作者 主题: 【ARG】地精(哥布林,Goblin)  (阅读 36647 次)

副标题: 地精:谁和你说我是废萌!?DM敢用我做遭遇怪物的话低级PC早就死光光了。

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« 于: 2012-08-23, 周四 00:08:24 »













穴居地精(Cave Crawler):有的地精生长在洞穴中并且不见天日。拥有该种族特性的地精获得10尺攀爬速度,并且在以攀爬检定进行快速攀爬时获得+8种族加值。拥有该特性的地精的基础速度为20尺并且失去迅捷种族特性。

城市拾荒者(City Scavenger):生活在人类城市边界的地精靠着在垃圾中搜寻食物以及猎杀流浪动物卫生。拥有该种族特性的地精在察觉以及生存检定上获得+2种族加值,并且可以使用生存技能在城市中搜寻食物。该特性取代技能奖励。

啥都吃(Eat Anything):由于打小就几乎没吃过什么像样的食物,大多数地精都见啥吃啥求生存,因此它们几乎能消化任何东西还不会生病。拥有该种族特性的地精在以生存检定搜寻食物时获得+4种族加值,并且在对抗由于环境引起的反胃和恶心的豁免检定上获得+4种族加值。该特性取代技能奖励。

头大牙尖(Hard Head, Big Teeth):地精靠着他们那球状大脑袋和大嘴为人所熟知,但是其中一部分有着大得夸张的脑袋和满嘴尖牙。拥有该种族特性的地精获得啮咬攻击作为主要天生武器,它可以造成1d4伤害。该特性取代技能奖励。

招风耳(Over-Sized Ears):虽然地精的耳朵从来都不小,但是有些地精那出奇大的耳朵可以听取哪怕最细微的声音。拥有该种族特性的地精在察觉检定上获得+4加值。该特性取代技能奖励。

树居地精(Tree Runner):在荒蛮的雨林和沼泽中,很难找到坚硬的地面建造建筑。在这些地区生活的地精部族了解如何在树梢上生活。拥有该种族特性的地精在特技动作以及攀爬检定上获得+4种族加值。该特性取代技能奖励。

武器熟悉(Weapon Familiarity)*:地精的传统武器是狗刃(dogslicer)以及长柄马刀(horsechopper),这些武器专门设计用来击败他们最痛恨的敌人。拥有该种族特性的地精擅长狗刃和长柄马刀,并且将任何冠以“地精”之名的武器视为军用武器。该特性取代技能奖励。


先知:在施放带有火焰描述(fire descriptor)的法术时的专注检定获得+1加值。
游侠:在对犬(以及犬类生物doglike creatures)与马(以及马类生物horselike creatures)进行伤害检定是获得+1/2加值。
术士:从术士法术列表中获得一个已知法术,该法术必须比角色可以使用的最高等级法术低一级,并且必须带有火焰描述符(fire descriptor)。



武器与护甲擅长(Weapon and Armor Proficiency):咬人精失去除了巨木棒以外的所有军用武器擅长,也失去中甲擅长。

野性撕咬(Savage Bite,特异能力):1级时,咬人精获得一次野性啮咬攻击。这是一个主要天生武器,造成1d4点伤害。若哥布林已经获得了头大牙尖(hard head,big teeth)种族特性,这一伤害提升为1d6。在10级时,咬人精的啮咬伤害提升至1d6(若有头大牙尖种族特性则为1d8)并会在重击时造成3倍伤害。这一能力取代快速移动。

随手武器(Impromptu Armament,特异能力):2级时,咬人精获得随手投掷作为奖励专长,并且可以以一个自由动作拾取一件可以单手挥舞的无主物品。此外,咬人精可以选取随手武器专长来代替一个狂暴之力。这一能力取代2级时获得的狂暴之力。


精通临时武器(Improvised Weapon Mastery,特异能力):5级时,咬人精获得精通临时武器作为奖励专长。这一能力取代精通直觉闪避。

精通咬住不放(Improved Lockjaw,特异能力):6级时,只要咬人精在咬住不放的擒抱中占据主动,她便不会处于擒抱状态,但是仍然无法移动或使用嘴做擒抱外的其他任何事。这一能力取代陷阱感知+2。

高等咬住不放(Greater Lockjaw,特异能力):9级和15级时,咬人精能使用咬住不放的生物最大体型会依次增大一级。这一能力取代陷阱感知+3和陷阱感知+5。

乱咬一气(Wicked Improvisation,特异能力):12级时,咬人精能更好地使用临时武器和天生武器。咬人精在使用天生武器或临时武器时,在伤害上获得+1表现加值。在14级和之后的每2级,伤害加值还会增加+1。此伤害加值不是精准伤害,可以因重击而翻倍。这一能力取代陷阱感知+4。

狂暴之力(Rage Powers):以下狂暴之力可以完善变体的能力:增强伤害减免,灵敏嗅觉*,迷信(核心手册);次级野兽图腾,中级野兽图腾,高级野兽图腾(进阶玩家指南);吞噬魔法,鬼灵狂暴(极限战斗)。


武器与护甲擅长(Weapon and Armor Proficiency):炸弹人将火把视为简易武器。

火焰轰炸(Fire Bombardier,超自然能力或特异能力):1级时,当炸弹人投掷造成火焰伤害的炸弹时,所有在溅射范围内的生物都会受到每骰1点额外的火焰伤害。炸弹人只能将他们的智力加值加在造成火焰伤害的炸弹或化学物质上。这一能力在其他方面同炼金术士的炸弹般及随手投掷能力般运作。这一能力取代炸弹和随手投掷。

奖励专长(Bonus Feats):炸弹人可以选择烧!烧!烧!(Burn!Burn!Burn!),驯火者(Fire Tamer)或燃烧之心(Flame Heart)专长代替一项科研发现。

哥布林托夫鸡尾酒(Fiery Cocktail,超自然能力):4级时,当炸弹人使用一项造成非火焰伤害的科研发现时,他可以让炸弹多造成1d6伤害,然后平摊炸弹的的伤害类型,造成一半初始类型的伤害和一半火焰伤害;若最后存在奇数个伤害骰,多出来的一个伤害骰造成原本类型的伤害(注:原文较为混乱,此处依据举例整理了格式)。举例来说,一名8级的炸弹人可以掷出一枚震荡炸弹并造成2d6火焰伤害加上3d6音波伤害。炸弹的额外效果依旧生效,但是此类混合炸弹的豁免DC减少2点。这一能力取代炼金术士4级时的科研发现。

地精自燃术(Fire Body,特异能力):8级时,炸弹人将元素身躯I作为3级公式加入他的公式表中。通过地精自燃术准备的元素身躯公式仅能用于变形成为火元素。这一能力取代抵抗毒素+6。

精通地精自燃术(Improved Fire Body,特异能力):10级时,炸弹人将元素身躯II作为4级公式加入他的公式表中。通过精通地精自燃术准备的元素身躯公式仅能用于变形成为火元素。这一能力取代毒素免疫。

高等地精自燃术(Greater Fire Body,特异能力):14级时,炸弹人将元素身躯IV作为5级公式加入他的公式表中。通过高等地精自燃术准备的元素身躯公式仅能用于变形成为火元素。这一能力取代长效突变药剂。


地精科研发现(Goblin Discoveries)

火焰烙印(Fire Brand,超自然能力):拥有此科研发现的炼金术士可以以一个迅捷动作花费一次每日炸弹使用次数从而使炸弹试剂作用于他的武器上。受此影响的武器可以造成火焰伤害,如同具有炽焰(flaming)武器特殊属性。10级时,武器如同具有焰爆(flaming burst)武器特殊属性。该炸弹试剂持续燃烧1分钟或直到在武器浸入水中时熄灭。一名炼金术士可以将此能力应用于天生武器上,但是每件受此影响的天生武器每轮都会使他受到1d6点火焰伤害。

洋娃娃突变药剂(Rag Doll Mutagen,超自然能力):当炼金术士饮用一瓶突变合剂时,他变得身轻体柔易弯折。当突变药剂生效时,炼金术士在逃脱检定上获得相当于其职业等级的加值,可以如同体型小一级的生物般穿过狭小空间,还可以通过成功的反射豁免(DC为15+1/每10尺坠落高度)减半坠落伤害。10级时,所有坠落伤害都被视为非致命伤害,而炼金术士可以如同体型小两级的生物般穿过狭小空间。

火箭炸弹(Rocket Bomb,超自然能力):拥有此科研发现的炼金术士可以准备特殊的火箭来释放它的炸弹。火箭炸弹比普通的炸弹飞的更远,炸的更宽,但是无法瞄准单独生物。火箭炸弹的爆炸半径为20尺,在此区域内的所有生物会受到炼金术士的正常溅射伤害。火箭炸弹的射程增量为50尺。精准炸弹或快速炸弹科研发现无法被应用于火箭炸弹上。一名炼金术士必须达到至少6级才能选择该科研发现。

破片炸弹(Scrap Bomb,超自然能力):当炼金术士制造一颗炸弹时,他可以选择让它在爆炸时变成碎片,造成穿刺伤害。受到破片炸弹直接攻击的生物会受到每炸弹伤害骰1点流血伤害,除非他成功通过了反射豁免。



炸弹发射器10gp1/2磅  25
忘我根茎(小瓶装)25gp  —  20
静肠水(小瓶装)50gp  —  25

炸弹发射器(Bomb Launcher):这些看起来古怪的蛋形新奇道具巧妙地放置了尾翼并改进了炸弹的精度。地精炼金术士使用这种特殊容器增进远距离抛射炸弹的准确性。使用炸弹发射器发射炸弹会使其射程增强提高至30尺(或者将应用了火箭炸弹科研发现的炼金炸弹射程增量提升至70尺)。炸弹发射器在使用后将被摧毁。



狗刃8gp   1d4   1d619-20/x2    —1磅挥砍易碎*
长柄马刀10gp   1d8   1d10x3    —12磅穿刺或挥砍长武,摔绊
*易碎武器(Fragile Weapons):一件易碎的武器在持有者使用该武器攻击时掷出1时将会损坏。如果一件易碎的武器已经处于损坏状态,那么再一次的掷出1将会使它被摧毁。





火掌(战斗专长)(Fire Hand (Combat))

驯火者(Fire Tamer)

燃烧之心(Flame Heart)

地精铳士(战斗专长)(Goblin Gunslinger (Combat))

左脚绊右脚(战斗专长)(Tangle Feet (Combat))
先决条件:闪避,灵活移动,钻裤而过(APG 173页),地精,体型小或更小


    这件覆盖着粗糙兽毛并且看起来粗制滥造的斗篷是地精的珍贵宝物。穿戴者在豁免检定上获得+1抗力加值。除此之外,每天五次,穿戴者还可以以迅捷动作促使他的牙齿迅速成长。这些大牙齿持续1轮,在这期间穿戴者可以进行啮咬攻击。这种攻击被视为主要天生武器,并且可以造成1d4伤害(中等体型的穿戴者造成1d6伤害)。如果穿戴者已经拥有啮咬攻击,则啮咬攻击的伤害提高一阶(见Bestiary 302页)。


等级:炼金术士 3,魔战士 3,术士/法师 3
    在自身回合开始时与火焰路径相邻的生物受到1d6火焰伤害。进入火焰路径或者在火焰路径范围内开始自身回合的生物受到等同于1d6 + 每施法者等级1点火焰伤害(最高+10)。如果一个生物在一轮之内多次进入火焰路径的范围,则在每次进入火焰路径范围内的时候都会受到这些伤害。火焰路径内以及与其相邻的易燃物品会被点燃。

等级:德鲁伊 1,魔战士 1,术士/法师 1,女巫 1

等级:炼金术士 3,魔战士 3,术士/法师 4,召唤师 3

劇透 -   :
Goblin Racial Traits

+4 Dexterity, –2 Strength, –2 Charisma: Goblins are fast, but weak and unpleasant to be around.
Goblinoid: Goblins are humanoids with the goblinoid subtype.
Small: Goblins are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Fast: Goblins are fast for their size, and have a base speed of 30 feet.
Darkvision: Goblins can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Skilled: +4 racial bonus on Ride and Stealth checks.
Languages: Goblins begin play speaking Goblin. Goblins with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Gnoll, Gnome, Halfling, and Orc.

The following racial traits may be selected instead of existing goblin racial traits. Consult your GM before selecting any of these new options.

Cave Crawler: Some goblins are born and raised in caves and rarely see the light of day. Goblins with this trait gain a climb speed of 10 feet and the +8 racial bonus on Climb checks associated with having a climb speed. Goblins with this racial trait have a base speed of 20 feet and lose the fast movement racial trait.

City Scavenger: Goblins who live within the boundaries of human cities survive by scavenging for refuse and hunting stray animals. Goblins with this trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception and Survival checks, and can use Survival to forage for food while in a city. This racial trait replaces skilled.

Eat Anything: Raised with little or no proper food, many goblins have learned to survive by eating whatever they happen across and can digest nearly anything without getting sick. Goblins with this trait gain a +4 on Survival checks to forage for food and a +4 racial bonus on saves versus effects that cause the nauseated or sickened conditions. This racial trait replaces skilled.

Hard Head, Big Teeth: Goblins are known for their balloonlike heads and enormous maws, but some have even more exaggeratedly large heads filled with razor-sharp teeth. Goblins with this trait gain a bite attack as a primary natural attack that deals 1d4 points of damage. This racial trait replaces skilled.

Over-Sized Ears: While goblins’ ears are never dainty, these goblins have freakishly large ears capable of picking up even the smallest sounds. Goblins with this racial trait gain a +4 bonus on Perception checks. This racial trait replaces skilled.

Tree Runner: In trackless rain forests and marshes, it can be difficult to find dry ground to build on. Goblin tribes living in such areas have learned to live in the treetops. These goblins gain a +4 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks. This racial trait replaces skilled.

Weapon Familiarity: Goblins’ traditional weapons are the dogslicer and the horsechopper, weapons designed specifically to bring down their most hated foes. Goblins with this trait are proficient with the dogslicer and the horsechopper, and treat any weapon with the word “goblin” in it as martial weapons. This racial trait replaces skilled.

The following options are available to any goblins that have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the favored class reward

Alchemist: The alchemist gains fire resistance 1. Each time this reward is selected, increase fire resistance by +1. This fire resistance does not stack with fire resistance gained from other sources.
Barbarian: Add +1/2 on critical hit confirmation rolls for attacks made with unarmed strikes or natural weapons (maximum bonus of +4). This bonus does not stack with Critical Focus.
Bard: Add +1 to the bard’s total number of bardic performance rounds per day.
Cavalier: Add +1 hit points to the cavalier’s mount companion. If the cavalier ever replaces his mount, the new mount gains these bonus hit points.
Druid: Add +1 hit points to the druid’s animal companion. If the druid ever replaces her animal companion, the new animal companion gains these bonus hit points.
Gunslinger: Add +1/3 on critical hit confirmation rolls made with firearms (maximum bonus of +5). This bonus does not stack with Critical Focus.
Oracle: Add +1 on concentration checks made when casting spells with the fire descriptor.
Ranger: Gain a +1/2 bonus on damage dealt to dogs (and doglike creatures) and horses (and horselike creatures).
Rogue: Add a +1 bonus on the rogue’s sneak attack damage rolls during the surprise round or before the target has acted in combat.
Sorcerer: Add +1 spell known from the sorcerer spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the sorcerer can cast, and must have the fire descriptor.
Summoner: Add +1/4 evolution point to the eidolon’s evolution pool. These bonus evolution points must be spent on evolutions that deal fire damage or protect the eidolon from fire (for example, resistance, energy attacks, immunity, breath weapon, and so on).
Witch: Add +1 spell from the witch spell list to the witch’s familiar. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level she can cast. If the witch ever replaces her familiar, the new familiar knows these bonus spells.

The following racial archetypes are available to goblins.

Feral Gnasher (Barbarian)
Feral gnashers grow up in the wild, either raised by animals or scraping by on their own, and soon learn to fend for themselves. These barbarians often utilize pieced-together armor and fight with their sharp teeth and whatever improvised weapons are within reach. A feral gnasher has the following class features.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A feral gnasher loses all martial weapon proficiencies except for greatclub and loses proficiency with medium armor.

Savage Bite (Ex): At 1st level, a feral gnasher gains a savage bite attack. This is a primary natural attack that deals 1d4 points of damage. If the goblin already has the hard head, big teeth racial trait, the damage increases to 1d6. At 10th level, the damage from a feral gnasher’s bite increases to 1d6 (or 1d8 if the goblin has the hard head,big teeth racial trait) and deals ×3 damage on a critical hit. This ability replaces fast movement.

Impromptu Armament (Ex): At 2nd level, a feral gnasher gains Throw Anything as a bonus feat and can pick up an unattended object that can be wielded in one hand as a free action. Additionally, the feral gnasher can take Catch Off-Guard in place of a rage power. This replaces the rage power gained at second level.

Lockjaw (Ex): At 3rd level, a feral gnasher gains the grab ability with her bite attack. A feral gnasher can use this ability on a creature up to one size category larger than she is. This replaces trap sense +1.

Improvised Weapon Mastery (Ex): At 5th level, a feral gnasher gains Improvised Weapon Mastery as a bonus feat. This replaces improved uncanny dodge.

Improved Lockjaw (Ex): At 6th level, as long as a feral gnasher is controlling the grapple with her lockjaw attack, she does not gain the grappled condition, but is unable to move or use her mouth for anything other than grappling. This ability replaces trap sense +2.
Greater Lockjaw (Ex): At 9th level and again at 15th level, the size of a creature a feral gnasher is able to use her lockjaw’s grab ability on increases by one size increment.This ability replaces trap sense +3 and trap sense +5.

Wicked Improvisation (Ex): At 12th level, a feral gnasher becomes more capable with improvised weapons and natural attacks. The feral gnasher gains a +1 competence bonus on damage rolls when using natural attacks or improvised weapons while raging. At 14th level and every two levels thereafter, the damage bonus increases by +1. This increase is not precision damage and is thus multiplied on a critical hit. This ability replaces trap sense +4.

Rage Powers: The following rage powers complement the feral gnasher archetype: increased damage reduction,scent, superstition (Core Rulebook); beast totem, beast totem (greater), beast totem (lesser) (Advanced Player’s Guide); eater of magic, ghost rager (Ultimate Combat).

Fire Bomber (Alchemist)
Fire bombers are exceptionally good at using bombs to burn creatures and blow things up, but are not quite as good at creating other types of bombs or extracts. A fire bomber has the following class features.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A fire bomber treats torches as a simple weapon.

Fire Bombardier (Su or Ex): At 1st level, when a fire bomber throws a bomb that deals fire damage, all creatures in the splash radius take an additional point of damage per die of fire damage dealt. Fire bombers only add their Intelligence bonus to damage from bombs or alchemical substances that deal fire damage. This otherwise works like the alchemist’s bomb and throw anything abilities.This ability alters bomb and throw anything.

Bonus Feats: A fire bomber can select the Burn!Burn!Burn!, Fire Tamer, or Flame Heart feat in place of a discovery.

Fiery Cocktail (Su): At 4th level, whenever a fire bomber uses a discovery that deals damage other than fire damage,he can split the damage dice evenly between the bomb’s primary damage type and 1d6 points of fire damage;when there is an odd number of damage dice, the odd die of damage comes from the primary damage type. For example, an 8th-level fire bomber could throw a concussive bomb that deals 2d6 points of fire damage and 3d4 points of sonic damage. Additional effects from the bomb still apply, but the save DC for admixture bombs is reduced by 2. This replaces the alchemist’s 4th-level discovery.

Fire Body (Ex): At 8th level, a fire bomber adds elemental body I to his extract list as a 3rd-level extract. Elemental body extracts prepared using fire body are limited to fire elementals only. This ability replaces poison resistance +6.

Improved Fire Body (Ex): At 10th level, fire bombers add elemental body II to their spell list as a 4th-level extract.Elemental body extracts prepared using improved fire body are limited to fire elementals only. This ability replaces poison immunity.

Greater Fire Body (Ex): At 14th level, fire bombers add elemental body IV to their spell list as a 5th-level extract. Elemental body extracts prepared using greater fire body are limited to fire elementals only. This ability replaces persistent mutagen.

Discoveries: The following discoveries complement the fire bomber archetype: fire brand, rocket bomb (see sidebar); explosive bombs, fast bombs, inferno bomb,precise bombs (Advanced Player’s Guide); breath weapon bomb, explosive missile, immolation bomb (Ultimate Combat); bottled ooze, confusion bomb, strafe bomb (Ultimate Magic).

Goblin Discoveries
The following discoveries are available to goblin alchemists.

Fire Brand (Su): An alchemist with this discovery can expend one daily bomb use to apply the bomb reagents to his weapon as a swift action. A weapon treated this way deals fire damage as if it had the flaming weapon special ability. At 10th level, the weapon is treated as if it had the flaming burst weapon special ability. The bomb reagents continue burning for 1 minute or until extinguished by dousing the weapon in water. An alchemist can use this ability with natural weapons, but he takes 1d6 points of fire damage per round for each natural weapon treated.

Rag Doll Mutagen (Su): When the alchemist imbibes a mutagen, his body and bones become rubbery and easy to contort. The alchemist gains a bonus equal to his class level on Escape Artist checks, can squeeze through places as if he were one size category smaller, and can make a Reflex save (DC equal to 15 + 1 for every 10 feet fallen) to take half damage from falling. At 10th level, all falling damage is considered nonlethal damage, and the alchemist can squeeze through places as if he were two size categories smaller than his size while under the effects of this mutagen.
Rocket Bomb (Su): Alchemists with this discovery can prepare special rockets to deliver their bombs. Rocket bombs travel farther and explode bigger than normal bombs, but cannot target individual creatures. Rocket bombs explode in a 20-foot radius, and all creatures in that area take the alchemist’s normal splash damage. The range increment on a rocket bomb is 50 feet. Rocket bombs cannot be used with the precise bomb or fast bomb discoveries. An alchemist must be at least 6th level before selecting this discovery.

Scrap Bomb (Su): When the alchemist creates a bomb,he can choose to have it explode into shards of shrapnel that deal piercing damage. A creature that takes a direct hit from a scrap bomb takes 1 point of bleed damage per die of bomb damage unless it succeeds at a Reflex save.

The following options are available to goblins. At the GM’s discretion, other appropriate races may make use of some of these new rules.

Goblin Equipment
The following items are just some of the pieces of equipment used by goblins.

Bomb Launcher: These odd looking, egg-shaped contraptions have cleverly placed fins that improve bombs’ accuracy. Goblin alchemists use these special containers to make their bombs more accurate when thrown long distances. Using a bomb launcher when throwing a bomb increases the bomb’s range increment to 30 feet (or increases the range increment of a bomb with the rocket bomb discovery to 70 feet). Bomb launchers are destroyed when used.

Dogslicer: This short, curved sword is a favorite weapon of goblins, who show unusual cunning by drilling numerous holes in the blade to reduce the weapon’s weight. Masterwork versions of a dogslicer lose the fragile special weapon ability.

Horsechopper: Crafted by goblins to give themselves an advantage against horses, this weapon is essentially a halberd with an enlarged hook opposite the blade.

Mellowroot: Sneaky goblin chieftains give this orange paste to the tribe’s warriors before proposing a particularly bold raid. Consuming mellowroot causes a euphoric feeling that makes you feel invulnerable. For 1 hour after consuming mellowroot, you gain a +5 alchemical bonus versus fear effects. However, while under the effects of mellowroot, you must make a DC 15 Will saving throw when you try to leave the threatened area of an opponent. If you fail the saving throw, you cannot leave the threatened area with that action but do not lose the action.

Stillgut: Drinking a vial of this bland, bluish liquid grants you a +5 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saves to avoid nausea or sickness for 1 hour. If you are already nauseated, you can drink stillgut as a move action. Drinking it in this fashion grants you a second saving throw (without the +5 bonus). Goblins often use stillgut so they can choke down meat or other foods in advanced stages of rot or decay.

Goblin Equipment
Items Cost Weight Craft DC
Bomb launcher 10 gp 1/2 lb. 25
Mellowroot (vial) 25 gp — 20
Stillgut (vial) 50 gp — 25

Table 2–1: Goblin Weapons
Martial Weapons Cost Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Range Weight Type Special
Light Melee Weapons
Dogslicer 8 gp 1d4 1d6 19–20/×2 — 1 lb. S fragile*
Two-Handed Melee Weapons
Horsechopper 10 gp 1d8 1d10 ×3 — 12 lbs. P or S reach, trip
* Fragile Weapons: A fragile weapon gains the broken condition if the wielder rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll with the weapon. If a fragile weapon is already broken, rolling a natural 1 destroys it instead.

Goblin Feats
Goblins have access to the following feats.

Burn! Burn! Burn!
You take the goblin love of arson and fire play to a whole new level.
Prerequisites: Disable Device 1 rank, goblin.
Benefit: You deal an extra 1d4 points of fire damage when you attack with fire from an alchemical or nonmagical source (such as with alchemical fire or torches) and gain a +4 competence bonus on Reflex saving throws made to avoid catching on fire or to put yourself out when on fire. Additional damage caused by this feat does not apply to magical attacks (such as an alchemist’s bomb) or to splash damage.

Fire Hand (Combat)
Born with a torch in your hand, you have a gift with anything that burns.
Prerequisite: Goblin.
Benefit: You can wield a torch as a weapon without taking the nonproficient penalty and gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls with melee weapons that deal fire damage.

Fire Tamer
You know your way around even magical fire.
Prerequisite: Goblin.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on saves against spells with the fire descriptor. Additionally, your scars mark you as a talented fire tamer, granting you a +2 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks when dealing with other goblins.

Flame Heart
You have mastered fire magic and alchemy.
Prerequisites: Fire Tamer, character level 5th, goblin.
Benefit: You gain fire resistance 5. When casting spells with the fire descriptor or throwing alchemist bombs that deal fire damage, treat your caster level or alchemist level as if you were 1 level higher.

Goblin Gunslinger (Combat)
You have learned how to fire the big guns.
Prerequisite: Goblin.
Benefit: You can wield Medium firearms without taking the penalty for an inappropriately sized weapon.
Normal: You take a –2 penalty when using an inappropriately sized weapon.

Tangle Feet (Combat)
Creatures who cross your path find themselves tripping over their own feet.
Prerequisites: Dodge, Mobility, Underfoot (Advanced Player’s Guide 173), goblin, Small size or smaller.
Benefit: When you successfully make an Acrobatics check to avoid provoking an attack of opportunity from a larger opponent when you move through its threatened area or its space, you can make that opponent lose its balance until the end of its next turn as a free action. While that creature’s balance is lost, if it attempts to move, it must make a successful DC 15 Acrobatics check or fall prone, wasting the move action. You can only affect one creature with this effect each round.

Goblin Magic Items
Goblins have access to the following magic item.

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th
Slot shoulders; Price 2,800 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This rough-looking cloak covered in coarse animal hair is greatly prized by goblins. Wearing the cloak grants a +1 resistance bonus on saving throws. Furthermore, the wearer can force its teeth to grow rapidly up to five times per day as a swift action. The oversized teeth last for 1 round, during which time the wearer can make a bite attack. Treat this attack as a primary natural attack that deals 1d4 points of damage (or 1d6 if the wearer is Medium). If the wearer already has a bite attack, the damage of that bite attack increases by one step (see page 302 of the Bestiary).
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, alter self, resistance; Cost 1,250 gp

Goblin Spells
Goblins have access to the following spells.

School transmutation [fire]; Level alchemist 3, magus 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range personal
Effect trail of flame that follows the caster’s movements; see text
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
When you cast this spell, flammable liquid oozes from your pores, dripping onto the ground and spontaneously combusting. The flame does not harm you. During this spell’s duration, each time you leave your space, you create a trail of fire that burns within the spaces you move through for 1 round before it burns out. You can leave up to 60 feet of flame trail each round, assuming you are Small or Medium. If you are larger than Medium, the maximum trail length is reduced based on your size. If you are Large, you can leave a trail up to 30 feet long (and 10 feet wide), and if you are Huge, you can leave a trail up to 15 feet long (and 15 feet wide); even larger casters can only leave a trail up to 10 feet long (and as wide as your space) each round. You choose where to leave a flame trail.
Creatures that start their turn adjacent to the flame trail take 1d6 points of fire damage. Creatures that start their turn within the flame trail or that enter an area of flame take a number of points of fire damage equal to 1d6 + 1 per caster level (maximum +10). If a creature moves into an area of the flame trail multiple times in a round, it takes this damage each time it enters the area of the flame trail. Flammable objects in or adjacent to the fire trail catch fire.

School conjuration [earth]; Level druid 1, magus 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect single fist-sized blob of sticky mud
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex negates; see text; Spell Resistance no
When you cast this spell, you conjure a single ball of sticky mud and launch it at an enemy’s face as a ranged touch attack. If the mudball hits, the target is blinded. Each round at the beginning of its turn, a creature blinded by this spell can attempt a Reflex saving throw to shake off the mud, ending the effect. The mudball can also be wiped off by the creature affected by it or by a creature adjacent to the creature affected by it as a standard action.

School conjuration (creation, teleportation); Level alchemist 3, magus 3, sorcerer/wizard 4, summoner 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range personal
Effect creates one ooze duplicate of the caster
Duration 1 round/level
Upon casting this spell, you vomit forth a disgusting ooze copy of yourself into a single adjacent square. As long as the twin exists, whenever you take a move action to move, the twin can move as well, although it does not need to follow you and cannot take any other actions. On subsequent rounds, at the start of your turn, you can instantaneously exchange places with your twin, as if using teleport. This is not an action and does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
The twin has a speed of 30 feet and provokes attacks of opportunity from movement as normal. It has an AC equal to 10 + 1/2 your caster level and a number of hit points equal to your caster level. If the twin is reduced to 0 hit points, it is destroyed, although you can create a new one on your turn as a standard action as long as the duration persists. You cannot have more than one vomit twin at a time.
« 上次编辑: 2015-08-08, 周六 13:03:13 由 月夜白雨 »

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Re: 【ARG】地精(哥布林,Goblin)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2012-08-23, 周四 00:22:42 »

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Re: 【ARG】地精(哥布林,Goblin)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2012-08-23, 周四 20:53:01 »
Bong~!!!炸弹小子太帅了 :em001

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Re: 【ARG】地精(哥布林,Goblin)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2012-08-23, 周四 21:09:16 »


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Re: 【ARG】地精(哥布林,Goblin)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2012-08-23, 周四 23:32:10 »


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Re: 【ARG】地精(哥布林,Goblin)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2012-08-23, 周四 23:49:34 »
恐怖分子你好再见…… :em032

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Re: 【ARG】地精(哥布林,Goblin)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2012-08-24, 周五 11:35:56 »

《提卡的料理书(Tika's Cookbook)》,克莱恩美食赏


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Re: 【ARG】地精(哥布林,Goblin)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2012-08-24, 周五 12:28:20 »
Bong~!!!炸弹小子太帅了 :em001


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Re: 【ARG】地精(哥布林,Goblin)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2012-08-24, 周五 17:48:54 »

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Re: 【ARG】地精(哥布林,Goblin)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2012-08-24, 周五 17:52:50 »

长柄马刀 10gp    1d8    1d10 x3     — 12磅 穿刺或挥砍 长武,摔绊
