作者 主题: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】属性、主动性、CM(Attributes、Initiative、CM)  (阅读 13211 次)

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离线 g339687824

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劇透 -   :
Attributes are the inherent characteristics of your shadowrunner, the basic abilities they bring to the table.
Shadowrunners have a numerical rating for each attribute, which is used to help determine the amount of dice rolled for tests in the game. Attributes fall into three different groups: Physical, Mental, and Special. Every character has a rating in each of the Physical and Mental attributes, though they may not have ratings in the Special attributes.
For humans, all attributes are between 1 and 6, though certain modifications and qualities can change this. Metatypes have different ranges in these attributes, as seen on the table on p. 65.

生理属性(Physical Attributes)




劇透 -   :
Physical Attributes
Body (BOD)
Body measures your physical health and resiliency. It affects how much damage you can take and stay on your feet, how well you resist damage coming your way, your ability to recover from poisons and diseases, and things of that nature.

Agility (AGI)
Agility measures things like hand-eye coordination,flexibility, nimbleness, and balance. Agility is the most important attribute when it comes to scoring hits during combat, as you need to be coordinated to land your blows, whether you’re swinging a sword or carefully aiming a rifle. It also is critical in non-combat situations, such as sneaking quietly past security guards or smoothly lifting a keycard from its secured position.

Reaction (REA)
Reaction is about reflexes, awareness, and your character’s ability to respond to events happeningaround them. Reaction plays an important role in deciding how soon characters act in combat and how skilled they are in avoiding attacks from others. It also helps you make that quick turn down a narrow alley on your cycle to avoid the howling gangers on your tail.

Strength (STR)
Strength is an indicator of, well, how strong your character is. The higher your strength, the more damage you’ll do when you’re raining blows down on an opponent, and the more you’ll be able to move or carry when there’s stuff that needs to be moved. Or carried. Strength is also important with athletic tasks such as climbing, running, and swimming.

精神属性(Mental Attributes)


    逻辑是你冰冷的理性思维的计算能力。无论你在试着修理一台复杂的机器还是治疗一位受伤的队友,逻辑都会帮你搞定它。逻辑也能帮赫尔墨斯巫师(hermetic mages)抵抗对敌人倾泻完咒语后所要承受的耗竭(Drain)。谍客(dicker)们也发现逻辑非常有用,它让他们能在矩阵战(online battles)时进行更激烈的攻防。


劇透 -   :
Mental Attributes

Willpower (WIL)
Willpower is your character’s desire to push through adversity, to resist the weariness of spellcasting, and to stay upright after being nailed in the head with a sap. Whether you’re testing yourself against a toxic wilderness or a pack of leather-clad orks with crowbars, Willpower will help you make it through.

Logic (LOG)
The Logic attribute measures the cold, calculating power of your rational mind. Whether you are attempting to repair complicated machinery or patch up an injured teammate, Logic helps you get things right. Logic is also the attribute hermetic mages use to resist Drain from the spells they rain down on their hapless foes. Deckers also find Logic extremely useful, as it helps them develop the attacks and counterattacks that are part of their online battles.

Intuition (INT)
Intuition is the voice of your gut, the instinct that tells you things before your logical brain can figure them out. Intuition helps you anticipate ambushes, notice that something is amiss or out of place, and stay on the trail of someone you’re pursuing.

Charisma (CHA)
Charisma is your force of personality, the persuasiveness and charm you can call on to get people to do what you want without having to go to the trouble of pulling a gun on them. It’s not entirely about your appearance, but it’s also not entirely not about your appearance. What it’s mostly about is how you use what you have—your voice, your face, your words, and all the tools at your disposal—to charm and/or intimidate the people you encounter. Additionally, Charisma is an important attribute for shamanic mages, as it helps them resist the damaging Drain from spells they cast.

特殊属性(Special Attributes)





劇透 -   :
Special Attributes
Essence (ESS)
Essence is your metahumanity encapsulated in a number. In Shadowrun, you have ample opportunities to alter your body or push it beyond its normal limits. Such actions often have a cost, and they can result in a loss of a portion of your metahumanity, which means a loss of Essence points. Each character starts with an Essence rating of 6, and it acts as a cap on the amount of alterations you can adopt. When it’s gone, it doesn’t come back. It also affects the Magic and Resonance attributes, as losses in Essence are reflected by losses in Magic and Resonance.
While denizens of the Sixth World are accustomed to seeing a variety of augmentations and alterations to the metahuman form, the “uncanny valley” still exists. The uncanny valley is the disconcerting effect that happens when people see something that is almost, but not quite, metahuman. An animated cartoon with exaggerated features looks fine to metahuman eyes, but a computer program that closely, but not exactly, replicates human appearance is a troubling and unpleasant sight to most viewers. This is what happens when people see others with augmentations—on some level, people notice there is something less (or more) human about that, and they respond to it negatively. The change may not be exactly visible, but it is in some way noticeable—in one way or another, a person has become less human, and on some level other people notice this. This is why a character’s Essence is included in the calculation of their Social limit.

Edge (EDG)
Edge is the ultimate intangible, that certain somethingthat provides a boost when you need it, that gets you out of a tough spot when the chips are down. It’s not used to calculate dice pools; instead, you spend a point of Edge to acquire a certain effect. Every character has at least one point of Edge, more if they want to take more frequent advantage of the boosts it offers. The possible effects of and more details about Edge are on p. 56.

Magic (MAG)
If you intend to cast spells or use magic in any way, your character needs to have the Magic attribute. Most individuals do not have this attribute, meaning their rating is zero. Mages, who cast spells, and adepts, who channel magic into enhanced physical and mental abilities, need this quality. Their Magic rating measures how capable they are in the arcane arts and how much power they can draw down to help them in their efforts.

Resonance (RES)
Similar to Magic for mages and adepts, Resonance is the special attribute for technomancers. Technomancers interface with the Matrix using the power of their mind, and Resonance measures the strength of their ability to interact with and shape that environment (see Technomancers, p. 249). Non-technomancers have a zero rating for Resonance.

主动性和CM(Initiative and Condition Monitors

劇透 -   :
As is the case with limits (p. 46), Initiative and the Condition Monitors are character statistics derived from attributes. They should be calculated during the character creation process (p. 62).


劇透 -   :
Initiative governs how quickly a character responds in a combat situation. A character’s Initiative attribute is their Reaction plus their Intuition.

主动性骰(Initiative Dice)

劇透 -   :
Initiative Dice
Initiative Dice, as described on p. 159, are extra dice used to roll a character’s Initiative Score. They generally come from gear, spells, or adept powers. Everyone has one and can get up to four more (for a total of five) from various gear, spells, and other effects. Hackers get extra initiative dice depending on how they interact with the Matrix (see p. 214).


    CM用来反应一个角色承受的伤害。玩家角色有两个CM:物理CM与晕眩CM(Stun damage)。将每3点CM排成一行。物理CM等同于角色的BOD(向上取整)的一半+8;晕眩CM等同于角色的WII(同上)+8

劇透 -   :
Condition MonitorS
Condition Monitors are used to track the damage inflicted on a character. Player characters have two Condition
Monitors; one tracks Physical damage, the other tracks Stun damage. Each Condition Monitor has a specific number of boxes arrayed in rows of three boxes apiece. The Physical Condition Monitor has boxes equal to half the character’s Body (rounded up) + 8; the Stun Condition Monitor has boxes equaling half the character’s Willpower (rounded up) + 8.
When a row of the Condition Monitor is filled up, the player character takes a –1 penalty to all subsequent tests. This penalty stacks for each row of the Condition Monitor that is filled in. Obviously, walking around with a damaged Condition
Monitor is problematic, and characters will want healing as soon as possible. For possible methods of healing, see p. 205
« 上次编辑: 2017-08-01, 周二 14:54:44 由 g339687824 »
劇透 -   :
20:11:34 <DM|博丽巫女> (我觉得吧
20:11:43 <DM|博丽巫女> (我要去找一些过场台词了。。。
20:11:49 <DM|博丽巫女> (翻来覆去好像我只会那几个
20:12:01 <都築夏海> (我能理解 不用在意
20:12:23 <都築夏海> (畢竟我的行動很制式化
20:12:37 <都築夏海> (就像上班族一樣.......對,就是上班族!!!

21:22:58 <都築夏海> (大漠通常早上幾點起床
21:23:47 <DM|博丽巫女> (将近十一点
21:24:00 <都築夏海> (早上11點?
21:24:05 <都築夏海> (你睡幾小時唉
21:24:06 <DM|博丽巫女> (中午了已经
21:24:14 <DM|博丽巫女> (你要知道我周末一般0点睡
21:24:20 <都築夏海> (難怪假日你都睡不著
21:24:34 <都築夏海> (跟你說 我平日0~1點睡 6點起床

离线 Phantomatt

  • 怪物手册歼灭者(自称)
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Body measures your physical health and resiliency. It affects how much damage you can take and stay on your feet, how well you resist damage coming your way, your ability to recover from poisons and diseases, and things of that nature.

 Agility is the most important attribute when it comes to scoring hits during combat, as you need to be coordinated to land your blows, whether you’re swinging a sword or carefully aiming a rifle.

Reaction plays an important role in deciding how soon characters act in combat and how skilled they are in avoiding attacks from others.

Willpower is your character’s desire to push through adversity, to resist the weariness of spellcasting, and to stay upright after being nailed in the head with a sap.

Charisma is your force of personality, the persuasiveness and charm you can call on to get people to do what you want without having to go to the trouble of pulling a gun on them. It’s not entirely about your appearance, but it’s also not entirely not about your appearance. What it’s mostly about is how you use what you have—your voice, your face, your words, and all the tools at your disposal—to charm and/or intimidate the people you encounter. Additionally, Charisma is an important attribute for shamanic mages, as it helps them resist the damaging Drain from spells they cast.

Edge (EDG)
Edge is the ultimate intangible, that certain something that provides a boost when you need it, that gets you out of a tough spot when the chips are down. It’s not used to calculate dice pools; instead, you spend a point of Edge to acquire a certain effect. Every character has at least one point of Edge, more if they want to take more frequent advantage of the boosts it offers. The possible effects of and more details about Edge are on p. 56.

百度ID 密码忘了AGAIN 常用昵称:苍龙

离线 g339687824

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* g339687824 冰天雪地趴倒在地求原谅
« 上次编辑: 2016-04-28, 周四 19:14:41 由 g339687824 »
劇透 -   :
20:11:34 <DM|博丽巫女> (我觉得吧
20:11:43 <DM|博丽巫女> (我要去找一些过场台词了。。。
20:11:49 <DM|博丽巫女> (翻来覆去好像我只会那几个
20:12:01 <都築夏海> (我能理解 不用在意
20:12:23 <都築夏海> (畢竟我的行動很制式化
20:12:37 <都築夏海> (就像上班族一樣.......對,就是上班族!!!

21:22:58 <都築夏海> (大漠通常早上幾點起床
21:23:47 <DM|博丽巫女> (将近十一点
21:24:00 <都築夏海> (早上11點?
21:24:05 <都築夏海> (你睡幾小時唉
21:24:06 <DM|博丽巫女> (中午了已经
21:24:14 <DM|博丽巫女> (你要知道我周末一般0点睡
21:24:20 <都築夏海> (難怪假日你都睡不著
21:24:34 <都築夏海> (跟你說 我平日0~1點睡 6點起床