作者 主题: 【第四章】法術詳述(Spells)  (阅读 122125 次)


离线 笨哈

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« 于: 2017-03-12, 周日 21:23:58 »








« 上次编辑: 2020-10-22, 周四 11:57:46 由 沉淪 »

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-03-13, 周一 10:54:04 »
緩和腐化(Alleviate Corruption)
鮮活外觀(Appearance Of Life)
偽裝外貌(Assume Appearance)
高等偽裝外貌(Assume Appearance, Greater)
遏止腐化(Ban Corruption)
勾刺鎖鍊(Barbed Chains)
血濃於水(Blood Ties)
自浸腐化(Borrow Corruption)
藏骸所(Charnel House)
激情演說(Compelling Rant)
聯繫怪誕存在 I(Contact Entity I)
聯繫怪誕存在 II(Contact Entity II)
聯繫怪誕存在 III(Contact Entity III)
聯繫怪誕存在 IV(Contact Entity IV)
殘酷旅躍(Cruel Jaunt)
詛咒:季節錯亂(Curse Of Fell Seasons)
詛咒:永夜(Curse Of Night)
詛咒地形(Curse Terrain)
高級詛咒地形(Curse Terrain, Greater)
次級詛咒地形(Curse Terrain, Lesser)
超級詛咒地形(Curse Terrain, Supreme
死亡之握(Death Clutch)
血肉傀儡(Flesh Puppet)
血肉傀儡群(Flesh Puppet Horde)
血肉之牆(Flesh Wall)
光與暗的境界(Flickering Lights)
掌控屍體(Grasping Corpse)
自然之吻(Green Caress)
護神武具(Hedging Weapons)
聖潔標槍(Holy Javelin)
可怖幻象(Horrific Doubles)
渴飲血肉(Hunger For Flesh)
群體渴飲血肉(Hunger For Flesh, Mass)
不思議角度(Impossible Angles)
生命暴發(Life Blast)
定位傳送門(Locate Gate)
瘋狂主宰的旋律(Mad Sultan's Melody)
癲狂與苦難的迷宮(Maze Of Madness And Suffering)
驚駭之夜(Night Terrors)
魅影窒息(Phantasmal Asphyxiation)
魅影腐敗(Phantasmal Putrefaction)
竊取偉力(Plundered Power)
褻瀆光環(Profane Nimbus)
煙火噴發(Pyrotechnic Eruption)
快速換裝(Quick Change)
屍僵(Rigor Mortis)
聖印封印(Sacramental Seal)
神聖光環(Sacred Nimbus)
尖叫火牆(Screaming Flames)
感知恐懼(Sense Fear)
感知瘋狂(Sense Madness)
夢遊暗示(Sleepwalking Suggestion)
規避腐化(Stave Off Corruption)
驅血徽記(Symbol Of Exsanguination)
暫時嫁接(Temporary Graft)
延遲復活(Torpid Reanimation)
蟲形轉化術(Verminous Transformation)
惡犬轉化術(Vile Dog Transformation)
狂血浪潮(Waves Of Blood)
肢體萎縮(Wither Limb)
« 上次编辑: 2017-07-04, 周二 16:16:52 由 笨哈 »

离线 笨哈

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« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-03-13, 周一 11:12:46 »
劇透 -   :

离线 笨哈

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« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-03-13, 周一 11:12:57 »
劇透 -   :

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« 回帖 #4 于: 2017-03-13, 周一 11:14:07 »

等級:吟遊詩人/歌者 2、通靈者 2、催眠師 2、異能者 2、喚魂師 2
範圍:中距 (100呎+10呎/等級)
持續:1分鐘/等級 (D)


荒謬術(Absurdity)會從給予弱效恐懼(Lesser Fear)狀態[受驚(Spooked)戰慄(Shaken)驚嚇(Scared)]下保護你的目標,給予他們免疫受驚以及50%的機會使戰慄驚嚇狀態無效,讓他們不受任何影響,包含使用威嚇技能來挫敗士氣(Demoralize)。其餘任何會導致恐懼效果的相關法術或能力(例如因魅影殺手(phantasmal killer)而死亡)正常的影響他們,而任何忽視免疫恐懼的效果也忽視荒謬術(Absurdity)

但是,目標生物同時也非常難注意到潛在的威脅,他們在避免突襲或注意那主動威脅或懷有惡意的生物,在察言觀色檢定上承受-10的減值,在先攻檢定上承受-2的減值。此法術不會阻止那些對受影響之角色,提早給予警告或一種對危機感知(像是預知危險(anticipate perilUM)),來警告他們有危險的法術或效果。

劇透 -   :
Your targets perceive intimidation and threats as laughably absurd. A character attempting to intimidate your targets is instead perceived as having exaggerated facial features or babbling and awkward speech. Effects that impose fear conditions become objects of ridicule, with the targets making fun of the source of the object as it attempts to scare them.

Absurdity protects your targets from gaining lesser fear conditions (spooked, shaken, and scared), granting them immunity to spooked and a 50% chance to negate shaken or scared conditions instead of gaining them from any effect, including uses of the Intimidate skill to demoralize. Any other effect related to a spell or ability that generates fear (such as dying from a phantasmal killer) affects them normally, and effects that ignore immunity to fear also ignore absurdity.

However, target creatures also have serious difficulty noticing potential threats; they take a –10 penalty on Sense Motive checks to avoid surprise or to notice that a creature is actively threatening or malicious and a –2 penalty on initiative checks. The spell doesn’t prevent spells or effects that provide early warning or a form of danger sense (like anticipate perilUM or find traps) from alerting the affected character to danger.
« 上次编辑: 2017-07-04, 周二 21:41:03 由 笨哈 »

离线 笨哈

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緩和腐化(Alleviate Corruption)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2017-03-13, 周一 11:14:30 »
【防護】緩和腐化(Alleviate Corruption)

等級:牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 6、異能者 6、薩滿 6
成分:語言、姿勢、材料 (價值500gp的稀有藥草、凝神香以及珠寶/目標的角色等級或HD)
豁免:意志,通過則無效 (無害)
抗力:有 (無害)




影響腐化是危險的,因為他們有傳染的性質。如果你在施法者等級檢定失敗超過5點或更多,你會感染腐化並獲得一個變異(實用腐化Useful Corruption以及黑暗腐化vile corruption的變體規則仍舊適用)。在施法者等級檢定上天然骰出1自動失敗。如果你已經有了相同的腐化,則你必須立即嘗試一次豁免檢定來對抗它。對你自己施展緩和腐化自動失敗,而對完全屈服於腐化的目標施展也一樣(在對抗腐化的豁免檢定上失敗三次)。一個生物一周只能受益一次此法術,不管成功還是失敗。

劇透 -   :
You combat the rising corruption (see page 14) in another creature or advance the long-term process of exorcising it entirely.

This spell has two purposes, and you choose which application to use at the time of casting.

Combat Corruption: Each time a creature fails a saving throw to prevent its corruption from progressing (as described in that corruption's Progression section), it advances to the next corruption stage—at stage 3, it loses the battle against its corruption. Using this spell can lower the target's corruption stage by 1.

This has no effect if the target isn't at progression stage of 1 or higher.

Remove Corruption: You can remove 1 manifestation level from the target creature, as well as the most recently acquired manifestation and its corresponding gift and stain.

Doing this also reduces the power of gifts and stains that vary based upon manifestation level.

This application of alleviate corruption doesn't reduce the target's corruption stage.

If the target creature loses all manifestation levels, it is cured of the corruption.

Either application of the spell requires a caster level check.

The DC is equal to 10 + double the target's manifestation level + 3 times the target's corruption stage (effectively 0, 3, or 6, since stage 3 removes the character from player control).

Tampering with corruptions is dangerous, as their nature is contagious.

If you fail this caster level check by 5 or more, you contract the corruption and gain a manifestation (the rules for the useful and vile corruption variants still apply).

A roll of natural 1 on the caster level check is an automatic failure.

If you already have the same corruption, you must instead attempt an immediate saving throw against it.

Casting alleviate corruption on yourself automatically fails, as does casting it on a target who has fully succumbed to a corruption (failed three saving throws against it).

A creature can be the beneficiary of this spell only once per week, whether it succeeds or not.
« 上次编辑: 2017-05-15, 周一 22:39:39 由 笨哈 »

离线 笨哈

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鮮活外觀(Appearance Of Life)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2017-03-13, 周一 11:15:17 »
【幻術】(五官幻覺)鮮活外觀(Appearance Of Life)[邪惡]

等級:牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 3、通靈者 2、催眠師 3、異能者 3、術士/法師/奧能師 3、喚魂師 3、女巫 3
成分:語言、姿勢、材料 (一個超小型或是更大的活物)
範圍:長距 (400呎+40呎/等級)
持續:10分鐘/等級 (D)
豁免:意志,通過則不信 或 意志,通過則無效 (見下)


此幻象會妨礙偵測死靈(detect undead),此法術要確定該生物是不死生物,需要成功通過施法者等級檢定(DC=11+你的施法者等級)。

鮮活外觀(Appearance Of Life)可以被魔法恆定術給恆定,這需要12等或更高等的施法者以及10000gp

劇透 -   :
The illusion makes undead creatures of Medium size or smaller appear as if they were living humanoid creatures.
You can target a number of undead creatures whose total number of Hit Dice is no greater than twice your caster level.
When you create the illusion, you choose the races, genders, and attire for the undead creatures.
Additionally, the illusion makes the undead creatures' movements appear lifelike (two shuffling zombies could be made to appear as two strolling lovers).
The illusion doesn't create smell, sound, texture, or temperature.
Undead with Intelligence scores can attempt a saving throw to negate the effect of the spell, but mindless undead do not.
Any creatures interacting with the illusion receive a saving throw to disbelieve the illusion.

The illusion interferes with detect undead, requiring the caster to succeed at a caster check (DC = 11 + your caster level) for the spell to determine the creatures are undead.

Appearance of life can be made permanent with a permanency spell by a caster of 12th level or higher for the cost of 10,000 gp
« 上次编辑: 2017-03-26, 周日 22:33:28 由 笨哈 »

离线 笨哈

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偽裝外貌(Assume Appearance)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2017-03-13, 周一 11:15:59 »
【變化】(變形)偽裝外貌(Assume Appearance)

等級:練金術師/調查員 3、吟遊詩人/歌者 3、通靈者 3、催眠師 3、秘學士 3、異能者 3、薩滿 3、術士/法師/奧能師 3、喚魂師 3、召喚師 3、女巫 3
成分:語言、姿勢、器材 (你計畫要偽裝的死者的屍體)
持續:1天/等級 (D)

此法術如同變身術(alter self)般作用,除了以下的不同。你偽裝成一個有著具體型態,小體型或中體型的類人生物子類。你的聲音也被改變,契合你所偽裝的型態。這個你所偽裝的生物必須已死去,而且你必須進入他新鮮的屍體(要不就是死去還沒有24小時,要不就是被遺體防腐(gentle repose)或類似的效果所保存)。任何嘗試複製此活物型態都會導致本法術失效。你不會獲得你所偽裝型態的能力、記憶、癖好或是說話方式。此法術在表現的像被模仿的生物上,給予易容檢定+10的加值。


劇透 -   :
This spell functions similarly to alter self, except for the following differences.
You assume the exact form of a deceased Small or Medium creature of the humanoid type. Your voice changes to match that of the form you assume.
The creature whose form you assume must be dead and you must have access to its fresh corpse (either dead less than 24 hours, or preserved via gentle repose or similar effect).
Any attempt to copy the form of a living creature causes the spell to fail.
You do not have access to the assumed form's abilities, memories, mannerisms, or speech patterns.
The spell grants a +10 bonus on Disguise checks to appear as the imitated creature.

If the assumed creature is returned to life while this spell is active, assume appearance immediately ends.
« 上次编辑: 2017-03-26, 周日 22:34:03 由 笨哈 »

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高等偽裝外貌(Assume Appearance, Greater)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2017-03-13, 周一 11:16:08 »
【變化】(變形)高等偽裝外貌(Assume Appearance, Greater)

等級:練金術師/調查員 4、吟遊詩人/歌者 4、通靈者 4、催眠師 4、秘學士 4、異能者 4、薩滿 4、術士/法師/奧能師 4、喚魂師 4、召喚師 4、女巫 4
施放時間:語言、姿勢、器材 (你計畫要偽裝的死者的屍體或類似之物)

此法術如同偽裝外貌(Assume Appearance)般作用,除了就算你只有一幅描繪該生物非常精確的肖像(像是一張素描或一幅畫),你也可以冒充。如果肖像和生物的真實年齡不同,那麼你模仿該生物所呈現的外觀,會是他生命走到盡頭的樣貌。如果你聽到過你計畫要模仿生物大聲的說話,你也可以複製他的聲音,如同扭曲嗓音(vocal alteration)UM[死者交談(speak with dead)也可以滿足這個要求]。此法術不會給予你這個死去生物癖好的深刻見解。

此外,如果你將這幅當作此法術的器材成分來用的肖像放在你身上,或在任何時候都與保持你30呎內的話,高等偽裝外貌(greater assume appearance)靈光會改變方向到肖像而非你身上,類似誤導術(misdirection)的反向用法。

劇透 -   :
This spell functions similar to assume appearance, except that you can imitate a creature even if you have only a likeness (such as a sketch or painting) that is fairly accurate. If there is an age difference between the likeness and the actual creature, you take on the appearance of the creature near the end of its life. If you have heard the creature whose form you plan to assume speak aloud, you can also copy its voice as vocal alterationUM (speak with dead can also be used to fulfill this requirement). The spell doesn’t grant insight into the dead creature’s mannerisms.

Additionally, if a likeness used as a focus for the spell is kept on your person or within 30 feet at all times, the aura of greater assume appearance is redirected to the likeness instead of to you, similar to a reverse application of the misdirection spell.
« 上次编辑: 2017-04-08, 周六 22:59:37 由 笨哈 »

离线 笨哈

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遏止腐化(Ban Corruption)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2017-03-13, 周一 11:16:23 »
【防護】遏止腐化(Ban Corruption)[善良]

等級:牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 5、審判者 4、通靈者 3、秘學士 4、聖武士 4、薩滿 5
成分:語言、姿勢、器材 (一把儀式用匕首)
持續:專注 加上 1輪/等級,至多1小時/等級

你剝奪瀰漫範圍內所有生物,因腐化(見Page.14)而獲得的恩典。與腐化相關的能力失去作用,如同他們被魔法手段解除了。腐化汙染(corruption stains)依然影響生物。一個進入此瀰漫區域並豁免失敗的生物,會失去腐化所賦予的恩典,直至法術持續時間結束,就算他離開了彌漫的區域;但成功通過豁免的生物能對此法術免疫,就算他一直在此瀰漫區域內進進出出。

劇透 -   :
You strip all creatures within the emanation of any gifts associated with corruptions (see page 14). Abilities associated with corruptions cease to function, as if they were magically dispelled. The corruption stains still fully affect creatures. A creature that enters the emanation and fails its saving throw loses its gifts until the spell’s duration ends, even if it leaves the emanation, but a successful saving throw renders a creature immune to the spell, even if it enters and exits the emanation several times.
« 上次编辑: 2017-04-24, 周一 19:22:34 由 笨哈 »