作者 主题: 【UC】負傷與活力 Wounds and Vigor  (阅读 32061 次)

副标题: 追求寫實之三

离线 柳深龍佐性

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【UC】負傷與活力 Wounds and Vigor
« 于: 2013-02-28, 周四 22:41:57 »
負傷與活力 Wounds and Vigor



決定負傷值與活力值 Determining Wound Points and Vigor Points

負傷值 Wound Points

負傷值代表生物至死前所能承受的生理傷害量。當生物的負傷值低於其負傷閾值時,該生物即陷入負傷狀態。當生物陷入負傷狀態時,直到脫離前都處於恍惚狀態。另外,在負傷狀態下,若該生物在自己的行動輪進行任何標準動作或移動動作,則負傷值會再減少1點,並且必須進行DC 10的體質檢定。若檢定失敗,則生物陷入昏迷狀態。


  負傷值與體質傷害、吸取、以及減值 / Wound Points and Constitution Damage, Drain, and Penalties :生物的負傷值與體質在本質上是相關連的。每受到1點體質傷害生物便失去2點負傷值,但此傷害不會影響生物的負傷閾值。當一生物受到體質減值、或是體質吸取的情況下,在持續時間內,生物每受到1點體質吸取或體質減值便失去1點負傷值。體質減值與體質吸取不會影響生物的負傷閾值。

活力值 Vigor Points



回復負傷值與活力值Regaining Wound Points and Vigor Points

  醫療法術或效果 / Healing Spells and Effects :當施展醫療法術或使用具備醫療效果的能力(例如對活體生物的”正能量引導”或是聖武士的”聖療”能力)時,無論是施法還是使用效果,負傷值或活力值兩者只能選擇恢復其中之一,生物必須在施法或使用能力前作出決定。若生物決定恢復活力值,醫療法術或效果便如原先恢復生命值般作用,恢復等量的活力值。若生物選擇恢復負傷值,則醫療法術或效果便恢復等同原擲骰結果的負傷值。若該法術或效果如同醫療術般能治療每施法者等級10點傷害的話,則生物恢復等同施法者等級的負傷值。


  休息 / Rest :如果生物充分休息一整晚(睡滿8小時以上),則該生物可恢復所有的活力值與1點的負傷值。但若休息過程中被打斷,則生物無法恢復任何負傷值和活力值。如果躺在床上休息一整天,則可恢復相當一半等級的負傷值和全部的活力值。

  復原術或同等效果 / Restoration and Similar Effects :當生物因復原術或同等效果使體質獲得恢復時,生物每恢復1點體質便恢復2點負傷值。若移除了體質減值或體質吸取,則恢復所有原先因此喪失的負傷值。

直接損傷負傷值的攻擊 Attacks that Deal Wound point Damage

  致命一擊 / Critical Hits : 當生物成為致命一擊的目標時,造成的一般傷害先減少活力值,當活力值沒了之後便減少負傷值。除了因此可能需要承受的負傷值傷害之外,並且還額外造成等同致命乘數(critical multiplier)的負傷值傷害(例如,擁有x3乘數的武器給予3點負傷值傷害)

  負能量傷害 / Negative Energy Damage :當生物以法術或效果給予另一生物負能量傷害時,可選擇給予負傷值或活力值傷害(二擇一)。若選擇給予活力值傷害,則法術或效果如原先般給予負能量傷害。但即使該攻擊造成的傷害超過生物擁有的活力值也只對活力值造成傷害。若選擇給予負傷值傷害,則造成等同原該效果擲骰結果的負傷值傷害;若該效果會造成每施法者等級多少傷害(如重傷術harm),則改為造成等同施法者等級的負傷值傷害。

其他應該考量的部分 Other Considerations

  臨時生命值 / Temporary Hit Points :生物原先獲得臨時生命值的情況改為獲得臨時活力值。當生物受到傷害時會優先失去臨時活力值。若是只會造成負傷值傷害的攻擊則不會失去這些臨時活力值。

  非致死傷害 / Nonlethal Damage : 當生物承受非致死傷害時,即使該攻擊造成的傷害超過生物擁有的活力值也只對活力值造成傷害。當生物沒有活力值(也沒有臨時活力值)時,每次生物被非致死傷害的攻擊命中時便受到1點負傷值傷害,若該非致死傷害的攻擊為致命一擊,則承受的負傷值損傷等同該攻擊武器致命調整值(Critical hit modifier)。
X1 →+1
X2 →+2
X3 →+3

  以生命值為觸發要素的法術或效果 / Spells or Effects with Hit Point Triggers : 使用此系統時,若有法術或能力的效果是在生物的生命值減至0以下時發動(如解離術disintegrate),則該效果改為在生物陷入負傷狀態時觸發,若是如重傷術之纇無法令生物的生命值減少至小於1的法術或效果,則改為無法使生物的負傷值減少至負傷閾值之下。

負傷與活力的變體專長Wounds and Vigor Variant Feats

《亡命尖兵》 Deathless Initiate (Combat) :對你來說,迫近的死亡只會喚起你的憤怒。
 先決條件 :力量13、體質13、《頑強》、《堅忍》、BAB+6、獸人或半獸人。
 效果 :你即使達到負傷閾值也不會陷入恍惚狀態。但如果你在自己的行動輪中做任何動作就會減少1點負傷值。

《亡命勇士》 Deathless Master (Combat)  :即使深受重創,你依舊能視若無睹地繼續進行無情的突擊。
 先決條件 :力量 13、體質15、《亡命尖兵》、《頑強》、《堅忍》、《鐵皮》、BAB+9、獸人或半獸人。
 效果 :即使你的負傷值達到負傷閾值,你也不會因進行動作而失去1點負傷值。

《頑強》 Diehard :即使你的負傷值達到負傷閾值也能繼續前行。
 效果 :即使目前的負傷值總數小於負傷閾值,你不必做DC 10的體質檢定也能維持清醒。

《健壯》 Toughness :你比一般人更健壯。
 效果 :你每個等級或生命骰使你額外獲得1點負傷值。
 譯註:原文寫的不清不楚超不負責任的 :em005……應該是取大值那一個,不然就拿兩次了。看起來只是把原本效果自生命值改成負傷值而已。

最後附上原文 :D
劇透 -   :
Wounds and Vigor
Hit points are an abstraction. When a fighter gains a level, his body does not suddenly become more resistant to damage. A sword's strike does not suddenly do proportionately less damage. Rather, hit points suggest that the fighter has undergone more training, and while he may have improved his ability to deal with wounds to a small degree, the hit points gained at higher levels reflect less his capacity for physical punishment and more his skill at avoiding hits, his ability to dodge and twist and turn. Each loss of hit points, in this case, suggests that he is becoming progressively less nimble over the course of combat—in other words, that the decreasing hit points are a marker for his overall endurance and condition. It's not quite as satisfying, however, to roll a critical hit and then tell a player that his opponent ducked out of the way, but that the sword's slash made the enemy a little less lucky.

This variant system for tracking wounds and vigor should help to remedy that. As with the other systems in this chapter, this system is entirely optional.

Determining Wound Points and Vigor Points
Instead of hit points, creatures using this system have a number of wound points and vigor points. These two replacement scores are kept track of separately, and represent different ways a character handles the damage inflicted on him. The following are descriptions of these scores and how they work within the variant system of damage tracking.

Wound Points
Typically a creature has a number of wound points equal to twice its Constitution score. It also has a wound threshold equal to its Constitution score.

Wound points represent the amount of physical punishment a creature can take before it dies. When a creature's wound points drop to or below its wound threshold, that creature becomes wounded. When a creature is wounded, it gains the staggered condition until it is no longer wounded. Furthermore, when a creature is wounded, if that creature takes any standard or move action on its turn, its remaining wound points are reduced by 1 and it must make a DC 10 Constitution check. If the creature fails that check, it falls unconscious.

When a creature reaches 0 or fewer wound points, it is dead.

Wound Points and Constitution Damage, Drain, and Penalties: A creature's wound points and Constitution score are intrinsically linked. For each point of Constitution damage a creature takes, it loses 2 wound points, but this damage does not affect the creature's wound threshold. When a creature takes a penalty to its Constitution score or its Constitution is drained, it loses 1 wound point per point of drain or per penalty for the duration of the penalty or drain. A penalty to Constitution or Constitution drain has no effect on the creature's wound threshold.

Vigor Points
Vigor represents a creature's ability to avoid the majority of actual physical damage it might take from an attack. When a creature takes damage, the damage typically reduces its vigor points first. Some special attacks either deal wound point damage directly or deal both vigor and wound point damage (see Critical Hits).

Creatures with one or more full Hit Dice or levels gain vigor points. With each level gained or each Hit Die a creature has, it gains a number of vigor points based on its Hit Die type. Use the creature's Hit Dice to generate its vigor points, just like you would hit points, but without adding the creature's Constitution modifier. A creature gains maximum vigor points on its first Hit Die if it comes from a character class level. Creatures whose first full Hit Die comes from an NPC class or from their race roll their Hit Dice to determine their starting vigor points. A creature with less than one Hit Die has no vigor points; it only has wound points.

When a creature no longer has any vigor points, any additional damage it takes reduces its wound point total.
Regaining Wound Points and Vigor Points

A creature can regain wound and vigor points in a number of ways, but in general it is easier to regain vigor points.

Healing Spells and Effects: When casting healing spells or using an ability with a healing effect (such as channeling holy energy on living creatures or the paladin's lay on hands ability), the creature casting the spell or using the effect must choose whether it wants to heal wound points or vigor points. The creature decides this before casting the spell or using the ability. When that creature decides to heal vigor points, the healing spell or effect acts normally, replenishing a number of vigor points equal to the number of hit points the spell or effect would normally heal. If the creature decides to heal wound points, it heals a number of wound points equal to the number of dice it would normally roll for the healing spell or effect. In the case of effects like the heal spell, where a spell or effect heals 10 hit points per caster level, the creature heals its caster level in wound points.

For instance, if a 12th-level cleric uses her channel positive energy power to replenish wound points to living creatures, she would typically heal 6 wound points for all living creatures with her channel energy burst. If she casts the heal spell, she would restore 12 wound points to the creature touched.

Rest: When a creature has a full night's rest (8 hours of sleep or more), that creature regains all its vigor points and 1 wound point. If there is a significant interruption during a rest, the creature regains neither wound points nor vigor points. If a creature undergoes complete bed rest for an entire day, it regains half its level in wound points and all its vigor points.

Restoration and Similar Effects: When a creature regains Constitution points by way of the restoration spell or a similar effect, that creature regains 2 wound points for every Constitution point regained. Relieving a Constitution penalty or Constitution drain regains any wound points that were lost from that penalty or drain.

Attacks that Deal Wound point Damage
Some attacks can be used to deal wound points damage directly.

Critical Hits: When a creature is subject to a critical hit, the critical hit deals the damage normally, reducing vigor points first, and then reducing wound points when vigor points are gone. It also deals an amount of wound point damage equal to its critical multiplier (for example, 3 wound points for a weapon with a ×3 modifier), on top of any wound point damage the creature might take from the critical hit.

Negative Energy Damage: When a creature deals negative energy damage to a creature with a spell or effect, it can choose to deal wound point or vigor point damage (but not both) with the spell or effect. If that creature chooses to deal vigor point damage, the spell or effect deals negative energy damage normally, and that damage reduces vigor points only, even if it deals more damage than the target has vigor points. If the spell or effect deals negative energy damage to wound points directly, it deals an amount of wound point damage equal to the number of dice the creature would roll for that effect; if the effect deals a number of points per caster level (such as the harm spell), it deals a number of wound points equal to the caster level of the spell.

Other Considerations
The following are a few other considerations to take into account when using the wounds and vigor system.

Temporary Hit Points: When a creature would normally gain temporary hit points, it gains temporary vigor points instead. When that creature takes damage, it loses these temporary vigor points first. If an attack deals damage to wound points only, these temporary vigor points are not lost.

Nonlethal Damage: When a creature takes nonlethal damage, it takes that damage in vigor points only, even if the attack deals more damage than the creature has vigor points. If the creature has no vigor points (and no temporary vigor points), each time that creature takes damage from an attack that deals nonlethal damage, it takes either 1 wound point of damage, or a number of wound points in damage equal to the attack's critical hit modifier if the attack is a critical hit.

Spells or Effects with Hit Point Triggers: When using this system, if a spell or an ability has an effect that occurs when you reduce a creature to 0 or fewer hit points (such as the disintegrate spell), that effect is instead triggered when a creature is wounded. In the case of the harm spell or a similar effect where a creature cannot be reduced below 1 hit point by the spell or effect, a creature's wound points cannot be reduced to or below that creature's wound threshold.

Wounds and Vigor Variant Feats
The following feats are either new for the wounds and vigor system or work differently in that system.

Deathless Initiate (Combat)
For you, impending death is a call to wrath.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Con 13, Diehard, Endurance, base attack bonus +6, orc or half-orc.
Benefit: You are not staggered when your wound points reach your wound threshold, but you lose 1 wound point if you take any action during your turn. You only take 1 wound point each round when you take actions. Furthermore, you gain a +2 bonus on melee attacks and damage rolls when your wound points are at or below your wound threshold.

Deathless Master (Combat)
Even if you suffer a grievous wound, you can shrug off the damage and continue your relentless assault.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Con 15, Deathless Initiate, Diehard, Endurance, Ironhide, base attack bonus +9, orc or half-orc.
Benefit: When your wound points reach your wound threshold, you do not take 1 wound point when you take an action.

You keep on going, even when your wound points are lower than your wound threshold.
Benefit: When your current wound point total is below your wound threshold, you do not need to succeed at the DC 10 Constitution check to stay conscious.

You have enhanced physical stamina.
Benefit: You gain 1 wound point for every level or Hit Die your character has.
« 上次编辑: 2014-05-14, 周三 22:37:33 由 柳深龍佐性 »


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Re: 【UC】負傷與活力 Wounds and Vigor
« 回帖 #1 于: 2013-03-02, 周六 10:46:04 »
负伤与活力 可以参考 战锤40KDark_Heresy里的致命伤害与承伤的关系


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Re: 【UC】負傷與活力 Wounds and Vigor
« 回帖 #2 于: 2013-03-02, 周六 12:20:27 »


再顺便,这两个变体规则用起来其实并没有想象中的有趣 orz

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Re: 【UC】負傷與活力 Wounds and Vigor
« 回帖 #3 于: 2013-03-02, 周六 13:52:29 »
笨蛋,简化一下就好了撒,要将别人的东西换成自己的 :em013

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Re: 【UC】負傷與活力 Wounds and Vigor
« 回帖 #4 于: 2013-03-02, 周六 16:26:47 »

离线 柳深龍佐性

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Re: 【UC】負傷與活力 Wounds and Vigor
« 回帖 #5 于: 2013-03-03, 周日 09:33:58 »


再顺便,这两个变体规则用起来其实并没有想象中的有趣 orz



不過各種DR難破(尤其是天防)......我想這是因為遊戲裡大部分的怪本來就不是尋常刀劍能輕易殺傷的。(拿刀剁海龜殼,可能就是這種心情吧 :em032

所以請GM給個魔法武器吧 ;),不然就是GM要斟酌放怪

或是再加上狙擊規則吧 :rolleyes:,雖然似乎改善不多(若DR可克服狙擊傷害,則狙擊無效),但眼睛或某些要害視情況GM可決定是否去掉DR(實際上也只能刺龜殼縫),不也挺寫實的嗎?


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Re: 【UC】負傷與活力 Wounds and Vigor
« 回帖 #6 于: 2013-03-03, 周日 10:17:57 »


再顺便,这两个变体规则用起来其实并没有想象中的有趣 orz



不過各種DR難破(尤其是天防)......我想這是因為遊戲裡大部分的怪本來就不是尋常刀劍能輕易殺傷的。(拿刀剁海龜殼,可能就是這種心情吧 :em032

所以請GM給個魔法武器吧 ;),不然就是GM要斟酌放怪

或是再加上狙擊規則吧 :rolleyes:,雖然似乎改善不多(若DR可克服狙擊傷害,則狙擊無效),但眼睛或某些要害視情況GM可決定是否去掉DR(實際上也只能刺龜殼縫),不也挺寫實的嗎?

狙击规则又是吃cpu的大户啊 :em032


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Re: 【UC】負傷與活力 Wounds and Vigor
« 回帖 #7 于: 2013-03-03, 周日 13:33:16 »
狙击规则又是吃cpu的大户啊 :em032



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Re: 【UC】負傷與活力 Wounds and Vigor
« 回帖 #8 于: 2013-03-03, 周日 14:10:54 »
狙击规则又是吃cpu的大户啊 :em032

不知道你这里用这个变体规则跑的是不是带升级的中长团,是的话就可以研究一下bab上ac外加护甲dr的长线操作性了 :em003

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Re: 【UC】負傷與活力 Wounds and Vigor
« 回帖 #9 于: 2013-03-03, 周日 14:16:53 »