作者 主题: 【COC】中立邪恶(Neutral Evil)阵营角色扮演指南  (阅读 28735 次)

副标题: “你还记得自己吃过多少片面包吗”

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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  • 歼灭者


    • 毫无感情,无有踌躇,甚至连追求空无的欲望也不复存在。
    • 放眼四望,无一不是熵与死亡,你会将其当做现实的真理加以接受——同时亦会将其强加于人。
    • 向所有对永恒,成长和意义的追求报以鄙夷。


  • 自恋狂



    • 只会根据事物对你自己的影响来看待它们。
    • 在世界或者其他人没能满足自己的期望时会深感震惊,心生怨恨。
    • 无法理解他人的感受,会为实现自己远大目标所做出的种种可怖行径加以辩解。


  • 精神病态者



    • 永远无法理解懊悔和同感为何物。
    • 毫不畏惧地去实现自己的异想天开,而且手段一般骇人听闻。
    • 认为所有生灵——即使是其他凡人——也不过是物品而已。







  • 腐败政府


  • 中立邪恶的组织


  • 不死亡灵


引述: 边栏






    【魔法】骇人思维(Horrifying Mind):当一个非邪恶类人生物尝试通过魔法效果来阅读你的思想时,这个人必须进行一个对抗你感知或魅力检定(由你选择)的意志豁免。如果这个人没能通过该豁免,则他战栗1轮。如果该豁免失败了10点以上,则这个人会先惊惧1轮,然后才战栗1轮。

    【社会】主观真相(Subjective Truth):你能将自己对于事实的了解和对于真实的笃信分隔开来,同样的,你也能将本心意图从脸部表情以及肢体动作上剥离出去。你在撒谎的唬骗检定上获得+2背景加值,前提是对方从来都没发现过你曾经对他撒过谎。如果该次唬骗检定失败,视作目标识破了你谎言中的漏洞,因而以后在对抗同一目标时不能获得上述加值。

劇透 -  原文:
Neutral evil
Neutral evil characters care only for themselves, and do whatever they think they can get away with. They place no stock in the ability of laws or 
 codes to protect them, and thus don’t bother to follow them. At the same time, they’re less spontaneous and prone to whimsy than chaotic evil characters. In some ways, neutral evil is the purest form of evil, unburdened by any other tropes or tendencies. Whether a neutral evil character has chosen to practice evil for its own sake or—more often—simply has no empathy for others, the result is the same: cold, unfeeling cruelty.

Those who care nothing for others or the pain they cause, or who strive toward such indifference, are drawn to this alignment.

P hilOsOPhies
Neutral evil characters are not necessarily enthusiastic murderers—it’s so messy and causes so much potential trouble—but they rarely have qualms with the deed itself. They are fundamentally interested only in themselves and their own dark desires and tastes. Other people are insects, tools, toys, or simply objects in their way.

Nothing matters. Entropy and chaos have created a world where nothing lasts, nothing means anything, and even the greatest works or truths will fall to dust and obscurity in the blink of an eye. You know that those who claim otherwise do themselves and everyone else a disservice, and you cannot abide anyone who perpetuates society’s great lies of love and meaning. Instead, you choose to reveal their willful ignorance by furthering the cause of destruction. The world offends you, and thus you will bring it down. 
if you are an annihilist, you: 
• Have no feelings or scruples, or aspire to have none. 
• See entropy and death everywhere, and accept (and inflict) them as the true pillars of reality. 
• Despise anything that aspires to permanence, growth, or meaning. 
 code: Everything crumbles. Who are you to argue with that?

Narcissists see meaning and beauty in the world—but only when they look in a mirror. For narcissists, the world truly does revolve around them: whatever makes them unhappy is a tragic injustice, and whatever pleases them is theirs by divine right. Narcissists can be genuinely bewildered—or homicidally enraged—by suggestions that anyone else’s concerns take precedence over theirs. The narcissist differs from the lawful evil tyrant in that he has no particular need for power or authority, so long as all his whims are catered to without question. It’s only when those whims are denied that the true, uncaring evil of the narcissist rears its bloody head. 
if you are a narcissist, you: 
• See everything in terms of its effect on you. Neutral Evil   
• Are surprised, shocked, or disgusted when the world or other people don’t cater to your expectations. 
• Are incapable of empathizing with others and can justify just about any horrific actions that serve your greater purpose. 
 code: The universe knows what you want, so what does it expect when it doesn’t it give it to you?

Psychopaths are individuals who, for whatever reason, are unable to feel empathy and remorse, leading them to indulge in uninhibitedly antisocial behavior. A psychopath may or may not understand that others have feelings, but either way is unable to relate to other creatures. Other people are objects to them—sometimes amusing and sometimes useful, but always disposable. 
if you are a psychopath, you: 
• Never feel remorse or empathy. 
• Indulge your whims in bold, often horrific ways. 
• Know that all living things—even other people—are just objects. 
 code: Do anything you want. Anything.

a dvantaGes and C hallenGes
Neutral evil characters embody pure selfishness. That singleminded dedication to themselves typically makes their inner lives very straightforward. Many strongly neutral evil characters are emotionless and affectless, sometimes to a terrifying degree, which further focuses their mental resources on getting what they want, and can make them experts at whatever interests them. If their lack of inhibition manifests as admirable boldness and fearlessness, they may become master infiltrators and manipulators.

O PPOrtunities and a llies Almost any adventuring class can be neutral evil—killing people and taking their stuff is central to the job, and fewer scruples mean more opportunities. This is particularly true of rogues and ninjas, with their specialties in lying, sneaking, stealing, and backstabbing, but rangers, with their gift for patient predation and dedicated hate, and alchemists (especially poisoners) also make great choices for neutral evil characters.

Potential neutral evil allies on Golarion include the following forces.

Corrupt Governments:
While neutral evil characters may not have the same drive for governmental power as their lawful evil counterparts, psychopaths’ ability to manipulate others and operate boldly and without guilt often makes them quite adept at navigating the political system and using it to further their own ends.

Neutral Evil Organizations:
 The most prominent and widespread neutral evil organization in the Inner Sea region (though not always openly so) is the Aspis Consortium—unscrupulous merchants with a talent for making money at others’ expense. The cult of undeath known as the Whispering Way is also a draw for those without scruples. Thieves’ guilds are often neutral evil, as they’re too opportunistic and flexible to be lawful evil, yet too regimented to be truly chaotic evil.

Urgathoa, goddess of undeath, is neutral evil, and many of those who worship her—as well as most undead abominations themselves—share her alignment. More broadly, any necromancers or other spellcasters who care only for gaining hidden information or magical power, regardless of the potential cost to others, may be neutral evil.

t raits
The following traits suit a neutral evil alignment.

Horrifying Mind (Magic): When a nonevil humanoid attempts to read your mind via a magical effect, the reader must attempt a Will save opposed by your Wisdom or Charisma check (your choice). If the reader fails this save, she is shaken for 1 round. If she fails by 10 or more, she is instead frightened for 1 round, then shaken for 1 round.

Subjective Truth (Social): You are able to divorce your knowledge of the facts from your beliefs about the truth, and thus from your facial expressions and body language. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Bluff checks to lie, provided the person you’re lying to has never known you to lie to him. Failing this check counts as being caught in a lie by the target, negating any future use of this bonus against that person.

Provided neutral evil characters are getting what they want, they have no problem working with anyone else. They can even be trustworthy for extended periods of time when a larger goal is at stake or their interests or goals overlap with others’. If someone pleases them and seems nonthreatening, they may look after that person, possibly even becoming protective, though with a tendency toward possessiveness.

Neutral evil characters tend to project their own extreme selfishness onto others, which can be corrosive to trust. This selfishness and paranoia, plus the universal mortal tendency to be more conscious of one’s own efforts than other people’s, means that neutral evil characters can come to feel that a perfectly fair deal is in fact weighted against them. More intelligent neutral evil characters may be able to resist this cognitive bias, but it can be a serious impediment to long-term collaboration.

Neutral evil characters often work willingly with lawful evil or chaotic evil types, covertly regarding both the orderly and the wild with a slightly bemused condescension, except when these allies’ behavior interferes with business. When working with neutral or good characters, neutral evil characters are generally careful to keep their vicious sides hidden except when necessary—or when they know they can get away with it.

《探索者》Pathfinder 九大阵营角色扮演指南索引



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Re: 【COC】中立邪恶(Neutral Evil)阵营角色扮演指南
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-04-17, 周一 22:21:39 »

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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Re: 【COC】中立邪恶(Neutral Evil)阵营角色扮演指南
« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-04-17, 周一 22:29:24 »

玩梗而已,有人看不懂证明我们都老了 :em006

离线 谁吃掉了海灵团子?

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Re: 【COC】中立邪恶(Neutral Evil)阵营角色扮演指南
« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-04-17, 周一 23:14:44 »


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Re: 【COC】中立邪恶(Neutral Evil)阵营角色扮演指南
« 回帖 #4 于: 2017-04-18, 周二 19:21:13 »

离线 白药君

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Re: 【COC】中立邪恶(Neutral Evil)阵营角色扮演指南
« 回帖 #5 于: 2017-04-18, 周二 19:50:27 »


线上 Evana

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Re: 【COC】中立邪恶(Neutral Evil)阵营角色扮演指南
« 回帖 #6 于: 2017-04-18, 周二 20:24:53 »



......我好像只是把敘述重打了一次..... :em032



离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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Re: 【COC】中立邪恶(Neutral Evil)阵营角色扮演指南
« 回帖 #7 于: 2017-04-18, 周二 21:32:17 »



......我好像只是把敘述重打了一次..... :em032

 :em032 实在是想不出除了精神病以外的其他简洁传神的译名…反社会人格者? :em032


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Re: 【COC】中立邪恶(Neutral Evil)阵营角色扮演指南
« 回帖 #8 于: 2017-04-19, 周三 01:05:39 »



......我好像只是把敘述重打了一次..... :em032

 :em032 实在是想不出除了精神病以外的其他简洁传神的译名…反社会人格者? :em032



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Re: 【COC】中立邪恶(Neutral Evil)阵营角色扮演指南
« 回帖 #9 于: 2017-04-19, 周三 09:40:01 »