作者 主题: 【独享专区】萌新也有滥强的心  (阅读 229967 次)

副标题: 第一次发帖渣翻请谅解,但是萌新想要滥强的本能已经抑制不住了。

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Re: 【Horror Adventures】肉体改制(Fleshcrafting)
« 回帖 #40 于: 2021-09-08, 周三 09:58:22 »




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Re: 【Ultimate Wilderness】魔法植物(Magical Plants)
« 回帖 #41 于: 2021-09-08, 周三 22:17:02 »

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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Re: 自用自翻资源帖
« 回帖 #42 于: 2021-09-09, 周四 08:33:53 »

典范背景(Exemplar Traits)
本节介绍一种被称为典范背景的新背景变体。一个角色只能拥有一个典范背景,且选择一个典范背景会取代两个通常背景。每种典范都和一种背景类别相关联,比如战斗背景或地区背景;拥有一种典范背景的角色不再局限于该种类型背景只能选择1项的限制且可以在获得更多背景时选择任意数量的该种类背景。此外,具备一种典范背景的角色可以选择任意次数的额外背景(Additional Traits)专长并可以利用该专长获得她符合条件的一种合理背景类别的一个典范背景。

Exemplar Traits
This section introduces a new variety of traits known as exemplar traits. A character can have only one exemplar trait, and selecting an exemplar trait takes the place of two regular traits. Each exemplar trait is tied to a trait category, such as combat traits or regional traits; a character with an exemplar trait is no longer restricted to a single trait of that category and can select any number of such traits when gaining further traits. In addition, a character with an exemplar trait can select the Additional Traits feat any number of times and use the feat to gain an exemplar trait of a valid trait category for which she qualifies.

全能战斗艺术家(Artist of Battle in All Forms)
出自:Chronicle of Legends pg. 3
你可以轻松地运用复杂的作战战术。选择一种战技(Combat Maneuver)。执行该战技的战技检定你获得+1背景加值,而且你不会引发目标的借机攻击除非该生物有适当的精通专长,例如你尝试一个擒抱上的战技检定则精通擒抱。你每拥有两个其他的战斗背景,可以选择一种额外的战技来获得这项好处。

Artist of Battle in All Forms
Source Chronicle of Legends pg. 2
Category Exemplar
Exemplar Type Combat Exemplar
You employ complex combat tactics with ease. Choose a type of combat maneuver. You gain a +1 trait bonus on combat maneuver checks to perform that maneuver, and you do not provoke an attack of opportunity from the target unless that creature has the appropriate Improved feat, such as Improved Grapple if you attempt a combat maneuver check to grapple. For every two other combat traits you have, choose an additional type of combat maneuver to gain these benefits.

口蜜腹剑(Charming Smile, Cunning Soul)(或老实译为:迷人的微笑,狡猾的灵魂?)
出自:Chronicle of Legends pg. 3

Charming Smile, Cunning Soul
Source Chronicle of Legends pg. 3
Category Exemplar
Exemplar Type Social Exemplar
You know how to guilefully weave words, sway hearts and minds, verbally destroy rivals, and pierce cunning lies. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks. This bonus increases by 1 for every two other social traits you have.

无懈可击的信念(Faith Unshakable and Unassailable)
出自:Chronicle of Legends pg. 3

Faith Unshakable and Unassailable
Source Chronicle of Legends pg. 3
Category Exemplar
Exemplar Type Faith Exemplar
Your dedication to your ideals is stronger than steel. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Will saves against charm, compulsion, and fear effects. For every two other faith traits you have, this bonus increases by 1.

神秘主义机密的保管者(Curator of Mystic Secrets)
出自:Chronicle of Legends pg. 3

Curator of Mystic Secrets
Source Chronicle of Legends pg. 3
Category Exemplar
Exemplar Type Magic Exemplar
Your broad collection of lore grants unparalleled understanding of magic’s underlying principles. Twice per day when spontaneously casting a spell altered by metamagic, you can do so without increasing the spell’s casting time. For each other magic trait you have, you can use this trait’s benefit an additional time each day.

千界旅行者(Traveler of a Hundred Lands)  出自《传奇编年史》(Chronicle of Legends p.3)
你已经了解了许多地方的行事方式。选择任意两项技能; 其变成本职技能。对于其他每个地区背景,选择一个额外的技能成为本职技能。

Traveler of a Hundred Lands
Source Chronicle of Legends pg. 3
Category Exemplar
Exemplar Type Regional Exemplar
You have learned the ways of many lands. Choose any two skills; each of those skills becomes a class skill for you. For every other regional trait you have, select an additional skill to treat as a class skill.

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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恶魔移植物(Demonic Implants)
描述来源:Book of the Damned - Volume 2: Lords of Chaos

一种侵入性较小,但可能更加痛苦的成为一个恶魔的方法是在一个凡人的身体上逐渐移植恶魔的要素。通过提取恶魔身体的一部分并通过各种神秘技术或奇怪的保存方法进行准备,个体可以收获一部分恶魔的力量并将其转移到一个知性存在上。恶魔移植物(Demonic Implants)可以是临时(通常会使人上瘾)的类似毒品(drug-like)的魔法灵药(elixirs),或者它们可以是实际身体的一部分并在它们工作前必须移植到或移植入(grafted onto or into)一个活着的凡人。所有在制造和使用的目的上被视为奇物(wondrous items)。下面列出的三个例子仅仅触及了这类不计后果的魔法物品的表面。

所有的恶魔移植物都需要一个自愿的宿主来连接它们——企图将恶魔移植物连接到一个非自愿的宿主会自动失败。成功连接恶魔移植物的秩序或善良使用者会被赋予一个负向等级,每一个新的移植都会使负向等级的数量叠加。只要移植物保持连接或者(假如是恶魔之血demon blood)直到效果逐渐消失前这些负向等级会持续存在。它们不会造成真正的等级降低,但是当移植物生效时便无法以任何方式克服。

移植物必须进行物理切除才能被移除。移除会造成1d6点的体质伤害(Constitution damage),并可能会产生其他由GM决定的影响(比如耳聋术deafness或目盲术blindness)。

Demonic Implants
Description Source: Book of the Damned - Volume 2: Lords of Chaos
A less invasive, but perhaps more painful, method of becoming a demon is the piecemeal transplanting of demonic elements into a mortal’s body. By extracting a portion of a demon’s body and then preparing it by utilizing various occult techniques or strange methods of preservation, one can reap a portion of the demon’s power and transfer it into a sentient being. Demonic implants can either be temporary (and often addictive) drug-like magical elixirs, or they can be actual body parts that must be grafted onto or into a living mortal before they work. All are treated as wondrous items for the purposes of construction and use. The three examples listed below merely scratch the surface of this reckless category of magic item.

All demonic implants require a willing host to attach them to—attempts to attach a demonic implant to an unwilling host automatically fail. Successfully attached demonic implants impart a negative level to a lawful or good user—the number of negative levels imparted stacks with each new implant. These negative levels remain as long as the implant remains attached or (in the case of demon blood) until the effects wear off. They never result in actual level loss, but cannot be overcome in any way while the implant is in effect.

Implants must be physically excised to be removed. Removal inflicts 1d6 points of Constitution damage, and could have other effects as well (such as deafness or blindness) as determined by the GM.

恶魔之血(Demon Blood)
出自:Book of the Damned - Volume 2: Lords of Chaos pg. 44
如果一个角色喝了一剂这种黑色的、冒泡的脓水的话如果他在DC 15的强韧豁免中失败则会在1d6轮反胃(nauseated,又译呕吐)。他也获得一个用他的魔法攻击影响恶魔的增强能力——在这段期间,恶魔对抗使用者的法术和类法术的豁免骰上承受-2罚值,而且使用者在穿透恶魔法术抗力的施法者检定上获得+2加值。恶魔之血有一定成瘾性,在使用者停止每日服用这种脓水一周后的每一天,他必须通过一个DC 15的强韧豁免以避免承受1点感知伤害(Wisdom damage)和恶心(sckened)一整天。
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),亵渎术(desecrate);

Demon Blood
Source Book of the Damned - Volume 2: Lords of Chaos pg. 44
Aura faint evocation [evil]; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 800 gp; Weight 1 lb.
A character who drinks a dose of this black, bubbling ichor becomes nauseated for 1d6 rounds if he fails a DC 15 Fortitude save. He also gains an enhanced capacity to affect demons with his magical attacks for 1 hour—during this time, demons suffer a –2 penalty on their saving throws against the user’s spells and spell-like abilities, and the user gains a +2 bonus on caster level checks made to penetrate a demon’s spell resistance. Demon blood is somewhat addictive, and every day for a week after a user stops daily doses of the ichor, he must make a DC 15 Fortitude save to avoid taking 1 point of Wisdom damage and being sickened for the entire day.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, desecrate; Cost 400 gp

恶魔感官(Demon Senses)
出自:Book of the Damned - Volume 2: Lords of Chaos pg. 44
这种移植物看上去像是如同恶魔一般的眼睛(eye),舌头(tongue),手指(finger),耳朵(ear),或鼻子(nose)并悬浮在一小罐子透明液体里。为了获得这种移植物的收益,罐子中容纳之物——稠密的液体(thick fluid),身体部件(body part),以及其他所有东西(and all)——必须以一个整轮动作饮用。这会立即在所有的察觉检定(Perception checks)上获得永久的+8种族加值(racial bonus)(注意作为一个种族加值,它不会和一个生物可能已拥有的其他任何种族加值叠加)。在获得这种加值后,生物身体与被吃掉的身体部分相对应的部分会发生变化——眼睛可能会变成红色,耳朵可能长得又长又尖,舌头可能分叉,等等。
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),有限祈愿术(limited wish),再生术(regenerate);


Demon Senses
Source Book of the Damned - Volume 2: Lords of Chaos pg. 44
Aura strong conjuration [evil]; CL 15th
Slot none; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This implant appears as a demonic eye, tongue, finger, ear, or nose floating in a small jar of transparent fluid. In order to gain the benefit of this implant, the contents of the jar—thick fluid, body part, and all—must be consumed as a full-round action. This immediately grants a permanent +8 racial bonus on all Perception checks (note that as a racial bonus, this does not stack with any other racial bonuses a creature might already possess). After gaining this bonus, the part of the creature’s body corresponding to the body part eaten changes to match the eaten part—eyes might become red, ears might grow long and pointed, a tongue might become forked, and so on.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, limited wish, regenerate; Cost 10,000 gp

恶魔之爪(Demon Talon)
出自:Book of the Damned - Volume 2: Lords of Chaos pg. 44
一只恶魔之爪必须是使其在紧贴一个活性残肢上——个体生物可以通过切下一只现有的手并受到1d6点体质伤害(Constitution damage)来做好准备,但是在切手前就拥有残肢的话则不会因此受到显著伤害。一旦相连,恶魔之爪将会与残肢融合,并允许该生物适用于比目标实际体型大一型的生物的一个爪抓(claw)攻击。这爪子形状像是一个人类的手(复数手指和一根拇指),但是看着明显如恶魔一般(鳞片、奇怪的颜色、长长的指甲等等),而且完全有能力挥舞武器或执行一个人类的手可以执行的任何其他专长(feat)。
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),有限祈愿术(limited wish),再生术(regenerate);

Demon Talon
Source Book of the Damned - Volume 2: Lords of Chaos pg. 44
Aura strong conjuration [evil]; CL 15th
Slot none; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
A demon talon must be held against the raw flesh of a fresh stump—preparing a creature by severing an existing hand causes 1d6 points of Constitution damage, but preparing a preexisting stump by cutting the flesh free at the end causes no significant damage. Once attached, the demon talon fuses with the stump, granting the creature a claw attack as appropriate for a creature one size category larger than the target’s actual size. The claw is shaped like a human hand (fingers and a thumb), but looks obviously demonic (scales, strange coloration, long nails, and so on), and is fully capable of wielding weapons or performing any other feat a human hand can perform.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, limited wish, regenerate; Cost 10,000 gp

一只恶魔之爪必须是使生肉(raw flesh,结合上下文应指恶魔之爪)在一个活性残肢上保持(held,使……保持)紧贴(against,紧靠,倚)。不通顺,需要改成意译。
« 上次编辑: 2021-09-13, 周一 09:14:52 由 萌新也有滥强的心 »

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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恶毒之目(Baleful Eye)
出自:Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 72
这种充血,褪色的球体只有拔出接受者自己的眼珠后才能植入,这将导致失明(blindness)并将导致接受者永久性目眩(dazzled)直到恶毒之目被一直。当移植时,该接受者可以使用恶毒之目每天1次以类法术能力来施展魅惑人类(charm person)(DC 11),丧志术(doom)(DC 11),以及识破隐形(see invisibility)。另外,被移植的生物在对抗失明(blindness)或目眩(dazzling)效果,或对抗依赖视觉的幻术上的豁免骰上获得+2加值。
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),目盲/耳聋术(blindness/deafness),魅惑人类(charm person),丧志术(doom),识破隐形(see invisibility);

Baleful Eye
Source Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 72
Aura faint transmutation [evil]; CL 5th
Slot none; Price 7,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This engorged, discolored orb can only be implanted after plucking out the recipient’s own eye, causing blindness and making the recipient permanently dazzled until the baleful eye is implanted. While engrafted, the recipient can use the baleful eye to cast charm person (DC 11), doom (DC 11), and see invisibility once per day each as spell-like abilities. In addition, the grafted creature gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against effects that cause blindness or dazzling, or against illusions that depend on sight.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, blindness/deafness, charm person, doom, see invisibility; Cost 3,500 gp

铜色之蹄(Brazen Hooves)
出自:Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 72
这些由深渊青铜(Abyssal bronze)铸就得蹄子可以附在生物被切下的腿或足后的残肢上,可使腿再生(或转化)为一条蓬乱的,黑色毛皮的山羊腿并最终变成燃烧着的黄铜偶蹄。如果腿或足还没被切下,它可以被砍掉,并造成1d6点体质伤害(Constitution damage)和1d6点流血伤害(bleed damage)。应用这依旧散发微光的铜色之蹄,从锻造炉火中加热,并烧灼残肢以结束流血伤害,而腿部的变形需要花费1分钟。一旦完成,如果接受者使一个中型生物的话可以在每轮作为一个次要天生武器进行一次蹄踢(hoof)攻击并造成1d4点伤害而如果接受者是一个小型生物的话则造成1d3点伤害,此外再加上1d6点火焰伤害。当接受者在任何硬度小于等于5的表面行走时铜色的蹄叶会留下烧焦的印记,但是不会使表面着火。
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),牛之力量(bull’s strength),火墙术(wall of fire);

【速查】:践踏 (Trample,Ex):通过一个整轮动作,拥有践踏能力的生物可以尝试越过任意体型比他小至少 1 级的生物。这个能力就像使用闯越战技一样,但是践踏生物不需要做检定,他只需要在他行进的路线上越过对手。被践踏的目标受到践踏生物的挥击外加 1.5 倍力量加值的伤害。被践踏的目标可以做一次藉机攻击,但命中承受 –4 减值。如果生物放弃藉机攻击,他可以通过一次反射检定来尝试将伤害减半 (DC 为 {10+1/2 践踏生物 HD + 力量修正};具体 DC 会在生物描述中给出)。不论生物从目标身上穿过去多少次,践踏生物每轮只能对每个被践踏的生物造成一次伤害。

Brazen Hooves
Source Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 72
Aura strong transmutation [evil]; CL 15th
Slot none; Price 15,000 gp; Weight 4 lbs.
These hooves cast from Abyssal bronze can be affixed to the stump of a creature’s severed leg or foot, causing the leg to regrow (or transform) into a shaggy, black-furred goat leg ending in a cloven hoof of burning brass. If the leg or foot is not already severed, it can be hacked off, dealing 1d6 points of Constitution damage and 1d6 points of bleed damage. Applying the still-glowing bronze hoof, hot from the forgefire, cauterizes the stump and ends the bleed damage, and the transformation of the leg takes 1 minute. Once complete, the recipient can make one hoof attack per round as a secondary natural attack that deals 1d4 points of damage if it’s a Medium creature or 1d3 points of damage if it’s a Small creature, plus 1d6 points of fire damage. The brazen hoof leaves a scorch mark whenever the recipient walks on any surface with hardness 5 or less, but it does not set surfaces on fire.

If a creature has a pair of brazen hooves grafted, it gains the trample special attack, dealing 1d6 points of fire damage in addition to normal trample damage.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, bull’s strength, wall of fire; Cost 7,500 gp

角之王冠(Crown of Horns)
出自:Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 72
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),野兽形态 II(beast shape II),防护秩序(protection from law);

Crown of Horns
Source Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 72
Aura strong transmutation [chaotic, evil]; CL 15th
Slot none; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
These curled, spiral, or hooked horns must be affixed to holes drilled into the bare skull of the recipient, who must be not only shaved but also scalped to allow the crown of horns to take root—this deals 1d4 points each of Charisma and Intelligence damage to the recipient. Once the crown has been implanted, the recipient gains a gore attack as a secondary natural attack that deals 1d4 points of damage if it’s a Medium creature, or 1d3 if it’s a Small creature. This gore attack deals double damage on a charge attack. The crown of horns is considered a chaotic and evil weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. In addition, when the recipient confirms a critical hit against a good-aligned target with the crown of horns, that creature is infused with the disruptive power of chaos; until the end of its next turn, whenever the target would roll a d20, it must roll twice and take the less favorable result.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, beast shape II, protection from law; Cost 10,000 gp

恶魔之心(Demon Heart)
出自:Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 73
只有当接受者自己的心脏首先被移除时,这种跳动的红黑色肌肉块才能被移植——移除接受者的心脏会对接受者造成2d4点体质伤害(Constitution damage)和1点体质出血(Constitution bleed)【译注:疑似是指如同bleed damage一样,在每轮开始时造成伤害。只不过这里是每轮造成1点体质伤害】,而且在下一轮开始时接受者的生命值(hit points)减至-1并且开始濒死(dying)。移植恶魔之心必须以一个整轮动作成功完成一个DC 20的医疗检定(Heal check),并使它移植到接受者的胸部并停止体质出血(Constitution bleed)。一旦就位,恶魔之心会涌出(pumps)邪恶的(unrighteous)强大力量——接受者在对抗恐惧效果的豁免骰获得+4亵渎加值(profane bonus)。此外,如果接受者遭受出血(Bleed,又译流血)效果,以一个整轮动作恶魔之心会用污染的脓水(bleed effect)涌入(flood)其体内循环的血液(bloodstream),终止出血(Bleed,又译流血)效果但是导致它反胃(nauseated,又译呕吐)1轮。
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),移除恐惧(remove fear),稳定伤势(stabilize);

Demon Heart
Source Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 73
Aura strong abjuration [chaotic, evil]; CL 13th
Slot none; Price 6,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This pulsating lump of reddish-black muscle can be implanted only if the recipient’s own heart is first removed—removing the recipient’s heart deals 2d4 points of Constitution damage and 1 point of Constitution bleed to the recipient, and at the beginning of its next turn the recipient is reduced to –1 hit points and begins dying. Implanting the demon heart requires a successful DC 20 Heal check made as a full-round action, and causes it to graft itself into the recipient’s chest and halt the Constitution bleed. Once in place, the demon heart pumps with unrighteous might—the recipient gains a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against fear effects. In addition, if the recipient is suffering a bleed effect, as a full-round action it can cause the demon heart to flood its bloodstream with tainted ichor, ending the bleed effect but causing it to become nauseated for 1 round.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, remove fear, stabilize; Cost 3,000 gp

恶魔之舌(Demon Tongue)
出自:Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 73
这条皱巴巴的黑色舌头代替了接受者必须事先剪掉的原有舌头。直到恶魔之舌被植入,移除接受者的舌头会对接受者造成2d6点伤害并阻止其说话。一旦被连结,一条恶魔之舌会使接受者在用于口头撒谎或欺骗的唬骗检定(Bluff checks)上获得+4亵渎加值(profane bonus)。一条恶魔之舌也允许接受者获得对毒素的部分恶魔免疫力。一个被植入恶魔之舌的生物在抵抗一种摄入性毒素(an ingested poison)的豁免骰中获得+4加值。此外,该生物可以在任何它食用或饮用的任何东西上侦测到摄入性毒素(ingested poison)的存在如同一个侦测毒性(detect poison)法术。
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),侦测毒性(detect poison),鹰之威仪(eagle’s splendor);

Demon Tongue
Source Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 73
Aura moderate transmutation [chaotic, evil]; CL 10th
Slot none; Price 10,000 gp; Weight —
This puckered black tongue replaces the recipient’s original tongue, which must be cut out beforehand. Removing the recipient’s tongue deals 2d6 points of damage to the recipient and prevents it from speaking until the demon tongue is implanted. Once attached, a demon tongue grants the recipient a +4 profane bonus on Bluff checks used to verbally lie or deceive. A demon tongue also grants its recipient a portion of a demon’s immunity to poison. A creature with a demon tongue implanted gains a +4 bonus on saving throws made to resist an ingested poison. In addition, the creature can detect the presence of an ingested poison in anything it eats or drinks as the detect poison spell.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, detect poison, eagle’s splendor; Cost 5,000 gp

出自:Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 73
这种粗糙、坚韧的毛皮是从恶魔的身上成条剥下的——它可能有鳞片(scaly),有疣(warty),表面粗糙(scabrous),甚至全是恶臭(covered in rank),还有油腻的皮毛或羽毛。要移植恶魔外皮,接受者必须首先剥掉自己的皮肤,并在这个过程中承受1d4点敏捷(Dexterity),体质(Constitution),和魅力(Charisma)伤害。一旦被移植,恶魔外皮给予穿戴者在AC(Armor Class)上+1天生防御加值(natural armor bonus)和5点闪电抗力。此外,该接受者免疫接触性毒素(contact poison)并在对抗传递毒素伤害的豁免骰上获得+4加值(包括由一个接触攻击所传递那些)。
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),树肤术(barkskin),减缓毒发(delay poison),抵抗能量伤害(resist energy);

Source Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 73
Aura moderate transmutation [evil]; CL 10th
Slot none; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 10 lbs.
This rough, leathery hide is peeled from the body of a demon in strips—it may be scaly, warty, scabrous, or even covered in rank, greasy fur or feathers. To be grafted with demonhide, the recipient must first have its own skin flayed off, taking 1d4 points each of Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma damage in the process. Once grafted, demonhide grants the wearer a +1 natural armor bonus to Armor Class and resistance 5 to electricity. In addition, the recipient is immune to contact poison and gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against poisons delivered by injury (including those delivered by a touch attacks).
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, barkskin, delay poison, resist energy; Cost 10,000 gp

分裂思维(Splintered Mind)
出自:Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 73
分裂思维(splintered mind)在抵抗影响心灵效果的豁免骰上给予接受者+4亵渎加值(profane bonus)。而且,如果该接受者受到任何既非立即(instantaneous,又译瞬间)也非永久(permanent)的效果影响时,它可以在该效果的回合结束后的每一轮的末尾尝试一个新的豁免骰。接受者的思维分裂并不是没有风险,也不是一种全面的保护,因为它的好处不适用于对抗那些导致困惑术(confusion)或精神错乱(insanity)的效果。此外,接受者杂乱无章的思维迫使其在先攻检定(initiative checks)上-2罚值。
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),困惑术(confusion),误导术(misdirection);

Splintered Mind
Source Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 73
Aura moderate abjuration [chaotic, evil]; CL 10th
Slot none; Price 16,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
This lumpy gray and green slurry, made from the pureed brains of a dozen dretches, must be consumed as a full-round action in order to take effect, as this demonic cocktail invades and infuses the recipient’s central nervous system, forming a mantle around every lobe, chiasm, and node of the recipient’s brain. This mantle splinters the recipient’s consciousness into dissociated and disorganized fragments linked only by this cortical mantle, making it more difficult for the recipient’s mind to be compromised by outside influences.

The splintered mind grants the recipient a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects. Also, if the recipient is affected by any effect that is neither instantaneous nor permanent, it can attempt a new saving throw each round at the end of its turn to end the effect. The splintering of the recipient’s mind is not without risk, nor is it a universal protection, as its benefits do not apply against effects that cause confusion or insanity. In addition, the recipient’s disorganized thoughts impose a –2 penalty on initiative checks.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, confusion, misdirection; Cost 8,000 gp

邪恶之翼(Wicked Wings)
出自:Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 74
这些褴褛的翅膀可能长着发霉的似鸟羽毛,也可能如同破败的似蝙蝠膜状翅膀。为了连接邪恶之翼接受者的肩胛骨和锁骨必须被破坏——破坏它们会对接受者造成2d4点力量(Strength)和敏捷(Dexterity)伤害并且双臂出于无效状态直至该属性伤害(ability damage)被治愈。该接受者获得等同于它正常陆地速度的飞行速度并拥有一般机动性(average maneuverability)。此外,当一个拥有邪恶之翼的生物不飞行时被视为拥有拨挡飞箭(Deflect Arrows)作为一个奖励专长。
制造条件:制造奇物(Craft Wondrous Item),野兽形态 I(beast shape I);

【速查】:拨挡飞箭(Deflect Arrows)〔战斗〕:你可以挡开飞来的箭和其他飞行物,防止它们命中你。先决条件:敏捷13,精通徒手打击。专长效果:你必须至少空出一只手(没有拿任何东西)才能使用本专长。当你被远程武器击中时,每轮有一次机会挡掉而不受伤害。你必须察觉到该攻击,且不能处于措手不及状态。拨挡远程武器不算是一个动作。通常大型远程武器(例如巨石或弩炮巨矢)和源自天生攻击或法术效果的远程攻击无法被挡开。

Wicked Wings
Source Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 74
Aura moderate transmutation [evil]; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 55,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
These ragged wings may be birdlike with moldy feathers, or tattered and membranous like the wings of a bat. The recipient’s shoulder blades and collarbones must be broken in order to attach the wicked wings—breaking them deals 2d4 points of Strength and Dexterity damage to the recipient and renders both arms useless until the ability damage heals. The recipient gains a fly speed equal to its normal land speed with average maneuverability. In addition, when not flying a creature with wicked wings is considered to have Deflect Arrows as a bonus feat.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, beast shape I; Cost 27,500 gp

恶魔移植物(造物专长)(Demon Grafter,Item Creation)
来自:Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 73
专长效果:你对关于邪恶异界生物或已经具有恶魔移植物的生物的医疗检定获得+2加值。另外,你可以创造恶魔移植物(见page 12)就如同你拥有制造奇物专长,选择你在医疗上的等级作为你的施法者等级。对任何必要的法术需求其制造物品的DC依旧增长(见Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook第15章中的制造魔法物品规则)。


Demon Grafter (Item Creation)
Source Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 73
Your studies into demonic anatomy and physiology allow you to graft their immortal tissues onto mortal flesh.

Prerequisites: Demonologist, Heal 5 ranks, Knowledge (planes) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Heal checks regarding evil outsiders or creatures that already have a demonic graft. In addition, you can create demonic implants (see page 12) as if you had the Craft Wondrous Item feat, using your ranks in Heal as your caster level. The DC to create the item still increases for any necessary spell requirements (see the magic item creation rules in Chapter 15 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook).


来自:Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 71

Source Pathfinder #74: Sword of Valor pg. 71
You have immersed yourself deeply in studies of the nature of the Abyss and its inhabitants.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (planes) 3 ranks.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all Knowledge checks related to the Abyss or to demons, and you may take 10 on Knowledge checks made to identify demons.
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【Mythic Realms】詹德雷的奥利芬特(Oliphaunt of Jandelay)
« 回帖 #48 于: 2021-09-14, 周二 08:26:58 »
詹德雷的奥利芬特(Oliphaunt of Jandelay)
这种似象一般的生物的体型(scale,或译规模比较好?从硕大无朋感觉还是体型的意思)是巨大的。弯曲的獠牙为它那活动的肢体(flexing),有力的象鼻(muscular trunk)和血盆大口(canyon of a mouth)做护架(frame)。

詹德雷的奥利芬特(Oliphaunt of Jandelay) CR30
出自:Mythic Realms pg. 58
混乱中立(CN)  超巨型异界生物(混乱,跨位面)
先攻:+8;感官:60尺黑暗视觉(darkvision),真知术(true seeing);察觉:+52
灵光:次元锁(Dimensional Lock,500尺,DC 41)
强韧:+37; 反射:+21; 意志:+27;
防御特性:詹德雷的守卫者(guardian of Jandelay),反命令结界(ward against command),詹德雷的加护(wards of Jandelay);DR:20/传奇;
免疫:属性伤害(ability damage),疾病(disease),能量吸取(energy drain),麻痹(paralysis),石化(petrification),毒素(poison),变形(polymorph);SR:41。
速度:120尺,凌空而行(air walk)
特殊攻击:紧勒(constrict,4d8+25),毁灭象牙(ruinous tusks),活吞(swallow whole,4d10+17伤害,AC 20,74 HP),践踏(trample,4d10+25,DC 47),气象领域(weather sphere)
类法术能力:(CL 40th;专注+51)
常驻——凌空而行(air walk),解锢术(freedom),真知术(true seeing)
随意——高等咆哮术(greater shout)(DC 29)
3次/日——化石为泥(transmute rock to mud)
专长:能力专攻(Ability Focus,高等咆哮术greater shout),顺势斩(Cleave),寓守于攻(Combat Expertise),重击专攻(Critical Focus),类法术能力强效(Empower Spell-Like Ability,高等咆哮术greater shout),大顺势斩(Great Cleave),强韧加强(Great Fortitude),高等破武(Greater Sunder),精通重击(Improved Critical,啮咬bite),精通重击(Improved Critical,抵撞gore),精通重击(Improved Critical,挥击slam),精通破武(Improved Sunder),钢铁意志(Iron Will),多重攻击(Multiattack),猛力攻击(Power Attack),飞跑(Run),技能专攻(Skill Focus,察觉Perception),恍惚重击(Staggering Critical),震慑重击(Stunning Critical),武器专攻(Weapon Focus,挥击slam)
特殊能力(Special Abilities)

詹德雷的守卫者(guardian of Jandelay,Su):奥利芬特是为了詹德雷的生存(live in,为……生存)而被创造的,并且试图将其从这个地方移走几乎是不可能的。奥利芬特可以阻止一个异界之门(gate )或类似效果在詹德雷边境内侧打开除非该效果是由一个神器(artifact)创造的或由一个神话角色施展的。如果被带到詹德雷外,奥利芬特每天尝试一个意志检定骰(Will saving throw)以返回。该DC等同于传送它法术的DC,不然该法术将会拥有DC如同它被允许做一个豁免骰。回归的奥利芬特会触发一种魔法般的惩罚对那些移动它(stole it)的人和土地覆盖上废墟。以奥利芬特特刚刚离开的地点为中心,该守卫(the ward,译注:指奥利芬特)触发了一道目标是5英里半径内所有生物的群体怪物定身术(mass hold monster)法术。接着,该地区会受到一个地震术(earthquake)和复仇风暴(storm of vengeance)的影响并持续1d12个月。当在詹德雷的时候,奥利芬特次元锁(dimensional lock)灵光会延伸到保护整个王国。

硕大无朋(Massive,Ex):奥利芬特在体型上是如此的巨大以至于它获得怪兽的硕大无朋(Massive)能力的好处(见Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4)。【速查】:硕大无朋(Massive,Ex):怪兽通常极其巨大,使得它们可以忽视困难地形的影响。一个体型为超大型或更小的生物可以穿过怪兽占据的方格,反之亦然。怪兽只能对体型至少为超大型的生物进行藉机攻击,也只受到体型至少为超大型的生物的夹击。无论何时,怪兽都视为对其他生物拥有处于高处的优势,而一个体型不大于超大型的生物甚至可以尝试攀爬怪兽——这通常需要通过一个 DC30 的攀爬检定并且和上述藉机攻击限制不同,怪兽可以正常对尝试攀爬它的生物进行藉机攻击。

毁灭象牙(ruinous tusks,Ex):奥利芬特的抵撞(gore)攻击被视为精金(adamantine),而且任何生物遭受一个打击(译注:应该指毁灭象牙的抵撞)都会被一个高等解除魔法(greater dispel magic)法术的影响。

反命令结界(ward against command,Su):除非奥利芬特和施法者由视觉线否则奥利芬特免疫任何影响心灵的法术或效果。即便如此,所有的何影响心灵的法术或效果都获得了依赖语言的描述符。魔法方式的翻译比如巧言术(tongues)不能绕过这一限制。【速查】:[依赖语言] 的法术使用有意义的语言作为传达信息的媒介,如果法术目标听不见或听不懂施法者所说的话,则法术失败。

詹德雷的加护(wards of Jandelay,Su):古老的保护魔法被绑定在奥利芬特的本质上。该加护给予它AC上+20偏斜加值,法术抗力41点,以及一个行动自如(freedom)效果的影响。

气象领域(weather sphere,Su):奥利芬特可以持续改变它周围的环境,在5英里半径内如同一个操控天气(control weather )。奥利芬特可以将天气改变为任何季节的天气,并且效果会在此后的1轮中显现。如果奥利芬特创造了暴风(stormy,译注:环境章节似乎没有这种天气)天气,它可以在每轮以一个自由动作召唤一道闪电,就像使用召唤雷暴(call lightning storm)一样。


詹德雷的奥利芬特(Oliphaunt of Jandelay)仅有一次曾涉足格拉利昂(Golarion)。一名瑟西隆(Thassilon)的符文领主(runelord),卡佐格(Karzoug)先驱,拥有呼唤(call)这种生物的知识,且尽管存在风险但仍有这样做的雄心和自负。他在威文山脉(Wyvern Mountains)



尽管有呼唤(calling)詹德雷的奥利芬特(Oliphaunt of Jandelay)的恶果(repercussions),一些具有重大影响力而傲慢的施法者们仍然试图重现呼唤(calling)它到格拉利昂(Golarion)的壮举。大多数尝试者都被绝望驱使,最著名的当属符文领主(runelord)阿拉兹尼斯特(Alaznist),当卡佐格(Karzoug)准备最终进军她的领地时她准备将该凶兽(beast)呼唤(calling)到其上面并落下。只不过星陨(Earthfall)使阿拉兹尼斯特(Alaznist)的计划落空。

自从符文领主(runelords)和瑟西隆(Thassilon)衰落以来,关于詹德雷的奥利芬特(Oliphaunt of Jandelay)的学问越来越难以获得——但这远没有被遗忘。古老的巫妖们(liches)仍然在隐蔽的实验室里工作以重现那曾有一次的呼唤(calling)进击的伟大奥利芬特(Oliphaunt)的复杂手段,精心修复他们所能找到的少量古代记录。投机者收集各种各样的文物(relics)并自称是从凶兽(beast)身上脱落的象牙块(chunks of tusk),从奥利芬特(Oliphaunt)的眼泪形成的湖泊中收集的水瓶,以及各种各样的罕见品。很少有目击者继续存活,因为大多数看到奥利芬特(Oliphaunt)的人都死了。

格拉利昂(Golarion)本就鲜有人知晓奥利芬特(Oliphaunt),而了解詹德雷(Jandelay)的人就更少了。一些人认为这是第一个描述奥利芬特(Oliphaunt)故事的人的名字,另一些人认为这是一种更伟大的祖兽(progenitor beast),它孕育了这种生物。那些对这个话题进行深入研究的人只发现了一点提示。其中最引人入胜的是铭刻在纺锤号角(Spindlehorn,前文符文领主建造的高塔)底座上的史诗《詹德雷》(Jandelay),这首诗讲述了奥利芬特(Oliphaunt)的狂暴行为(rampage,译注:也有横冲直撞的意思,感觉就是无法阻挡的暴虐平推的感觉)以及召唤它的符文领主(runelord)的其他传奇行动(尽管缺乏符文领主runelord是如何完成这一壮举的具体细节)。然而,在这首诗中有一个暗码(cipher),当翻译时,它揭示了以下言语:


Oliphaunt of Jandelay
The elephantine creature is titanic in scale. Curving tusks frame its flexing, muscular trunk and its canyon of a mouth.

Oliphaunt of Jandelay CR 30
Source Mythic Realms pg. 58
XP 9,830,400
CN Colossal outsider (chaotic, extraplanar)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., true seeing; Perception +52
Aura dimensional lock (500 ft., DC 41)
AC 50, touch 30, flat-footed 42 (+20 deflection, +8 Dex, +20 natural, –8 size)
hp 740 (40d10+520); regeneration 35 (acid from a mythic spell or item)
Fort +37, Ref +21, Will +27
Defensive Abilities guardian of Jandelay, ward against command, wards of Jandelay; DR 20/epic; Immune ability damage, disease, energy drain, paralysis, petrification, poison, polymorph; SR 41
Speed 120 ft., air walk
Melee bite +49 (4d10+17/19–20 plus grab), 4 gores +49 (4d10+17/19–20), 2 slams +50 (4d10+17/19–20), trunk +47 (4d8+8 plus grab)
Space 80 ft., Reach 80 ft.
Special Attacks constrict (4d8+25), ruinous tusks, swallow whole (4d10+17 damage, AC 20, 74 hp), trample (4d10+25, DC 47), weather sphere
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 40th; concentration +51)
Constant—air walk, freedom, true seeing
At will—greater shout (DC 29)
3/day—transmute rock to mud
Str 44, Dex 27, Con 37, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 32
Base Atk +40; CMB +65 (+69 grapple or sunder); CMD 103 (105 vs. sunder, 107 vs. grapple or trip)
Feats Ability Focus (greater shout), Cleave, Combat Expertise, Critical Focus, Empower Spell-Like Ability (greater shout), Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Greater Sunder, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Critical (gore), Improved Critical (slam), Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack, Run, Skill Focus (Perception), Staggering Critical, Stunning Critical, Weapon Focus (slam)
Skills Climb +37, Diplomacy +51, Intimidate +54, Knowledge (arcana, religion) +25, Knowledge (planes) +45, Perception +52, Sense Motive +46, Spellcraft +45, Swim +37
Languages Celestial, Jandelayan
SQ massive
Special Abilities
Guardian of Jandelay (Su) The Oliphaunt was created to live in Jandelay, and attempting to remove it from the place is almost impossible. The Oliphaunt can prevent a gate or similar effect from opening inside Jandelay’s borders unless the effect was created by an artifact or cast by a mythic character. If brought outside Jandelay, the Oliphaunt attempts a Will saving throw each day to return. The DC is equal to the DC of the spell that transported it, or the DC that spell would have if it allowed a saving throw. The return of the Oliphaunt triggers a magical punishment on those that stole it, laying waste to people and land. Centered on the point from which the Oliphaunt just departed, the ward triggers a mass hold monster spell targeting all creatures in a 5-mile radius. Then, that area is affected by an earthquake and storm of vengeance that last 1d12 months. While in Jandelay, the Oliphaunt’s dimensional lock aura extends to protect the entire realm.

Massive (Ex) The Oliphaunt is so enormous in scale that it gains the benefits of a kaiju’s massive ability (see Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4).

Ruinous Tusks (Ex) The Oliphaunt’s gore attacks are treated as adamantine, and any creature hit by one is affected by a targeted greater dispel magic spell.

Ward against Command (Su) The Oliphaunt is immune to any mind-affecting spell or effect unless the Oliphaunt has line of sight to the caster. Even then, all mind-affecting spells and effects gain the language-dependent descriptor. Magical means of translation such as tongues do not bypass this restriction.

Wards of Jandelay (Su) Ancient protective magic was bound into the essence of the Oliphaunt. The wards give it a +20 deflection bonus to AC, spell resistance 41, and a constant freedom effect.

Weather Sphere (Su) The Oliphaunt can continuously change the environment around it, as control weather with a 5-mile radius. The Oliphaunt can change the weather to that of any season, and the effects manifest 1 round thereafter. If the Oliphaunt creates stormy weather, it can call down one lightning bolt per round as a free action, as if using call lightning storm.

Only once did the Oliphaunt of Jandelay set foot on Golarion. A runelord of Thassilon, a precursor of Karzoug, had the knowledge to call the creature, and the ambition and ego to do so despite the risks. He erected the Spindlehorn, a slender tower of dark slate thousands of feet tall, in the Wyvern Mountains simply so he could look the Oliphaunt in the eye and attempt to control it. And control it he did.

The Oliphaunt caused the carnage the runelord intended, destroying an invading army from Azlant. Black clouds sprang from a clear sky around the mountain of a creature, and lightning and hail shot down on the amassed troops. Every impact of the thing’s foot shook the ground, and the thunder of the Oliphaunt’s march through the armies drowned out even the screams of the dying thousands. A massive valley marked the path where the Oliphaunt trod, with entire cities lying buried underneath the earth by the crushing footfalls.

But even a runelord couldn’t control such power forever, and the wards protecting the Oliphaunt continued to draw it back to its home realm of Jandelay. The legion following the runelord’s ally, Runelord Xanderghul, suffered the parting punishment when the Oliphaunt vanished, torn back to Jandelay. A quarter of Xanderghul’s legion froze still in their tracks, then were ripped apart by chaotic, bloody storms and repeated earthquakes left in the Oliphaunt’s wake.

In spite of the repercussions of calling the Oliphaunt of Jandelay, spellcasters of great inf luence and arrogance still attempt to recreate the singular feat of calling it to Golarion. Desperation drives most who try, most notably the Runelord Alaznist, who was prepared to call the beast down upon Karzoug as he prepared to finally march on her territory. Only Earthfall cut Alaznist’s plans short.

Since the fall of the runelords and Thassilon, lore about the Oliphaunt and Jandelay has become much harder to come by—but it’s far from forgotten. Ancient liches still work away in secluded laboratories to recreate the complicated means that once before called forth the great Oliphaunt, meticulously reconstructing what few scraps of ancient records they can find. Speculators collect all sorts of relics purported to be chunks of tusk that sloughed off the beast, vials of water collected from lakes formed by the Oliphaunt’s tears, and all manner of other curiosities. Few eyewitness accounts remain, since most who saw the Oliphaunt died.

Few alive on Golarion even know about the Oliphaunt, but even fewer understand what Jandelay itself is. Some believe it’s the name of the person who first scribed a tale of the Oliphaunt, others think it’s an even greater progenitor beast that spawned the creature. Those who’ve deeply researched to topic found only a few hints. The most compelling of these are within the epic poem Jandelay, as inscribed at the base of the Spindlehorn. The poem tells of the Oliphaunt’s rampage and the other legendary acts of the runelord who summoned it (though lacking specific details of how the runelord pulled off this feat). However, within the poem is a cipher that when translated reveals these words:

Jandelay, proof against the Maelstrom,
Jandelay, of green fields and faultless spires;
No sane soul born dares trespass fair Jandelay
For the Oliphaunt guards you always.

细的或纤细的塔(slender tower),不太通顺,感觉像是那种巴洛克式苗条的尖塔的样子,所以没有直译细塔而是意译为尖塔。——感谢笨哈大佬,已改为岑楼。
双足飞龙山(Wyvern Mountains)听起来太出戏了,或许音译为威文山脉比较好听。

最后得吐槽:萌新翻译这个高贵的CR 30,起因在于看位面冒险(Planar Adventures)法术位面注能(Bestow Planar Infusion)系列法术却不知道法术效果是什么,然后想找一下原文,但是后来突然发现已经有大佬(Rivers和犬良人)已经翻译了部分效果了(没翻译为位面注能而是翻译为位面谐律),但是之后没在填坑(推测是位面名字翻译太难了):
阿卡西记录(Akashic Record)、
星界(Astral Plane,已被Rivers大佬翻译)、
死亡墓室(Dead Vault,译注:无现成译名。半位面之一)、
幻梦境(Dimension of Dreams)/梦大陆(Dreamlands)、
时间维度(Dimension of Time)、
灵界(Ethereal Plane,已被Rivers大佬翻译)、
第一世界(First World,已被Rivers大佬翻译)、
郝金挂毯(Hao Jin Tapestry,半位面之一,更多关于旅法师郝金Hao Jin的信息见赤凰武道会和PF2)、
哈啰王国(Harrowed Realm,和次级神器哈啰传奇牌Deck of Harrowed tales相连的半位面)、
物质位面(Material Plane)、
负能量位面 (Negative Energy Plane,已被Rivers大佬翻译)、
气元素位面(Plane of Air,已被Rivers大佬翻译)、
土元素位面(Plane of Earth,已被Rivers大佬翻译)、
火元素位面(Plane of Fire,已被Rivers大佬翻译)、
水元素位面(Plane of Water,已被Rivers大佬翻译)、
正能量位面(Positive Energy Plane,已被犬良人大佬翻译)、
影界(Shadow Plane,已被Rivers大佬翻译)、
西瓦尔巴(Xibalba,译注:在PF中无现成翻译,但是南美洲旅游指南有。Xibalba是中美洲玛雅文明的地府/冥界/往世。旅游景点玛雅地下水道(The Mayan Cenotes)是玛雅雨神的Chaak的居所,也是冥界的入口,是通往Xibalba的河道)

« 上次编辑: 2021-09-15, 周三 08:20:03 由 萌新也有滥强的心 »

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Re: 【Mythic Realms】詹德雷的奧利芬特(Oliphaunt of Jandelay)
« 回帖 #49 于: 2021-09-14, 周二 12:55:19 »
slender tower翻譯成岑樓