作者 主题: 【COC】守序邪恶(Lawful Evil)阵营角色扮演指南  (阅读 14468 次)

副标题: “跟我签订契约,成为魔法少女吧”/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

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  • 专制者


    • 要求盲目的服从和顺从。
    • 讨厌下属提出疑问或犯下失误。
    • 不断地寻求扩大自己的权力圈。


  • 奴仆



    • 寻找可以效忠服侍的强大存在。
    • 避免做出任何会让自己的忠诚遭受质疑的行为。
    • 取悦主人就是生命的意义所在,尽管其需要伤害他人或自己也不会改变。


  • 欺诈者



    • 努力地在每一个合作以及体系中寻找能加以利用的弱点和空子。
    • 鲜少打破法律,毕竟按照规章行事方能保持优雅。
    • 对自己的才智和头脑尤其自傲。







  • 守序邪恶国度


  • 奴隶制


  • 征服者


引述: 边栏





    【社会】侦察不忠(Detect Disobedience):你拥有找出酝酿中的叛逆的离奇能力。你在对抗其他人尝试在你面前有所隐瞒的察言观色检定上获得+2背景加值。同时在进行是否能发现下属以你为目标的突袭攻击判断时,可以用上述检定替代察觉检定。

    【战斗】惩戒叛逆(Punish Insurrection):你喜欢提醒其他人谁才是老大。在对抗同一组织的成员,或是某一体制内正式效忠于你的下属时,你在攻击和伤害上均获得+1背景加值。而在对抗其他公开违抗该体制统治或是至上权威的成员时,即使其抗令的严重程度已经足以让你和他不再是同一立场,上述的加值也仍然会生效。

劇透 -  原文:
Lawful evil
Lawful evil characters believe that law and structure mean power and safety. In their view, a strict, systematic hierarchy enables outcomes impossible for a single individual, so they seek power and security by positioning themselves advantageously within such systems. They may operate according to strict personal codes—private ethics or creeds that may not align with an observer’s concept of morality—but more often choose to operate within (and take advantage of) the framework of the society around them. Many are quick to cite their law- abiding natures when defending their actions. This alignment is particularly appealing to those who want to get ahead and don’t care whom they hurt, yet who also want to maintain a sense of self-righteousness or don’t want to open themselves up to unnecessary risk. They may take great pride in never breaking their word—and thus rarely make promises—and are  invariably  methodical  and organized in their machinations.

P hilOsOPhies
Lawful evil characters appear on every rung of the social ladder. Some seek desperately to climb the ladder, dreaming of doing unto others what has been done to them. Others feel smug superiority toward the less fortunate and enjoy abusing their power and privilege.

Following are some common lawful evil personality archetypes.

Destined to rule—at least in their own minds—despots seek to impose their will on those around them. Obedience is often not enough; a despot requires total submission. Despots are capable of collaboration and even subordination within a larger structure, but they usually get resentful if they don’t climb the ranks quickly enough, and they seek out opportunities to give orders instead of taking them. Rarely, despots actually enjoy sharing power with like-minded souls; more often, their alliances are of convenience, and a pact’s stability depends on whether the despot’s goals are being met. While all despots believe themselves to be great leaders, not all are; dark tragicomedy abounds when incompetent despots achieve even a small measure of power.
If you are a despot, you:
• Demand blind obedience and servility.
• Welcome  neither  questions  nor  failures  from your underlings.
• Constantly seek to expand your personal power base.
code: Your commands are law—and woe betide those who disobey.

The world is a dangerous and confusing place, filled with overwhelmingly powerful entities. Thankfully, sometimes those beings take lucky souls under their wings, offering protection, purpose, and perhaps permission to indulge aspects of oneself that society otherwise prohibits. Whether the patron is a god, monster, nation, or mortal, the minion knows that loyalty and perfect service—no matter how distasteful or depraved the command—are the best ways to rise in the ranks and achieve comfort and security. Minions may take pride in their service or comfort in the fact that any responsibility for their actions ultimately lies with their masters. Total devotion is a small price to pay for the gifts these dark masters offer.
If you are a minion, you:
• Seek powerful figures to serve and obey.
• Avoid anything that might raise questions about your loyalty.
• Live to please your master, regardless of the harm to yourself or anyone else.
code: Be an obedient and useful servant, and your master will take care of you.

Swindlers accumulate power through indirect means. By using deception and  manipulation,  and  by exploiting  the  systems  they inhabit, they gain personal advantage. Their most common method is brokering deals and contracts that seek to Lawful Evil extract the maximum commitment from others while giving as little away as possible themselves. While driving a hard bargain is not itself evil, swindlers specifically prey on those at their most vulnerable, abusing the legal system and doing their best to exploit (or create) weakness. Loopholes and plausible deniability are a swindler’s bread and butter, and most have legitimate business concerns to augment their extortion and entrapment. Often charming, always cunning, swindlers are experts at using people’s own desires against them.
If you are a swindler, you:
• Look for exploits, loopholes, and advantages in every interaction and institution.
• Rarely break the law—working around it is so much more elegant.
• Are exceptionally proud of your wits and cunning.
code: Anyone who shows weakness deserves to have it exploited.

a dvantaGes and C hallenGes
Lawful evil characters are often surprisingly good at working with others, as long as doing so suits their agenda. Their organized minds excel at spotting ways to make a situation work for them, and they usually recognize that most systems require give and take between the various components. They tend to honor at least the letter of their agreements, and many lawful evil characters are capable of a cold self-discipline that lets them rein in unproductive traits when necessary.

At the same time, lawful evil characters who see weakness in their companions are often quick to capitalize on it, making them potential liabilities in combat. They may be unwilling to risk themselves for a cause or partner, or to bend to group decisions if they feel doing so places them at a disadvantage. Self-interest is the driving force for most lawful evil characters—even minions.

O PPOrtunities and a llies
Lawful classes like the monk, samurai, and cavalier all have evil members, but perhaps the class most suited to lawful evil is the cleric, as both Asmodeus and Zon-Kuthon have powerful, hierarchical churches that provide lawful evil clerics with great opportunities. A witch’s relationship to her patron and familiar and a summoner’s to his eidolon can take on similar overtones at a smaller scale. Unethical wizards are also often drawn to lawful evil—the intellectual rigor of complex studies meshes well with a lawful disposition, and their pursuit of knowledge may lure them into deviant experimentation. And of course, while many people think of rogues as freewheeling criminals, some of the most effective masterminds and string-pullers are rogues and bards who abuse the law without breaking it.

Potential lawful evil allies in the Inner Sea region include the following.

Lawful Evil Nations:
Cheliax’s House Thrune owes its power and authority to Asmodeus and his devils, and those of a similar mind-set can go far with House Thrune’s help. The satellite nation of Nidal offers an even bitterer flavor of tyranny. Geb is not friendly to the living, but necromancers can find allies there. The false god Razmir’s cult-nation is a lawful evil pyramid scheme on a colossal scale. In Tian Xia, the oni of Chu Ye and the hobgoblins of Kaoling might collaborate with outsiders whose goals overlap theirs.

The slave trade is a natural home for those drawn to exercising power over others. Those willing to profit from an industry built on kidnapping, murder, and torture can make fortunes in places like Okeno or the Shackles.

The Hellknights offer opportunities for those willing to follow a code and use punitive force unstintingly on command. The Silent Enforcers might aid those whose objectives help keep Nidal under Zon- Kuthon’s thumb. The Red Mantis are happy to kill for coin, provided doing so doesn’t break their laws.

t raits
The following new traits suit a lawful evil alignment.

Detect Disobedience (Social): You have an uncanny ability to spot a mutiny brewing. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks to detect when an underling is trying to hide something from you, and can attempt such checks instead of Perception checks to notice and react to a subordinate’s surprise attack against you.

Punish Insurrection (Combat): You relish reminding people who’s in charge. Against members of the same organization or hierarchy who formally answer to you, you gain a +1 trait bonus on attack and damage rolls. You also gain this bonus against members who have openly defied the authority or rules of that body, provided the infraction is serious enough that their standing is now less than yours.

One risk of an evil campaign is that the characters’ selfishness can erode the team bond. Yet selfishness can also help characters overcome their differences, even across alignments.

Lawful evil characters who operate in groups usually focus on mutual self-interest. To them, other characters are resources, and no tool should be discarded out of hand if it can still be of use. For instance, chaotic characters may be messy, indisciplined wretches, but if a lawful evil character can channel that scattered energy into something productive, everyone can benefit. Good characters may be sanctimonious or sentimental, but as long as the evil they’re stomping out is an evil that stands in your way, you have every reason to help them. A wise lawful evil character doesn’t care about motives, only outcomes. By properly framing decisions for your allies and knowing how to manipulate them, you can point them in a direction that aids your objectives. And in the end, a lawful evil character doesn’t need to have a problem with other characters succeeding—as long as she succeeds the most.

《探索者》Pathfinder 九大阵营角色扮演指南索引



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Re: 【COC】守序邪恶(Lawful Evil)阵营角色扮演指南
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-04-16, 周日 22:56:15 »

想到了咱们邪恶团的炼金,被塞了根棒子揣进核废料池里修设备,好不容易活到走出核电站,立刻被队友卖给魔鬼换NPC打手了  :em032