作者 主题: 【独享专区】萌新也有滥强的心  (阅读 230844 次)

副标题: 第一次发帖渣翻请谅解,但是萌新想要滥强的本能已经抑制不住了。

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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« 于: 2021-08-30, 周一 12:18:35 »
【Champions of Corruption】阴影穿刺品(Shadow Piercings)

阴影穿刺品(Shadow Piercings)
描述来源:Champions of Corruption
真正的奈多人(Nidalese)品味痛苦,而且他们自豪的穿戴这种以痛苦刺穿自己身体为乐的(delight in,以…为乐)品味。阴影钉匠(Shadow piercers)是奈多堕落文化中最为熟练的痛苦手艺匠一些人。他们制作魔力的饰物,使用暗影材料的部分成型,而且用它们给他们最有眼力的顾客穿刺于各色的表面。一些阴影穿刺品(Shadow Piercings)不仅仅是一件的饰物——取而代之的是它们成套设计并在佩戴者皮肤的宽阔部位形成独特的布局。

Shadow Piercings
Description Source: Champions of Corruption
True Nidalese savor pain, and they proudly wear this delight in the torturous piercing of their bodies. Shadow piercers are some of the most skilled pain artisans in Nidal’s depraved culture. They create magical pieces of jewelry, formed partially of shadowstuff, and use them in all manner of surface piercings for their discerning clients. Some shadow piercings are more than just single pieces of jewelry—instead they are created in sets that form specific designs across an expanse of the wearer’s skin.

制造阴影穿刺品(造物专长)(Craft Shadow Piercing,Item Creation)
出自:Champions of Corruption pg. 28
阴影穿刺品(Shadow piercings)必须被放置于通常和魔法物品栏位(slot)相对应的躯体的一部分,但它们不会占据身体上的某个栏位(slot),也不会干扰使用这些栏位(slot)的其他魔法物品。一个单一栏位(slot)只能容纳一个阴影穿刺品(非魔法穿刺品不计入此限制)。阴影穿刺品(Shadow piercings)可以被应用于下列栏位(slot):腰部(belt),躯体(body),
一个单一栏位(slot)可以容纳多个物理穿刺,尽管这些拼合的饰物(pieces of jewelry)是作为一个独立物品运作并必须以此为目的制造。阴影穿刺品(Shadow piercings)有不同的力量等级:次级(minor)、普通(major)、和 高等(greater)。次级阴影穿刺品通常包括一件饰物,而普通和高等阴影穿刺品通常由覆盖了穿刺栏位(slot)全部区域的多种环饰(rings)和刺饰(spikes)组成(但仍被视为一个独立物品)。一个生物只能使用等同于其体质调整值和感知调整值数量的阴影穿刺品(A creature can only use a number of shadow piercings equal its Constitution modifier plus its Wisdom modifier)。(译注:译者认为这里的数量应该参考电子殖装物,目标必须同时查看体质和感知调整值,二者取低,即为可使用数量。如果不存在两种属性或二者之一则无法使用。)
小心地嵌入或移除阴影穿刺品需要一整轮动作且不会造成伤害。亦或是,一个生物以一个标准动作使用盗取(steal)战技并造成1d6点伤害可能可以把阴影穿刺品取出。只有一个具有制造阴影穿刺品(Craft Shadow Piercing)专长的生物才能创造或嵌入一个阴影穿刺品,但是任何生物都可以移除一个阴影穿刺品。除非目标自愿或无助否则嵌入一个阴影穿刺品是不可能的。已经移除之后,阴影穿刺品可以通过具备此专长者嵌入另一个生物。由于它们被视为魔法物品,因此会受到解除魔法(dispel magic)的影响。
阴影穿刺品遵循制造魔法物品规则,除了造物者能使用工艺(珠宝加工)代替法术辨识 (Spellcraft)。新的阴影穿刺品可以使用给新魔法物品定价规则(the rules for pricing new magic items)进行研究和设计(译注:该规则疑似Uca战役系统中制造魔法物品Magic Item Creation规则)。特定栏位(slot)的阴影穿刺品必须在主题上相似或关联。由于阴影穿刺品不会干扰同一栏位(slot)中的其他魔法物品,但每个栏位(slot)只能有一个穿刺品,其基本价格乘以1.5而不是如同它们如同无位置魔法物品那般加倍。

Craft Shadow Piercing (Item Creation)
Source Champions of Corruption pg. 28
You can craft magical piercings infused with the power of shadow.

Prerequisites: Craft (jewelry) 5 ranks, caster level 5th.

Benefit: You can create special wondrous items—typically barbs, hooks, rings, and spikes—that adorn piercings in the wearer’s flesh and grant magical abilities. Both you and the recipient of the piercing (if not yourself) must be present for the entire piercing process.

Shadow piercings must be placed in a part of the body normally associated with a magic item slot, but they do not take up a slot on the body, nor interfere with other magic items that use those slots. A single slot can only hold one shadow piercing (nonmagical piercings do not count against this limit). Shadow piercings can be applied to the following slots: belt, body, chest, eyes, feet, hands, head, neck, shoulder, and wrist.

A single slot can hold multiple physical piercings, though the pieces of jewelry operate as a single item and must be created for that purpose. Shadow piercings have different levels of power: minor, major, and greater. Minor shadow piercings usually include one piece of jewelry, while major and greater shadow piercings often are made up of multiple rings and spikes that cover the entire area of the piercing’s slot (but are still considered a single item). A creature can only use a number of shadow piercings equal its Constitution modifier plus its Wisdom modifier.

Carefully inserting or removing a shadow piercing takes a full-round action and deals no damage. Alternatively, a shadow piercing may be pulled out of a creature using the steal maneuver as a standard action that deals 1d6 points of damage. Only a creature with the Craft Shadow Piercing feat may create or insert a shadow piercing, but any creature may remove one. Inserting a shadow piercing is impossible unless the target is willing or helpless. After being removed, a shadow piercing may be inserted into another creature by someone with this feat. Since they are treated as magic items, they are affected by dispel magic.

Shadow piercings follow the rules for magic item creation, except the creator can use the Craft (jewelry) skill instead of Spellcraft. New shadow piercings can be researched and designed using the rules for pricing new magic items. Shadow piercing powers for a specific slot must be thematically similar or linked. Since shadow piercings don’t interfere with other magic items in the same slot, but can only have one piercing per slot, the base price is multiplied by 1.5 instead of doubled as if they had no space limitation.

躯体穿刺品(Body Piercings)
出自:Champions of Corruption pg. 28
栏位:躯体;价格:1,800GP(次级),2,400GP(普通),3,200GP (高等);重量:-磅
次级:佩戴者在对抗擒抱战技(grappling attempts)的CMD上获得+2表现加值(competence bonus)。
普通:任何以天生武器或徒手打击攻击佩戴者的生物必须成功通过DC 15的反射豁免否则会受到1d4点伤害。
高等:佩戴者在未穿戴盔甲或厚重服装时被视为拥有+1甲刺(armor spikes),而且被视为擅长(proficient)甲刺。
制造条件:制造阴影穿刺品(Craft Shadow Piercing),精通擒抱(Improved Grapple),魔化武器(Magic Weapon);
制造成本:900GP(次级),1,200GP(普通),1,600GP (高等)

Body Piercings
Source Champions of Corruption pg. 28
Aura faint transmutation CL 3rd
Slot body; Price 1,800 gp (Minor), 2,400 gp (Major), 3,200 gp (Greater); Weight —
These piercings come in the form of grotesque spikes and needles that cover every inch of the wearer’s skin.

Minor: The wearer gains a +2 competence bonus to CMD against grappling attempts.

Major: Any creature attacking the wearer with a natural or unarmed attack must succeed at a DC 15 Reflex save or take 1d4 points of damage.

Greater: The wearer is considered to have +1 armor spikes when not wearing armor or bulky clothing, and is considered proficient with armor spikes.
Requirements Craft Shadow Piercing, Improved Grapple, magic weapon; Cost 900 gp (Minor), 1,200 gp (Major), 1,600 gp (Greater)

胸部穿刺品(Chest Piercings)
出自:Champions of Corruption pg. 28
栏位:躯体(body,没错Chest Piercings的栏位是body);价格:2,200GP(次级),3,750GP(普通),5,750GP (高等);重量:-磅

次级:佩戴者在对抗导致晕眩(dazed,又译眩晕),反胃(nauseated,又译呕吐),和恶心(sickened)状态效果上的豁免检定获得+2亵渎加值(profane bonus)。
普通:佩戴者在专注(concentration)检定上获得+5表现加值(competence bonus)。
高等:佩戴者在对抗导致属性伤害(damage)和吸取(drain)效果的豁免检定骰上获得+4亵渎加值(profane bonus)。

制造条件:制造阴影穿刺品(Craft Shadow Piercing),熊之坚韧(bear's endurance)(次级和高等),狐之狡黠(fox's cunning)(普通);
制造成本:1,100GP(次级),1,875GP(普通),2,875GP (高等)

Chest Piercings
Source Champions of Corruption pg. 29
Aura faint transmutation CL 3rd
Slot body; Price 2,200 gp (Minor), 3,750 gp (Major), 5,750 gp (Greater); Weight —
These excruciating body ornaments come in the form of sharp barbs and serrated rings inserted in the nipples, abdomen, or along the ribs. The pain they cause sharpens the mind and blocks out distractions.

Minor: The wearer gains a +2 profane bonus on saves against effects that cause the dazed, nauseated, and sickened conditions.

Major: The wearer gains a +5 competence bonus on concentration checks.

Greater: The wearer gains a +4 profane bonus on saving throws against effects that deal ability damage or drain.
Requirements Craft Shadow Piercing, bear's endurance (minor and greater), fox's cunning (major); Cost 1,100 gp (Minor), 1,875 gp (Major), 2,875 gp (Greater)

头部穿刺品(Head Piercings)
出自:Champions of Corruption pg. 28
栏位:头部;价格:3,750GP(次级),6,000GP(普通),33,600GP (高等);重量:-磅
描述:无论它们是钉入的冠冕(crowns of pins,还是翻译成钉成冠冕状较好呢?),内部入钉的唇(pinned-back lips),或是简单的鼻环,这些穿刺品突出了其拥有者们可怕的存在感和坚决的内心。

次级:佩戴者在威吓检定上获得+5表现加值(competence bonus)。
普通:佩戴者在对抗影响心灵效果的豁免检定上获得+4亵渎加值(profane bonus)。
高等:佩戴者可以每天两次使用恐惧术(fear)(豁免DC 16)

制造条件:制造阴影穿刺品(Craft Shadow Piercing),恐惧术(fear)(次级和高等),枭之睿智(owl's wisdom)(普通);
制造成本:1,875GP(次级),3,000GP(普通),16,800GP (高等)

Head Piercings
Source Champions of Corruption pg. 29
Aura faint transmutation CL 5th
Slot head; Price 3,750 gp (Minor), 6,000 gp (Major), 33,600 gp (Greater); Weight —
Whether they are crowns of pins, pinned-back lips, or simple nose rings, these piercings accentuate the owner’s terrifying presence and inner resolve.

Minor: The wearer gains a +5 competence bonus on Intimidate checks.

Major: The wearer gains a +4 profane bonus against mindaffecting effects.

Greater: The wearer can use fear twice per day (Will DC 16).
Requirements Craft Shadow Piercing, fear (minor and greater), owl's wisdom (major); Cost 1,875 gp (Minor), 3,000 gp (Major), 16,800 gp (Greater)

眼部穿刺品(Eye Piercings)
出自:Champions of Corruption pg. 28
栏位:眼部;价格:6,000GP(次级),18,000GP(普通),32,000GP (高等);重量:-磅
次级:佩戴者获得昏暗视觉(low-light vision)。如果佩戴者已经拥有昏暗视觉(low-light vision),则能力的范围加倍。【速查】:昏暗视觉 (低光视觉) (Low–Light Vision, Ex):拥有昏暗视觉的生物在星光、月光、火炬和类似的低光下可以看到人类的两倍远。昏暗视觉可看见色彩和细节。
高等:佩戴者获得看破黑暗(see in darkness)特殊能力。【速查】:看破黑暗 (See in Darkness, Su):该生物可以在任何种类的黑暗环境下完美视物,包括‘深幽黑暗术’。
制造条件:制造阴影穿刺品(Craft Shadow Piercing),感官锐化(keen senses)APG(次级),黑暗视觉(darkvision)(普通和高等);
制造成本:3,000GP(次级),9,000GP(普通),1,6000GP (高等)

Eye Piercings
Source Champions of Corruption pg. 29
Aura faint transmutation CL 5th
Slot eye; Price 6,000 gp (Minor), 18,000 gp (Major), 32,000 gp (Greater); Weight —
These piercings may penetrate the eyebrow, eyelid, or the eye itself. Due to magical, they do not impair the owner’s vision. All effects from an eye piercing are continuous.

Minor: The wearer gains low-light vision. If the wearer already has low-light vision, the ability’s range is doubled.

Major: The wearer gains darkvision to 60 feet.

Greater: The wearer gains the see in darkness special ability.
Requirements Craft Shadow Piercing, keen sensesAPG (minor), darkvision (major and greater); Cost 3,000 gp (Minor), 9,000 gp (Major), 16,000 gp (Greater)

悬吊穿刺品(Suspension Piercings)
出自:Champions of Corruption pg. 28
栏位:腰部或肩部;价格:6,000GP(次级),7,200GP(普通),11,200GP (高等);重量:-磅
次级:佩戴者获得羽落术(feather fall)作为持续性效果。
高等:佩戴者可以每天1次使用凌空而行(air walk)。
制造条件:制造阴影穿刺品(Craft Shadow Piercing),羽落术(feather fall)(次级),浮空术(levitate)(中等),凌空而行(air walk)(高等);
制造成本:3,000GP(次级),3,600GP(普通),5,600GP (高等)

Suspension Piercings
Source Champions of Corruption pg. 29
Aura faint transmutation (minor and major), moderate transmutation (greater) CL 7th
Slot belt or shoulder; Price 6,000 gp (Minor), 7,200 gp (Major), 11,200 gp (Greater); Weight —
These piercings are popular among suspensionists, who hang from hooks attached to their skin.

Minor: The wearer gains feather fall as a continuous effect.

Major: The wearer may use levitate twice per day.

Greater: The wearer may use air walk once per day.
Requirements Craft Shadow Piercing, feather fall (minor), levitate (major), air walk (greater); Cost 3,000 gp (Minor), 3,600 gp (Major), 5,600 gp (Greater)






« 上次编辑: 2022-01-24, 周一 06:39:40 由 沉淪 »

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Re: 【Champions of Corruption】阴影穿刺品(Shadow Piercings)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2021-08-30, 周一 12:57:55 »

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Re: 【Champions of Corruption】阴影穿刺品(Shadow Piercings)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2021-08-30, 周一 19:01:59 »

线上 xtw136

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Re: 【Champions of Corruption】阴影穿刺品(Shadow Piercings)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2021-08-30, 周一 19:09:35 »

离线 祝孤生

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Re: 【Champions of Corruption】阴影穿刺品(Shadow Piercings)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2021-08-30, 周一 22:10:03 »

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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Re: 【Champions of Corruption】阴影穿刺品(Shadow Piercings)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2021-08-31, 周二 12:19:20 »

离线 沙包

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Re: 【Champions of Corruption】阴影穿刺品(Shadow Piercings)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2021-08-31, 周二 17:01:35 »
这不是X环系列吗  之前大家都是默认戒指效果,看来功能还可以更多元化

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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Re: 【Champions of Corruption】阴影穿刺品(Shadow Piercings)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2021-08-31, 周二 20:39:58 »

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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【Champions of Corruption】召唤邪恶怪物(Summon Evil Monster)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2021-09-01, 周三 08:49:26 »
召唤邪恶怪物(Summon Evil Monster)
出自:Champions of Corruption pg. 33
专长效果:当施展一个召唤怪物(summon monster)法术时,你能从本页邪恶生物列表中选取要召唤的生物。当从这个列表中召唤一个生物时,你堕落的本性使你可以以标准动作施展该法术。被召唤的生物在该法术中看似正常但在你下一轮前不能行动。然而,它并非措手不及(flat-footed),且可以如常使用借机攻击。这些效果不适用于处在标准列表中而不在此列表中的生物。
特殊说明:如果你拥有神圣召唤(Sacred Summons)UM专长,你可以将其应用于一个此表中的生物(就像与它的一个子类或多个子类相反一样)而其匹配你灵光阵营。

召唤生物   来源   挑战等级   生物类型(决定法术描述符)   阵营
炼狱模板凶暴鼠(Fiendish dire rat)   Bestiary 1   CR1/3+0      中立邪恶(NE)
炼狱模板火甲虫(Fiendish fire beetle)   Bestiary 1   CR1/3+0      中立邪恶(NE)
炼狱模板幽灵蝎(Fiendish ghost scorpion)   Bestiary 3   CR1/2+0      中立邪恶(NE)
炼狱模板矮种马(Fiendish pony)   Bestiary 1   CR1/2+0      中立邪恶(NE)
炼狱模板魟鱼(Fiendish stingray)   Bestiary 2   CR1/2+0      中立邪恶(NE)
炼狱模板秃鹫(Fiendish vulture)   Bestiary 3   CR1/2+0      中立邪恶(NE)
祈并者,受诅者(Damned petitioner)   Bestiary 2   CR 1      秩序邪恶(LE)
炼狱模板乌贼(Fiendish squid)   Bestiary 1   CR 1+0      中立邪恶(NE)
憎恶小魔怪(Fuath)   Bestiary 3   CR 1   小魔怪gremlin   混乱邪恶(CE)
祈并者,受食者(Hunted petitioner)   Bestiary 2   CR 1      中立邪恶(NE)
祈并者,幼虫(Larvae petitioner)   Bestiary 2   CR 1      混乱邪恶(CE)
魔鬼,劣魔(Lemure)   Bestiary 1   CR 1   魔鬼devil   秩序邪恶(LE)
厄运小魔怪(Pugwampi)   Bestiary 3   CR 1/2   小魔怪gremlin   中立邪恶(NE)
链魔,邪窥魔(Augur)   Bestiary 3   CR 2   链魔kyton   秩序邪恶(LE)
邪魔,狂躁邪魔(Cacodaemon)   Bestiary 2   CR 2   邪魔daemon   中立邪恶(NE)
妖灵,飞颅妖(Doru)   Bestiary 3   CR 2   妖灵div   中立邪恶(NE)
恶魔,怯魔(Dretch)   Bestiary 1   CR 2   恶魔demon   混乱邪恶(CE)
炼狱模板鲨鱼(Fiendish shark)   Bestiary 1   CR 2+0      中立邪恶(NE)
嚎兽(Howler)   Bestiary 2   CR 3      混乱邪恶(CE)
阿修罗,奇叵修罗(Tripurasura)   Bestiary 3   CR 2   阿修罗asura   秩序邪恶(LE)
妖灵,邪眼妖(Aghash)   Bestiary 3   CR 4   妖灵div   中立邪恶(NE)
地狱犬(Hell hound)   Bestiary 1   CR 3      秩序邪恶(LE)
马形水怪(Kelpie)   Bestiary 2   CR 4      中立邪恶(NE)
恶魔,希尔魔(Schir)   Bestiary 3   CR 4   恶魔demon   混乱邪恶(CE)
弹簧腿杰克(Spring-Heeled Jack)   Bestiary 4   CR 3      混乱邪恶(CE)
夜嘶猎犬(Yeth Hound)   Bestiary 1   CR 3      中立邪恶(NE)
魔鬼,控斥魔/蝇魔(Zebub)   Bestiary 2   CR 3   魔鬼devil   秩序邪恶(LE)
恶魔,巴布魔(Babau)   Bestiary 1   CR 6   恶魔demon   混乱邪恶(CE)
魔鬼,倒钩魔/巴霸魔(Barbazu)   Bestiary 1   CR 5   魔鬼devil   秩序邪恶(LE)
(Evangelist)      CR    链魔kyton   秩序邪恶(LE)
炼狱模板巨海鳗(Fiendish giant moray eel)   Bestiary 1   CR 5+1      中立邪恶(NE)
光明潜伏者(Lurker in light)   Bestiary 2   CR 5      中立邪恶(NE)
火蜥蜴(Salamander)   Bestiary 1   CR 6      混乱邪恶(CE)
暗影獒犬(Shadow mastiff)   Bestiary 3   CR 5      中立邪恶(NE)
巨灵,火巨灵(Efreeti)   Bestiary 1   CR 8   巨灵genie   秩序邪恶(LE)
魔鬼,欲魔(Erinyes)   Bestiary 1   CR 8   魔鬼devil   秩序邪恶(LE)
炼狱模板巨章鱼(Fiendish giant octopus)   Bestiary 1   CR 8+1      中立邪恶(NE)
妖灵,恶欲妖(Pairaka)   Bestiary 3   CR 7   妖灵div   中立邪恶(NE)
恶魔,影魔(Shadow demon)   Bestiary 1   CR 7   恶魔demon   混乱邪恶(CE)
噬魂者(Soul eater)   Bestiary 2   CR 7      中立邪恶(NE)
恶魔,魅魔(Succubus)   Bestiary 1   CR 7   恶魔demon   混乱邪恶(CE)
狩魔蛛(Bebilith)   Bestiary 1   CR 10      混乱邪恶(CE)
怪蜀黍(Bogeyman)   Bestiary 3   CR 10      中立邪恶(NE)
邪魔,疫病邪魔(Leukodaemon)   Bestiary 2   CR 9   邪魔daemon   中立邪恶(NE)
海人马(Nuckelavee)   Bestiary 3   CR 9      中立邪恶(NE)
魔鬼,骨魔/奥赛魔(Osyluth)   Bestiary 1   CR 9   魔鬼devil   秩序邪恶(LE)
链魔,邪刻魔(Sacristan)   Bestiary 4   CR 10   链魔kyton   秩序邪恶(LE)
恶魔,鹫魔(Vrock)   Bestiary 1   CR 9   恶魔demon   混乱邪恶(CE)
深渊魔猿(Baregara)   Bestiary 3   CR 12      混乱邪恶(CE)
(Dorvae)   Bestiary 4   CR 11      中立邪恶(NE)
魔鬼,尖刺魔/哈玛魔(Hamatula)   Bestiary 1   CR 11   魔鬼devil   秩序邪恶(LE)
恶魔,狂战魔(Hezrou)   Bestiary 1   CR 11   恶魔demon   混乱邪恶(CE)
邪魔,饥馑邪魔(Meladaemon)   Bestiary 2   CR 11   邪魔daemon   中立邪恶(NE)
水泽妖女(Rusalka)   Bestiary 3   CR 12      中立邪恶(NE)
青年绿龙(Young adult green dragon)   Bestiary 1   CR 11      秩序邪恶(LE)
死魂精(Ankou)   Bestiary 4   CR 14      秩序邪恶(LE)
恶魔,判魂魔(Nalfeshnee)   Bestiary 1   CR 14   恶魔demon   混乱邪恶(CE)
邪魔,异虫邪魔(Derghodaemon)   Bestiary 2   CR 12   邪魔daemon   中立邪恶(NE)
魔鬼,冰魔/奇鲁魔(Gelugon)   Bestiary 1   CR 13   魔鬼devil   秩序邪恶(LE)
恶魔,迷诱魔(Glabrezu)   Bestiary 1   CR 12   恶魔demon   混乱邪恶(CE)
妖灵,墟言妖(Sepid)   Bestiary 3   CR 14   妖灵div   中立邪恶(NE)
邪魔,死役邪魔(Thanadaemon)   Bestiary 2   CR 13   邪魔daemon   中立邪恶(NE)


Summon Evil Monster
Source Champions of Corruption pg. 33
You can summon the aid of creatures driven their very nature to destroy goodness.

Prerequisites: Evil alignment.

Benefit: When casting summon monster, you also have access to the list of evil monsters on this page. When summoning a creature from this list, your debased nature allows you to cast the spell as a standard action. The summoned creature appears as normal for the spell but can’t act until next your next turn. It is not flat-footed, however, and it can make attacks of opportunity as normal. These effects don’t apply for creatures from the standard list that aren’t also on this list.

Special: If you possess the Sacred SummonsUM feat, you can apply it to a creature on this list whose alignment (as opposed to its subtype or subtypes) matches your aura.

1st Level
Fiendish dire rat (NE)
Fiendish fire beetle (NE)
Fiendish ghost scorpionB3 (NE)
Fiendish pony (NE)
Fiendish stingrayB2 (NE)
Fiendish vultureB3 (NE)

2nd Level
Damned petitionerB2 (LE)
Fiendish squid (NE)
FuathB3 (gremlin, CE)
Hunted petitionerB2 (NE)
Larvae petitionerB2 (CE)
Lemure (devil, LE)
PugwampiB3 (gremlin, NE)

3rd Level
AugurB3 (kyton, LE)
CacodaemonB2 (daemon, NE)
DoruB3 (div, NE)
Dretch (demon, CE)
Fiendish shark (NE)
HowlerB2 (CE)
TripurasuraB3 (asura, LE)

4th Level
AghashB3 (div, NE)
Hell hound (LE)
KelpieB2 (NE)
SchirB3 (demon, CE)
Spring-Heeled JackB4 (CE)
Yeth Hound (NE)
ZebubB2 (devil, LE)

5th Level
Babau (demon, CE)
Barbazu (devil, LE)
Evangelist (kyton, LE)
Fiendish giant moray eel (NE)
Lurker in lightB2 (NE)
Salamander (CE)
Shadow mastiffB3 (NE)

6th Level
Efreeti (genie, LE)
Erinyes (devil , LE)
Fiendish giant octopus (NE)
PairakaB3 (div, NE)
Shadow demon (CE)
Soul eaterB2 (NE)
Succubus (demon, CE)

7th Level
Bebilith (CE)
BogeymanB3 (NE)
LeukodaemonB2 (daemon, NE)
NuckelaveeB3 (NE)
Osyluth (devil, LE)
SacristanB4 (kyton, LE)
Vrock (demon, CE)

8th Level
BaregaraB3 (CE)
DorvaeB4 (NE)
Hamatula (devil, LE)
Hezrou (demon, CE)
MeladaemonB2 (daemon, NE)
RusalkaB3 (NE)
Young adult green dragon (LE)

9th Level
AnkouB4 (LE)
Nalfeshnee (demon, CE)
DerghodaemonB2 (daemon, NE)
Gelugon (devil, LE)
Glabrezu (demon, CE)
SepidB3 (div, NE)
ThanadaemonB2 (daemon, NE)

光明潜伏者(Lurker in light)卖萌(但是召唤生物不能用天生的召唤能力)
恶魔,影魔(Shadow demon)1个6环换每天3次幽影咒法术(法师4)/幽影塑能术(法师5)。
噬魂者(Soul eater)无限距离,只需满足召唤者看见即可的生物定位术。不知道自愿被噬魂者吃然后队友干掉噬魂者获得免费复活行不行。
青年绿龙(Young adult green dragon)3级术士,大型飞行坐骑,试问谁没有骑龙梦呢?看来20级邪恶咒法师获得常驻的骑龙能力了。

离线 萌新也有滥强的心

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【Champions of Balance】召唤中立怪物( Summon Neutral Monster)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2021-09-01, 周三 09:00:36 »
召唤中立怪物( Summon Neutral Monster)
出自:Champions of Balance pg. 33
专长效果:当施展一个召唤怪物(summon monster)法术时,你能从这个中立生物列表中选取要召唤的生物。你仍可以从标准召唤怪物(summon monster)列表中召唤生物并将简单均衡生物模板(见边栏)应用于适用的生物以替代天界或炼狱生物模板。你从本页列表中召唤的生物和你召唤的均衡模板生物在意志豁免上获得+2抗力加值。

召唤生物   来源   挑战等级   生物类型(决定法术描述符)   阵营
小妖精(Sprite)   Bestiary 3   CR1/3      混乱中立(CN)
蚊蝠(Stirge)   Bestiary 1   CR1/2      绝对中立(N)
微粒精(Atomie)   Bestiary 3   CR 1      混乱中立(CN)
棕仙(Brownie)   Bestiary 2   CR 1      绝对中立(N)
仲裁者(Arbiter)   Bestiary 2   CR 2   制裁者inevitable   秩序中立(LN)
疫鸟(Nosoi)   Bestiary 4   CR 2   招魂者psychopomp   绝对中立(N)
知行御衡者(Paracletus)   Bestiary 2   CR 2   御衡者aeon   绝对中立(N)
土焢虫(Thoqqua)   Bestiary 2   CR 2      绝对中立(N)
虚空虫(Voidworm)   Bestiary 2   CR 2   幻蛇protean   混乱中立(CN)
影界蚁族(D’ziriak)   Bestiary 2   CR 3      绝对中立(N)
火童(Magmin)   Bestiary 4   CR 3      混乱中立(CN)
魔蝠(Mephit)   Bestiary 1   CR 3      绝对中立(N)
萨特羊人(Satyr)   Bestiary 1   CR 4      绝对中立(N)
无拘影民(Shae)   Bestiary 3   CR 4      混乱中立(CN)
(Viduus)   ISB   CR   招魂者psychopomp   绝对中立(N)
卡崔娜迎魂使(Catrina)   Bestiary 4   CR 5   招魂者psychopomp   绝对中立(N)
位面商族(Mercane)   Bestiary 2   CR 5      秩序中立(LN)
炭渣怪(Rast)   Bestiary 2   CR 5      绝对中立(N)
突蟹龟(Tojanida)   Bestiary 3   CR 5      绝对中立(N)
混沌兽(Chaos Beast)   Bestiary 2   CR 7      混乱中立(CN)
隐形潜伏怪(Invisible stalker)   Bestiary 1   CR 7      绝对中立(N)
纳乌奈特(Naunet)   Bestiary 2   CR 7   幻蛇protean   混乱中立(CN)
力命御衡者(Theletos)   Bestiary 2   CR 7   御衡者aeon   绝对中立(N)
万特护魂使(Vanth)   Bestiary 4   CR 7   招魂者psychopomp   绝对中立(N)
奇匠族(Axiomite)   Bestiary 2   CR 8      秩序中立(LN)
乔帝怪(Jyoti)   Bestiary 2   CR 9      绝对中立(N)
(Shoki)   ISB   CR   招魂者psychopomp   绝对中立(N)
追踪者(Zelekhut)   Bestiary 2   CR 9   制裁者inevitable   秩序中立(LN)
埃门特西(Imentesh)   Bestiary 2   CR   幻蛇protean   混乱中立(CN)
生死御衡者(Akhana)   Bestiary 2   CR 12   御衡者aeon   绝对中立(N)
摩莉甘猎魂使(Morrigna)   Bestiary 4   CR 13   招魂者psychopomp   绝对中立(N)
女武神(Valkyrie)   Bestiary 3   CR 12      混乱中立(CN)

均衡生物模板(Counterpoised Creature , CR+0或+1)
均衡生物居住在元素或思想间的平衡至高无上的外层位面(Outer Planes),但是它们可以通过诸如召唤怪物(summon monster)或异界盟友(planar ally)等法术来召唤。如果基础生物拥有5个或更高的HD,那么均衡生物模板的CR调整值为+1。均衡生物模板的快速套用和重建规则相同。

重建规则(Rebuild Rules):感官(Senses)-获得60尺黑暗视觉;防御能力(Defensive Abilities)-获得如下表所示的能量抗力和伤害减免;法术抗力(SR)-获得相当于 {新CR+5} 的法术抗力。
特殊攻击(Special Attacks):迅捷动作,制裁偏斜(smite bias)1次/天(在对抗混乱邪恶、混乱善良、守序邪恶、或守序善良的生物时,攻击检定获得相当于魅力修正的加值,伤害检定获得相当于HD的加值。持续到目标生物或绝对生物休息为止)

HD      寒冷、电击和火焰抗力      伤害减免
1 – 4              5                        –
5 – 10      10                       5/精金
11+              15                       10/精金

  Summon Neutral Monster
Source Champions of Balance pg. 33
You can summon creatures that embody the forces of balance.

Prerequisites: Chaotic neutral, lawful neutral, or neutral alignment.

Benefit: When casting a summon monster spell, you gain access to the list of neutral creatures on this page. You may also summon creatures from the standard summon monster list and apply the counterpoised creature simple template (see the sidebar) to applicable creatures instead of the celestial or fiendish template. Creatures you summon from the list on this page and creatures you summon with the counterpoised template gain a +2 resistance bonus on Will saves.

1st Level
SpriteB3 (CN)
Stirge (N)

2nd Level
AtomieB3 (CN)
BrownieB2 (N)

3rd Level
ArbiterB2 (inevitable) (LN)
NosoiB4 (psychopomp) (N)
ParacletusB2 (aeon) (N)
ThoqquaB2 (N)
VoidwormB2 (protean) (CN)

4th Level
D’ziriakB2 (N)
MagminB3 (CN)
Mephit (any) (N)
Satyr (CN)
ShaeB3 (N)
ViduusISB (psychopomp) (N)

5th Level
CatrinaB4 (psychopomp) (N)
MercaneB2 (LN)
RastB2 (N)
TojanidaB3 (N)

6th Level
Chaos BeastB2 (CN)
Invisible stalker (N)
NaunetB2 (protean) (CN)
TheletosB2 (aeon) (N)
VanthB4 (psychopomp) (N)

7th Level
AxiomiteB2 (LN)
JyotiB2 (N)
ShokiISB (psychopomp) (N)
ZelekhutB2 (inevitable) (LN)

8th Level
ImenteshB2 (protean) (CN)

9th Level
AkhanaB2 (aeon) (N)
MorrignaB4 (psychopomp)
ValkyrieB3 (CN)

Counterpoised Creature (CR +0 or +1)
Counterpoised creatures dwell in the Outer Planes where balance between elements or ideologies is paramount, but they can be summoned using spells such as summon monster and planar ally. A counterpoised creature’s CR increases by 1 only if the base creature has 5 or more Hit Dice. A counterpoised creature’s quick and rebuild rules are the same.

Rebuild Rules: Senses gains darkvision 60 ft.; Defensive Abilities gains DR and energy resistance as noted on the table; SR gains SR equal to new CR +5; Special Attacks smite bias 1/day as a swift action (adds Cha bonus to attack rolls and damage bonus equal to HD against a foe that is chaotic evil, chaotic good, lawful evil, or lawful good; smite persists until the target is dead or the counterpoised creature rests).

Counterpoised Creature Defenses
Hit Dice   Resist Cold, Electricity, and Fire   DR
1–4   5   —
5–10   10   5/adamantine
11+   15   10/adamantine

生死御衡者(Akhana):随意治疗重伤。免费复活等。(注意:召唤来的怪物无法召唤 (summon) 或者以其他方式呼唤 (conjure) 其他生物,也不能使用传送或位面旅行能力。这些生物不能被召唤到它们无法生存的环境中。被该法术召唤的生物无法使用法术或类法术能力,来复制那些具有昂贵材料成分的法术 (如‘祈愿术 (wish)’)。所以不知道召唤怪物召唤出的生物,如果其类法术原型为具有昂贵材料成分法术,能不能施展)