作者 主题: 【PoP】风暴朝拜者(Storm Kindler)  (阅读 19094 次)

副标题: 进阶之路的进阶职业,哥兹莱信徒专用(翻译完之后发现对我没啥用处233)

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【PoP】风暴朝拜者(Storm Kindler)
« 于: 2013-03-18, 周一 23:06:45 »
风暴朝拜者(Storm Kindler)
当一个世纪之前,被称之为阿班德果之眼(Eye of Abendego)的庞大飓风在迦伦德(Garund)的西北海岸形成之时,大量哥兹莱(Gozreh)的信徒蜂拥至此膜拜那强大的风暴。这些被分裂出来的宗教团体被统称为风暴朝拜者,她们将这强大的飓风视作神祗的一种表现,并试图借助强大的魔法力量探寻神秘的风暴深处。然而风暴朝拜者太过自大,她们并未预见到风暴真正的狂怒与凶猛。朝拜者都被风暴卷得无影无踪,只留下信徒的遗物叙述着曾发生的事情。
生命骰(Hit Die):d8

专长(Feats):风暴洗礼(Storm-Lashed,出自The Inner Sea World Guide 289页,见下面剧透)
劇透 -   :
好处:你可以免受许多恶劣天气带来的影响。在雨天(rainy conditions),你的可视距离只降低四分之一(而非一半)并且察觉检定只受到-2减值。在受到风力影响(wind effects)时,你的体型视为比正常大一级,并且将任何由强风引起的察觉检定的减值减半。最后,你在对抗闪电效果(electrical effects)时,豁免检定获得+2加值。

本职技能(Class Skills)
每级技能点数(Skill Ranks at Each Level):4 + 智力调整值

等级  BAB  强韧  反射  意志  职业能力每日法术
10级+7+5+3+5掌控风暴,风暴形态(60尺,超大型),暴风雨之怒5d6  +1施法者等级

职业能力(Class Features)

武器与护甲擅长(Weapon and Armor Proficiency):风暴朝拜者不获得任何额外的武器或护甲擅长。

海洋精魄(Oceanic Spirit)(Su):风暴朝拜者的飞行与游泳检定获得等同于她职业等级的加值,并且无需因为自然天气而进行专注检定。她获得5点闪电抗力以及5点音波抗力。5级起,她的闪电与音波抗力提升至10点,9级起,这些抗力提升至20点。


风暴形态(Storm Shape)(Su):2级起,风暴朝拜者能够变为风暴之怒的实体化身。她能够以标准动作将自身变为旋风(whirlwind,如同怪物图鉴Bestiary 306页的通用怪物规则),每日持续的分钟数等同于她的职业等级。这些时间不必连续,但是必须以1分钟为单位消耗。
如果小型或更小体型的生物陷入风暴朝拜者风暴形态,那么她可以伤害并困住(trap)它们,每个在反射豁免(DC 10 + 风暴朝拜者的职业等级 + 风暴朝拜者的力量调整值)中失败的生物,会受到等同于她的徒手击打伤害的致命伤害,并且会在第二次反射豁免失败时被卷入空中。4级起,以及之后的每2个等级,风暴朝拜者能够影响的生物体型提高一级,最高为8级时能够吹动超大型生物。

平静光环(Aura of Calm)(Su):3级起,距离风暴朝拜者5尺之内的盟友(包括她自身)在受到风力影响(wind effects)时视为体型比正常大一级(该效果与风暴洗礼专长带来的奖励叠加),同时她们在对抗带有气(air)或水(water)描述符的法术与效果时,所有豁免检定均会受到+2表现加值。5级起,以及之后的每2个等级,风暴朝拜者的平静光环范围扩大5尺(最高为9级时的20尺)。7级起,处于风暴朝拜者的光环范围内的盟友在受到风力影响时视为体型比正常大两级,同时豁免检定获得的加值提升至+4。

破浪者(Wave Breaker)(Su):4级起,风暴朝拜者获得等同于她的基本路上速度两倍的游泳速度。她能够在水下呼吸的小时数等同于她的职业等级。这些时间不必连续,但是但是必须以1小时为单位消耗。


暴风雨之怒(Weather’s Fury)(Su):6级起,风暴朝拜者能够使用风暴形态造成额外伤害。除了她的徒手击打伤害之外,她还能对在反射豁免中失败的生物造成3d6点闪电伤害(在旋风形态下)或寒冷伤害(在漩涡形态下)。在8级时该伤害增加至4d6,并在10级时增加至5d6。

风暴之眼(Eye of the Storm)(Su):7级起,风暴朝拜者免疫非魔法的风与浪造成的伤害以及有害效果。此外,在对抗带有气或水描述符的法术与效果时,她的豁免检定与AC获得+4洞察加值。

无相之风(Fickle Winds)(Su):8级起,风暴朝拜者能够以迅捷动作召唤气流帮助防御,如同法术无相之风UM(fickle winds)一般保护她,每日持续的轮数等同于她的等级。这些轮数不必连续。

雷鸣回响(Echoing Thunder)(Su):9级起,无论何时,只要风暴朝拜者使用海洋精魄能力减免闪电或音波伤害,她可以消耗直觉动作将抵抗的伤害重定向至30尺内的另一个生物。该生物必须成功进行反射豁免(DC 10 + 风暴朝拜者的职业等级 + 风暴朝拜者的感知调整值),豁免失败受到的伤害,与风暴朝拜者所抵抗的闪电或音波伤害相等。

掌控风暴(Storm Mastery)(Su):10级起,风暴朝拜者与风暴成为一体,这使得她可以随意使用风暴形态能力。此外,她获得等同于基本路上速度两倍的飞行速度,并且获得水栖亚种(aquatic subtype)以及两栖特殊能力(amphibious special quality)。风暴朝拜者的攻击与伤害检定不会由于在水下战斗而受到减值。

劇透 -   :
When the massive hurricane known as the Eye of Abendego formed off the northwestern coast of Garund a century ago, Gozreh worshipers from across Golarion f locked to the region to worship the mighty storm. These splinter-cults, known collectively as the Storm Kindlers, saw the mighty hurricane as a manifestation of their god, and sought to plumb its mysterious depths with the help of powerful magic. Yet the Storm Kindlers were arrogant, and failed to anticipate the true extent of the storm’s fury and savagery. The cult was wiped out, leaving only the cultists’ enchanted goz masks in its wake.
Now, 100 years later, a new generation of Gozrehworshiping explorers rises to meet the challenge of the Eye of Abendego. These new Storm Kindlers have learned from the mistakes of their forebears and developed new techniques and strategies to weather the dangers of the Sodden Lands. While none have yet pierced the center of the storm and unlocked the secrets of the Eye’s formation, few have any doubts that with both time and the blessings of Gozreh they will succeed in their endeavor.

Hit Die: d8.

To qualify to become a Storm Kindler, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Any neutral.
Deity: Must worship Gozreh.
Feats: Storm-Lashed (The Inner Sea World Guide 289).
Skills: Fly 3 ranks, Knowledge (history) 6 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 6 ranks, Swim 3 ranks.
Spells: Able to cast 2nd-level spells.

A life spent enduring gales and storms has hardened your body to the elements.
Benefit: You can ignore many of the effects of severe weather. In rainy conditions, your visibility is only reduced by one-quarter (not by half ) and you only take a –2 penalty on Perception checks. You are treated as if you were one size category larger for the purpose of wind effects, and halve any penalty to Perception caused by high winds. Finally, you gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws against electrical effects.

Class Skills
The Storm Kindler’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Fly (Dex), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are class features of the Storm Kindler prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Storm Kindler gains no additional weapon or armor proficiencies.

Oceanic Spirit (Su): A Storm Kindler gains a bonus equal to her class level on Fly and Swim checks, and never needs to make concentration checks because of natural weather. She gains resistance to electricity 5 and sonic 5. At 5th level, her resistance to electricity and sonic increases to 10. At 9th level, these resistances increase to 20.

Seasight (Su): At 2nd level, a Storm Kindler can see through fog, smoke, and other obscuring vapors as if they did not exist. This ability functions underwater as well, allowing the Storm Kindler to see through thick silt and other aquatic precipitates.

Storm Shape (Su): At 2nd level, a Storm Kindler becomes a physical embodiment of the fury of the storm. As a standard action, she can transform herself into a whirlwind (as the universal monster rule, Bestiary 306) for a number of minutes per day equal to her class level. This time need not be consecutive, but must be spent in 1-minute increments.
As a swift action, the Storm Kindler can change the height of her whirlwind form from a minimum of 10 feet tall to a maximum of 20 feet tall. At 4th level, and again every two levels thereafter, the maximum height of the whirlwind increases by 10 feet, to a maximum of 60 feet tall at 10th level. If the Storm Kindler is underwater when she uses this ability, she instead transforms into a vortex of the same size (this functions identically to the whirlwind ability, but can form only underwater and can’t leave the water). The Storm Kindler can breathe water while in vortex form. If the Storm Kindler does not possess a f ly or swim speed, she gains one (as appropriate to her new form) equal to her base land speed when in storm shape. With a f ly speed, she has average maneuverability.
The Storm Kindler can damage and trap Small or smaller creatures caught in her whirlwind, dealing lethal damage equal to her unarmed strike damage to each one that fails a Ref lex save (DC 10 + the Storm Kindler’s class level + the Storm Kindler’s Strength modifier) and lifting it into the air if it fails a second Ref lex save. At 4th level, and again every two levels thereafter, the size of creatures the Storm Kindler can affect increases by one step, to a maximum of Huge at 8th level.

Aura of Calm (Su): At 3rd level, allies within 5 feet of a Storm Kindler (including herself ) are treated as one size category larger for the purpose of wind effects (this stacks with the bonus from Storm-Lashed), and they gain a +2 competence bonus on all saving throws made to resist spells and effects with the air or water descriptors. At 5th level, and every two levels thereafter, the Storm Kindler’s aura of calm extends by 5 feet (to a maximum of 20 feet at 9th level). At 7th level, allies in the Storm Kindler’s aura are treated as two size categories larger for the purpose of wind effects, and the bonus on their saving throws doubles to +4.

Wave Breaker (Su): At 4th level, a Storm Kindler gains a swim speed equal to twice her base land speed. She may breathe water for a number of hours per day equal to her class level. This time need not be consecutive, but must be spent in 1-hour increments.

Thunderstruck (Su): At 5th level, a Storm Kindler becomes immune to the deafened condition.

Weather’s Fury (Su): At 6th level, a Storm Kindler can deal additional damage with her storm shape. In addition to her unarmed strike damage, she deals 3d6 points of electricity (while in whirlwind form) or cold (while in vortex form) damage to creatures that fail their Reflex saves. This damage increases to 4d6 at 8th level, and 5d6 at 10th level.

Eye of the Storm (Su): At 7th level, a Storm Kindler becomes immune to damage and detrimental effects from nonmagical wind and waves. In addition, against spells and effects with the air or water descriptors, she receives a +4 insight bonus on saving throws and to AC.

Fickle Winds (Sp): At 8th level, as a swift action, a Storm Kindler can call the winds to her defense, protecting her as the spell fickle windsAPG for a number of rounds per day equal to her level. These rounds need not be consecutive.

Echoing Thunder (Su): At 9th level, any time a Storm Kindler resists electricity or sonic damage with her oceanic spirit ability, she can spend an immediate action to redirect the resisted damage to another creature within 30 feet. The creature must make a Ref lex save (DC 10 + the Storm Kindler’s class level + the Storm Kindler’s Wisdom modifier) or take an amount of electricity or sonic damage equal to the amount the Storm Kindler resisted.

Storm Mastery (Su): At 10th level, a Storm Kindler becomes one with the storm, allowing her to use her storm shape ability at will. Additionally, she gains a fly speed equal to double her base land speed, and gains the aquatic subtype and the amphibious special quality. The Storm Kindler never takes penalties on her attack or damage rolls because of fighting underwater.
« 上次编辑: 2013-03-18, 周一 23:09:05 由 四月奈奈子 »

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Re: 【PoP】风暴朝拜者(Storm Kindler)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2013-03-18, 周一 23:09:31 »
奈奈子辛苦了 :em003

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Re: 【PoP】风暴朝拜者(Storm Kindler)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2013-03-18, 周一 23:13:49 »

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Re: 【PoP】风暴朝拜者(Storm Kindler)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2013-03-19, 周二 22:07:53 »

离线 Hydrane

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Re: 【PoP】风暴朝拜者(Storm Kindler)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2013-03-20, 周三 11:25:32 »

"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo."
"Wouldn't the sentence 'I want to put a hyphen between the words Fish and and and and and Chips in my Fish-and-Chips sign' have been clearer if quotation marks had been placed between Fish and and, and and and and, and and and and, and and and and, and and and and, and and and Chips, as well as after Chips?"

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Re: 【PoP】风暴朝拜者(Storm Kindler)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2013-03-20, 周三 13:34:34 »



离线 Hydrane

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Re: 【PoP】风暴朝拜者(Storm Kindler)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2013-03-20, 周三 15:56:05 »



但看看那些技能点。。。我觉得牧师小德很有压力 反倒是魔战士有莫名其妙的契合感
"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo."
"Wouldn't the sentence 'I want to put a hyphen between the words Fish and and and and and Chips in my Fish-and-Chips sign' have been clearer if quotation marks had been placed between Fish and and, and and and and, and and and and, and and and and, and and and and, and and and Chips, as well as after Chips?"

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Re: 【PoP】风暴朝拜者(Storm Kindler)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2013-03-20, 周三 16:01:16 »



但看看那些技能点。。。我觉得牧师小德很有压力 反倒是魔战士有莫名其妙的契合感



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Re: 【PoP】风暴朝拜者(Storm Kindler)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2013-03-20, 周三 16:42:44 »


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Re: 【PoP】风暴朝拜者(Storm Kindler)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2013-03-20, 周三 17:02:45 »