作者 主题: 【UI】法术(Spells)  (阅读 29712 次)

副标题: 因为P5而延迟了1个月呢(侧眼);简表原文和法术详述有冲突,我按照自己的判断修正了。发布日期17/05/14。

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« 于: 2017-05-14, 周日 22:58:39 »

诡计描述符(Ruse Descriptor)

诡计(Ruse):具有诡计描述符的法术很容易被误认为其他法术,它被用于扰乱那些甚至在法术辨识或知识(神秘)中受训的旁观者。尝试通过效果、灵光、成分或其他属性来使用技能检定鉴别诡计法术时,会将法术误认为其他不同的法术,具体误认的对象记录在法术的描述中。只有在检定中得出比DC高10点的结果,才能够在1次尝试中正确鉴别出法术。作为伪装对象的法术环级通常会比诡计法术低,因此技能检定使用更低环级法术的DC。即便是侦测魔法(Detect Magic)和大多数类似法术,也无法防止施法者被诡计法术所愚弄。能够自动鉴别法术的法术,比如解析咒文(Analyze Dweomer)、高等秘法视力(Arcane Sight, Greater)以及类似的同环或更高环级的法术,能够揭示出诡计法术究竟是什么法术。模仿无害法术的诡计法术在豁免或法术抗力一栏中依旧会标注“无害(harmless)”;了解或质疑法术本质的生物通常会选择尝试豁免以对抗法术。

法术详述 A→D
法术详述 E→L
法术详述 M→W

劇透 -  原文:
When engaging in a shadowy war of intrigue, information and manipulation allow a character to gain control and shape the narrative in her favor. Bringing the right spells and countermeasures to such a fight is as important as bringing the right weapon to a duel. Courtly spellcasters of all stripes engage in rigorous spell research to provide themselves with a new generation of cunning spells before their competitors, granting them a defense their foes can’t bypass or an offense their adversaries can’t block. These intrigue spells are precise tools of the trade rather than weapons of mass destruction; a clever mind to leverage their most effective uses is more important than raw power or overwhelming force. Intrigue rewards subtlety and cunning, and so do the spells in this chapter. Whether your character is a spellcaster herself or a nonspellcaster using a magic item or conspiring with a spellcasting ally, use these spells to outplay, outthink, and outmaneuver your opponents in order to gain the upper hand.

This book introduces the “ruse” descriptor for spells that appear to be other, usually more harmless spells in order for the caster to fool her opponents.
Ruse: Spells with the ruse descriptor are easily mistaken for other spells and are intended to confuse even onlookers trained in Spellcraft or Knowledge (arcana). Attempts to identify a ruse spell by its effects, its aura, its components, or other attributes with a skill check treat the spell as though it were a different spell, as indicated in the spell’s description. The one attempting the check can correctly identify the spell only by exceeding the DC by 10. The false spell is typically a level lower than the ruse spell, so skill checks use the DC for the lower-level spell. Even detect magic and most similar spells don’t prevent the caster from being fooled by a ruse spell. Analyze dweomer, greater arcane sight, and similar spells of the same or higher spell level that automatically identify spells reveal a ruse spell for what it is. Ruse spells that mimic harmless spells still list harmless on their saving throw or spell resistance lines; a creature that knows or suspects the true nature of the spell typically chooses to attempt the save.

The following lists summarize the new spells presented in this book, arranged by class and level. A superscript “F” or “M” appearing at the end of a spell’s name in the spell lists denotes a focus or material component not normally included in a spell component pouch.
Order of Presentation: These lists present the spells in alphabetical order by name, except when a spell’s name begins with “lesser,” “greater,” or “mass,” in which case it is alphabetized under the second word of the spell name.
Hit Dice: The term “Hit Dice” is used synonymously with “character levels” for effects that affect a specific number of Hit Dice of creatures.
Caster Level: A spell’s power often depends on caster level, which is defined as the caster’s class level for the purpose of casting a particular spell. The word “level” in the short spell descriptions that follow always refers to caster level.
Creatures and Characters: “Creature” and “character” are used synonymously in the short descriptions.
« 上次编辑: 2017-05-14, 周日 23:26:58 由 四月 »

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Re: 【UI】法术(Spells)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-05-14, 周日 22:58:56 »
法术简表(Spell Lists)

排序方式(Order of Presentation):列表中的的法术均按照英文法术名称为准进行排序,不过以“次等(lesser)”、“高等(greater)”或“群体(mass)”开头的法术除外,在此情况下则以法术名称中第二个词为准。

生命骰(Hit Dice):若法术效果用于影响特定数量生命骰的生物,那么在判断效果时,术语“生命骰(Hit Dice)”与“角色等级(Character Levels)”同义。

施法者等级(Caster Level):法术的效能通常取决于施法者等级,在判断施放某个法术会产生何种效果时,施法者等级的定义为施法者的职业等级。在法术的简要说明(即法术详述上方的各条目)中,“级/等级(level)”通常指的都是施法者等级。

生物与角色(Creatures and Characters):在法术的简要说明(即法术详述上方的各条目)中,“生物(Creature)”和“角色(Character)”视为是同义词。

劇透 -   :
即刻变装(Fabricate Disguise):即刻制造出1个伪装。
无影之毒M(Obscure Poison):让1剂毒素或1个带毒的生物更难被侦测到毒性。
衰老之容(Wizened Appearance):让目标看起来像是更加年老版本的自己。
惰性猛毒M(Languid Venom):将速度发作时间延后并且隐藏它的存在。
音源切替(Shifted Steps):让目标的声音像是其他位置发出的。
丰富词藻(Voluminous Vocabulary):赋予在8小时内说、读和写1种或多种语言的能力。
一窥真实M(Glimpse of Truth):获得1轮真知术(True Seeing)效果。
吞毒之喉(Swallow Poison):让你免受摄入毒素影响,可以在之后喷吐锥形毒雾。
精确追迹术(Unerring Tracker):准确地跟踪一道足迹。

劇透 -   :
条件式恩惠(Conditional Favor):与另一个法术绑定,若目标打破约定则反转效果。
犯罪冲动(Crime of Opportunity):强迫目标进行犯罪行为。
黑暗耳语(Dark Whispers):通过影子低语。
决死武器(Desperate Weapon):创造1件临时武器。
侦测同道(Detect The Faithful):寻找相同信仰的其他信徒。
即刻变装(Fabricate Disguise):即刻制造出1个伪装。
无影之毒M(Obscure Poison):让1剂毒素或1个带毒的生物更难被侦测到毒性。
侦测忧虑(Detect Anxieties):了解是什么让生物焦虑。
侦测欲望(Detect Desires):了解生物有何欲求。
私密全无(Open Book):永久性地让了解目标的行为变得更容易达成。
音源切替(Shifted Steps):让目标的声音像是其他位置发出的。
无痕陷阱M(Undetectable Trap):让1个陷阱很难被找到。
谎言之饰(Deceitful Veneer):让某人看起来明显像是骗子。
背叛错觉(Illusion of Treachery):让其他人看起来也要为你作出的攻击负责。
条件式诅咒(Conditional Curse):降下在不满足条件时就很难解除的诅咒。
犯罪浪潮(Crime Wave):迫使复数目标实施犯罪行为。
高等背叛错觉(Illusion of Treachery,Greater):在你隐藏自身行为的同时,让其他人看起来要为你的攻击负责。
罪恶人生(Life of Crime):永久性地将某人变为疯狂的罪犯。
猛烈之毒(Overwhelming Poison):让1剂毒素变得更难抵抗。

劇透 -   :
幻听错觉(Auditory Hallucination):创造具有听觉效果的魅影幻觉。
谎话连篇(Compulsive Liar):防止目标说出真相。
适应文化(Cultural Adaptation):适应当地文化。
决死武器(Desperate Weapon):创造1件临时武器。
即刻变装(Fabricate Disguise):即刻制造出1个伪装。
认知贵族(Know Peerage):目标检定时使用你在知识(贵族)技能中投入的点数。
无影之毒M(Obscure Poison):让1剂毒素或1个带毒的生物更难被侦测到毒性。
门户错觉(Open And Shut):混淆门的开关状态。
衰老之容(Wizened Appearance):让目标看起来像是更加年老版本的自己。
构筑信赖(Build Trust):在与目标互动时获得各种加值。
条件式恩惠(Conditional Favor):与另一个法术绑定,若目标打破约定则反转效果。
黑暗耳语(Dark Whispers):通过影子低语。
推卸责任(Deflect Blame):将你的行为责任推卸给别人。
侦测欲望(Detect Desires):了解生物有何欲求。
高等侦测魔法(Detect Magic,Greater):如同侦测魔法,但是能了解更多信息。
瓦解沉默(Disrupt Silence):破坏区域内的所有沉默效果。
虚假记忆(False Belief):暂时植入虚假的记忆。
隐藏存在感(Hidden Presence):防止生物注意到你的存在。
私密全无(Open Book):永久性地让了解目标的行为变得更容易达成。
羞耻装扮(Shamefully Overdressed):迫使目标脱下装备。
音源切替(Shifted Steps):让目标的声音像是其他位置发出的。
都市迁跃术(Urban Step):从一道门户传送到另一道。
丰富词藻(Voluminous Vocabulary):赋予在8小时内说、读和写1种或多种语言的能力。
视听错觉(Audiovisual Hallucination):创造具有听觉和视觉效果的魅影幻觉。
漠视灵光(Aura of The Unremarkable):让周围的生物认为你的行为稀松平常。
呼唤马车(Conjure Carriage):创造一辆精致的马车。
强令传讯术(Demanding Message):如传讯术一般发送讯息,并且对1个生物发出暗示术。
侦测忧虑(Detect Anxieties):了解是什么让生物焦虑。
虚假未来M(False Future):让针对目标的预言在揭示未来时显示的是你所选择的结果。
虚伪气度(Hollow Heroism):提供英雄气概效果,不过你随时都能将其反转。
即刻赝作(Instant Fake):产生1件物体的临时复制品。
高等魔法灵光(Magic Aura,Greater):同魔法灵光,但是还能影响生物,而且提供更多选项。
精确比对(Meticulous Match):确定两个事物是否相同。
选择性警报(Selective Alarm):同魔法警报,但是能针对你选择的生物。
魔由心生(They Know):让目标相信周围的生物知晓它最大的秘密。
物品置换术F(Trade Items):将器材物体与目标物体交换。
动物使节(Animal Ambassador):授予动物信使传递信息所需的智能。
丰盛餐宴(Bountiful Banquet):创造出足够2个生物/级能够享用的大餐。
群体魅惑人类(Charm Person,Mass):同魅惑人类,不过能影响30尺内的复数生物。
复合错觉(Complex Hallucination):创造具有全部感官的魅影幻觉。
咒法障壁(Conjuration Foil):干扰附近的传送效果。
放逐者诅咒(Curse of The Outcast):诅咒某人,让它总是以不好的待人方式惹怒他人。
亡者触发术F(Deadman's Contingency):为你的死亡设置1个触发效果。
谎言之饰(Deceitful Veneer):让某人看起来明显像是骗子。
次等引诱精类M(Entice Fey,Lesser):吸引6HD或更低生命骰的精类来为你服务。
藏物鬼印M(Ghost Brand):把1个物品转化为印记,并可以反向操作。
威严肖像(Majestic Image):同意识投影(Enter Image;APG),不过以肖像使用社交技能时也能获得加值。
消音武器(Quieting Weapons):武器不会发出声响,并且能降低受害者的声音。
凶罪之红F(Red Hand of The Killer):将杀死1个生物的凶手手掌染红。
代理视域(Vicarious View):将你能用来进行侦查的探知感受器放置在生物、物体或某个地点。
犯罪浪潮(Crime Wave):迫使复数目标实施犯罪行为。
法师之令(Mage's Decree):向数英里内的复数生物发送1条讯息。
谣言疫咒(Pox of Rumors):诅咒1个生物,让他会引起恶毒的谣言。
演剧错觉(Scripted Hallucination):同复合错觉,但是不用专注维持。
群体强令传讯术(Demanding Message,Mass):如传讯术一般发送讯息,但是能对每个生物发出1个暗示术。
引诱精类M(Entice Fey):吸引12HD或更低生命骰的精类来为你服务。
高等虚假景象M(False Vision,Greater):同虚假景象,但会与目标一同移动。
高等虚伪气度(Hollow Heroism,Greater):提供高等英雄气概效果,不过你随时都能将其反转。
罪恶人生(Life of Crime):永久性地将某人变为疯狂的罪犯。
触发式错觉M(Triggered Hallucination):同演剧错觉,但只有在被触发时才出现。

劇透 -   :
决死武器(Desperate Weapon):创造1件临时武器。
集群共情(Pack Empathy):创造出与盟友相联的共情联系。
精控火球术(Controlled Fireball):同火球术,但是暗中减少对盟友的伤害。
虚伪气度(Hollow Heroism):提供英雄气概效果,不过你随时都能将其反转。

劇透 -   :
适应文化(Cultural Adaptation):适应当地文化。
决死武器(Desperate Weapon):创造1件临时武器。
侦测同道(Detect The Faithful):寻找相同信仰的其他信徒。
无影之毒M(Obscure Poison):让1剂毒素或1个带毒的生物更难被侦测到毒性。
构筑信赖(Build Trust):在与目标互动时获得各种加值。
条件式恩惠(Conditional Favor):与另一个法术绑定,若目标打破约定则反转效果。
黑暗耳语(Dark Whispers):通过影子低语。
高等侦测魔法(Detect Magic,Greater):如同侦测魔法,但是能了解更多信息。
粉饰尸体(Dress Corpse):伪造1具尸体上的证据。
认知贵族(Know Peerage):目标检定时使用你在知识(贵族)技能中投入的点数。
侦测忧虑(Detect Anxieties):了解是什么让生物焦虑。
侦测欲望(Detect Desires):了解生物有何欲求。
瓦解沉默(Disrupt Silence):破坏区域内的所有沉默效果。
丰富词藻(Voluminous Vocabulary):赋予在8小时内说、读和写1种或多种语言的能力。
丰盛餐宴(Bountiful Banquet):创造出足够2个生物/级能够享用的大餐。
条件式诅咒(Conditional Curse):降下在不满足条件时就很难解除的诅咒。
亡者触发术F(Deadman's Contingency):为你的死亡设置1个触发效果。
虚假未来M(False Future):让针对目标的预言在揭示未来时显示的是你所选择的结果。
一窥真实M(Glimpse of Truth):获得1轮真知术(True Seeing)效果。
威严肖像(Majestic Image):同意识投影(Enter Image;APG),不过以肖像使用社交技能时也能获得加值。
浸毒药膏(Poisonous Balm):同治疗重伤(Cure Serious Wounds),但会留下潜伏的毒素。
消音武器(Quieting Weapons):武器不会发出声响,并且能降低受害者的声音。
凶罪之红F(Red Hand of The Killer):将杀死1个生物的凶手手掌染红。
放逐者诅咒(Curse of The Outcast):诅咒某人,让它总是以不好的待人方式惹怒他人。
法师之令(Mage's Decree):向数英里内的复数生物发送1条讯息。
猛烈之毒(Overwhelming Poison):让1剂毒素变得更难抵抗。
虚假复生术M(False Resurrection):看起来像是复生术(Resurrection),实际上让影魔占据了尸体。
谣言疫咒(Pox of Rumors):诅咒1个生物,让他会引起恶毒的谣言。
大预兆术M(True Prognostication):获得来自遥远未来、让人难以置信的神秘讯息。
高等虚假复生术M(False Resurrection,Greater):看起来像是完全复生术(True Resurrection),实际上让虚妄魔占据了尸体。

劇透 -   :
侦测同道(Detect The Faithful):寻找相同信仰的其他信徒。
无影之毒M(Obscure Poison):让1剂毒素或1个带毒的生物更难被侦测到毒性。
风吹草动(Underbrush Decoy):让植物制造声响来扰乱敌人,用于躲藏。
高等侦测魔法(Detect Magic,Greater):如同侦测魔法,但是能了解更多信息。
昆虫探子(Insect Spies):使用魔法甲虫作为密探。
集群共情(Pack Empathy):创造出与盟友相联的共情联系。
守袋蛇(Pocketful of Vipers):用召唤出的毒蛇守卫1个容器。
空行轨迹(Aerial Tracks):从空中追踪飞行生物。
动物使节(Animal Ambassador):授予动物信使传递信息所需的智能。
丰盛餐宴(Bountiful Banquet):创造出足够2个生物/级能够享用的大餐。
次等引诱精类M(Entice Fey,Lesser):吸引6HD或更低生命骰的精类来为你服务。
一窥真实M(Glimpse of Truth):获得1轮真知术(True Seeing)效果。
浸毒药膏(Poisonous Balm):同治疗重伤(Cure Serious Wounds),但会留下潜伏的毒素。
吞毒之喉(Swallow Poison):让你免受摄入毒素影响,可以在之后喷吐锥形毒雾。
高等昆虫探子(Insect Spies,Greater):使用魔法甲虫作为密探,并且能共享它们的感官。
猛烈之毒(Overwhelming Poison):让1剂毒素变得更难抵抗。
转生间谍M(Reincarnate Spy):同转生术(Reincarnate),但能创造出与某人相似的身体,你会秘密保存该身体的一部分。
精确追迹术(Unerring Tracker):准确地跟踪一道足迹。
引诱精类M(Entice Fey):吸引12HD或更低生命骰的精类来为你服务。
高等引诱精类M(Entice Fey,Greater):吸引18HD或更低生命骰的精类来为你服务。

劇透 -   :
决死武器(Desperate Weapon):创造1件临时武器。
侦测同道(Detect The Faithful):寻找相同信仰的其他信徒。
即刻变装(Fabricate Disguise):即刻制造出1个伪装。
便捷爪钩(Handy Grapnel):将绳状物体变化为可收起的爪钩。
门户错觉(Open And Shut):混淆门的开关状态。
构筑信赖(Build Trust):在与目标互动时获得各种加值。
条件式恩惠(Conditional Favor):与另一个法术绑定,若目标打破约定则反转效果。
高等侦测魔法(Detect Magic,Greater):如同侦测魔法,但是能了解更多信息。
隐藏存在感(Hidden Presence):防止生物注意到你的存在。
认知贵族(Know Peerage):目标检定时使用你在知识(贵族)技能中投入的点数。
私密全无(Open Book):永久性地让了解目标的行为变得更容易达成。
羞耻装扮(Shamefully Overdressed):迫使目标脱下装备。
音源切替(Shifted Steps):让目标的声音像是其他位置发出的。
丰富词藻(Voluminous Vocabulary):赋予在8小时内说、读和写1种或多种语言的能力。
侦测忧虑(Detect Anxieties):了解是什么让生物焦虑。
侦测欲望(Detect Desires):了解生物有何欲求。
瓦解沉默(Disrupt Silence):破坏区域内的所有沉默效果。
即刻赝作(Instant Fake):产生1件物体的临时复制品。
精确比对(Meticulous Match):确定两个事物是否相同。
集群共情(Pack Empathy):创造出与盟友相联的共情联系。
选择性警报(Selective Alarm):同魔法警报,但是能针对你选择的生物。
魔由心生(They Know):让目标相信周围的生物知晓它最大的秘密。
空行轨迹(Aerial Tracks):从空中追踪飞行生物。
条件式诅咒(Conditional Curse):降下在不满足条件时就很难解除的诅咒。
放逐者诅咒(Curse of The Outcast):诅咒某人,让它总是以不好的待人方式惹怒他人。
谎言之饰(Deceitful Veneer):让某人看起来明显像是骗子。
一窥真实M(Glimpse of Truth):获得1轮真知术(True Seeing)效果。
虚伪气度(Hollow Heroism):提供英雄气概效果,不过你随时都能将其反转。
消音武器(Quieting Weapons):武器不会发出声响,并且能降低受害者的声音。
凶罪之红F(Red Hand of The Killer):将杀死1个生物的凶手手掌染红。
法师之令(Mage's Decree):向数英里内的复数生物发送1条讯息。

劇透 -   :
幻听错觉(Auditory Hallucination):创造具有听觉效果的魅影幻觉。
决死武器(Desperate Weapon):创造1件临时武器。
高等侦测魔法(Detect Magic,Greater):如同侦测魔法,但是能了解更多信息。
音源切替(Shifted Steps):让目标的声音像是其他位置发出的。
视听错觉(Audiovisual Hallucination):创造具有听觉和视觉效果的魅影幻觉。
咒法障壁(Conjuration Foil):干扰附近的传送效果。
呼唤马车(Conjure Carriage):创造一辆精致的马车。
都市迁跃术(Urban Step):从一道门户传送到另一道。
复合错觉(Complex Hallucination):创造具有全部感官的魅影幻觉。
精控火球术(Controlled Fireball):同火球术,但是暗中减少对盟友的伤害。
背叛错觉(Illusion of Treachery):让其他人看起来也要为你作出的攻击负责。
即刻赝作(Instant Fake):产生1件物体的临时复制品。
消音武器(Quieting Weapons):武器不会发出声响,并且能降低受害者的声音。
一窥真实M(Glimpse of Truth):获得1轮真知术(True Seeing)效果。
演剧错觉(Scripted Hallucination):同复合错觉,但是不用专注维持。
高等背叛错觉(Illusion of Treachery,Greater):在你隐藏自身行为的同时,让其他人看起来要为你的攻击负责。
诡诈传送术(Treacherous Teleport):同传送术,不过你能选择部分生物遇难或前往其他地点。
触发式错觉M(Triggered Hallucination):同演剧错觉,但只有在被触发时才出现。

劇透 -   :
幻听错觉(Auditory Hallucination):创造具有听觉效果的魅影幻觉。
适应文化(Cultural Adaptation):适应当地文化。
认知贵族(Know Peerage):目标检定时使用你在知识(贵族)技能中投入的点数。
衰老之容(Wizened Appearance):让目标看起来像是更加年老版本的自己。
视听错觉(Audiovisual Hallucination):创造具有听觉和视觉效果的魅影幻觉。
漠视灵光(Aura of The Unremarkable):让周围的生物认为你的行为稀松平常。
侦测忧虑(Detect Anxieties):了解是什么让生物焦虑。
侦测欲望(Detect Desires):了解生物有何欲求。
高等侦测魔法(Detect Magic,Greater):如同侦测魔法,但是能了解更多信息。
集群共情(Pack Empathy):创造出与盟友相联的共情联系。
音源切替(Shifted Steps):让目标的声音像是其他位置发出的。
丰富词藻(Voluminous Vocabulary):赋予在8小时内说、读和写1种或多种语言的能力。
复合错觉(Complex Hallucination):创造具有全部感官的魅影幻觉。
条件式诅咒(Conditional Curse):降下在不满足条件时就很难解除的诅咒。
谎言之饰(Deceitful Veneer):让某人看起来明显像是骗子。
强令传讯术(Demanding Message):如传讯术一般发送讯息,并且对1个生物发出暗示术。
次等引诱精类M(Entice Fey,Lesser):吸引6HD或更低生命骰的精类来为你服务。
虚假未来M(False Future):让针对目标的预言在揭示未来时显示的是你所选择的结果。
一窥真实M(Glimpse of Truth):获得1轮真知术(True Seeing)效果。
虚伪气度(Hollow Heroism):提供英雄气概效果,不过你随时都能将其反转。
凶罪之红F(Red Hand of The Killer):将杀死1个生物的凶手手掌染红。
代理视域(Vicarious View):将你能用来进行侦查的探知感受器放置在生物、物体或某个地点。
咒法障壁(Conjuration Foil):干扰附近的传送效果。
威严肖像(Majestic Image):同意识投影(Enter Image;APG),不过以肖像使用社交技能时也能获得加值。
演剧错觉(Scripted Hallucination):同复合错觉,但是不用专注维持。

劇透 -   :
幻听错觉(Auditory Hallucination):创造具有听觉效果的魅影幻觉。
谎话连篇(Compulsive Liar):防止目标说出真相。
犯罪冲动(Crime of Opportunity):强迫目标进行犯罪行为。
无影之毒M(Obscure Poison):让1剂毒素或1个带毒的生物更难被侦测到毒性。
衰老之容(Wizened Appearance):让目标看起来像是更加年老版本的自己。
构筑信赖(Build Trust):在与目标互动时获得各种加值。
条件式恩惠(Conditional Favor):与另一个法术绑定,若目标打破约定则反转效果。
推卸责任(Deflect Blame):将你的行为责任推卸给别人。
侦测忧虑(Detect Anxieties):了解是什么让生物焦虑。
高等侦测魔法(Detect Magic,Greater):如同侦测魔法,但是能了解更多信息。
虚假记忆(False Belief):暂时植入虚假的记忆。
隐藏存在感(Hidden Presence):防止生物注意到你的存在。
认知贵族(Know Peerage):目标检定时使用你在知识(贵族)技能中投入的点数。
私密全无(Open Book):永久性地让了解目标的行为变得更容易达成。
魅影苦难(Phantasmal Affliction):让目标相信自己承受了苦难。
羞耻装扮(Shamefully Overdressed):迫使目标脱下装备。
音源切替(Shifted Steps):让目标的声音像是其他位置发出的。
丰富词藻(Voluminous Vocabulary):赋予在8小时内说、读和写1种或多种语言的能力。
视听错觉(Audiovisual Hallucination):创造具有听觉和视觉效果的魅影幻觉。
漠视灵光(Aura of The Unremarkable):让周围的生物认为你的行为稀松平常。
条件式诅咒(Conditional Curse):降下在不满足条件时就很难解除的诅咒。
强令传讯术(Demanding Message):如传讯术一般发送讯息,并且对1个生物发出暗示术。
侦测欲望(Detect Desires):了解生物有何欲求。
虚假未来M(False Future):让针对目标的预言在揭示未来时显示的是你所选择的结果。
背叛错觉(Illusion of Treachery):让其他人看起来也要为你作出的攻击负责。
即刻赝作(Instant Fake):产生1件物体的临时复制品。
高等魔法灵光(Magic Aura,Greater):同魔法灵光,但是还能影响生物,而且提供更多选项。
魔由心生(They Know):让目标相信周围的生物知晓它最大的秘密。
物品置换术F(Trade Items):将器材物体与目标物体交换。
群体魅惑人类(Charm Person,Mass):同魅惑人类,不过能影响30尺内的复数生物。
复合错觉(Complex Hallucination):创造具有全部感官的魅影幻觉。
放逐者诅咒(Curse of The Outcast):诅咒某人,让它总是以不好的待人方式惹怒他人。
谎言之饰(Deceitful Veneer):让某人看起来明显像是骗子。
高等背叛错觉(Illusion of Treachery,Greater):在你隐藏自身行为的同时,让其他人看起来要为你的攻击负责。
威严肖像(Majestic Image):同意识投影(Enter Image;APG),不过以肖像使用社交技能时也能获得加值。
代理视域(Vicarious View):将你能用来进行侦查的探知感受器放置在生物、物体或某个地点。
犯罪浪潮(Crime Wave):迫使复数目标实施犯罪行为。
法师之令(Mage's Decree):向数英里内的复数生物发送1条讯息。
谣言疫咒(Pox of Rumors):诅咒1个生物,让他会引起恶毒的谣言。
演剧错觉(Scripted Hallucination):同复合错觉,但是不用专注维持。
群体强令传讯术(Demanding Message,Mass):如传讯术一般发送讯息,但是能对每个生物发出1个暗示术。
高等虚假景象M(False Vision,Greater):同虚假景象,但会与目标一同移动。
罪恶人生(Life of Crime):永久性地将某人变为疯狂的罪犯。
触发式错觉M(Triggered Hallucination):同演剧错觉,但只有在被触发时才出现。
« 上次编辑: 2017-05-14, 周日 23:19:04 由 四月 »

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Re: 【UI】法术(Spells)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-05-14, 周日 22:59:27 »
劇透 -   :
幻听错觉(Auditory Hallucination):创造具有听觉效果的魅影幻觉。
适应文化(Cultural Adaptation):适应当地文化。
决死武器(Desperate Weapon):创造1件临时武器。
衰老之容(Wizened Appearance):让目标看起来像是更加年老版本的自己。
条件式恩惠(Conditional Favor):与另一个法术绑定,若目标打破约定则反转效果。
高等侦测魔法(Detect Magic,Greater):如同侦测魔法,但是能了解更多信息。
认知贵族(Know Peerage):目标检定时使用你在知识(贵族)技能中投入的点数。
音源切替(Shifted Steps):让目标的声音像是其他位置发出的。
丰富词藻(Voluminous Vocabulary):赋予在8小时内说、读和写1种或多种语言的能力。
视听错觉(Audiovisual Hallucination):创造具有听觉和视觉效果的魅影幻觉。
藏物鬼印M(Ghost Brand):把1个物品转化为印记,并可以反向操作。
即刻赝作(Instant Fake):产生1件物体的临时复制品。
高等魔法灵光(Magic Aura,Greater):同魔法灵光,但是还能影响生物,而且提供更多选项。
精确比对(Meticulous Match):确定两个事物是否相同。
守袋蛇(Pocketful of Vipers):用召唤出的毒蛇守卫1个容器。
选择性警报(Selective Alarm):同魔法警报,但是能针对你选择的生物。
无痕陷阱M(Undetectable Trap):让1个陷阱很难被找到。
都市迁跃术(Urban Step):从一道门户传送到另一道。
群体魅惑人类(Charm Person,Mass):同魅惑人类,不过能影响30尺内的复数生物。
复合错觉(Complex Hallucination):创造具有全部感官的魅影幻觉。
条件式诅咒(Conditional Curse):降下在不满足条件时就很难解除的诅咒。
咒法障壁(Conjuration Foil):干扰附近的传送效果。
精控火球术(Controlled Fireball):同火球术,但是暗中减少对盟友的伤害。
强令传讯术(Demanding Message):如传讯术一般发送讯息,并且对1个生物发出暗示术。
一窥真实M(Glimpse of Truth):获得1轮真知术(True Seeing)效果。
背叛错觉(Illusion of Treachery):让其他人看起来也要为你作出的攻击负责。
威严肖像(Majestic Image):同意识投影(Enter Image;APG),不过以肖像使用社交技能时也能获得加值。
浸毒药膏(Poisonous Balm):同治疗重伤(Cure Serious Wounds),但会留下潜伏的毒素。
消音武器(Quieting Weapons):武器不会发出声响,并且能降低受害者的声音。
凶罪之红F(Red Hand of The Killer):将杀死1个生物的凶手手掌染红。
精确追迹术(Unerring Tracker):准确地跟踪一道足迹。
代理视域(Vicarious View):将你能用来进行侦查的探知感受器放置在生物、物体或某个地点。
高等背叛错觉(Illusion of Treachery,Greater):在你隐藏自身行为的同时,让其他人看起来要为你的攻击负责。
演剧错觉(Scripted Hallucination):同复合错觉,但是不用专注维持。
群体强令传讯术(Demanding Message,Mass):如传讯术一般发送讯息,但是能对每个生物发出1个暗示术。
诡诈传送术(Treacherous Teleport):同传送术,不过你能选择部分生物遇难或前往其他地点。
触发式错觉M(Triggered Hallucination):同演剧错觉,但只有在被触发时才出现。

劇透 -   :
构筑信赖(Build Trust):在与目标互动时获得各种加值。
条件式恩惠(Conditional Favor):与另一个法术绑定,若目标打破约定则反转效果。
侦测同道(Detect The Faithful):寻找相同信仰的其他信徒。
认知贵族(Know Peerage):目标检定时使用你在知识(贵族)技能中投入的点数。
侦测忧虑(Detect Anxieties):了解是什么让生物焦虑。
侦测欲望(Detect Desires):了解生物有何欲求。
魔由心生(They Know):让目标相信周围的生物知晓它最大的秘密。
凶罪之红F(Red Hand of The Killer):将杀死1个生物的凶手手掌染红。

劇透 -   :
幻听错觉(Auditory Hallucination):创造具有听觉效果的魅影幻觉。
适应文化(Cultural Adaptation):适应当地文化。
即刻变装(Fabricate Disguise):即刻制造出1个伪装。
衰老之容(Wizened Appearance):让目标看起来像是更加年老版本的自己。
构筑信赖(Build Trust):在与目标互动时获得各种加值。
谎话连篇(Compulsive Liar):防止目标说出真相。
推卸责任(Deflect Blame):将你的行为责任推卸给别人。
侦测忧虑(Detect Anxieties):了解是什么让生物焦虑。
侦测欲望(Detect Desires):了解生物有何欲求。
高等侦测魔法(Detect Magic,Greater):如同侦测魔法,但是能了解更多信息。
虚假记忆(False Belief):暂时植入虚假的记忆。
隐藏存在感(Hidden Presence):防止生物注意到你的存在。
认知贵族(Know Peerage):目标检定时使用你在知识(贵族)技能中投入的点数。
私密全无(Open Book):永久性地让了解目标的行为变得更容易达成。
音源切替(Shifted Steps):让目标的声音像是其他位置发出的。
视听错觉(Audiovisual Hallucination):创造具有听觉和视觉效果的魅影幻觉。
漠视灵光(Aura of The Unremarkable):让周围的生物认为你的行为稀松平常。
强令传讯术(Demanding Message):如传讯术一般发送讯息,并且对1个生物发出暗示术。
瓦解沉默(Disrupt Silence):破坏区域内的所有沉默效果。
魅影苦难(Phantasmal Affliction):让目标相信自己承受了苦难。
选择性警报(Selective Alarm):同魔法警报,但是能针对你选择的生物。
羞耻装扮(Shamefully Overdressed):迫使目标脱下装备。
丰富词藻(Voluminous Vocabulary):赋予在8小时内说、读和写1种或多种语言的能力。
复合错觉(Complex Hallucination):创造具有全部感官的魅影幻觉。
咒法障壁(Conjuration Foil):干扰附近的传送效果。
亡者触发术F(Deadman's Contingency):为你的死亡设置1个触发效果。
谎言之饰(Deceitful Veneer):让某人看起来明显像是骗子。
虚假未来M(False Future):让针对目标的预言在揭示未来时显示的是你所选择的结果。
一窥真实M(Glimpse of Truth):获得1轮真知术(True Seeing)效果。
虚伪气度(Hollow Heroism):提供英雄气概效果,不过你随时都能将其反转。
背叛错觉(Illusion of Treachery):让其他人看起来也要为你作出的攻击负责。
高等魔法灵光(Magic Aura,Greater):同魔法灵光,但是还能影响生物,而且提供更多选项。
消音武器(Quieting Weapons):武器不会发出声响,并且能降低受害者的声音。
魔由心生(They Know):让目标相信周围的生物知晓它最大的秘密。
传送追迹术(Trace Teleport):判断传送发生的位置,并且一瞥起点或终点。
代理视域(Vicarious View):将你能用来进行侦查的探知感受器放置在生物、物体或某个地点。
群体魅惑人类(Charm Person,Mass):同魅惑人类,不过能影响30尺内的复数生物。
条件式诅咒(Conditional Curse):降下在不满足条件时就很难解除的诅咒。
高等背叛错觉(Illusion of Treachery,Greater):在你隐藏自身行为的同时,让其他人看起来要为你的攻击负责。
凶罪之红F(Red Hand of The Killer):将杀死1个生物的凶手手掌染红。
演剧错觉(Scripted Hallucination):同复合错觉,但是不用专注维持。
群体强令传讯术(Demanding Message,Mass):如传讯术一般发送讯息,但是能对每个生物发出1个暗示术。
法师之令(Mage's Decree):向数英里内的复数生物发送1条讯息。
诡诈传送术(Treacherous Teleport):同传送术,不过你能选择部分生物遇难或前往其他地点。
触发式错觉M(Triggered Hallucination):同演剧错觉,但只有在被触发时才出现。
犯罪浪潮(Crime Wave):迫使复数目标实施犯罪行为。
高等虚假景象M(False Vision,Greater):同虚假景象,但会与目标一同移动。
高等虚伪气度(Hollow Heroism,Greater):提供高等英雄气概效果,不过你随时都能将其反转。
永恒错觉(Permanent Hallucination):同演剧错觉,但持续时间为永久。
谣言疫咒(Pox of Rumors):诅咒1个生物,让他会引起恶毒的谣言。
高等即刻召唤M(Instant Summons,Greater):同即刻召唤,但能以复数物体和生物为目标。
罪恶人生(Life of Crime):永久性地将某人变为疯狂的罪犯。
大预兆术M(True Prognostication):获得来自遥远未来、让人难以置信的神秘讯息。
辉煌豪宅F(Resplendent Mansion):塑造数层高的宅邸。

劇透 -   :
决死武器(Desperate Weapon):创造1件临时武器。
侦测同道(Detect The Faithful):寻找相同信仰的其他信徒。
便捷爪钩(Handy Grapnel):将绳状物体变化为可收起的爪钩。
风吹草动(Underbrush Decoy):让植物制造声响来扰乱敌人,用于躲藏。
集群共情(Pack Empathy):创造出与盟友相联的共情联系。
选择性警报(Selective Alarm):同魔法警报,但是能针对你选择的生物。
无痕陷阱M(Undetectable Trap):让1个陷阱很难被找到。
空行轨迹(Aerial Tracks):从空中追踪飞行生物。
动物使节(Animal Ambassador):授予动物信使传递信息所需的智能。
昆虫探子(Insect Spies):使用魔法甲虫作为密探。
即刻赝作(Instant Fake):产生1件物体的临时复制品。
精确比对(Meticulous Match):确定两个事物是否相同。
守袋蛇(Pocketful of Vipers):用召唤出的毒蛇守卫1个容器。
消音武器(Quieting Weapons):武器不会发出声响,并且能降低受害者的声音。
次等引诱精类M(Entice Fey,Lesser):吸引6HD或更低生命骰的精类来为你服务。
猛烈之毒(Overwhelming Poison):让1剂毒素变得更难抵抗。
精确追迹术(Unerring Tracker):准确地跟踪一道足迹。

劇透 -   :
侦测同道(Detect The Faithful):寻找相同信仰的其他信徒。
无影之毒M(Obscure Poison):让1剂毒素或1个带毒的生物更难被侦测到毒性。
风吹草动(Underbrush Decoy):让植物制造声响来扰乱敌人,用于躲藏。
高等侦测魔法(Detect Magic,Greater):如同侦测魔法,但是能了解更多信息。
惰性猛毒M(Languid Venom):将速度发作时间延后并且隐藏它的存在。
守袋蛇(Pocketful of Vipers):用召唤出的毒蛇守卫1个容器。
空行轨迹(Aerial Tracks):从空中追踪飞行生物。
动物使节(Animal Ambassador):授予动物信使传递信息所需的智能。
丰盛餐宴(Bountiful Banquet):创造出足够2个生物/级能够享用的大餐。
条件式诅咒(Conditional Curse):降下在不满足条件时就很难解除的诅咒。
意外猛毒M(Contingent Venom):同惰性毒素,但是具有触发条件。
虚假未来M(False Future):让针对目标的预言在揭示未来时显示的是你所选择的结果。
一窥真实M(Glimpse of Truth):获得1轮真知术(True Seeing)效果。
浸毒药膏(Poisonous Balm):同治疗重伤(Cure Serious Wounds),但会留下潜伏的毒素。
魔由心生(They Know):让目标相信周围的生物知晓它最大的秘密。
代理视域(Vicarious View):将你能用来进行侦查的探知感受器放置在生物、物体或某个地点。
丰富词藻(Voluminous Vocabulary):赋予在8小时内说、读和写1种或多种语言的能力。
群体魅惑人类(Charm Person,Mass):同魅惑人类,不过能影响30尺内的复数生物。
次等引诱精类M(Entice Fey,Lesser):吸引6HD或更低生命骰的精类来为你服务。
吞毒之喉(Swallow Poison):让你免受摄入毒素影响,可以在之后喷吐锥形毒雾。
放逐者诅咒(Curse of The Outcast):诅咒某人,让它总是以不好的待人方式惹怒他人。
猛烈之毒(Overwhelming Poison):让1剂毒素变得更难抵抗。
转生间谍M(Reincarnate Spy):同转生术(Reincarnate),但能创造出与某人相似的身体,你会秘密保存该身体的一部分。
引诱精类M(Entice Fey):吸引12HD或更低生命骰的精类来为你服务。
虚假复生术M(False Resurrection):看起来像是复生术(Resurrection),实际上让影魔占据了尸体。
大预兆术M(True Prognostication):获得来自遥远未来、让人难以置信的神秘讯息。
高等引诱精类M(Entice Fey,Greater):吸引18HD或更低生命骰的精类来为你服务。

劇透 -   :
幻听错觉(Auditory Hallucination):创造具有听觉效果的魅影幻觉。
适应文化(Cultural Adaptation):适应当地文化。
决死武器(Desperate Weapon):创造1件临时武器。
即刻变装(Fabricate Disguise):即刻制造出1个伪装。
便捷爪钩(Handy Grapnel):将绳状物体变化为可收起的爪钩。
无影之毒M(Obscure Poison):让1剂毒素或1个带毒的生物更难被侦测到毒性。
门户错觉(Open And Shut):混淆门的开关状态。
衰老之容(Wizened Appearance):让目标看起来像是更加年老版本的自己。
谎话连篇(Compulsive Liar):防止目标说出真相。
黑暗耳语(Dark Whispers):通过影子低语。
高等侦测魔法(Detect Magic,Greater):如同侦测魔法,但是能了解更多信息。
粉饰尸体(Dress Corpse):伪造1具尸体上的证据。
隐藏存在感(Hidden Presence):防止生物注意到你的存在。
认知贵族(Know Peerage):目标检定时使用你在知识(贵族)技能中投入的点数。
惰性猛毒M(Languid Venom):将速度发作时间延后并且隐藏它的存在。
音源切替(Shifted Steps):让目标的声音像是其他位置发出的。
视听错觉(Audiovisual Hallucination):创造具有听觉和视觉效果的魅影幻觉。
呼唤马车(Conjure Carriage):创造一辆精致的马车。
推卸责任(Deflect Blame):将你的行为责任推卸给别人。
侦测忧虑(Detect Anxieties):了解是什么让生物焦虑。
侦测欲望(Detect Desires):了解生物有何欲求。
私密全无(Open Book):永久性地让了解目标的行为变得更容易达成。
集群共情(Pack Empathy):创造出与盟友相联的共情联系。
魅影苦难(Phantasmal Affliction):让目标相信自己承受了苦难。
选择性警报(Selective Alarm):同魔法警报,但是能针对你选择的生物。
都市迁跃术(Urban Step):从一道门户传送到另一道。
丰富词藻(Voluminous Vocabulary):赋予在8小时内说、读和写1种或多种语言的能力。
漠视灵光(Aura of The Unremarkable):让周围的生物认为你的行为稀松平常。
复合错觉(Complex Hallucination):创造具有全部感官的魅影幻觉。
咒法障壁(Conjuration Foil):干扰附近的传送效果。
意外猛毒M(Contingent Venom):同惰性毒素,但是具有触发条件。
精控火球术(Controlled Fireball):同火球术,但是暗中减少对盟友的伤害。
亡者触发术F(Deadman's Contingency):为你的死亡设置1个触发效果。
强令传讯术(Demanding Message):如传讯术一般发送讯息,并且对1个生物发出暗示术。
虚伪气度(Hollow Heroism):提供英雄气概效果,不过你随时都能将其反转。
背叛错觉(Illusion of Treachery):让其他人看起来也要为你作出的攻击负责。
昆虫探子(Insect Spies):使用魔法甲虫作为密探。
即刻赝作(Instant Fake):产生1件物体的临时复制品。
高等魔法灵光(Magic Aura,Greater):同魔法灵光,但是还能影响生物,而且提供更多选项。
威严肖像(Majestic Image):同意识投影(Enter Image;APG),不过以肖像使用社交技能时也能获得加值。
精确比对(Meticulous Match):确定两个事物是否相同。
消音武器(Quieting Weapons):武器不会发出声响,并且能降低受害者的声音。
物品置换术F(Trade Items):将器材物体与目标物体交换。
代理视域(Vicarious View):将你能用来进行侦查的探知感受器放置在生物、物体或某个地点。
群体魅惑人类(Charm Person,Mass):同魅惑人类,不过能影响30尺内的复数生物。
条件式诅咒(Conditional Curse):降下在不满足条件时就很难解除的诅咒。
虚假未来M(False Future):让针对目标的预言在揭示未来时显示的是你所选择的结果。
一窥真实M(Glimpse of Truth):获得1轮真知术(True Seeing)效果。
凶罪之红F(Red Hand of The Killer):将杀死1个生物的凶手手掌染红。
演剧错觉(Scripted Hallucination):同复合错觉,但是不用专注维持。
传送追迹术(Trace Teleport):判断传送发生的位置,并且一瞥起点或终点。
高等背叛错觉(Illusion of Treachery,Greater):在你隐藏自身行为的同时,让其他人看起来要为你的攻击负责。
法师之令(Mage's Decree):向数英里内的复数生物发送1条讯息。
诡诈传送术(Treacherous Teleport):同传送术,不过你能选择部分生物遇难或前往其他地点。
触发式错觉M(Triggered Hallucination):同演剧错觉,但只有在被触发时才出现。
犯罪浪潮(Crime Wave):迫使复数目标实施犯罪行为。
群体强令传讯术(Demanding Message,Mass):如传讯术一般发送讯息,但是能对每个生物发出1个暗示术。
高等虚假景象M(False Vision,Greater):同虚假景象,但会与目标一同移动。
高等虚伪气度(Hollow Heroism,Greater):提供高等英雄气概效果,不过你随时都能将其反转。
高等昆虫探子(Insect Spies,Greater):使用魔法甲虫作为密探,并且能共享它们的感官。
永恒错觉(Permanent Hallucination):同演剧错觉,但持续时间为永久。
谣言疫咒(Pox of Rumors):诅咒1个生物,让他会引起恶毒的谣言。
高等即刻召唤M(Instant Summons,Greater):同即刻召唤,但能以复数物体和生物为目标。
罪恶人生(Life of Crime):永久性地将某人变为疯狂的罪犯。
辉煌豪宅F(Resplendent Mansion):塑造数层高的宅邸。

劇透 -   :
高等侦测魔法(Detect Magic,Greater):如同侦测魔法,但是能了解更多信息。
音源切替(Shifted Steps):让目标的声音像是其他位置发出的。
侦测忧虑(Detect Anxieties):了解是什么让生物焦虑。
侦测欲望(Detect Desires):了解生物有何欲求。
集群共情(Pack Empathy):创造出与盟友相联的共情联系。
选择性警报(Selective Alarm):同魔法警报,但是能针对你选择的生物。
丰富词藻(Voluminous Vocabulary):赋予在8小时内说、读和写1种或多种语言的能力。
咒法障壁(Conjuration Foil):干扰附近的传送效果。
虚假未来M(False Future):让针对目标的预言在揭示未来时显示的是你所选择的结果。
藏物鬼印M(Ghost Brand):把1个物品转化为印记,并可以反向操作。
虚伪气度(Hollow Heroism):提供英雄气概效果,不过你随时都能将其反转。
威严肖像(Majestic Image):同意识投影(Enter Image;APG),不过以肖像使用社交技能时也能获得加值。
消音武器(Quieting Weapons):武器不会发出声响,并且能降低受害者的声音。
凶罪之红F(Red Hand of The Killer):将杀死1个生物的凶手手掌染红。
代理视域(Vicarious View):将你能用来进行侦查的探知感受器放置在生物、物体或某个地点。
条件式诅咒(Conditional Curse):降下在不满足条件时就很难解除的诅咒。
一窥真实M(Glimpse of Truth):获得1轮真知术(True Seeing)效果。
谣言疫咒(Pox of Rumors):诅咒1个生物,让他会引起恶毒的谣言。
诡诈传送术(Treacherous Teleport):同传送术,不过你能选择部分生物遇难或前往其他地点。

劇透 -   :
黑暗耳语(Dark Whispers):通过影子低语。
高等侦测魔法(Detect Magic,Greater):如同侦测魔法,但是能了解更多信息。
咒法障壁(Conjuration Foil):干扰附近的传送效果。
呼唤马车(Conjure Carriage):创造一辆精致的马车。
昆虫探子(Insect Spies):使用魔法甲虫作为密探。
集群共情(Pack Empathy):创造出与盟友相联的共情联系。
选择性警报(Selective Alarm):同魔法警报,但是能针对你选择的生物。
物品置换术F(Trade Items):将器材物体与目标物体交换。
都市迁跃术(Urban Step):从一道门户传送到另一道。
虚伪气度(Hollow Heroism):提供英雄气概效果,不过你随时都能将其反转。
法师之令(Mage's Decree):向数英里内的复数生物发送1条讯息。
高等昆虫探子(Insect Spies,Greater):使用魔法甲虫作为密探,并且能共享它们的感官。
诡诈传送术(Treacherous Teleport):同传送术,不过你能选择部分生物遇难或前往其他地点。

劇透 -   :
即刻变装(Fabricate Disguise):即刻制造出1个伪装。
无影之毒M(Obscure Poison):让1剂毒素或1个带毒的生物更难被侦测到毒性。
门户错觉(Open And Shut):混淆门的开关状态。
衰老之容(Wizened Appearance):让目标看起来像是更加年老版本的自己。
谎话连篇(Compulsive Liar):防止目标说出真相。
条件式恩惠(Conditional Favor):与另一个法术绑定,若目标打破约定则反转效果。
黑暗耳语(Dark Whispers):通过影子低语。
高等侦测魔法(Detect Magic,Greater):如同侦测魔法,但是能了解更多信息。
粉饰尸体(Dress Corpse):伪造1具尸体上的证据。
隐藏存在感(Hidden Presence):防止生物注意到你的存在。
呼唤马车(Conjure Carriage):创造一辆精致的马车。
侦测忧虑(Detect Anxieties):了解是什么让生物焦虑。
侦测欲望(Detect Desires):了解生物有何欲求。
私密全无(Open Book):永久性地让了解目标的行为变得更容易达成。
集群共情(Pack Empathy):创造出与盟友相联的共情联系。
魅影苦难(Phantasmal Affliction):让目标相信自己承受了苦难。
守袋蛇(Pocketful of Vipers):用召唤出的毒蛇守卫1个容器。
丰富词藻(Voluminous Vocabulary):赋予在8小时内说、读和写1种或多种语言的能力。
复合错觉(Complex Hallucination):创造具有全部感官的魅影幻觉。
条件式诅咒(Conditional Curse):降下在不满足条件时就很难解除的诅咒。
咒法障壁(Conjuration Foil):干扰附近的传送效果。
亡者触发术F(Deadman's Contingency):为你的死亡设置1个触发效果。
强令传讯术(Demanding Message):如传讯术一般发送讯息,并且对1个生物发出暗示术。
虚假未来M(False Future):让针对目标的预言在揭示未来时显示的是你所选择的结果。
藏物鬼印M(Ghost Brand):把1个物品转化为印记,并可以反向操作。
虚伪气度(Hollow Heroism):提供英雄气概效果,不过你随时都能将其反转。
昆虫探子(Insect Spies):使用魔法甲虫作为密探。
精确比对(Meticulous Match):确定两个事物是否相同。
魔由心生(They Know):让目标相信周围的生物知晓它最大的秘密。
代理视域(Vicarious View):将你能用来进行侦查的探知感受器放置在生物、物体或某个地点。
群体魅惑人类(Charm Person,Mass):同魅惑人类,不过能影响30尺内的复数生物。
谎言之饰(Deceitful Veneer):让某人看起来明显像是骗子。
一窥真实M(Glimpse of Truth):获得1轮真知术(True Seeing)效果。
浸毒药膏(Poisonous Balm):同治疗重伤(Cure Serious Wounds),但会留下潜伏的毒素。
凶罪之红F(Red Hand of The Killer):将杀死1个生物的凶手手掌染红。
吞毒之喉(Swallow Poison):让你免受摄入毒素影响,可以在之后喷吐锥形毒雾。
放逐者诅咒(Curse of The Outcast):诅咒某人,让它总是以不好的待人方式惹怒他人。
法师之令(Mage's Decree):向数英里内的复数生物发送1条讯息。
猛烈之毒(Overwhelming Poison):让1剂毒素变得更难抵抗。
诡诈传送术(Treacherous Teleport):同传送术,不过你能选择部分生物遇难或前往其他地点。
群体强令传讯术(Demanding Message,Mass):如传讯术一般发送讯息,但是能对每个生物发出1个暗示术。
高等虚伪气度(Hollow Heroism,Greater):提供高等英雄气概效果,不过你随时都能将其反转。
高等昆虫探子(Insect Spies,Greater):使用魔法甲虫作为密探,并且能共享它们的感官。
谣言疫咒(Pox of Rumors):诅咒1个生物,让他会引起恶毒的谣言。
转生间谍M(Reincarnate Spy):同转生术(Reincarnate),但能创造出与某人相似的身体,你会秘密保存该身体的一部分。
虚假复生术M(False Resurrection):看起来像是复生术(Resurrection),实际上让影魔占据了尸体。
高等即刻召唤M(Instant Summons,Greater):同即刻召唤,但能以复数物体和生物为目标。
大预兆术M(True Prognostication):获得来自遥远未来、让人难以置信的神秘讯息。
« 上次编辑: 2017-05-14, 周日 23:19:50 由 四月 »

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Re: 【UI】法术(Spells)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-05-14, 周日 22:59:33 »
等级:牧师 4,圣武士 4
你从目标的精神中净涤邪念,并填入罪孽受到宽恕而带来的狂喜。赦免术会如同破除结界(Break Enchantment)一般结束所有正在影响目标的魅惑(charm)或胁迫(compulsion)效果,这也包含英雄气概(Heroism)这样的无害胁迫效果在内。若被终止的魅惑或胁迫效果曾经迫使目标执行某些行为,且这些行为违反了目标的阵营、武僧清规(Monk Vows)、圣武士誓约(paladin oath)或类似的行为准则的话,那么这些行动不会让目标失去包括神术施法能力在内的相关职业能力。
若使用出自极限战役(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign 160页)的荣誉(Honor)子系统的话,在施放赦免术终止魅惑与胁迫效果时,被终止的效果生效期间让目标犯下的事件(events)和行为致使其失去了荣誉(honor loss)的话,该法术也可以恢复这些荣誉。

空行轨迹(Aerial Tracks)
等级:德鲁伊 4,审判者 4,游侠 3,萨满 4
范围:中距(100尺 + 10尺/级)
区域:以你为中心,半径100尺 + 10尺/级的圆形区域
你让区域内的空气泛起涟漪,显示出至多每施法者等级1天内飞行经过该区域的生物之轨迹。这些空中的涟漪由发光的精灵所点缀,它们会提供足够的亮度,因此当你追踪轨迹时,不会由于照明太差而承受减值。法术区域会与你一同移动,这使你能够长距离地追踪空中的轨迹,不过前提是你能够飞行、或者轨迹一直位于你沿着地面移动也能读取到的范围内。只要与你一同移动,其他生物也能够追踪空中的轨迹。使用该法术跟踪在空中移动的生物时,生存检定的基础DC与跟踪穿过软质地面(soft ground)的生物相同。

动物使节(Animal Ambassador)
等级:吟游诗人 4,德鲁伊 4,游侠 3,萨满 4
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
持续时间:1日/等级 或 直至讯息送达
你迫使单个动物旅行至你所指定的地点,并向你确认(identify)的1名生物传递1条讯息。该法术类似于动物信使(Animal Messenger),不过能够影响更大的动物。此外,目标动物在法术持续期间暂时性地被启迪了认知能力,就如同启蒙术(Awaken)一般,而且它能够利用被强化的认知能力,为了传递讯息而使用具有创造性的应对措施以克服障碍。被启蒙的目标动物能够说出你所了解的任意1门语言。此外,你还能向动物灌输5点技能点,但仅限后述技能:唬骗、交涉、知识(本地)、知识(贵族)、语言学或察言观色。其中对你来说属于本职技能的技能,对于动物使节来说也会被视为本职技能。你向动物灌输的技能中,在任意技能中灌输的技能点数既无法超过目标动物的生命骰(Hit Dice),也无法超过你在对应技能中投入的技能点数。
你让动物使节传递的讯息可以是1条口信(verbal message),启蒙目标动物能够以自身的声音、或者你的声音来传递口信。它能使用自身的智力、知识和语言能力参与到对话中。动物使节忠实于你,但是它就和其他生物一样会受到影响心灵(mind-affecting)效果的影响。你也可以让动物使节携带1件物体或容器,不过需要动物具有携带相应物品的身体能力。若你给动物的物品带毒(poisonous)、装有陷阱(trapped)、其本质具有其他危险性(即便该物品通常来说只对接收者有害,而非对动物有害)、或者如果你或你的盟友攻击目标动物的话,动物使节法术会立即失效,而这头动物也会变得敌视(hostile)你。动物使节会聪明且一心一意地尝试向其预期目标传递信息,你无法向它下达其他任务,比如战斗、侦查、搜寻陷阱等等。当动物使节接收完讯息后,它便会离开并开始递送。

等级:吟游诗人 1,催眠师 1,异能者 1,术士/法师 1,女巫 1
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
你让目标无法理解任何语言,这包括口头语言(spoken language)、书面语言(written language)、手语(sign language)、尝试用姿势模仿的原始语言(crude language)、甚至包含真言(truespeech)与心灵感应(telepathy)。受影响的生物无法进行沟通(communicate)、使用命令词、施放需要语言成分的法术、或者使用任何其他需要语言的能力。
巧言术(Tongues)反制并解除失语术,正受到巧言术影响的生物免疫失语术的效果。具有饶舌诅咒(Tongues Curse)的先知(Oracles)会在战斗中忽略失语术的影响。

视听错觉(Audiovisual Hallucination)
等级:吟游诗人 3,魔战士 3,通灵者 2,催眠师 3,秘学士 3,异能者 3,术士/法师 3
持续时间:专注 + 3轮(可解消)
该法术的功能如同幻听错觉(Auditory Hallucination),不过你还能将任何由你想象的物体、生物或力量(force)包含到幻觉中,或者选定上述内容让目标自行想象。当你专注时,可以移动幻觉。在你停止专注后,可以定义简单的运动(movements)或变化(changes)来让魅影幻觉(phantasm)执行,定义的内容要用25个或更少个字(words)说明。
除非你为幻觉定义适当的反应或者指示幻觉被碰上,否则幻觉会在1名敌人碰到(struck)时消失。幻觉的AC为10 + 该法术的等级。

幻听错觉(Auditory Hallucination)
等级:吟游诗人 1,魔战士 1,通灵者 1,催眠师 1,秘学士 1,异能者 1,术士/法师 1
范围:远距(400尺 + 40尺/级)

漠视灵光(Aura of The Unremarkable)
等级:吟游诗人 3,通灵者 2,催眠师 3,异能者 3,术士/法师 4
持续时间:1分钟/等级(可解消)和 立即
不可见的球状魔法包围着你,区域内生物的精神被它蒙蔽,因此哪怕是最奇怪的行为对这些生物来说也是无害的。举例说明,若你和你的盟友正为了情报而殴打城市守卫中的1名成员,区域内的生物并不会认为这是不寻常的事情或引发警报;若你的盟友在戏院包厢中用弩弓瞄准女王,受影响的生物会把这视为平常且不值得关注的事情。你或你的盟友若对1个生物或其盟友作出任何敌对行为(hostile actions),该法术效果对该名生物的影响便会被打破。当法术结束时(或者被影响的生物移出了法术的发散范围时),观察者会如常看待事物,但是先前事件中对认知的改变会持续下来。每次将事件(events)作为值得关注事情谈及时(比如被权威人物问到事件时),目标可以进行另一次意志豁免,成功则打破效果,并且如常回忆起事情。

丰盛餐宴(Bountiful Banquet)
等级:吟游诗人 4,牧师 4,德鲁伊 4,萨满 4
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)

等级:血脉狂怒者 4,秘学士 6,异能者 6,术士/法师 6

构筑信赖(Build Trust)
等级:吟游诗人 2,牧师 2,审判者 2,催眠师 2,圣武士 1,异能者 2
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
你了解到与目标互动时,获取目标对你的友谊与正面看法的最佳方式。当你与目标互动时,你所尝试的所有魅力检定与基于魅力的技能检定均会获得+2环境加值。此外,若你与目标进行互动的话,无论是在魅力检定还是基于魅力的技能检定中失败时,均可以以直觉动作(immediate action)重掷检定。尝试重掷会让目标获得1次新的豁免检定,用于终止该法术。在该法术结束时,目标不会变得对你产生敌意,但它会从对你的信赖感中醒悟过来。攻击目标或者对其进行明显的敌对行为会自动终止该法术。
若使用出自极限战役(Ultimate Campaign 148页)的人脉(Contacts)规则,法术持续时间内你与目标的信任(Trust)等级会增加1级。【If you’re using the individual influence system (see pages 102–109), if the target fails its initial saving throw you learn one of its influence skills, strengths, or weaknesses as though you had succeeded at a discovery check.】
译注:由于翻译本文的时点,UI第三章Mastering Intrigue还未有人翻译(甚至没有人有翻译计划),因此此处与第三章相关的内容均保留原文。

群体魅惑人类(Charm Person,Mass)
等级:吟游诗人 4,催眠师 4,秘学士 4,异能者 5,萨满 5,术士/法师 5,女巫 5
该法术的功能如同魅惑人类(Charm Person)一般,不过群体魅惑人类影响的类人生物数量受到限定,受影响生物的合计生命骰(Hit Dice)不会超过你的等级的2倍。若可受影响的目标数量超过了你能够影响的限额,那么你要逐次1个个选择目标,直至达到你能影响的生命骰限额为止。若你仅对1个生物施放群体魅惑人类,则可以忽略该法术的HD限额。

等级:吟游诗人 2,通灵者 2,催眠师 2,秘学士 2,异能者 2,术士/法师 2
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
通晓语言(Comprehend Languages)无法让施法者理解他人经过编码语言法术产生的语言,但是能够了解到目标说的是某种魔法语言。巧言术(Tongues)可以如常转化编码语言。

复合错觉(Complex Hallucination)
等级:吟游诗人 4,魔战士 4,通灵者 3,催眠师 4,秘学士 4,异能者 4,术士/法师 4,女巫 4
持续时间:专注 + 3轮
该法术的功能就如同视听错觉(Audiovisual Hallucination;见本书204页)一般,不过由你创造的魅影幻觉还能够包含嗅觉、触觉和温度效果。

谎话连篇(Compulsive Liar)
等级:吟游诗人 1,催眠师 1,异能者 2,术士/法师 2,女巫 2
目标变得无法说出真相(truth)。目标说出的谎言不需要有说服力,也不需要具有一致性,但是这些内容不能是目标所意识到的真实。该效果也会延伸至非口头性的沟通方式,比如手语或笔记。该法术允许以暗喻进行交流(talking in metaphors),或者谈论虚构的人物(fictional figures)。
就算受到该法术影响,目标依旧有能力说出既非真实也非虚假的内容,比如提问(questions)、命令(commands)、或语言法术成分(verbal spell components)。若该法术的目标同时还必须说出真相的话,比如身处诚实之域(Zone of Truth)的法术影响,目标此时便仅能说出既非真实也非虚假的内容。

条件式诅咒(Conditional Curse)
等级:反圣武士 4,牧师 4,审判者 4,通灵者 3,催眠师 3,秘学士 4,异能者 5,萨满 4,术士/法师 5,唤魂师 5,女巫 4
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
该法术的功能如同降咒(Bestow Curse)一般,不过你必须设置能够打破诅咒的条件,用以终止法术的效果。具有智能的生物,甚至是动物等级的智能,均可以自然理解解除诅咒的条件,即便目标并不理解你所说的语言也无妨。该条件必须能够让目标在1年零1日内达成,不能导致目标必然的死亡,其内容也不能超过25个字。此种诅咒很难通过魔法移除。使用破除结界(Break Enchantment)或移除诅咒(Remove Curse)来移除条件式诅咒时,移除DC会增加5点。

条件式恩惠(Conditional Favor)
等级:反圣武士 1,吟游诗人 2,牧师 2,审判者 2,催眠师 2,秘学士 2,圣武士 1,女巫 2
你必须在向着相同生物施放其他法术的前一瞬施放该法术,由此带来关于某种行为(behavior)的誓言或警告,并将关联法术(paired spell)与目标束缚在一起。如果你不施放关联法术,条件式恩惠也不会产生任何效果。关联法术必须来自防护系、咒法系(医疗)、附魔系或变化系的学派或子学派(subschool),而且必须能够施放至1名自愿生物上。当条件式恩惠仍在生效时,若法术的受术者违背了誓言或禁令的话,关联法术会被解开,就如同之前没有被施放一般。若关联法术是治疗法术(healing spell),你治愈的生命值伤害或移除的状态会立即恢复,即便受术者已经在那之后享受了休息或医疗也是如此。由关联法术移除的毒素(poisons)、疾病(diseases)、诅咒(curses)、属性伤害(ability damage)、以及负向等级(negative levels)均会恢复。

咒法障壁(Conjuration Foil)
等级:吟游诗人 4,魔战士 3,通灵者 4,秘学士 4,异能者 4,术士/法师 4,唤魂师 4,召唤师 3,女巫 4
范围:中距(100尺 + 10尺/级)
所有区域内的生物在对抗传送(teleportation)效果时,豁免检定获得+4加值。若有任何生物将会由于召唤(summoning)或传送(teleportation)效果进入或离开该区域的话,该生物会承受伤害,数值为触发效果的法术等级(若该效果不具有法术等级,则为产生效果的生物HD的一半)x 1d6点;而且该生物不会抵达原先的目的地,而是位于触发效果的范围内、随机的类似地点。成功通过意志豁免能够将伤害减半,并且目的地不会被改变。

呼唤马车(Conjure Carriage)
等级:吟游诗人 3,魔战士 3,术士/法师 3,召唤师 3,女巫 3
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
你创造出1辆精致的木制马车,上面会附带任何你想要的美化装饰。马车做工良好,却又不会特别引人注目。马车可以运载至多6名中型或小型的乘客。当马车被呼唤出来时,1组2匹半真实(quasi-real)的轻型马匹会一同出现,并且已经装上了马车的挽具。通过你的命令,1名类似于隐形仆役(Unseen Servant)的无形车夫会担任驾驭和管理马车的职责,然而它不能执行任何复杂或危险的驾驶,在此类条件下驾驶马车的检定均会失败。在法术持续时间结束时,马车、马匹和车夫均会消失,车上或车内的一切均会掉落在马车消失时所处空间的地面上。

意外猛毒(Contingent Venom)
等级:萨满 4,术士/法师 4
该法术的功能如同惰性毒素(Languid Venom;见本书218页)一般,不过你能设定1个特殊条件或者情况,在满足时结束毒素的潜伏期,使毒素生效。触发毒素的条件可以是概括性的,如有需要也可以尽可能地详细,但是只能使用视觉型与听觉型触发条件(详细见魔嘴法术),或者要基于身体接触或消耗掉特定物体、物质或生物。该触发条件可以导致毒素的潜伏期立即结束,也可以让毒素在一段时间后生效,从触发毒素到生效为止间隔的时间不得超过1轮/施法者等级。你必须在施放意外猛毒时作出所有与触发相关的决定,而且一经确定便无法更改。

精控火球术(Controlled Fireball)
等级:血脉狂怒者 4,魔战士 4,秘学士 4,术士/法师 4
范围:远距(400尺 + 40尺/级)
尝试以技能检定鉴别精控火球术时,会将其误认为火球术(Fireball)。详细请见192页诡计描述符(ruse descriptor)的说明。

犯罪冲动(Crime of Opportunity)
等级:反圣武士 1,催眠师 1
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
你在目标心中唤起一股突如其来的犯罪冲动,迫使其执行1个犯罪行为,就如同受到了犯罪浪潮(Crime Wave)法术影响一般。

犯罪浪潮(Crime Wave)
等级:反圣武士 4,吟游诗人 5,催眠师 5,异能者 7,术士/法师 7
范围:中距(100尺 + 10尺/级)
1-25行为正常,但是会伴随着对它人的猜疑。目标不会从团队专长(teamwork feats)和协助他人动作(aid another action)中获益,而且也不会为别人提供这些好处。若某个生物尝试对目标使用无害法术或效果,目标会有50%的概率尝试尽最大努力地避免该效果(对施法者进行借机攻击、接触法术需要成功的攻击检定、或者尝试豁免检定)。
26-50对距离最近的生物(或者最近的无主物品,如果该物品明显具有极高价值的话)尝试盗取(steal;APG)战技或巧手检定来偷窃1件有价值的随机物品(random valuable object),如果有需要的话会移动到与生物或物品相邻的位置。一旦受影响的生物偷到了1件物品,那么后续的百分骰检定中掷出26-50意味着受影响的生物试图逃跑,它会尽其所能地带着赃物逃跑,并且会为了防止赃物被夺走而战。
51-75尝试打砸、破坏或损毁最近的无主人造物(unattended manufactured object)或建筑(structure)。若物体或建筑太过坚固,无法对其造成损伤的话,受影响的生物则会想办法破坏其外观作为替代。

适应文化(Cultural Adaptation)
等级:吟游诗人 1,牧师 1,通灵者 1,秘学士 1,异能者 1,术士/法师 1
当你施放该法术时,必须专注于自身想要适应的那种文化或亚文化。如果你说出上述文化中的本地语言(native language),那么在法术的持续时间内,在说这种语言时会带有本地口音。该法术不会教会你上述语言,但是你可以将该法术与巧言术(Tongues)或类似的法术结合使用。你的肢体语言与姿态都会表现出属于上述文化的特征,而且你会不自觉地做出微小的决定,来帮助你融入到该文化中。上述内容结合起来,使你在尝试影响相应文化的成员时,交涉检定获得+2环境加值;如果你会由于身为相应文化的成员而获得其他环境加值的话,该法术的加值不会与其叠加。你还会在以易容检定将自身伪装成该文化的成员时获得+2环境加值(前提是你本身并非属于该文化)。

放逐者诅咒(Curse of The Outcast)
等级:吟游诗人 4,牧师 6,审判者 4,催眠师 4,萨满 6,女巫 6
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)

黑暗耳语(Dark Whispers)
等级:反圣武士 1,吟游诗人 2,牧师 2,术士/法师 2,召唤师 2,女巫 2
范围:远距(400尺 + 40尺/级)
你通过法术范围内1个或更多目标的影子进行沟通。这些影子不具有实体、无法移动、也没有被活化。相反,你的话语会从影子中发出,就好像是清晰的耳语一般,不具有任何口音或其他能够识别的特征。目标可以与影子进行对话,但是必须出声说话(speak aloud)才能这么做。只有在目标打算与影子说话时,他们的声音才会从你自己的影子中发出,而且你无法听到目标附近区域内的其他声音。他们的回应也会以清晰的耳语显现出来,缺乏可供识别的特征,但你能够本能地辨别出是哪个目标在与你通过影子交谈。一旦施放了该法术,你与目标之间地沟通就不需要与他们或影子具有效果线相连了。
通过影子进行的沟通是可以被听到的,因此敌人只要能成功通过DC25的察觉检定,便可以听到你们谈话的内容。该法术可以被默发(be silenced)。你无法对受术者施法,或者以其他方式通过影子来设置效果线,但是允许你说或理解语言的法术依旧可以通过黑暗耳语正常生效。

亡者触发术(Deadman's Contingency)
等级:吟游诗人 4,牧师 4,异能者 4,术士/法师 4,女巫 4
持续时间:1小时/等级 外加 1d6轮(可解消);见后文
该法术的功能如同触发术(Contingency)一般,差异如上所述。此外,该法术只有在你死亡之后才会生效,而且仅适用于某些特定的法术。关联法术会在你死亡1d6轮后被触发。所有涉及到关联法术的决定必须在施放亡者触发术时作出,这包括了类似于魔嘴(Magic Mouth)或短讯术(Sending)的法术中,关于短讯和收信者的设定。若法术以1件物体为目标或者出现在特定地点的话,则必须以你的尸体为目标或以你的尸体为中心。
后述法术可以成为亡者触发术的关联法术:操纵死尸(Animate Dead;将你的尸体活化为不受控制的骷髅或丧尸)、解离术(Disintegrate)、火球术(Fireball)、遗体防腐(Gentle Repose)、魔嘴(Magic Mouth)、强效幻影(Major Image;持续时间仅限3轮)、永恒幻影(Permanent Image)、短讯术(Sending)、臭云术(Stinking Cloud)、以及物品传送术(Teleport Object)。

谎言之饰(Deceitful Veneer)
等级:反圣武士 3,吟游诗人 4,审判者 4,通灵者 3,催眠师 4,异能者 4,女巫 5
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
你精妙地调整了目标的气场,并且在它的肢体语言、语调和用词选择上进行了狡猾的暗示,使得目标说出的所有话语听起来都像是谎言一般。无论是使用魔法性的检查(比如辨识谎言法术)还是用凡俗性的检查(比如使用察言观色技能)来判断,目标做出的每个声明看起来都像是谎言。若有某人在目标说真话时仔细检查(closely scrutinizes)目标,则可以成功通过1次察言观色检定(DC = 15 + 你的施法者等级)来判断出来。

推卸责任(Deflect Blame)
等级:吟游诗人 2,催眠师 2,异能者 2,术士/法师 3
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)

强令传讯术(Demanding Message)
等级:吟游诗人 3,通灵者 3,催眠师 3,秘学士 4,异能者 3,术士/法师 4,女巫 4
持续时间:10分钟/等级,之后 1小时/等级 或 直至完成(可解消);见后文
该法术初始的功能就如同传讯术(Message)一般(不需要进行豁免也不允许法术抗力生效)。一旦进入到传讯效果途中(Once during the message effect),你便能以标准动作进行专注,以传递1条讯息的一部分对1个目标发出1个暗示术(Suggestion)。法术抗力与意志豁免均会对暗示术生效,它会持续1小时/等级或者直至完成为止。

群体强令传讯术(Demanding Message,Mass)
等级:吟游诗人 6,催眠师 6,秘学士 6,异能者 6,术士/法师 7,女巫 7
持续时间:10分钟/等级,之后 1小时/等级 或 直至完成(可解消);见后文

决死武器(Desperate Weapon)
等级:反圣武士 1,吟游诗人 1,血脉狂怒者 1,牧师 1,审判者 1,魔战士 1,秘学士 1,游侠 1,术士/法师 1
你能创造1个单手物体,该物体为你在当前环境下想要看到的物品,你可以把它当做1把临时武器来使用。法术会将此物体召唤到你的手边,当你完成法术时可以直接拿取到它。无论你选择的是何种物体,它的功能均为1件单手临时武器(onehanded improvised weapon),大小符合你的体型,中型生物可以用其造成1d6点伤害(小型生物则为1d4点)。你要在施法时选择该物体造成的伤害类型(钝击、穿刺或挥砍),不过你所要求的物体必须符合它所能造成的伤害类型。

侦测忧虑(Detect Anxieties)
等级:反圣武士 2,吟游诗人 3,牧师 3,审判者 3,通灵者 2,催眠师 2,圣武士 3,异能者 2,术士/法师 3,唤魂师 3,女巫 3
该法术的功能如同侦测思想(Detect Thoughts)一般,不过你能侦测到智力属性为1或更高的生物所具有的显著忧虑(significant anxieties),无论它们当前是否具有意识(conscious or not)。
取代侦测思想的侦测智力属性,专注的第2轮会获取每个精神的感知属性,以及当前的恐惧程度,如战栗(Shaken)、惊惧(Frightened)、恐慌(Panicked)、畏缩(Cowering)或者因恐惧而麻痹(paralyzed with fear)。若其中最高的感知属性为26或更高(而且至少比你自己的感知属性高10点),你便会被震慑(Stunned)1轮,且法术结束。

侦测欲望(Detect Desires)
等级:反圣武士 2,吟游诗人 2,牧师 3,审判者 3,通灵者 2,催眠师 3,圣武士 3,异能者 2,术士/法师 3,唤魂师 3,女巫 3
该法术的功能如同侦测思想(Detect Thoughts)一般,不过你能侦测到智力属性为1或更高的生物所具有的主要欲望(significant desires),无论它们当前是否具有意识(conscious or not)。

高等侦测魔法(Detect Magic,Greater)
等级:吟游诗人 2,牧师 2,德鲁伊 2,审判者 2,魔战士 2,通灵者 2,催眠师 2,秘学士 2,异能者 2,萨满 2,术士/法师 2,唤魂师 2,召唤师 2,女巫 2
该法术的功能如同侦测魔法(Detect Magic)一般,不过它能从你找到的魔法灵光中提取出更多的信息,而且你能在更长的时间跨度后找到残留的魔法灵光。你能侦测到的残存灵光(Lingering Aura)时间最长为距离现在1日/你的施法者等级,无论灵光的原始强度(original strength)为何。
此外,当你使用标准动作专注于该法术时,还能够研究法术区域内的1名生物,尝试1次法术辨识检定,通过鉴别法术在施法者灵光中的残存痕迹,来判断该生物所施放的最后1个法术是什么。鉴别法术的DC为20 + 该生物的施法者等级。
最后,你还能定位并查找魔法灵光中的署名(signature),这让你可以将法术与施放法术的人匹配起来。为了找到这些魔法灵光中的识别码,你必须花费1轮时间特别专注于该法术,接着成功通过1次对抗性的知识(神秘)检定对抗法术的施法者(如果施法者希望自己的成果被辨认出来,而且强调了这些独特的元素,而非将其掩藏起来的话,DC变为15 + 法术环级)。一旦知晓了1名施法者的成套识别码,你就可以把它当做面容或声音一样轻松记住。之后你就能够辨认出这个署名,只要成功通过法术辨识检定,就可以辨识1个法术是否是由相同的个体施放的。高等魔法灵光(Greater Magic Aura)法术(见本书219页)能够掩盖这条信息,让法术看起来像是其他人施放的。高等侦测魔法在对抗魔法灵光(Magic Aura)时会获得1次豁免机会,但是对抗高等魔法灵光时不会获得。

侦测同道(Detect The Faithful)
等级:反圣武士 1,牧师 1,德鲁伊 1,审判者 1,圣武士 1,游侠 1,萨满 1
第1轮:是否具有信徒(Presence or absence of the faithful)。
每轮你都可以转而侦测新的区域以侦测信徒。该法术可穿透障碍,不过1尺厚的岩石,1英寸厚的普通金属,铅制的薄片或3尺厚的木头或泥土都可以挡住它。你与目标生物是否具有相同的信仰取决于该生物对其信仰的自我诠释——因此你的信仰中的异端(heretics)和其他派系(splinter cultists)仍旧被视作为相同神祗的信徒。此外,由于该法术会甄选出生物当前的信仰与情感,因此若有生物非常积极地想要装成相同信仰的一员的话,该法术也会将其显示为信徒。因此,该法术在一般民众中定位相同信仰的潜在隐藏信徒时会较为有效,但对于信徒本身来说,无法用于排查间谍。

瓦解沉默(Disrupt Silence)
等级:吟游诗人 2,牧师 3,审判者 3,异能者 3
在法术的区域内,你抑制了压制声音的魔法效果。瓦解沉默会短暂地抵消区域内的魔法沉默效果,这样便可以在效果覆盖的区域听到普通的声响。此外,瓦解沉默能够自动反制或解除对相同目标施放的任何魔法沉默效果(magical silence effect),前提是该效果小于或等于瓦解沉默的环级,比如沉默术(Silence)。若你以环级更高的沉默效果为目标施放瓦解沉默的话,其功能会如同解除魔法(Dispel Magic)一般,以取代它正常的功能。

粉饰尸体(Dress Corpse)
等级:牧师 2,术士/法师 2,女巫 2
任何贴近检查(closely examines)尸体的人都能尝试1次察觉检定(DC = 10 + 你的施法者等级)来注意到该尸体的伤口(或伤口的缺失)看起来不自然,但是这不会让观察者判断出施放法术之前尸体的样貌。贴近检查并且成功通过医疗检定(DC = 15 + 你的施法者等级)不仅能揭示出目标表面上的样貌是伪装的,还能够揭示出最初被掩盖的伤口是什么。
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Re: 【UI】法术(Spells)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2017-05-14, 周日 22:59:38 »
引诱精类(Entice Fey)
等级:吟游诗人 6,德鲁伊 7,萨满 7
该法术的功能如同次等引诱精类(Entice Fey,Lesser)一般,不过法术那无法预料的呼唤效果能引来单个生命骰为12或更低的精类,或者2个相同种类的精类(其总生命骰不超过12)。

高等引诱精类(Entice Fey,Greater)
等级:德鲁伊 9,萨满 9
该法术的功能如同次等引诱精类(Entice Fey,Lesser)一般,不过法术那无法预料的呼唤效果能引来单个生命骰为18或更低的精类,或者至多3个相同种类的精类(其总生命骰不超过18)。

次等引诱精类(Entice Fey,Lesser)
等级:吟游诗人 4,德鲁伊 5,通灵者 3,游侠 4,萨满 5
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
该法术的功能如同次等异界盟友(Planar Ally, Lesser)一般,不过你会用1首乐曲或其他让精类认为有趣的事物吸引1名生命骰为6或更低的精类,让它来协助你。类似于次等异界盟友,该法术的结果是不可预知的,谁会回应呼唤则取决于精类本身以及其率性而为(whims of nature)的本质,而非由你进行选择。除了提供法术的材料成分以外,你还必须成功通过1次知识(自然)检定或表演检定(DC = 20 + 目标的HD)才能够吸引精类出现,在此之后你可以开始就服务和报酬的问题进行协商。你能通过施法所呼唤的最高精类HD为检定结果减20。举例说明,若你的检定结果为24,呼唤来而来的精类的最高HD为4HD。较高的检定结果并不能让你打破法术的最高HD限制,检定结果为20或更低意味着你无法呼唤任何精类。若精类不喜欢你献上的音乐,则会简单地选择回绝,在此情况下你不会消耗法术中的任何材料成分,无论是祭品还是任何报酬。

即刻变装(Fabricate Disguise)
等级:炼金术士 1,反圣武士 1,吟游诗人 1,审判者 1,异能者 1,术士/法师 1,女巫 1

虚假记忆(False Belief)
等级:吟游诗人 2,催眠师 2,异能者 2
你暂时改变了目标的记忆,这类似于修改记忆(Modify Memory),你消除、植入或改变至多长度为1小时的记忆。当法术的持续时间结束后,目标的真实记忆便会恢复,虚假的记忆则褪去,成为如梦一般的模糊轮廓。这些虚假的记忆对目标来说看起来很真实,因此辨识谎言(Discern Lies)或者迫使目标说出真话的效果无法将伪造的记忆视为谎言(就如同目标所认为的那样)。

虚假未来(False Future)
等级:吟游诗人 3,牧师 4,通灵者 3,催眠师 3,异能者 4,萨满 4,术士/法师 5,唤魂师 4,女巫 4
豁免:意志,通过则无效 或 意志,通过则不相信(见后文)
虚假未来无法被侦测魔法(Detect Magic)或鉴定术(Identify)侦测到,但是本书212页的高等侦测魔法(Detect Magic,Greater)可以侦测到该法术。

虚假复生术(False Resurrection)
等级:牧师 7,萨满 8,女巫 8
该法术的功能如同复生术(Resurrection)一般,不过取代原本让死者复生的效果,该法术会呼唤出1个带有进化简单模板(advanced simple template)的影魔(shadow demon;Bestiary I)占据尸体。若你未能克服受术者的法术抗力,受术者的灵魂便能够阻止呼唤,并且获得在被恢复的身体里复生的选择权,就如同复生术(Resurrection)一般。占据效果就如同占据术(Possession;OA)一般,不过受术者的灵魂无法进行抵御。当虚假复生术结束、或者从受术者体内驱离恶魔时,恶魔会返回深渊(Abyss),留下没有灵魂但还活着的躯体,这类似于克隆术(Clone)制造的复制体。若灵魂还未被复生,那么它可以选择回到这具已经成为空壳的身体中(若身体还活着的话),就如同复生术(Resurrection)一般。若身体被杀死,那么恶魔会被送回深渊,但是受术者仍然处于死亡的状态。
尝试以技能检定鉴别虚假复生术时,会将其误认为复生术(Resurrection)。详细请见192页诡计描述符(ruse descriptor)的说明。被愚弄的观察者会将虚假复生术的灵光误认为立即咒法效果(instantaneous conjuration effect)的残存灵光(lingering aura)。

高等虚假复生术(False Resurrection,Greater)
等级:牧师 9
该法术的功能如同虚假复生术(False Resurrection)一般,不过它呼唤的是具有幼体简单模板(young simple template)的虚妄魔(belier devil;Bestiary II)来占据尸体,而且所有在虚假复生术(False Resurrection)中如同复生术(Resurrection)一般的功能,在该法术中均如同完全复生术(True Resurrection)一般。
尝试以技能检定鉴别高等虚假复生术时,会将其误认为完全复生术(True Resurrection)。详细请见192页诡计描述符(ruse descriptor)的说明。被愚弄的观察者会将高等虚假复生术的灵光误认为立即咒法效果(instantaneous conjuration effect)的残存灵光(lingering aura)。

高等虚假景象(False Vision,Greater)
等级:吟游诗人 6,催眠师 6,异能者 7,术士/法师 7
该法术的功能类似于虚假景象(False Vision),但是取代将幻象安置在附近的区域,你能够把它与特定个体绑定在一起,而且可以从很远的距离做到这一点。该法术可以在任意距离上施放。豁免的难度取决于你对受术者的了解程度、以及与该生物具有何种程度的物质联系(若有的话)。目标在在抵抗该法术时,意志豁免会获得加值或减值,数值就如同探知(scrying)法术会应用的加值和减值一般(包括目标位于其他位面时提供的+5加值)。
该法术创造的幻象会随着目标移动,而且不是固定的(not stationary)。幻象会以3种方式产生影响:影响对目标的认知,影响对目标周围环境的认知,以及影响对由你指定的、目标周遭的特定生物或物体的认知。对于目标、以及任何其他由你指定的特定物体或生物来说,你能让它们看起来像是由你指定的其他生物或物体、让它们看起来不存在、或者完全不改变它们的外观。对于目标周围的环境来说,你能选择让目标看起来像是在其他地方、看起来像是你熟悉的特定地点、或是由你的想象所构造的一般地点(generic location)。你能专注于法术来改变法术影响的上述这些事物外观的方式。你还能让实际上并不存在的生物或物体出现在幻术中,或者让生物或物体以与实际情况不符的方式行动。在这些情况下,你必须专注于法术,否则这些幻象只会单纯地静止不动。该法术能提供你需要的视觉、听觉、嗅觉、触觉和温度感觉。

藏物鬼印(Ghost Brand)
等级:吟游诗人 4,秘学士 3,唤魂师 4,女巫 4
你改变了单个物体的物质构成,该物体的大小至多为每等级2立方尺,而且必须至少比目标生物的体型小1级。物体会被变为如阴影一般的无形物质,就好像是由半真实(quasi-real)的阴影物质(shadowstuff)构成的一般。通过在目标的皮肤上烙印上形状与物体相似的印记,你将无形的物体与目标的肉体链接起来。无形的物体会与目标的肉体合二为一,就好像容纳在目标体内一般,随着目标一同移动。该生物能以整轮动作(full-round action)取出或吸收物体,而且能按照目标的意愿重复进行这些动作。当物体由目标穿戴或持用时,物体会恢复实体并且可以如常使用,不过目标无法丢掉或者移除物品(除非使用整轮动作吸收),该物体也不能被解除或偷窃。若物品被摧毁了,该法术便会结束。若藏物鬼印被解除(dispelled)时物体仍在目标体内的话,该物体会从目标的体内爆发出来,对目标造成3d6点忽略DR的穿刺和挥砍伤害,外加1d6点出血伤害(bleed damage)。

一窥真实(Glimpse of Truth)
等级:炼金术士 5,牧师 4,德鲁伊 5,审判者 4,魔战士 5,通灵者 3,秘学士 4,异能者 4,萨满 4,术士/法师 5,唤魂师 5,女巫 5
该法术的功能如同真知术(True Seeing)一般,区别如上所述。

便捷爪钩(Handy Grapnel)
等级:审判者 1,游侠 1,术士/法师 1
目标:1个类似绳索的物体,其长度至多为50尺 + 5尺/级
你让目标绳索收缩变小并自我重塑成1根箭矢、弩矢、或类似的弹药,你能把它射向任意中型或更大的物体。在以成功的攻击检定对抗AC(AC = 5 + 目标物体的硬度)后,便捷爪钩命中并将自身嵌入到该物体中,强度相当于金属爪钩(iron grappling hook)。
以移动动作(move action),你能够命令绳索从箭矢的位置伸出来。若你与箭矢间的距离在绳索的长度之内,而且有1只手空着的话,绳索的一端会直接摇摆到你的手中。以另1个移动动作,你能命令便捷爪钩开始收缩,将自身缩回爪钩的形态,以每轮50尺的速度将任何负载在绳索上的生物或物体拉起。
一旦被嵌入到物体内,绳索便能够用于攀爬、或者任何用1根绳索能够提供的其他用途,在同一时间,它能负载的重量至多为200磅/施法者的等级(200 pounds per level of the caster),最高负载1000磅的重量。若便捷爪钩负载的重量超出了限制,它便会滑脱下来,任何由绳索负载的生物或物体均会坠落下去。

隐藏存在感(Hidden Presence)
等级:吟游诗人 2,审判者 2,催眠师 2,异能者 2,术士/法师 2,女巫 2
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
你阻止目标意识到你的存在。通过抹消目标精神内对于你的存在的一切认知,你让受术者完全无法察觉到你自身。目标无法看到(see)、听到(hear)、嗅到(smell)、用触觉感觉到(feel)或尝到(taste)你,这也包含了特异(extraordinary)或超自然(supernatural)感官,比如盲感(blindsense)、盲视(blindsight)、灵敏嗅觉(scent)或颤动感知(tremorsense)。目标无法以任何方式定位你的位置,包括使用侦测法术(detect spells)也不行。

虚伪气度(Hollow Heroism)
等级:吟游诗人 3,血脉狂怒者 4,审判者 4,通灵者 3,异能者 4,术士/法师 4,唤魂师 4,召唤师 4,女巫 4
该法术的功能如同英雄气概(Heroism)一般,不过你能以标准动作通过发出1条特殊命令词,来让目标承受的法术效果反转过来,前提是你与目标间的距离不超过中距(100尺 + 10尺/级)。目标会失去加值,取而代之的是会在攻击检定、豁免检定、以及技能检定中承受-2减值,直至法术的持续时间结束为止(无豁免)。
尝试以技能检定鉴别虚伪气度(Hollow Heroism)时,会将其误认为英雄气概(Heroism)。详细请见192页诡计描述符(ruse descriptor)的说明。

高等虚伪气度(Hollow Heroism,Greater)
等级:吟游诗人 6,异能者 7,术士/法师 7,女巫 7
该法术的功能如同高等英雄气概(Heroism, Greater)一般,不过能以标准动作通过发出1条特殊命令词,来让目标承受的法术效果反转过来,前提是你与目标间的距离不超过中距(100尺 + 10尺/级)。目标会失去加值,取而代之的是会在攻击检定、豁免检定、以及技能检定中承受-4减值,直至法术的持续时间结束为止(无豁免),在对抗恐惧(fear)效果时,上述减值增加至-8点。此外,目标还会在你反转法术时承受伤害,数值等同于你的施法者等级。
尝试以技能检定鉴别高等虚伪气度(Hollow Heroism,Greater)时,会将其误认为高等英雄气概(Heroism, Greater)。详细请见192页诡计描述符(ruse descriptor)的说明。

背叛错觉(Illusion of Treachery)
等级:反圣武士 3,魔战士 4,催眠师 3,秘学士 4,异能者 4,术士/法师 4
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)

高等背叛错觉(Illusion of Treachery,Greater)
等级:反圣武士 4,魔战士 6,催眠师 4,秘学士 5,异能者 5,术士/法师 6
该法术的功能如同背叛错觉(Illusion of Treachery)一般,不过它还能如同平静幻象(Illusion of Calm;UC)一般隐藏你自身的行动,而且使得以你为源发点的所有法术效果和远程攻击都消失不见,直至它们抵达攻击目标为止(该效果并不会使攻击目标变得无法避免上述攻击,它们仍旧能看到攻击,只不过是以本法术的目标作为源发点而已)。

昆虫探子(Insect Spies)
等级:德鲁伊 3,游侠 3,术士/法师 4,召唤师 3,女巫 4
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
你召唤出1只或更多的具有黑色光泽的甲虫,它们具有一定程度的智力而且可以成为优秀的间谍。当这些昆虫位于你的周围时,它们会遵从你的精神指令(mental commands),你可以以单个标准动作向其中的任意只昆虫下达指令,不过对于一同接到命令的这些昆虫来说,你的指令必须是相同的。要想对不同的昆虫下达不同的指令,你必须分别花费单独的标准动作对每一组昆虫下达命令。当昆虫与你的身体接触时,可以对其观察到的内容回答简单的问题,回答问题的频率为每轮1个问题。它所能叙述的内容仅限其感官可以感受到的事物,而且无法重复叙述(repeat speech)。让昆虫作出主观判断是困难的事情,它们不可能对需要进行推论的问题产生明确的回答。举例说明,昆虫无法转述某个人的情绪状态,也无法判断出一组人中的头目是谁。
每只昆虫的体型均为超微型(fine)。每只昆虫的属性均为1点生命值、AC20(+2敏捷,+8体型)、5尺基础速度、5尺攀爬速度、和20尺飞行速度(机动性完美)。昆虫们使用你的豁免检定加值,总察觉技能加值等同于5 + 1/2你的施法者等级,而且无法作出攻击。由于昆虫极为微小的体型以及其魔法性质,它们甚至能够在缺乏掩蔽(cover)或隐蔽(concealment)的情况下作出潜行检定以避免被发现,并且它们的总潜行技能加值为18 + 1/2你的施法者等级。昆虫们还能够在使用潜行的时候攀爬到超小型(tiny)或更大体型的生物身上,有可能在不被这些生物注意的前提下驾乘它们。当昆虫爬在这些生物身上时,超小型(tiny)生物会在注意昆虫的察觉检定中获得+16加值。被攀爬的生物体型每比超小型大1级,这些加值也会减少4点,最低为超大型(huge)或更大生物的+0加值。
你还会与这种昆虫保持着一种微弱的神秘联系,这让你可以感知到它们所在的方位。你能够以整轮动作(full-round action)专注于法术,以便了解到每只昆虫探子的方向和相对距离。

高等昆虫探子(Insect Spies,Greater)
等级:德鲁伊 6,术士/法师 7,召唤师 6,女巫 7
该法术就如同昆虫探子(Insect Spies)一般,不过你还能借调被召唤的昆虫的感官。以移动动作,你能够选择接收到其中1只昆虫的感官,看其所见听其所闻。当你这么做时会被视同为目盲(blind)和耳聋(deaf)。你能以另一个移动动作将感官切换至另一只昆虫上、或者返回自身的感官。

即刻赝作(Instant Fake)
等级:吟游诗人 3,审判者 3,魔战士 4,催眠师 3,秘学士 3,游侠 3,术士/法师 4
你为目标物品创造出了1个幻象复制品。若你暂不散发(holding the charge)该法术,则可以在你以巧手或盗取(steal;APG)战技进行偷窃时,碰触到1件物体的时候释放法术;在此情况下,幻象会在你取走真货时出现并取而代之,让你能够瞬间替换1个被保护或被守卫的物体,替代品的外观、重量或其他方面均与其无异。
幻象看起来是1件完美的复制品。主动用估价或察觉检定研究假货的生物会获得1次意志豁免,但是豁免失败时,该生物会得出此为真货的结论。幻象复制品并非具有实际功能的物品,也不具有真货的任何魔法性能(magical properties)。举例说明:1套盗贼工具的即刻赝作无法用于开锁,复制品战锤也无法伤害它人或杂碎物体,伪造链甲不会提供实际的保护,饮用治疗轻伤药水的幻象复制品无法恢复生命值。

高等即刻召唤(Instant Summons,Greater)
等级:异能者 8,术士/法师 8,女巫 8
持续时间:永久 或 直至耗散
该法术的功能如同即刻召唤(Instant Summons)一般,不过你能以复数物体为目标。你必须为每个物体分别使用价值1000gp的蓝宝石。对于每个作为目标的物品,你都能碰触1个生物,将把对应物品呼唤到手中的能力赋予该生物,它仍旧需要打破宝石并说出对应的关键字才能召唤物品(每件物品都有各自独立的关键字)。只有你或者被碰触的生物能够激活宝石,或者看到宝石上的秘法印记(Arcane Mark)。

认知贵族(Know Peerage)
等级:吟游诗人 1,牧师 2,审判者 2,通灵者 1,催眠师 2,秘学士 2,圣武士 1,异能者 2,术士/法师 2

惰性猛毒(Languid Venom)
等级:炼金术士 2,萨满 2,术士/法师 2
持续时间:永久 直至耗尽(可解消)
你极大地延长了自己碰触到的毒素生效所需要的时间,你让该毒素获得了至多为1小时/施法者等级的潜伏期(你碰触的是毒素的容器,因此不会置身于直接碰触毒素的风险中)。目标在初次接触惰性毒素时不会尝试豁免检定,取而代之的是他要在毒素的潜伏期结束时进行豁免。若毒素在潜伏期剑术之前被中和(neutralized)了或者以其他方式治愈了的话,该效果也会变得无害。如果在多个惰性毒素的豁免中失败,则会按照毒素规则如常计算叠加效果,详细见核心手册(Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook)的558页。
惰性毒素很难被检测或鉴别。侦测毒性(Detect Poison)或类似的效果只有在成功通过施法者等级检定才能侦测到惰性毒素,DC为11 + 你的施法者等级(由GM暗骰)。即便毒素的存在被检测到,鉴别毒素的工艺(炼金)或感知检定DC也会增加10点。若有额外效果影响着毒素,而且该效果也让侦测毒素需要进行施法者等级检定、或者提高鉴别毒素的难度的话——比如本书220页的无影之毒(Obscure Poison)——这些内容不会互相叠加。只使用两个效果中,施法者等级检定DC较高以及增加鉴别毒素DC较多的一方。
若将该法术施放至带毒的生物(venomous creature),惰性毒素仅会在该生物下1次传递天生毒素时,延迟该生物的毒素生效时间。

罪恶人生(Life of Crime)
等级:反圣武士 4,吟游诗人 6,催眠师 6,异能者 8,术士/法师 8
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
你释放出目标的邪恶本性,让他把这些本性当做生存的主要动机。目标不再会从团队专长(teamwork feats)或者协助他人动作(aid another action)中获益,也不会为他人提供上述好处,而且变得无法自愿接受源自他人的无害魔法效果(harmless magical effects)。
目标会在所有可能潜行的时候以潜行来移动,为了达成自己的个人目的而本能性地撒谎和欺骗他人。此外,当目标有意识(conscious)时,必须每小时进行1次意志豁免来对抗该法术的豁免DC(在战斗中或者类似的紧张情况下则为每轮1次),失败则相当于在1轮内受到犯罪浪潮(Crime Wave)法术影响。
罪恶人生很难被移除。只有有限祈愿术(Limited Wish)、祈愿术(Wish)、神迹术(Miracle)或施法者等级高于罪恶人生的施法者等级的移除诅咒(Remove Curse)能移除该效果。
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Re: 【UI】法术(Spells)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2017-05-14, 周日 22:59:42 »
法师之令(Mage's Decree)
等级:吟游诗人 5,牧师 6,审判者 6,催眠师 5,异能者 6,术士/法师 6,召唤师 5,女巫 6

高等魔法灵光(Magic Aura,Greater)
等级:吟游诗人 3,催眠师 3,秘学士 3,异能者 4,术士/法师 4
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
若将法术施放至1个物体上,该法术的功能就如同魔法灵光(Magic Aura)一般,不过如果你曾经以高等侦测魔法(Greater Detect Magic;本书212页)或类似的法术鉴别过属于某个特定个人的独特施法署名(unique spellcasting signatures)的话,你可以让魔法灵光看起来像是由那个人创造的。作为一种选择,你也能够单纯地将所有标识变得模糊,让人更加难以判断出是由何人施放的法术。无论何种情况,只要该物体成为高等侦测魔法的目标,任何用于鉴别灵光中独特施法标识(unique spellcasting identifiers)的法术辨识检定都会得出你所选择的结果,观察者只有成功通过意志豁免(如同魔法灵光法术一般,不过侦测魔法不会提供此次豁免机会)才不会相信你所设置的答案。
若将法术施放至1个生物上,你可以改变该生物在受到侦测魔法(或类似功能的法术)时看起来的样子,使其好像成为了很多法术的受术者一般,具体看起来像是受到何种法术影响则是在施放高等魔法灵光时由你指定。作为一种选择,你也可以让该生物看起来好像不受任何魔法影响(nonmagical),从侦测中隐藏所有当前正在生效的法术效果。如果你选择让目标生物看起来成为了1个或多个法术的受术者,则还可以改变这些法术灵光的独特施法标识(unique spellcasting identifiers),与上文中向物体施法中所描述方式的一样。
若法术目标是1个生物,你还可以改变它在秘法视力(Arcane Sight)中的样貌,让该生物看起来像是具有或者不具有施法或类法术能力,无论这些能力的本质是奥术(arcane)、神术(divine)还是异能(psychic),此外你还能设定目标当前看起来能够使用的法术或类法术能力中最强力量的程度。同样地,你也可以改变目标在高等侦测魔法(Greater Detect Magic)中看起来是何种样貌,由你设定目标看起来最近施放过的最后一个法术是何种法术。

威严肖像(Majestic Image)
等级:吟游诗人 4,牧师 4,通灵者 4,催眠师 4,秘学士 4,术士/法师 4,唤魂师 4
你将自身的意识投射到法术范围之内的1件具有你的肖像的物体上,就如同使用意识投影(Enter Image;APG)法术选择1个特定肖像一般。除了可以观察周遭的环境、说话、和操控你所占有的肖像以外,你还能够与附近的生物进行沟通和使用普通社交技能(normal social skills)。

等级:吟游诗人 2,催眠师 2,术士/法师 3,女巫 3
范围:中距(100尺 + 10尺/级)
你引诱目标生物对另一个目标产生情趣(romantically interested)。每个生物均要分别判断豁免和法术抗力是否生效。必须两方都受到影响,法术才会产生效果。若其中一名生物对另一方的态度在施法前已经是不友善(unfriendly)或敌对(hostile)的话,该生物则会在豁免检定中获得+4加值。
该法术不会改变目标的正常性取向或者其他限制(limitations)。若因为此种原因而导致情趣不会产生的话,这些生物会感觉与对方产生了一种亲密的柏拉图式关系(intimate platonic bond)作为替代。

精确比对(Meticulous Match)
等级:吟游诗人 3,审判者 3,秘学士 3,游侠 3,术士/法师 4,女巫 4
你将两个相似物体进行比对,并了解到它们是否完全相同。该法术能表明两件物体是完全相同(identical match)、类别相同(categorical match)还是不同(no match)。举例说明,来自同一个生物的血样会显示完全相同。来自相同物种的血样会显示类别相同。若两份血样来自不同物种,或者其中之一是伪造的血浆,则会显示为不同。

无影之毒(Obscure Poison)
等级:炼金术士 1,反圣武士 1,吟游诗人 1,牧师 1,德鲁伊 1,催眠师 1,萨满 1,术士/法师 1,女巫 1
你让接触到的毒素更难以被鉴别或被侦测到。侦测毒性(Detect Poison)和类似的效果只有成功通过1次施法者等级检定才能侦测到无影之毒,检定DC为15 + 你的施法者等级(由GM暗投)。即便毒素被侦测到,鉴别毒素的工艺(炼金)或感知检定DC也会增加10点。
若对带毒的生物(venomous creature)施放该法术,无影之毒则会以相同的方式伪装该生物的所有天生毒素(natural poisons)。

门户错觉(Open And Shut)
等级:吟游诗人 1,审判者 1,术士/法师 1,女巫 1
你改变了一扇门(door)的外貌并将它的开关状态隐藏起来。无论该扇门真正的开关状态为何,你都能让被接触到的门看起来像是关闭的样子、像是打开的样子或者像是半开或半关的样子。在你施放该法术后,能够以移动动作(move action)在上述选项间进行切换。使用移动动作打开或关闭这扇门的生物能够尝试1次意志豁免,成功则不会相信这个幻象。

私密全无(Open Book)
等级:反圣武士 2,吟游诗人 2,审判者 2,催眠师 2,异能者 2,术士/法师 3,女巫 3
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)

猛烈之毒(Overwhelming Poison)
等级:反圣武士 4,牧师 6,德鲁伊 6,游侠 4,萨满 6,女巫 6
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
该法术能增强1剂目标毒素的毒性,让毒素变得难以抵御。该毒素不会受到减缓毒发(Delay Poison)的影响,使用中和毒性(Neutralize Poison)移除它的DC增加5点。此外,该毒素会使用其自身的豁免DC或者猛烈之毒的DC,以较高者为准。

集群共情(Pack Empathy)
等级:血脉狂怒者 3,德鲁伊 3,审判者 3,通灵者 2,游侠 2,术士/法师 3,唤魂师 3,召唤师 3,女巫 3
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
你在目标之间建立起1种本能性的联系。目标们能够感知到彼此间整体的情绪状态(overall emotional states),这让它们可以传达基础的情绪观念(basic emotional concepts;比如通过提高紧张感来警告危险的逼近)。一旦将该法术施放至受术者,它们彼此间的距离以及施法者本人便无法影响该法术,但前提是它们均存在于相同的位面中。若有受术者离开该位面、或者死亡,该法术便会停止对该名受术者生效。

等级:审判者 4,秘学士 4,异能者 5,术士/法师 5,女巫 5
范围:中距(100尺 + 10尺/级)
若1把目标武器在该法术施放时并未被收入鞘中或悬挂在目标身上,这把武器便会立即尝试将自身收容起来,其持用者必须成功通过1次力量检定才能防止武器收容自身。一旦武器以此方式将自身收入鞘或皮套中,便很难被拔取,就如同上文中所述的一般。没有被收容或悬挂的无主武器(unattended weapons)则会被法术就地固定,需要1次成功的力量检定才能将其拾起;每次尝试都需要花费标准动作。若持用者没有与武器相符的收容器具,那么在力量检定中失败便会意味着武器掉落在地上,从此时点开始便需要力量检定才能拾起武器,就如同无主武器一般。

永恒错觉(Permanent Hallucination)
等级:异能者 7,术士/法师 7
该法术的功能如同幻听错觉(Auditory Hallucination;见204页)一般,不过你能创造出包含视觉(visual)、听觉(auditory)、味觉(olfactory)、触觉(tactile)和温度(thermal)成分的魅影幻觉(phantasm),而且魅影幻觉会遵从1套复杂的脚本(complex script)。让魅影幻觉遵从脚本并不需要你对其维持专注,而且它能够由目标的认知而产生应激反应,其反应视脚本(script)的内容而定。与大多数通过豁免便不会相信的幻象不同,若目标不相信永恒错觉的话,则可以选择在任何时候完全结束该效果。

魅影苦难(Phantasmal Affliction)
等级:催眠师 2,异能者 3,术士/法师 3,女巫 3
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
豁免:意志,通过则不相信 之后 强韧或意志,通过则无效(见后文)
你让生物相信自己被苦难(affliction)所削弱。目标能够尝试1次意志豁免来认出这并非真实的苦难。若该次豁免失败,该生物则会依照你的选择承受1个虚构苦难(imaginary affliction)。
毒素(Poison):目标相信自己中毒了。选择1种体能属性(physical ability score)。在6轮外加每5个施法者等级1轮中,目标每轮都会在你选择的属性中承受1d3点伤害。每个回合,该生物都能尝试1次强韧豁免来使伤害失效,并且终止持续性的伤害。
由于该项苦难是存在于目标的意识中的,所以常规的治愈手段无法影响魅影苦难,比如中和毒素(neutralize poison)、移除疾病(remove disease)、减缓毒发(delay poison)或医疗技能。常规的免疫不适用于此情况(不过免疫相应苦难的生物会在不相信幻象的意志豁免中获得+4加值)。苦难带来的体质伤害并不会杀死目标。取而代之的是,它会如同其他形式的属性伤害一般让目标陷入昏迷(fall unconscious)。魅影苦难是1种法术效果,能够被正常解除(dispelled)。
安慰效应(Placebo Effect;OA)反制并解除魅影苦难。

守袋蛇(Pocketful of Vipers)
等级:德鲁伊 3,秘学士 3,游侠 3,萨满 3,女巫 3
持续时间:1小时/等级 或 直至耗散(可解消)
你对被接触到的物体设置了1道魔法屏障,该物体必须是1种容器,比如钱袋、袋子、背包、或口袋。若有任何生物在打开容器之前没有首先说出命令词的话,1d3条被召唤的毒蛇(Venomous Snake;Bestiary 255页)会出现,从容器中爬出并攻击该生物,这些蛇会存在1轮/等级。毒蛇只会在受到攻击时攻击其他生物。

浸毒药膏(Poisonous Balm)
等级:牧师 4,德鲁伊 5,秘学士 4,萨满 4,女巫 5
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
持续时间:立即,之后1小时 或 直至触发 外加 6轮;见后文
豁免:意志,通过则部分生效(无害),之后 强韧,通过则无效(见后文)
你修复了目标的伤口,如同治疗重伤(Cure Serious Wounds)一般治愈3d6 + 每施法者等级1点生命值(最高+15点),但在其体内留下难以察觉的毒素,直至你将其激活为止都会潜伏在目标体内。决定尝试意志豁免检定,并且成功让治疗量减半的目标(如治疗重伤法术)不会受到毒素影响。否则,你便能够以标准动作专注于法术,激活其体内的毒素;在此时点,受害者会每轮承受1d3点力量伤害,持续6轮。一旦毒素被激活,目标便能够每轮尝试1次强韧豁免来让该轮免受伤害,并终止该项苦难。若你在1小时内没有激活毒素,该法术便会结束并且不会对目标产生损害。
使用侦测毒性(Detect Poison)的人只有成功进行施法者等级检定对抗15 + 你的施法者等级的DC才能揭示出浸毒药膏的存在。尝试以技能检定鉴别浸毒药膏时,会将其误认为治疗重伤(Cure Serious Wounds)。详细请见192页诡计描述符(ruse descriptor)的说明。被愚弄的观察者会将浸毒药膏的灵光误认为立即效果(instantaneous effect)的残存灵光(lingering aura)。

谣言疫咒(Pox of Rumors)
等级:吟游诗人 5,牧师 7,催眠师 5,异能者 7,术士/法师 7,唤魂师 5,女巫 7
豁免:意志,通过则无效,之后 意志,通过则部分生效(见后文)
你使得目标很容易引起某种类型的负面看法和谣言,具体类型由你施法时所指定。若目标在最初的豁免中失败,没能抵御诅咒的话,它在定居点(settlement)内所花费的每一天都必须尝试1次意志豁免。若豁免失败,则会以某种不受欢迎或让自己陷于不利的方式、不小心说出或作出某些事情,准确地引起你所指定的那类谣言。若该生物没有意识到这种谣言的本质,则会在这些后续豁免中承受-4减值。在首次失败的豁免后,定居点内每名居民对目标的态度都会恶化1级。对于每次额外的失败豁免,目标都会成为聚众骚扰(focused harassment)的受害者。一群居民会嘲弄或攻击该生物,若谣言指向刑事犯罪(criminal guilt)还有可能被送至当局并受到调查。
你可以在任意距离施放该法术。法术豁免难度取决于你对受术者的了解程度、以及你所拥有的与该生物相关的物质联系(physical connection)的类型。目标会在抵御该法术的意志豁免中获得加值或减值,数值与应用至探知(Scrying)法术的加值和减值相同(包括目标位于其他位面时获得的+5加值),不过你至少要有目标的所有物或衣物(possession or garment)作为材料成分才能施放该法术,而且当你使用所有物或衣服作为物质联系时,目标不会承受减值;当你使用目标的身体部分(a piece of the target’s body),目标也只会承受-5减值。谣言疫咒是一种诅咒,而且直至持续时间结束为止,它只能被移除诅咒(Remove Curse)或类似的法术所移除。

等级:牧师 6,审判者 6,通灵者 4,异能者 6,萨满 6,唤魂师 6,女巫 6

消音武器(Quieting Weapons)
等级:吟游诗人 4,牧师 4,审判者 4,魔战士 4,秘学士 4,异能者 4,游侠 3,术士/法师 4,唤魂师 4
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
目标武器与它们所发射出的任何弹药都不会产生声音,不过仅限于将其作为武器产生正常功用时。举例说明,受该法术影响的火器在射击时不会产生爆音,然而将该法术施放至某个生物的啮咬攻击并不会防止它用嘴巴发声。当1个生物首次被受到该法术影响的武器命中时,它必须进行1次意志豁免(SR适用于该效果),失败则会在该效果的持续时间内无法发出比低语更大的声响(听到该声音的察觉DC为10),无论是用嘴还是通过其他方式发声。不过由于该生物仍然可以低语,因此这并不会妨碍语言法术成分(verbal spell components)。无论该生物的豁免检定是否成功,它都会免疫来自此次消音武器带来的后续效果。

凶罪之红(Red Hand of The Killer)
等级:吟游诗人 4,牧师 4,审判者 4,通灵者 3,秘学士 4,圣武士 4,异能者 5,术士/法师 5,唤魂师 4,女巫 5

转生间谍(Reincarnate Spy)
等级:德鲁伊 6,萨满 6,女巫 7
该法术的功能如同转生术(Reincarnate)一般,不过你能让新身体很像某个特定生物,使两者拥有相同的年龄层(age category)和性别,并且重投任何可能会让体型类别不同的种族结果。由于此种相似性,受术者会在模仿你所选择的生物时,易容检定会进一步获得+5加值,不过受术者仍然有可能因为种族不同而承受减值。

辉煌豪宅(Resplendent Mansion)
等级:异能者 9,术士/法师 9
范围:远距(400尺 + 40尺/级)
该法术会创造出1栋高耸的宅邸(towering mansion)。当你施放该法术时,要在脑中勾勒出宅邸并想象出它的外观。这座宅邸内容纳的房间数量如你所希望地增减,建筑的装饰也会符合你的想象。你能设定宅邸中每间房间的功能,合适的配备会出现在相应的房间内。屋内的人可以正常使用宅邸内的任何家具或普通的装置,但是这些物质被带离宅邸外壁之外时都将变得不复存在。以该法术创造的装置均无法用于创造魔法效果,但是带入到宅邸内的魔法装置都可以如常生效。

等级:吟游诗人 2,审判者 2,通灵者 1,催眠师 2,异能者 3
范围:远距(400尺 + 40尺/级)
你说出个短故事或者一些消息作为该法术的语言成分,并且通过社交集会或其他人群跟进这些信息的发展。当某人直接从你口中听到谣言,并且在法术范围内重复了这条谣言后,它们便会在你的视野中散发出银色的光亮,不过若该生物易容了(in disguise),便不会产生这些光芒(如果在施法时它保持着与现在相同的易容,则仍会发光)。你能通过任意选择范围内的这些生物来追踪谣言,从此时起,那些从你口中听到谣言的生物便会不再发出银光,而那些从你选择的生物口中听到谣言的生物则开始散发银光作为替代。你能这样追寻着谣言的传播,直至某个生物听到谣言并且不再重复为止(或者重复了错误的谣言为止)。光亮仅能识别出那些听到信息与你说出的谣言相同的生物。对谣言进行无关紧要的修饰(Minor cosmetic)并不会中断这道联系,但是当谣言与你给出的信息不再相似时,这条谣言链便会停止,而法术也就此结束。

演剧错觉(Scripted Hallucination)
等级:吟游诗人 5,魔战士 5,通灵者 4,催眠师 5,秘学士 5,异能者 5,术士/法师 5
该法术的功能如同视听错觉(Audiovisual Hallucination;见本书204页)一般,不过魅影幻觉还包含视觉、听觉、嗅觉、触觉和温度成分,且魅影幻觉会遵从1套复杂的脚本(complex script)。魅影幻觉不需要你对其维持专注便能够遵从脚本,而且它能够由目标的认知而产生应激反应。

选择性警报(Selective Alarm)
等级:吟游诗人 3,审判者 3,秘学士 3,异能者 3,游侠 2,术士/法师 3,唤魂师 3,召唤师 3
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
该法术的功能如同魔法警报(Alarm)一般,不过你能调整法术,使其具有更强的识别能力,让具体类型的生物或物体触发警报。取代原本的当1个超小型(Tiny)或更大体型的生物进入被保护的区域时触发警报,你能够自行设定警报的触发条件,不过该条件的前提必须基于可视现象(observable phenomenon)。举例说明,你能让选择性警报只在特定种族(比如兽人、熊地精或者狗头人)进入区域时触发、人数为4个或更多的群体同时进入区域时触发、或者当金属物体被带入区域内时触发。你无法将不可见的信息作为警报的触发条件,比如当某个阵营的生物进入区域时触发;也不能将条件设置为当‘价值5000gp以上的物体’进入区域时触发、或者‘1把武器’进入区域时触发,因为物品的价值与是否能够被分类为武器是一种主观判断,可能会因判断者的差异而产生很大的区别。

羞耻装扮(Shamefully Overdressed)
等级:吟游诗人 2,审判者 2,催眠师 2,异能者 3
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)

音源切替(Shifted Steps)
等级:炼金术士 2,反圣武士 2,吟游诗人 2,审判者 2,魔战士 2,通灵者 2,催眠师 2,秘学士 2,异能者 2,术士/法师 2,唤魂师 2
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
持续时间:专注 + 1轮/等级(可解消)
豁免:意志,通过则无效(无害)和 意志,通过则不相信(若有互动);见后文
你让目标所发出的声响就好像是范围内的其他位置发出的一般,这包括了它移动、说话、以及其他声响。只要你维持专注,就可以改变声音表面上的位置,不过该位置要处于法术范围内,且可以从你当前所在的位置看到。一旦你停止专注,声响就会维持着与目标的相对距离和方向进行移动。该法术能够愚弄任何基于声音的盲感(blindsense)或盲视(blindsight),其中也包括回声定位(Echolocation);但是这无法愚弄不同于盲感或盲视的其他形式的侦测,比如生命感知(lifesense)、普通的视觉(normal vision)、和颤动感知(tremorsense)。如果目标不希望你变换声音的位置,则会获得1次豁免检定对抗该效果的机会,任何与幻象产生互动的生物都会获得1次意志豁免,成功则不会相信这个五官幻觉。

吞毒之喉(Swallow Poison)
等级:炼金术士 5,德鲁伊 5,萨满 5,女巫 5
持续时间:1小时/等级 或 直至耗散
你的喉咙中生长出1个特殊腺体,它能吸收你所摄入(ingest)的任何毒素,并且可以在之后将其以有毒喷雾的形式排出体外。当你在法术持续时间内消耗摄入型毒素(ingested poison)时,为了无害吸收毒素并忽略其产生的效果,你要投掷1次施法者等级检定对抗毒素的豁免DC。该法术至多能吸收每3个施法者等级1剂毒素,当腺体无法吸收更多毒素时,后续摄入的每剂毒素都会如常对你生效。
你会把每剂被吸收的毒素储存在腺体内,你可以用标准动作从口中喷射出1剂被吸收的毒素,并以此来结束法术。有毒喷雾为15尺锥形区域。每个区域内的生物必须通过1次反射豁免(DC为被吸收毒素的DC),否则便会暴露在毒素喷雾中,在判断此效果时,被吸收的毒素被视同为接触性毒素(contact poison)。除了类型之外,毒素的发作频率、效果以及豁免DC均不会受到该法术影响。当你结束法术时,其他被腺体吸收的毒素均会立即失效。若直至法术持续时间结束为止,你都没有喷出过毒素,那么所有被你的腺体吸收的毒素均会失效。

魔由心生(They Know)
等级:吟游诗人 3,审判者 3,催眠师 3,圣武士 3,异能者 4,萨满 4,女巫 4
范围:中距(100尺 + 10尺/级)
你将一种恐惧灌入目标,让她觉得距其最近的其他智能生物(intelligent creature)都知道她隐藏最深的秘密(darkest secret)。若她身处的境况正好是在保护自身隐藏最深的秘密,比如在一场战斗之中,那么该法术并不会让她停止参与此次战斗;但是在其他情况下,她就会被迫尽自己所能来判断具体究竟有多少人知晓了她的秘密。即便目标周遭并没有人,或者由于其他理由暂时回避了这种偏执与妄想,这种挥之不去的恐惧仍旧会让目标在法术的持续时间内陷入战栗(Shaken),不过这不会与其他让目标陷入惊惧(Frightened)或恐慌(Panicked)的恐惧效果叠加。

传送追迹术(Trace Teleport)
等级:异能者 4,术士/法师 5
你立即变得能够意识到任何起点或终点在法术区域内的传送效果。法术区域以你为中心并且随着你一同移动。若任何传送效果的源发点在法术区域内,那么你能够精确了解到它的起点位置,若任何传送效果在法术区域内结束的话,你能够精确了解到它的终点位置。此外,你能够以相同的方式侦测到至多距今1小时内,过去发生的任何传送效果的残存痕迹(lingering traces)。当传送效果发生时,你会在最接近的一刻直觉性地了解到这一点。
每当你以该法术侦测到任何传送效果(teleportation effect)的起点(origin point)或终点(termination point)时,能用1轮时间来研究该起点或终点。若你这么做的话,能够尝试1次施法者等级检定(DC = 11 + 传送效果的施法者等级),若该效果发生在1分钟1之前则要额外承受-5减值。若检定成功,你能一窥传送效果的终点(若你侦测的是起点)或起点(若你侦测的是终点)。这一窥的时常足够你草草观察这片区域,但是这段时间不足矣让你仔细观察周遭的细节。它不会给你带来该地区的任何地理知识,因此这一窥不足以支持传送术(teleport)或类似的魔法。你无法重试施法者等级检定,即便你再次施放该法术也不行。

物品置换术(Trade Items)
等级:吟游诗人 3,催眠师 3,术士/法师 4,召唤师 3
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
两件物体是同一套物体的一部分或者由相同的模具制成      +2

诡诈传送术(Treacherous Teleport)
等级:魔战士 6,秘学士 6,异能者 6,术士/法师 6,唤魂师 6,召唤师 6,女巫 6
尝试以技能检定鉴别诡诈传送术时,会将其误认为传送术(Teleport)。详细请见192页诡计描述符(ruse descriptor)的说明。

触发式错觉(Triggered Hallucination)
等级:吟游诗人 6,魔战士 6,催眠师 6,秘学士 6,异能者 6,术士/法师 6
持续时间:永久 直至 触发,之后 1分钟/等级
该法术的功能如同视听错觉(Audiovisual Hallucination;见本书204页)一般,不过该法术的魅影幻觉在某个特定条件发生之前不会产生明显的效果。你必须克服目标的法术抗力才能植入触发式错觉,但是直至触发条件发生为止,目标不需要尝试意志豁免来判断是否不相信幻象;在触发条件的时点,目标会获得1次自动的意志豁免,就如同视听错觉法术一般。魅影幻觉包含视觉、听觉、嗅觉、触觉和温度元素,还包括可以理解的话语(intelligible speech)。

大预兆术(True Prognostication)
等级:牧师 8,异能者 8,萨满 8,女巫 8
的功能如同预言术(Divination)一般,不过该法术涵盖到最远100年的未来。由于遥远未来的极端不可预测性,大预兆术在用于预测如此大规模的事件时会异常地晦涩难懂(incredibly cryptic)。

风吹草动(Underbrush Decoy)
等级:德鲁伊 1,游侠 1,萨满 1
范围:近距(25尺 + 5尺/2级)
你让植物沙沙作响,并以此来让周遭的生物分心。你能尝试1次唬骗检定分散注意力来进行隐藏,使用你的施法者等级 + 你的感知调整值来取代你在唬骗技能上的总加值,并将结果应用至30尺范围内的所有生物上。你会让目标视同为被分散了注意力,而其他事先知道你会分散目标注意力的生物也可以获得这个优势。若有生物侦测到你在施法或者以其他方式料到你的计策,那么它们则不会被分散注意力。

无痕陷阱(Undetectable Trap)
等级:反圣武士 2,秘学士 3,游侠 2
你用强大的幻象遮盖单个陷阱,让它更加难以被人定位。侦测魔法(detect magic)之类的法术无法定位任何来自目标陷阱或无痕陷阱法术的魔法灵光。此外,处于寻找陷阱(Find Traps)法术影响下的角色在位于目标陷阱10尺距离之内时,不会获得自动定位目标陷阱的机会,而且寻找陷阱为察觉检定提供的加值无法应用在察觉目标陷阱的尝试中。若尝试以察觉检定发现目标陷阱的生物不具有寻找陷阱(Trapfinding)职业能力,那么将你的施法者等级的一半加到该检定的DC上。
具有游侠陷阱(Ranger Traps)职业能力(出自UM 64页)的游侠能够在准备1个游侠陷阱时,以相同动作的一部分对1个游侠陷阱施放该法术。若此类游侠将该法术施放至1个普通陷阱(ordinary trap)上的话,则法术的施法时间并不会因此而缩短,即便这个陷阱是由他亲手以工艺(陷阱)技能制作也无法缩短施法时间。

精确追迹术(Unerring Tracker)
等级:炼金术士 5,德鲁伊 6,秘学士 4,游侠 4
任何距离的传送或跨位面旅行对于该法术来说都是无法追踪的。目标生物传送的位置看起来像是足迹的终点(通过成功的法术辨识检定能让你判断出传送的方式——如果目标是使用法术传送的话)。精确追迹术无法追踪受到行踪无迹(Pass without Trace)法术影响的生物,因为这些生物完全没有留下足迹;此外心灵屏障(Mind Blank)也可以阻碍该法术,不过对于使用回避侦测(Nondetection)法术的生物来说,该法术依旧可以进行追踪。

都市迁跃术(Urban Step)
等级:吟游诗人 2,魔战士 3,秘学士 3,术士/法师 3,召唤师 3
范围:中距(100尺 + 10尺/级)
你在两扇门(或者其他实体门户,比如窗户)之间设立起1道魔法通道,这两个门户必须都在法术的范围、视觉线(line of sight)以及效果线(line of effect)之内。在法术的持续时间内,你能穿过这两道门户之一。当你这么做时,你会传送到另外1个门户,出现在该门户两个方向的任意一侧。当你施放该法术以及进入到首个门户时,两个门户必须都是开启(open)且可以通行(unobstructed)的状态,都必须大到足以让你通过,否则该法术会结束且传送失败。你能够带着物体一起进行传送,但前提是这些物体的重量不得超过你的最大负重(maximum load)。你不能带着其他生物与你一同通过,其他生物在穿过门户时也不会被传送。一旦你穿过通道,该法术就会结束,而且直至你的下个回合为止,你都无法再做任何其他行动。

代理视域(Vicarious View)
等级:吟游诗人 4,通灵者 3,催眠师 4,秘学士 4,异能者 4,萨满 4,术士/法师 4,唤魂师 4,女巫 4
你在接触到的生物、物体或空间中的1点上设置了1个探知感受器(scrying sensor),让你能够看和听到该生物、物体、或这个点以及其周围(大约为全方向10尺的范围)的情况。若生物或物体移动了,那么感受器会随着一起移动。与其他探知类法术不同,代理视域不允许魔法(magically)或超自然(supernaturally)的感官增强通过它来生效。

丰富词藻(Voluminous Vocabulary)
等级:炼金术士 3,吟游诗人 2,牧师 3,审判者 2,通灵者 2,催眠师 2,秘学士 2,异能者 3,萨满 4,术士/法师 3,唤魂师 3,女巫 3
目标能以每分钟1页(每页250个字)的速率阅读书面材料。与通晓语言(Comprehend Languages)一样,该法术不会直接植入目标阅读的书面材料的含义,它仅仅提供字面意思,而且也不会提供阅读魔法文字或破译密码的功能。
即便目标的智能不足以掌握1门语言,该法术仍旧会赋予足够的知识,让目标能够响应和执行该语言(无论是书面还是口头)给出的非常复杂的命令(extremely complex commands)或建议指导(suggestions coached)。然而由于该法术仅仅暂时增强了目标的词汇量,对无知性(non-sentient)生物提出指令的人必须小心,尽可能避免隐喻或者任何其他暧昧的表述。

衰老之容(Wizened Appearance)
等级:炼金术士 1,吟游诗人 1,通灵者 1,催眠师 1,秘学士 1,异能者 1,术士/法师 1,女巫 1
你把目标变形成看起来更年老的版本。你要选择目标会老化多少(举例说明,“年长10岁”或“变为成年人”)。除了与衰老相关的细节之外,你无法以其他形式改变目标的外观(举例说明,目标可能会长出雀斑或者头发变白)。该法术允许身为孩童且体型为中型或更小的生物进行成长,让它的体型增大1级,成为该类生物中的成年体应有的体型,不过其他情况的年龄增长并不会改变该生物的体型。体型上的改变并不会调整目标的属性。该法术不会引起或影响任何基于年龄而对属性产生的调整,也不会导致其他与年龄相关的效果,比如龙类的年龄层或者天生的变化(natural metamorphoses)。
衰老之容与返老还童(Youthful Appearance;UM)会相互反制和解除彼此。
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Re: 【UI】法术(Spells)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2017-05-14, 周日 23:17:57 »
劇透 -   :
School abjuration; Level cleric 4, paladin 4
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S, M (a vial of holy water), DF
Range touch
Target living creature touched
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You purge impure thoughts from the target’s mind and fill him with exultant relief at the forgiveness of his sins. Absolution ends all charm or compulsion effects affecting the target (including harmless compulsions, such as heroism) as per break enchantment. If the target was forced to perform any actions contrary to his alignment, monk vows, paladin oath, or similar code of conduct by that charm or compulsion effect, that action doesn’t cause him to lose access to class abilities, including divine spellcasting.
Unlike an atonement spell, absolution can’t reverse alignment change or the effects of willing transgressions, induce a creature to change its alignment, or restore class abilities lost because of misdeeds performed in the past. Absolution automatically works if the caster and the target share the same alignment or the same patron deity. If they don’t, but their alignments are within one step of each other, absolution has a 5% chance of success per caster level. If neither of these is true, the spell automatically fails.
If using the honor subsystem (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign 160), casting absolution also eliminates the honor loss for events and actions committed by the target while he was affected by a charm or compulsion effect that the spell ended.

School divination [air]; Level druid 4, inquisitor 4, ranger 3, shaman 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area circle centered on you, with a radius of 100 feet + 10 feet per level
Duration 1 hour/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You cause the air in the area to ripple where creatures have flown through it up to 1 day ago per caster level. These aerial ripples are tinged by glowing wisps, providing enough illumination to follow the tracks without penalties due to poor lighting. The area moves with you, allowing you to follow the tracks through the air over long distances provided you can fly or follow the route along the ground within range to read the aerial tracks. Other creatures can also follow the trail as long as they move with you. The base DC of Survival checks to track creatures through the air with this spell is the same as tracking creatures across soft ground.

School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level bard 4, druid 4, ranger 3, shaman 4
Casting Time 10 minutes
Components V, S, M (a morsel of food the animal likes)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one Medium or smaller animal
Duration 1 day/level or until message is delivered
Saving Throw none (see text); Spell Resistance no
You compel a single animal to travel to a spot you designate and deliver a message to a creature you identify. This spell is similar to animal messenger, but can affect larger animals. In addition, the target animal is temporarily awakened to sentience (as the awaken spell) for the duration of this spell, and it can use its increased mental acuity to come up with creative solutions to overcome obstacles to delivering its message. The awakened target animal speaks any one language you know. In addition, you can imbue the animal with up to 5 ranks in any of the following skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility), Linguistics, or Sense Motive. It treats any of these skills that are class skills for you as class skills. The number of ranks you imbue in any of these skills can’t exceed the target animal’s Hit Dice nor the number of ranks you possess in that skill.
The message you send with your animal ambassador can be a verbal message, which the awakened target animal can speak using its own voice or deliver using your voice. It can engage in conversation using its own intellect, knowledge, and linguistic abilities. The animal ambassador is loyal to you, but it is otherwise susceptible to mind-affecting effects like any other creature. You can also send your animal ambassador with an object or container that is within its physical ability to carry, making it deliver the contents to the target of your intended message. If the object it is given to carry is poisonous, trapped, or otherwise inherently dangerous (even if it would normally be dangerous only to the creature receiving it rather than the animal), or if you or your allies attack the target animal, the animal ambassador spell fails and the animal becomes hostile toward you. The animal ambassador intelligently but singlemindedly attempts to deliver the message to its intended target, and you can’t task it with other tasks like fighting, scouting, searching for traps, and so on. It leaves on its delivery once it receives its message.
Once the animal ambassador has located its target and delivered its message (and object, if desired), its enhanced mental abilities fade within 2d6 minutes. The spell then ends, even if its duration hasn’t elapsed.

School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level bard 1, mesmerist 1, psychic 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft.+ 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates (see text); Spell Resistance yes
You render the target unable to understand any language, including spoken language, written language, sign language, gestures attempting to mimic a crude language, or even truespeech and telepathy. The affected creature is unable to communicate, use command words, cast spells with verbal components, or use any other abilities that requires language.
At the end of each of its turns, the subject can attempt a new saving throw to end the effect.
Tongues counters and dispels aphasia, and a creature with the tongues spell active is immune to aphasia. Oracles with the tongues curse ignore aphasia in combat.

School illusion (phantasm) [mind-affecting]; Level bard 3, magus 3, medium 2, mesmerist 3, occultist 3, psychic 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
Duration concentration + 3 rounds (D)
This spell functions as auditory hallucination, except that you can include the image of any object, creature, or force you imagine or identify for the targets to imagine. You can move the image while you concentrate. After you cease concentration, you can define simple movements or changes for the phantasm to perform that can be explained in 25 words or fewer.
The image disappears when struck by an opponent unless you cause the illusion to react appropriately or instruct it to do so. Its AC is equal to 10 + the level of this spell.

School illusion (phantasm) [mind-affecting]; Level bard 1, magus 1, medium 1, mesmerist 1, occultist 1, psychic 1, sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components S
Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Target one creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration concentration
Saving Throw Will disbelief; Spell Resistance yes
You cause the targets to believe they hear any sound you imagine. The sound can include intelligible speech. Instead of precisely imagining a sound, you can identify a sound the subjects know and they imagine it doing what you describe as you cast the spell. For example, you could cast this spell on orc warriors and have them imagine the sound of their chieftain calling for help, even if you’ve never heard their chieftain and even if the chieftain speaks in a language you don’t understand. All targets hear the same hallucination. You can change the sound as part of concentrating on the spell.

School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level bard 3, medium 2, mesmerist 3, psychic 3, sorcerer/wizard 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a white feather)
Range 30 ft.
Target non-allied creatures within a 30-ft. emanation
Duration 1 minute/level (D) and instantaneous
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
An invisible sphere of magic surrounds you, clouding the minds of creatures in the area so they regard even the strangest actions as innocuous. For example, if you and your allies are beating a member of the city guard for information, creatures within the area don’t think this is unusual or cause for alarm; if your ally is aiming a crossbow at the queen from a balcony, the affected creatures accept this as normal and unworthy of concern. Any hostile actions by you or your allies against a creature or its allies break the effect of the spell for that creature. When the spell ends (or when the affected creatures move outside of the range of the emanation), observers see things normally but altered perceptions from the earlier events remain. Each mention of the events as noteworthy (such as being questioned about them by an authority figure) allows the target another Will save to break the effect and remember things normally.

School conjuration (creation); Level bard 4, cleric 4, druid 4, shaman 4
Casting Time 10 minutes
Components V, S, M (a turkey bone)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect feast for two creatures/level
Duration 1 hour; see text
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You conjure a beautiful and delicious feast with hors d’oeuvres, four courses worth of food, and plentiful drink. The food appears on ornate serving trays or in exquisite covered tureens, as appropriate to each type of dish. Place settings and serving utensils also appear—enough for each creature that will participate in the feast—along with elegant tablecloths and table linens. The spell doesn’t create furniture, but the feast does adapt to appear on top of existing tables (or similar objects in the environment).
Though the feast and all the finery last only 1 hour, creatures that partake remain nourished and sated for 24 hours. Though you have little control over the fine details of the feast, you can specify what type of dish you want for each course and what sorts of beverages are provided. The feast automatically adjusts depending on the type of spellcaster you are. For instance, a druid casting this spell typically creates a spread of natural berries, whole roasted animals, and sweet (and possibly fermented) nectar for beverages, all on rough-hewn wooden plates with chopsticks instead of silverware and sizable leaves replacing napkins.

School transmutation; Level bloodrager 4, occultist 6, psychic 6, sorcerer/wizard 6
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S, M (an unbroken platinum tuning fork worth 100 gp)
Range 30 ft.
Targets all Medium or smaller objects in a 30-ft. burst centered on you
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes (object)
You release a burst of destructive energy. Each Medium or smaller object in the area gains the broken condition unless it succeeds at a Fortitude saving throw. If a broken object fails this save, it is instead destroyed. Magic items can be broken by this spell, but not destroyed. Objects in your possession are not immune.

School divination; Level bard 2, cleric 2, inquisitor 2, mesmerist 2, paladin 1, psychic 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a gold piece)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature
Duration 1 day/level; see text
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
You get a sense of the best way to interact with the target in order to encourage positive regard and fellowship toward you. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all Charisma checks and Charisma-based skill checks you attempt when interacting with the target. In addition, whenever you fail a Charisma check or Charisma-based skill check when interacting with the target, you can reroll the check as an immediate action. Attempting this reroll grants the target a new saving throw to end the spell. The target doesn’t become hostile to you when the spell ends, but it does become disillusioned of its new trust in you. Attacking the target or taking an obvious hostile action against it automatically ends the spell.
If you are using the contacts rules (Ultimate Campaign 148), your trust score with the target increases by 1 for the duration of the spell. If you’re using the individual influence system (see pages 102–109), if the target fails its initial saving throw you learn one of its influence skills, strengths, or weaknesses as though you had succeeded at a discovery check.

School enchantment (charm) [mind-affecting]; Level bard 4, mesmerist 4, occultist 4, psychic 5, shaman 5, sorcerer/wizard 5, witch 5
Target one or more humanoid creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration 1 hour/level
This spell functions like charm person, except that mass charm person affects a number of humanoid creatures whose combined Hit Dice don’t exceed twice your level. If there are more potential targets than you can affect, you choose them one at a time until you reach the limit of HD you can affect. If you cast mass charm person on only one creature, you ignore the spell’s HD limit.

School transmutation; Level bard 2, medium 2, mesmerist 2, occultist 2, psychic 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a complex rune inscribed on a slip of paper that is then placed under your tongue)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target you plus one willing creature per 2 levels, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration 10 min./level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
Upon casting this spell, all recipients gain the ability to speak a new language. This language sounds like random, babbling syllables to anyone not under the influence of the spell, but the targets understand each other perfectly.
Anyone using codespeak can read and write in this new language as well. Once the spell expires, however, any coded writing suddenly appears as gibberish. If the exact same group of individuals become the targets of a codespeak spell again, cast by the same caster, they can once again read any coded writings. A dedicated codebreaker can crack such writing’s code, deciphering it one page at a time with a series of DC 30 Linguistics checks.
Comprehend languages doesn’t enable a caster to understand the language of another’s codespeak spell, but it does reveal that the targets are speaking a magical language. Tongues translates codespeak normally.

School illusion (phantasm) [mind-affecting]; Level bard 4, magus 4, medium 3, mesmerist 4, occultist 4, psychic 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, witch 4
Duration concentration + 3 rounds
This spell functions as audiovisual hallucination (see page 204), except that the phantasm you create can also include olfactory, tactile, and thermal effects.

School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level bard 1, mesmerist 1, psychic 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
The target becomes unable to speak the truth. Lies the target speaks don’t need to be convincing, nor do they even need to be consistent, but they can’t be true as far as the target is aware. This extends to non-verbal communication, such as hand signs or written notes. The spell allows talking in metaphors and talking about fictional figures.
The spell doesn’t affect the target’s ability to say things that are neither true nor false, such as questions, commands, or verbal spell components. If the target of this spell is simultaneously compelled to tell the truth (for instance, by being within a zone of truth), the target is only able to say things that are neither true nor false.

School necromancy [curseUM]; Level antipaladin 4, cleric 4, inquisitor 4, medium 3, mesmerist 3, occultist 4, psychic 5, shaman 4, sorcerer/wizard 5, spiritualist 5, witch 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature
Duration permanent (see text)
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
This spell functions as bestow curse, except that you must state a condition under which the curse is broken, ending its effect. An intelligent target, even one of animal intelligence, innately understands this condition even if it doesn’t understand your language. The condition must be possible for the target to bring about within a year and a day without ensuring its own death and stated in 25 or fewer words. The curse is more difficult to remove via magic. The DC to remove conditional curse with break enchantment or remove curse increases by 5.

School abjuration; Level antipaladin 1, bard 2, cleric 2, inquisitor 2, mesmerist 2, occultist 2, paladin 1, witch 2
Casting Time 1 swift action
Components V
Target 1 creature
Duration 1 day/level (D)
Saving Throw none (see below); Spell Resistance yes
You must cast this spell immediately before casting another spell on the same creature, eliciting a promise or warning against a behavior and binding the target to the paired spell. If you don’t cast a paired spell, conditional favor has no effect. The paired spell must be from the abjuration, conjuration (healing), enchantment, or transmutation school or subschool, and must be cast on a willing creature. If the spell’s recipient violates the oath or prohibition while conditional favor remains in effect, the paired spell is undone as if never cast. If the spell was a healing spell, the hit point damage or condition you removed returns immediately, even if the subject has enjoyed subsequent rest or healing. Poisons, diseases, curses, restored ability damage, and negative levels removed by the paired spell return as well.
Conditional favor recognizes the spirit of your condition and doesn’t trigger a violation due to unintended consequences or circumstances that the subject could not predict with her current knowledge of the situation. For instance, if the prohibition prevented the subject from laying a finger on royalty, touching a disguised prince would not count as a violation if the subject did not recognize the prince, nor would touching a member of royalty while dominated. The subject of the spell intuitively knows beforehand whether an action will cause it to lose the paired spell’s benefit.

School abjuration; Level bard 4, magus 3, medium 4, occultist 4, psychic 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, spiritualist 4, summoner 3, witch 4
Casting Time 1 immediate action
Components S
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area 20-foot radius spread
Duration 1 round
Saving Throw Will partial (see text); Spell Resistance yes (object)
All creatures in the area gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against teleportation effects. If any creature would enter or depart the area via a summoning or teleportation effect, that creature takes 1d6 points of damage per spell level of the triggering effect (or half the HD of the originating creature if the effect has no spell level) and arrives in a random similar location within the triggering effect’s range, rather than the intended destination. A successful Will save halves the damage and negates the altered destination.

School conjuration (creation); Level bard 3, magus 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, summoner 3, witch 3
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S, M (a gourd)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect one quasi-real carriage, horses, and driver
Duration 1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You create a fine wooden carriage with whatever cosmetic embellishments you desire. It is well constructed, although not exceptionally ostentatious. The carriage can carry up to six Medium or Small passengers. When conjured, the carriage comes with a team of two quasi-real light horses, which are already harnessed to the carriage. At your command, an invisible coachman similar to an unseen servant can assume the role of driver and direct the carriage, although it can’t perform any complex or dangerous driving, and fails any checks made to drive the carriage in such conditions. At the end of the spell’s duration, the carriage, horses, and coachman disappear into nothingness, depositing everything on or in it on the ground in its space.

School necromancy [poisonUM]; Level shaman 4, sorcerer/wizard 4
Components V, S, M (herbs used in antitoxins worth 100 gp)
This spell functions as languid venom (see page 218), but you can stipulate a specific condition or circumstance that will end the poison’s onset time and cause it to take effect. The conditions for triggering the poison can be as general or as detailed as desired, but the triggers must be visual or audible (as per magic mouth) or else based on physical contact with or consumption of a specific object, substance, or creature. This triggering condition can either result in the immediate onset of the poison, or cause the poison to take effect a number of rounds after being triggered no greater than 1 round per caster level. You must make all decisions involving triggering when you cast contingent venom, and you can’t change those decisions later.

School evocation [fire, ruse]; Level bloodrager 4, magus 4, occultist 4, sorcerer/wizard 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a ball of bat guano and sulfur)
Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Area 20-foot-radius spread
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes
This spell functions as fireball except you can cause the bead of fire to originate from anywhere you can see within range. You can choose a number of squares within the area up to your Intelligence bonus (for magi, occultists, or wizards) or Charisma bonus (for bloodragers or sorcerers) to be struck by weaker flames; the controlled fireball deals minimum damage in those squares.
Attempts to identify controlled fireball with as skill check incorrectly identify it as fireball ( see the ruse descriptor on page 192).

School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level antipaladin 1, mesmerist 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a slit purse)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature
Duration 1 round
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
You awaken a sudden criminal impulse in the target, compelling it to commit a criminal act as if affected by the crime wave spell.

School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level antipaladin 4, bard 5, mesmerist 5, psychic 7, sorcerer/wizard 7
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a tarnished coin)
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target one creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
You instill overwhelming avarice in the targets and impel them toward a wild spree of larceny. Creatures affected by a crime wave must roll percentile dice each round to determine what action they take.
d% Behavior
1–25 Act normally, but with suspicion toward others. The target doesn’t benefit from or provide benefits with teamwork feats and the aid another action. If a creature attempts to use a harmless spell or effect on the target, there is a 50% chance the target tries to avoid that effect as best as possible (taking an attack of opportunity against a spellcaster, requiring a successful attack roll on a touch spell, or attempting a saving throw).
26–50 Attempt a stealAPG combat maneuver or Sleight of Hand check to steal a random valuable object from the nearest creature (or a nearby unattended object, if obviously of great value), moving adjacent to that creature or object as needed. Once an affected creature has stolen an item, further results of 26–50 cause the affected creature to flee, focusing all of its efforts on escaping with its loot and fighting to prevent the stolen object from being taken.
51–75 Attempt to break, destroy, or deface the nearest unattended manufactured object or structure. If the object or structure is too difficult to damage, the affected creature instead vandalizes or otherwise defaces its appearance.
76–100 Attack the nearest creature (for this purpose, a familiar counts as part of the affected creature’s self).
A character affected by a crime wave who is unable to carry out the indicated action moves toward the nearest source of cover or concealment and attempts a Stealth check to hide. Affected creatures with the ability to turn invisible (including through the use of magic items or spells) do so instead of attempting a Stealth check.

School divination; Level bard 1, cleric 1, medium 1, occultist 1, psychic 1, sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M/DF (a document written in the language of the culture to be emulated)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 10 minutes/level
When casting this spell, you must concentrate on a culture or subculture to which you wish to adapt. If you speak the native language of the culture in question, then for the duration of this spell, you speak the language with a native accent. The spell doesn’t teach you the language in question, but can be combined with tongues or a similar spell. Your body language and gestures mark you as a native of the culture, and you unconsciously make small decisions that help you blend in. Combined, these grant you a +2 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks to influence members of the culture to which you have adapted, which doesn’t stack with other circumstance bonuses you might possess by virtue of being a member of the chosen culture. You also gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks to pass yourself off as if you were a member of the culture, if you are not.
This doesn’t provide benefits when disguising yourself as a specific member of the culture, though it negates any circumstance penalties you might otherwise have taken due to not acting appropriately for that person’s culture. Finally, the DCs of enchantment (charm) spells you cast against natives of the culture to which you are attuned increase by 1.

School enchantment (compulsion) [curseUM, emotionUM, mindaffecting]; Level bard 4, cleric 6, inquisitor 4, mesmerist 4, shaman 6, witch 6
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a handful of earthworms)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature
Duration permanent
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
Everything about the target seems off-putting and grating, and everyone he meets is compelled to see the worst in him. Whenever the target attempts a Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Perform check, he must roll twice and take the lower result. Additionally, each creature he encounters has its initial attitude toward him reduced by one step (helpful becomes friendly, friendly becomes indifferent, and so on).

School illusion (shadow) [language-dependent, shadowUM]; Level antipaladin 1, bard 2, cleric 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, summoner 2, witch 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F/DF (a scrap of black cloth)
Range long (400 ft. plus 40 ft./level)
Targets one creature/level
Duration 10 minutes/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
You communicate through the shadows of one or more targets within range. The shadows have no physical presence and don’t move or animate. Instead, your words emerge from the shadow as a clear whisper, absent any accent or other identifying features. The targets can make conversation with the shadow, but must speak aloud to do so. The targets’ voices emerge from your own shadow only when they intend to speak to the shadow, but you hear no other sounds from the target’s immediate area. Their responses also emerge as clear whispers, absent identifying features, but you can instinctively identify which target is speaking to you through the shadow. Once the spell has been cast, you don’t need to have line of effect to the targets or their shadows to communicate back and forth.
The shadow communication is audible, so it can be intercepted by adversaries who succeed at a DC 25 Perception check. The spell can be silenced. You can’t cast spells on subjects or otherwise establish line of effect through the shadows, but spells that allow you to speak or understand languages work normally across dark whispers.

School evocation; Level bard 4, cleric 4, psychic 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, witch 4
Casting Time 10 minutes or more; see text
Components V, S, M (a scorpion’s tail), F (ivory statuette of you worth 1,500 gp)
Range personal
Target you
Duration up to 1 hour/level plus 1d6 rounds (D); see text
This spell functions as contingency, except as noted above. This spell also only comes into effect after your death and works only with certain spells. The companion spell triggers 1d6 rounds after your death. All decisions made involving the companion spell must be made when deadman’s contingency is cast (including messages and recipients for spells like magic mouth or sending). If the spell targets an object or appears in a certain location, it must target or be centered on your corpse.
The following spells can be companion spells for deadman’s contingency: animate dead (animating your corpse as an uncontrolled skeleton or zombie), disintegrate, fireball, gentle repose, magic mouth, major image (with a duration of 3 rounds), permanent image, sending, stinking cloud, and teleport object.

School illusion (glamer); Level antipaladin 3, bard 4, inquisitor 4, medium 3, mesmerist 4, psychic 4, witch 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature
Duration 10 minutes/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
You subtly alter both the target’s aura and subtle cues in its body language, tone of voice, and word choice, which makes everything that the target says seem to be a lie. Every statement that the target makes appears to be a lie under both magical scrutiny (such as discern lies) and mundane scrutiny (such as using the Sense Motive skill). Someone who closely scrutinizes the target can determine when it is actually telling the truth with a successful Sense Motive check (DC = 15 + your caster level).
As long as you are within close range of the target, as a standard action you can suppress or resume the effects of this spell, allowing you to let the target seem to be telling the truth at some times and still seem to be lying at others.

School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level bard 2, mesmerist 2, psychic 2, sorcerer/wizard 3
Casting Time 1 immediate action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
You can cast this spell immediately after attacking a creature, causing that creature to believe that a different creature that threatens it was responsible for the attack rather than you. You can instead cast this spell immediately after a failed Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check, causing the target of that check to believe that a different creature you designate within spell range was responsible for the content of that failed check. Using the spell in these ways doesn’t compel the target to undertake a specific action in response to its belief of where the blame lies.

School enchantment (compulsion) [language-dependent, mindaffecting]; Level bard 3, medium 3, mesmerist 3, occultist 4, psychic 3, sorcerer/wizard 4, witch 4
Duration 10 minutes/level, then 1 hour/level or until
completed (D); see text
Saving Throw Will negates (see text); Spell Resistance yes; see text
This spell initially functions as message (allowing no save or spell resistance). Once during the message effect, you can concentrate as a standard action to issue a suggestion to one target as part of delivering a message. Spell resistance and a Will save apply to the suggestion, and it lasts for 1 hour per level or until completed.

School enchantment (compulsion) [language-dependent, mindaffecting]; Level bard 6, mesmerist 6, occultist 6, psychic 6, sorcerer/wizard 7, witch 7
Duration 10 minutes/level, then 1 hour/level or until
completed (D); see text
Saving Throw Will negates (see text); Spell Resistance yes; see text
This spell functions as demanding message, except that you can issue one suggestion to each of the spell’s targets instead of just one. Each time you do so, it takes a standard action. You can issue a different suggestion to each target.

School conjuration (creation); Level antipaladin 1, bard 1, bloodrager 1, cleric 1, inquisitor 1, magus 1, occultist 1, ranger 1, sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 swift action
Components V
Range personal
Effect one-handed improvised weapon
Duration 1 minute/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You create a one-handed object that you might expect to see in your current surroundings, which you can then use as an improvised weapon. The spell conjures such an object near your hand such that you can retrieve it as you complete the spell. No matter what sort of object you picked, it functions as a onehanded improvised weapon appropriate for your size and that deals 1d6 points of damage for a Medium creature (1d4 for Small creatures). The item deals the type of damage you choose (bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing) when casting the spell, though the object you request must conform to the damage type.
The spell ends prematurely if the improvised weapon leaves your grasp. The object has no value and can’t be used for other functions other than as an improvised weapon (for instance, this spell doesn’t allow you to conjure an expensive spyglass and sell it or use its other abilities, but you could still use it to beat someone over the head). The conjured object can’t already be a manufactured weapon, even in a location where you might expect to see manufactured weapons. It can be an object that would normally make for an unusual improvised weapon, like a herring at a fish market, and it still deals its full damage.

School divination [mind-affecting]; Level antipaladin 2, bard 3, cleric 3, inquisitor 3, medium 2, mesmerist 2, paladin 3, psychic 2, sorcerer/wizard 3, spiritualist 3, witch 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F/DF (a medallion)
Range 60 ft.
Area cone-shaped emanation
Duration concentration, up to 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates (see text); Spell Resistance no
This spell functions as detect thoughts except that you sense significant anxieties of creatures with an Intelligence score of 1 or higher, regardless of whether they are conscious or not.
Instead of Intelligence, the second round of concentration reveals each mind’s Wisdom score and current degree of fear (shaken, frightened, panicked, cowering, or paralyzed with fear). If the highest Wisdom score is 26 or higher (and at least 10 points higher than your own Wisdom score), you are stunned for 1 round and the spell ends.
Instead of surface thoughts, the third round of concentration reveals the most pressing current anxiety of any mind in the area (Will negates).
Presenting a creature with the threat of its anxiety grants you a +2 bonus (or higher, at the GM’s discretion) on checks to Intimidate that creature.

School divination [mind-affecting]; Level antipaladin 2, bard 2, cleric 3, inquisitor 3, medium 2, mesmerist 3, paladin 3, psychic 2, sorcerer/wizard 3, spiritualist 3, witch 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F/DF (a medallion)
Range 60 ft.
Area cone-shaped emanation
Duration concentration, up to 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates (see text); Spell Resistance no
This spell functions as per detect thoughts, except you sense significant desires of creatures with an Intelligence score of 1 or higher, regardless of whether they are conscious or not.
Instead of Intelligence, the second round of concentration reveals each mind’s Charisma score. If the highest Charisma score is 26 or higher (and at least 10 points higher than your own Charisma score), you are stunned for 1 round and the spell ends.
Instead of surface thoughts, the third round of concentration reveals the most pressing current desire of any mind in the area (Will negates).
Presenting a creature with an opportunity to fulfill a significant desire grants you a +2 circumstance bonus (or higher, at the GM’s discretion) on Diplomacy checks to influence it.

School divination; Level bard 2, cleric 2, druid 2, inquisitor 2, magus 2, medium 2, mesmerist 2, occultist 2, psychic 2, shaman 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, spiritualist 2, summoner 2, witch 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range 60 ft.
Area cone-shaped emanation
Duration concentration, up to 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
This spell functions as detect magic, except that you can glean much more information from the magical auras that you find, and those auras can be found after a much greater length of time. You can detect a lingering aura for up to 1 day per caster level you have, regardless of the aura’s original strength.
Additionally, when you use a standard action to concentrate on this spell, you can also study a creature within the spell’s area and attempt a Spellcraft check in order to determine the last spell that the creature cast by identifying lingering traces that the spell left in the caster’s aura. The DC to identify the spell is equal to 20 + the creature’s caster level.
Finally, you are able to locate and analyze the signature flourishes in a magical aura that allow you to match a spell to the person who cast it. In order to find these identifiers in a spell’s aura, you must spend 1 round focusing on that spell in particular, and succeed at an opposed Knowledge (arcana) check against the caster (or a Knowledge [arcana] check with a DC equal to 15 + the spell level if the caster wants her work to be identified and emphasizes these unique elements rather than obscuring them). Once you learn a caster’s set of identifiers, you can remember them as easily as a face or a voice. You can recognize this signature if you succeed at a Spellcraft check when later identifying a spell to determine whether or not that spell was cast by the same individual. The spell greater magic aura (see page 219) can obfuscate this information, making it seem that someone else cast the spell. Greater detect magic grants a saving throw against magic aura (but not greater magic aura).

School divination; Level antipaladin 1, cleric 1, druid 1, inquisitor 1, paladin 1, ranger 1, shaman 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, DF
Range 60 ft.
Area cone-shaped emanation
Duration concentration, up to 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You can detect other worshipers of your deity (mortal worshipers, outsider servants, and so on). The amount of information revealed depends on how long you focus on a particular area or subject.
1st Round: Presence or absence of the faithful.
2nd Round: Number of individual faithful in the area.
3rd Round: The exact location of each worshiper. If a fellow worshiper is outside your line of sight, then you discern his direction but not his exact location.
Each round, you can rotate to detect worshipers in a new area. The spell can penetrate barriers, but a sheet of lead, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it. A creature’s personal interpretation of its beliefs determines whether or not it is of the same faith as you—hence heretics and splinter cultists of your deity still count as worshipers of that deity. Furthermore, since the spell picks up a creature’s current beliefs and feelings, a creature actively pretending to be a member of the same faith also appears to the spell to be a member. Thus, the spell is still useful in locating potential hidden members of the same faith among the general populace, but on its own, it doesn’t weed out spies.

School abjuration; Level bard 2, cleric 3, inquisitor 3, psychic 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components S, M (tiny silver bell, chime, or gong)
Range touch
Area 10-ft.-radius emanation centered on a creature, object, or point in space
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
You suppress magical sound-dampening effects within the area. Disrupt silence temporarily negates magical silence within its area, so that normal sounds can be heard within the overlapping areas of effect. Additionally, disrupt silence can automatically counter or dispel any magical silence effect of equal or lower level cast upon the same target, such as silence. If you cast disrupt silence on the target of a higher-level silence effect, it functions as dispel magic instead of its normal function.

School necromancy; Level cleric 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a pickled herring)
Range touch
Target corpse touched
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You cause the flesh and bones of a corpse to shift themselves to suit a narrative of your choosing. This spell can hide or create telltale wounds, bruising, and other subtle clues as to the nature of the target’s death, and the final hours leading up to it, allowing you to make the corpse appear to have died in just about any way. You could, for example, make stab wounds close up as though they were never there, rearrange bruises on the neck, evaporate traces of poison within the body into nothingness, make burn marks grow to cover the corpse’s skin, or shrivel the target’s body as though the creature had starved. This spell can’t hide extreme alterations to the body (such as the loss of a limb), nor can it restore flesh to a skeletal corpse or strip a corpse down to skeletal form. It is also unable to change the apparent identity of the corpse.
Anyone who closely examines the corpse can attempt a Perception check (DC = 10 + your caster level) to notice that the corpse’s wounds (or lack thereof) don’t look natural, but this doesn’t allow the observer to determine what the corpse looked like before this spell was cast. Closely examining the corpse with a successful Heal check (DC = 15 + your caster level) not only reveals that the target’s apparent wounds are false, but also what the originally obscured wounds were.

School conjuration (calling); Level bard 6, druid 7, shaman 7
Components V, S, M (offerings worth 1,250 gp plus payment), DF
Effect one or two called fey, totaling no more than 12 Hit Dice, which can’t appear more than 30 ft. apart
This spell functions as lesser entice fey, except that the spell’s whimsical calling can produce a single fey of 12 Hit Dice or less, or two fey of the same kind whose Hit Dice total no more than 12.

School conjuration (calling); Level druid 9, shaman 9
Components V, S, M (offerings worth 2,500 gp plus payment), DF
Effect up to three called fey, totaling no more than 18 Hit Dice, no two of which can appear more than 30 ft. apart
This spell functions as lesser entice fey, except the spell’s whimsical calling can produce a single fey of 18 Hit Dice or less, or up to three fey of the same kind whose Hit Dice total no more than 18.

School conjuration (calling); Level bard 4, druid 5, medium 3, ranger 4, shaman 5
Casting Time 10 minutes
Components V, S, M (offerings worth 500 gp plus payment, see text), DF
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect one called fey with 6 Hit Dice or fewer
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
This spell functions as lesser planar ally, except that you entice a fey of 6 HD or fewer to lend you its aid with an offering of music or something else it finds appealing. Like lesser planar ally, this spell is unpredictable, and the fey who answers the calling is up to the whims of nature and the fey, not your own choice. You must succeed at a Knowledge (nature) check or Perform check (DC = 20 + target’s HD) in addition to the spell’s material component to entice the fey into appearing, after which you can negotiate for the service and your payment. The maximum HD of fey that you can call with that casting is equal to the result of your check – 20. For example, if your check result is a 24, the maximum HD for the called fey is 4. A high result doesn’t allow you to break the HD maximum for the spell, and a result of 20 or less means you can’t call a fey at all. If the fey doesn’t like the sound of your offer, it can simply choose to refuse, in which case you don’t expend any of the material components for the spell, either the offerings or the payment.

School transmutation; Level alchemist 1, antipaladin 1, bard 1, inquisitor 1, psychic 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components S
Range personal
Target you
Duration instantaneous
You change outfits or create a disguise out of materials you are wearing or carrying (potentially including a disguise kit). The spell can’t alter your body or change the structure of objects, but can style wigs, apply makeup or piercings, and otherwise make use of tools to make superficial changes. In an instant, you have a nonmagical disguise or clothing change. Attempt a Disguise check to determine the effectiveness of the disguise.

School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level bard 2, mesmerist 2, psychic 2
Casting Time 10 minutes, plus length of memory to be altered
Components V, S, M (lemon juice and a scrap of parchment)
Range touch
Target willing creature touched
Duration 1 hour/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
You temporarily alter the target’s memory (similar to modify memory) to eliminate, change, or implant a memory of up to 1 hour in length. When the duration of this expires, the target’s real memory returns, and the false memory fades to little more than a vague outline, like a dream. This false memory seems true to the target, so effects that detect lies or force the target to speak the truth (as the subject understands it) don’t detect the falsehood.

School illusion (glamer); Level bard 3, cleric 4, medium 3, mesmerist 3, psychic 4, shaman 4, sorcerer/wizard 5, spiritualist 4, witch 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (crushed jade worth 100 gp)
Range touch
Target creature or object touched
Duration 1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates or Will disbelief (see text); Spell Resistance yes
You interfere with attempts to predict the target’s future by preventing divinations from revealing what the target will do and what will befall the target while under the spell’s effects. Instead of the target’s true actions or experiences, divinations resolve as if the target will experience some different future you describe as you cast false future. The target creature can attempt a Will save to avoid the initial effect, and creatures using divinations get a Will save to disbelieve the illusion. This spell doesn’t prevent divinations cast after the duration’s end from determining what the subject actually did during the time you obscured using false future.
False future can’t be detected by detect magic or identify, but greater detect magic (see page 212) can detect it.

School conjuration (calling) [chaotic, evil, ruse]; Level cleric 7, shaman 8, witch 8
Casting Time 1 minute
Components V, S, M (diamond worth 10,000 gp), DF
Range touch
Target dead creature touched
Duration 1 day/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
This spell functions as resurrection except that instead of recalling the dead soul to life, the spell calls a shadow demon with the advanced simple template (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 67, 294) to possess the body. If you fail to overcome the subject’s spell resistance, the subject’s soul can negate the calling and gain the option to return to life (as resurrection) in the restored body. The possession otherwise functions (as possessionOA) except that the subject’s soul is not present to resist. When false resurrection ends or the demon is removed from the subject, the demon returns to the Abyss, leaving the body alive but soulless (like that created by clone). If the soul hasn’t been returned to life already, it has the option to return in the now-empty body if it still lives (as resurrection). If the body was killed, the demon is sent back to the Abyss but the subject remains dead.
Attempts to identify false resurrection with a skill check incorrectly identify it as resurrection (see the ruse descriptor on page 192). A fooled viewer mistakes false resurrection’s aura as the lingering aura of an instantaneous conjuration effect.

School conjuration (calling) [evil, lawful, ruse]; Level cleric 9
Components V, S, M (diamond worth 25,000 gp), DF
Duration permanent
This spell functions as false resurrection except that i t calls a belier devil with the young simple template (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 85, 292) to possess the body and all parts of false resurrection that function like resurrection instead function like true resurrection.
Attempts to identify greater false resurrection with a skill check incorrectly identify it as true resurrection (see the ruse descriptor on page 192). A fooled viewer mistakes greater false resurrection’s aura as the lingering aura of an instantaneous conjuration effect.

School illusion (glamer); Level bard 6, mesmerist 6, psychic 7, sorcerer/wizard 7
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a jade sphere worth 500 gp)
Range see text
Target one creature
Duration 1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance no
This functions similarly to false vision, but instead of placing the illusion on a nearby area, you can tie it to a specific individual, and can do so from great distances. The spell can be cast at any distance. The difficulty of the save depends on your knowledge of the subject and what sort of physical connection (if any) you have to that creature. The target gains the same bonuses and penalties on its Will save to resist this spell as the bonuses and penalties that apply to the scrying spell (including a +5 bonus if the target is on another plane).
The illusion created by the spell moves with the target, and is not stationary. The image can affect the way the target is perceived, the way the target’s surroundings are perceived, and the way that specific creatures or objects around the target are perceived. For the target, and any other specific creatures or objects you specify, you can cause them to appear as other creatures or objects that you designate, not to appear at all, or to have their appearance unaltered. For the target’s surroundings, you can choose to make the target appear to be somewhere else, either a specific location with which you are familiar, or a generic location conjured from your imagination. You can change the way that the spell affects the appearance of any of these things by concentrating on the spell. You can also cause creatures or objects to appear in the illusion that are not really there, or to make a creature or object seem to act in a way other than it is actually acting. In this case, you must concentrate on the spell, or these aspects of the illusion simply remain static. The spell can provide visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile, and thermal sensations as needed.
The illusion applies to only those who observe the target via a divination (scrying) spell, and has no effect on viewers who are there in person.

School transmutation [shadowUM]; Level bard 4, occultist 3, spiritualist 4, witch 4
Casting Time 10 minutes
Components V, S, M (a branding iron and a
strip of white silk worth 10 gp)
Range touch
Target one willing creature and one object touched
Duration 1 day/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You alter the fundamental substance of a single object up to 2 cubic feet per level in size and at least one size category smaller than the target creature, causing it to become shadowy and intangible, as though made out of quasi-real shadowstuff. You link the intangible item to the target’s flesh by making a brand shaped like the item on the target’s skin. The intangible item merges with the target’s flesh and is contained within the target’s body, moving with the target wherever it goes. The creature can retrieve the item or reabsorb it as a full-round action, and can do so as many times as it wants. When worn or wielded by the target, the item regains its solidity and functions normally, though the target can’t drop or remove the item (other than by using the full-round action), nor can it be disarmed or stolen. If the item is destroyed, the spell ends. If the ghost brand spell is dispelled while the object is inside the target’s body, the object bursts out of the target’s flesh, dealing 3d6 points of piercing and slashing damage to the target that bypasses DR, as well as 1d6 points of bleed damage.

School divination; Level alchemist 5, cleric 4, druid 5, inquisitor 4, magus 5, medium 3, occultist 4, psychic 4, shaman 4, sorcerer/wizard 5, spiritualist 5, witch 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a tourmaline costing 50 gp)
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 round
This spell functions like true seeing, except as noted above.

School transmutation; Level inquisitor 1, ranger 1, sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (an arrowhead)
Range touch
Target one ropelike object, length up to 50 ft. + 5 ft./level
Duration 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw Fortitude negates (object); Spell Resistance no
You cause the target rope to shrink and reshape itself into an arrow, bolt, or similar piece of ammunition, which you can shoot at any Medium or larger object. With a successful attack roll against an AC equal to 5 plus the hardness of the target object, the handy grapnel strikes and embeds itself in that object with the strength of an iron grappling hook.
As a move action, you can command the rope to extend from the arrow. If you are within a distance equal to the length of the rope and have a hand free, the end of the rope swings directly into your hand. With another move action, you can command the handy grapnel to retract itself up to the grappling hook, pulling up any creature or object supported by the rope at a speed of 50 feet per round.
Once embedded, the rope can be used for climbing or any other purpose a rope could serve, and it can bear up to 200 pounds per level of the caster at a time (maximum 1,000 pounds). If this weight limit is exceeded, the handy grapnel comes loose and any creature or object supported by the rope falls.

School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level bard 2, inquisitor 2, mesmerist 2, psychic 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (eye drops made with extract of poppy)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target up to one creature per 3 caster levels
Duration 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
You prevent the targets from having conscious awareness of your presence. You make yourself completely undetectable to the subjects by erasing all awareness of your presence from their minds. The targets can’t see, hear, smell, feel, or taste you, including with extraordinary or supernatural senses such as blindsense, blindsight, scent, or tremorsense. They can’t pinpoint your location by any means, including detect spells.
The targets remain unaware of your actions, provided you don’t make any attacks or cause any obvious or directly threatening changes in the targets’ environment. If you attack any of the target creatures, the effect ends. If you take an action that creates a sustained and obvious change in the target’s environment—for example, attacking a creature other than a target or moving a sizeable or attended object the target can see—the target immediately receives a new saving throw.

School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting, ruse]; Level bard 3, bloodrager 4, inquisitor 4, medium 3, psychic 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, spiritualist 4, summoner 4, witch 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 10 minutes/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
This spell functions as heroism, except that you can reverse the spell by issuing a special command as a standard action if you are within medium range (100 feet + 10 feet per caster level) of the target. The target loses the bonuses and instead takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks until the spell’s duration ends (no save).
Attempts to identify hollow heroism with a skill check incorrectly identify it as heroism (see the ruse descriptor on page 192).

School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting, ruse]; Level bard 6, psychic 7, sorcerer/wizard 7, witch 7
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
This spell functions as greater heroism, except that you can reverse the spell by issuing a special command as a standard action if you are within medium range (100 feet + 10 feet per caster level) of the target. The target loses the bonuses and instead takes a –4 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks until the spell’s duration ends (no save), increasing to a –8 penalty against fear effects. Additionally, she takes damage equal to your caster level when you reverse the spell.
Attempts to identify greater hollow heroism with a skill check incorrectly identify it as greater heroism (see the ruse descriptor on page 192).

School illusion (figment); Level antipaladin 3, magus 4, mesmerist 3, occultist 4, psychic 4, sorcerer/wizard 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components S, F (a tiny marionette)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw Will disbelief; Spell Resistance yes
You create an illusion that takes the same space as a foe and mimics its movements perfectly. Whenever you cast a spell or throw a weapon, the illusion ceases mimicking the target’s actions just long enough to make it look like the target cast the spell or threw the weapon simultaneously with you, such that witnesses who can see both you and the target can’t tell with certainty who truly cast the spell or threw the weapon. Witnesses who can see only the target see it as the only apparent source. The subject of this spell doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity from these illusory actions. Each target of the attack or spell counts as interacting with the illusion and thus receives a save to disbelieve.

School illusion (figment); Level antipaladin 4, magus 6, mesmerist 4, occultist 5, psychic 5, sorcerer/wizard 6
Target you and one creature
This spell functions as illusion of treachery except that it also conceals your own actions (as illusion of calmUC) and renders invisible all spell effects and ranged attacks originating from you until they reach the attack’s target (this doesn’t cause the attack’s target to be unable to avoid the attack, as they still see the attack originating from the spell’s target).

School divination; Level druid 3, ranger 3, sorcerer/wizard 4, summoner 3, witch 4
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S, M (a drop of honey)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect up to one insect spy/4 levels
Duration 10 minutes/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You summon one or more glossy black beetles, which have a measure of intelligence and make for excellent spies. When they are in your presence, the insects obey your mental commands, and you can issue orders to any number of them as a single standard action, provided that you issue the same orders to each one. In order to issue different orders to different insects, you must spend a separate standard action for each set of orders. An insect in physical contact with you can answer simple questions about what it has observed, at a rate of one question per round. It can relate only what it perceived with its senses, and can’t repeat speech. It has difficulty making subjective judgments, and questions that demand such reasoning are unlikely to yield a clear answer. For example, an insect is unable to relay someone’s emotional state or determine who among several people it saw might be in charge.
Each insects’ size is Fine. Each insect has 1 hit point, AC 20 (+2 Dexterity, +8 size), a movement speed of 5 feet, a climb speed of 5 feet, and a fly speed of 20 feet (perfect maneuverability). The insects use your saving throw bonuses, have a total Perception skill bonus equal to 5 + 1/2 your caster level, and can’t make attacks. Due to their incredibly small size and magical nature, they can make Stealth checks to avoid being noticed even if they lack a source of cover or concealment, and they have a total Stealth skill bonus equal to 18 + 1/2 your caster level. The insects can even climb onto creatures of Tiny or larger size while using Stealth, possibly riding on those creatures unnoticed. A Tiny creature gains a +16 bonus on Perception checks made to notice one of these insects currently climbing on it. For each size category larger than Tiny the creature being climbed is, this bonus is reduced by 4 (to a minimum of +0 for Huge or larger creatures).
You also maintain a faint mystical connection with these insects, which allows you to sense where they are. As a fullround action, you can concentrate on the spell in order to learn the direction and relative distance of each of the insects.

School divination; Level druid 6, sorcerer/wizard 7, summoner 6, witch 7
As insect spies, but you can also borrow the senses of the summoned insects. As a move action, you can choose to receive sensory input from one of the insects, seeing what it sees and hearing what it hears. While doing so, you are treated as being blind and deaf. You can change to another insect, or return to your own senses, with another move action.

School illusion (figment); Level bard 3, inquisitor 3, magus 4, mesmerist 3, occultist 3, ranger 3, sorcerer/wizard 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a piece of costume jewelry)
Range 1 object touched
Target one object weighing no more than 1 lb./level
Duration 1 minute/level
Saving Throw Will disbelief (if interacted with); Spell Resistance no
You create an illusory duplicate of the target item. If you hold the charge on this spell, you can deliver it while touching an object you steal with Sleight of Hand or a stealAPG combat maneuver; in this case, the illusion phases into existence exactly as you remove the genuine article, allowing you to instantaneously replace a protected or guarded item with no change in appearance, weight, or other factors.
The illusion appears to be a perfect replica. Actively examining the fake with an Appraise or Perception check grants a creature a Will save, but on a failed saving throw, it concludes that the fake is the genuine article. The illusion isn’t a functional item, nor does it have any magical properties of the original. For example, an instant fake of a set of thieves’ tools can’t be used to pick a lock, a false warhammer can’t harm a person or break an object, a suit of unreal chainmail offers no actual protection, and an illusory potion of cure light wounds doesn’t heal any hit points when imbibed.

School conjuration (summoning); Level psychic 8, sorcerer/wizard 8, witch 8
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (sapphires worth 1,000 gp each)
Range see text
Target up to one object per 3 caster levels, each weighing 10 lbs. or less whose longest dimension is 6 ft. or less
Duration permanent or until discharged
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
This spell functions as instant summons, except that you can target multiple objects. You must use a separate sapphire worth 1,000 gp for each one. For each item you target, you can touch a creature, granting that creature the ability to speak the special word for that item (each item has its own special word) while crushing the matched gem to call the item to hand. Only you or the touched creature can activate the gem or see the arcane mark upon it.

School divination [mind-affecting]; Level bard 1, cleric 2, inquisitor 2, medium 1, mesmerist 2, occultist 2, paladin 1, psychic 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (thread from a tabard or livery)
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
You impart your knowledge of nobility and peerage to the target, allowing her to recognize members of noble households, differentiate one set of heraldry from another, and otherwise identify who’s who at a royal gala or other noteworthy social event. The target is able to identify noble individuals, noble family names, and noble crests, signets, heraldry, and other symbols. The target treats her number of ranks in Knowledge (nobility) as though it were equal to your number of ranks in Knowledge (nobility), to a maximum of 5 ranks and a minimum of 0. If the target’s number of ranks is greater than yours, she uses her own number of ranks instead. In addition, if the target’s new total skill bonus on Knowledge (nobility) checks is at least +0, she automatically succeeds on all Knowledge (nobility) checks with a DC of 10 or lower.

School necromancy [poison]; Level alchemist 2, shaman 2, sorcerer/wizard 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (herbs used in antitoxins worth 25 gp)
Range touch
Target one dose of poison or one venomous creature
Duration permanent until discharged (D)
Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance yes
You greatly extend the time it takes for the poison you touch to take effect, giving that poison an onset time up to 1 hour per caster level. (You touch the poison’s container, so you don’t risk exposing yourself to a contact poison.) The target doesn’t attempt a saving throw when initially exposed to the languid venom, but instead saves at the end of the poison’s onset time. If the poison is neutralized or otherwise cured prior to the end of its onset time, it is rendered harmless. Failing saves against multiple doses of languid venom have the normal cumulative effect for poisons (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 558).
Languid venom is difficult to detect or identify. Detect poison and similar effects detect languid venom only with a successful caster level check against a DC equal to 11 + your caster level (rolled secretly by the GM). Even if the poison is detected, the DC of Craft (alchemy) or Wisdom checks to identify the poison is increased by 10. If a poison is affected by an additional effect that requires a caster level check to detect the poison or increases the DC to identify it—such as obscure poison (see page 220)—those effects don’t stack. Use only the caster level check with the higher DC and increase the DC of the check to identify the poison by the higher of the two.
If cast upon a venomous creature, languid venom delays the onset of that creature’s poison when the creature next delivers its natural poison.

School enchantment (compulsion) [curseUM, mind-affecting]; Level antipaladin 4, bard 6, mesmerist 6, psychic 8, sorcerer/wizard 8
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a black mask)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one living creature
Duration permanent
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
You unleash the basest instincts of iniquity in the target and cause them to become his overriding reason for being. The target neither gains nor provides benefit from teamwork feats or the aid another action and can’t willingly accept harmless magical effects from others.
The target moves by Stealth whenever possible, and lies and deceives others instinctively to further its personal agenda. In addition, when the target is conscious, it must succeed at a Will save against the spell’s save DC each hour (or each round during combat or a similarly stressful situation) or behave as if affected by a crime wave spell for 1 round.
Life of crime is particularly difficult to remove. Only a remove curse with a higher caster level than life of crime’s caster level, or a limited wish, wish, or miracle can remove its effects.

School evocation; Level bard 5, cleric 6, inquisitor 5, mesmerist 5, psychic 6, sorcerer/wizard 6, summoner 5, witch 6
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F (a brass cone or trumpet)
Range up to 1 mile/level; see text
Targets see text
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You speak a short message (up to 25 words), and it is immediately transmitted to each target, who hear it as clearly as if you were standing next to them. By default, the spell targets every creature with an Intelligence score of 3 or greater that is within the spell’s range, but at your discretion, you can choose to restrict the spell to certain creatures, causing it to either only deliver its message to creatures meeting a certain criteria, or to deliver it to all creatures except those meeting that criteria. The criteria must be something objective and observable. For example, you could cause the mage’s decree to reach only creatures of a certain race. You can’t choose recipients that rely on unobservable information, such as creatures of a certain alignment or of a particular class.
You can’t pick and choose individual creatures to target or exclude. While the spell’s range defaults to 1 mile per caster level, you can choose to reduce it to a smaller radius, although the spell’s area can’t be shaped.
The nature of the spell prevents the message it carries from having any magical power; the message can’t be used to transmit spells or abilities that are conveyed via speech. The message is transmitted in your voice in whatever language you use to speak it, and is not automatically translated. Any steps you take to disguise your voice are just as effective for messages delivered via this spell as they are for your normal speech. Mage’s decree isn’t a language-dependent spell; all targeted creatures receive the message, but might not understand it if they don’t understand the language in which you spoke the message.

School illusion (glamer); Level bard 3, mesmerist 3, occultist 3, psychic 4, sorcerer/wizard 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F (a woolen handkerchief)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature, or one object weighing up to 20 lbs./level Duration 1 day/level (D)
Saving Throw none (see text); Spell Resistance no
If cast on an object, this spell functions as magic aura, except that if you have identified the unique spellcasting signatures of a specific individual with greater detect magic (see page 212) or a similar spell, you can make the magic aura appear to have been created by that individual. Alternatively, you can simply obscure all identifiers, making it more difficult to determine who cast the spell. In either case, if the object is the subject of a greater detect magic spell, any Spellcraft check made to identify the unique spellcasting identifiers of the aura automatically produce the result you chose unless the observer disbelieves the spell with a successful Will save (as with magic aura, however, detect spells don’t grant a save to disbelieve).
If cast on a creature, you can make that creature register to detect spells (and spells with similar capabilities) as though it were the subject of any number of spells that you specify, when the spell is cast. Alternatively, you can make the creature register as nonmagical, hiding all spell effects that he is currently affected by from such scrutiny. If you choose to make the creature register as being the subject of one or more spells, you can also alter the unique spellcasting identifiers of those spell auras, in the same fashion as described for objects.
If the target is a creature, you can also alter how the creature registers to arcane sight, making the creature appear to have or not have spellcasting or spell-like abilities, whether those abilities are arcane, divine, or psychic in nature, and the strength of the most powerful spell or spell-like ability they currently have available for use. Similarly, you can alter the way the target appears when viewed with greater detect magic, causing the last spell that he cast to seem to be any spell of your choice.

School transmutation; Level bard 4, cleric 4, medium 4, mesmerist 4, occultist 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, spiritualist 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a drop of paint and a ball of clay)
Range 200 ft./level
Effect transfer consciousness to an object bearing your likeness
Duration concentration
Saving Throw Will negates (see text); Spell Resistance yes
You cast your consciousness into a single object within range that bears your likeness, as if choosing a specific image with the spell enter imageAPG. In addition to observing your surroundings, speaking, and manipulating the image you inhabit, however, you can converse with nearby creatures and use your normal social skills.
You gain a +5 bonus on Bluff checks to tell lies and Diplomacy checks to make a request. You gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks and use the object’s size to determine whether you gain a bonus or penalty on Intimidate checks for size.

School enchantment (charm) [mind-affecting]; Level bard 2, mesmerist 2, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components S, M (a rose petal)
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target two living creatures
Duration 1 hour/level
Saving Throw Will partial, see text; Spell Resistance yes
You entice the target creatures to become romantically interested in one another. Each creature saves and applies spell resistance separately. Both must be affected for the spell to have an effect. If either creatures has a prior unfriendly or hostile attitude toward the other, it receives a +4 bonus on its saving throw.
This spell doesn’t override the targets’ normal sexual preferences or other limitations. If romantic feelings are incompatible for this reason, the creature instead feels an intimate platonic bond with the other.

School divination; Level bard 3, inquisitor 3, occultist 3, ranger 3, sorcerer/wizard 4, witch 4
Casting Time 10 minutes
Components V, S
Range touch
Target two objects touched
Saving Throw Fort negates (object); Spell Resistance yes (object)
You compare two similar items and know if they are identical to one another or not. The spell can indicate an identical match, a categorical match, or no match. For instance, blood samples are identical if they are from the same creature. They are categorical if they are from the same species. There is no match if they are from different species, or if one sample is merely stage blood.
Alternatively, you can compare dissimilar items and know if they have a potential relationship. For instance, you can compare a creature’s tooth against a bite mark and know if that creature could have caused the bite mark.
This spell is not infallible—an identical match can result from comparing items or creatures that are duplicates of one another. For instance, a knife might have an identical match with a stab wound if an identical knife was used to inflict the wound, and twins might have identical blood or tissues.

School abjuration; Level alchemist 1, antipaladin 1, bard 1, cleric 1, druid 1, mesmerist 1, shaman 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components S, M (herbs used in antitoxins worth 10 gp)
Range touch
Target one dose of poison or one venomous creature touched
Duration 1 hour/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You make the touched poison difficult to detect or identify. Detect poison and similar effects detect an obscured poison only with a successful caster level check against a DC equal to 15 + your caster level (rolled secretly by the GM). Even if the poison is detected, the DC of Craft (alchemy) or Wisdom checks to identify the poison is increased by 10.
If cast upon a venomous creature, obscure poison disguises all of the creature’s natural poisons in the same way.

School illusion (glamer); Level bard 1, inquisitor 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 swift action
Components V, S, F (a doornail, doorknob, or hinge)
Range touch
Target one door, window, or similar portal no more than 10 feet by 10 feet in area
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw Will disbelief; Spell Resistance no
You alter the appearance of a door and disguise whether it is open or closed. You can cause the touched door to appear closed regardless of whether it is open or closed, to appear open regardless of whether it is open or closed, or to appear to open or close. After you cast the spell, you can change between these options as a move action. Creatures using a move action to open or shut the door can attempt a Will save to disbelieve the illusion.
Regardless of how you alter the appearance of the door, creatures that believe the illusion take a –5 penalty on Perception checks regarding the door itself or creatures on the other side of the door.
This spell affects windows, gates, and similar openings in the same way it affects doors.

School divination [curseUM]; Level antipaladin 2, bard 2, inquisitor 2, mesmerist 2, psychic 2, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a page torn from a book)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature
Duration permanent
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
You lay bare not only the mind of a target, but the target’s history as well. The target takes a –2 penalty on saving throws against divinations, and Diplomacy checks to gather information about the target gain a bonus equal to half your caster level (maximum +10).

School necromancy [poison]; Level antipaladin 4, cleric 6, druid 6, ranger 4, shaman 6, witch 6
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (an adder’s fang)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature or one dose of poison; see text
Duration 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
This spell increases the virulence of the targeted dose of poison, making the poison more difficult to resist. The poison is unaffected by delay poison, and the DC to remove it with neutralize poison is increased by 5. Additionally, the poison uses its own saving throw DC or overwhelming poison’s DC, whichever is higher.
If cast on a creature that is currently suffering from exposure to one or more doses of poison, the spell applies to one of the doses of your choice, or a random dose of poison affecting the target if you don’t know what poisons are afflicting the target. If cast on a creature that is venomous, this spell affects the first dose of poison that creature delivers before the end of the spell’s duration.

School divination; Level bloodrager 3, druid 3, inquisitor 3, medium 2, ranger 2, sorcerer/wizard 3, spiritualist 3, summoner 3, witch 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target you plus one willing living creature per 3 levels, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration 1 hour/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You create an instinctual connection between the targets. Each can sense the others’ overall emotional states, which allows them to communicate basic emotional concepts (such as alerting each other of danger due to increased stress). Once the spell has been cast on the subjects, the distance between them and the caster doesn’t affect the spell as long as they are on the same plane of existence. If a subject leaves the plane, or if it dies, the spell ceases to function for it.

School abjuration; Level inquisitor 4, occultist 4, psychic 5, sorcerer/wizard 5, witch 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components S
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target up to one weapon/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Duration 1 minute/level
Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance yes (object)
If a target weapon is sheathed or slung as the spell is cast, this functions as peacebondUC, locking the target’s weapon in place on its owner’s body or within the weapon’s sheath or holster. Anyone who then tries to draw the weapon must spend a standard action and succeed at a Strength check to do so, provoking attacks of opportunity whether the attempt succeeds or fails. The DC for Strength checks required by this spell is equal to the spell’s save DC.
If a target weapon is not currently sheathed or slung as the spell is cast, the weapon immediately attempts to sheathe itself, and its wielder must succeed at a Strength check to prevent it from doing so. Once sheathed or slung in this way, the weapon is difficult to draw, as previously noted above. Unattended weapons that are not currently sheathed or slung are anchored in place by the spell, and require a successful Strength check to pick up; each attempt requires a standard action. If the wielder doesn’t have a sheath or sling available for the weapon, failure on the Strength check causes the weapon to fall to the ground, at which point it requires a Strength check to pick up, as with unattended weapons.

School illusion (phantasm) [mind-affecting]; Level psychic 7, sorcerer/wizard 7
Target one creature
Duration permanent (D)
This spell functions as audiovisual hallucination (see page 204), except that the phantasm you create includes visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile, and thermal components, and the phantasm follows a complex script. The phantasm follows that script without your having to concentrate on it and can react to stimuli the target perceives, as appropriate for the script. Unlike most illusions with a save to disbelieve, if the target disbelieves a permanent hallucination, she can choose to end the effect entirely at any time.

School illusion (phantasm) [mind-affecting]; Level mesmerist 2, psychic 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, witch 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a drop of cod liver oil)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target living creature
Duration see text
Saving Throw Will disbelief, then Fortitude or Will negates (see text); Spell Resistance yes
You cause the creature to believe she has a debilitating affliction. The target can attempt a Will save to recognize the affliction as unreal. If that save fails, the creature suffers an imaginary affliction of your choice.
Curse: The target believes she has been cursed. She takes a permanent –4 penalty on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks for 1 hour per caster level. After her save to disbelieve, the target attempts a second Will save to negate this effect.
Poison: The target believes she has been poisoned. Choose a physical ability score. Each round for 6 rounds, plus 1 round per 5 caster levels, the target takes 1d3 points of damage to the chosen ability score. Each turn, the creature can attempt a Fortitude save to negate the damage and end the ongoing damage.
Wasting: The target believes she has contracted a wasting disease. Each day, the creature takes 1d4 points of Constitution damage and becomes fatigued. A successful Fortitude save prevents this damage. Two consecutive successful saves end the effect.
Since the affliction exists entirely in the creature’s mind, phantasmal affliction is not affected by normal cures like neutralize poison or remove disease, or other effects like delay poison or the Heal skill. Ordinary immunities do not apply in this case (though a creature immune to the affliction receives a +4 bonus on the Will save to disbelieve the illusion). Constitution damage from the affliction can’t kill the target. Instead, it causes the target to fall unconscious like other forms of ability damage. Phantasmal affliction is a spell effect and can be dispelled normally.
Placebo effectOA counters and dispels phantasmal affliction.

School conjuration (summoning); Level druid 3, occultist 3, ranger 3, shaman 3, witch 3
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S, M (a snake scale and fang)
Range touch
Target object touched
Duration 1 hour/level or until discharged (D)
Saving Throw Fortitude negates (object); Spell Resistance no
You set a magical ward upon the object touched, which must be a container such as a pouch, bag, backpack, or pocket. If any creature opens the container without first speaking a command word, 1d3 summoned venomous snakes (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 255) appear, slithering out of the container and attacking that creature for 1 round/level before disappearing. They attack other creatures only if they themselves are attacked.

School conjuration (healing) [poisonUM, ruse]; Level cleric 4, druid 5, occultist 4, shaman 4, witch 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature
Duration instantaneous, then 1 hour or until triggered plus 6 rounds; see text
Saving Throw Will partial (harmless), then Fortitude negates (see text); Spell Resistance yes
You mend the target’s injuries, curing 3d8 hit points + 1 point per caster level (maximum +15) as cure serious wounds, but leaving its body laced with a subtle toxin that remains inert until you activate it. A target that decides to attempt the Will save and succeeds is healed for half (as cure serious wounds) and negates the toxin. Otherwise, you can activate the toxin by concentrating on the spell as a standard action, at which point the victim takes 1d3 points of Strength damage per round for 6 rounds. Once the poison is active, the target can attempt a Fortitude save each round to negate that round’s damage and end the affliction. If you don’t trigger the poison for 1 hour, the spell ends and leaves the target unharmed.
Detect poison reveals an inert poisonous balm only if the caster succeeds at a caster level check against a DC equal to 15 + your caster level. Attempts to identify poisonous balm with a skill check incorrectly identify it as cure serious wounds (see the ruse descriptor on page 192). A fooled viewer mistakes poisonous balm’s aura as the lingering aura of an instantaneous effect.

School enchantment (compulsion) [curseUM, mind-affecting]; Level bard 5, cleric 7, mesmerist 5, psychic 7, sorcerer/wizard 7, spiritualist 5, witch 7
Casting Time 8 hours
Components V, S, M (a physical connection to the target; see text)
Range see text
Target one creature
Duration 1 day/level
Saving Throw Will negates, then Will partial (see text); Spell Resistance yes
You curse the target to attract negative assumptions and rumors of a sort you specify when you cast the spell. If the target fails the initial save to negate the curse, every day that it spends in a settlement, it must attempt a Will save. If it fails, it accidentally says or does something that makes others assume the rumor you specified is true in some way that is unflattering or incriminating. If the creature is not aware of the nature of the rumors, it takes a –4 penalty on these secondary saves. After the first failed save, the attitude each resident in the settlement has regarding the target is worsened by one step. For each additional failure, the target becomes the victim of focused harassment. A group of residents taunts or attacks the creature, potentially sending the authorities to investigate if the rumor indicates criminal guilt.
The spell can be cast at any distance. The difficulty of the save depends on your knowledge of the subject and what sort of physical connection you have to that creature. The target gains the same bonuses and penalties on its Will save to resist this spell as the bonuses and penalties that apply to the scrying spell (including a +5 bonus if the target is on another plane), except that you can’t cast pox of rumors without at least a possession or garment to use as the material component, and the target takes no penalty when you use a possession or garment and only a –5 penalty when you use a piece of the target’s body. Pox of rumors is a curse, and until its duration expires, it can be removed only by remove curse or similar magic.

School divination; Level cleric 6, inquisitor 6, medium 4, psychic 6, shaman 6, spiritualist 6, witch 6
Casting Time 8 hours
Components V, S, M (rare incense and tonics worth 250 gp)
You glimpse the future. Prognostication functions as divination except that the spell can see up to a year and a day into the future. Because of the increased unpredictability of the distant future, prognostication is significantly more cryptic than the already-cryptic divination spell.

School illusion (glamer); Level bard 4, cleric 4, inquisitor 4, magus 4, occultist 4, psychic 4, ranger 3, sorcerer/wizard 4, spiritualist 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target up to one natural or manufactured weapon per 3 caster levels
Duration 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance yes (object)
The target weapons and any ammunition they fire make no sound as part of their normal functions as a weapon. For instance, a firearm’s firing would not make an explosive sound, but if you cast this spell on a creature’s bite attack, it would not prevent it from vocalizing from its mouth. The first time a creature is struck by a weapon affected by this spell, it must succeed at a Will save (SR applies to this effect) or it becomes unable to make noise louder than a whisper (Perception DC 10 to hear) whether vocally or by other means for the duration of the effect. Because the creature can still whisper, this doesn’t interfere with verbal spell components. Whether it succeeds or fails its saving throw, the creature is immune to further effects from this casting of quieting weapons.

School necromancy; Level bard 4, cleric 4, inquisitor 4, medium 3, occultist 4, paladin 4, psychic 5, sorcerer/wizard 5, spiritualist 4, witch 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a black candle), F (a corpse slain no more than 1 day ago per caster level)
Range see text
Target one creature
Duration 1 day/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
Drawing upon the spiritual link between a corpse and its killer, you reach out across space to brand the killer of the corpse you used as a focus for this spell, creating a physical manifestation of the killer’s guilt.
The killer’s right hand becomes stained indelibly red, and this stain can’t be removed (although it can be hidden by magical or mundane means, such as disguise self or by wearing gloves). If the killer is not humanoid, or doesn’t have a right hand for some other reason, the spell instead causes a red stain in the shape of a hand to appear elsewhere on the creature’s body (typically on the chest).
This spell affects only the creature that directly killed the targeted corpse. Other individuals that contributed to the target’s death are unaffected, and if the victim did not die from violence or died indirectly (for instance, if the creature died from suffocating after someone trapped it in a room filling with water), then the spell has no effect. The killer can attempt a Will save to resist the spell’s effects. Distance is not a factor, but the killer must be on the same plane as you at the time you cast the spell, or the spell fails. Once a corpse has acted as the focus for red hand of the killer, it can never act as the focus for another casting of red hand of the killer.

School conjuration (healing); Level druid 6, shaman 6, witch 7
Casting Time 10 minutes
Components V, S, DF, M (oils worth 2,500 gp and a possession or piece of the body of the creature to resemble)
Range touch
Target dead creature touched
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none (see text); Spell Resistance yes
This spell functions as reincarnate except that you can cause the new body to resemble a particular creature, matching its age category and sex and rerolling any race result that would be the wrong size category. The subject further gains a +5 bonus on Disguise checks to impersonate the chosen creature due to similar features, although it might take a penalty for being the wrong race.
The spell automatically leaves you with a small piece of the creature’s new body, typically a lock of hair (useful for scrying and other such spells).

School conjuration (creation); Level psychic 9, sorcerer/wizard 9
Casting Time 1 minute
Components V, S, F (a miniature cornerstone carved from precious gemstones worth 500 gp)
Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Effect opulent mansion, up to 300 feet on a side and one story tall/4 levels
Duration 1 day/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
This spell creates a towering mansion. While casting the spell, you hold an image of the mansion and its desired appearance in your mind. The mansion can contain as many or as few rooms as you desire, and is decorated to match your image. You can imagine a purpose for each room of the mansion, and the proper accouterments appear within. Any furniture or other mundane fixtures function normally for anyone inside the mansion, but cease to exist if taken beyond its walls. No fixture created with this spell can create magical effects, but magical devices brought into the mansion function normally.
A resplendent mansion contains the same types of foodstuffs and servants as a mage’s magnificent mansion.
Each of the mansion’s exterior doorways and windows are protected by alarm spells. You choose whether each alarm is audible or mental as you cast the spell, and each alarm has a different sound (for an audible alarm) or sensation (for a mental one), allowing you to instantly determine which portal has been used.
The mansion must be created on a plot of land free of other structures. It adapts to the natural terrain, adopting all structural requirements for being built on, for example, a mountainside. The mansion adjusts around small features such as ponds or spires of rock, but can’t be created on water or other nonsolid surfaces. If created on snow, sand dunes, or other soft surfaces with a solid surface underneath, the foundation reaches the solid ground. If created on a solid but unstable surface, such as a swamp or an area plagued by tremors, there’s a 10% chance each day that the mansion begins to sink or collapse.
The mansion doesn’t harm creatures within the area when it appears, and can’t be created among a crowd or in a densely populated area. Any creature inadvertently caught inside the mansion when the spell is cast ends up unharmed inside the complete mansion.

School divination; Level bard 2, inquisitor 2, medium 1, mesmerist 2, psychic 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V
Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Effect 1 rumor
Duration 1 day/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates (see text); Spell Resistance yes
You utter a brief anecdote or bit of news as the verbal component of this spell and track its progress through a social gathering or other crowd. When someone who heard the rumor directly from you and repeated the rumor is within your range, they glow silver to your sight, though this glow doesn’t occur if the creature is in disguise (unless it was in the same disguise at the time of casting). You can choose to follow the rumor by selecting any such creature in range, at which point the creatures who heard the rumor from you no longer glow silver, and now the creatures who heard the rumor from your chosen creature glow silver instead. You can follow the rumor’s path until you reach a creature that heard the rumor but didn’t repeat it (or repeated it incorrectly). The glow identifies only creatures who heard the same information you conveyed. Minor cosmetic changes in the rumor don’t interrupt the chain, but when the rumor no longer resembles the information you imparted, the trail stops and the spell ends.
You can instead use this spell to trace a rumor back to its source once you hear it. In this case, you repeat the rumor as you heard it for the spell’s verbal component. The person who told you the rumor can attempt a Will save to end the effect. Failure indicates the silver glow leads to the individual that told her. This process continues each time you locate the next individual spreading the same information. Each individual attempts the save until one of them succeeds (in which case the spell ends and you can’t attempt to trace this particular rumor again) or you trace the rumor to its original source. As with the other application of the spell, tracing a rumor back fails to cause a creature to glow if it is in disguise, unless it was in the same disguise at the time of speaking the rumor.

School illusion (phantasm) [mind-affecting]; Level bard 5, magus 5, medium 4, mesmerist 5, occultist 5, psychic 5, sorcerer/wizard 5
Duration 1 minute/level (D)
This spell functions as audiovisual hallucination (see page 204), except that the phantasm includes visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile, and thermal components, and the phantasm follows a complex script. The phantasm follows that script without your concentration and can react to stimuli the targets perceive.

School abjuration; Level bard 3, inquisitor 3, occultist 3, psychic 3, ranger 2, sorcerer/wizard 3, spiritualist 3, summoner 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F/DF (a slender iron rod 1 foot in length)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area up to 20-ft.-radius emanation centered on a point in space
Duration 2 hours/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
This spell functions as alarm, except that you can tweak the spell to be more discerning in what types of creatures or objects trigger the alarm. Instead of being triggered whenever a creature of Tiny size or larger enters the warded area, you can set whatever triggering conditions you wish, as long as they are based on observable phenomenon. For example, you could cause the selective alarm to trigger when creatures of a certain race (such as orcs, bugbears, or kobolds) enter the area, or whenever a group of four or more creatures enters the area together, or when a metal object is brought into the area. You can’t choose triggering conditions that rely on unobservable information, such as having it triggered when creatures of a certain alignment enter the area, nor could you have the alarm be triggered by “something worth more than 5,000 gp” entering the area, or even “a weapon” entering the area, because an item’s value and classification as a weapon is subjective, and might vary from one person to the next.

School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level bard 2, inquisitor 2, mesmerist 2, psychic 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target creature touched
Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
The target sees its own attire as hopelessly out of fashion, ostentatious, and embarrassing, and is filled with a compulsion to strip off all clothing. Each round, the target must spend a move action to remove a worn item that can be removed with a move action, dropping the item once it is removed. The target doesn’t distinguish between magical and nonmagical items when removing them. Each round it removes an item as determined randomly from the following slots: belt, body, chest, eyes, feet, hands, head, headband, shoulders, or wrists. When determining randomly, don’t include any slots if the character has no item of that sort, and don’t include items that take more than one move action to remove. Though creatures can’t have more than one magic item in any of those slots, they can have multiple mundane items that fit each slot, in which case randomly decide which one they remove. If a target is wearing clothing that doesn’t fit in any of those slots, such as breeches or a quiver, add it to the list of possibilities at the GM’s discretion.
The target regards the discarded items with revulsion, and if forced to touch such an item (such as with a melee or ranged touch attack using the item as an improvised weapon), the target becomes sickened for 1d3 rounds. Other than the move action to remove items, the character can take whatever actions it chooses.

School illusion (glamer) [sonic]; Level alchemist 2, antipaladin 2, bard 2, inquisitor 2, magus 2, medium 2, mesmerist 2, occultist 2, psychic 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, spiritualist 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature or object up to 10 feet across
Duration concentration + 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless) and Will disbelief (if interacted with); see text; Spell Resistance no
You cause the target to sound as if it is elsewhere within range, including its movements, speech, and all other sounds. As long as you concentrate, you can cause the sound’s apparent location to change as you see fit within range from your current location. Once you cease concentrating, the sound moves so that it remains the same relative distance and direction from the target. This spell can fool any sound-based blindsense or blindsight (including echolocation), but it can’t fool other forms of detection such as other forms of blindsense or blindsight, lifesense, normal vision, and tremorsense. The target receives a saving throw against the effect if it doesn’t wish for you to shift its sound, and any creature that interacts with the illusion receives a Will save to disbelieve the glamer.

School transmutation; Level alchemist 5, druid 5, shaman 5, witch 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, DF
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 hour/level or until discharged
A special gland grows on the inside of your throat, which absorbs any poisons that you ingest, and can be used to expel them in a toxic spray. Any time you consume ingested poison during the spell’s duration, you can roll a caster level check against the poison’s save DC in order to harmlessly absorb the poison, ignoring its effects. The spell can absorb up to 1 dose of poison per 3 caster levels, after which the gland is unable to process any more poison, and any further doses of ingested poison affect you normally.
You store each dose of absorbed poison within the gland, and you can end the spell to spray one dose of absorbed poison out of your mouth as a standard action. This sprays the poison in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the area must succeed at a Reflex save (at swallow poison’s DC) or be exposed to the sprayed poison, which is treated as though it were a contact poison for this purpose. Everything about the poison other than its type, including its frequency, effect, and saving throw DC, are unaffected by this spell. Any other doses of poison you had absorbed instantly become inert when you end the spell. If the spell’s duration ends without you spraying a poison, all poisons you had absorbed become inert.

School enchantment (compulsion) [emotionUM, fear]; Level bard 3, inquisitor 3, mesmerist 3, paladin 3, psychic 4, shaman 4, witch 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F/DF, M (a drop of black ink)
Range medium (100 ft. plus 10 ft./level)
Target one intelligent creature
Duration 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
You instill a target with the fear that the nearest other intelligent creature knows her darkest secret. If she is in the midst of another situation as vital as protecting her darkest secret, such as combat, this doesn’t cause her to cease participating, but otherwise, she becomes compelled to use her abilities and skills to determine exactly how much the other individual knows. Even if she isn’t around other creatures or otherwise avoids confronting her paranoia for a time, the nagging fear causes the target to become shaken for the duration of the spell (though this doesn’t stack with other fear effects to make the target frightened or panicked).
The subject’s paranoia increases over time, forcing her to take additional steps to protect herself from the other creature. Depending on her personality (or subject to the GM’s discretion), she might confess, publicly demand to know what the other creature knows, attack the other creature to silence it, or offer the other creature a bribe.
The spell fails if the target truly feels she has nothing to hide.

School divination; Level psychic 4, sorcerer/wizard 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F (a magnifying lens)
Range 40 feet
Area 40-ft.-radius emanation centered on you
Duration 1 minute/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You immediately become aware of any teleportation effects that begin or end within the spell’s area. The spell’s area radiates from you and moves as you move. You know the exact origin point of any teleportation effect that originates within the spell’s area, and the exact end point of any teleportation effect that terminates within the spell’s area. Further, you can detect the lingering traces of any teleportation effect that occurred up to 1 hour previously, in the same fashion. You intuitively know, to the nearest minute, when the teleportation effect occurred.
Whenever you detect the origin point or termination point of any teleportation effect with this spell, you can study that origin point or termination point for 1 round. If you do, you can attempt a caster level check (DC = 11 + the teleportation effect’s caster level), taking a –5 penalty if the effect occurred more than 1 minute ago. If you succeed, you gain a glimpse of the teleportation effect’s termination point (if you detected an origin point) or origin point (if you detected a termination point). This glimpse lasts long enough for you to get a brief look at the area, but not long enough to scrutinize it in detail. It doesn’t come with any geographic knowledge of the location, so it is not sufficient for teleport or similar magic. You can’t retry the caster level check, even if you cast trace teleport again.

School conjuration (teleportation); Level bard 3, mesmerist 3, sorcerer/wizard 4, summoner 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F (any held object weighing no more than 5 lbs./level)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one object weighing no more than 5 lbs./level
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance yes (object)
You cause the target object and the object used as a focus for the spell to immediately swap places. The target object appears in your hand (or falls to the ground in your square if you are unable to hold it). The stronger the connection between the two objects, the more difficult the spell is to resist, as indicated on the table below. The modifiers are cumulative.
Similarity DC
The two objects are the same type of object (such as “keys,” “swords,” “scrolls”) +1
The two objects are made of the same material +1
The two objects have the same weight (accurate to the nearest ounce) +1
The two objects are part of the same set or made in the exact same mold +2
The target object has a higher gp value than the focus item –2
The target object is tied its holder, such as a bonded item –2

School conjuration (teleportation) [ruse]; Level magus 6, occultist 6, psychic 6, sorcerer/wizard 6, spiritualist 6, summoner 6, witch 6
This spell functions as teleport except that you can opt to intentionally cause any number of the creatures traveling with you to suffer a mishap or arrive in a specific different location you visualize simultaneously with the original destination, or both.
Attempts to identify treacherous teleport with a skill check incorrectly identify it as teleport ( see the ruse descriptor on page 192).

School illusion (phantasm) [mind-affecting]; Level bard 6, magus 6, mesmerist 6, occultist 6, psychic 6, sorcerer/wizard 6
Components V, S, M (jade dust worth 25 gp)
Target one creature
Duration permanent until triggered, then 1 minute/level This spell functions as audiovisual hallucination (see page 204), except that this spell’s phantasm has no apparent effect until a specific condition occurs. You must overcome the target’s spell resistance to plant the triggered hallucination, but the target doesn’t attempt a Will save to disbelieve the illusion until the condition occurs (at which point it receives an automatic Will save, as with audiovisual hallucination). The phantasm can include auditory, olfactory, visual, tactile, and thermal elements, including intelligible speech.
You set the triggering condition (such as hearing a certain word or seeing a type of creature) when casting the spell. The event that triggers the illusion can be as general or detailed as desired but must be based on an audible, tactile, olfactory, or visual trigger. The trigger can’t be based on any quality not normally obvious to the senses, such as alignment. Triggered hallucination uses the target’s senses to notice triggers.

School divination; Level cleric 8, psychic 8, shaman 8, witch 8
Casting Time 1 week
Components V, S, M (rare incense and tonics worth 1,000 gp)
True prognostication functions as divination except that the spell can see up to 100 years into the future. Because of the extreme unpredictability of the far-distant future, true prognostication is incredibly cryptic when used to learn about events on such large a scale.

School transmutation; Level druid 1, ranger 1, shaman 1
Casting Time 1 swift action
Components S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one non-creature plant of size Tiny, Small, or Medium
Duration 1 round
Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance yes (object)
You cause a plant to rustle noisily, distracting nearby creatures. You can attempt a Bluff check to create a distraction to hide, using your caster level + your Wisdom modifier in place of your total Bluff skill bonus and applying the result to all creatures within 30 feet. You count the target as distracted, as do any creatures that knew about your distraction in advance. Creatures might not be distracted if they detect you casting the spell or otherwise anticipate your subterfuge.

School illusion (glamer); Level antipaladin 2, occultist 3, ranger 2
Casting Time 10 minutes (see text)
Components V, S, M (a square of black silk worth 50 gp)
Range touch
Target trap touched
Duration 1 day/level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You shroud a single trap with a powerful illusion to make it more difficult to locate. Spells like detect magic can’t locate any magic aura from either the target trap or from undetectable trap. Furthermore, a character under the effect of the find traps spell doesn’t receive an automatic chance to locate the target trap when she comes within 10 feet of it, and the bonus on Perception checks from find traps doesn’t apply to attempts to notice the target trap. Add 1/2 your caster level to the DC for any creature without the trapfinding class ability to notice the target trap with Perception checks.
A ranger with the ranger traps class feature (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 64) can cast this spell on a ranger trap he creates as part of the same action he uses to prepare a ranger trap. This doesn’t reduce the spell’s casting time if such a ranger casts this spell on an ordinary trap, even one that he created himself using Craft (traps).

School divination; Level alchemist 5, druid 6, occultist 4, ranger 4
Casting Time 10 minutes
Components V, S, DF
Range personal
Target you
Duration 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
During this spell’s duration, you can touch the sign of a creature’s passage that you have identified using the Survival skill to make the other steps in the creature’s path perfectly clear to you, no matter how minute. This trail can’t be more than 24 hours old. You can follow the trail at any speed, provided you have line of sight to the trail. You can distinguish the trail of the particular creature followed even if it joins and splits with other trails. Once you have selected a trail to follow using this spell, it can’t be changed.
The spell is unable to follow teleportation or interplanar travel for any distance. The trail appears to end where the creature teleported (though a successful Spellcraft check allows you to determine the method of teleportation, if a spell was used). Unerring tracker can’t track creatures under the effect of a pass without trace spell, as those creatures leave no trail at all, but can track creatures using nondetection (though not mind blank).
This spell can be used to track flying creatures, but the trail must at least begin on a solid surface.
This spell doesn’t reveal the creature’s current position or any shorter path than the one it followed (for instance, it will not reveal that the creature doubled back upon the trail until you reach the point where the creature turned around.) It doesn’t reveal traps or other hazards along the trail.

School conjuration (teleportation); Level bard 2, magus 3, occultist 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, summoner 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (scrap of cobweb)
Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target two doors or other portals in range
Duration 1 round
You set up a magical connection between two doors (or other physical portals, such as windows) that both must be within range, line of sight, and line of effect. During the spell’s duration, you can move through one of the two portals. When you do, you teleport to the other portal, emerging in either direction. Both portals must be open and unobstructed when you cast the spell and enter the first portal, and they both must be large enough for you to fit through, otherwise the spell ends and the teleportation fails. You can bring along objects as long as their combined weight doesn’t exceed your maximum load. You can’t bring other creatures with you, and other creatures that go through the portals don’t teleport. Once you step through, the spell ends and you can’t take any other actions until your next turn.

School divination (scrying); Level bard 4, medium 3, mesmerist 4, occultist 4, psychic 4, shaman 4, sorcerer/wizard 4, spiritualist 4, witch 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range touch
Effect magical sensor
Duration 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates (object); Spell Resistance yes (object)
You plant a scrying sensor on a touched creature, object, or point in space, allowing you to see and hear the creature, object, or point and its surroundings (approximately 10 feet in all directions). If the creature or object on moves, the sensor moves with it. Unlike other scrying spells, vicarious view doesn’t allow magically or supernaturally enhanced senses to work through it.

School divination; Level alchemist 3, bard 2, cleric 3, inquisitor 2, medium 2, mesmerist 2, occultist 2, psychic 3, shaman 4, sorcerer/wizard 3, spiritualist 3, witch 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a quill)
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 8 hours (D)
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
You choose any language (except for secret languages, such as Druidic). The target gains the ability to speak, understand, read, and write that language. When you cast this spell, you can attempt a DC 15 Linguistics check. If you succeed, choose an additional language, plus one more language for every 10 by which your check result exceeded the DC.
Written material can be read at the rate of one page (250 words) per minute. As with comprehend languages, this spell doesn’t impart insight into material the target read, just the literal meaning, and it doesn’t allow the target to read magical writing or decipher codes.
If the target lacks the mental capacity to grasp a language, it still gains enough knowledge to respond to and carry out even extremely complex commands or suggestions coached in the language (whether written or spoken). However, since this spell endows the target merely with a temporarily enhanced vocabulary, the person offering instructions to nonsentient creatures must take care to avoid metaphors or any other ambiguity.

School transmutation (polymorph); Level alchemist 1, bard 1, medium 1, mesmerist 1, occultist 1, psychic 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 1 hour/level
Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance yes
You polymorph your target to look like an older version of itself. You select how much older (for example, “10 years older” or “as an adult”). You can’t otherwise change the target’s appearance other than those details directly associated with aging (for example, a target’s hair might turn gray or the target might develop liver spots). This spell allows children of creatures that are Medium or smaller when fully grown to grow one size category to the normal, adult size of that type of creature, but otherwise the selected age increase doesn’t alter the creature’s size. A change in size doesn’t alter the target’s ability scores. This spell doesn’t affect or cause any age-based modifications to ability scores or other age-related effects like dragon age categories or natural metamorphoses.
Wizened appearance and youthful appearanceUM counter and dispel each other.
« 上次编辑: 2017-05-14, 周日 23:22:40 由 四月 »

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Re: 【UI】法术(Spells)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2017-05-14, 周日 23:44:03 »

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Re: 【UI】法術(Spells)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2017-05-14, 周日 23:55:34 »


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Re: 【UI】法术(Spells)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2017-05-15, 周一 02:48:12 »