作者 主题: [Bestiary3]比蒙巨兽(BEHEMOTH)  (阅读 14393 次)

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« 于: 2013-07-23, 周二 12:30:51 »




被投放在陆地上的比蒙巨兽被称为雷霆比蒙(thunder behemoths)。这种是比蒙巨兽中最为稀少的,然而它们是强大而不可阻挡的绝世天劫。它们被选择用来摧毁一个国家或帝国,虽然具有毁灭性,但是它们被束缚在陆地之上,比起其他两种更为强大的比蒙巨兽来说,它们对整个世界的征服会受到更多的限制。

当一些国家或地区引起神怒的时候,深海比蒙(thalassic behemoth)会被派遣到那些世界的海洋中掀起浩劫。通过扰乱海洋贸易、破坏港口城市,导致原本适宜居住的海岸不在适合居住,深海比蒙擅长毁灭那些容易遭受攻击的文明。一个复仇心切的神祇可能会对一个需要报复的国度投入数只雷霆比蒙,然后在海中放一只深海比蒙以完成最终的毁灭。

在三种一般比蒙巨兽中最具毁灭性的的是风暴比蒙(tempest behemoth),一种像鸟一样的庞大怪物,能够在短短一瞬毁灭众多大陆。因为它统御着那些众神希望毁灭的大陆的上空,风暴比蒙的机动性远胜于其他同类。当神祇真正发怒的时候,它们会向一个世界投放众多的比蒙巨兽,但是需要投入一只以上的风暴比蒙的情况几乎就和它们庞大的体积一样令人难以置信——几乎没有哪个世界能够傲慢和渎神到如此级别,需要投入多个风暴比蒙来作为天罚。

其他比蒙巨兽也存在,例如依靠风和火焰进行破坏的焚风比蒙(sirocco behemoths),幽暗无光的深海中的比蒙巨兽,以及由闪电和火焰所铸造的令人惊惧的浩劫巨兽(holocaust behemoths)。一些神祇对创造独特而强大的比蒙巨兽有着特别的兴趣——许多学者把传奇的泰拉斯奎兽列入了这一范畴,虽然它的力量确实和比蒙巨兽相比有相当的不同。不管它们天性如何,每种比蒙巨兽都存在一种弱点,让它们可以被杀掉,作为它们不朽特性上的一道瑕疵。一些小弱点是由于在不完善的创造过程中,把混沌绑定在秩序之上造成的,另一些则是因为神祇自身的担忧,以免比蒙巨兽们有一天反过来征服众神。



比蒙亚种 Behemoth




-免疫属性伤害、老化、出血、疾病、能量吸取、火焰伤害、影响心灵效果,同时也不受负向等级、麻痹、永久伤口(permanent wounds)、石化、毒素和变形术(polymorph)影响。有些比蒙会获得额外的免疫能力。


-伤害减免 15/传奇






« 上次编辑: 2013-08-17, 周六 22:40:27 由 原子能青蛙 »
劇透 -  签名折叠:

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Re: [Bestiary3]比蒙巨兽(BEHEMOTH)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2013-07-23, 周二 12:35:50 »
劇透 -   :

Immense, ageless, and very nearly invincible, behemoths deliver divine retribution to the mortal realms. Shaped from the primal energies of creation and infused with elemental might, behemoths resemble living creatures, but lack the frailties of flesh. Marginally more intelligent than the smartest animal, behemoths can understand Aklo but cannot speak. Nothing less than a god or the most potent of legendary artifacts can command a behemoth, and even the gods feel some trepidation at unleashing one, lest the behemoth cast off its reins and turn its wrath against its maker.

For nearly as long as mortals have worshiped the gods, mortals have known hubris and the gods' righteous anger. When a mortal's offense grows too great for divine patience to suffer, the gods lash out through plagues and floods, and through their terrible servants. Of these vengeful minions, the behemoths are among the most feared. A god or coalition of gods creates a behemoth from the wellsprings of primal chaos, binds it into a semblance of flesh, and fills its mind with righteousness and the thirst to destroy all in its path. The beast is then turned loose upon its victims—those deemed most deserving of bearing the brunt of the wrath of the gods. Some deities stay close at hand as their beasts savage the lands, the better to turn the creatures aside once their divine anger is appeased, while others turn their backs on mortal plights, leaving behemoths to expend their anger until naught but lifeless cinders remain. Entire worlds have been destroyed by these living retributions. Such shattered lands might have nothing left alive save for the conquering behemoths themselves, immortal, living monuments to murdered worlds.

While behemoths are created by the gods, their forms and countenances are the result of which of three domains they have been created to rule—air, earth, or sea. Each of these realms is in turn associated with one of three common types of behemoths—if the application of a word like “common” is even appropriate for such an uncommon creature.

Behemoths cast upon a world's landmasses are known as thunder behemoths. These are the least of their kind, yet they are formidable, nigh unstoppable engines of armageddon nevertheless. They are the behemoths of choice when it comes to destroying a single nation or empire, for while devastating, they are bound to the land itself, and their advances across a globe are thus more limited than those of the two greater behemoths.

When several nations or regions evoke the gods' wrath, a thalassic behemoth is sent into that world's oceans to wreak havoc. By disrupting oceanic trade, destroying port cities, and rendering well-populated shores all but uninhabitable, thalassic behemoths excel at destroying civilizations where they are most vulnerable. A vengeful god may inflict several thunder behemoths upon a realm that has wronged it, placing a thalassic behemoth in the ocean to finalize the devastation.

The most devastating of the three common behemoths is the tempest behemoth, a tremendous birdlike monster capable of devastating numerous lands in a short amount of time. Because it rules the skies above those lands the gods wish to smite, the tempest behemoth has greater mobility than its other kin. When the gods are truly vexed, they might set upon a world numerous behemoths, but the conditions that might call for the deployment of more than a solitary tempest behemoth boggle the mind nearly as much as the sheer size of any of these monsters does—few worlds are capable of the level of blasphemy and hubris that would necessitate multiple tempest behemoths as divine punishment.

Other behemoths exist, such as sirocco behemoths that flay with air and fire, behemoths of the lightless depths of the oceans, and dread holocaust behemoths forged of lightning and fire. Some deities take particular delight in spawning truly unique and powerful behemoths—many scholars place the legendary tarrasque in this category, even though its powers are quite different than those shared by most other behemoths. Regardless of their nature, each behemoth suffers a single flaw by which it might be slain, a chink in its immortality. Some attribute this weakness, however small, to the imperfect process of binding chaos to order, others to divine caution, lest a behemoth one day prove a match for the gods themselves.

A behemoth's creation is not always the act of a cruel god seeking to inflict devastation on an innocent world—often, these monsters are created by good or neutral deities to serve as instruments of justice. Perhaps ironically, gods of a more lawful or civilized bent are the most apt to call up a behemoth, as gods of the natural world either aren't inclined to punish mortals at all, or would instead make use of natural disasters like earthquakes and storms to teach lessons to their wayward followers. While a single behemoth usually suffices, multiple creatures of this kind are sometimes visited upon a world. While it may be small solace, behemoths are incapable of procreation—regardless of the total number of behemoths active on a world at any one time, that number does not increase without the direct, vengeful intervention of a deity.

Even societies that refrain from insulting the gods are not immune to the behemoth's wrath, for the gods rarely remove these beasts when their work is done. An ancient civilization destroyed by a behemoth may still harbor in its ruined heart a slumbering monster, waiting only for the right moment or a tragic accident to waken and ravage once again.

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Re: [Bestiary3]比蒙巨兽(BEHEMOTH)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2013-07-23, 周二 14:04:14 »

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Re: [Bestiary3]比蒙巨兽(BEHEMOTH)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2013-07-23, 周二 14:38:33 »
单个小孩的CR再X3,这遭遇怎么都是团灭的节奏啊…… T_T

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Re: [Bestiary3]比蒙巨兽(BEHEMOTH)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2013-07-23, 周二 14:52:21 »
 :em013 :em013有些描述感觉是在抄百臂巨人和大奎。 :em008

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Re: [Bestiary3]比蒙巨兽(BEHEMOTH)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2013-07-24, 周三 11:08:37 »