作者 主题: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】第六纪元安保 Security in the Sixth World (p.355-366)  (阅读 7637 次)

副标题: 包含“高危快反部队”,“反物理威胁”,“反矩阵威胁”,“反魔法威胁”,“安保设备”,无良GM坑PC专用

离线 Bellicosa

  • Adventurer
  • *
  • 帖子数: 76
  • 苹果币: 1

劇透 -   :
When runners get up to their nefarious deeds, it is the security forces of the Sixth World’s job to stop them. Their job is not an easy one, as runners are generally more skilled, and better equipped. This section pro-vides information about the security techniques you can throw at your players to keep them on their toes.


劇透 -   :
By this time in the Sixth World, megacorporations and other power groups have being using and defending against professional shadowrunners for decades. Hav-ing to deal with runners is nothing new and thus the tac-tics to counter runners in a cost-efficient manner have had time to mature. Any organization with assets that are worth (potentially) sending a team of runners to steal or destroy will have spent some time thinking about how they are going to protect against the possibility.


劇透 -   :
With a few extremely rare exceptions, no organization will be able to field front-line security forces that are a di-rect match against a professional shadowrunner team. Paying for such highly trained and well-equipped individ-uals is expensive, and the cost to pay them to guard a location or person round-the-clock is beyond the realm of possibility. Thus, the first line of defense that runners are likely to encounter are guards or equipment that they significantly outclass. Front-line security forces are (gen-erally) in place to maintain order at a location, and keep away the more “causal” destructive elements. They can-not stand up to professional criminals, and they know it.


劇透 -   :
What these organizations have is some kind of High Threat Response (HTR) or backup team in place. These teams consist of forces that are roughly equivalent to the kind of training and equipment that a runner team fields. HTR teams can be part of the overall security forc-es of the organization that owns the facility, or they can be from a different organization that has been contract-ed to provide HTR service for the owners. This is done by security companies such as Lone Star, Knight Errant, Eagle Security, and many others. Competition is fierce in this market, and security threats are widespread enough in the Sixth World that these services are fairly afford-able. Even companies with a fairly modest income can afford to have an HTR team on call. Of course, there are varying price points for this service, so the level of re-sponse and how quickly it can be mobilized varies. Run-ners will often use this to their advantage, but time is not on their side.


劇透 -   :
The idea of having some kind of High Threat Response is ubiquitous in the Sixth World, since it’s only a matter of time before some threat materializes somewhere. They can be a public law enforcement contractor like Lone Star, or a private team employed by the organization that owns the loca-tion. How quickly an HTR team responds to a situation depends on the security level of the loca-tion where the threat is occur-ring. Higher security levels mean that the government or corpora-tion that owns the location has paid for better security and thus response times. Lower security levels represent areas that cannot afford top-flight security. At the lowest (most basic) level, HTR re-sponse happens only when the general public is threat-ened on a large scale. Determining the security level of a location is entirely up to the gamemaster.

安保级别 范例 反应时间
AAA 西雅图市区,超企总部,军事设施 1D6分钟
AA 豪华居住区1D6 + 4 分钟
A 中等到高等居住区,一般企业 2D6 + 3 分钟
B 中等居住区,工业区 1D6 x 5 分钟
C 低等居住区,仓库区 1D6 x 10 分钟
Z 雷德蒙郊区,芝加哥隔离区2D6小时


劇透 -   :
When a front-line security force knows that the HTR team is on its way, their job is to delay the runner team as long as possible. These front-line guards know they are out-matched and, barring having a death wish, will not en-gage in a stand-up fight against a group of professional runners. They will use a series of tactics to put the odds more in their favor, with the objective of delaying runners as long as they can until their backup or High Threat Re-sponse team arrives. Even HTR team members will em-ploy these tactics to gain every advantage they can get.


劇透 -   :
Standing out in the open proves nothing except that a person is stupid enough to get themselves killed. The best body armor of all is not getting shot. To this end, security personnel should never be standing out in the open in a gunfight unless they are caught by surprise. If they know that shooting is about to start, the first thing that any security guard will do is find some cover. If there is none available, they will withdraw from that lo-cation to a place where there is some cover. Cover has significant effect on the accuracy of shots during a fight (see Taking Cover, p. 166).If combat must take place in an area where there is no cover, there are some options to create it. Anything that obscures visibility in some form generates the same sort of effect as having cover: attacking shots miss. Cre-ating cover can come from smoke grenades (p. 435), flash bangs (p. 435), or with magical effects (p. 289). Often, security personnel will have control over the en-vironment around them. With this control, cover could be created simply by turning off the lights in select por-tions of the building. This can be used as part of an at-tack or part of a retreat, as needed. If the security force has some form of vision enhancement or modification to compensate for vision conditions, this technique will be readily employed. Of course the intruders may also have those vision modifications, but the defenders don’t know that for sure and are willing to try.


劇透 -   :
When engaging a group of enemies, security teams will work in coordination to gain better positions on the enemy. While moving (advancing or retreating), a team will employ covering fire. This is a tactic where one member of the team fires at the enemy in order to keep them from making effective attacks while other members of their team change their position(s). When providing covering fire, a team member will be firing a Suppression attack (see p. 179).


劇透 -   :
Local guards know the terrain or layout of the place they are guarding. There may even be specific “chokepoints” or designated ambush points. These will be areas where intruders are “forced” to go, and give the defenders a massive advantage in cover and firing positions. When-ever possible, a security team will use the ambush or chokepoints that are in their area. These may be areas specifically designed to provide an advantage to the de-fenders, constructed for security reasons, or they could be areas that, due to their layout, make natural ambush sites. Whether “natural” or specifically constructed, an ambush site is any place that gives a distinct advantage to defenders that hold the position, while putting the attackers in a disadvantageous position. This includes areas where the defenders have good cover while the attackers have none, or where the defenders are in an elevated position relative to the attackers.


劇透 -   :
Aside from position, the other key element in am-bushes is surprise (see Surprise, p. 192). A defender that is not aware of an attack is unable to effectively defend against it. While runners use ambushes and sur-prise more often than security forces, the defenders will look for any opportunity to use the same tactics against intruders.


劇透 -   :
Corporations are always looking for the most cost-effec-tive way to defend their property. Security guards are expensive, while inanimate or automated objects are much more cost efficient. If an intruder can be stopped without having to put any expensive personnel in dan-ger, all the better. Traps can take almost any shape or form, and can be intended to slow, capture, or kill in-truders that trigger them. The two essential elements of a trap are the trigger and the response.

陷阱的触发器指启动它的行动或事件。陷阱会与种种用来侦测所需条件的传感器紧密相连,这传感器可以简单如绊绳和压感板,也可能复杂如连接到生体监测数据库或者RFID扫描器的电子感应设备。在设计触发器时,防御者不仅需要考虑陷阱什么时候该被触发,也应该考虑它什么时候不该被触发。所以,除非陷阱被设置在任何人都不应该去的地方,它就需要某种能够避免在授权人员出现时触发自己的手段。这可能是因为陷阱的传感器里内置的复杂敌我识别系统,也有可能是因为陷阱根本不会在环境内有授权人员的情况下出现。可以被用作触发器的传感设备被列在安保设备(p. 362)里。

劇透 -   :
The trigger element of a trap is the action or event that activates it. Traps need to be tied to some sort of sensor designed to detect the desired conditions. The sensor can be some-thing as simple as a trip line or pressure plate, or it can be as complex as an electronic sensor keyed to a biometrics database or RFID scan-ner. When designing a trigger, the defenders need to think not just about when the trap should be triggered, but when it shouldn’t be triggered as well. So, unless the trap is set up to protect an area that no one is ever expected to go, it will need some sort of meth-od to avoid triggering the trap for authorized personnel. This could mean some sophisticated system where the trap’s sensor identifies friend from foe, or that the trap is just not set up when authorized personnel are in the area. The various sensory devices that can be used as part of a trigger are listed under Security Devices (p. 362).

陷阱的第二部分是对应触发事件的反应器。这是陷阱真正干活的部分,只有这儿才会有事发生。陷阱反应要完全取决于陷阱的主人希望它达成什么,主人也许只希望它拖延敌人的事件或者消灭他们。希望被达成的目标会完全决定陷阱的设计,但是其可能性近乎无穷。陷阱可能关闭大门以把入侵者封锁在一个特定区域,它们也可以释放毒气或者别的什么化学试剂。更致命的陷阱可以部署单丝绊线,或者启动自动枪械无人机。可以被用作反应器的传感设备被列在安保设备(p. 362)里。

劇透 -   :
The second part of a trap is the response to the trigger event. This is the business end of the trap, where things happen. A trap response all depends on what the own-er of the trap wants it to accomplish. The owner may want to merely delay an enemy or may want to elim-inate them. The desired outcome completely dictates the design of the trap, but the possibilities are essential-ly limitless. Traps can close doors to lock intruders in a certain area, or they can release gas or some other kind of chemical agent. More lethal traps can deploy mono-filament trip lines, or activate automated gun drones. Devices that can be used as part of a trap response are listed under Security Devices (p. 362).

安保战术  页码
掩体  p.190
烟雾弹  p. 435
闪光弹  p. 435
火力压制  p. 179


劇透 -   :
The world of Shadowrun experienced a technical as well as a magical revolution. Advances in computer technol-ogy have revolutionized how metahumans interact with the electronic world around them. Things are connected and accessible on an unprecedented level, giving those connected to the Matrix a fantastic wealth of informa-tion and power. However, with this access comes the risk that those with malicious intentions will subvert the system, and abuse the connections of the Matrix. Right from the beginning, those who planned and engineered the Matrix were aware of the need for security. For many years, this was a difficult battle for those looking for se-curity, with the hackers always staying one step ahead of them. After many long years of work, though, the Matrix powers that be have finally gotten their wish, and the Matrix of 2075 is more secure than it has ever been—and more controlled.


劇透 -   :
The first and most basic way to protect a device is to limit access to it. By default, all devices run in normal mode, announcing their presence and inviting connec-tions from other devices. The entire Matrix is built on of the premise of devices connecting to one another and being accessible so that people can get information or services from them. In public areas, law enforcement services require people to run their personal device in normal mode so their identity can be verified. When running normally, devices can interact with any other random device that happens to be nearby. However, some devices, such as those connected to a security system, have no such need. In most cases, these devices will be running silent (see p. 235).


劇透 -   :
In addition to running silent, network administrators work to limit the accessibility of their important devic-es to the bare minimum necessary for their functioning. The primary way of doing this is to increase the Noise rating for those in the vicinity who may have less-than-honest intentions. If the device is outside, landscaping such as earthworks and vegetation can be used to in-crease Noise between the device and an attacker. If the device is inside, wireless inhibiting wallpaper or paint can increase Noise to the device, or a Faraday cage used in select sections of the building can cut off access from the outside completely. So, a corporation’s top-secret research system will almost never be accessible from outside of the building where it is located. The system may only be accessible from inside the building, or even a specific area (or room) in the building. By forcing po-tential hackers to have to be in a specific physical loca-tion to perform their intrusion, the physical security of the area becomes part of the Matrix security as well.


劇透 -   :
Another way to protect individual devices is to con-nect them as slaves to a master device in a personal area network (PAN) or wide area network (WAN) (see p. 233). By connecting less sophisticated and vulner-able devices to a single more powerful and secure Master device, the entire network is made more se-cure. When configured in this way, every device uses the Rating of the Master instead of its own when do-ing any sort of test. This makes all devices in the net-work as strong as the Master device, which greatly increases the security of the entire network. However, the protection provided in this manner is still a de-vice’s inherent protection. It is just protection from a more sophisticated device.


劇透 -   :
The most common way that a hacker will circum-vent the protection of a network is by making a direct connection (see p. 232) to a device that is part of that network. To make a direct connection, a hacker must have a physical (wired) connection to the device, which necessitates close physical proximity. With this connec-tion, the hacker can target the device separately from its Master, and thus gain marks on the device or its Master while making tests against the much lower Rating of the device. Network administrators and security spiders are well aware of the vulnerability of a direct connection to devices on a network and will take steps to protect that vulnerability. This usually means physically protecting the device—for example, placing it behind a wall, inside a locked casing, or put somewhere difficult to access physically. Since the device will normally, legitimately, be accessed via wireless placing it in an awkward physi-cal location doesn’t pose any inconvenience for the de-vice owners.


劇透 -   :
Any network owner that is really serious about protect-ing their devices will use a Host (see p. 359). A Host is an integrated system architecture where all devices ex-ist inside a single Matrix entity that can run more com-plex programs. Creating a Host is akin to constructing a building and putting important things inside. None of the devices can be accessed without first gaining access (via a mark) to the Host itself. The Host then becomes the Master for all of the devices within it, thus providing the same protection as a WAN. However, the biggest additional protection that a Host provides is the ability to run Intrusion Countermeasures (IC) pro-grams. IC are a unique class of program that are like a drone, but in the virtual realm of the Matrix. IC are construct-ed with a specific set of abilities and given a defined purpose. Some IC look for intruders, others inhibit in-truders, and a few can harm a hacker’s equipment or even their person. Although IC are fairly single-minded and not terribly adaptable, they are very good at per-forming their intended purpose when set on it. The real strength in IC comes in the swiftness of their response, and their resiliency. IC are run as Programs on the Host, and thus can be activated just as quickly as any other program: in a single Combat Turn. This means that IC can respond to a threat with-in seconds of it being identified. IC programs can be crashed, but can simply be reactivated the very next turn by the Host. This means that IC can be delayed, but never permanently destroyed. A Host can have up to its Rating in active IC programs at one time.


劇透 -   :
IC are not terribly selective in their targeting, however, so IC owners need to be careful to not attack legitimate users. For this reason, as well as the speed with which IC can be deployed, Hosts will generally not have many IC programs running constantly. The only kind of IC that is safe to keep running is a Patrol IC. A Patrol IC acts like a physical security guard would, moving about the Host, validating identities and looking into suspicious activity. If an intruder or nefarious activity is detected, the more proactive IC programs can be launched by the Host.


劇透 -   :
Hosts and IC programs are generally affordable, so any organization serious about protecting their Matrix assets will install them. As a result, this is the most com-mon kind of system that a hacker will encounter. Cre-ating a Host doesn’t prevent system administrators for employing other forms of network protection such as Access Limitation (above), and the Host will (of course) exist on a specific Grid.


劇透 -   :
Matrix security specialists know that even the best and most sophisticated electronic security measures can be circumvented by someone with enough skill. Ultimate-ly, protecting things on the Matrix comes down to the last line of defense: spiders, GODs, and demiGODs. A metahuman security professional whose job is over-seeing the security of a particular network (or group of networks) is referred to as a spider. A spider will have much (if not all or more) of the same skills and equip-ment as any intruding hacker, with the only difference being that they are defending the system rather than attacking it. Just like the physical security forces of a building, the individual abilities and tactics of a spider vary wildly. They do whatever they can to attempt to protect the system by slowing down or stopping the intruder. Since spiders are considered the owners or administrators of a system, they can command any of the devices in that system without having to gain any marks, since they already have the owner mark for all devices. They have the authority to launch or shut down IC, raise or cancel alarms, or even perform an emer-gency shutdown of the entire system. Spiders do their job exclusively in the Matrix, and so can be on-site for whatever network they are protecting, or remote log-ging in from elsewhere. Having a spider on-site gener-ally leads to faster response times to network threats, but it leaves the spider vulnerable to physical attacks.


劇透 -   :
The heavy hitters, the virtual boogeymen, of the Matrix are the Grid Overwatch Division (GODs) of the Corporate Court and their branches, the demiGODs, that provide security on individual grids. These are the best, brightest, and most well-equipped security forces in the Matrix, and something most hackers rightly fear. They respond to the most serious security breaches, or anything that happens to catch their interest. Repeated intrusions, especially if they go mostly undetected, may draw the attention of the local demiGODs, as well as a particularly persistent or noisy intrusion. A demiGOD is like a hacker in some ways, but has top-level training and the best equipment that nuyen can buy. A GOD agent, or “G-Man,” can be expected to have the equivalent of an owner mark on any device that exists on their grid.


劇透 -   :
In some circumstances, technomancers will be em-ployed to protect a system as its spider. In this case a technomancer will use the full extent of their unusu-al abilities to protect the network including compiling sprites. These instances continue to be rare, however, due to the scarcity of the technomancer talent and the corporations’ continued mistrust of them.


劇透 -   :
It is possible for a network owner to decide to forgo wireless connec-tions entirely and instead connect their system using traditional wires. This is rare due to the inconve-nience it presents, but still an option for those mistrust-ing of the security wireless offers. All Matrix devices connect via wire-less by default, with many of the less expensive ones not having a wired connec-tion option. If an organization wants to wire a network, the cabling must be purchased and installed throughout the location where the network exists. This limits the placement of devices and requires maintenance of the proper connections. Wired networks are still vulnerable in many of the same ways as wireless networks. If a wire is breached and tapped anywhere along its length, the signals can be intercepted and retransmitted via wireless anyway. It should be noted, though, that between grids, hosts, IC, spiders, and GODs, corporations are feeling very confident in the security of their wireless networks. This means that runners are only likely to encounter wired security in the hands of the exceedingly protec-tive or paranoid.

设备  等级
自动贩卖机  1
摄像头  1
门锁  2
传感器  2
普通无人机  3
安保用无人机  3
工作站  3
企业服务器  4
安保控制台  5
« 上次编辑: 2017-08-10, 周四 18:01:35 由 Bellicosa »

离线 Bellicosa

  • Adventurer
  • *
  • 帖子数: 76
  • 苹果币: 1

劇透 -   :
Magic in the Sixth World is both very powerful and very rare. Even those with magical talent often do not have enough to do any kind of magic that would be mean-ingful from a security standpoint. As such, acquiring any sort of magical security is fairly expensive. How-ever, magic and magical threats have been a part of the world for long enough that corporations and other potential targets of magical threats have developed a series of strategies for dealing with them.


劇透 -   :
The first and most cost-effective tactic for dealing with magical threats is to provide special training for mun-dane (non-magical) security forces to deal with mag-ical threats. Although the only direct counter to mag-ic is more magic, there are things that mundanes can do that will eliminate and sometimes inhibit magical threats. These tactics will be the first thing that security forces employ when faced with a magical threat.


劇透 -   :
Before anything can be done, a magical threat must be identified. If a front-line security guard has received any kind of professional training, they will have been taught how to identify a variety of magical threats: metahuman magicians, critters, and spirits, among oth-ers. If magical activity is identified in an opposing force (see Perceiving Magic, p. 280), the security guards im-mediately act to counter it.


劇透 -   :
Once identified, one way to deal with the threat is by target priority. There are many elaborate and compli-cated ways to deal with an opposing magician, but the simplest (and often most effective) is to fill the enemy magician with bullets. This is where the common street saying “geek the mage first” comes from. When an op-posing security force identifies a magician opponent, they will likely target the magician first or with their most effective weapons. Even wounding an enemy magician without actually putting them down affects how well they can cast spells. Of course, taking down an enemy magi-cian solves the magical threat problem completely. This technique will be favored if the security team sees or feels that they have an advantage in physical firepower over the runner team. Target priority can and will be combined with other physical combat techniques such as ambushes (see Countering Physical Threats, above).


劇透 -   :
When force is not adequate (or available), limiting visibility can be just as effective. Magic is (almost) en-tirely dependent on what the magician can see. If a ma-gician can’t see something, they can’t cast a spell against it. Anything a security force does to limit a magician’s ability to see them will inhibit their ability to use mag-ic against them. Security forces can limit visibility in a variety of ways: cover, flash bangs, smoke, or changing lighting conditions. However, limiting visibility is purely a defensive tactic and will be used in combination with the security team withdrawing to give time for on-call magical backup, or to change the location of the en-gagement to somewhere more favorable for the secu-rity team.


劇透 -   :
Contracting magical security does have its drawbacks. Most organizations will not be able to afford to have Awakened security personnel on site 24/7, so magical security will often be in the form of a contracted “on call” operative or force. When a magical threat is iden-tified, the magic backup is called into action. The first response of a magical security contractor is usually to scout and confirm the magical threat astrally. If a mag-ical threat is confirmed, the astrally scouting magician may summon a spirit (or call a bound spirit) to assist im-mediately, if that level of service has been purchased. Depending on the contract, the magician may stay and observe the situation astrally, assisting however they can, or return to their meat body to respond to the threat physically. Often the magical backup will arrive as part of a High Threat Response team, but sometimes the magic backup will come just to aid the existing se-curity force. The details of the arrangement between the front-line security forces and the magical contrac-tor are up to the gamemaster.


劇透 -   :
An extremely cost-effective method of magical protec-tion is the use of magical barriers. Any company that of-fers magical contracting services will provide an option to establish magical barriers as part of their services. Barriers can be established in the astral plane to pro-tect sensitive areas from observation by astral entities (such as an astrally projecting magician), or they can be established on the physical plane at critical areas to add protection to those on the other side of the barri-er. Magical barriers are a passive measure, and organi-zations will use them knowing that they will only slow down magical intruders, at best, but they are inexpen-sive as magical protections go. Being one of the most basic services that magical contractors provide, com-petition has driven the price of magical barriers down to the point that nearly any corporation or organization will be able to afford them. In addition to creating and renewing them if necessary, the magician that created the barrier will know when it has been breached, at-tacked, or destroyed and will inform whoever is to be contacted in the protected organization.


劇透 -   :
Metahumans are not the only, and often not even the most effective, basis for magical security. While the ability to manipulate or even perceive the astral realm is extremely rare to metahumanity, awakened critters and spirits exist there as a natural state. For this reason they make ideal security forces, if they can be trained to perform the job.


劇透 -   :
Spirits (see p. 303) are fairly easy to employ for security. They merely need to be summoned and set the Task of protecting an area in some way. When em-ployed in a security role, due to the long time frames involved, spirits are almost always bound. To set a spirit in a security role, it must be given a task that uses one of its services. Spirits are characteristically ornery and narrow-minded, especially when bound to long-term service, so the instructions given for the security ser-vice must be simple yet specific. A spirit could be used to report astral activity in the area, attack anyone in the restricted area during unauthorized hours, or other tasks with specific parameters and goals. The exact na-ture of the service that a bound spirit is performing is up to the gamemaster.


劇透 -   :
Awakened Critters are employed in a security role for most of the same reasons as spirits. Critters have advantages and disadvantages over spirits in the same role. Critters are more permanent than spirits, in that once they are trained and deployed, they will remain and do not have a limited resource such as Services. However, critters take far longer to get to the point where they can be used in a securi-ty role, requiring a lengthy (and often expensive) training process. As such, the cost to employ Awakened critters or bound spirits in a security role is generally equivalent, so it would be up to the whims of the security forces (and the gamemas-ter) which creature is employed. Awakened critters are used because they can perceive astral space as well as physical space, making identifying astral entities trivi-al for them. Additionally, like spirits, they can engage astral entities in combat, which makes them a signif-icant threat. Depending on the critter, they can bring additional exotic powers that perform a lot of the same roles within a security team as a magician, such as a barghest’s paralyzing howl. Even though critters re-quire maintenance and specialized handling, and they can sometimes be unpredictable, the advantages they provide for mundane security forces against magical threats makes them extremely valuable.

怪物  页码
犬魔  403
蛇妖  403
地狱犬  405


劇透 -   :
Since magic first returned and ushered in the Sixth World, it has been connected with living things. Magic has always flowed more readily in the living and been inhibited by the mechanical or highly processed. Only the most powerful and talented magicians can affect highly processed mechanical objects, and even then at significant cost to themselves. For these reasons, drones have become an effective counter to magical threats. Since drones are highly processed, unnatu-ral, mechanical objects, they inherently resist magical effects. They are immune to spells that target pure-ly organic or sentient beings and are well armed and armored to deal with physical spells. They also pack a significant threat in firepower. Drones are manufac-tured on a mass scale and are very cost effective to employ in any security role. This makes them extreme-ly popular and a particularly good counter to magical threats. It is drones’ weakness to other kinds of attacks (such as hacking), however, that keep them from being the overwhelmingly most popular choice.


劇透 -   :
Landscaping, sometimes an overlooked component of physical security, can help provide obstacles or barriers. This includes everything from the placement of trees and shrubs to working with the surrounding land or creating hills, gullies, and lakes. The idea is to make it difficult for unauthorized personnel to enter the grounds without being spotted, trapped, inter-cepted, or maybe even killed. Landscaping may also be designed to prevent an intruder (or protected per-sonnel) from escaping easily, so that security person-nel can easily catch and detain them if alerted to their presence. Trees, dense brush, and hedges can provide cover for sensors, wires, cameras, tiger pits, secret en-trances or exits, or automated gun systems. Along with ponds and lakes, they can also provide natural barri-ers. These features are not usually planted adjacent to buildings themselves, so as not to provide cover or en-try assistance for intruders (such as a tall tree allowing for entry into a second- or third-story window). Dense brush and ground cover are also difficult for an intruder to bypass without creating noise (apply an appropriate modifier to a character’s Infiltration Tests) and may be coupled with acoustic sensors. Foliage also increases Noise (p. 230) for anyone trying to access wireless de-vices on the other side of the landscaping.


劇透 -   :
Barriers include fences, walls, and other obstructions that serve as a deterrent to keep people and animals out, prevent intruders from escaping, or deter surveillance or terrorist attacks (like car bombs). These can be strewn about the perimeter, set along restricted road-ways, or integrated into a building’s internal or outer security. They may be supplemented with various sen-sors, cameras, gun turrets, or scanners (see below). Rules for climbing over barriers can be found on p. 134.

木制,石制,铁链与通电栅栏很可能会被布置在周围,其顶部也可能包括带刺铁丝网,蛇腹铁丝网,甚至单分子丝网。攀爬过栅栏顶部需要一{攀爬 + 敏捷(3)}检定。如角色失败,她将受到伤害。需要发现通电丝网(和普通铁丝网不同)与单分子丝网的感知检定阀值可以在攀爬栅栏表找到,同时包括的还有对那些无法成功通过它们者造成的伤害。伤害由[体质 + 装甲]正常抵抗。请注意,带刺铁丝/蛇腹铁丝或者通电丝网都可以通过在其上放置一保护垫而不受伤害地通过。

劇透 -   :
Wooden, stone, chain-link, and electrified fences are most likely set around the perimeter and may fea-ture barbed wire, concertina wire, or even monowire along the top. Climbing past fencetop wiring requires a Climbing + Agility (3) Test; if the character fails, she takes damage. See the Fencing Table for the thresholds need-ed to spot an electrified fence (as opposed to a regular fence) or monowire with a Perception Test, as well as the damages these defensive features can cause to some-one who fails to bypass them. Damage is resisted with Body + Armor as per normal. Note that protective mats may be thrown over barbed/concertina wire or electric fencing to climb over them without damage.


劇透 -   :
Walls come in all sorts of compositions—usually brick, stone, plascrete, concrete, or drywall—and may be specif-ically intended to protect against explosions or penetra-tion. For details on attacking through or bypassing walls, see Barriers, p. 197. Plumbing, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems are often found within walls and can increase the wall’s Armor rating (p. 197).

种类  阀值  伤害
带刺铁丝网  1  4P
蛇腹式铁丝网  1  5P
单分子丝网  3  8P
通电网  2  6S
(见电击伤害,p. 170)


劇透 -   :
Doors and windows are common entrance and egress points not only for normal use but also for break-ing-and-entering. Doors follow the standard rules for Barriers (p. 197) and are typically augmented with locks, alarms, and/or sensors (see below). Windows tend to be mirrored in 2075 (preventing an outside spellcaster from targeting anything inside), though their tinting is often voice- or wireless-controlled. Transparent con-crete is also used, providing all the lighting of glass with the barrier value of a concrete wall.

钥匙锁是最简单的设备,需要使用转向轮,金属钥匙,以及某种组合密码转盘来开门,而非卡片或其他设备。由于对更复杂的安保设施之依赖性,它们的使用并不频繁,但是某些地方(比如私人保险箱和低端公司)会出于怀旧而使用它们,这可能纯粹是因为它们买不起更好的,也可能是因为其稀有度提高了它的安保程度。击败一钥匙锁需要一{锁匠 + 敏捷[物理](锁之级别,1战斗回合)}延续检定。自动开锁器(p. 447)可将其等级加入检定骰池,它们的等级也可以代替锁匠技能使用。

劇透 -   :
Key locks are the simplest kind, involving the use of tumblers and metal keys or combination code dials to open doors instead of cards or some other device. They are also not in very common use due to reliance on more sophisticated means of security, but some places (like private safes or low-end businesses) may still use them out of nostalgia, because they can’t afford better, or because rarity equates to better security. Defeating a key lock requires a Locksmith + Agility [Physical] (Lock Rating, 1 Combat Turn) Extended Test. Autopickers (p. 447) add their Rating in dice to this test; their Rating may also be used in place of Locksmith skill.

内置收发器密钥包含了一校准电阻器,它在插入锁后能够与锁组成一完整的电路。要想手动破解此类锁,你需要一电子工具箱来产生恰当的电反应。这需要一成功的{硬件 + 逻辑[精神](锁之等级,1分钟)}延续检定。如果一角色需要在撬锁的同时生成电流,则他在两个检定上都承受-2的骰池调整值。

劇透 -   :
Transponder-embedded keys contain a calibrated resistor that completes a circuit in the lock. In order to pick such a lock by hand, an electronics kit is needed to generate the appropriate electrical characteristics. This requires a successful Hardware + Logic [Mental] (Lock Rating, 1 minute) Extended Test at the same time the lock is picked. If the same character is picking the lock and cal-ibrating the electrical feed, apply a –2 dice pool modifier to both tests.

磁性动力锁,即磁锁,在2075年的应用尤其广泛,其复杂度也各不相同。磁锁的"钥匙"可以是物理检测(密码键盘,磁性卡,感应卡,字符串),生体特征检测(见下),或者二者的任意组合。磁锁通常可以通过本地网络接入(有线或者无线),也可能受安保黑客或机师所监控。磁锁系统经常将每次使用记录下来,同时纪录的还有每位使用者的身份,使用日期与时间。绕过磁锁的第一部步是移除其外壳,并接入磁锁内部的电子元件。这需要一成功的{锁匠 + 敏捷[物理](磁锁等级x2,1战斗回合)}延续检定。如果其它方式都失败了,外壳也可以被枪打下来或者砸开,将外壳视作有着等同于磁锁等级的屏障等级。如此热忱地试图破坏其外壳的尝试也可能会伤害到内部的电子系统。重新将外壳在之后组装回去则需要一相同的检定。有些磁锁系统会安装反篡改系统,等级在1到4之间。要想绕过反篡改电路,必须做一额外的{锁匠 + 敏捷[物理](反篡改系统等级)}检定。如果检定失败,则警报会被触发。

劇透 -   :
Powered magnetic locks, maglocks, are widespread in 2075 and come in a wide range of sophistication. Ma-glock “keys” can be physical (keypad, swipe card, prox-imity card, memory string), biometric (see below), or any combination thereof. Maglocks are often accessible via the local network (wired or wireless) and may be moni-tored by a security hacker/rigger. Maglock systems of-ten log all usages, keeping track of the time, date, and identity of each user. The first step to bypassing a ma-glock is to remove the case and access the maglock’s electronic guts. This requires a successful Locksmith + Agility [Physical] (Maglock Rating x 2, 1 Combat Turn) Extended Test. If all else fails, the case can be smashed or shot off; treat the case as if it has a Barrier rating equal to the maglock rating. Overzealous attempts to break the case may harm the electronics inside. Re-assembling the case afterwards requires the same test. Some maglock systems come equipped with anti-tamper systems, rat-ed between 1 and 4. In order to bypass the anti-tamper circuits, an additional Locksmith + Agility [Physical] (an-ti-tamper system rating) Test must be made. If this fails, an alarm is triggered.

密码键盘使用一授权码(很多时候不同的使用者的授权码也会不同)。除非密码已知,否则击败一密码键盘需要为其内部电子元件重新接线。这意味着得先打开其外壳(见上)然后再为电路重新接线——又是一个{锁匠 + 敏捷 [物理](磁锁等级x2,1战斗回合)}延续检定。一序列器(见p.448)可以被代替使用。让序列器与磁锁用各自等级进行对抗检定。如序列器胜利,则磁锁打开(请注意序列器必须在键盘外壳被拆开之后才能被使用)。

劇透 -   :
Keypads utilize an access code (often different access codes for different users). Unless the code is known, defeating a keypad requires rewiring the inter-nal electronics. This means cracking open the case (see above) and then rewiring the circuits—another Lock-smith + Agility [Physical] (Maglock Rating x 2, 1 Com-bat Turn) Extended Test. A maglock sequencer (see p. 448) may also be used instead; make an Opposed Test between the sequencer and maglock ratings. If the se-quencer wins, the maglock opens. (Note that the case must still be opened for a sequencer to be applied.)


劇透 -   :
Cardreaders verify the authenticity of swipe cards or RFID proximity cards. They can be defeated using the same method as for keypads—by removing the case and tampering with the works. Maglock passkeys (p. 448) may also be used to defeat cardreaders and don’t re-quire breaking the case open. If a valid keycard is ac-quired, it can be copied with a keycard copier (p. 447) in order to create a forged keycard. Make an Opposed Test between the passkey/forged keycard rating and the maglock rating. If the passkey/forged keycard wins, the maglock opens.


劇透 -   :
Print scanners scan fingerprints, palm prints, retinal prints, or even the pattern of blood vessels in the face or palm. One method to defeat a print scanner is to co-erce an authorized user to apply their prints. Alternately, a synthetic print glove-like membrane (a “sleeve”) can be manufactured for fingerprints and thumbprints with a cellular glove molder (an authorized print is necessary to copy from, see p. 447). Retinal prints may also be du-plicated with the retinal duplication cybereye accessory (p. 453). If a fake print is used, make an Opposed Test between the duplicate and the maglock rating; if the fake wins, the maglock accepts it.


劇透 -   :
Voice recognition systems require a vocal response from an approved user’s voice, usually within a certain amount of time. If the response is not given within the time limit, or someone not approved answers, the sys-tem sounds an alarm. Characters can only defeat voice recognition systems by “speaking” with the voice of an approved user—by using a recording, some other sim-ulation, or the real voice. Voice modulator cyberware (see p. 452) can also be used. An Opposed Test must be made between the voice recognition system and the equipment used to bypass it; whichever generates more hits, wins.

呼吸,细胞与DNA扫描器会收集使用者的细胞样本来分析其基因构成,要么从手指/掌心上取得,从毛发上抽取,通过呼出的粒子,或者其它类似的东西。要想愚弄这一系统,你得需要一正确的基因材料样本,还得被保存在一特殊制造的酶浴中才行。酶浴可以通过一{化学 + 逻辑 (5,1小时)}延续检定在一化学作坊中合成。

劇透 -   :
Breath, cellular, and DNA scanners collect a sam-ple of the user’s cells, either off the finger/palm, via hair suction, through exhaled particles, or something similar, and analyze the genetic material. In order to fool such a system, you need a sample of the correct genetic ma-terial, preserved in a specially formulated enzyme bath. The enzyme bath can be synthesized in a chemistry shop with a Chemistry + Logic (5, 1 hour) Extended Test. Facial recognition scanners use imaging lasers, ther-mographic, and/or ultrasonic waves to map a person’s face. These are one of the least intrusive, but also least accurate, biometric recognition systems.

面部识别系统会使用成像激光,热成像和/或超声波来绘制人脸。面部识别系统不仅能够用于让授权人员进来,也能辨识无关人员并把他们挡在外面。化妆用假体和生物塑形能够在与面部识别系统对抗时取得一定的成功。做一{伪装 + 直觉[精神]}与设备等级之间的对抗检定。如果系统试图在人群中寻找特定的伪装角色的话,该角色获得+2的骰池调整值。

劇透 -   :
Facial recog-nition systems are useful not just for letting authorized people in, but also for identifying unwanted people and keeping them out. Prosthetic makeup and biosculpt-ing can be used with varying degrees of effectiveness against facial recognition; make an Opposed Test pitting Disguise + Intuition [Mental] against the Device rating. Apply a +2 dice pool modifier to the character if the sys-tem is picking the disguised character out of a crowd.

良好的照明,不论是在室外还是室内,都能够进一步阻止入侵,因为它能够提升安保人员发现未授权人员的概率。灯光一般由无线控制以在特定时段(比如说室外灯,它们只需要在晚上工作)或者特定事件(比如说当传感器在其区域内侦测到活动时,见传感器,如下)发生时亮起。室内灯光可以被通过常规的开关手动控制,也可以被编程以对运动或者日常活动做出回应(比如说在营业日开始时)。大多数开关可以被一{硬件 + 逻辑[精神](5,1战斗回合)}延续检定所绕过。大多数照明都是白炽灯,荧光灯,LED或者白色石英卤素灯,不过偶尔在大功率外部照明时 也可能使用气体放电照明(需要五分钟预热)。

劇透 -   :
Good lighting, both indoor and outdoor, can be a further deterrent to intrusion, as it raises the chances for security to spot unauthorized personnel. Lights are usually controlled via wireless to activate at pre-determined times (like outdoor lights, which are only needed at night) or events (like when a sensor detects movement in its area; see Sensors below). Indoor light-ing can either be manually controlled with a regular on/off switch, or programmed to respond to motion or daily activity (such as the start of the business day). Most switches can be subverted with a Hardware + Logic [Mental] (5, 1 Combat Turn) Extended Test. Most lighting is incandescent, fluorescent, LED, or white hal-ogen quartz, though occasionally gas-discharge may be used for high-wattage exterior lighting (taking 5 minutes to warm up).

警报,一种被动安保措施,是安全系统最基础的部件之一。警报可以警示守卫,安保黑客/碟客,或者远程监控服务,让他们知道有东西出了差错,应该迅速被处理。警报可以是静默警报,只通知安保部队或者警察,以便忽然逮捕入侵者,也可以在触发时令灯光大闪,警铃大作,让整个建筑都能听到。安保系统的单个组成部分也可以报警,比如说防火门就会在打开时触发警示铃。很多警报,尤其是那些安装在门和窗户上的,是基于电路建造的。当它们关上时,电路是完整的,不会触发警报。但是如果门或窗被打开,电路就断开了,警报会被触发。窗户可能会有连接进玻璃的警报电路,这样玻璃在被打碎时,警报也会被触发。想要绕过这种警报,必须在门/窗在打开时骗过组成电路的电子触头。这需要一{硬件 + 逻辑[精神](5,1分钟)}延续检定,不够也可能随着设计不同而更加困难。

劇透 -   :
Alarms, a form of passive security, are one of the most basic elements of a security system. Alarms serve to alert guards, security hackers/riggers, or remote moni-toring services that something is amiss and must be dealt with. Alarms may be silent, alerting only the security or police in order to catch intruders unaware, or they may go off as flashing lights and loud warning klaxons that resound throughout the building. Individual components of a security system may be alarmed, like a fire door that triggers a warning bell when opened. Many alarms, par-ticularly on doors and windows, are based on electrical circuits. While closed, the circuit is complete and no alarm will sound. If the door or window is opened, however, the circuit is broken, triggering the alarm. Windows may have alarm circuits wired into the glass, so if the glass is bro-ken an alarm goes off. To bypass such alarms, the circuit’s electrical contacts must be fooled while the door/win-dow is open. This requires a Hardware + Logic [Mental] (5, 1 minute) Extended Test, though depending on the design it may be more difficult.


劇透 -   :
A wire is one of the most basic types of securi-ty scanners. Breaking the beam or wire is often tied to some sort of alarm system to notify security personnel, but can also trigger other kinds of automated security systems (see below). In some rare cases, the wire may have a more lethal purpose and is intended to harm the target. Stringing monowire across a potential intrusion point is a common choice for this purpose. If a character fails a Perception Test (p. 135) they will run into the wire and trigger its effect. This could be activating the alarm system, or taking damage. For wires intended to harm, use the damage listed in the Fencing Table (above).

绊发光束被用在外围警报或者入口处。绊发光束包括激光发射器(可见光或者红外光),镜面与激光探测器。如果光束受到干扰(比如说有人或者什么东西通过了它),警报就会被触发。这些系统可能非常复杂,有时甚至如迷宫般复杂,需要从几个到二十个以上的镜面和反射器以将光束瞄准至需要的地方。注意到一可见的绊发光束需要一{感知 + 直觉[精神](2)}检定,如果是红外光束,则阀值为3。激光束在烟雾中或者使用气凝胶喷雾时会更容易发现,如此做会将其阀值降为1。在一绊发光束网中挤过去需要一{脱逃 + 敏捷[物理]}检定,阀值由GM设定。绊发光束可以通过同时在系统内每个探测器上装载伪造的激光发射器来成功骗过,需要一类似的{脱逃 + 敏捷[物理]}检定。一系列重新校准过的镜子也可以被用来重新安排绊发光束的样式,以便让其它人通过。

劇透 -   :
Trip beams are used as perimeter alarms or across entrances. Trip beams consist of laser emitters (visible or infrared), mirrors, and laser detectors. If the beam of light is interrupted (by someone or something passing through it), the alarm goes off. These systems can be very complex and sometimes labyrinthine, requiring anywhere from several to twenty or more mirrors and reflectors in order to aim the light beam where desired. Noticing a trip beam requires a Perception + Intuition [Mental] (2) Test for visible beams, or a threshold of 3 for infrared beams. Laser beams are more noticeable in smoke or if an aerosol spray is used, reducing the thresh-old to 1. Squeezing past a trip beam maze requires an Escape Artist + Agility [Physical] Test against a game-master-determined threshold. Trip beams may also be fooled by simultaneously lining up proxy laser emitters of the proper wattage into each detector on the system, requiring a similar Escape Artist + Agility [Physical] Test. A calibrated system of mirrors may also be used to re-ar-range the trip beam pattern so that someone can pass through.

压力板会与任何对未授权人员限制或者禁止进入之地区的室内安保共同使用(尤其是在晚上没人应该出现的时候)。这些传感器是重量触发的,它们可能会对任何重物做出回应,或者在重量超过一预先设定数目时被触发(最大可通过的重量一般会比已授权人员中最重的还要高出五磅到十磅)。压力网的工作方式类似,不够它们一般被用作户外使用,在地面内部安装,比压力板更不敏感。注意到压力网或板一般非常困难,需要一感知检定,如是压力板,阀值为3,如是压力网,阀值为4。但是如果有人已经踩在压力板上,发现起来就明显许多了(将阀值降低2点)——不过那时可能已经为时已晚。在角色踩在压力网或板之上后,他们要做出第二次感知检定:压力板阀值为1,压力网阀值为3。如果成功,则该角色可以试图在压力超过设备容许范围前离开。这尤其困难,需要一{反应 + 直觉(3)}检定,同时,该角色的骰池获得等同于其体质的负面调整值。

劇透 -   :
Pressure pads complement any indoor security in areas that are restricted or off-limits to unauthorized personnel (particularly at night, when no one should be about). These are weight-triggered sensors that will re-act to any amount of weight, or when there is too much weight beyond a pre-programmed amount (where the maximum allowable weight is five or ten pounds heavi-er than the heaviest authorized individual). A pressure mesh works similarly, but is largely for outdoor use and installed in the ground, and is less sensitive than pads. Noticing pressure mesh or pads is very difficult, requir-ing a Perception Test threshold of 3 for pads and 4 for mesh. If a character steps on a pad, however, it is more apparent (reduce the threshold by 2)—but by then it is usually too late. After a character steps onto the mesh or pad, however, a second Perception Test should be rolled: Threshold 1 for pads and Threshold 3 for mesh. If successful, the character can attempt to remove the pressure before it exceeds the device’s weight allow-ance. This is very difficult, requiring a Reaction + Intu-ition (3) Test, with the character’s Body serving as a neg-ative dice pool modifier.

运动传感器会侦测任何运动。它们发射一超声波场,会对任何东西进入超声波场内所导致的扰动做出反应。入侵者可以将一超声波传感器设为被动模式,这样可以发现五米内的超声波场。想击败运动传感器,一角色必须非常缓慢地通过超声波场:0.5米每战斗回合,还得在一{潜行 + 敏捷[物理](3)}检定上成功才行。多动又有着跳线反应的角色会对此感到非常不适,任何角色的骰池获得等同于他们额外先攻骰数(就是超过第一个先攻骰的数目)的负面调整值。

劇透 -   :
Motion sensors pick up on movement. They trans-mit an ultrasonic field, and react to changes in that field when anything enters it. Intruders may detect the ul-trasonic field by using an ultrasound sensor set to pas-sive mode within 5 meters. Defeating a motion sensor requires that characters move very slowly through the field, one half-meter per Combat Turn, and succeed-ing in an Sneaking + Agility [Physical] (3) Test. Twitchy, wired-up characters will find this very uncomfortable; apply a negative dice pool modifier equal to their extra Initiative Dice (that is, any dice beyond the first one).


劇透 -   :
Capacitance wire, or proximity wire, detects the electrical charge of a metahuman body (or animal) with-in 2 meters. It is often used around a building’s perim-eter fencing, on secure entranceways, or on special ob-jects, and either triggers a regular alarm or switches on security cameras and other measures. For redundancy, it might be used in conjunction with motion sensors.

声音传感器振动传感器利用敏感的麦克风以接受声音/振动。它们可以被模式识别算法所编程,以便忽略某些声音/震动,但是可以轻易地接收任何不属于这些范围的东西。试图溜过一个已知声音传感器的角色必须在一{渗入 + 敏捷[物理](3)}检定上成功(静默术与潜行术也可以被使用)。有些声音传感器只会在检测到特定声音时触发警报,比如枪声(也许还可以利用多个传感器的回音根据三角测距算出声音的源头)。

劇透 -   :
Sound detectors and vibration detectors utilize sen-sitive microphones to pick up sounds/vibrations. They can be programmed with pattern recognition algorithms to ignore some sounds/vibrations, but will easily pick up everything else not fitting within those parameters. Char-acters attempting to sneak by a known sound detector must succeed at an Infiltration + Agility [Physical] (3) Test (Silence or Stealth spells can also be used). Some sound detectors may be programmed to trigger an alert only when certain sounds are detected, such as gunshots (per-haps even triangulating the sound’s origin with multiple detectors).


劇透 -   :
Security cameras fill a broad spectrum, from the standard visual type to low-light, infrared, and ultravi-olet cameras or sensors. Cameras help security per-sonnel maintain a secondary eye on every significant area of traffic when guards are patrolling, and maintain watch when personnel are not in physical or astral prox-imity. Infrared, also known as thermographic, picks up on body heat signatures (but may be fooled with an Improved Invisibility spell). One security trick is to use surfaces that are reflective on the infrared spectrum on corner areas, so that thermographic cameras can detect intruders from around corners where the cameras them-selves cannot be easily seen. Low-light sensors amplify the ambient light in order to produce an image in dark-ened spots (making the camera harder to spot), but may be overpowered with bright light. Shadowrunners may take advantage of this with flash-bang grenades (p. 435). How well any of these cameras or sensors may be spotted will depend partially on how well they are hidden. Typical cameras on fixed or pivoting mounts can be easily seen if characters are looking for them. Smaller micro-cameras have a threshold of 3 to be spotted with a Perception Test. If the camera is hidden, modify the Threshold to spot it per the Perception Thresholds Table (p. 136), applying any appropriate modifiers.


劇透 -   :
Olfactory scanners, also known as chemical detec-tion systems or chemsniffers, analyze molecules in the air for nitrogen-rich particles like those given off by ex-plosives or firearm ammunition. To detect explosives or ammunition, roll a dice pool equal to the chemsniffer’s rating against a threshold 2 (3 if the explosives/ammo are hermetically sealed). Apply modifiers as noted on the Chemical Detection Modifiers table.

状况  调整值
每十发弹药  +1
每颗手榴弹  +1
每三十克(非塑胶)炸药  +1
每一百克塑胶炸药  +1
塑料包装物品  –1


劇透 -   :
Olfactory scanners can also be used as pheromone scanners to detect the pheromones that metahuman bodies release into the air. These are uncommon, but can be useful for detecting individuals who have otherwise effectively concealed themselves via technological or magical means from regular security devices. Pheromone scanners are sophisticated enough to tell the difference between a metahuman and an animal and can also pin-point gender, but are otherwise not advanced enough to single out an individual. In order to pick up a scent, the scanner rolls its Device Rating against a threshold of 3 (2 for characters with tailored pheromone bioware).


劇透 -   :
Magnetic anomaly detectors (MADs) detect metallic substances for the purpose of finding concealed weap-onry. Naturally, MADs do not work against non-metallic substances like wood, stone, or plastic. To determine if the detector finds a weapon, make a test using the de-vice’s rating as the dice pool; a single hit detects any fer-rous-metal weapons or objects (guns, knives, etc).


劇透 -   :
Millimeter wave detection systems, also known as cyberware scanners, process video taken in the milli-meter wave spectrum to identify the energy signature of cyberware and concealed items (specifically weapons) on a person. These devices can “see through” thick lay-ers of clothing and other concealment to identify items from a distance of fifteen meters away. To determine if the detector scans cyberware or a prohibited item, roll the Device Rating and compare the hits scored to the thresholds given on the Cyberware Scanner Table. Milli-meter wave scans can detect any non-biological item by its shape and composition, assuming the item is listed in the device’s database. If the threshold is reached, the scanner detects the item/implant and notes its general locations and type; additional hits provide more detail (function, model, grade, etc.).

物品  阀值
常规插件,武器  1
阿尔法插件,其它物品  2
贝塔插件  3
德尔塔插件  5+

情况  调整值
两项或更多插件/物品  +1
四项或更多插件/物品  +2
六项或更多插件/物品  +3


劇透 -   :
Automated gun systems are simply weapon-mounted drones placed in fixed locations (usually with a 180-de-gree firing arc) or on slide-mounted track systems. These systems are typically loaded with basic sensors and Targeting autosofts and follow all the standard rules for drones (see p. 269).


劇透 -   :
Containment systems entail a kind of trap mecha-nism: when an alarm is triggered, shutters drop down over windows, doors shut and lock, and sliding walls or gates may be activated. They may also include laser or monowire mazes and radio jamming. The objective is to detain intruders within a confined area, after which they may be either removed or “neutralized.”


劇透 -   :
Gas delivery systems can be insidious, dispersing gas in a potentially undetectable manner. Dispersal sys-tems can fill an area of 30 cubic meters in one Combat Turn. The gamemaster determines how far and how quickly a gas spreads. The gamemaster may secretly conduct Perception Tests to see if any characters detect the gas, basing the threshold on how noticeable the gas is (many gases are colorless and odorless). Characters equipped with an olfactory scanner (see p. 452) may be alerted by their gear. See p. 408 for details on various gases and how they will affect characters.


劇透 -   :
Marking systems are designed to tag intruders with a discreet mark so that they can be identified later if cap-tured. Marking methods include ultraviolet dye, RFID tags, DNA-encoded material, or even nanite tags. The markers are typically sprayed unobtrusively over exits and other traffic areas.
« 上次编辑: 2017-10-15, 周日 12:14:58 由 Bellicosa »