作者 主题: 【SWC】有着卓越特质的人 PEOPLE OF EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY,p. 132-138  (阅读 4350 次)

副标题: 没有翻特质之路...

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殖装适应 Augmentation Acclimation
劇透 -   :
Your body has adapted particularly well to your augmentations, allowing you to consider further upgrades with reduced Essence cost.
•    Cost: 2 Karma per level (max 10 levels). You may only take this quality if your Essence is 3 or less.
•    Game Effect: For each level of this quality, you free up 0.1 Essence for the purpose of additional augmentations. This creates, in essence, an “Essence hole.” It does not increase your actual Essence, but the Essence cost of any new augmentations comes from the Essence hole instead of further reducing your actual Essence.

劇透 -   :
Shadows be damned, you’re meant for the spotlight!
•    Cost: 6 Karma
•    Game Effect: Once per session, you may gain a point of Edge for any action you take,
provided you show off in the process. Gain +1 to your Heat modifier if you use this.

动物支配者 Critter Dominator
游戏效果:你可以尝试用一个主要动作来尝试支配一个非灵智生物(non-sapient critter),进行对抗检定,影响(威吓)+魅力 vs. 生物的直觉+意志。如果你成功了,你将获得动物的控制权,如同你有动物控制一样。每净成功持续一分钟。之后,生物将会返回它的正常行动,并且你针对它的每一个对抗检定都能获得一点极限。你每次只能尝试支配单个生物。
劇透 -   :
You use your aggression and will to dominate creatures.
•    Cost: 10 Karma
•    Game Effect: You may spend a major action to attempt to dominate a non-sapient critter, using Influence (Intimidation) + Charisma vs. the critter’s Intuition + Willpower. If you succeed, you gain control of the critter as if you had the Animal Control critter power. This lasts for one minute per net hit. Afterward, the critter resumes its normal behavior, and you gain a point of Edge on any tests made against it. You may only ever attempt to dominate an individual critter once.

动物训练师 Critter Trainer
游戏效果:如果一个生物并没有被驯服,你需要先驯服它。这个过程需要一个星期的努力,并且需要通过一个成功的训练检定,影响+魅力 v. 生物的直觉+意志。当这个生物被驯服后,你可以尝试训练它。每次训练尝试都需要花一周的时间进行训练检定,成功将允许你教会生物听从一个新的命令。生物可以最多学习(逻辑x2)个命令。对于每个命令,你需要确定触发的方式,和对应的行动。触发方式可以包括声音,手势,或者其他条件,只要是它能够感知到的。当生物接收到指令,他们会进行对应的行动。触发一个生物指令需要一个主要动作。
劇透 -   :
You are an expert at taming non-sapient animals and critters and train them to follow specific commands.
•    Cost: 10 Karma
•    Game Effect: If a critter is not tamed, you must first tame it. This process requires a week of effort and a successful training test: Influence + Charisma vs. the critter’s Intuition + Willpower. Once a critter has been tamed, you may begin to train it. Each training attempt takes one week and requires another training test, and success allows you to teach the critter a new command. Critters may each learn a maximum number of commands equal to their Logic x 2. For each command, define a trigger and a specific action. The trigger may be a sound, gesture, or some other condition, which the critter must be able to perceive. When the critter receives the command, they perform the intended action. Triggering a critter command requires a Minor Action.

赛博插口最大化 Cyberjack Maximization
劇透 -   :
Your grey matter has become accustomed to interface with your cyberjack, which improves its capabilities.
•    Cost: 12 Karma
•    Game Effect: Add one to the lowest of your cyberjack’s two Matrix attributes.

劇透 -   :
You’re an exemplary merge of metahuman and machine. Your body is capable of receiving more augmentations than most people would be able to survive having.
•    Cost: 5 Karma per level (max 10 levels)
•    Game Effect: You may only take this quality if your Essence is 1 or less and you have taken 10 levels of the Augmentation Acclimation quality. Just as with Augmentation Acclimation, you can free up 0.1 Essence per level for the purpose of receiving additional augmentations.

谨慎的走私客 Discreet Smuggler
劇透 -   :
You know where to hide things where no one else will find them.
•    Cost: 7 Karma
•    Game Effect: When you take a major action to conceal an item, you gain a point of Edge that must be spent on that test, or it goes away. If the item is no larger than a heavy pistol, its Concealability Threshold increases by 1. This works against normal Perception tests and against scans using sensors.

超载延长 Extended Overdrive
游戏效果:当你进行殖装超载(p. 282,SR6)时,它的持续时间为(超载延长的等级)轮(而非仅是单次检定)。每个包括了被增幅属性的检定骰池,都应该包含一个狂野骰。
劇透 -   :
You can push your augmentations beyond all normal limits to eke out an extra burst of whatever you need.
•    Cost: 6 Karma per Level
•    Game Effect: When you engage augmentation overdrive (p. 282, SR6), it lasts for one round per level of this quality (instead of a single test). You must include the wild die on every test that uses the boosted attribute.

专注的野心 Focused Ambition
劇透 -   :
You are driven to accomplish your goals, and nothing stands in your way for long.
•    Cost: 6 Karma
•    Game Effect: Choose a specific goal with the input and approval of your gamemaster. You may always choose to substitute one of your dice with two wild dice on any test made in direct pursuit of your goal. Whenever you succeed at your goal, you may set a new goal. If you give up on one of your goals, you may not select a new one for at least one month.

信心激发 Inspire Competence
劇透 -   :
You know how to motivate people to get the most out of their capabilities.
•    Cost: 11 Karma
•    Game Effect: For a Major Action, you may make an Influence (Leadership) + Charisma test to assist another character on a Teamwork test with any skill. Either you or the character that you assist (player choice) gains a point of Edge.

有才自能成 Many Talents
劇透 -   :
Many Talents You aren’t limited to just one maxed-out attribute at character creation.
•    Cost: 18 Karma
•    Game Effect: This quality may only be taken at character creation. You may have up to two attributes at their maximum for your metatype.

艺多不压身 Many Skills
劇透 -   :
You aren’t limited to just one maxed-out skill at character creation
•    Cost: 18 Karma
•    Game Effect: This quality may only be taken at character creation. You may have up to two skills at rank 6.

武术奇才 Martial Arts Prodigy
游戏效果:学习新的武术或武技(p. 96,FS)时,需要消耗的业力-2。此外,你可以用同一个训练周期来学习任意数量的武术或武技。
劇透 -   :
Martial Arts Prodigy You quickly master any martial art you learn.
•    Cost: 14 Karma
•    Game Effect: You learn new martial arts or techniques (p. 96, Firing Squad) at a discount of 2 Karma. You may combine learning any number of martial arts and techniques during the same training period.

最大超载 Maximum Overdrive
游戏效果:当你超载你的殖装(p. 282, SR6)时,获得1点极限。如果你因为失误或者大失误而过载了(overstress)你的殖装时,将你殖装受影响的时间降低1轮。
劇透 -   :
Maximum Overdrive If most ’ware goes up to a ten, yours goes to eleven.
•    Cost: 7 Karma
•    Game Effect: When you overdrive your cyberware (p. 282, SR6), gain a point of Edge. If you overstress your augmentation with a glitch or critical glitch, reduce the amount of time your ’ware is affected by one round.

比起泛人类,更是机器 More Machine than Metahuman
劇透 -   :
More Machine than Metahuman When it comes to repairing your injuries, a screwdriver is a better tool than a bandage.
•    Cost: 5 Karma
•    Game Effect: To take this quality, your Essence must be 2 or lower. When first aid is performed on you, the Biotech (Cybertechnology) is used in place of Biotech (First Aid). The threshold is equal to your Essence (round down).

肌肉佬 Muscles
劇透 -   :
Muscles You know how to use your impressive physique to your advantage in social situations.
•    Cost: 6 Karma
•    Game Effect: You may substitute Strength for Charisma on a social skill test, but only when you are able to use your imposing physique to your advantage.

通晓语言 Polyglot
劇透 -   :
You’ve picked up a knack for languages.
•    Cost: 4 Karma
•    Game Effect: You may learn new language skills at a cost of 2 Karma per rank. You may improve language skills for only 1 Karma per rank. You may improve language skills up to rank 4 (native).

无情追猎者 Relentless Tracker
劇透 -   :
They can run, and they can hide, but they won’t get away from you.
•    Cost: 6 Karma
•    Game Effect: Gain a point of Edge when you use the Tracking specialization of the Outdoors skill.

机械式炼金 Rote Alchemist
劇透 -   :
You are so practiced at alchemy that you are able to do most tasks with extremely reliable results.
•    Cost: 10 Karma
•    Game Effect: If you buy hits instead of rolling dice when creating an alchemical preparation, you get one hit for every three dice you would normally roll (round down). The opposing dice pool (which is the preparation’s Drain Value) must also then buy hits at one hit for every four dice (round down, minimum 1). If you buy hits on the drain test as well, you get one hit for every three dice (round down).

软件最佳化 Software Optimization
劇透 -   :
You know how to get the most of your hardware—by running more software!
•    Cost: 10 Karma
•    Game Effect: You may run one extra program on any device you own. Gain a point of Edge whenever you use that program.

舒缓白噪 Soothing Static
劇透 -   :
You’ve become used to the noise and find it comforting.
•    Cost: 4 Karma
•    Game Effect: Whenever you are affected by noise, reduce the cost of any Edge boosts or actions by 1 (to a minimum of 1). This only applies to Matrix actions. Noise can be partly reduced, but if it is fully canceled, this quality does not apply.

施法材料 Spell Components
劇透 -   :
You know how to use reagents to power your spells, reducing the risk of drain to you.
•    Cost: 12 Karma
•    Game Effect: When you cast a spell, you may spend a Minor Action to use reagents to assist you on your drain resistance test. Gain an extra die for each reagent spent, with a maximum equal to your ranks in the Enchanting (Alchemy) skill.

团队精神 Team Player
劇透 -   :
You’re part of a team, and you know how to look out for your own.
•    Cost: 10 Karma
•    Game Effect: You may spend Edge on others’ behalf on a one-for–one basis. You may combine your own Edge with theirs in order to pay for an Edge boost or action, or pay the entire cost yourself. However, only one Edge boost or action may be used on any one test, regardless of who pays the cost.

不沾锅 Teflon Coated
劇透 -   :
Blame just doesn’t seem to stick to you.
•    Cost: 12 Karma
•    Game Effect: If you choose, after the gamemaster rolls to determine Heat at the end of a run, you may force the gamemaster to re-roll the dice. The new result only affects your personal Heat. If multiple runners have this quality, there is only one re-roll allowed that affects all of them.

负面特质Negative Qualities

生意而已 All Business
游戏效果:你的人脉无法具有高于3的忠诚等级。当要与职业客户(如Mr. J)互动时,你的影响(礼仪)检定可以获得一点状况极限(a situational point of Edge)。
劇透 -   :
Your sense of professional detachment is reassuring to most clients, but you rarely form close relationships.
•    Bonus: 8 Karma
•    Game Effect: None of your contacts may have a Loyalty rating greater than 3. When interacting with a professional client (such as a Mr. Johnson), gain a situational point of Edge on any Influence (Etiquette) tests.

一把老腰 Bad Back
劇透 -   :
You have a tendency to throw out your back, sprain your leg, or otherwise impede your mobility when your body suffers strain.
•    Bonus: 12 Karma
•    Game Effect: Whenever you suffer from any wound modifiers, you also gain the Hobbled status. The status goes away when the modifiers do.

大限将至 Borrowed Time
劇透 -   :
The Sword of Damocles hangs above your head by the merest thread. Sooner or later—most likely sooner—you are going to die. You’re already past your expiration date. So how are you going to spend your last moments? How will you be remembered?
•    Bonus: 25 Karma
•    Game Effect: You have a condition that is going to inevitably cause your death. This might be a cortex bomb, insidious nanites, a rare disease, or even a contract out on your life. At the beginning of every session (after your Edge refreshes), roll your Body or Willpower (whichever is higher) plus Edge, with a threshold of 1. After every session, increase the threshold by 1. You may use Edge on this test. If you ever fail this test, you will die this session. The very first thing that happens that might be fatal to you … is fatal. Murphy’s Law at its worst. If no event occurs during the session, you will collapse and die at the end of the session. You may choose to burn a point of Edge to avoid your death this time, but unless you buy off this quality, surviving the next session is going to be even more unlikely.

悬赏对象 Bounty
劇透 -   :
An individual or organization has placed a bounty on your head. Unlike a legal warrant for your arrest, this is an open invitation for professional bounty hunters to collect a big pile of nuyen if they can bring you in alive.
•    Bonus: 10 Karma
•    Game Effect: When your personal Heat is 17 or higher, bounty hunters close in on you. You’re forced to dodge the bounty hunters, always looking over your shoulder, never able to let your guard down. You begin every session with zero Edge in your Edge pool.

慢性疼痛 Chronic Pain
劇透 -   :
You frequently suffer from a condition that flares up sometimes, causing you pain.
•    Bonus: 15 Karma
•    Game Effect: At the beginning of each session (after your Edge refreshes), roll your Body plus Willpower with a threshold of 3 plus the number of sessions that you have not suffered from your chronic pain. If you fail the test, your pain flares up. Throughout the entire session, you suffer a –1 die penalty on all tests except for damage soak rolls. Drugs, spells, adept powers, and other effects that reduce wound penalties, including pain editors, have no effect on your chronic pain.

战斗成瘾 Combat Junkie
劇透 -   :
You’re always ready to throw down, and you find it difficult to back off when it would be wiser to avoid a fight.
•    Bonus: 6 Karma
•    Game Effect: When someone attempts to goad you to resort to violence, they gain a point of Edge on their Influence or Con tests against you. You may not gain or spend Edge on any Judge Intentions tests except during combat. Unless you have taken at least 6 boxes of damage, you may not retreat from a combat without suffering a penalty. If you run away from a fight, you may not gain or spend Edge until either you enter combat or the next session begins.

赛博神经病 Cyber Psychosis
劇透 -   :
Your extensive augmentations have made you something more than just metahuman. In your case, this results in a sense of detachment, occasionally interrupted by bouts of intense and outof-context emotions.
•    Bonus: 8 Karma per level (max level 3)
•    Game Effect: You must have an Essence of 1 or less to take this quality. Whenever your Edge pool reaches zero, you begin to lose touch with your situation and surroundings. Either you become detached and listless, or you become filled with an intense emotion that seems to come out of nowhere. Until you regain Edge, you have one less Minor Action per round for every level of this quality.

耍手段 Finesse
劇透 -   :
You prefer to accomplish your goals with subtlety, and find brute force tactics unnerving.
•    Bonus: 7 Karma
•    Game Effect: You may not gain or spend Edge on any action that would generate a Heat modifier. If you do not personally generate any Heat modifiers, apply –1 to your team’s Heat modifier

装备滥购综合征 Gear Acquisition Syndrome
有种说法是,越是困难,越是要购物(When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping)。好吧,至少你是这么说的!
劇透 -   :
When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping, or so they say. Well, it’s certainly what you say!
•    Bonus: 5 Karma/level (max level 3)
•    Game Effect: You must have at least one skill specialization or expertise to be eligible for this quality. You are driven to purchase at least 1,000 nuyen per level of this quality in gear every month. If you fail to keep up with this, you become anxious or sad. Until you can satisfy your need to shop, you do not gain any bonus ranks from any skill specialization or expertise. The amount you must spend per month doesn’t increase if you fall behind.

小失误 Glitchy
劇透 -   :
Unexpected, unlikely, and unfortunate things happen to you on a regular basis.
•    Bonus: 12 Karma
•    Game Effect: Whenever you glitch, it counts as a critical glitch, with no hits, regardless of how many hits you may have rolled.

美食家 Gourmand
劇透 -   :
You loathe eating food that does not delight your sophisticated palette.
•    Bonus: 5 Karma
•    Game Effect: Whenever you eat food that is not up the standards of a high-level lifestyle, you gain the Nauseated status for one hour. Fast food, Stuffer Shack fare, instant meals, and generally anything that costs less than 20 nuyen per plate will cause you unpleasantness.

兜帽客 Hooder
游戏效果:你每个月必然会捐出(1000*特质等级)新円。这笔捐款不能给到你的队友或者你的家庭成员。你可以将这笔钱用于对你人脉的笼络人情(purchase favors)或是为人民服务(to Work for the People)。如果你没有那么做到,你会感到焦虑与内疚。你的对手将会在任何与你的对抗检定中获得一点状况极限。每个月重新计算,不叠加。
劇透 -   :
Game Effect: You must donate at least 1,000 nuyen per level of this quality every month. The donation cannot go to other members of your team or family members. You may use this nuyen to purchase favors from your contacts or to Work for the People. If you fail to keep up with this, you feel anxious or guilty. Your opposition gains a point of situational Edge on any opposed rolls against you. The unpaid nuyen maxes out at 1,000 nuyen per level and does not accumulate every missed month.

狩猎对象 Hunted
劇透 -   :
Someone wants you dead, and they have the means to get it done.
•    Bonus: 5 Karma per level (max level 5)
•    Game Effect: Whenever your personal Heat is 15 or higher, assassins catch up to you. You always seem to manage a narrow escape, but you never get away unscathed. At the beginning of every session (after your Edge pool refreshes), roll Body to resist 7P damage, with +1 DV per level of this quality. You may treat this wound using any available short-term healing (first aid, medkit, heal spell, etc.), but you may not take advantage of any long-term healing before the session begins.

犹豫不决 Indecisive
劇透 -   :
You have trouble making snap decisions.
•    Bonus: 11 Karma
•    Game Effect: You must have four Minor Actions per combat round to take this quality. Unless you have at least 5 points of Edge available, you may not trade Minor Actions to gain another Major Actions.

容易受伤 Injury Prone
劇透 -   :
Whenever you get hurt, you get hurt bad.
• Bonus: 15 Karma
• Game Effect: Whenever you suffer damage from any source, take one extra box of the same type of damage (Physical or Stun).

杀手 Killer
劇透 -   :
When it comes to combat, you prefer to kill your enemies, leaving no witnesses or anyone who will later seek revenge.
•    Bonus: 4 Karma
•    Game Effect: You may not gain or spend Edge when using an attack or spell that deals Stun damage.

属性受限 Limited Attributes
劇透 -   :
You haven’t had the resources or opportunities to focus on developing your strengths.
•    Bonus: 5 Karma
•    Game Effect: This quality may only be taken at, and only applies to, character creation. You may not start with any attributes at your metatype’s maximum. If you are using the Life Path system, you must reduce your maxed-out attribute by 1 and assign that point to any other attribute.

技能受限 Limited Skills
劇透 -   :
You’ve never been motivated to master any specific skill.
•    Bonus: 5 Karma
•    Game Effect: This quality may only be taken at, and only applies to, character creation. You may not start with any skills at their maximum starting rank. If you are using the Life Path system, you must reduce your maxed-out skill by 1 rank and assign that point to any other skill.

过于不幸 Momentous Misfortune
劇透 -   :
You just can’t catch a break, and even when you do, it seems to make little or no difference.
•    Bonus: 25 Karma
•    Game Effect: You may only gain one Edge per round.

不杀生 Non-Lethal
劇透 -   :
Even though you may have to fight, you prefer not to kill.
•    Bonus: 5 Karma
•    Game Effect: You may not gain or spend Edge when using an attack or spell that deals Physical damage.

兴奋贴过敏 Stim Patch Allergy
劇透 -   :
You have an unfortunate allergic reaction to stim patches.
•    Bonus: 10 Karma
•    Game Effect: If you are affected by a stim patch, you gain the Dazed condition until it wears off.

毒素易感性(特定毒素)Toxin Susceptibility (specify toxin)
劇透 -   :
You are particularly susceptible to a common toxin.
•    Bonus: 2 Karma
•    Game Effect: Choose a toxin, such as CS/ tear gas, gamma-scopolamine, narcoject, nausea gas, neurostun (all kinds), pepper punch, or seven-7. When you are affected by the toxin you are susceptible to, increase the toxin’s Power by +2. You may not gain or spend Edge on any Toxin Resistance tests against the toxin.

信任危机 Trust Issues
劇透 -   :
You’ve been burned too many times and are always watching closely for signs of betrayal.
•    Bonus: 10 Karma
•    Game Effect: You may not gain or spend Edge on any Influence (Etiquette or Negotiation) and Judge Intentions test. None of your contacts may have a Loyalty rating higher than 3. If you join a magical group, your maximum Loyalty is 3.

不安不宁 Twitchy
劇透 -   :
You’re always ready for danger. Perhaps a bit too ready.
•    Bonus: 5 Karma
•    Game Effect: You suffer a –1 dice pool penalty on all Composure tests for every initiative dice that you are able to roll.