作者 主题: 【MC】永夜的扈从(完成)  (阅读 21867 次)

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Re: 【MC】永夜的族群(随缘翻译中……
« 回帖 #10 于: 2022-12-21, 周三 23:29:42 »




从地鼹的腺体挤出恶臭的分泌物叫做地鼹精华,令炼金术师和香水师趋之若鹜。拥有野外生存的角色可以从地鼹尸体上采集分泌物,需要通过智识检定,能获得价值1泰勒的地鼹精华。活的地鼹(例如魔宠)每次冒险能够被采集一次。行家(或大师)等级的炼金术师能够将地鼹精华和酒精混合,将其提纯为地鼹酊。行家炼金术师制造的地鼹酊价值3泰勒,能给使用者提供超人的能力——规则上来说,饮用一剂地鼹酊的人会获得等级2的生命探知(Life Sense)特质,持续一个场景(详见第170页)。大师炼金术师能够把它进一步提纯,制造出的灵药价值9泰勒,获得的特质等级变为3级。

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably an Andrik

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Re: 【MC】永夜的族群(随缘翻译中……
« 回帖 #11 于: 2022-12-21, 周三 23:31:26 »





力量 特征 可能的目的 惩罚* 典型赠礼
大巨魔 巨魔特征,一般是角 从宝藏猎人和怪物手中夺回(巨魔制)奇物 直到做出改变都头脑不清 与巨魔有关的怪物特质;巨魔之歌秘术流派;可以用魔宠仪式把地鼹变成魔宠
林德龙 蛇类特征 征服或首位某个地区 直到做出改变都有可能随时被迷惑 与蛇类有关的怪物特质;与控制思维和意志有关的秘术和仪式;可以用魔宠仪式把卡纳蛇变成魔宠
死灵法师 已死的特征 把宝藏猎人引诱到巢穴里扩充不死军队 直到做出改变都会“死后僵硬” 与不死生物有关的特质;邪术(死灵术)秘术流派
Shelob 蜘蛛特征 用惊奇之网束缚凡人 直到改变行为都留下刺痛带毒的咬伤 与蜘蛛有关的怪物特质;可以用魔宠仪式把Tricklesting变成魔宠
冬精灵 非人的特征,例如雪白的皮肤、没有虹膜 守护禁地不允许宝藏猎人接近 直到做出改变都会噩梦缠身 与精灵有关的怪物特质;符合冬精灵目的和脾性的秘术;可以用魔宠仪式把熊獾变成魔宠

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably an Andrik

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Re: 【MC】永夜的族群(随缘翻译中……
« 回帖 #12 于: 2022-12-25, 周日 00:10:21 »
King Toad


……于是兄妹阋墙,暴食的Manaud和暴怒的Manaua,派出怪物互相征伐。整整两个月亮循环,人们遭受苦难;被殴打、被吞噬、被碾碎。战斗结束了。胜者成为人之神,恐惧着败者的饥饿…… ”



认真看待这个传说的人里有秘法学会库伦分部的Lona学士、Olagai Haraag男爵以及孀居的女男爵Edindra Mederen的小儿子Aldamei。他们都雇佣了怪物猎人寻找这头怪物存在的证据,最好是能指明沃贡玛之王水下宫殿地点的东西。要是有人能杀了这个生物,想必三个人都会为了争夺它的尸体出高价。
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably an Andrik

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Re: 【MC】永夜的族群(随缘翻译中……
« 回帖 #13 于: 2022-12-25, 周日 00:12:08 »
Living Thorns




If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably an Andrik

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Re: 【MC】永夜的族群(随缘翻译中……
« 回帖 #14 于: 2023-05-18, 周四 20:54:57 »
劇透 -   :
We stood in a row, silent and excited. All
of us were marked by corruption; all
of us hoped to get rid of the stigmas,
dreaming of being able to walk around
undisguised, unmasked, without fear. The thought
made my heart beat faster. ¶The creature before
us was fettered to the wall, like a pinned up,
gigantic bat. It squirmed and hissed; it reached for
us with the thorny tongue playing in its predatory
maw. It was thirsty and we were willing. The row
moved steadily forward, as one by one we were
licked bloody by the creature. Our Master’s death
lord stood ready to pull monster and cultist apart,
so that the latter would not be licked to death.
¶It was nearly my turn, but the woman before
me refused to be separated from the monster’s
kiss. Master saw the danger and cried out to his
death lord to part the two; the edge of the rusty
sword cut through the head and shoulder of the
woman, and the creature jerked back its tongue
to save it. Then our Master berated us, about
never allowing the beast to drink itself full. And
after that, you charged in, so I never received the
cleansing kiss. ¶That you mean to burn me, I
know. But what will you do with the blight beast?
Transcript from the black cloaks interrogation with Aramo, surviving cultist

我们站成一排,安静但内心激动。我们都被秽印了,我们都希望能去除腐化的印记,无需伪装、遮盖,毫无恐惧地走在阳光下。想到这里,我的心跳更快了。我们眼前的生物被铐在墙上,像一只被钉住的大蝙蝠。它一边扭动一边发出嘶嘶声,张开血盆大口,想用带着尖刺的舌头够到我们。队伍平稳地向前移动,我们一个接一个地被那个生物舔得血肉淋漓。主人的亡主(death lord)站在一旁,随时准备把这个怪物和信徒们分开,让他们不至于被舔舐至死。

劇透 -   :
The beastly Managaal
hunts for blight marked
creatures, drinks their
blood, and seems to be able to filter the
corruption from the blood by adding
it to its own life force. According to
myths, these remarkable daemons
were created by the hex masters of
Symbaroum in a vain, and mainly
failed, attempt to cleanse themselves
of darkness. Regardless of whether this
is true or not, the creature does have
the capacity to free its victims from
corruption, wholly or partly, but only
so long as it does not drink its fill.
Up until a managaal has managed
to placate its thirst and
hunger, it can use the accumulated
corruption as a power source, to
catch more victims or get away from
threatening situations. But once it is full
(i.e. when its accumulated corruption is
as high as its Resolute value), it stops and
spends the following turn spewing out
a new managaal – a black, winged child,
flapping about in bloody vomit. These
dark spawns are said to be very aggressive,
and nearly as dangerous as a grown
managaal, not least since their apparent
frailty leads others to see them as more
tragic than threatening. Even worse: the
managaal who spews up the dark spawn
becomes positively rabid from corruption
hunger. Woe to the wretched adventurer
who happens to be close by when spawn
and parent go on the hunt together!

劇透 -   :
Creating Vile Water
To use a managaal for the purpose of creating Vile Water,
the creature must be at least half full of corruption
[Resolute/2]. Moreover, it takes a codex or manuscript
which describes the actual procedure – sources of
knowledge that can be found in Davokar’s dark ruins,
or bought from cultists and sorcerers for the price of a
small fortune.
It takes a full day to slowly boil down the creature’s
blood to the desired thickness; then, a Master Alchemist
and a Master Artifact Crafter (can be one and the
same individual) must roll a Cunning test. If both tests
are successful, ten drops of Vile Water are created if the
managaal was an adult, or five if it was a spawn. Should
any of the rolls land on the outcome 20, the individual in
question suffers 1D12 permanent corruption.
劇透 -   :
Artifact: Vile Water
Vile Water consists of pure corruption,
like an opposite Water of the Dusk (page
186 in the Core Rulebook). It looks like
black mercury and gives off dark fumes
of corruption if not contained in a vial of
glass, crystal or similar material.
The only way to bind to this artifact
is to accept one point of permanent
劇透 -   :
Blac k-Light: In the hands of one
who has accepted Darkness, the vial
can radiate with the dark of the Abyss,
thereby blackening an area even if the
sun is high in the sky. This means that
a place (for instance a room indoors or
a forest clearing) becomes dark for the
remainder of the scene, dark like a night
without stars or moonlight.
Action: Free
Corruption: None
劇透 -   :
Revelations of the Night: The
liquid can be dripped on living
tissue. Each drop grants 1d12
Experience to be used however
the receiver wishes, at the cost
of one permanent corruption.
When all drops are used, the vial
is empty and the artifact spent.
Action: Active
Corruption: 1 permanent
劇透 -   :
Black Synergy: He who
bows before t he supremacy of
the Dark can use its blackness to
enhance the powers of Sorcery. Once
per scene, the synergy can add +1 tier to
the effect die.
Action: Reactive
Corruption: None
劇透 -   :
Salvation of Darkness: The master
of the artifact can crush the vial with
a thought, thereby releasing its darkness.
All creatures present with at least
1 corruption (temporary or permanent)
immediately suffer 1d12 permanent
corruption. Beings that already have
permanent corruption are only affected
if the outcome is higher than their
current corruption – if so, they suffer
the difference. If the outcome is equal to
or lower than their current corruption
value, nothing happens. This also affects
the master himself if he has any corruption;
only creatures with zero corruption
are safe from harm.
Action: Free
Corruption: 1D12 (see description)

劇透 -   :
The managaal is very rare, but is none
the less relatively well known since it
is mentioned in several Symbarian
sources. For one thing, there are descriptions
of its origin and hunting methods, but there
are also referrals to the creation of an artifact
called Vile Water. Distilling the blood of a
managaal is said to be one way of creating such
an artifact, and for that purpose a newly born
spawn is supposedly sufficient, but an adult is
even better.

劇透 -   :
Fettering a Managaal
A captured managaal can be bound in the same kind
of circles as daemons, according to the ritual Summon
Daemon on page 94 in the Advanced Player’s Guide.
These circles, along with any physical restraints, are
broken if the managaal spews forth a dark spawn (see
the textbox Create Managaal).
劇透 -   :
Create Managaal
Once a managaal is full of accumulated corruption
it spews up a new managaal, a dark spawn.
This black act of creation empties the managaal
of corruption, and it becomes so crazed with
hunger that it immediately and automatically
breaks all physical and mystical shackles currently
binding it.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably an Andrik

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Re: 【MC】永夜的族群(随缘翻译中……
« 回帖 #15 于: 2023-05-18, 周四 20:59:26 »
劇透 -   :
The tracker proved to be worth her salary – she caught the scent after a mere afternoon
in the woods. Judging by the tracks, it was a relatively small marlit, but “big
enough to make a splendid cape,” as Bardel, our leader, put it.
We trailed the creature through the evening and into the night. It moved erratically
to the northeast, out on wetlands which slowed our progress. Naturally, the marlit
itself had no problems where it moved along, up in the foliage, but after a while we
noticed that it started moving in a wide circle. It took some time before we figured out
why, before Bardel and our guide discovered other marlit tracks in the tree tops: our
intended prey was no longer alone.
After some mumbling and worried glances, Bardel explained what was going on. We
were no longer hunters, but prey, and those hunting us were both large and many
in number. The twist was sinister, to say the least; frightening enough even to make
Dumdum anxious.
Bardel was trying to reassure the ogre when the first cry echoed through the forest.
Gaping in a mixture of surprise and fright, we saw our tracker being hoisted from
the ground by several grappling tongues. I ran! Everybody ran. Only me and Tugvar
Eleono, former trophy hunger from Kurun

劇透 -   :
The masterful hunter called Marlit by
the clanfolk is described as a reptilian
beast, larger than a man. It moves
around in the foliage with a skin that changes
color and pattern in a way which makes it very
hard to discover. As for hunting grounds, it
seems to prefer Davokar’s outer regions, but
once the prey is downed it retreats to the wilder
and darker parts where the packs gather to
share the daily bounty. At least this is how the
predator in question is described by members
of the northern clans.
劇透 -   :
It may very well be that the marlits in
the north differ from those further to
the south; that the northerners are like
members of a large clan or tribe, while the ones
down south are more like families. Or it could
be like the Goeds say, that the further north
you go in the forest, the more dangerous it
gets and the greater the reason for sticking
together, which also holds true for predators.
Master Argoi, Chapter Master in Kurun and
Ordo Magica’s authority on troll studies, claims
that there may be yet another reason for the alleged difference – that the marlits up north
gather around some forest spirit or mighty beast
which they provide with food and protection,
for instance an arch troll or a lindworm.
劇透 -   :
Since the skin of the lizard is in
demand among both barbarians
and the people of the Queen,
many monster hunters have specialized
in hunting marlits. They risk their lives,
going up against this cunning, patient
predator that hunts in packs and often
employs the method of having lone,
wandering bait-beasts lure foolhardy
hunters into well-planned ambushes.
On the other hand, because of the danger,
the marlit hunters have high status in
places like Kastor and Thistle Hold, and
they would likely not hesitate if someone
could lead them to where one of the great
northern packs gathers.
劇透 -   :
The Marlit’s Camouflage
The living marlit has better camouflage properties than the
cape which can be made from its skin: +3 (instead of +1) in
Discreet when rolling tests to sneak and/or hide. For hunters
and other travelers of the woods, this means they have a –3
modification when trying to discover a sneaking reptile beast
by making a test against Vigilant, in addition to the modification
which comes from the creature’s value in Discreet.
劇透 -   :
Section 8:24, Famous marlit hunters and their passing
Aneas of Mark Lowborn braggart, mainly known for his selfendearing
poems and for having killed and flayed the beast whose skin is
now in worn by Mayor Nightpitch as a hunting cape. The hunter’s demise
became known when his spear-hauler, Maltuld, returned alone from a hunting trip,
carrying the right earlobe of his master – what remained after the self-mutilation Aneas
happened to perform as he was pulled into the foliage.
J onhor of Baiaga The handsome barbarian Jonhor – immensely popular
among both women and men; also cherished by the odd ogre – became the
brightest monster hunting star of Kastor for a period of three years, until his
death. At the time of his disappearance, worried admirers went out to search the woods
but returned empty-handed, save for Jonhor’s peculiar leather vest and a few illmatching
pieces of his tattooed skin.
Ulhaaka Brusque but well-regarded tutor in the art of monster hunting,
from the Karabbaddokk tribe but up to her death active in Thistle Hold. She
died during a field trip with hunting pupils, including the youngsters Mateo
Derego and Alvio Argona, officially after having defended her students from a huge
marlit. However, rumor has it that the remains displayed stab wounds rather than bite
marks, and also that one of the noble youngsters returned without his fencing sword.
F redo the Slaughterer Talkative entrepreneur who founded the
tailor store Fredo’s Marlit Attires in Yndaros, and who enjoyed traveling in
the hunt for raw material and thrills. It is said he died because of a wager, after
having claimed that he was able to slay a full-grown marlit with nothing but his teeth.
Distasteful as it may be, all that remains of him are his four golden teeth, found and
excavated by his sons from a, reportedly, steaming lump of marlit excrement.
Excerpt from “Victims of Davokar”, register established at the Queen’s Legation in Thistle Hold
Ulhaaka。粗鲁但受人尊敬的怪物猎人导师,来自卡拉巴多克氏族,但直到死前都活跃于蓟花要塞。她死于一次带着学生的捕猎,学生中包括年轻的Mateo Derego和Alvio Argona。官方称她为了保护学生被一只巨大的缠舌蜥杀死,但传言称尸体的伤口是刺伤而不是咬伤,并且其中一位贵族学生回来时丢失了他的刺剑。

劇透 -   :
Marlit, marlit, you yellow hare,
you wouldn’ t suf fice as a scarecrow,
you dart like a rabbit, now here, now there,
afraid of your very own shadow.
You lowest of creatures ever born,
unwanted like ulcers and racket.
You’re worthy of nothing but hate and scorn,
until you’re tur ned into a jacket.
Lampoon signed One-Legged Elnar, Ravenia

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably an Andrik

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Re: 【MC】永夜的族群(随缘翻译中……
« 回帖 #16 于: 2023-09-13, 周三 23:04:50 »

劇透 -   :
I n recent decades, the nefarani
have made their way south and
fought in battles between barbarians and Ambrians, usually – but
not always – on the side of the barbarians. Although they can all speak,
and will do so to outsiders if need be,
they are collectively represented by a
spokesperson, recently identified as
Asenath. In combat, this woman is no
more a leader than anyone else, which
has led Ambrian military strategists
to conclude that the nefarani fight the
way they speak: silently and, somehow, collectively. Some scholars even
hypothesize that nefarani is actually
the name of a powerful spirit that has
possessed an entire army of warriors.
劇透 -   :
They fought in close formation,
moving as one large body, rather
than as individuals. They fought
without words or spoken orders; grunts
of exertion and moans of pain were all
that came from them. Only when one of
them fell did they scream. First one called
out the name of the fallen, then the others
did the same, all at once. They then
fought on in silence, though, if possible,
even more frenetically.
¶ They were few,
we were many – we slew them all, at the
cost of heavy casualties. I heard rumors
that there are more like them; that what we
fought was but the rearguard of a larger
force. Bahiti, Teremun, Madaai, Hadar,
Idona. Yes, even now, my beloved will
sometimes wake me up as, in a cold sweat,
I scream their names in my sleep.
Colonel Alusa, on the battle
at Karo’s Fen in year 8.


劇透 -   :
Varying weapons
The Game Master may well replace Shield
Fighter with Twin Attack or Two-handed Force on
some of the nefarani that the characters encounter, to make the challenge more varied.

劇透 -   :
At any rate, the nefarani are
known not to age as others
do, and will only die by the
blades of their enemies. With no new
nefarani being born or created, they
are slowly fading away. However, those
still alive gain power with every fallen
brother or sister, growing stronger
over time. According to scholars who
have studied them closely, there is a widespread belief among the nefarani that
the last of their kind will finally have a vision
about the higher purpose of their collective
existence – a vision that, with the combined
strength of the fallen siblings, will help him or
her determine the fate of the world.
Today, 27 nefarani are all that remains
of the original force of roughly one
thousand warriors. Their individual
strength is already considerable, and whenever
one is killed, those that survive become stronger,
as shown in Table 4.

劇透 -   :
Table 4: The Nefarani’s Individual Resistance
alive Additional stats for each individual nefarani
27 Challenging resistance: The stats specified here
13 Strong resistance: Upgrade to Iron Fist (master), add Exceptionally Strong (master) and
Steadfast (master). Strong 18 (–8), Toughness 18/9.
3 Mighty resistance: 10 × master, including Acrobatics (master), Berserker (master),
Exceptionally Quick (master), Exceptionally Resolute (master), Regeneration (III)
1 Legendary resistance: 20 × master, including Armored (III), Death Struggle (III), Exceptionally
Cunning (master), Exceptionally Vigilant (master), Rapid Reflexes (III), Sturdy (III)
存活数 每个个体的额外数值
27 挑战:与原始数值相同
13 强大:铁拳升级为(大师),增加强壮提升(大师)和坚韧不屈(大师)。强壮18(-8),体质18/9
3 非凡:10个大师能力,包括身手灵活(大师)、狂暴(大师)、灵巧提升(大师)、坚毅提升(大师)、再生III
1 传奇:20个大师能力,包括天生护甲(III)、Death Struggle(III)、智识提升(大师)、警觉提升(大师)、Rapid Reflexes(III)、Sturdy(III)

劇透 -   :
Unique trait: Nefarani Blood Bond
The nefarani are linked by a mystica l blood bond, a unifying force
that goes back to t he time of t heir creation. The blood bond h as the
following effects:
Mystical connection: The nefa rani can speak to one another
telepathically, as long a s they are with i n physical earshot of each
other – they ca n “whisper ” to a specific individua l, “ta lk ” so t hat the
nefarani closest to them can hear, or “shout” and reach all nefarani
within norma l hearing dista nce. They can also sense the presence of
ot her nefarani with in t he same dist ance, a nd prefer not to st ray farther
th an that on their own; however, they may of course do so i n groups,
if the mission requires it. The nefara ni communicate and coordin ate
their fighting through t his mystical connection, all in complete silence.
Might from the fallen: Ever y time a nefarani dies, th ree things

劇透 -   :
◆◆ All nefarani within earshot immediately recover 1d6
To u g hnes s.
◆◆ All present nefarani shout out t he name of t he fal len, which
affec ts present e nemies as if they su ffered from a
mystica l attack: t hey all get a second
cha nce to fail all success tests. The
effect is automatic during the first
t urn, and lasts until the indiv idual
enemy passes a Resolute test.
◆◆ Final ly, all nefarani, no matter
the distance, receive part of the
fal len’s life force, so t hat each
rema ining individual grows
stronger a nd stronger as their collective
numbers dwind le. Through
th is process, the rema ining nefa ran i
develop monstrous tra its (a mong
ot her things).
劇透 -   :
The Last of the Nefarani
What happens when there is only a single nefarani left
alive is still unknown. Should such a situation arise, it is
up to the Game Master to decide what best suits his or
her particular gaming group and campaign, but we would
suggest the following:
◆◆The last nefarani realizes that no one could ever replace
the last emperor of Symbaroum, and withdraws to Symbar
to make sure that the Throne of Thorns remains vacant.
◆◆The last one has a vision about a certain person being
chosen to sit on the Throne of Thorns in Symbar, and joins
him or her to make sure that the prophecy is fulfilled.
◆◆A variant of #2, where the chosen one has no wish to sit on
the throne of Symbar. The last nefarani will not accept this,
but kidnaps said person and brings him or her along to
Symbar to complete the mission.
◆ ◆ The last one has a vision about a world without humans and
corruption, and commences an all-encompassing purge.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably an Andrik

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Re: 【MC】永夜的族群(随缘翻译中……
« 回帖 #17 于: 2023-09-13, 周三 23:06:37 »

劇透 -   :
Nightmares are disembodied ghouls
that move between various unwitting
hosts in constant search of more
corrupted ones. Some scholars believe them to be
deceased sorcerers who, having refused or been
denied the final rest, continue to pursue their
dark desires long after their physical demise;
other sources claim that they are necromages
who have lost their bodies yet linger in the
world by virtue of their insatiable appetite.
Corrupted creatures seem to be more susceptible
to the nightmare’s invasion, though thoroughly
corrupted ones are immune.
劇透 -   :
The hosts lead normal lives during the
day, but at night they are possessed
and forced to do the nightmare’s
bidding. The possessed perceive these nightly
activities as increasingly wild dreams, probably
thinking that their dirty feet and fingernails
are the result of sleepwalking – at least until
the nightmare starts killing and devouring the
corpses, or whatever other desires that particular
nightmare happens to have; it seems to vary
from ghoul to ghoul. If the victim fights back,
the host will of course carry these wounds in
the morning, as clear signs that something is
terribly wrong.
劇透 -   :
Banishing a nightmare requires that
the host is either killed or thoroughly
corrupted, or that the individual is
exposed, voluntarily or otherwise, to a cleansing
Exorcism. But the nightmare may of course leave
on its own and target someone else, provided
that the new host makes physical contact with
the old one. For that very reason, the nightmare
sometimes seduces, or breaks into the home of
what it hopes will be the next host, in order to
get close enough to touch it.
劇透 -   :
T he Gifts of the Nightmare
A person possessed by the nightmare retains all traits and abilities, but
may use the possessing spirit’s Resolute value for the duration of the
possession. Furthermore, the host acquires the traits Night Perception
and Natural Weapon (I) while its body is being controlled by the nightmare,
the latter in the form of short, thick claws.
劇透 -   :
Uncle Janos was always a peculiar man, slightly odd,
but not in a threatening way. Just dif ferent, you see – a
bit too intere sted in the macabre, perha ps, but no more
than the average bored scholar. You know how these
bookworms can be, i solated from reality, from the blood,
the stench, and the squalor. I have seen a lot of them in
my family circle. My mother was in many ways the same. She did not
even give birth to me, and therefore never physically experienced the
connection between life, pain, and blood. For her, bodily f luids would
instead be exclusively associated with unhealthy desire s and death.
Of course, it bothered me when my dear uncle started spending time
with the poets in the graveyard; they met at night, reciting poetry over
open , empty graves or, even worse, to the decay. From there, perha ps
it was not such a big leap to enter the mausoleums as well, and do
the same in the direct vicinity of the dead. Then something happened;
what I do not know. The City Watch was called to the burial grounds
after someone had dug open a grave; shortly thereafter, one of the
poets wa s found dead in an other wise em pty crypt. That was when
I decided to confront my uncle, and went to see him.
I found him emaciated, exhausted, showing signs of madness, with
brui ses on his hands and dirt under hi s fingernail s. Still, he ensured
me that he wa s well, and that he no longer had anything to do with
the poets. To verify whether he was telling the truth, I waited out side
his house, and a s suspected, he climbed out of hi s bedroom window
wearing nothing but his nightgow n. I called out to him, and a s he
turned toward me, I was petr ified. Believe me, the eyes staring back
at me from Uncle Janos’ eye sockets were not his own.
Liveta, Adept of the Order, in her report to the Black Cloaks
劇透 -   :
“… and while the
body and power
were hers, the eyes
and desire were not;
words and deeds,
solace and lust, were
that of a hungering
spirit. But blind to
his dear and beloved,
the liege was unable
to see, the alien gaze,
the sundering claws,
that soon brought
his life to an end …”
劇透 -   :
“Hear ye, hear ye, the Bohemian Cannibal
captured! Last night, after ten maimed and
partially devoured victims, Jorval, the romantic
bard behind the popular poem ‘To rest in
your arms’, was caught red-handed, sinking
his teeth into a dead youngster’s thigh. While
maintaining his innocence, he admits to sometimes
having woken with blood on his face;
thinking it was only a nighttime nosebleed.
Friends and rivals in shock; Kurto, the Powerpoet,
was heard shouting his most recent lampoon
‘Digesting your arms’ outside the Depths
of the Titans just before dawn. Despite the
accused’s denial, Commander Alvo Steelneck
has no doubt that the Bohemian Cannibal has
been caught; execution scheduled tomorrow on
the Triumph Plaza.”
Town crier in Yndaros
“大家来听大家来看,波西米亚的食人魔被抓住了!昨晚,在残杀了十名受害者并吞食部分尸体后,写出了《于你怀中安眠》的罗曼诗人Jorval被当场抓获!当时他正把牙齿送入一位死去年轻人的大腿。虽然他坚称自己是无辜的,但也承认曾经醒来后发现脸上沾血,他以为只是鼻血。他的朋友和对手都十分镇静。日出前有人听见诗人Kurto在‘泰坦深处’门外念诵他的讽刺诗《于你怀中进食》。虽然嫌疑人坚持否认,但Alvo Steelneck警长确信波西米亚食人魔已经被逮捕,行刑定于明日胜利广场。”
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably an Andrik

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Re: 【MC】永夜的族群(随缘翻译中……
« 回帖 #18 于: 2023-09-13, 周三 23:08:12 »
Night Swarmers

劇透 -   :
The embodiment of corruption, is how
Master Cornelio, Chapter Master
in Thistle Hold, describes the Night
Swarmers. Father Elfeno, First Theurg in the
same town, was as drastic in his judgement when
he called them “Swarms of the Eternal Night”,
after having been told about a catastrophic expedition
to the Serpent Temple of Syravan; only one
member returned, with serious blight marks as
the sole pay for his effort. However you describe
these blighted creatures, there is no doubt that
any fortune hunter that dares venture into the
depths of Davokar is at risk of waking them to
swarming life.
劇透 -   :
As single creatures they are not very
impressive, barely the height of a
human palm and thin as splinters.
But they are never encountered alone.
According to reports from the forest, they
assemble in great numbers at locations oozing
with or radiating corruption, often in haunted
ruins or on grounds where major battles or
momentous events once took place. Master
Cornelio based his analysis on these kinds of
reports – concluding that the Night Swarmers
can appear, or rather be born, as an effect of
massive outbreaks of corrupting energies, and
that they may survive thanks to the lingering
blackness, to spring into action when living
beings enter their territory.
劇透 -   :
The witness statements collected at
the Twilight Monastery indicate that
these swarmers are territorial and
that they will not pursue intruders very far.
Furthermore, the archives contain information
describing swarms of approximately one
hundred individuals, and some locations that
hold more than one swarm. According to less
reliable rumors, careless explorers may find
themselves in even worse situations; this may
actually have happened already, without any
survivors to tell about it. Cautionary tales
told among several of the clans describe areas
plagued by thousands of swarmers, which, if
stirred into action, form a virtual cloud of
clattering, corruption-dripping tiny jaws.
How an explorer should behave if attacked
by such a “murder cloud”, there is no one,
neither witch nor wizard, who dares say or
even offer suggestions.
劇透 -   :
Crackling Premonition
No matter if it is a swarm or a murder cloud, the night swarmers
lie dormant in the ground, in wall cracks or beneath
the bark of trees until a living target comes within reach.
From the moment they are roused, it takes two turns for
the collective to get ready – up until then, the swarm is too
scattered to attack or be attacked.
A passed Vigilant test leads to the discovery of the crackling,
rustling sound which comes from the night swarmers’
movements; combined with Bushcraft or Beast Lore, it
also gives insights about what is actually about to happen.
During the second turn, everyone present can see the swarmers
emerge, take flight and start rallying. Of course, the
intruders can choose to run away; the Game Master
determines (or rolls 1D6 to decide) how many turns they
have to run before the pursuers stop hunting them.

劇透 -   :
I t w as unbelieva ble! We made it a ll the way to the
lege ndary Serpent Temple of Syra van without c a sualties,
actually without suffering any kind of wounds,
infections or poisons. M a st er Mul dar was like a chil d at
Queen’s D ay. H e jump ed a round by the foot of the hill and
shouted profanities at his m other, who a ppare ntly ha d never
b elieved in or supported his ambitions, saying that the treasure
s w ould become the death of him. Boy, wa s she right…
W e wait ed until the following m orning b efore parading
up the sl op e and e ntering through the vines
cove ring the entrance. Many of us immediately
heard it – the clicking, the crunching and the skitter of falling
pebbl es. But Muldar w ould n ot listen, and he did n ot heed
our warnings. H e refused to permit us to turn around. I w a s
the only one who disob eyed.
A s soon as I s aw the pal e, tiny creatures emerge out of
the ground, the walls and the vegetation I turne d and
ran. Before I even reached the entranc e, the creatures
ha d a ssembled in seve ral hung ering swarms that soon
attacked my c omp anions. Shortly thereafter, howls and abominable scre ams echoed from the top of the hill. If Mul dar’s
men had happened to awake something or if the howls c ame
from them… W ell , I ’d rather not know…
From the mystic Galfenio’s debriefing with Mother Mehira
不敢相信!我们居然到了传说中的Syravan巨蛇神殿(Serpent Temple of Syravan),没有伤亡,甚至一点伤痕都没有,也没有中毒。Muldar大师高兴得像个女王节的小孩。他在山坡脚下蹦来蹦去,大喊一些和他母亲有关的脏话,据说她从来不相信也不支持他的探险,说宝藏只会给他带来死亡。老天,她说得对……
秘术师 Galfenio对Mehira教长的汇报

劇透 -   :
If you run into Night Swarmers,
flee for your life! If you cannot flee,
attack with fire. If you don’t have fire,
gulp purple sap while fencing like a
maniac. And if you have gone to
Dark Davokar without purple sap,
it’s your funeral!
Master Cornelio’s Advice
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably an Andrik

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Re: 【MC】永夜的族群(随缘翻译中……
« 回帖 #19 于: 2023-09-13, 周三 23:09:50 »
Ravenous Willow

劇透 -   :
Father wanted to show me Davokar. He said we must understand the forest, now that
we are living in its shadow. He said that we must see through the lies being spread by
elves and witches; yes, even by our own sun church, in order to prevent simple folk from
mistaking the wild beauty of the woods for something other than the enticing illusions
of the Eternal Night.
We got ourselves a berth on a small sailboat north of Kastor and disembarked on the
northern bank soon after reaching the Eanor River. We were supposed to spend three
days in the dark, no more. But it would become only one night for me, and an eternity
for father. He was slain that very first night.
The last rays of sunlight shone through the foliage, gleaming on something at the foot of
a towering, crooked tree, its branches completely bare. Father chuckled, saying that the
find strengthened his conviction – that Davokar is full of treasures from the once glorious
Symbaroum; that the treasures are simply laying around, waiting to be found by
fearless wanderers. He ran the last bit, and this saved my life, for as soon as he reached
them, the tempting objects vanished in the blink of an eye, and the tree came to life.
Father had barely drawn his sword before the strong branches embraced him, squeezing
him so tightly that his steel armor buckled. I ran. Ran. Ran…
Baron Erlamei Elderras’ granddaughter after returning from Davokar
Erlamei Elderras男爵的孙女从达沃卡返回后

劇透 -   :
The ravenous willow is a treelike,
bloodsucking creature that, for
obvious reasons, is easily overlooked
in the woods of Davokar. An analysis of eyewitness
accounts indicates that both the size and
appearance can vary considerably. This may
be linked to the individual’s age and nutritional
state – that they can seem old and sick (or even
dead) until they feast on the warm juices of their
prey, when crimson leaves suddenly shoot out
on their branches and the bark gains a healthy
luster. Much also suggests that they can develop
different types of abilities, perhaps as a result of
where they first sprouted or what they usually eat.
劇透 -   :
The same accounts state that these
woodland creatures always live
alone, far away from others of
their kind, possibly because the competition
for food would otherwise be too great. It seems
that they can remain still for weeks, waiting
for birds, squirrels and sometimes even larger
animals to come near. Then they wrap their
tentacle-like branches around the victim, strangling it or breaking its bones, before
feeding on its blood.
Ravenous willows move slowly, but
then again, they do not need to be
quick, as they (or at least some of them)
can snare their prey with Entangling Vines
or try to block its escape with their roots. It
is also said that the monster has the ability to
lure creatures in by mystical means; to dress
its branches with the illusion of covetable fruit,
or sprinkle the ground with juicy tussocks or
gold-shimmering objects which, they have
learned, some prey find utterly irresistible.
劇透 -   :
Detecting Ravenous Willows
The Queen’s rangers have learned, at heavy cost, how
to distinguish ravenous willows from other vegetation:
they are never completely motionless; even in still air,
its branches will sometimes tremble and its tree trunk
writhe or creak ominously. A person with the Loremaster
ability or the Bushcraft boon reacts to such signs if the
player passes a Vigilant test. Others can also sense that
something is wrong with a successful [Vigilant –5].
劇透 -   :
The creature has a mystical gift
and may create illusions to lure in
potential prey. The prey must pass a
[Vigilant←Persuasive] test in order to
see through the illusion.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably an Andrik