作者 主题: 【PotR】《正义之道》(Paths of The Righteous)  (阅读 55725 次)

副标题: 善良神祗的进阶职业书,包含一些信仰天神使的进阶

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【PotR】《正义之道》(Paths of The Righteous)
« 于: 2017-01-25, 周三 19:42:15 »
正义之道(Paths of The Righteous)

进阶职业(Prestige Class Rules)
进阶职业的完整规则和定义军备刊载在核心手册(Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook)的374页。除非另有说明,本书所提供的所有进阶职业均不会提供额外的武器或护甲擅长。

每日法术(Spells per Day)
在指定的等级上,角色会获得新的每日法术,就好像她在获得进阶之前便拥有的某个施法职业的等级得到了提升一般。她不会获得该施法职业所提供的所有其他优势,只会获得额外的每日法术(additional spells per day)、已知法术(spells known;如果她是自发施法者)、和有效施法者等级的提升。如果角色在获得进阶职业前拥有多个施法职业,则必须决定其中哪一个会获得“每日法术”所提供的效果。部分进阶职业会限制该能力,让它只能对特定的法术类型生效(比如神术、奥术或异能);在此情况下,具体内容会标注在进阶职业的说明中。

伊沙-瓦舞者(Ashavic Dancer)伊沙-瓦(Ashava)魂语者(Ghost Whisperer;专长)
酿酒师(Brewkeeper)凯登·凯连(Cayden Cailean)      持杯械斗(Two-Weapon Drunkard;战斗专长)
绯红十字军(Crimson Templar)拉贾瑟尔(Ragathiel)斥火羽翼(Shield of Wings;法术)
挑战者(Darechaser)库尔吉斯(Kurgess)英勇壮举(Daring Exploit;专长)
晨花隐者(Dawnflower Anchorite)      莎伦莱(Sarenrae)炎刃狂舞(Flame Blade Dervish;战斗专长)
誓诚缪斯(Devoted Muse)莎琳(Shelyn)战刃舞绘(Bladed Brush;战斗专长)
继业骑士(Heritor Knight)艾奥梅黛(Iomedae)专注一击(Strike True;战斗专长)
戍乡人(Hinterlander)埃拉斯蒂尔(Erastil)埃拉斯蒂尔之赐福(Erastil’s Blessing;战斗专长)
玫瑰戍卫(Rose Warden)密拉妮(Milani)永绽荆锤(Everbloom Thorn;魔法武器)
符文守卫(Runeguard)索拉勇(Soralyon)新瑟西隆魔法(New Thassilonian Magic;专长)
虔圣保卫者(Sacred Sentinel)托拉格(Torag)直觉警示(Uncanny Ally;专长)
负痕求道者(Scar Seeker)薇尔迪斯(Vildeis)破除邪咒(Smite Evil Magic;专长)
天体颂唱者(Sphere Singer)黛丝娜(Desna)指引星刃(Guided Star;战斗专长)
观星者(Stargazer)普露拉(Pulura)普露拉的女巫(Witches of Pulura;女巫庇护主)

劇透 -   :
Prestige classes often grant opportunities for characters to specialize in unusual ways beyond those available to base classes. One of the underlying themes of the 14 prestige classes presented in this book is that each is intended to be associated with a single specific good-aligned deity. As such, they represent some of those deities’ most faithful and devout champions. Therefore, all 14 prestige classes require a character to worship the associated deity and have an alignment identical (or relatively close) to that of said deity, but in most cases, the character does not need to have levels in a divine spellcasting class in order to qualify for the prestige class. The character’s area of specialization is in the worship of the chosen deity and one specific aspect of that deity’s faith.
At the GM’s discretion, the deity restrictions for these prestige classes may be relaxed somewhat so that a character of the appropriate alignment who worships a pantheon that includes the deity in question can still qualify for the prestige class. In such a case, the prestige class’s themes and powers will still end up associating the character somewhat with that deity. Of course, a GM can also adapt these prestige classes to any other setting and reassign the associated deity or even remove the deity requirements entirely.

Prestige Class Rules
Full rules and definitions of terms for prestige classes can be found starting on page 374 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Unless otherwise indicated, none of the prestige classes presented within this Player Companion grant additional weapon or armor proficiencies to those who take levels in the class.
While the 14 prestige classes detailed on the following pages present a wealth of character options for spellcasting and non-spellcasting characters alike, many of them share the following standard prestige class ability in common.
Spells per Day: At the indicated levels, the character gains new spells per day as if she had also gained a level in a spellcasting class she belonged to before adding the prestige class. She doesn’t, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if she is a spontaneous spellcaster), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If a character had more than one spellcasting class before gaining this prestige class ability, she must decide to which class she adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per day. Some prestige classes limit this ability to specific types of magic (such as arcane, divine, or psychic); if this is the case, it is indicated in the prestige class’s text.
« 上次编辑: 2019-12-17, 周二 04:40:11 由 黎白羽 »

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Re: 【POTR】正义之道(Paths of The Righteous)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-01-25, 周三 19:42:40 »
进阶专长(Prestigious Feat)

Favored Prestige Class
好处:选择1个进阶职业以及1个技能,该项技能必须是上述进阶职业的本职技能。每当上述进阶职业的等级提升时,你都会获得+1生命值或+1技能点数。你还会在使用上述进阶职业的本职技能(由你选择的那个)时,检定获得+2加值。若你在上述技能中投入的技能点数达到了10点,那么该加值提升至+4点。这些加值与技能专攻(Skill Focus)带来的加值叠加,但是不会与其他专长提供的加值叠加,比如魔法天赋(Magical Aptitude)或者谈判专家(Persuasive)。
上述选择一旦做出,便无法更改。进阶职业中提升的等级与基础职业等级得到提升是不同的,所以进阶职业提升等级时无法选用进阶玩者手册(Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide)中刊载的天赋职业选项(译者注:即那些和种族相关的特殊天赋职业加值)。你只能获得一种天赋进阶职业,不过你仍旧还保留着天赋基础职业。你可以在提升天赋进阶职业的等级之前选择该专长,不过只有当你真的获得该进阶职业的等级时,本专长才会生效。

Prestigious Spellcaster
先决条件:你选择的进阶职业是天赋进阶职业(Favored Prestige Class)
好处:当你首次获得天赋进阶职业(Favored Prestige Class)的等级,而且在判断施法能力的每日法术(spells per day)并不会增加你的有效施法者等级的话,那么你会如同这个进阶职业在该等级中具有“+1现有施法职业等级(+1 level of spellcasting)”能力一般获得新的每日法术。如果你选取该专长时,已经过了天赋进阶职业未能提高你的施法能力的等级时,该效果也可以追溯生效。
如果你的天赋进阶职业不具有“每日法术(spells per day)”的特性、或者尽管具有“每日法术(spells per day)”的特性但是进阶职业本身每级都会增加有效施法者等级(比如诡术师或博学士)的话,进阶施法者专长就不会产生任何效果。
该专长对提供“每日化合炼成(extracts per day)”以取代“每日法术(spells per day)”的进阶职业也会生效。


Bladed Brush (Combat)
先决条件:武器专攻:大砍刀(Weapon Focus:Glaive),必须信仰莎琳(Shelyn)
好处:即便大砍刀不属于轻型武器,你也能够利用武器娴熟(Weapon Finesse)专长,使用敏捷调整值取代力量调整值来调整适合你体型的大砍刀(glaive)的攻击检定。在判断所有需要使用单手穿刺或挥砍近战武器的专长和职业能力(比如决斗家或者游荡剑客的精确刺击)时,如果你正在持用大砍刀,就能够将其视为单手穿刺或挥砍近战武器,就如同你没有使用副手做出攻击一般。

Daring Exploit

Erastil’s Blessing (Combat)
先决条件:武器专攻:长弓(Weapon Focus:longbow),必须信仰埃拉斯蒂尔(Erastil)

Flame Blade Dervish (Combat)
先决条件:能够以类法术能力或正常施放火焰刀(Flame Blade)
好处:当你施放火焰刀(Flame Blade)时,只要该法术仍存在,你的基本陆上速度便会获得+10尺的增强加值,且所有特技动作检定均会获得+4表现加值。将你的魅力调整值加到你的火焰刀的伤害检定上,并且在判断你的火焰刀所造成的伤害时,忽略被你用火焰刀命中的生物所具有的前10点火焰抗力。在对抗不死敌人(undead foes)时,你能够忽略前30点火焰抗力。免疫火焰仍旧可以完全避免你的火焰刀的伤害。

Ghost Whisperer
想要进阶成为伊沙-瓦舞者(Ashavic Dancer)的施法者需要拥有该专长。
好处:你获得亡者语(Necril)作为奖励语言,并且当你说亡者语或者对不死生物(undead creatures)进行唬骗、交涉、威吓和察言观色检定时,均会获得+2加值。将死者交谈(Speak with Dead)加入到你的已知法术列表中。当你能够施放4环法术时,将作祟灵交谈(Speak With Haunt;ACG)加入到你的已知法术列表中。每当你施放死者交谈或作祟灵交谈时,你的阵营会被视作与跟你沟通的已死生物或作祟相同,并且法术的有效施法者等级增加2级。

Guided Star (Combat)
先决条件:优雅繁星(Starry Grace;UI),信仰黛丝娜(Desna)
好处:每日每角色等级次以迅捷动作(swift action),你能够将魔力注入到一把星刃(starknife)中。直至你的回合结束为止,除了在正常情况下你所拥有的其他调整值外,你还能够将感知调整值加到你用星刃造成的伤害检定上。若你在此期间将星刃投掷出去,那么它会在你的下个回合开始时返回到你的手中,就如同回力(returning)武器特殊能力一般。

New Thassilonian Magic
先决条件瑟西隆专精法师(Thassilonian Specialists;出自Inner Sea Magic 17页)
译者注:原文中的先决条件Thassilonian specialization在内海魔法中对应页码里并没有刊载,疑似作者笔误。

Smite Evil Magic
先决条件:制裁邪恶(Smite Evil)职业能力
好处:你能够花费1次制裁邪恶(Smite Evil)职业能力的使用次数,来执行1次破武战技(sunder combat maneuver),用于对抗一个由邪恶生物(evil creature)所创造、且正在生效的法术效果(spell effect)。如果对抗的效果并非施放至一名生物身上,那么战技对抗的CMD则为15 + 效果的施法者等级。当使用破武对抗一个生物身上的效果时,则使用生物的CMD + 5,忽略任何由法术或类法术效果带来的失手率(miss chance)。若检定成功,则能够在1d4 + 1轮内压制该效果。若你的检定结果比CMD高10点或更多的话,该效果则会被解除(dispelled)。如果法术效果是由邪恶异界生物(evil outsider)、邪恶龙类(evil dragon)或不死生物(undead creature)创造的,那么你还能够将你的魅力加值加到战技检定上。

Strike True (Combat)
先决条件:寓守于攻(Combat Expertise),BAB +6
好处:你以移动动作(move action)集中精神。当你集中精神之后,回合结束之前的下一次近战攻击检定会获得+4加值。

Two-Weapon Drunkard (Combat Feat)
先决条件:随手武器(Catch Off-Guard),双武器战斗(Two-Weapon Fighting)
好处:当你用副手(off hand)手持啤酒杯(tankard)作为临时武器(improvised weapon)战斗时,它被视同为轻型硬头锤(light mace),该效果在判断包含武器专攻(Weapon Focus)之类的专长时也能生效。若你信仰凯登·凯连(Cayden Cailean),那么副手的啤酒杯还被视作为法器(divine focus),而且不会妨碍姿势法术成分(somatic spell components)。
正常:手持啤酒杯(tankard)作为临时武器(improvised weapon)时,其功能被视作为铁手套(gauntlet)。

Uncanny Ally
先决条件:警觉(Alertness),直觉闪避(Uncanny Dodge)职业能力
好处:当你意识清晰(conscious)并且能够自由行动(move freely)时,能够看到你并且听到你的相邻盟友会获得你的直觉闪避(Uncanny Dodge)带来的好处。如果你拥有精通直觉闪避(Improved Uncanny Dodge)的话,则可以在你的回合开始时以自由动作(free action)指定一名相邻的盟友,让他也获得该能力的效果。盗贼等级比你的角色等级或者你的盟友的角色等级(以较低者为准)高4级或更多的敌人,仍然可以对该盟友使用偷袭攻击(sneak attack)。

普露拉的女巫(Witches of Pulura)
普露拉庇护主(Aurora Patron)
2级:七彩喷射(Color Spray)12级:预置幻影(Programmed Image)
4级:催眠图纹(Hypnotic Pattern)14级:虹光喷射(Prismatic Spray)
6级:晕厥之墙(WAll of Nausea;ACG)16级:虹光法墙(Prismatic Wall)
8级:虹彩图纹(Rainbow Pattern)18级:冷酷凛冬(Polar Midnight;UM)
10级:闪耀虹光(Blazing Rainbow;ACG)

信仰的魔力(Magic of the Faith)

斥火羽翼(Shield of Wings)
环级:牧师 3,审判者 3,圣武士 3,游侠 3
你获得五根燃烧之翼,它会赋予你翅膀数量 x 10尺(机动性普通)的飞行速度,起始为50尺的飞行速度。在获得该法术的效果后,当你将要首次承受火焰伤害时,一根翅膀会消失(同时降低飞行速度),而你会在该轮内获得30尺火焰抗力。当你仅剩下一根翅膀时(飞行速度为10尺),你的机动性会降低至不良(poor)。当你失去最后一根翅膀时,会在接下来的额外1分钟内变得免疫火焰伤害,本法术会在此之后结束。

魔法物品(Magic Item)

永绽荆锤(Everbloom Thorn)
当拥有者以移动动作(move action)说出命令词之后,这把+1钉头锤(+1 Morningstar)会变形为一枚形状为红玫瑰的坠饰,这枚坠饰不会散发魔法灵光。只有真知术(True Seeing)或类似的魔法能够揭示出这件武器的本质。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具(Craft Magic Arms and Armor),魔法灵光(Magic Aura),缩物术(Shrink Item)

劇透 -   :
Prestigious Feats
While a prestige class gives you an excellent way to specialize your character, granting her new thematic abilities in line with your ultimate character concept, taking levels in a prestige class can hamper the character’s abilities when compared to single-classed characters. The following two feats can help your character make the transition from a base class to a prestige class go as smoothly as possible, allowing your character to continue to gain favored class bonuses or retain a bit more spellcasting power.

Favored Prestige Class
You have come to favor a certain prestige class, either because you are particularly devoted to the class’s cause, have trained more than most others have for that specific role, or have simply been destined to excel in the prestige class all along. Regardless of the reason, levels gained in your favored prestige class grant additional benefits in a way similar to those you gain for taking levels in your base favored class.
Benefit: Choose one prestige class and one skill that is a class skill for that prestige class. Whenever you gain a level in that prestige class, you receive +1 hit point or +1 skill rank. You gain a +2 bonus on checks using the skill you chose from that prestige class’s class skills. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Skill Focus, but does not stack with a bonus granted by any other feat (such as Magical Aptitude or Persuasive).
The choice of favored prestige class cannot be changed once you make it. Levels in a favored prestige class are not the same as levels in a regular favored class, and as such levels in a favored prestige class can never be used to qualify or gain favored class options like those introduced in Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide. You can have only one favored prestige class, but can still have a favored base class as well.
You can select this feat before you gain levels in your chosen favored prestige class, but the benefits of the feat do not apply until you actually gain at least 1 level in that prestige class.
Normal: Prestige classes cannot be a favored class, and cannot benefit from the additional hit point or skill rank afforded to those who take levels in a favored class.

Prestigious Spellcaster
The transition into a spellcasting prestige class is less difficult for you, and because of this, you gain 1 additional effective spellcaster level from your prestige class levels.
Prerequisite: Favored Prestige Class with selected prestige class.
Benefit: The first time you gain a level in your favored prestige class and the spells per day class feature does not grant an increase in effective level for the purpose of casting spells, you gain new spells per day as if the prestige class did grant +1 level of spellcasting for that level. This effect is retroactive if you gain this feat at a level beyond the point where your favored prestige class would normally have not advanced your spellcasting.
The Prestigious Spellcaster feat does not have any effect if your favored prestige class does not have the spells per day class feature, or if it does have the spells per day class feature but already grants a level increase for every level of the prestige class (as do the arcane trickster and loremaster prestige classes).
Special: You can select the Prestigious Spellcaster feat multiple times. Each time you select the Prestigious Spellcaster feat, your effective caster level increases by 1. However, regardless of the number of times you choose this feat, the total increase to your effective caster level cannot exceed your actual prestige class level.
This feat also applies to prestige classes that grant extracts per day instead of spells per day.

Spellcasters who wish to become Ashavic dancers are required to have the following feat.

Ghost Whisperer
Your words soothe the dead and undead alike, and can even affect haunts.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 3rd-level spells.
Benefits: You gain Necril as a bonus language, and gain a +2 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks against undead creatures or when you speak Necril. Add speak with dead to your list of spells known. As soon as you gain the ability to cast 4th-level spells, add speak with hauntACG to your list of spells known. Whenever you cast speak with dead or speak with haunt, treat your alignment as identical to that of the dead creature or haunt with which you are speaking, and increase the effective caster level of the spell by 2.

Those who fight in Cayden’s name often take this feat, as it allows them to easily arm themselves in one of their favorite haunts—the tavern.

Two-Weapon Drunkard (Combat Feat)
You effortlessly wield tankards in your off hand, and can use them to drink from and as deadly weapons in a battle with equal ease.
Prerequisites: Catch Off-Guard, Two-Weapon Fighting
Benefit: When you wield a tankard as an improvised weapon in your off hand, it functions as a light mace, including for the purpose of determining the effects of feats like Weapon Focus. If you worship Cayden Cailean, your off-hand tankard functions as a divine focus and does not interfere with somatic spell components.
When you fight with two weapons and have the sickened condition, you do not apply the penalties from being sickened to attack rolls or weapon damage rolls.
Normal: A tankard wielded as an improvised weapon normally functions as a gauntlet.

The following feat aids those who regularly attempt unthinkable deeds and tasks.

Daring Exploit
Your determination allows you to accomplish great things, at a risk of great failure.
Prerequisite: Dare, deeds, or inspiration class ability.
Benefit: Once per day before using the derring-do deed, a dare, or a similar ability that allows you to roll a die and add the result to a d20 roll, you can roll the bonus die twice and take the higher result. If rolling a high result would allow you to roll the bonus dice additional times, you gain the benefits of this feat only on the first roll. You can use this feat one additional time per day for every 4 character levels you have.

Many worshipers of Sarenrae take the following feat.

Flame Blade Dervish (Combat)
You move effortlessly when wielding a f lame blade.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast flame blade as a spell or spell-like ability.
Benefit: When you cast flame blade, you gain a +10 enhancement bonus to your base speed as long as the spell persists, along with a +4 competence bonus on all Acrobatics checks. You add your Charisma modifier to damage rolls with your f lame blade, and ignore the first 10 points of fire resistance possessed by a creature you hit with the f lame blade for the purposes of determining the damage dealt by the f lame blade. Against undead foes, you ignore the first 30 points of fire resistance. Immunity to fire still completely protects against damage from your f lame blade.

Some of Shelyn’s devoted turn combat into an art form.

Bladed Brush (Combat)
You know how to balance a polearm perfectly, striking with artful, yet deadly precision.
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (glaive), must be a worshiper of Shelyn.
Benefit: You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to attack rolls with a glaive sized for you, even though it isn’t a light weapon. When wielding a glaive, you can treat it as a one-handed piercing or slashing melee weapon and as if you were not making attacks with your off-hand for all feats and class abilities that require such a weapon (such as a duelist’s or swashbuckler’s precise strike).
As a move action, you can shorten your grip on the glaive, treating it as though it lacked the reach weapon property. You can adjust your grip to grant the weapon the reach property as a move action.

Many believe that intense concentration in combat is just as important as martial prowess.

Strike True (Combat)
Rather than attempting a series of wild blows, you line up a perfect attack.
Prerequisites: Combat Expertise, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: You can focus yourself as a move action. When focused, you gain a +4 bonus on your next melee attack roll before the end of your turn.

Clerics of Erastil who fight with a bow often take the following feat.

Erastil’s Blessing (Combat)
Old Deadeye’s favor grants you prowess with a bow that far exceeds your own physical capabilities.
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (longbow), must be a worshiper of Erastil.
Benefit: You can use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier on ranged attack rolls when using a bow.

Wizards who follow the ancient philosophies of Thassilon can take the following feat to help enhance their studies.

New Thassilonian Magic
You use Thassilonian magic in a nontraditional way that preserves the ancient traditions while lifting some of its restrictions.
Prerequisite: Thassilonian specialization (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Magic 17).
Benefit: You choose one of your two opposition schools. You also gain Thassilonian as a bonus language. If you already speak Thassilonian, you gain one of the following languages as a bonus language instead: Aklo, Azlanti, Giant, Shoanti, or Varisian.
Normal: A Thassilonian specialist cannot customize his choice for opposition schools.

Some adventurers lend a great deal of aid to their fellow party members with the following feat. In particular, those who worship Torag find value in using this feat to help protect their allies.
Uncanny Ally
You have learned to use your senses to protect others.
Prerequisites: Alertness, uncanny dodge class feature.
Benefit: When you are conscious and able to move freely, allies adjacent to you who can see and hear you gain the benefit of your uncanny dodge. If you have improved uncanny dodge, as a free action at the beginning of your turn, you can designate one adjacent ally to receive the benefit of that ability as well. The ally can be sneak attacked by foes with 4 more rogue levels than your character level or your ally’s character level, whichever is lower.

Some scar seekers can break the spells of their vile enemies.

Smite Evil Magic
You can slice apart foul enchantments.
Prerequisite: Smite evil class feature.
Benefits: You can expend a use of your smite evil class ability to perform a sunder combat maneuver against an ongoing spell effect created by an evil creature. For any effect other than one on a creature, the CMD equals 15 + the effect’s caster level. When sundering an effect on a creature, use the creature’s CMD + 5, ignoring any miss chance caused by a spell or spell-like ability. If successful, you suppress the effect for 1d4+1 rounds. If you exceed the CMD by 10 or more, the effect is dispelled. If an evil outsider, evil dragon, or undead creature created the spell effect, add your Charisma bonus to your combat maneuver check.

Worshipers of Desna can funnel the power of their goddess into her favored weapon with the following feat.

Guided Star (Combat)
The grace of Desna guides your starknife to its target and back to your hand.
Prerequisites: Starry GraceUI, worshiper of Desna.
Benefit: You can empower a starknife with magical power once per day per character level as a swift action. Until the end of your turn, add your Wisdom modifier to your damage rolls with the starknife in addition to any other modifiers you normally add. If you throw the starknife during that time, it returns to you at the beginning of your next turn (as per the returning weapon special ability).

Magic of the Faith
The following spell is available to worshipers of Ragathiel.

School transmutation [fire]; Level cleric 3, inquisitor 3, paladin 3, ranger 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, DF
Range personal
Target you
Duration 1 minute/level (see below)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You gain five burning wings that grant a fly speed equal to the number of wings × 10 (average maneuverability) for an initial fly speed of 50 feet. The first time in a round where you would take fire damage, a wing vanishes (reducing the fly speed granted) and you gain fire resistance 30 for the remainder of the round. When you are down to one wing (and a fly speed of 10 feet), your maneuverability drops to poor. When you lose your final wing, you become immune to fire damage for 1 additional minute, after which the effects of this spell end.

Magic Item
The following magic item can help a follower of the goddess Milani smuggle a weapon into an area where it is needed.

PRICE 6,320 GP
SLOT none CL 10th WEIGHT 2 lbs.
AURA moderate transmutation
When the command word is spoken as a move action, this +1 morningstar transforms into a pendant in the shape of a single red rose that does not radiate magic. Only true seeing or similar magic reveals the true nature of this weapon.
Once per day as part of an initiative check, as long as she holds the everbloom thorn in its pendant shape in one hand, the wielder can cause the pendant to instantaneously transform back into its +1 morningstar form. When she does so, the wielder of the everbloom thorn adds her Charisma bonus (minimum of +1) to her initiative check.
Craft Arms and Armor, magic aura, shrink item

Witches of Pulura
Pulura has always enjoyed a strong and devoted following of witches, and many of them take levels in the stargazer prestige class to further explore their faith in their goddess. Most of these witches select endurance, light, moon, stars, time, trickery, or wisdom as their patron elements. However, some of them choose the aurora itself as their patron, for the spells it grants are capable of creating displays very much like the northern lights these witches find sacred.
Aurora Patron: 2nd—color spray, 4th—hypnotic pattern, 6th—wall of nauseaACG, 8th—rainbow pattern, 10th—blazing rainbowACG, 12th—programmed image, 14th—prismatic spray, 16th—prismatic wall, 18th—polar midnightUM.
« 上次编辑: 2017-01-26, 周四 09:19:32 由 四月 »

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Re: 【POTR】正义之道(Paths of The Righteous)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-01-25, 周三 19:43:30 »
伊沙-瓦舞者(Ashavic Dancer)
至高天神使伊沙-瓦(the empyreal lord Ashava)的信徒分布在整个内海地区(Inner Sea region)内,最大的聚集地则在瓦瑞西安(Varisia)的失落海岸(Lost Coast),她鼓励自己的信徒走出安全的都市,乘坐大篷车冒险进入存在于此世的黑暗之地——即孤魂野鬼们会顺从着本性漂泊进入的灵魂长河(River of Souls)。凭借着月之光辉以及幻惑的舞姿,伊沙-瓦舞者希望能够引导这些灵魂从永恒的苦难中释放出来。

专长:魂语者(Ghost Whisperer;见本书新规则)

生命骰(Hit Die):d8

本职技能(Class Skills)
每级技能点数:4 + 智力调整值

职业能力(Class Features)

伊沙-瓦之艺(Ashavic Performance,Su):伊沙-瓦舞者能够使用表演(舞蹈)来创造出神奇的效果,就如同吟游诗人的吟游表演(Bardic Performance)职业能力一般,该能力的每日轮数等同于他的伊沙-瓦舞者等级的两倍。他还可以使用吟游诗人等级提供的吟游表演轮数来表演伊沙-瓦之艺,反之亦然。开始一场伊沙-瓦之艺是移动动作(move action),不过在每一轮内进行维持时则为自由动作(free action)。若伊沙-瓦舞者具有吟游表演,那么他还能够以移动动作替代标准动作启动吟游表演,即便他还没有达到足够的有效吟游诗人等级也可以这么做。伊沙-瓦之艺无法被打断,但是会在伊沙-瓦舞者被杀死(killed)、麻痹(paralyzed)、震慑(stunned)、陷入昏迷(knocked unconscious)或者以其他方式导致不能每轮以自由动作进行维持时终止。在判断同一时间内伊沙-瓦舞者可以让多少个表演生效时,伊沙-瓦之艺被视同为吟游表演。伊沙-瓦之艺具有视觉成分(visual components),但是不具有听觉成分(audible components)。自7级起,伊沙-瓦舞者能够以迅捷动作(swift action)启动伊沙-瓦之艺或吟游表演。伊沙-瓦舞者表演的豁免DC等同于10 + 伊沙-瓦舞者的职业等级 + 他的魅力调整值。伊沙-瓦舞者获得的表演能力如后文所示。

死者升华之舞(Deathwaking Dance,Su):1级起,伊沙-瓦舞者能够让不死生物(undead)和作祟(haunts)得到解脱。当他开始表演以及之后维持的每一轮内,所有30尺内的作祟和不死生物均会承受等同于1d6 + 伊沙-瓦舞者的魅力调整值点正能量伤害(positive energy damage)。成功通过意志豁免则可以免受伤害。

束灵舞步(Untethering Steps,Su):3级起,伊沙-瓦舞者能够用自己的表演妨害距离他30尺之内、且与他有视觉线相连的一名或更多不死生物的动作。在伊沙-瓦舞者达到3级,以及之后的每2个职业等级,他都能够将一名额外生物作为该能力的目标。在伊沙-瓦舞者维持该表演的每一轮内,他都要尝试一次表演(舞蹈)技能检定对抗所有目标的CMD。如果表演(舞蹈)检定的结果大于等于目标的CMD,那么这些符合条件的目标都会由于伊沙-瓦舞者的舞姿而陷入持续1轮的恶心(sickened)。若任何目标的CMD低于检定结果10点或更多的话,则会陷入持续1轮的恍惚(staggered)。

安神(Soothing Performance,Su):6级起,伊沙-瓦舞者获得安神吟游表演能力。

驱魔华尔兹(Exorcist’s Waltz,Su):7级起,伊沙-瓦舞者能够使用他的伊沙-瓦之艺来尝试终止一个正在生效的胁迫(compulsion)或占据(possession)效果。使用该能力需要连续进行4轮表演,目标必须能够看到舞蹈表演,而且必须位于30尺范围内。若目标是被占据了,则会获得一次新的豁免检定机会来结束占据效果;否则,该能力的功能就如同破除结界(Break Enchantment)一般,使用伊沙-瓦舞者的施法者等级判断该效果。以此方式从宿主体内驱逐出去的占据者在24小时之内无法再以该宿主为目标尝试占据。

真实火花之指引(True Spark’s Guidance,Su):10级起,伊沙-瓦舞者能够引导死者重新回归自己的墓穴。他在维持该项表演时,每轮可以以60尺内的一个不死生物(undead creature)为目标——被指定为目标的不死生物可以以一次成功的意志豁免来抵御该效果。如果该生物是在受影响区域内初次成为不死生物,或一个被祝圣术(Consecrate)或圣居(Hallow)影响的开启墓穴处于影响区域内,则不死生物会在该豁免检定中承受-4减值。若成功通过豁免检定,目标的速度会被减半(这包括所有移动方式,比如游泳和飞行),持续1轮。若不死生物的豁免失败,则会立刻受到每伊沙-瓦舞者等级10点伤害、恍惚(staggered)1轮、而且还会在24小时内对抗该表演的后续豁免检定中承受-4减值。

伊沙-瓦之仪(Ashavic Rites,Su):2级起,伊沙-瓦舞者的影响心灵(mind-affecting)的伊沙-瓦之艺能够克服不死生物的免疫影响心灵效果(immunity to mind-affecting effects)的特性,即便是对无心智(mindless)的不死生物也能生效。若伊沙-瓦舞者正在维持伊沙-瓦之艺或吟游表演,他能够在施放影响心灵的法术时额外花费1轮表演轮数,并以此来克服不死生物的免疫影响心灵效果。

绝世舞者(Peerless Dancer,Ex):2级起,伊沙-瓦舞者获得多才多艺(Versatile Performance),就如同吟游诗人(bard)的职业能力一般。他必须在该能力中选择表演(舞蹈)作为相关联的表演技能。若他在进阶成为伊沙-瓦舞者之前已经获得了多才多艺,并且选择了表演(舞蹈)作为了相关技能的话,那么作为替代,他会获得技能专攻:表演(舞蹈)作为奖励专长。
在6级时,伊沙-瓦舞者能够从后述技能列表中选择一项,并将其添加为多才多艺能力中与表演(舞蹈)相关联的技能:唬骗(Bluff)、交涉(Diplomacy)、威吓(Intimidate)或察言观色(Sense Motive)。他可以在第8级时选择第2个技能,并在10级时选择第3个技能。

魂之威仪(Ghostly Grace,Su):4级起,当伊沙-瓦舞者进行伊沙-瓦之艺时,所有由他做出的武器攻击均被视为具有幽冥(ghost touch)武器特殊能力,而且他的法术也可以对虚体生物(incorporeal creatures)产生完整的效果,就如同具有跨界法术(Ectoplasmic Spell;APG)超魔专长一般。自9级起,所有30尺内的盟友也会在他维持伊沙-瓦之艺期间获得上述好处。

等级      BAB      强韧      反射      意志      特殊每日法术

劇透 -   :
Worshiped throughout the Inner Sea region, but particularly along Varisia’s Lost Coast, the empyreal lord Ashava inspires her followers to leave the safety of cities and caravans to venture into the dark places of the world, where lonely souls are often set adrift from their natural course on the River of Souls. Using the light of the moon and mesmerizing performances, Ashavic dancers hope to rescue these lost souls from their eternal torment.
Hit Die: d8.

To qualify to become an Ashavic dancer, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Alignment: Neutral good or chaotic good.
Deity: Must worship Ashava.
Skills: Knowledge (religion) 3 ranks, Perform (dance) 6 ranks.
Feats: Ghost Whisperer (see page 5).
Spells: Able to cast 2nd-level spells.

Class Sk ills
The Ashavic dancer’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Diplomacy (Cha), Fly (Dex), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (dance) (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are the class features of the Ashavic dancer prestige class.
Ashavic Performance (Su): An Ashavic dancer can use Perform (dance) to create magical effects, as per the bardic performance bard class feature, for a number of rounds per day equal to twice his Ashavic dancer level. He can also use rounds of bardic performance gained from bard levels to perform Ashavic performances, and vice versa. Starting an Ashavic performance is a move action, but it can be maintained each round as a free action. If the Ashavic dancer has bardic performance, he can also start bardic performances as a move action instead of a standard action even if he does not have sufficient bard levels to do so. The performance cannot be disrupted, but ends immediately if the dancer is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. The performance counts as a bardic performance for the purpose of determining how many performances the dancer can have in effect at one time. The performance has visual components but not audible components. At 7th level, an Ashavic dancer can start an Ashavic performance or a bardic performance as a swift action. The save DC against an Ashavic dancer’s performance is equal to 10 + the Ashavic dancer’s class level + his Charisma modifier. The performance abilities that an Ashavic dancer gains are noted below.
Deathwaking Dance (Su): At 1st level, an Ashavic dancer can unravel undead and haunts. When he starts the performance and each round he maintains it, all haunts and undead creatures within 30 feet take positive energy damage equal to 1d6 + the Ashavic dancer’s Charisma modifier. A successful Will save negates this damage.
Untethering Steps (Su): At 3rd level, an Ashavic dancer can use his performance to hinder one or more undead creatures within 30 feet to which the dancer has line of sight. For every 2 class levels the Ashavic dancer has attained beyond 3rd, he can target one additional creature. Each round he maintains the performance, the Ashavic dancer attempts a Perform (dance) skill check and compares the result to all of the targets’ CMD scores. Any target whose CMD is equaled or exceeded by the result of the Perform (dance) check becomes sickened by the dancer’s movements for 1 round. Any target with a CMD that is exceeded by 10 or more also becomes staggered for 1 round.
Soothing Performance (Su): At 6th level, an Ashavic dancer gains the soothing performance bardic performance.
Exorcist’s Waltz (Su): At 7th level, an Ashavic dancer can use his Ashavic performance to attempt to end an ongoing compulsion or possession effect. Using this ability requires 4 rounds of consecutive performance, and the target must be able to see the dancer perform and be within 30 feet. If the target is possessed, the target gains a new saving throw to end the possession effect; otherwise, this functions as break enchantment, using the Ashavic dancer’s caster level for the effect. Any possessing entity cast out in this manner cannot attempt to possess that target again for 24 hours.
True Spark’s Guidance (Su): At 10th level, an Ashavic dancer can lure the dead back into their graves. He can target one undead creature within 60 feet each round he maintains this performance—the targeted undead can resist the effects with a successful Will save. If the creature first became undead within the affected area, or if an open grave under the effects of hallow or consecrate is in the area, the undead takes a –4 penalty on this saving throw. On a successful saving throw, the target’s speed is halved for 1 round (this includes all forms of movement such as f ly or swim). If the undead fails its save, it immediately takes 10 points of damage per class level of the Ashavic dancer and is staggered for 1 round, and it takes a –4 penalty on future saving throws against this performance for 24 hours.
Ashavic Rites (Su): At 2nd level, an Ashavic dancer’s mind-affecting Ashavic performances overcome an undead creature’s immunity to mind-affecting effects, even if the undead is mindless. While maintaining any Ashavic or bardic performance, he can spend 1 additional round of the performance when he casts a mind-affecting spell to allow that spell to overcome an undead creature’s immunity to mind-affecting effects as well.
Peerless Dancer (Ex): At 2nd level, an Ashavic dancer gains versatile performance, as per the bard class feature. He must choose Perform (dance) as his Perform skill with this ability. If he had versatile performance in Perform (dance) before adding his first level in this prestige class, he gains Skill Focus (Perform [dance]) as a bonus feat instead.
At 6th level, an Ashavic dancer chooses one of the following skills and adds it to the list of skills that are associated with Perform (dance) for the purpose of versatile performance: Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Sense Motive. He chooses a second skill at 8th level and a third skill at 10th level.
Ghostly Grace (Su): At 4th level, during an Ashavic dancer’s Ashavic performance, all weapon attacks he makes are treated as if they had the ghost touch weapon special ability, and his spells have their full effect against incorporeal creatures, as per the Ectoplasmic SpellAPG feat. At 9th level, allies within 30 feet also receive these benefits during his Ashavic performance.

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Re: 【POTR】正义之道(Paths of The Righteous)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-01-25, 周三 19:44:01 »
在所有将身心奉献给凯登·凯连(Cayden Cailean)的成员中,最具热情和名望的便是酿酒师——专注于将酒精饮品与术法相结合的酒神信众。

信仰:必须信仰凯登·凯连(Cayden Cailean)
专长:调制药剂(Brew Potion)

生命骰(Hit Die):d8

本职技能(Class Skills)
每级技能点数:4 + 智力调整值

职业能力(Class Features)

每日法术(Spells per Day):具有炼金术士等级的酿酒师能够选择炼金术士作为该能力增强的职业,以此来增加她的每日化合炼成数量。

蒸馏魔法(Distilled Spells,Su):酿酒师能够花费1分钟的时间来将当日已经准备的一份化合炼成(extract)或法术(spell)、或者还未使用的法术位(unused spell slot)蒸馏成为一份饮品(draught)。当她对一份炼金术士化合炼成如此做的时候,这份饮品的功能就如同受到了灌注炼成科研发现(Infusion discovery)的强化一般。而对于法术来说,只有能够被制作为药剂(potion)或油膏(oil)的法术才能够被蒸馏成饮品,但是法术等级不会受到3级或更低环级法术的限制。一旦饮品被制作出来,便可以保存至多24小时,即便没有被酿酒师随身持有也可以。在经过上述时间之后,饮品便会失效,而酿酒师也会恢复制作饮品所使用的化合炼成或法术位(不过她仍旧需要如常准备该法术位,就好像她在当日施放了该法术位的法术或使用了该化合炼成位一般)。只要饮品还有效用,它就会占用酿酒师的一个每日化合炼成或法术位。饮品的功能就如同药剂(potion)或油膏(oil)一般,任何生物都能够使用。

虔心酒客(Faithful Drinker,Ex):当酿酒师喝下一拼药剂(potion)、化合炼成(elixir)、突变药剂(mutagen)、饮品(draught)或其他魔法饮料(magical beverage)时,意志豁免会在1轮内获得+2神圣加值。

私酿(Brew Reservoir,Su):2级起,酿酒师获得名为私酿(brew points)的能量池,她可以将有益或有害的私酿添加到自己的饮品(draught)、化合炼成(extracts)或法术(spell)中。在同一时间,酿酒师只能将此类效果中的一种添加到单个饮品、化合炼成或法术中。私酿的总量等同于3 + 她的酿酒师等级。每当酿酒师准备法术或化合炼成时,私酿的点数便会重新恢复到满。

特调私酿(Helpful Homebrew,Su):在2级以及之后的每2个职业等级,酿酒师都能够从后述列出的超魔专长(metamagic feat)中选择一项。她能够以迅捷动作(swift action)从私酿中花费点数来添加一项超魔效果,对于法术来说添加的时机是她施放之时、对于化合炼成来说添加的时机是她饮用之时、或者对于饮品来说则是她制造之时。酿酒师不需要满足专长的先决条件便能够进行选择。使用该能力所消耗的私酿数量等同于超魔专长增加的法术等级(最低1点)。
2级:法术延时(Extend Spell),短暂法术(Fleeting Spell;UI),强固法术(Tenacious Spell;UI)
4级:法术强效(Empower Spell),本能法术(Intuitive Spell;OA),法术默发(Silent Spell)
6级:法术极效(Maximize Spell)
劇透 -  UI超魔专长:
Fleeting Spell (Metamagic)
好处:如果原法术不允许解消的话,那么短暂法术在持续时间内将会变得可以解消(dismissible)。你能够以迅捷动作(swift action)解消自己的短暂法术。当你解消短暂法术后,若有人想以魔法侦测该法术所残留的灵光时,进行侦测的施法者必须成功以施法者等级检定对抗DC才能发现灵光,该DC为11 + 你的施法者等级。反制(counter)短暂法术的解除检定(dispel checks)DC降低2点,移除短暂法术的解除魔法(dispel magic)无需通过施法者等级检定便可成功。短暂法术的持续时间为其正常持续时间的一半(对于延时短暂法术来说,法术持续时间的调整会相互抵消掉)。只有持续时间至少为2轮的法术才能够受到短暂法术超魔调整,立即(instantaneous)或永久(permanent)的法术无法成为短暂法术。短暂法术不会让法术占用比其实际环级更高的法术位。

Tenacious Spell (Metamagic)
好处:反制(counter)或解除(dispel)强固法术的施法者等级检定DC增加2点。若强固法术被解消或解除了的话,它仍会在结束之前持续1d4轮(最高持续至法术正常的持续时间);如果反魔场(antimagic field)或者类似的法术或效果将强固法术压制了、或者强固法术并非是由于解消或解除而结束的话,上述效果就不会发生。在使用侦测魔法侦测时,强固法术结束后残留的灵光所存续的时间为正常的两倍。强固法术使用比法术的实际环级高1级的法术位。

特攻私酿(Harmful Homebrew,Su):3级起,酿酒师能够使用特攻私酿强化她的攻击。每当她使用溅射武器(splash weapon)或接触法术(touch spell)命中一名敌人时,能够以迅捷动作(swift action)花费1点私酿,并以此来为法术或溅射武器添加一个效果。无论目标是否通过与接触法术或溅射武器的正常效果所带来的豁免,由特攻私酿带来的额外效果都会应用至目标。目标能够尝试一次强韧豁免来避免特攻私酿的效果(DC = 10 + 1/2酿酒师的施法者等级 + 酿酒师的最高心智属性调整值)。若成功通过豁免,目标便会恶心(sickened)1轮(就如同承受临时的醉酒一般);不过在豁免失败时,目标便会按照酿酒师的选择遭受特攻私酿的效果。由特攻私酿带来的状态不会叠加。
纠缠(Entangled):目标会和它的装备纠缠(Entangled)在一起,直至花费整轮动作(full-round action)进行自我调整为止。
倒地(Prone):目标将倒地(Falls Prone)。

饮酒专家(Potion Master,Ex):3级起,酿酒师能够在自己饮下药剂(potion)或者为自愿生物喂下药剂(potion)时,以移动动作添加一份酒精饮品(chaser of alcohol)。如果她这么做,那么在判断药剂的效果时,则会使用酿酒师的施法者等级来替代药剂原本的施法者等级。如果这份饮品(draught)是由酿酒师创造的,那么于此同时她还能将特调私酿的效果应用至药剂上。

特化私酿(Brew Specialization,Su):5级起,酿酒师能够在以迅捷动作(swift action)应用私酿效果时,应用两个特调私酿或特攻私酿,以取代原本的一个。她仍旧必须为每项私酿支付完整的点数。

快速酿造(Quick Brewing,Su):7级起,酿酒师能够以整轮动作(full-round action)创造出一份饮品(draught)。

酿酒大师(True Brewkeeper,Su):10级起,酿酒师能够以法术的正常施法动作的一部分、或者以取出一份化合炼成的动作的一部分来制造一份饮品(draught),这让她能够自发地(spontaneously)创造饮品。此外,她能同时对其应用至多3项私酿效果。当酿酒师使用她的虔心酒客能力时,由此获得的神圣加值会在1轮内应用至所有豁免检定上。

等级      BAB      强韧      反射      意志      特殊每日法术
10级+7+5+5+3特调私酿,酿酒大师      +1现有施法职业等级

劇透 -   :
Among the most ardent and celebrated members of Cayden Cailean’s devoted are his brewkeepers, members of the Drunken God’s faith who specialize in the creation of fine alcohol and magical concoctions.
Hit Die: d8.
To qualify to become a brewkeeper, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Alignment: Neutral good or chaotic good.
Deity: Must worship Cayden Cailean.
Skills: Craft (alchemy) 5 ranks or Profession (brewer) 5 ranks.
Feats: Brew Potion.
Spells: Able to cast 2nd-level spells or prepare 2nd-level extracts.
Class Skills
The brewkeeper’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
These are the class features of the brewkeeper prestige class.
Spells per Day: A brewkeeper who has alchemist levels can choose alchemist as the class to enhance with this ability, increasing her alchemist extracts per day.
Distilled Spells (Su): A brewkeeper can spend 1 minute distilling an extract or spell she has prepared or an unused spell slot into a draught. When she does so with an alchemist extract, the draught functions as if enhanced by the infusion discovery. Spells can be distilled only if they qualify to be created as a potion or oil from the spell but without the limitation of being a 3rd- or lower-level spell. Once a draught is created, it persists for up to 24 hours, even if it is no longer in the brewkeeper’s possession. After this point, the draught becomes inert and the brewkeeper regains the use of that extract or spell slot (although she must still prepare that slot normally, as if she had cast the spell or used the extract from that slot during the day). As long as the draught remains potent, it continues to occupy one of the brewkeeper’s daily extract or spell slots. A draught functions as a potion or oil, and can be used by any creature.
Faithful Drinker (Ex): When a brewkeeper drinks a potion, elixir, mutagen, draught, or other magical beverage, the brewkeeper gains a +2 sacred bonus on Will saves for 1 round.
Brew Reservoir (Su): At 2nd level, a brewkeeper gains a reservoir of brew points that she can use to apply helpful or harmful homebrews to her draughts, extracts, and spells. A brewkeeper can add only one such effect to a single draught, extract, or spell at a time. The number of points in a brew reservoir is equal to 3 + her brewkeeper level. The brew reservoir is replenished whenever the brewkeeper prepares her spells or extracts.
Helpful Homebrew (Su): At 2nd level and every 2 class levels thereafter, a brewkeeper can select one metamagic feat from the list in the following paragraph. She can spend points from her brew reservoir as a swift action to add a metamagic effect to a spell as she casts it, an extract as she drinks it, or a draught as she creates it. She does not need to meet the feat’s prerequisites in order to select the effect. Using this ability costs a number of brew points equal to the metamagic feat’s level increase (minimum 1).
The metamagic effects available (and the brewkeeper level at which she can select them) are: Empower Spell (4th), Extend Spell (2nd), Fleeting SpellUI (2nd), Intuitive SpellOA (4th), Maximize Spell (6th), Silent Spell (4th), and Tenacious SpellUI (2nd).
Harmful Homebrew (Su): At 3rd level, a brewkeeper can enhance her attacks with a harmful homebrew. Whenever she hits a creature with a splash weapon or a touch spell, she can spend 1 brew point as a swift action to add an effect to the spell or splash weapon. These additional effects caused by a harmful homebrew apply regardless of whether or not the target succeeds at any saving throws associated with the touch spell or splash weapon’s normal affects. The target can attempt a Fortitude save to avoid the effect of the harmful homebrew (DC = 10 + 1/2 the brewkeeper’s caster level + the brewkeeper’s highest mental ability score modifier). On a successful save, the target becomes sickened for 1 round (as if suffering, temporarily, the effects of intoxication), but on a failed save, the target is aff licted with the harmful homebrew’s effect, as chosen by the brewkeeper from the options below. Conditions inf licted by hindering homebrews don’t stack.
At 3rd level, the brewkeeper can select one of the following effects when she successfully affects a creature with a harmful homebrew. Every 3 class levels thereafter, the brewkeeper can apply an additional harmful homebrew effect to her touch spell or splash weapon, for a total of three effects at 9th level.
Entangled: The target becomes entangled in its gear until it spends a full-round action adjusting itself.
Fatigued: The target is fatigued for 1 round.
Prone: The target falls prone.
At 6th level, the brewkeeper adds the following harmful homebrews to the list of those she can select.
Confused: The target is confused for 1 round.
Dazed: The target is dazed for 1 round.
Staggered: The target is staggered for 1 round.
At 9th level, the brewkeeper adds the following homebrews to the list of those she can select.
Exhausted: The target is exhausted for 1 round, and then fatigued for 1 round after that. The brewkeeper must have applied the fatigued condition to the harmful homebrew before selecting this effect.
Nauseated: The target is nauseated for 1 round.
Potion Master (Ex): At 3rd level, a brewkeeper can, as a move action, add a chaser of alcohol when she drinks a potion or administers a potion to a willing creature. If she does so, she uses her own caster level instead of the potion’s caster level when determining the effects of the potion. She can also apply the effects of a helpful homebrew to a potion at this time as if it were a draught she had created.
Brew Specialization (Su): At 5th level, a brewkeeper can apply the effects of two helpful homebrews or harmful homebrews instead of one when she takes a swift action to apply a homebrew’s effect. She must still pay the full brew point cost for the homebrews she applies.
Quick Brewing (Su): At 7th level, a brewkeeper can create a draught as a full-round action.
True Brewkeeper (Su): At 10th level, a brewkeeper can create a draught as part of a spell’s normal casting time or as part of the action to draw an extract, effectively allowing her to spontaneously create draughts. In addition, she can apply up to three homebrew effects at once. When the brewkeeper uses her faithful drinker ability, the sacred bonus granted applies to all saving throws for 1 round.
« 上次编辑: 2017-01-26, 周四 10:10:56 由 月夜白雨 »

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Re: 【POTR】正义之道(Paths of The Righteous)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2017-01-25, 周三 19:44:25 »
绯红十字军(Crimson Templar)

专长:擅长异种武器:重剑(Exotic Weapon Proficiency:bastard sword),猛力攻击(Power Attack),要害打击(Vitual Strike)

生命骰(Hit Die):d10

本职技能(Class Skills)
每级技能点数:2 + 智力调整值

职业能力(Class Features)

研究邪异(Fiendish Studies,Ex):绯红十字军能够以移动动作研究一名他看得到且具有邪恶亚种(evil subtype)的异界生物(outsider)。在对抗该名异界生物时,绯红十字军的唬骗(Bluff)、易容(Disguise)、威吓(Intimidate)、知识(Knowledge)、察觉(Perception)、察言观色(Sense Motive)、潜行(Stealth)和生存(Survival)检定获得+2加值,并且对抗它的武器攻击检定和武器伤害检定也会获得+2加值。在对抗该名敌人时,绯红十字军的职业能力的DC也会提高2点。同一时间,绯红十字军只能维持这些加值对抗一名邪恶异界生物;直至该名异界生物死亡或者绯红十字军研究一名新的邪恶异界生物为止,这些加值均会一直生效下去。
若绯红十字军对邪恶异界生物造成偷袭(sneak attack)攻击伤害,便可以用直觉动作(immediate action)研究该目标,这让他可以将研究邪异的加值应用至该目标(包括武器伤害检定)。
研究邪异所带来的加值会与杀手(slayer)的杀戮目标(studied target)或游侠(ranger)的宿敌(favored enemy)叠加。

崇神仪典(Obedience):在1级时,绯红十字军获得崇神仪典(Deific Obedience;出自内海神祗Inner Sea God)作为奖励专长。若绯红十字军已经具有该专长或者天界仪典(Celestial Obedience;出自正义编年史Chronicle of the righteous第五页),那么他会获得一个奖励战斗专长作为替代。
劇透 -  崇神仪典:
崇神仪典(Deific Obedience)
效果:每一位神祗都有其特定的日常服从仪典(Daily Obedience),不过这些仪典每天最多只需要一小时来完成。每天当你完成服从仪典以后,你将获得你所崇拜的神祗所拥有的“服从仪典“项目所列出的特殊能力与抗力奖励。

护体羽翼(Shield of Wings,Su):在1级时,绯红十字军获得火焰抗力5点。由此获得的火焰抗力会在3级时增加至10点,6级时增加至30点,并最终在9级时变为火焰免疫(immunity to fire)。以迅捷动作(swift action),绯红十字军能够在背上显现出五只燃烧之翼,这会让他获得40尺飞行速度(机动性普通),持续分钟数等同于他的绯红十字军等级。他能够以移动动作解消这些翅膀,但是其剩余的所有持续时间均会被浪费。在绯红十字军显化这些翅膀之时,以及在解消或解消翅膀之后,等同于翅膀存续时间的分钟数里,绯红十字军都会失去由于护体羽翼带来的火焰抗力或火焰免疫。

无情处决(Ruthlessness,Ex):2级起,绯红十字军能够以标准动作来使用重剑(bastard sword)对无助(helpless)的敌人进行致命一击(coup de grace)。

偷袭(Sneak Attack,Ex):该能力与盗贼(rogue)的同名能力相同。该额外伤害在2级时为1d6点,并且在之后的每3个等级提升1d6点。若绯红十字军通过其他来源获得了偷袭能力,那么这些伤害加值均会累加。

奖励专长(Bonus Feat):在3级、6级和9级时,绯红十字军都会获得一个奖励战斗专长。他必须满足专长的先决条件才能选取这些专长。

神赐之力(Divine Boon):在4级时,绯红十字军获得拉贾瑟尔的第一神恩(first boon)。在7级时,绯红十字军获得第二神恩(second boon)。在10级时,绯红十字军获得第三神恩(third boon)。该能力使得绯红十字军可以比其他仅仅选取崇神仪典(Deific Obedience)或天界仪典(Celestial Obedience)专长的角色更快获取这些神恩;在角色达到正常获取神恩的等级时,他不会额外获得更多的使用次数。关于拉贾瑟尔(Ragathiel)的神恩内容请见正义编年史(Chronicle of the righteous)。

天堂圣炎(Heavenly Fire,Su):4级起,绯红十字军能够以纯净的天界圣炎焚化那些未被惊动的邪恶敌人。若绯红十字军对成功使用了研究邪异(Fiendish Studies)能力研究的敌人造成了偷袭伤害的话,那么此次偷袭会使绯红之炎吞没目标。目标必须尝试一次强韧豁免检定(DC = 绯红十字军的等级 + 他的魅力调整值)。若目标豁免失败,便会额外受到每个绯红十字军职业等级1d6点伤害。该伤害一半为火焰伤害,另一半则源自神力,因此抵抗或免疫基于火焰攻击的能力无法减轻神力这部分伤害。若目标成功通过豁免,则会如常承受偷袭伤害,且不会受到任何天堂圣炎的灼烧。绯红十字军每日可以使用天堂圣炎的次数等同于他的绯红十字军等级。

断罪(Immolate,Su):7级起,每当绯红十字军使用偷袭或者致命一击(coup de grace)将一名邪恶阵营(evil alignment)的生物的生命值降至负值时,目标必须尝试一次强韧豁免检定(DC = 10 + 绯红十字军的职业等级 + 他的魅力调整值)。若目标豁免失败,它会直接被分解为一撮灰烬,就如同解离术(disintegrate)一般。若一名邪恶目标的生命值是由于天堂圣炎能力而降至负值的话,那么它就无法对该效果进行豁免。该能力对不属于邪恶阵营的目标没有效果。

前绯红十字军(Ex-Crimson Templars)
不再属于守序善良(lawful good)阵营或者杀死任何善良阵营(good alignment)生物的绯红十字军会失去所有绯红十字军职业能力。他无法继续提升绯红十字军进阶职业的等级。只有当他以合适的方式赎罪之后(比如使用赎罪术),才能重新使用绯红十字军的职业能力或者提升绯红十字军的等级。

等级      BAB      强韧      反射      意志      特殊
1级+1+1+1+0崇神仪典,护体羽翼(抗力5点),研究邪异 +2(移动动作)
2级+2+1+1+1偷袭 +1d6,无情处决,研究邪异(迅捷动作)
5级+5+3+3+2研究邪异 +4,偷袭 +2d6
8级+8+4+4+3偷袭 +3d6
10级+10+5+5+3第三神恩,研究邪异 +6

劇透 -   :
Even the most devout followers of good can recognize the need for ruthlessness when opposing true evil. The crimson templars of Ragathiel are taught that mercy is a virtue reserved for only those capable of accepting redemption. They must learn this lesson well, for they are trained to face the heartless legions of Hell. These women and men are Heaven’s assassins, and they tread a bloody path so the oaths of others remain untarnished. Their mission is a thankless one, as righteous allies often view them as just a step away from corruption.
Hit Die: d10.

To qualify to become a crimson templar, a character must fulfill all of following criteria.
Alignment: Lawful good.
Deity: Must worship Ragathiel.
Base Attack Bonus: +6.
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Power Attack, Vital Strike.

Class Sk ills
The crimson templar’s class skills are Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Fly (Dex), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Survival (Wis).
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are the class features of the crimson templar prestige class.
Fiendish Studies (Ex): As a move action, a crimson templar can study an outsider with the evil subtype he can see. The crimson templar then gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Disguise, Intimidate, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth, and Survival checks against that outsider, and a +2 bonus on weapon attack rolls and weapon damage rolls against it. The DCs of crimson templar class abilities against that opponent increase by 2. A crimson templar can maintain these bonuses against only one evil outsider at a time; these bonuses remain in effect until either the outsider is dead or the crimson templar studies a new evil outsider.
If a crimson templar deals sneak attack damage to an evil outsider, he can study that target as an immediate action, allowing him to apply his fiendish studies bonuses against that target (including to the weapon damage roll).
At 2nd level, a crimson templar can study an evil outsider as a move or swift action.
At 5th and 10th levels, the bonuses on weapon attack rolls, damage rolls, and skill checks and to the DCs of crimson templar abilities against an evil outsider increase by 2. In addition, at 5th level and 10th levels, the crimson templar is able to maintain these bonuses against an additional evil outsider at the same time. The crimson templar can end these bonuses as a free action, allowing him to study another target.
The bonuses from fiendish studies stack with any bonuses gained from the slayer’s studied target ability or a ranger’s favored enemy ability.
Obedience: At 1st level, a crimson templar gains Deific ObedienceISG as a bonus feat. If the crimson templar already has this feat or Celestial Obedience (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Chronicle of the Righteous 5), he instead gains a bonus combat feat.
Shield of Wings (Su): At 1st level, a crimson templar gains fire resistance 5. This increases to fire resistance 10 at 3rd level, increases to fire resistance 30 at 6th level, and becomes immunity to fire at 9th level. As a swift action, a crimson templar can manifest a set of five burning wings from his back to gain a f ly speed of 40 feet (average maneuverability) for a number of minutes equal to his crimson templar level. He can dismiss these wings as a move action, but any remaining duration is lost. While the crimson templar has these wings, and for a number of minutes equal to the number of minutes the crimson templar had wings after the duration ends or the wings are dismissed, the crimson templar does not have the fire resistance or immunity granted by shield of wings.
Ruthlessness (Ex): At 2nd level, a crimson templar can use a bastard sword to deliver a coup de grace to a helpless opponent as a standard action.
Sneak Attack (Ex): This ability is like the rogue ability of the same name. The extra damage dealt is 1d6 at 2nd level and increases by 1d6 every 3 levels thereafter. If a crimson templar gains sneak attack from another source, the bonuses to damage stack.
Bonus Feat: At 3rd level, 6th level, and 9th level, the crimson templar gains a bonus combat feat. He must still meet any prerequisites for these bonus feats.
Divine Boon: At 4th level, the crimson templar gains Ragathiel’s first boon. At 7th level, he gains the second boon. At 10th level, he gains the third boon. This ability allows the crimson templar to access these boons earlier than with the Deific Obedience or Celestial Obedience feat alone; it does not grant additional uses of the boons once the character reaches the necessary Hit Dice to earn the boons normally. Ragathiel’s boons are detailed on page 21 of Chronicle of the Righteous.
Heavenly Fire (Su): At 4th level, the crimson templar can incinerate unaware evil foes with pure celestial f lame. If the crimson templar deals sneak attack damage to a creature he has successfully used his fiendish studies ability on, the sneak attack wreathes the target in crimson fire. The target must attempt a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + the crimson templar’s class level + his Charisma modifier). If the target fails this save, it takes an additional 1d6 points of damage per class level the crimson templar has. Half of this damage is fire damage, but the other half results directly from divine power and is therefore not subject to being reduced by resistance or immunity to fire-based attacks. On a successful save, the target takes the sneak attack damage as normal but does not take any of the heavenly fire damage. A crimson templar can use heavenly fire a number of times per day equal to his crimson templar level.
Immolate (Su): At 7th level, whenever the crimson templar reduces a creature with an evil alignment to negative hit points with a sneak attack or coup de grace, the target must attempt a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + the crimson templar’s class level + his Charisma modifier). If the target fails this save, it is entirely disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine ash (as per disintegrate). If an evil target is reduced to negative hit points from the heavenly fire ability, it receives no saving throw against this effect. This ability has no effect if the target does not have an evil alignment.

Ex-Crimson Templars
A crimson templar who ceases to be lawful good or who kills any creature with a good alignment loses all crimson templar class features. He can’t progress any further in levels as a crimson templar. He regains his abilities and advancement potential if he atones for his violations (as per atonement), as appropriate.
« 上次编辑: 2017-01-29, 周日 21:49:00 由 月夜白雨 »

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Re: 【POTR】正义之道(Paths of The Righteous)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2017-01-25, 周三 19:44:49 »


生命骰(Hit Die):d10

本职技能(Class Skills)
每级技能点数:4 + 智力调整值

职业能力(Class Features)

体能激增(Adrenaline Rush,Ex):挑战者能够以自由动作(free action)爆发出体内蕴藏的能量,并以此克服难以逾越的障碍。挑战者每日可以使用这种能量的轮数等同于4 + 她的体质调整值。在1级之后的每1级,她都可以额外使用2轮体能激增。暂时被增加的体质属性无法让她获得更多该能力的每日轮数。如果她具有狂暴(rage)职业能力,则可以花费狂暴轮数来激活并维持她的体能激增。
在处于体能激增的状态中时,挑战者会在特技动作(Acrobatics)、攀爬(Climb)、体质(Constitution)、敏捷(Dexterity)、逃脱(Escape Artist)、骑术(Ride)、力量(Strength)和游泳(Swim)检定中获得+1加值。这些加值会在3级以及之后的每2个等级增加1点(最高为+5点)。
挑战者能够以自由动作(free action)结束她的体能激增,之后会在双倍于使用该能力轮数的时间内陷入疲乏(fatigued)。挑战者无法在疲乏(fatigued)或力竭(exhausted)时使用体能激增。在她陷入昏迷(falls unconscious)时,也能够选择让体能激增的效果持续下去。

挑战自我(Dare,Ex):当挑战者使用体能激增时,可以以迅捷动作(swift action)花费1轮体能激增的轮数来挑战自我,并以此来完成一项壮举(great deed)。尽管有些人会大声宣布这些挑战自我的内容,不过只要挑战者能够条理清晰地在内心中表达清楚挑战内容(coherently and mentally articulate her dare),该能力就可以生效;她无法在陷入困惑(confused)、晕眩(dazed)、震慑(stunned)或恐慌(panicked)时使用该能力。挑战者可以在正处于狂暴(rage)职业能力的效果时使用该能力,但是此时她只能大声宣布将要进行挑战自我(这被视为具有语言成分——也就是说它会因为魔法沉默而失效)。一旦挑战者宣布进行挑战自我,她就能在任意一次攻击检定、豁免检定或其他能够帮助她实现自我挑战的检定结果上添加1d6点。若d6结果丢出了自然6点,则可以再进行1d6检定,并将结果加到检定上。只要能够持续丢出自然6点,她就可以一直这样持续投掷下去,直到投掷次数等同于她的体质调整值(最低1次)。在5级时,她能够将1d8加到一项用于实现挑战自我的检定上作为替代,只要丢出自然8点就可以额外投掷一个1d8骰子。10级时,她能够将1d10加到一项用于实现挑战自我的检定上作为替代,只要丢出自然10点就可以额外投掷一个1d10骰子。
  • 强者耐力(Daring Endurance):挑战者立刻获得临时生命值,数值相等于1d8 + 她的职业等级。这些临时生命值会在体能激增生效期间存续下去,并且与任何超人体能(Adrenaline Deed)提供的临时生命值叠加。
  • 挑战完成(Daring Finish):在挑战者结束她的下个回合之前,她不会由于体能激增的结束而陷入疲乏(fatigued)。
  • 继续挑战(Daring Persistence):挑战者会立刻恢复1d2轮体能激增能力的使用轮数。

超人体能(Adrenaline Deed,Ex):随着经验的增长,挑战者也学会了如何以其他方式利用自身体能的爆发力。在2级以及之后的每2个等级,挑战者都会从后述列表中获得一项超人体能,这使得她在使用体能激增时可以获得额外的好处。每项单独的超人体能都仅能被选取1次。


顽强演员(Diehard Performer):挑战者将体能激增的加值加到所有表演检定和演武检定(performance combat checks;见Ultimate Combat 153页)上。

惊人极速(Impossible Speed):挑战者的基础速度增加10尺。6级时,她的速度增加20尺作为替代。10级时则会变为增加30尺。

人马一心(Mounted Adrenaline):只要挑战者正在骑乘在坐骑上或者与其相邻,就能够将体能激增(原文为adrenaline surge,估计是笔误)的基础效果(但是不包括超人体能的效果)共享至她的坐骑上。

强健攀爬者(Powerful Climber):挑战者获得等同于陆上速度的天生攀爬速度(natural climb speed)。

强健跳跃者(Powerful Leaper):挑战者在跳跃时总是被视为进行了助跑,而且将她的体能激增加值乘以3倍再加到用于跳跃的特技动作检定上。

强健泳将(Powerful Swimmer):挑战者获得等同于陆上速度的天生游泳速度(natural swim speed)。



记录突破者(Record Breaker,Ex):10级起,挑战者能够让自己达到凡人的极限。每日1次,她能使用挑战自我能力并将2 x 正常数量的加骰(the normal number of bonus dice)加到一个d20检定上。若她将该效果应用至体能激增的加值可以影响的检定上,则可以加3 x 加骰的数量加到检定上。

等级      BAB      强韧      反射      意志      特殊
1级+1+1+1+0体能激增 +1,挑战自我 +1d6
3级+3+2+2+1体能激增 +2
5级+5+3+3+2体能激增 +3,挑战自我 +1d8
7级+7+4+4+2体能激增 +4
9级+9+5+5+3体能激增 +5
10级+10+5+5+3超人体能,挑战自我 +1d10,记录突破者

劇透 -   :
While Kurgess’s faithful thrive in sporting arenas, they understand that nature itself creates the greatest obstacle courses. The athletic fanatics known as darechasers seek out these untamed obstacles as challenges against which to test their strength. In order to continue improving, darechasers must often resort to besting their own records. Sometimes a darechaser will even bet against herself, only to strain to prove herself wrong and amaze bystanders. Darechasers travel widely and delight in both officiating competitions and performing physical feats that inspire a new generation of athleticism. Some even go so far as to use sports as a form of diplomacy, settling disputes with athletic competitions.
Hit Die: 1d10.

To qualify to become a darechaser, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Alignment: Lawful good, neutral good, or chaotic good.
Deity: Must worship Kurgess.
Feats: Athletic.
Skills: Acrobatics 5 ranks, Climb 5 ranks, Swim 5 ranks.

Class Sk ills
The darechaser’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Escape Artist (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
Below are the class features of the darechaser prestige class.
Adrenaline Rush (Ex): A darechaser can call upon her inner reserves of strength and speed as a free action to overcome otherwise insurmountable obstacles. A darechaser can harness this energy for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her Constitution modifier. At each level after 1st, she can use adrenaline rush for an additional 2 rounds. Temporary increases to Constitution do not allow her to use this ability for additional rounds per day. If she has the rage class feature, she can expend rounds of rage to activate and sustain her adrenaline rush (e.g. for making Constitution checks).
While experiencing an adrenaline rush, a darechaser gains a +1 bonus on Acrobatics, Climb, Constitution, Dexterity, Escape Artist, Ride, Strength, and Swim checks. This bonus increases by 1 at 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter (maximum +5).
A darechaser can end her adrenaline rush as a free action and is fatigued afterward for a number of rounds equal to double the number of rounds she used this ability. A darechaser can’t begin an adrenaline rush while fatigued or exhausted. If she falls unconscious, she can choose to continue her adrenaline rush.
Dare (Ex): As a swift action while using her adrenaline rush, a darechaser can expend a round of her adrenaline rush to dare herself to accomplish a great deed. Although many announce these dares aloud, the ability functions as long as she can coherently and mentally articulate her dare; she cannot use this ability while confused, dazed, stunned, or panicked. She can use it while using the rage class feature, but only if she loudly announces the dare (treat this as having audible components—it can be defeated by magical silence). Once she declares her dare, the darechaser can add 1d6 to the result of any one attack roll, saving throw, or other check that directly helps her fulfill the dare. If the result of the d6 roll is a natural 6, she can roll another 1d6 and add it to the check. She can continue to do this as long as she rolls natural 6s, up to a number of times equal to her Constitution modifier (minimum 1). At 5th level, she can instead add 1d8 to the result of one check to fulfill a dare, rolling an additional die only if she rolls a natural 8. At 10th level, she can instead add 1d10 to the result of one check, rolling an additional die only if she rolls a natural 10.
A darechaser thrives on challenging herself to accomplish difficult goals, and she receives little satisfaction when fulfilling easy objectives. If her check succeeded only because of the additional die’s (or dice’s) result, she benefits from one of the following effects (chosen by her) immediately after fulfilling the dare. If she succeeds at the check despite the added die’s result, she gains no additional benefit.
Daring Endurance: The darechaser immediately gains temporary hit points equal to 1d8 + her class level. These temporary hit points last for the duration of her adrenaline rush and stack with any temporary hit points granted by the unstoppable adrenaline deed.
Daring Finish: The darechaser doesn’t become fatigued if she ends her adrenaline rush before the end of her next turn.
Daring Persistence: The darechaser immediately regains 1d2 rounds of her adrenaline rush ability.
Adrenaline Deed (Ex): As a darechaser gains experience, she learns to leverage her adrenaline in new ways. At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, she gains an adrenaline deed from the following list that grants her additional benefits while she is using her adrenaline rush ability. She can’t choose an individual adrenaline deed more than once.
Dare-Driven: If the darechaser adds 1d8 to a roll as a part of a dare, she can roll again and add the result if she rolls a natural 7 or 8 (not just an 8). If she rolls 1d10, she instead rolls again on a result of a natural 9 or 10.
Diehard Performer: The darechaser adds her adrenaline rush bonus on all Perform checks and performance combat checks (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 153).
Impossible Speed: The darechaser’s base speed increases by 10 feet. At 6th level, her speed instead increases by 20 feet, and at 10th level it increases by 30 feet.
Mounted Adrenaline: The darechaser shares the base effects of her adrenaline surge (but not any adrenaline deeds) with her mount, as long as the darechaser is mounted on it or adjacent to it.
Powerful Climber: The darechaser gains a natural climb speed equal to her land speed.
Powerful Leaper: The darechaser always counts as having a running start when jumping, and she triples her adrenaline rush bonus on Acrobatics checks to jump.
Powerful Swimmer: The darechaser gains a natural swim speed equal to her land speed.
Unstoppable: When the darechaser begins her adrenaline rush, she gains a number of temporary hit points equal to 2 × her class level. These temporary hit points last for the duration of her adrenaline rush. In addition, she doubles her adrenaline rush bonus on Constitution checks to stabilize while dying.
Untouchable: The darechaser gains a +1 dodge bonus to her Armor Class. At 6th level this increases to +2, and at 10th level it increases to +3.
Record Breaker (Ex): At 10th level, a darechaser can push herself to surpass known mortal limits. Once per day, she can use her dare ability to add 2 × the normal number of bonus dice to a d20 roll. If she applies this benefit to a check modified by her adrenaline rush, she instead rolls and adds 3 × the number of bonus dice.

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Re: 【POTR】正义之道(Paths of The Righteous)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2017-01-25, 周三 19:45:13 »
晨花隐者(Dawnflower Anchorite)


生命骰(Hit Die):d8

本职技能(Class Skills)
每级技能点数:4 + 智力调整值

职业能力(Class Features)

日光祈福(Solar Invocation,Su):晨花隐者能够利用太阳所赐予的热度保护无辜和惩奸除恶。在1级,晨花隐者能够以标准动作恳求太阳,让他在对抗邪恶生物(evil creatures)的攻击检定和伤害检定中获得+1表现加值,并且使得他所用来对抗邪恶生物(evil creatures)的法术或领域力量(domain powers)之DC增加1点。为攻击检定和伤害检定提供的加值会在5级时提升至+2点,并在9级时提升至+3点。若晨花隐者具有动物伙伴(animal companion),该动物伙伴也会在本能力生效时获得攻击和伤害的表现加值。
晨花隐者每日能够利用太阳之力的轮数等同于他的晨花隐者职业等级 + 他的魅力调整值。在随后的轮数内维持该能力是自由动作。这些加值仅会在晨花隐者立于光照为昏暗(dim light)、常光(normal light)或明亮(bright light)的户外区域(outdoor area)时生效,而且此时他必须清晰地展示出自身的圣徽(holy symbol)或任何弯刀(any scimitar)。
5级起,晨花隐者能够以移动动作恳求太阳,来取代原本的标准动作。10级起,晨花隐者能够以迅捷动作(swift action)来恳求太阳。


狂舞(Dervish Dance):晨花隐者获得狂舞(Dervish Dance;ISWG)作为奖励专长。
劇透 -   :

神圣光辉(Divine Light,Su):晨花隐者能够在室内或地下使用日光祈福,不过他仍旧需要身处光照为昏暗(dim light)、常光(normal light)或明亮(bright light)的环境。他每日可以使用日光祈福的轮数额外增加2轮。

额外祈福(Extra Invocations,Ex):晨花隐者能够使用日光祈福的每日轮数变为其正常使用轮数的2倍。

特性专擅(Focused Class Feature):从后述职业能力中选择一项:动物伙伴(animal companion),破敌(bane),吟游表演(bardic performance),祝福(blessings),引导能量(channel energy),领域(domain),宿敌(favored enemy),偏好地形(favored terrain),神圣武器(sacred weapon)或自然变身(wild shape)。角色将晨花隐者职业等级加到他所选择的一个职业的有效职业等级上,并以此来判断被选择的职业能力的效果。这项信仰之证能够选取2次,不过晨花隐者每次都必须选择不同的职业能力。

光耀仆从(Shining Servants):晨花隐者获得日光召唤(Sunlight Summons;UM)作为奖励专长。
劇透 -   :

日光屏障(Solar Defense,Su):当晨花隐者正在使用日光祈福时,他能够将攻击检定的表现加值作为神圣加值加到AC上,并且还能作为闪避加值加到反射豁免上。这项信仰之证能够选取2次,当晨花隐者第2次选取该项信仰之证时,若有任何同伴获得晨花隐者的日光祈福带来的加值,那么为AC和反射豁免提供的加值也能为其所用。

阳炎武器(Solar Weapons,Su):当晨花隐者正在使用日光祈福时,他能够选择一名由受到他日光祈福影响的生物,选择该生物持用的一件武器(天生或人造)。只要晨花隐者的日光祈福仍在产生效果,该件武器便能获得炽焰(flaming)武器特殊能力。这项信仰之证能够选取2次,当晨花隐者第2次选取该项信仰之证时,该能力会提供焰爆(flaming burst)武器特殊能力来替代原本的炽焰武器特殊能力。5级起,晨花隐者能为2把武器赋予该能力;10级起,晨花隐者至多能为3把武器赋予该能力。

炙日光刃(Sun Blade,Su):任何由晨花隐者所持用的武器在对抗易受阳光伤害(particularly harmed by sunlight)的不死生物时,都被视为具有破敌不死生物(undead-bane)武器特殊能力。远程武器所发射出的弹药都会被该能力强化。所有由晨花隐者持用的武器都会如同照明杖(sunrod)一般散发出光芒,他能够选择以移动动作压制该效果(当晨花隐者下一次拔出武器时,光芒会再次被自动激活)。

太阳之怜悯(Sun’s Mercy,Su):无论任何生物,只要通过晨花隐者的日光祈福能力而在攻击检定中获得表现加值的话,便能够在攻击检定不承受通常的-4减值时,使用致命武器(lethal weapon)造成非致命伤害(nonlethal damage)。

阳光普照(Bask in Radiance,Su):3级起,当晨花隐者使用日光祈福能力时,他能够指定距其30尺内任意数量的盟友获得日光祈福带来的加值,只要晨花隐者仍在维持该能力,这些加值便会持续下去。

阳炎射线(Sunbeam,Sp):7级起,晨花隐者获得每日以类法术能力施放1次阳炎射线(Sunbeam)的能力。他的施法者等级等同于他的生命骰(Hit Dice),该能力的豁免DC基于魅力。10级起,晨花隐者每日可以使用2次该能力。

晨花祈福(Dawnflower Invocation,Su):10级起,晨花隐者每日有1次机会,可以使用持续1分钟的日光祈福。晨花隐者能够在室内或者地下使用该能力。在使用晨花祈福之时,日光祈福提供的所有加值均会增加1点。使用该能力并不会消耗日光祈福的每日使用轮数。

等级      BAB      强韧      反射      意志      特殊每日法术
1级+0+0+1+1日光祈福 +1
5级+3+2+3+3日光祈福 +2(移动动作)      +1现有施法职业等级
9级+6+3+5+5日光祈福 +3+1现有施法职业等级

劇透 -   :
Although most of Sarenrae’s worshipers seek to aid others or seek out those villains who can be redeemed, a rare few instead raise their eyes in awe of the greatest of Sarenrae’s gifts to mortals: the sun. These Dawnf lower anchorites hope to receive enlightenment in their retreat to the wilds so that they can, some day, return to civilization and use their newfound grace to help heal the church’s wounds.
Hit Die: d8.

To qualify to become a Dawnf lower anchorite, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Alignment: Neutral good.
Deity: Must be a worshiper of Sarenrae.
Skills: Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks or Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks.
Spells: Able to cast 2nd-level spells.
Class Sk ills
The Dawnf lower anchorite’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Fly (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are the class features of the Dawnflower anchorite prestige class.
Solar Invocation (Su): A Dawnf lower anchorite can harness the sun’s life-giving warmth to protect the innocent and smite the wicked. At 1st level, he can invoke the sun as a standard action, granting him a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against evil creatures and adding 1 to the DC of his spells and domain powers (if any) against evil creatures. The bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls increases to +2 at 5th level and +3 at 9th level. If a Dawnf lower anchorite has an animal companion, the companion also gains the competence bonus on attack and damage rolls while this ability is active.
A Dawnf lower anchorite can invoke the sun for a number of rounds per day equal to twice his Dawnf lower anchorite class level + his Charisma modifier. Maintaining this ability on subsequent rounds is a free action. These bonuses apply only when the Dawnf lower anchorite is standing in an outdoor area of dim light, normal light, or bright light, and only while he is clearly presenting his holy symbol or any scimitar.
At 5th level, a Dawnf lower anchorite can invoke the sun as a move action instead of a standard action. At 10th level, he can invoke the sun as a swift action.
Credence: Each Dawnf lower anchorite develops a personal credence that guides his worship of Sarenrae. He gains a credence at 2nd level and again every 2 class levels thereafter. Each credence can be chosen only once unless noted otherwise.
Dervish Dance: The Dawnf lower anchorite gains Dervish DanceISWG as a bonus feat.
Divine Light (Su): The Dawnf lower anchorite can use solar invocation indoors or underground, provided he is in an area of dim light, normal light, or bright light. He can use solar invocation 2 additional rounds per day.
Extra Invocations (Ex): The Dawnf lower anchorite can use solar invocation for twice as many rounds per day as normal.
Focused Class Feature: Choose one of the following class features: animal companion, bane, bardic performance, blessings, channel energy, domain, favored enemy, favored terrain, sacred weapon, or wild shape. The character adds his Dawnf lower anchorite class levels to his effective class level in one class of his choice for the purpose of determining the effects of the chosen class feature. This credence can be selected twice, but the Dawnf lower anchorite must select a different class feature each time.
Shining Servants: The Dawnf lower anchorite gains Sunlight SummonsUM as a bonus feat.
Solar Defense (Su): While using solar invocation, the Dawnf lower anchorite adds his competence bonus on attack rolls to his Armor Class as a sacred bonus and to Ref lex saving throws as a dodge bonus. The Dawnf lower anchorite can select this credence twice—the second time he does so, the bonus to Armor Class and on Ref lex saves also applies to any companions who gain bonuses from the Dawnf lower anchorite’s solar invocation.
Solar Weapons (Su): While using solar invocation, the Dawnf lower anchorite can select one weapon (natural or manufactured) wielded by a creature affected by his solar invocation. That weapon gains the f laming weapon special ability for as long as the Dawnf lower anchorite’s solar invocation persists. A Dawnf lower anchorite can select this credence twice—the second time he does so, the credence grants the f laming burst special ability instead of f laming to the selected weapon. At 5th level, the Dawnf lower anchorite can grant two weapons this ability; at 10th level, he can grant up to three weapons this ability.
Sun Blade (Su): Any weapon wielded by the Dawnf lower anchorite is treated having the undead-bane special ability against undead who are particularly harmed by sunlight. Ranged weapons impart this ability to any ammunition fired from the weapon. All weapons wielded by the Dawnf lower anchorite shed light as per a sunrod, unless the Dawnf lower anchorite chooses to suppress this light as a move action (the light activates again automatically the next time the anchorite draws the weapon).
Sun’s Mercy (Su): Any creature that gains a competence bonus on attack rolls from the Dawnf lower anchorite’s solar invocation can deal nonlethal damage with a lethal weapon without taking the usual –4 penalty on attack rolls.
Bask in Radiance (Su): At 3rd level, when a Dawnf lower anchorite uses his solar invocation ability, he can designate any number of allies within 30 feet to gain the bonuses granted by solar invocation for as long as he maintains the ability.
Sunbeam (Sp): At 7th level, a Dawnf lower anchorite gains the ability to cast sunbeam once per day as a spelllike ability. His caster level is equal to his Hit Dice, and the save DC is Charisma-based. At 10th level, the Dawnf lower anchorite can use this ability twice per day.
Dawnf lower Invocation (Su): At 10th level, a Dawnf lower anchorite is able to, once per day, use his solar invocation ability for 1 minute. The Dawnf lower anchorite can also use this ability indoors or underground. While using Dawnf lower invocation, all bonuses gained from solar invocation increase by 1. Using this ability doesn’t cost rounds per day of solar invocation.

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Re: 【POTR】正义之道(Paths of The Righteous)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2017-01-25, 周三 19:45:44 »
誓诚缪斯(Devoted Muse)
随着奥罗登(Aroden)之死而降临的预言破灭之年(Age of Lost Omens)的到来,龙瓦帝国(imperial Lung Wa)崩溃而爆发的动乱,各地崛起的军阀与各国的争斗正威胁着拥有千百年历史的艺术与文化。自本世纪伊始,五花缪斯(Muses of Five Flowers)便开始训练莎琳(Shelyn)的信徒们,并将其派遣出去,在这数十年间研习、恢复与传播那些被废弃或破坏、即将消逝的艺术形式。为了保护自己以及那些贵重的作品,每名誓诚缪斯都会在防身术上进行彻底的训练。她们那独特的战斗架势在向那些失落的武技学院进行致敬的同时,还能够以让人陶醉的身姿造成绝大的伤害来抵御来袭的敌人。

专长:寓守于攻(Combat Expertise),精通虚招(Improved Feint)和武器娴熟(Weapon Finesse)

生命骰(Hit Die):d10

本职技能(Class Skills)
每级技能点数:4 + 智力调整值

职业能力(Class Features)

精巧守御(Artful Defense,Ex):在穿戴轻甲(light armor)或无甲(no armor)且不使用盾牌(shield)时,誓诚缪斯将每等级1点自己的魅力加值(若有的话),作为闪避加值加到她的防御等级(Armor Class)上。若她陷入措手不及(flat-footed)或者其他会失去敏捷加值的情况下,则会同时失去该加值。

炫技(Deeds,Ex):该能力的功能与游荡剑客(Swashbuckler)的同名能力基本一致,不过有如下2个不同点:首先,在判断誓诚缪斯是否能够获得炫技的好处时,将她视为比自身职业等级低3级的游荡剑客(最低为1级)。其次,誓诚缪斯在达到4级之前不会获得炫技中的适时格挡反击(opportune parry and riposte)。在判断该能力的效果时,誓诚缪斯的职业等级与其他任何具有炫技能力的职业等级叠加。


曼舞(Artistic Flourish,Su):2级起,当誓诚缪斯具有至少1点时髦值(panache point),而且成功在战斗中对1名敌人使用了虚招(feints)的话,她能够以制造后述效果(这些效果均为影响心灵效果)来替代原本的让敌人失去敏捷加值。同一个生物在同一时间只能被此类效果中的一个所影响,使其受到第2个效果影响会立即终止之前的效果。抵抗这些效果的豁免DC均为10 + 誓诚缪斯的职业等级 + 她的魅力调整值。





击节(Harmonious Strike,Su):2级起,当誓诚缪斯攻击命中的生物正受到她的曼舞影响时,能够花费1点时髦值执行1次极为优雅简练的攻击。她能够从后述效果中选择1种来调整此次击节。

回旋击(Circling Strike):在击节后,誓诚缪斯能够以自由动作(free action)移动5尺,只要她结束移动的位置在目标的触及范围内就可以(如果攻击使目标丧失行动能力,则为之前它所威胁的区域)。此次攻击不会引起借机攻击,而且不被算作五尺快步(5-foot step)。如果誓诚缪斯使用重击倍率为x3或更高的武器,则可以以此方式移动10尺作为替代。

致命一击(Deadly Strike):击节造成额外1d4点伤害。在2级之后的每2个誓诚缪斯等级,该额外伤害都会额外增加1d4点(最高5d4点)。该伤害为精准伤害(precision damage),且不会随着重击而翻倍。若誓诚缪斯的武器的重击倍率为x3,那么该额外伤害骰则提高1级到1d6。若武器的重击倍率为x4,则改为1d8。

鼓舞之势(Inspirational Strike):6级起,誓诚缪斯能够用击节鼓舞同伴,30尺内的盟友(包括自身)均会在攻击检定和武器伤害检定上获得表现加值,直至她的下个回合结束为止。该加值等同于她的武器的重击倍率(x2则为+2,x3则为+3,以此类推)。若她的攻击是重击,这些效果持续的轮数则会等同于她的魅力调整值。

绝妙闪击(Masterful Strike):10级起,誓诚缪斯能够在击节的攻击判定结束后,以自由动作(free action)对自身触及之内的1个生物进行虚招。若她在此次虚招中,对使用曼舞来扰乱(distracted)目标的话,目标对誓诚缪斯的失手率会进一步增加,增加的数值等同于5 x 她的武器重击倍率。

虚招专长(Feinting Feat):在3级以及之后的每3个职业等级,誓诚缪斯都会从后述专长中获得1个作为奖励专长:虚招脱离(Disengaging Feint;UC),逃之夭夭(Disengaging Flourish;UC),联合虚招(Feint Partner;UC),高等虚招(Greater Feint),高等联合虚招(Improved Feint Partner;UC),越位虚招(Passing Trick;UC),技能专攻:唬骗(Skill Focus:Bluff),双发诱敌(Twinned Feint;ACG)或波浪打击(Wave Strike;UC)。誓诚缪斯必须满足先决条件才能选取相关专长。

无尽之艺(Limitless Art,Ex):4级起,誓诚缪斯每日起始时具有1点额外时髦值,她的最大时髦值上限增加1点。在7级以及10级时,额外时髦值的数量增加1点。

等级      BAB      强韧      反射      意志      特殊
4级+4+1+2+1炫技(适时格挡反击),无尽之艺 +1
7级+7+2+4+2无尽之艺 +2
10级+10+3+5+3无尽之艺 +3,绝妙闪击

劇透 -   :
Devoted Muse
With Aroden’s death came the Age of Lost Omens, the tumultuous time in which imperial Lung Wa collapsed, and its half-millennium of art and culture was threatened by aggressive warlords and squabbling successor states. In the century since, the passionate Muses of Five Flowers have trained and dispatched Shelyn’s faithful to study, recover, and propagate the dying art forms abandoned and despoiled in the intervening decades. To protect themselves and the valuable works they preserve, each muse trains extensively in self-defense. Their unique fighting styles are an eclectic tribute to lost martial schools, fending off foes as much with fascinating form as with actual harm.
Hit Die: d10.

To qualify to become a devoted muse, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Alignment: Lawful good, neutral good, or chaotic good.
Deity: Must worship Shelyn.
Skills: Bluff 3 ranks, Knowledge (history) 3 ranks, Perform (dance) 5 ranks.
Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, and Weapon Finesse.

Class Sk ills
The devoted muse’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (all) (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Swim (Str).
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are the class features of the devoted muse prestige class.
Artful Defense (Ex): When wearing light or no armor and not using a shield, a devoted muse adds 1 point of her Charisma bonus (if any) per class level as a dodge bonus to her Armor Class. If she is caught f lat-footed or otherwise denied her Dexterity bonus, she also loses this bonus.
Deeds (Ex): This ability functions exactly as the swashbuckler ability of the same name with two exceptions. First, the devoted muse qualifies for and benefits from deeds as if she were a swashbuckler 3 levels lower than her class level (minimum 1). Second, the devoted muse doesn’t gain the opportune parry and riposte deed until 4th level. For the purpose of this ability, a devoted muse’s class levels otherwise stack with levels in any other class that grants the deeds ability.
Panache (Ex): This ability functions exactly as the swashbuckler ability of the same name. For the purpose of this ability, a devoted muse’s class levels stack with levels in any other class that grants the panache ability.
Artistic Flourish (Su): At 2nd level, when a devoted muse has at least 1 panache point and successfully feints against an opponent in combat, instead of denying the opponent its Dexterity bonus, she can instead create one of the following effects (all of which are mind-affecting effects). A creature can be affected by only one such effect at a time, and imposing a second effect immediately ends the first. The DC of any saving throws to resist these effects is equal to 10 + the devoted muse’s class level + her Charisma modifier.
Distracted: The target treats all other creatures as though they had concealment, suffering a 20% miss chance on all attack rolls (even if the creature has blindsight). This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the devoted muse’s Charisma modifier, though a successful Will save reduces the duration to 1 round.
Confused: At 5th level, the devoted muse can cause the target to be confused for 1 round (Will negates). Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this artistic f lourish again for 1 day.
Staggered: At 5th level, the devoted muse can cause the target to be staggered for 1 round (Will negates). Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this artistic f lourish again for 1 day.
Dazed: At 8th level, the devoted muse can spend 1 panache point to cause the target to be dazed for 1 round (Will negates). Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this artistic f lourish again for 1 day.
Harmonious Strike (Su): At 2nd level, when a devoted muse hits a creature affected by her artistic f lourish ability, she can spend 1 panache point to perform an especially elegant attack. She selects one of the effects below to modify this harmonious strike.
Circling Strike: After the attack, the devoted muse can move 5 feet as a free action as long as she ends her movement within the target’s reach (or former reach, if the attack incapacitated it). This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity and does not count as a 5-foot step. If she attacked with a weapon whose critical multiplier is ×3 or higher, she can instead move 10 feet in this way.
Deadly Strike: The attack deals an additional 1d4 points of damage. This extra damage increases by 1d4 every 2 devoted muse levels after 2nd level (maximum 5d4). This is precision damage and isn’t multiplied on a critical hit. If her weapon’s critical multiplier is ×3, the size of these bonus damage dice increases by one step to 1d6. If her weapon’s critical hit multiplier is ×4, the die size increases to 1d8.
Inspirational Strike: At 6th level, the devoted muse can inspire her comrades with her attack, granting her allies (including herself ) within 30 feet a competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls until the end of her next turn. This bonus is equal to her weapon’s critical modifier (i.e., +2 for ×2, +3 for ×3, etc.). If her attack was a critical hit, these benefits last a number of rounds equal to her Charisma modifier.
Masterful Strike: At 10th level, the devoted muse can feint against one creature within her reach as a free action after resolving the attack. If she performs an artistic f lourish with this feint against a distracted target, the target’s miss chance against the devoted muse increases by an amount equal to 5 × her weapon’s critical multiplier.
Feinting Feat: At 3rd level and every 3 class levels thereafter, a devoted muse gains one of the following as a bonus feat: Disengaging FeintUC, Disengaging FlourishUC, Feint PartnerUC, Greater Feint, Improved Feint PartnerUC, Passing TrickUC, Skill Focus (Bluff ), Twinned FeintACG, or Wave StrikeUC. The devoted muse must meet the prerequisites for the feat selected.
Limitless Art (Ex): At 4th level, a devoted muse starts each day with 1 additional panache point, and her maximum number of panache points increases by 1. At 7th level and again at 10th level, the number of additional panache points increases by 1.

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Re: 【POTR】正义之道(Paths of The Righteous)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2017-01-25, 周三 19:46:09 »
继业骑士(Heritor Knight)

专长:钢铁意志(Iron Will),技能专攻:宗教知识(Skill Focus:Knowledge religion),武器专攻:长剑(Weapon Focus:longsword)

生命骰(Hit Die):d10

本职技能(Class Skills)
每级技能点数:2 + 智力调整值

职业能力(Class Features)

心技一体(Skill and Heart as One,Ex):如果继业骑士具有武器训练(Weapon Training)职业能力,那么在判断该能力的作用时,将她的继业骑士等级与战士(Fighter)等级叠加进行计算。此外,在判断专长的先决条件时,将她的继业骑士等级与战士等级叠加进行计算。

活吞救星(Savior of the Swallowed,Ex):1级起,继业骑士能够以标准动作使用长剑做出一次近战攻击,以此对抗一名以物理方式束缚一名盟友的生物。这包括擒抱(grappling)、压制(pinning)、囫囵活吞(swallowing whole)、以及类似的效果(由GM判断)。如常进行攻击的判定,但是如果攻击检定与该生物的CMD相等或更高时,上述束缚效果(restraining effect)会立即结束。

继业之荣耀(Heritor’s Honor,Su):2级起,继业骑士的意志豁免获得加值,其数值等同于她的魅力调整值。该能力提供的加值不会与其他类似的效果叠加。

巫咒之哀(Witches’ Woe,Sp,Su):2级起,继业骑士在对抗巫术(hexes)和诅咒效果(curse effects)时,其豁免检定获得相当于职业等级一半的加值。此外,每日1次,她能够以类法术能力施放移除诅咒(Remove Curse),施法者等级等于她的角色等级。

夺空者(Skyreaver,Su):3级起,继业骑士能够以标准动作使用长剑做出一次近战攻击,以此对抗一名正在飞行的生物(flying creature;无论它是以何种方式来飞行的)。如常进行攻击的判定,但是该攻击造成的伤害减半;此外,如果攻击检定与该生物的CMD相等或更高时,该生物会立即停止飞行并落向地面。在等同于继业骑士的魅力调整值的轮数内,该目标生物会在所有飞行检定中承受-20减值。

幽魂屏障(Wraithwall,Su):4级起,每日1次以标准动作,继业骑士能够鼓舞30尺内的盟友。以此方式受到激励的盟友均会被视为佩戴着具有幽冥(ghost touch)特殊能力的护甲。此外,被激励的盟友还会在对抗那些导致属性伤害(ability damage)、属性吸取(ability drain)、或负向等级(negative levels)的效果时,豁免检定获得+4神圣加值。该效果持续1分钟。

克破邪异(Mohrgbreaker,Su):5级起,继业骑士能够以标准动作使用长剑做出一次近战攻击,以此对抗一名不死生物(undead creature)。如常进行攻击的判定,不过该生物需要进行意志豁免检定(DC = 10 + 继业骑士的等级 + 她的魅力调整值),失败则会失去所有与天生武器(natural weapons)或接触攻击(touch attacks)相关的特殊攻击(special attacks),持续轮数等同于继业骑士的魅力调整值。

奋力一击(Mighty Strike,Ex):6级起,继业骑士获得要害打击(Vital Strike)和精通要害打击(Improved Vital Strike)作为奖励专长。每当继业骑士以标准动作做出一次近战攻击时,她都能够将精通要害打击的效果添加到该攻击上。若她具有高等要害打击(Greater Vital Strike)专长,则能够将该专长应用至该能力作为替代。

心之重铸(Reforged Heart,Su/Sp):6级起,继业骑士每日能够以类法术能力施放1次高等完全修复术(greater make whole;出自Technology Guide),施法者等级等于她的角色等级。
劇透 -  高等完全修复术:

圣贤再临(Image of Divinity,Su):7级起,属于类人生物(humanoid)的继业骑士的外貌变得像是艾奥梅黛(Inheritor)本尊,不过那些认识(know)继业骑士本人的人依旧可以认出她来,这不会改变她的数据。非类人生物(Nonhumanoids)无法以此方式改变外观。
每日3次以迅捷动作(swift action),继业骑士能够碰触一名生物。若被碰触到的生物属于善良阵营(goodaligned),则会恢复生命值,恢复数值为每个继业骑士等级1d6点生命值;邪恶阵营(evil-aligned)的生物会受到相同数值的伤害。若该能力治疗了目标,那么他还会受到复原术(Restoration)的影响。若该能力伤害了目标,那么他必须进行强韧豁免(DC = 10 + 继业骑士的等级 + 继业骑士的魅力调整值),失败则会恍惚(staggered),持续轮数等同于继业骑士的魅力调整值(最低1轮)。中立阵营的生物不受影响。

救赎亡者(Redeemer of Undeath,Su):8级起,继业骑士能够以标准动作使用长剑做出一次近战攻击,以此对抗一名不死生物(undead creature)。如常进行攻击的判定,不过如果攻击命中,而且不死生物在生前原本为善良阵营(goodaligned)的话,它就必须进行意志豁免(DC = 10 + 继业骑士的等级 + 她的魅力调整值),失败则会被摧毁(destroyed)并宽恕其化身为亡者的罪孽,让灵魂可以转世向善。如果该生物豁免成功,则会在24小时内免疫该能力。

血释(Freed by Blood,Su):9级起,当30尺内有一名盟友尝试豁免检定对抗死亡(death)、麻痹(paralysis)或胁迫(compulsion)效果时,继业骑士能够以直觉动作(immediate action)承受至多9点伤害。该盟友会在豁免检定中获得神圣加值,数值与你承受的伤害相同。该能力必须在作出豁免检定之前使用,而且每日只能使用3次。

天行者(Sky Stride,Su):10级起,继业骑士受到常驻的凌空而行(Air Walk)效果所影响。当继业骑士在空中移动时,看起来脚下好似被深红色的绸缎所托起一般。启动或解消该能力为自由动作(free action)。

断伪女神(Unveiling Mistress,Su):10级起,每日1次,继业骑士能够以自由动作(free action)辐射出揭露伪装的灵光。30尺内任何生物的真实形态(true form)均会被揭示出来,不过变形(polymorph)以及类似的改变形体的效果不会被移除(一层可视的影像会覆盖在它的表面)。该灵光持续1分钟。

等级      BAB      强韧      反射      意志      特殊

劇透 -   :
Some seek to follow in the footsteps of Iomedae the Inheritor through study of the miracles of her mortal life.
Hit Die: d10.

To qualify to become a heritor knight, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Alignment: Lawful good, lawful neutral, or neutral good.
Deity: Must worship Iomedae.
Skills: Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks.
Feats: Iron Will, Skill Focus (Knowledge [religion]), Weapon Focus (longsword).

Class Sk ills
The heritor knight’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perform (oratory) (Cha), Ride (Dex), and Sense Motive (Wis).
Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are the class features of the heritor knight prestige class.
Skill and Heart as One (Ex): If the heritor knight has the weapon training class feature, her heritor knight levels stack with her fighter levels for the purpose of that ability. In addition, heritor knight levels stack with fighter levels for the purpose of feat prerequisites.
Savior of the Swallowed (Ex): At 1st level, as a standard action, a heritor knight can make a melee attack with a longsword against a creature that is physically restraining an ally. This includes grappling, pinning, swallowing whole, and similar effects (at the GM’s discretion). Resolve the attack normally, but if the attack roll equals or exceeds the creature’s CMD, the restraining effect is immediately ended.
Heritor’s Honor (Su): At 2nd level, a heritor knight gains a bonus on Will saving throws that’s equal to her Charisma modifier. The bonus from this ability doesn’t stack with those from similar effects.
Witches’ Woe (Sp, Su): At 2nd level, a heritor knight gains a bonus equal to half her class level on saves against hexes and curse effects. In addition, once per day, she can cast remove curse as a spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to her character level.
Skyreaver (Su): At 3rd level, as a standard action, a heritor knight can make a melee attack with a longsword against a f lying creature (regardless of its method of f light). Resolve the attack normally, but any damage dealt is halved; in addition, if the attack roll equals or exceeds the creature’s CMD, the creature immediately stops f lying and falls to the ground. For a number of rounds equal to the heritor knight’s Charisma modifier, the target creature takes a –20 penalty on all of its Fly checks.
Wraithwall (Su): At 4th level, once per day as a standard action, a heritor knight can inspire allies within 30 feet. Allies inspired this way treat all armor they wear as having the ghost touch special ability. In addition, inspired allies gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against effects that would cause ability damage, ability drain, or negative levels. This effect lasts for 1 minute.
Mohrgbreaker (Su): At 5th level, as a standard action, a heritor knight can make a melee attack with a longsword against an undead creature. Resolve the attack normally, but the creature must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + the heritor knight’s level + her Charisma modifier) or lose all special attacks associated with its natural weapons or touch attacks for a number of rounds equal to the heritor knight’s Charisma modifier.
Mighty Strike (Ex): At 6th level, a heritor knight gains Vital Strike and Improved Vital Strike as bonus feats. Whenever the heritor knight makes a melee attack as a standard action, she can apply the effects of Improved Vital Strike to that attack. If she has Greater Vital Strike, she can apply that feat’s effects instead.
Reforged Heart (Su/Sp): At 6th level, once per day, a heritor knight can cast greater make whole (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Technology Guide 10) as a spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to her character level.
Image of Divinity (Su): At 7th level, a humanoid heritor knight’s appearance changes to superficially resemble the Inheritor herself, although she is still recognizable to those who know her, and her statistics do not change. Nonhumanoids do not change in appearance in this way.
Three times per day as a swift action, the heritor knight can touch a creature. If the touched creature is goodaligned, it regains 1d6 hit points per class level of the heritor knight; evil-aligned creatures instead take that amount of damage. If this ability heals the target, the target is also affected by restoration. If this ability damages the target, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + the heritor knight’s level + the heritor knight’s Charisma modifier) or become staggered for a number of rounds equal to the heritor knight’s Charisma bonus (minimum 1 round). Neutral-aligned creatures are unaffected.
Redeemer of Undeath (Su): At 8th level, as a standard action, a heritor knight can make a melee attack with a longsword against an undead creature. Resolve the attack normally, but if the attack hits and the undead was goodaligned in life, it must succeed at a Will save (DC = 10 + the heritor knight’s class level + her Charisma modifier) or be destroyed and redeemed of the evils of undeath, allowing the soul to reach a righteous afterlife. If the creature succeeds, it is immune to this ability for 24 hours.
Freed by Blood (Su): At 9th level, when an ally within 30 feet attempts a saving throw against a death, paralysis, or compulsion effect, the heritor knight can take up to 9 points of damage as an immediate action. The ally gains a sacred bonus on the saving throw equal to the damage taken. This ability must be used before the saving throw is rolled, and can be used three times per day.
Sky Stride (Su): At 10th level, a heritor knight is constantly under the effects of air walk. When the heritor knight moves through the air, her steps appear to be supported by crimson cloth that appears beneath her feet. Activating or deactivating this ability is a free action.
Unveiling Mistress (Su): Once per day at 10th level, a heritor knight can emit an unveiling aura as a free action. The true form of any creature within 30 feet is revealed, although polymorph and similar physical effects are not removed (remaining visible as a ghostly overlay). This aura lasts for 1 minute.
« 上次编辑: 2017-02-13, 周一 20:47:49 由 四月 »

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Re: 【POTR】正义之道(Paths of The Righteous)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2017-01-25, 周三 19:46:31 »

专长:坚忍(Endurance),武器专攻:长弓(Weapon Focus:longbow)

生命骰(Hit Die):d10

本职技能(Class Skills)
每级技能点数:4 + 智力调整值

职业能力(Class Features)

武器与护甲擅长(Weapon and Armor Proficiency):戍乡人擅长所有简易武器(simple weapons)、长弓(longbows)、轻甲(light armor)、中甲(medium armor)和盾牌(shields;塔盾除外)。

宿敌(Favored Enemy,Ex):1级起,戍乡人从后述表格中选择一种宿敌。该能力的作用和游侠(ranger)的同名能力相同,不过根据宿敌的类型,戍乡人还能获得与其相关的额外能力。此外在第8级(而非第5级和第10级),他能够选择一种新的宿敌,并且使一种宿敌的加值增加2点。

异怪(Aberrations):戍乡人在对抗由异怪所使用的法术(spells)、类法术能力(spell-like abilities)和超自然能力(supernatural abilities)时,所有豁免检定均会获得+2加值。


邪恶异界生物(Evil Outsiders):在判断是否能够克服伤害减免时,戍乡人的远程攻击被视为善良武器(good weapons)。

魔法兽(Magical Beasts):无论魔法兽的智力属性多高,戍乡人均能改善它的态度。该能力的功能就如同野性认同(Wild Empathy)一般,不过戍乡人在尝试该项检定时不会受到减值。

人型怪物(Monstrous Humanoids):戍乡人在对抗由人型怪物所使用的法术(spells)、类法术能力(spell-like abilities)和超自然能力(supernatural abilities)时,所有豁免检定均会获得+2加值。

不死生物(Undead):从戍乡人手中的长弓所击发的箭矢均被灌入了神圣之力,它能够对任何虚体(incorporeal)不死生物造成全额伤害,就如同箭矢具有幽冥(ghost touch)武器特殊能力一般。

弓术大师(Master Archer,Ex):在第1级、第3级以及第5级,戍乡人均会从后述列表中获得一个奖励专长,即便他并不满足专长的先决条件也可以:埃拉斯蒂尔之赐福(Erastil’s Blessing;见本书新规则),远程射击(Far Shot),近距射击(Point-Blank Shot)和快速射击(Rapid Shot)。在第3级时,他将精通精准射击(Improved Precise Shot),牵制射击(Parting Shot;APG),贴身射击(Point Blank Master;APG)和多重射击(Manyshot)加入到列表中。在第5级,他将精确瞄准(Pinpoint Targeting)和移动射击(Shot on the Run)加入到列表中。只有当戍乡人不穿甲、穿戴轻甲或中甲时,上述专长才能产生效用。

快速移动(Fast Movement,Ex):2级起,戍乡人的基础路上移动速度增加10尺。

偏好地形:乡村(Favored Terrain:Hinterland,Ex):2级起,当戍乡人身处距离一处定居点半径10英里的范围内,且该定居点的人口少于2000时,他会在先攻、知识(地理)、察觉、潜行和生存检定中获得+2加值。戍乡人在该范围内行动不会留下痕迹,而且无法被追踪(如果他愿意的话仍旧可以留下痕迹)。在第9级,上述先攻与技能加值增加至+4点,而且只要戍乡人身处距离人口为2000或更少的定居点半径20英里的范围内便可生效。

穿行乡间(Hinterland Stride,Ex):3级起,戍乡人能够轻松地跨过自然环境或农耕土地。该能力的功能与穿林步(Woodland Stride)类似,不过戍乡人还可以在人口为2000或更少的定居点内正常通过任何非魔法困难地形,比如农场或村庄内的困难地形。

手足同伴(Chosen Kin,Su):4级起,戍乡人能够以标准动作指定至多为3 + 他的感知调整值名盟友成为他的手足同伴。这些手足同伴会获得戍乡人的偏好地形:乡村带来的加值的一半、以及守卫乡里提供的加值的一半。手足同伴必须身处距离戍乡人半径30尺的范围内才能获取上述好处。在第7级,该范围提升至60尺。

守卫乡里(Defended Hearth,Su):6级起,戍乡人能够指定一处定居点变为守卫乡里的目标,这让他能够感知到距离该定居点5英里范围内非自然生物(unnatural creatures)的存在。异怪、构装体、龙类、魔法兽、人型怪物、异界生物和不死生物均被认作该能力所认定的非自然存在。尽管戍乡人能够意识到这些威胁的存在,但是除非亲自察觉到它们,否则戍乡人无法得知这些存在的确切地点或本性。

灌法箭(Imbue Arrow,Su):7级起,戍乡人获得将一个影响一片区域的法术灌入箭矢的能力。该能力的功能就如同魔射手(Arcane Archer;核心手册进阶职业)的同名能力一般。

返乡路标(Waymarker Travel,Sp):10级起,戍乡人获得在守卫乡里能力所指定的区域内制造路标的能力。戍乡人同时能够维持至多5个路标——若戍乡人制造出第6个路标,则必须在之前设置的5个路标选择1个并使其失效。每日1次以移动动作(move action),戍乡人能够以类法术能力施放回返真言(Word of Recall)来返回到他所设置的任何已激活的路标。

等级      BAB      强韧      反射      意志      特殊每日法术
1级+0+0+0+1宿敌 +2,弓术大师奖励专长
2级+1+1+1+1快速移动,偏好地形(乡村) +2        +1现有施法职业等级
6级+4+2+2+3守卫乡里 +2+1现有施法职业等级
8级+6+3+3+4宿敌 +4+1现有施法职业等级
9级+6+3+3+5偏好地形(乡村) +4+1现有施法职业等级
10级+7+3+3+5守卫乡里 +4,返乡路标+1现有施法职业等级

劇透 -   :
Guards patrol great cities and druids protect the deep forests, but what of the boundaries between them? The hinterlands comprise the farmlands and woodland villages of Golarion, a liminal space between humanity and the wild. Some of the rugged men and women who defend these pockets of civilization are the hinterlanders.
Hinterlanders are followers of Erastil who shield rural folk from dangerous creatures, extraplanar interlopers, and marauding undead. A hinterlander is skilled with a bow and in tune with the wild, yet capable of harnessing natural resources to nourish mortal communities. They are often touched by the divine, sworn to guard the borders of towns and villages against the forces that threaten to snuff out the hearth fires.
Hit Die: d10.

To qualify to become a hinterlander, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Alignment: Lawful good or neutral good.
Deity: Must worship Erastil.
Skills: Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks, Survival 5 ranks.
Feats: Endurance, Weapon Focus (longbow).
Spellcasting: Able to cast 1st-level spells.
Class Skills
The hinterlander’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Escape Artist (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (religion), Perception (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), Stealth (Dex), and Swim (Str).
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Class Features
The following are the class features of the hinterlander prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A hinterlander is proficient with all simple weapons, longbows, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).
Favored Enemy (Ex): At 1st level, a hinterlander chooses a favored enemy from the list below. This functions like the ranger class feature of the same name, except that the hinterlander gains an additional ability corresponding with the favored enemy chosen. Additionally, at 8th level, he can select a new favored enemy and the bonus for one such enemy increases by 2 (rather than at 5th and 10th levels).
Aberrations: The hinterlander gains a +2 bonus on all saves against spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities used by aberrations.
Constructs: The hinterlander’s ranged attacks ignore the first 10 points of a construct’s DR or hardness.
Evil Outsiders: The hinterlander’s ranged attacks are treated as good weapons for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
Magical Beasts: The hinterlander can improve the attitude of a magical beast regardless of its Intelligence score. This ability functions like wild empathy, except the hinterlander takes no penalty for attempting this check.
Monstrous Humanoids: The hinterlander gains a +2 bonus on all saves against spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities used by monstrous humanoids.
Undead: Arrows loosed from a hinterlander’s bow are infused with divine power and deal full damage to any undead that are incorporeal, as if the arrows had the ghost touch weapon special ability.
Master Archer (Ex): At 1st level, and again at 3rd and 5th levels, a hinterlander gains a bonus feat from the following list, even if he doesn’t meet the prerequisites: Erastil’s Blessing (see below), Far Shot, Focused Shot, Point Blank Shot, and Rapid Shot. At 3rd level, he adds Improved Precise Shot, Parting Shot, Point Blank Master, and Manyshot to the list. At 5th level, he adds Pinpoint Targeting and Shot on the Run to the list. The benefits of these feats apply only when the hinterlander wears light, medium, or no armor.
Fast Movement (Ex): At 2nd level, a hinterlander’s base land speed increases by 10 feet.
Favored Terrain (Hinterland) (Ex): At 2nd level, when a hinterlander is within a 10-mile radius of a settlement with a population of 2,000 or fewer individuals, he gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks. A hinterlander traveling through this terrain leaves no trail and can’t be tracked (although he can leave a trail if he so desires). At 9th level, these initiative and skill bonuses increase to +4, and the bonuses function as long as the hinterlander is within 20 miles of a settlement with a population of 2,000 or fewer.
Hinterland Stride (Ex): At 3rd level, a hinterlander moves with ease through natural and agrarian environments. This functions exactly like woodland stride, except that a hinterlander also moves normally through any nonmagical difficult terrain in settled areas with a population of 2,000 or less individuals, such as a farm or village.
Chosen Kin (Su): At 4th level, as a standard action, a hinterlander can designate a number of allies up to 3 + his Wisdom modifier to be his chosen kin. Allies so designated gain half the hinterlander’s favored terrain (hinterland) bonus and half of the bonuses granted by defended hearth (see below). Members of his chosen kin must remain within 30 feet of the hinterlander in order to gain these benefits. At 7th level, this range increases to 60 feet.
Defended Hearth (Su): At 6th level, a hinterlander can designate a settlement as a defended hearth, allowing him to sense the presence of unnatural creatures within 5 miles of it. Aberrations, constructs, dragons, magical beasts, monstrous humanoids, outsiders, and undead constitute unnatural presences for this purpose. Though the hinterlander is aware of potential danger, he doesn’t know the exact nature or location of the creature unless he can perceive it.
The defended hearth must be a settled area with a population of 2,000 or fewer individuals, and the hinterlander must spend 24 hours carefully studying the entire area to activate this ability, after which he gains a +2 favored terrain bonus in that settlement, which stacks with any other favored terrain bonus he receives in that area. This bonus increases to +4 at 10th level. A hinterlander can have a number of defended hearths equal to his Wisdom bonus (minimum 1). When he reaches his maximum number of defended hearths, he can select a new defended hearth by abandoning an existing one and performing the ritual for a new area.
Imbue Arrow (Su): At 7th level, a hinterlander gains the ability to place a spell that affects an area upon an arrow. This functions exactly like the arcane archer ability of the same name.
Waymarker Travel (Sp): At 10th level, a hinterlander gains the ability to create a waymarker anywhere within the area of a defended hearth. The hinterlander can maintain up to five waymarkers at a time—if the hinterlander creates a sixth waymarker, he chooses which of the previous five deactivates. Once per day as a move action, the hinterlander can cast word of recall as a spelllike ability to teleport to any of his active waymarkers.