作者 主题: 【BoD】渡魂典卫变体(Soul Warden Archetype)  (阅读 7528 次)

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【BoD】渡魂典卫变体(Soul Warden Archetype)
« 于: 2022-04-21, 周四 10:18:21 »
渡魂典卫变体(Soul Warden Archetype)
你把自己视为一名荣誉招魂者(psychopomp)——灵魂的牧者,它们致力于确保灵魂的轮回进程完整且不受干扰。尽管你无法确保整个轮回进程的完整,但你会努力保障每个灵魂在主物质位面(Material Plane)之时不会遭遇意外。你的工作是从禁锢中解放灵魂、阻止死灵术士唤起死灵、以及摧毁不死生物,这样就可以让它们的灵魂重返轮回。
大多数猎杀亡灵之人的行为动机是出于恐惧、复仇或者守护他人生命的愿望,但你却更加慎重以及更加理性的角度看待这一事业;你摧毁亡灵,这样它们的灵魂就会继续灵魂之河(the River of Souls)的旅途,进而确保现实的存续。你明白,如果没有灵魂的轮回,各个位面的生命循环将会被打乱,所有存在都将被大漩涡(the Maelstrom)所吞噬。
近乎所有渡魂典卫都侍奉法莱斯玛(Pharasma)或招魂者引座人(psychopomp ushers;详见神与魔法88页)中的一位,而其中以通途巴尔扎克(Barzahk the Passage)为甚,因为这名招魂者引座人经常逃避他们的职责,急需凡人中的渡魂典卫的帮助。渡魂典卫通常会加入那些经常与死灵战斗的组织,这包括尖塔之声(the Voices of the Spire)以及乌斯塔拉夫(Ustalav)的象牙收割者(Ivory Reapers;见本书14页)。

补充专长(Additional Feats)
4级 领域入门(Domain Initiate;核心牧师1级专长)魔宠(Familiar;核心法师1级专长)
8级 扩展领域入门(Expanded Domain Initiate;神与魔法牧师4级专长)
16级 进阶领域(Advanced Domain;核心牧师8级专长)

引述: 边栏
灵魂的旅程起始于正能量位面(Positive Energy Plane),在这里,空白且空洞的灵魂与正能量的生命本质一同附着在主物质位面(Material Plane)的凡人身上,进而形成单一的生命个体。而在凡人的生命迎来终结时,这些灵魂会进入灵界位面(Ethereal Plane),通过灵魂之河(the River of Souls)来到法莱斯玛(Pharasma)的骨园(Boneyard),它们在这里接受审判和分类,再前往与其相应的来世。经受审判的灵魂会抵达与其相应的位面,化身为祈并者(petitioners)。这些存在也会随着时间的流逝而消亡,被与其相关的位面所吸纳,而它们的精神本质会与位面结合成为名叫“精粹(quintessence)”的物质。但不断翻卷着的大漩涡(Maelstrom)会扯碎这些位面,将这些位面精粹散布在大漩涡自身以及相邻的位面中。而那些落在正能量位面上的碎片会最终形成新的空白灵魂,进而开启下一道轮回。

劇透 -  原文:
Soul Warden(Archetype)
You consider yourself an honorary psychopomp—ashepherd of spirits who ensures the cycle of soulsprogresses unimpeded. Although you’re unable tosafeguard the cycle of souls in its entirety, you striveto ensure each soul’s time on the Material Planeproceeds without incident. You work to free souls fromimprisonment, prevent necromancers from animating thedead, and destroy undead so their souls rejoin the cycle.
While most who hunt undead do so out of fear,vengeance, or a desire to protect the lives of others, youtake a more measured and far less emotional approach;you destroy undead so their souls can continue theirjourney along the River of Souls, thus ensuring thecontinuation of existence. You understand that withoutthe cycle of souls, the life cycle of the planes is disrupted,and all of existence could be consumed by the Maelstrom.
Nearly all soul wardens worship Pharasma or one ofthe psychopomp ushers (Gods & Magic 88), especiallyBarzahk the Passage, a psychopomp usher who routinelyshirks their duties and needs help from mortal soulwardens. Soul wardens also often join organizations thatregularly combat undead, including the Voices of theSpire and Ustalav’s Ivory Reapers (page 14).
Additional Feats: 4th Domain Initiate (Core Rulebook 121), Familiar (Core Rulebook 198); 8th Expanded Domain Initiate (Gods & Magic 8); 16th AdvancedDomain (Core Rulebook 123)

A soul’s journey begins on the Positive EnergyPlane, where blank, empty souls attach themselvesalongside the positive life essence of the plane tomortals on the Material Plane, forming a singleliving being. At the end of a mortal’s life, thesesouls enter the Ethereal Plane, progressing throughthe River of Souls to Pharasma’s Boneyard, wherethey’re judged and sorted into the appropriateafterlife. Judged souls proceed to their assignedplanes, becoming petitioners. These, too, die intime, becoming absorbed by and expanding theirassociated plane, as their own spiritual essencejoins with the plane’s as a substance known asquintessence. But the ever-churning Maelstrombreaks these planes down, scattering this planarquintessence throughout the Maelstrom andadjoining planes. Those pieces that land on thePositive Energy Plane eventually form new blanksouls and the cycle begins anew.

渡魂典卫入门(Soul Warden Dedication)    专长 2
先决条件 神秘(Occultism)或宗教(Religion)的熟练度达到受训,信仰法莱斯玛(Pharasma)或招魂者引座人(Psychopomp Ushers)
每当有不死生物(undead creature)或受困的灵魂(captive soul)出现在距离该物体100尺范围内时,螺旋图案便会发光,在10尺半径范围内散发出昏暗(dim)的蓝光。若该生物藏匿或灵魂被藏起来了,那么它们必须成功以隐秘(Stealth)检定对抗你的察觉DC(Perception DC),才能够欺骗印记,防止螺旋图案发光。
此外,你能以神术内在戏法(divine innate cantrip)来随意施放打击死灵(disrupt undead)。与通常情况一样,该戏法会自动升阶至你的等级的一半(向上取整)。若你还未获得施法行动(Cast a Spell activity),那么你变得可以使用该行动。你在神术法术攻击检定和法术DC上的熟练度为受训。你在这些法术上的关键施法属性为感知。
当你至少在该变体中选取另外2个专长后,螺旋图案在发光时会在10尺半径范围内发出明亮(bright light)的光(并在向外延伸的10尺内发出昏暗光芒)。那些需要生物或物体身处光亮之中的专长,在你的螺旋图案散发的光芒中也可生效,无论他们是位于光亮亦或者昏暗光照区内。
特殊 直至选取另外2个渡魂典卫变体的专长之前,你无法再选择任何其他入门专长(dedication feat)。
劇透 -  原文:
Prerequisites trained in Occultism or Religion, worshipsPharasma or a psychopomp usher
You can take 10 minutes to emblazon Pharasma’s holy sigil—aspiraling comet that represents the winding path a soultakes through its existence—upon a shield, tabard, banner, orother prominent object that your wear or wield. The symboldoesn’t fade until 1 year has passed, but if you emblazonthe symbol again, any symbol you previously emblazonedand any symbol already emblazoned on that item instantlydisappears. The item becomes a religious symbol of Pharasmaand can be used as a divine focus while emblazoned.
Whenever an undead creature or captive soul is within 100feet of this object, the spiral glows, shedding dim blue light ina 10-foot radius. If the creature is hiding or the soul is hidden,it must succeed at a Stealth check against your Perception DCto fool the sigil and prevent the spiral from glowing.
In addition, you can cast disrupt undead as a divine innatecantrip at will. As normal, a cantrip is automatically heightenedto half your level rounded up. You gain access to the Cast aSpell activity if you didn’t have it already. You’re trainedin divine spell attack rolls and spell DCs. Your keyspellcasting ability for these spells is Wisdom.
When you have at least two other feats from thisarchetype, the spiral glows with bright light in a10-foot radius (and dim light for the next 10 feet).Feats that require a creature or object to be inthe light of your spiral function whether it’s inthe bright or dim light.
Special You can’t select anotherdedication feat until you have gained twoother feats from the soul warden archetype.

轮回之术(Cycle Spell)    专长 4
先决条件 渡魂典卫入门(Soul Warden Dedication)
你献身于灵魂轮回的事业使得你获得了额外的神术。从祝福术(bless)、毁灭武器(disrupting weapons)或治疗术(heal)中选择。你必须在选取该专长时作出该选择,且该选择无法更改。每日1次,当你的螺旋图案发光时,你能以神圣内在法术来施放上述所选择的法术。
劇透 -  原文:
Prerequisites Soul Warden Dedication
Your devotion to the cycle of souls grants youan additional divine spell. Choose from bless, disruptingweapons, or heal. You must make this selection when youtake this feat and it can’t be changed. Once per day, while your spiral is glowing, you can cast the selected spell as adivine innate spell.

招魂者魔宠(Psychopomp Familiar)    专长 4
先决条件 渡魂典卫入门(Soul Warden Dedication),魔宠(Familiar)
  • 灵魂视域(Soul Sight):你的魔宠获得30尺范围的生命感知(lifesense)。
  • 灵魂之触(Spirit Touch):你的魔宠能够碰触到虚体(incorporeal)生物。若你通过魔宠获得了法术传递(Spell Delivery)主人能力,那么由你的魔宠传递的任何法术都会获得幽冥性能符文(ghost touch property rune)的好处。
劇透 -  原文:
Prerequisites Soul Warden Dedication, familiar
Your familiar becomes a masked psychopomp—an extraplanarguardian of the cycle of souls. This familiar continues touse all the same rules as other familiars, but one of itsabilities must always be speech and it has the monitor andpsychopomp traits. As normal when a familiar must alwayshave a certain ability, the speech ability counts against yourfamiliar’s abilities each day.
You can select three familiar or master abilities eachday, instead of two, but one must be one of the followingpsychopomp familiar abilities.
· Soul Sight Your familiar gains lifesense with a range of30 feet.
· Spirit Touch Your familiar can touch incorporealcreatures. If you have the spell delivery master abilityfrom your familiar, any spell the familiar delivers with itgains the benefits of the ghost touch property rune.

解放灵魂(liberate Soul)双动    专长 6
先决条件 渡魂典卫入门(Soul Warden Dedication)
频率 1次/小时
要求 你的螺旋图案发光了
你的法莱斯玛圣徽散发出的光芒能够粉碎那些禁锢灵魂的束缚。你尝试反制一个占据(possession)效果,一个囚困灵魂的效果、物体或法术(比如缚魂术、锢魂宝石或者被囚魂魔吞食的灵魂)。你与被占据的生物或物体、或者囚困灵魂的容器间的距离不得超出60尺。你的反制等级等同于你的等级的一半(向上取整),你的反制调整值为你的神术法术DC - 10。若你的尝试失败了,则除非环境产生了巨大的变化(由GM判断),否则你无法再次使用解放灵魂对抗某个特定效果。
劇透 -  原文:
LIBERATE SOUL [two-actions] FEAT 6
Prerequisites Soul Warden Dedication
Frequency once per hour
Requirements Your spiral is glowing.
The light flows from your sigil of Pharasma to shatter the bondsimprisoning a soul. You attempt to counteract a possessioneffect, or an effect, object, or spell that is imprisoning a soul(such as bind soul, a soul gem, or a devourer’s devoured souls).You must be within 60 feet of the possessed creature or object,or of the receptacle imprisoning the soul. Your counteract level ishalf your level rounded up, and your counteract modifier is yourdivine spell DC – 10. If the attempt fails, you can’t use LiberateSoul against that particular effect again unless circumstanceshave changed drastically, as determined by the GM.

螺旋誓言(Spiral Sworn)单动    专长 6
先决条件 渡魂典卫入门(Soul Warden Dedication)
频率 1次/10分钟
劇透 -  原文:
SPIRAL SWORN [one-action] FEAT 6
Prerequisites Soul Warden Dedication
Frequency once per 10 minutes
You trace a spiral in the air while intoning prayers to Pharasma,gaining her blessing for a time. For 3 rounds, your Strikesand spells deal additional damage against undead, creaturesin possession of an imprisoned soul, or creatures you havewitnessed create or command undead. You gain a statusbonus to damage with your Strikes against these creaturesequal to the number of weapon damage dice. Spells you castfrom spell slots gain a status bonus to damage against thesecreatures equal to the level of the spell; this bonus appliesonly to spells that deal damage and don’t have a duration.
If your spiral is glowing, you can target a willing creaturein its light. If you do, that creature gains the bonuses insteadof you.

强化招魂者魔宠(Enhanced Psychopomp Familiar)    专长 8
先决条件 招魂者魔宠(Psychopomp Familiar)
你的招魂者以法莱斯玛之名继续服务,它还带来了女神的青睐。它可以改变外观,让自己看起来像是一只不同种类、且更加强大的招魂者。你每日可以选择4个魔宠或主人能力以取代原本的2个,但是其中2个必须是取自招魂者魔宠(Psychopomp Familiar)专长或者后文中的能力。
  • 卜筮术(Augury):你的魔宠能一窥命运之线,向你提供关于你的未来的神秘线索。每日1次,你的魔宠能使用你的魔法根源以及法术DC来施放卜筮术(Augury)。你必须至少达到8级才能选取该能力。
劇透 -  原文:
Prerequisites Psychopomp Familiar
Your psychopomp’s continued service in Pharasma’s namebrings it favor from the goddess. It might change appearanceto look like a different, more powerful kind of psychopomp.You can select four familiar or master abilities each day,instead of two, but two must be from the PsychopompFamiliar feat or the following ability.
· Augury Your familiar can glimpse the strands of fateto give you a cryptic clue regarding your future. Yourfamiliar can cast augury once per day using your magicaltradition and spell DC. You must be at least 8th level toselect this ability.

护卫灵魂(Safeguard Soul)    专长 8
先决条件 渡魂典卫入门(Soul Warden Dedication)
你已经让自己的灵魂做好抵御外界干扰的准备。你在对抗死亡效果(death effects)、占据效果(possession effects)、以及尝试操纵或窃取你的灵魂的效果时,豁免检定获得+2状态加值。你无法被任何手段转化为不死生物。当你的螺旋图案发光时,所有位于螺旋之光范围内的生物也会获得上述好处。
劇透 -  原文:
Prerequisites Soul Warden Dedication
You’ve girded your soul against outside interference. You gaina +2 status bonus to saving throws against death effects,possession effects, and effects that attempt to manipulate orsteal your soul. You can’t be transformed into an undead byany means. While your spiral is glowing, your allies in thelight of the spiral gain this benefit as well.

延伸螺旋(Expand Spiral)    专长 10
先决条件 螺旋誓言(Spiral Sworn)
你的祷告萦绕在同伴身旁,这赋予了你将法莱斯玛的祝福分享给众人的能力。当你使用螺旋誓言(Spiral Sworn)时,你能够花费2个动作来取代原本的1个动作,以此来使得你采取该动作时,所有位于螺旋之光范围内的盟友获得螺旋誓言的好处。
劇透 -  原文:
Prerequisites Spiral Sworn
Your prayers encompass your companions, granting you theability to share Pharasma’s blessings. When you use SpiralSworn, you can spend 2 actions instead of 1 to grant thebenefits to all allies who are in the light of your spiral whenyou take the action.

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Re: 【BoD】渡魂典衛變體(Soul Warden Archetype)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2022-04-22, 周五 12:34:42 »

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Re: 【BoD】渡魂典卫变体(Soul Warden Archetype)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2022-04-22, 周五 12:43:31 »
劇透 -  签名折叠:

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Re: 【BoD】渡魂典衛變體(Soul Warden Archetype)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2022-04-22, 周五 13:40:16 »
Nat One to screw them all, Nat One to botch plans.
Nat One to TPK. It's time to roll new sheets then.
On the Virtual Table where the GM lies.

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Re: 【BoD】渡魂典卫变体(Soul Warden Archetype)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2022-04-22, 周五 16:14:03 »
劇透 -  签名折叠:

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Re: 【BoD】渡魂典卫变体(Soul Warden Archetype)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2022-04-23, 周六 15:19:35 »

线上 璀璨星炬

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Re: 【BoD】渡魂典卫变体(Soul Warden Archetype)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2022-04-23, 周六 18:30:48 »
