作者 主题: 【UCa】集团战斗(Mass Combat)  (阅读 58480 次)

副标题: 王国与战争的战争部分。各种语死,不过我给原文了

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【UCa】集团战斗(Mass Combat)
« 于: 2013-08-10, 周六 16:20:05 »
劇透 -   :

集团战斗(Mass Combat)


  • 军队属性的解释以及本章节中的名词解释。
  • 一步步说明两军之间的战斗阶段。
  • 场地以及类似因素对战场的修正。
  • 军队能够习得的不同战术。
  • 当一支军队胜利、失败或逃跑时,战斗结束后会发生什么。
  • 如何使用特殊的指挥官或者王国领袖来修正军队属性。
  • 用于强化军队的军备。
  • 非常规军队的特殊能力,比如施法与毒素。
  • 范例军队。


军队属性(Army Statistics)
战斗阶段(Battle Phases)
攻击与承受伤害(Attacking and Taking Damage)
战场环境(Battlefield Conditions)
战术(Army Tactics)
策略(Strategy Track)
胜利、溃逃或战败(Victory, Rout, or Defeat)
军备(Army Resources)
特殊能力(Special Abilities)
战斗中的玩家角色(Player Characters in Battles)
集团战斗可选规则(Optional Mass Combat Rules)
范例军队(Sample Armies)

劇透 -   :
Mass Combat

Sooner or later, even the most peaceable kingdom will find itself faced with the prospect of war. While some kingdoms at odds with your own might be willing to compromise, others are not amenable to negotiation, or respond to overtures of appeasement with ever-increasing aggression. When diplomacy fails, the clash of steel is close behind.

This section contains rules for you as a kingdom leader to create armies, assign their commanders, and prepare them for battle on land, at sea, or in the skies. This includes rules for equipping and maintaining conventional armies, utilizing PCs as part of mass combat, converting groups of monsters into military forces, and going beyond the battlefield to deal with the aftermath of combat.

These rules provide an abstract, narrative mass combat system that will let you rapidly play out a complex battle scenario without getting bogged down in excessive detail, while still retaining fidelity to strategy, tactics, and the realities of the battlefield. These rules are not intended to accurately represent complex wars, provide a highly tactical simulation, or accurately model a tactical warfare miniatures game. Instead, they are intended to incorporate warfare into a campaign while still staying primarily focused on traditional, small-scale adventuring and roleplaying.

The key parts of the mass combat rules that you'll reference often are:

    Explanations of the army stat block and terminology used throughout this section.
    Step-by-step instructions on how to run the battle phases of a combat between armies.
    Battlefield modifiers for terrain and similar factors.
    Different tactics that armies can learn.
    What happens at the end of a battle, once an army wins, loses, or flees.
    How to use special commanders or kingdom leaders to modify army statistics.
    Resources to upgrade and improve armies.
    Special abilities for unusual armies, such as spellcasting or poison.
    A list of sample armies.
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-10, 周六 16:30:24 由 四月 »

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Re: 【UCa】集团战斗(Mass Combat)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2013-08-10, 周六 16:20:43 »
军队属性(Army Statistics)





军队规模        个体数量        ACR
  超微型     1个体生物的CR-8
   微型    10个体生物的CR-6
  超小型    25个体生物的CR-4
   小型    50个体生物的CR-2
   中型   100个体生物的CR
   大型   200个体生物的CR+2
  超大型   500个体生物的CR+4
   巨型  1000个体生物的CR+6
  超巨型  2000个体生物的CR+8

类型(Type):此处会列出军队的个体单位的性质,比如“兽人(武者 1)”或者“巨魔”。这些规则默认军队中的所有单位的本质完全相同;若100名兽人武者 1(代表1级武者)组成的军队实际上包含着几名半兽人武者或者兽人野蛮人,那么他们对军队的属性并不会有实质上的影响。如果一只军队中含有大量的单位,这些单位与该军队中的标准单位具有差异,并且这些差异足够改变该军队的属性的话,那么通常会将这支军队分开,变为两支具有不同的独立属性的军队为最好的选择。

生命值(hp):军队的生命值等同于它的ACR x 军队中的单位1个生命骰(HD)的平均生命值(d6HD为3.5,d8HD为4.5,d10HD为5.5,d12HD为6.5)。比如,武者具有d10HD,因此ACR为1的武者军队拥有5.5 x 1 = 5.5HP,向下取整为5点生命值。请注意,只有来自其他军队的伤害能够降低军队的生命值;非军队对军队的攻击大多都没有效果,如果你实在想得出攻击的结果,那么请将攻击者视为超微型军队。如同标准游戏中的效果那样影响生命值,降低生命值伤害或者治疗(或者任何其他能力)的能力效果减半,并且最低为1而非0点。

军队挑战等级(Army Challenge Rating,ACR):此项取决于军队中的单一个体的CR以及军队的规模,它类似于怪物的CR。要确定ACR,首先见上面列出的军队规模表格,并将军队规模带来的调整值应用到军队中个体单位的CR上。如果军队是骑兵队,那么使用坐骑或者骑手的CR,以较高者为准。比如个体的兽人武者1的CR是1/3,因此100名兽人武者1组成的军队的ACR是1/3;500名兽人武者1组成的军队的ACR是3(比标准的100人军队CR高4阶)。如果一支队伍的ACR比1/8还低,那么它就无法被视为一只军队——需要加入更多的军队直至ACR达到1/8或更多为止。

防御值(Defense Value,DV):此项属性为军队用于抵御攻击的数值,类似于个体生物的AC。军队的DV等同于ACR + 10 + 任何来自防御工事的加值或者定居点的防御数值。

进攻调整值(Offense Modifier,OM):该调整值会加在d20检定之上以决定军队进攻的成功率,类似于个体生物的攻击加值(attack bonus)。军队的OM等同于其ACR。如果军队具有进行远程攻击的能力,也会标注在此处。除非能力单独提及,否则近战攻击以及远程攻击使用相同的OM。





每日行军距离    12英里    16英里    24英里    32英里




劇透 -   :
Army Statistics

The description of each army is presented in a standard format.

Name: This is the name of the army. This could be a mercenary company's name, such as "Thokk's Bloodragers," a formal regiment number such as "7th Royal Cavalry," or an informal name such as "militia from Redstone."

XP: This is the XP awarded to the PCs if their army defeats this army, and is the same as an XP award for an encounter with a CR equal to the army's ACR (see below).

Alignment: An army's alignment has no effect on its statistics, and is just a convenient way to summarize its attitude with two letters. It is usually the same alignment as a typical unit in that army.

Size: The army's size determines not only how many individual units exist in the army, but also the army's ACR.
Army Sizes Army Size   Number of Units   ACR
Fine   1   CR of individual creature —8
Diminutive   10   CR of individual creature —6
Tiny   25   CR of individual creature —4
Small   50   CR of individual creature —2
Medium   100   CR of individual creature
Large   200   CR of individual creature +2
Huge   500   CR of individual creature +4
Gargantuan   1,000   CR of individual creature +6
Colossal   2,000   CR of individual creature +8

Type: This lists the nature of the army's individual units, such as "orcs (warrior 1)" or "trolls." These rules assume all units in an army are essentially the same; if an army of 100 orc warriors 1 (meaning 1st-level warriors) actually has a few half-orc warriors or some orc barbarians, their presence has no effect on the army's statistics. If an army has a large number of units that are different than the typical unit in that army, and these differences are enough to change the army's stat block, it is generally best to treat the group as two separate armies with different stat blocks.

hp: An army's hit points equal its ACR × the average hp value of 1 HD of the army's units (3.5 for d6 HD, 4.5 for d8 HD, 5.5 for d10 HD, and 6.5 for d12 HD). For example, warriors have d10 HD, so an ACR 1 army of warriors has 5.5 × 1 = 5.5 hp, rounded down to 5 hp. Note that only damage from other armies can reduce an army's hp; a non-army attacking an army is mostly ineffective, though you can treat the attacker as a Fine army if you want to determine the outcome of the attack. As with standard game effects that affect hit points, abilities that reduce hp damage or healing by half (or any other fraction) have a minimum of 1 rather than 0.

Army Challenge Rating (ACR): This is based on the CR of an individual unit from the army and the army's size, and scales like CRs for monsters. To determine ACR, see Table 4—15: Army Sizes and apply the modifier for the army's size to the CR of an individual unit in the army. If an army is cavalry, use the mount's CR or the rider's CR, whichever is higher. For example, an individual orc warrior 1 is CR 1/3, so an army of 100 orc warriors 1 is ACR 1/3; an army of 500 orc warriors 1 is ACR 3 (4 steps greater than the standard 100-unit army). If a group's ACR would be lower than 1/8, it doesn't count as an army—add more troops until you reach an ACR of 1/8 or higher.

Defense Value (DV): This is a static number the army uses to resist attacks, much like an individual creature's AC. The army's DV is equal to ACR + 10 + any bonuses from fortifications or a settlement's Defense score.

Offense Modifier (OM): This is a modifier added to a d20 roll to determine the army's chance of success, much like an individual creature's attack bonus. The army's OM is equal to its ACR. If the army has the ability to make ranged attacks, that's mentioned here. Melee attacks and ranged attacks use the same OM unless an ability says otherwise.

Tactics: These are any army tactics the army has at its disposal.

Resources: These are any army resources the army has at its disposal.

Special: This section lists any special abilities the army has.

Speed: This number indicates how many 12-mile hexes the army traverses in a day's march. Marching through difficult terrain halves the army's speed. Use the Movement and Distance table to determine the army's speed based on the speed of its individual units.

Morale: This number represents how confident the army is. Morale is used to determine changing battle tactics, whether or not an army routs as a result of a devastating attack, and similar effects. Morale is a modifier from —4 (worst) to +4 (best). A new army's starting morale is +0. Morale can be further modified by the army's commander and other factors. If an army's Morale is ever reduced to —5 or lower, the army disbands or deserts and you no longer control it.

Consumption: This is how many Build Points (BP) an army consumes each week (unlike most kingdom expenses, this cost is per week, not per month), representing the cost to feed, hydrate, arm, train, care for, and pay the units. An army's base Consumption is equal to its ACR divided by 2 (minimum 1). If you fall behind on paying the army's Consumption, reduce its Morale by 2; this penalty ends when you catch up on the army's pay.

Commander: This entry lists the army's commander and the commander's Charisma modifier, ranks in Profession (soldier), and Leadership score. The commander must be able to communicate with the army (possibly using message spells and similar magical forms of communication) in order to give orders or provide a bonus on the army's rolls.
« 上次编辑: 2013-08-12, 周一 10:59:23 由 四月 »

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Re: 【UCa】集团战斗(Mass Combat)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2013-08-10, 周六 16:21:14 »
战斗阶段(Battle Phases)

1. 战术阶段(Tactics Phase):由DM判定应用于战斗中的战场调整值。指挥官们选择每只军队在战斗中将要使用的战术。

2. 远程阶段(Ranged Phase):任何具有进行远程攻击能力的军队可以进行一次攻击对抗敌军。该阶段通常持续1轮(1次攻击),用于两军在推进至近战范围之前使用远程攻击进行交火,在那之后进行白刃战。战场的形状以及其他情况可能会延长该阶段的时间。如果两军都有远程攻击,他们就可以选择原地射击并且不靠近对方进行近战(至少在他们用尽弹药之前,不过耗尽军队的弹药通常意味着在这种情况发生之前能够进行多次射击)。不具有远程攻击能力的军队无法在该阶段攻击,但是他们仍旧可以向前冲锋。

3. 近战阶段(Melee Phase):军队最终会进行白刃战。每名指挥官选择想要运用的策略,之后每支军队进行一次近战攻击对抗其他军队。重复近战阶段直至一支军队战败或溃逃,或者发生其他结束战斗的事件。

劇透 -   :
Battle Phases

Mass combat takes place over the course of three battle phases: the Tactics Phase, the Ranged Phase, and the Melee Phase. A phase doesn't denote a specific passage of time, leaving the GM latitude to determine how long a mass combat takes to resolve. For example, a battle in a muddy field after a rain could take place over hours and involve several short breaks to remove the dead from the battlefield, but still counts as one battle for the purposes of these rules. If there is an extended break (such as stopping at nightfall to resume combat in the morning) or the battle conditions change significantly (such as the assassination of a commander, the arrival of another army, and so on), the GM should treat each period of combat between armies as one battle. The battle phases are as follows.

1. Tactics Phase: The GM decides what battlefield modifiers apply to the battle. The commanders each select a tactic their respective armies will use during the battle.

2. Ranged Phase: Any army with the ability to make ranged attacks may make one attack against an enemy army. This phase typically lasts for 1 round (one attack) as the two armies use ranged attacks while they advance to melee range, and then use melee attacks thereafter. The battlefield's shape and other conditions can extend this duration. If both armies have ranged attacks, they may choose to stay at range and never approach each other for melee (at least until they run out of ammunition, though the Consumption cost of maintaining an army generally means the army is capable of many shots before this happens). Armies without ranged capability can't attack during this phase, but may still rush forward.

3. Melee Phase: The armies finally clash with melee attacks. Each commander selects a strategy using the Strategy Track, then each army makes an attack against another army. Repeat the Melee phase until one army is defeated or routs, or some other event ends the battle.

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Re: 【UCa】集团战斗(Mass Combat)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2013-08-10, 周六 16:21:38 »
攻击与承受伤害(Attacking and Taking Damage)
当军队进行攻击时,每只军队需要尝试一次进攻检定(Offense check,1d20 + 进攻军队的OM),将得出的结果与目标军队的DV进行比较。

多于两支军队(More Than Two Armies)

劇透 -   :
Attacking and Taking Damage

In mass combat, the hundreds of individual attacks that take place in one battle phase overlap each other enough that who actually attacks first is irrelevant.

When armies attack, each army attempts an Offense check (1d20 + the attacking army's OM) and compares the result to the target army's DV.

If the Offense check is equal to or less than the target army's DV, the army deals no damage that phase.

If the Offense check is greater than defender's DV, the defending army takes damage equal to the result of the attacker's Offense check minus the defender's DV. For example, if the attacker's Offense check is 11 and the defender's DV is 7, the defending army takes 4 points of damage. Because these attacks are resolved simultaneously, it is possible that both armies may damage or even destroy each other in the same phase.

If the Offense check is a natural 20, but that check is lower than the enemy army's DV, the attacking army still deals 1 point of damage. If the Offense check is a natural 1, that army can't attempt an Offense Check in the next phase, due to some setback: a misheard order, getting stuck in mud, and so on.
More Than Two Armies

These rules can also serve in battles where more than two armies clash. In such battles, when your army attempts an Offense check, you choose which enemy army (or armies, if you have multiple armies in the field) it is attacking and apply damage appropriately. On each phase, you may change which army you are targeting. If your kingdom fields multiple armies in a battle, you may want to divide responsibility for these armies among the other players to speed up play.

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Re: 【UCa】集团战斗(Mass Combat)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2013-08-10, 周六 16:22:02 »
战场环境(Battlefield Conditions)
依照DM的判断,可以允许军队或指挥官在冲突发生之前,使用诸如地动术(move earth)的大范围法术操纵战场环境。这些法术若想造成任何影响,则必须至少持续1小时以上并且至少影响500平方英尺的范围。同样的,诸如折叠要塞(instant fortress,奇物,+2防御)以及石墙术(wall of stone,法术,+1防御)能够用于在战斗中为一只军队构筑简单的防御工事。

有利地形(Advantageous Terrain):通常来说,如果有一支军队占据有利地势(比如处于山丘上、处于峡谷之间、或者有一侧受到深水河流的保护),防守部队的DV增加2点。


战场优势(Battlefield Advantage):如果一支军队对战场十分熟悉,它的OM以及DV提高2点。


昏暗(Dim Light):昏暗会使所有军队的OM降低1点。

雾霾(Fog):雾霾会使所有伤害减半,并且使军队在撤退战术(withdraw tactic)的士气检定中获得+2加值。


降雨(Rain):降雨会修正远程阶段中的OM,如同烈风(severe wind);见风力效果表格




龙卷风        无效

劇透 -   :
Battlefield Conditions

In some mass combats, the specifics of a battlefield won't impact either army, but sometimes the battlefield will itself decide the outcome. The modifiers listed below apply only for the duration of the battle. Naturally, the GM should exercise judgment regarding any conditions that don't seem to apply to one of the armies (such as darkness and an army with darkvision, or fog and an army with scent).

At the GM's discretion, large-area spells such as move earth might allow armies or commanders to manipulate the battlefield conditions before a conflict. For these spells to have any effect, they must last at least 1 hour and affect at least a 500-foot square. Likewise, magic items such as an instant fortress (+2 Defense) and spells such as wall of stone (+1 Defense) can create simple fortifications for an army to use in a battle.

Advantageous Terrain: Generally, if one army occupies a position of superiority (such as being atop a hill, wedged in a narrow canyon, or protected by a deep river along one flank), the defending army increases its DV by 2.

Ambush: In order to attempt to ambush an army, the entire ambushing army must have concealment. The ambusher attempts an Offense check against the target army's DV. If successful, the battle begins but the target army doesn't get to act during the Tactics phase. Otherwise, the battle proceeds normally.

Battlefield Advantage: If an army is particularly familiar with a battlefield, it's OM and DV increase by 2.

Darkness: Darkness reduces all armies' OM by 2 and DV by 3.

Dim Light: Dim light reduces all armies' OM by 1.

Fog: Fog reduces damage by half and gives the armies a +2 bonus on Morale checks to use the withdraw tactic.

Fortifications: An army located in a fortification adds the fortification's Defense to its DV. A settlement's Defense is determined by the types of buildings it contains, as detailed in the kingdom-building rules. If the game isn't using the kingdom-building rules, a typical fortification increases DV by 8.

Rain: Rain affects modifiers to OM in the Ranged phase as if it were severe wind; see the Wind Effects table.

Sandstorm: A sandstorm counts as fog and deals 1 hp of damage to all armies during each Ranged and Melee phase.

Snow: Snow affects ranged attacks like rain, and affects damage like fog.

Wind: The wind modifiers to ranged attacks apply to OM in the Ranged phase; see the Wind Effects table.

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Re: 【UCa】集团战斗(Mass Combat)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2013-08-10, 周六 16:22:43 »
战术(Army Tactics)

谨慎作战(Cautious Combat):你的军队为了保持士气而谨慎作战。OM降低2点,所有士气检定获得+2加值。

骑兵突袭(Cavalry Experts):你的军队在对抗没有配备坐骑的军队时,OM增加2点。只有配备坐骑的军队才能使用这种战术。

稳固阵型(Defensive Wall):你的军队使用更加偏向防守的战斗方式,并且会根据需要进行保护友军单位的行动。OM降低2点,DV增加2点。

诡术战法(Dirty Fighters):你的军队会用诡计以及不正当手段来使自身在战斗开始时获得优势。在该次战斗的某个近战阶段中,OM增加6点。(在该次近战阶段之后,敌对军队便会了解如何应对这些把戏)。

围歼(expert flankers):你的军队擅长通过包夹分散敌人的注意力,这么做的代价就是阵线过长,并且会遭受更大的伤害。OM增加2点,DV降低2点。

诈败(False Retreat):每场战斗1次,你的军队能够进行诈败,从而引诱目标军队深入你的领域。在你的军队使用诈败的阶段时,无法进行进攻检定。而在使用该战术后下一个阶段中,对抗目标军队的OM与DV增加6点。

铜墙铁壁(Full Defense):你的军队在战场上专注于进行守备。DV增加4点,OM降低4点。

残虐攻袭(Relentless Brutality):你的军队将顾虑抛在脑后,发起狂暴而又血腥的进攻。OM增加4点,DV降低4点。


射手支援(Sniper Support):你的军队拥有一些远程单位,它们可以在近战阶段对目标军队进行攻击。若你的军队在近战阶段对目标军队造成伤害,则会通过这些远程攻击额外造成2点伤害。你的军队必须能够进行远程攻击才能使用该战术。



嘲讽(Taunt):你的军队擅长嘲弄对手,使敌人战斗中过于自负,从而犯下愚蠢的错误。目标军队必须在每个近战或远程阶段进行士气检定(DC = 10 + 你的军队的ACR);失败则意味着在该阶段内,对抗你的军队时的OM与DV降低2点。如果目标军队在该检定中成功2次,则会在这场战斗剩下的时间内免疫该战术的效果。


劇透 -   :
Army Tactics

Tactics are options an army can use to influence aspects of a battle. A newly recruited army doesn't know any of these tactics unless specified by the GM. An army learns new tactics by being victorious in battle (see Victory, Rout, or Defeat). An army can know a number of tactics equal to half its ACR, minimum 0.

When a battle begins, the commander selects one tactic to use for that battle (if the army doesn't know any tactics, the army uses the standard tactic). At the start of each Ranged or Melee phase, the commander may try to change tactics by attempting a DC 15 Morale check. Success means the army uses the new tactic for that phase (and the modifiers from the old tactic cease); failure means the army continues to use its current tactic. The effects of tactics end when the battle does.

As with battlefield conditions, gaining benefits from a tactic is subject to GM discretion. (For example, you may not get the expert flankers benefit if you cannot actually flank your enemy).

Tactics marked with an asterisk (*) are default tactics all armies know; these do not count toward the number of tactics an army knows.

Cautious Combat: Your army fights cautiously in order to maintain morale. Decrease its OM by 2, and add 2 to all its Morale checks.

Cavalry Experts: Your army's OM increases by 2 against armies that aren't mounted. The army must have the mount resource to use this tactic.

Defensive Wall: Your army fights defensively, taking actions to protect fellow units as needed. Decrease its OM by 2, and increase its DV by 2.

Dirty Fighters: Your army uses trickery and unfair tactics to gain an advantage at the start of a battle. For one Melee phase this battle, its OM increases by 6. (After that Melee phase, the opposing army knows to be ready for such tricks.)

Expert Flankers: Your army is skilled at surrounding the foe and distracting them, at the cost of spreading out too much and being more vulnerable. Increase its OM by 2, and decrease its DV by 2.

False Retreat: Once per battle, your army can make a false retreat, luring a target enemy army deeper into your territory. On the phase your army makes a false retreat, it doesn't attempt an Offense check. On the phase after it uses this tactic, increase its OM and DV by 6 against the target army.

Full Defense: Your army focuses on total defense of the battlefield. Increase its DV by 4, and decrease its OM by 4.

Relentless Brutality: Your army throws caution to the wind and attacks with savage and gory vigor. Increase its OM by 4, and decrease its DV by 4.

Siegebreaker: Your army targets another army's siege engines in an attempt to destroy them. If your army damages the target army, your army attempts a second Offense check; if successful, destroy one of the target's siege engines. This tactic has no effect on enemy armies without siege engines.

Sniper Support: Your army holds some ranged units in reserve to attack a target enemy army during the Melee phase. If your army damages the target army in the Melee phase, it deals 2 additional points of damage from these ranged attacks. The army must have ranged attacks to use this tactic.

Spellbreaker: Your army has specialists who can disrupt enemy spellcasting. Increase its DV by 4 against armies with the spellcasting ability.

Standard*: Your army's attacks have no additional modifiers to its OM, DV, or damage.

Taunt: Your army is skilled at taunting its opponents, provoking stupid mistakes and overconfidence in battle. The target army must attempt a Morale check (DC = 10 + your army's ACR) at the start of each Melee or Ranged phase; failure means it reduces its OM and DV against your army by 2 for that phase. If the target army succeeds at two of these Morale checks, it's immune to this tactic for the remainder of the battle.

Withdraw*: Your army tries to escape from all armies attacking it. The army attempts an opposed Morale check against each army attacking it to maintain discipline (any army may voluntarily fail this check), but doesn't need to attempt the usual Morale check to change tactics when switching to withdraw. If all of these checks are successful, your army may withdraw from the battlefield or treat the phase as a Ranged phase. If only some are successful, you may withdraw or treat the phase as a Ranged phase, but enemy armies in the battle may attack you as if you were in Melee. Whether or not the checks are successful, reduce your army's OM and DV by 2 for the rest of this phase.

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Re: 【UCa】集团战斗(Mass Combat)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2013-08-10, 周六 16:23:06 »
策略(Strategy Track)

策略    DV    OM    造成伤害
防御+4-4    -6
谨慎+2-2    -3
标准+0+0    +0
积极-2+2    +3
鲁莽-4+4    +6

劇透 -   :
Strategy Track

On the first Melee phase, the commander selects a strategy from one of five options on the strategy track. Strategies adjust the army's DV, OM, and damage modifier.

Once each Melee phase after the first, the commander can alter the army's strategy. Adjusting the strategy 1 step up or down does is automatically successful and doesn't require a check. If the commander wants to adjust strategy more than 1 step, the army attempts a DC 20 Morale check. Success means the strategy changes to the desired level. Otherwise, the army's current strategy doesn't change.
Strategy   DV   OM   Damage Dealt
Defensive   +4   —4   —6
Cautious   +2   —2   —3
Standard   +0   +0   +0
Aggressive   —2   +2   +3
Reckless   —4   +4   +6

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Re: 【UCa】集团战斗(Mass Combat)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2013-08-10, 周六 16:23:27 »

劇透 -   :

A rout is a chaotic and disorderly retreat of a defeated army from a battlefield, usually from fear or when overwhelmed by a superior opponent. If an army's hit points are reduced to equal or less than its ACR, its commander must attempt a DC 15 Morale check. If the check fails, the army scatters and retreats from battle. If it cannot retreat, it surrenders and is captured. When an army routs, all armies in the battle can attempt one final Offense check at the fleeing army as a parting shot before it escapes. (Normally, only enemy armies do so, but an aggressive or evil army might strike at a fleeing allied army out of anger or frustration.)

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Re: 【UCa】集团战斗(Mass Combat)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2013-08-10, 周六 16:23:51 »
胜利、溃逃或战败(Victory, Rout, or Defeat)


军队规模    经济    忠诚    稳定
  超微型  0  0  0
   微型  0 -1  0
  超小型 -1 -1  0
   小型 -1 -1 -1
   中型 -2 -2 -2
   大型 -3 -2 -2
  超大型 -4 -2 -2
   巨型 -4 -2 -3
  超巨型 -4 -3 -3



劇透 -   :
Victory, Rout, or Defeat

An army is victorious if all of its enemy armies flee the battlefield or are defeated. The aftermath of the battle can be different for each army, and depends on whether it was defeated, routed, or victorious.

Defeated: If an army's hit points are reduced to 0, it is defeated. A defeated army may have a few survivors, but they are so demoralized and wounded (and probably captured by the enemy) that the army no longer exists as a cohesive unit and can't be used again in mass combat. If your army is defeated, reduce your kingdom's Economy, Loyalty, and Stability according to the size of the army.
Army Size   Economy   Loyalty   Stability
Fine   0   0   0
Diminutive   0   —1   0
Tiny   —1   —1   0
Small   —1   —1   —1
Medium   —2   —2   —2
Large   —3   —2   —2
Huge   —4   —2   —2
Gargantuan   —4   —2   —3
Colossal   —4   —3   —3

Routed: If the army routs, reduce its Morale by 1. If the army's current hp are lower than the army's ACR, increase its hit points to its ACR. A routed army refuses to fight until you succeed at a Loyalty check during your kingdom's Upkeep phase (you may attempt this check once per turn). Note that a routed army can still be attacked by enemy armies, and can attempt Offense checks in battles—it just can't initiate a battle.

Victorious: If your army is the last one left on the battlefield (not counting other friendly armies), it is victorious. Each time an army wins a battle, you can attempt a Loyalty check against your kingdom's Control DC. If you succeed at this check, your army learns a new tactic and its Morale increases by 1 (maximum of Morale +4). If the army's current hit points are lower than the army's ACR, increase its hit points to its ACR. You may attempt a second Loyalty check; if you succeed, the army's commander learns a new boon.

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Re: 【UCa】集团战斗(Mass Combat)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2013-08-10, 周六 16:24:12 »

劇透 -   :

Each day that an army spends at rest (no movement and no battle), it heals a number of hit points equal to its ACR. Once per day, you may attempt a Loyalty Check against your kingdom's Control DC. If you succeed, your army heals a number of additional hit points equal to its ACR. An inactive army heals back to its full hit points after a single month, no matter how many hit points it lost.

The mass combat rules assume that this healing is a combination of actual wound healing and gaining new units to replace those who were killed (meaning you don't have to track individual losses and resize armies). These units can be recruited from sympathetic locals, replacements from your own settlements, or forced conscripts from conquered lands. If circumstances make these replacement options unavailable or unlikely, the GM is free to limit how much an army can heal, generally to half the army's normal hit points. For other possibilities when dealing with wounded armies, see the optional Reforming an Army rule.