作者 主题: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】身份识别Identification P.362-364  (阅读 9775 次)

副标题: 翻译:pengzhaoqi;校对:天命

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劇透 -  原文:
Your average Joe Wageslave in the Sixth World doesn’t give a second thought to their identity in the system. They get up in the morning, go to work, buy the gro-ceries, pay the bills, and go to bed in their living space. They don’t think about who knows who they are, how much their employer controls them, who those bill pay-ments are going to, how their commlink knows what groceries they need this week, and who knows where they live. Yes, Joe Wageslave is pretty oblivious to the system that surrounds everything they do. But anyone who chooses to live off the grid (like shadowrunners) are all too aware of how the system of identity works.


劇透 -  原文:
The foundation of an identity in the Sixth World is the System Identification Number (SIN). If someone wanted to divide the world into two groups of people, it could be done by saying there are those who have a SIN and those who don’t. That is, if you even consider the SIN-less to be “people,” which some don’t. Modern society in 2075 produces a staggering amount of information every second of every day: where you are, what you buy, and what you do. With the system producing all of these pieces of information, there needs to be an easy way to store, track, and correlate it. All of that information needs to be associated with a person somehow. That’s where the SIN comes in. A SIN is issued to a person a birth, and stays with them (baring exceptional circumstances) for the rest of their life. A SIN identifies a person in the global information system and is attached to every piece of information associated with them in the Matrix. No aspect of modern or legal life can function without a SIN. Those who don’t have one can’t get a job, can’t buy food, can’t even walk down the street. To the system, these people don’t exist.



劇透 -  原文:
A SIN is issued by a country or extraterritorial corporation (AA or AAA rating) at the time a person becomes a citizen. This is generally when a person is born “legally” in that country somewhere—a hospital, clinic, or maybe even at home with the assistance of a Renraku DulaDroneTM. A new SIN will be issued in the case of a change in citizenship. The SIN itself is a string of characters generated using some of the person’s vital statistics fed into an incredibly complicated mathematical algorithm. This guarantees that no two SINs will ever be the same. However, this means that anyone with access to the proper software, like law enforcement agents and other government officials, can know sev-eral things just by looking at the SIN: your name, birth date, place of birth, and nation that issued the SIN. A set of biometric data including DNA, retinal scan, and fingerprints will also be taken and logged into the sys-tem, associated with the newly created SIN. All of this information is then registered with two master data-bases: one maintained by the country that issued the SIN, and the Global SIN Registry (GSINR) controlled by the Corporate Court. These datastores are among the most secure on the planet, with multiple off-line back-ups for each.


劇透 -  原文:
A basic SIN allows a person to function within the most basic parameters of the law. If a person wants to operate outside these very confining strictures, they need special permission in the form of a license. What actions or items require a license vary widely with the laws of the country, but there are some common similarities shown in the Common Licenses Table below. Acquiring a li-cense (legally) is, again, dependent on the laws of the country. For the most part, acquiring a license involves making an application, paying some sort of fee, a SIN check, and possibly passing one or more certification, testing, or training programs. The exact details of acquir-ing a license are left up to the gamemaster, but govern-ment bureaucracies are notoriously slow and frustrating.

执照                               适用情况
物品                     任何获得性为限制("R")的物品
魔法                     魔法使用执照,在籍注册的觉醒者
武器类咒语               关于任一战斗法术的知识和用法
超链能力                 在籍注册的超链者,使用共鸣能力的执照
职业                     专业人员注册(医生,护士,电工,私家侦探等等)



劇透 -  原文:
For those without the privilege (or curse) of being born with a SIN, there is very little choice in how they can live. You either get issued a real SIN after birth (which requires an act of government—good luck with that!), live your life on the outside (which most choose to do), or get yourself a fake SIN. Although SIN registry databases are incredibly secure, they are still accessible online (they have to be) which makes them vulnerable. Demand and value for fake SINs is such that many of the shadier organizations in the world, including all major criminal syndicates, make a business of creating fake SINs. Getting a fake SIN created and registered with all of the proper authorities is a long and involved process of hacking and data fraud that exploits loopholes and other identified flaws in the system. Generally speak-ing, the more time that is taken in crafting a false iden-tity, the more believable (or “real”) it becomes. Hastily created identities may work if someone just wants to be able to buy a Nuke ‘em Burger at the Stuffer Shack, but it won’t hold up to any sort of scrutiny.

校注:2ND PRINTING里367页没有伪SIN的可获得性与价格表;在附近几页也未找到相关内容。读者可以在“街头装备”的“ID和信用点”里找到伪SIN的价格表,它在443页。
劇透 -  原文:
The amount of time and care taken in creating a fake SIN is represented by its Rating. A low Rating SIN consists of only the most basic information—such as the SIN number itself. Related information such as bio-metric data will likely be missing or obviously false if checked (“Hey, this is the DNA of a chicken ...”). Other issues may be the consistency, or fit, of the identity to the individual. If a runner just needs an identity—any identity—right now, they may end up purchasing a SIN for a ten-year-old Nigerian girl. Higher Rating, and thus more expensive, fake SINs have been lovingly crafted over time with a great deal of attention to detail. An identity will be chosen that matches the age and nationality of the person purchasing it, and it will have plausible supporting information such as travel and purchasing history. Biometric data associated with a high-Rating SIN will be from a real person with the same sex and nationality as the purchaser with (if the extra fee is paid) matching organic samples available (blood, skin cells, hair—just don’t ask where they came from). For availability and prices of purchasing Fake SINs, see p. 367.


  虽然如果有人想与"文明"(至少他们会这么说)世界打交道就必须得有着某种SIN,对于该SIN的检查与认证会随着具体情况和检查人员而截然不同。在游戏层面上,检查系统的复杂程度与其所确认信息的多少由其等级所代表。简单的装置只会进行最基础的检查,而复杂些的则会执行深层次分析与交叉确认。在游戏中,GM应做一简单检定,骰池为{设备等级 x 2},阀值为伪SIN的等级(关于SIN验证系统的设备等级,请使用234页,"设备等级"部分的数据)。如果成功低于阀值,系统汇报一切正常。如果成功达到但未超过阀值,则系统报告该SIN"有些不正常",并会建议操作员进一步检查,但操作员究竟做什么得看他们自己了。如果成功超过阀值,系统汇报该SIN为伪造品,并可能会立即通知执法部门。在这时候,这一伪SIN就算被"烧毁"了。

劇透 -  原文:
While having some sort of SIN is mandatory for a person to interact in any way with the “civilized” (as they would put it) world, the level to which the SIN is checked and verified varies widely based on the situation and who is doing the checking. In game terms the sophistication of the system doing the checking and how much information it is able to verify is represented by its Rating. Less sophisticated units will perform only the most basic checks, while more sophisticated ones will perform a deeper analysis with cross-verification. In game terms, the gamemaster should make a Simple Device Rating x 2 Test with a threshold equal to the rating of the fake SIN (use Device Ratings, p. 234, for SIN verification system ratings). If the number of hits is under the threshold, the system reports no problem. If the threshold is reached but not exceeded, the system reports that something seems “odd” with the SIN and will recommend that the operator investigate further. Whether the operator actually does anything is up to them. If the threshold is exceeded, the system reports the SIN as false and may immediately notify the author-ities. At this point, the fake SIN is considered burned.



劇透 -  原文:
When a fake SIN has been checked and found to be false, the SIN Verification System notes this immediately. If it is connected to the Matrix (and what isn’t these days), it reports the fake SIN, via a special emergency message, back to the SIN registry system of the country in which the verification takes place. Any further use of the fake SIN automatically fails. At this point, the runner or person using the fake SIN should abandon it for good. If that’s not an option, there is small chance that it can still be used. A SIN is only marked as burned instantly in the country where it was detected. Data sharing between countries is not always perfect or instantaneous. At the gamemaster’s discretion, a SIN that has been burned in one country may not be burned in a different country.

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