated creature type. Faint transmutation; CL 5th; bull’s strength.

Scales: The wearer gains a +2 insight bonus to AC against attacks made by the associated creature type. Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; barkskin.

Teeth: The wearer gains a +2 bonus on damage rolls against creatures of that type. The wearer’s critical hits against such creatures deal 1d6 bleed damage. Moderate transmutation; CL 8th; magic weapon.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, locate creature, additional spells (see text); Cost 3,000 gp (Eyes), 4,000 gp (Hair), 4,000 gp (Horn), 4,500 gp (Claws), 4,500 gp (Scales), 6,000 gp (Bones), 6,000 gp (Teeth)

  Nest Revealer
Source Monster Hunter's Handbook pg. 29
Aura faint divination; CL 3rd
Slot none; Price 500 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This small vial is sealed with a fine metal cap engraved with the visage of a noble hound. When a few drops of a creature’s blood are placed in the vial, it begins to fill on its own, replicating the creature’s blood over the span of 1 minute. After 1 minute, the vial shatters and a small fist-sized orb of crystallized blood falls to the ground. This animate orb rolls in the direction of the last location in which the source creature slept for at least 1 hour. The blood travels at a rate of 20 feet per round and can travel up to 10 miles over the span of 5 hours. If the orb does not reach the creature’s nest within 5 hours, it collapses into a puddle containing enough blood to activate another nest revealer.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, locate creature; Cost 250 gp

  Penetrating Whetstone
Source Monster Hunter's Handbook pg. 29
Aura moderate evocation; CL 8th
Slot none; Price 2,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This whetstone is made from finely worked obsidian. Sharpening a blade with this whetstone requires 15 minutes of work and grants the weapon the ability to ignore up to 3 points of natural armor for its next five attacks. If the target of the weapon’s attack has a natural armor bonus of less than +3, the weapon deals 1 additional point of damage for each point of natural armor below 3 the target has. The process of honing the blade shatters a portion of the whetstone’s enchanted obsidian, dispelling its magic and turning it into a mundane whetstone afterward.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, keen edge; Cost 1,000 gp

  Pocket Prey
Source Monster Hunter's Handbook pg. 29
Aura moderate illusion; CL 10th
Slot none; Price 6,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
This small container features a stone base with a glass cover. The container can hold half a pound of flesh or similar organic matter, preserving it for up to 24 hours. On command, the container emanates the smell of the contained material out to a 100-foot radius. Additionally, the container lets out a cry every minute, imitating that of an injured member of the variety of the flesh within the container. This cry can be clearly heard up to 150 feet from the container.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, gentle repose, major image; Cost 3,000 gp

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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Re: 【MHH】魔法物品(Magic Items)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2022-06-28, 周二 10:24:14 »

1、骨持者的刀具(Bone Bearer's Cutter)中出现的采集残骸(Harvest Parts)专长;怪物染料(Monstrous Dye)中出现的骇人饰物(Grisly Ornament)、怪物工匠(Monstrous Crafter)专长。见回归直线大佬翻译的【MHH】怪物猎人手册专长。
2、融合披风(Melding Cloak):这允许她可以在墙壁或楼层之间垂直移动(allowing her to travel up walls or across floors),其实应该是向上移动,但是怕歧义成类似蛛行术一般的爬行移动,所以暂时这样翻,求更好的翻译。

离线 longman123

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Re: 【MHH】魔法物品(Magic Items)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2022-06-28, 周二 11:53:00 »