作者 主题: 【G&G】烟火技师(Firework Technician)  (阅读 7361 次)


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【G&G】烟火技师(Firework Technician)
« 于: 2021-10-24, 周日 15:50:31 »
烟火技师(Firework Technician)
换句话说,你也可能是天夏(Tian Xia)或乌笃剌(Vudra)的某间知名烟火作坊的一份子,靠着团队合作来完全你的各种烟火和表演。你希望给烟火技术带来下一代的伟大革新,经常把自己的研究与现场演示中记录的笔记带给同一家作坊中受人尊敬的同事,向他们征求关于你的下个好点子的意见。

引述: 边栏
作为烟火技师,你的角色的特殊能力所产生的的确切视觉效果对你来说可能相当重要。即便有两名来自同一间烟火作坊的烟火技师,并且使用完全相同的技巧来演绎,也无法带来两场完全一致的烟火表演。实际上,当你使用来自烟火技师变体的专长时,很可能在你每次修补、完善和改进技术时,都会让每次表演结果带来些许变化。即便如此,你在自己的每个烟火技师专长中应该都有几个更喜欢表现的主题。举例来说,你的龙咳表演(Coughing Dragon Display)可能会呈现出一条蜿蜒蛇行的帝龙姿态,由它吐出一条闪亮的轨迹。它也可能就是一串连续的几何图形、一个盘旋着的神秘御衡者留下对称形状的尾迹、一颗开花巨木在空中的图像、或者任何你能想象到的其他事物。为了帮助与你一同游戏的其他玩家想象你的角色所做的事情,你可以提出一段与你最爱的表演相关的描述或者甚至画一张图来进行展示。

烟火技师入门(Firework Technician Dedication)    专长 2
[罕见] [变体] [入门]
先决条件 手艺(Crafting)的熟练度为受训
你懂得了一些用黑火药、金属与纸张制造声响与火光的秘招。你很有可能是在天夏(Tian Xia)的烟火作坊(fireworks house)或者乌笃剌(Vudra)的烟火公司(fireworks company)中经过了正规培训才获得了这些知识,当然你也可能是从一艘沉船内的秘密藏匿处找到的古卷中无师自通了烟火技艺。
你的烟火学识(Fireworks Lore)的熟练度提升至受训(trained),若你已经在此学识上受训,则提升至专家(expert)。你获得制作炼金物品(Alchemical Crafting)专长,数值等同于你的等级的灌注试剂(Infused Reagents),外加高阶炼金术(Advanced Alchemy;这使得你可以在每日准备期间制作炼金物品,且无需支付正常造物的开销或时间)。你只能使用灌注试剂来制作烟火(fireworks)、发射一场烟火表演(Launch a Fireworks Display)以及使用本变体的其他专长(见后文)。你的高阶炼金术等级为1级。关于制作炼金物品(Alchemical Crafting)的规则位于核心手册的258页(此页码对应的是专长章节,但手艺制作物品应当位于244页技能一章中,故此处超链接为技能章节)而关于灌注试剂以及高阶炼金术的规则则刊载于核心手册的72页(即炼金术士职业一节)。若你从其他来源获得了灌注试剂,则使用数值最高的灌注试剂来判断你的试剂数量,而非将两者合并计算。
你还可以使用灌注试剂来创造特殊烟火表演,由此展现出独特的效果来让旁观者惊叹,甚至能在战斗中获得优势。你获得发射烟火表演(Launch Fireworks Display)动作,并且习得一些基础表演,此外你还可以通过其他烟火技师专长来学会额外更加复杂的表演。任何表演的DC均等同于你的职业DC或者法术DC,以较高者为准。
发射烟火表演(Launch Fireworks Display)单动至三动(见后文);(操作);开销 1或更多剂灌注试剂;要求 你空着一只手;效果 你引发了一场烟火表演。你能够发射一发普通的烟火,在20尺范围内单纯制造一个视觉或听觉信号,或者你也能够从后述特殊效果中选择一项。烟火表演具有它列出的特征,若它需要消耗超过1剂的灌注试剂,则会在开销(cost)一栏中注明。
  彗星(Comet)单动(视觉) 你沿着60尺线型发射一道闪光。所有位于线型区域的空间都会被强光(bright light)照亮,持续至你的下个回合开始为止。作为该动作的一部分,你还能够对线型区域上的单个生物作出指出位置(Point Out),而且你的盟友不需要听到或者理解你。
  礼花(Flower)单动(视觉) 你点亮了一道光环,在空中创造出能够让人联想到花朵的形状。距离你20尺范围内的每个敌人都必须尝试1次强韧豁免。失败时,该敌人会目眩(dazzled)1轮,大失败时他们会目眩2轮。
  鸣响(Salute)单动(听觉) 你创造出了一声惊人的巨响或哨声,为你的烟火表演添加了听觉成分。当你发射鸣响表演时,能够选择60尺范围内的1名困惑(confused)或迷魂(fascinated)的盟友。若你选择的盟友被迷魂了,这强烈的响声会被该生物的迷魂状态视同为一次敌对效果(尽管该效果本身并没有任何负面影响),并自动终止大多数迷魂状态的应用。若盟友陷入了困惑,这猛烈的声响则有可能使得盟友摆脱困惑。他能够立即尝试一次纯骰检定(flat check)来试着移除困惑状态,就如同该生物在受到伤害时发生的情况一般。若困惑状态自身具有特殊规则,移除了受到伤害时作出的纯骰检定或者让纯骰检定的难度提高,那么这些规则也适用于鸣响表演。
特殊 直至选取另外2个烟火技师变体的专长之前,你无法再选择任何其他入门专长(dedication feat)。

龙咳表演(Coughing Dragon Display)    专长 4
先决条件 烟火技师入门(Firework Technician Dedication)
这种表演会发出一系列巨响或闪光的痕迹。尽管你最初对这种表演的设计可能是为了吸引观众的注意力,但事实证明它在战斗中也具备惊人的效果,用你那华丽的表演来压制住那些听觉或视觉效果。你获得龙咳烟火表演(Coughing Dragon fireworks display)。
龙咳(Coughing Dragon)双动 开销 2剂灌注试剂;效果 从听觉(auditory)或视觉(visual)效果中选择一项。表演获得该特征,而且你会尝试反制(counteract)60尺范围内具有该特征的1个或多个效果。成功时,该效果会被压制(suppressed),持续至你的下个回合开始为止,而非使其完全结束。使用你的烟火学识(Fireworks Lore)调整值来作为你的反制调整值,而你的反制等级等同于你的高阶炼金术(Advanced Alchemy)等级的一半(向上取整)。龙咳消耗2剂灌注试剂而非1剂,但你能够将开销提升至3剂,并花费1个额外动作来创造更加庞大的龙咳表演,并以此来尝试同时反制听觉和视觉效果。

专业烟火技师(Expert Fireworks Crafter)    专长 6
先决条件 烟火技师入门(Firework Technician Dedication),手艺(Crafting)的熟练度为专家
你十分擅长制作烟火,这使得你能够创造出相较于以往来说更加强大的烟火。你在烟火上的高阶炼金术(Advanced Alchemy)等级为你的等级-3。

窜天猴表演(Jumping Jenny Display)    专长 8
先决条件 烟火技师入门(Firework Technician Dedication)
这种多层次的火箭能够在数个不同的高度引发五彩纸屑的爆炸。尽管该表演最初的设计是用于取悦各个年龄段的孩子,但你发现它具有意想不到的副作用,即迷惑飞行中的敌人。你获得窜天猴烟火表演(Jumping Jenny fireworks display)。
窜天猴(Jumping Jenny)单动 开销 2剂灌注试剂;效果 以60尺范围内的1个正在飞行的生物为目标。直至你的下个回合开始为止,每当该生物尝试飞行(Fly)时,他就必须尝试1次特技(Acrobatics)检定来进行空中机动(Maneuver in Flight)对抗你的烟火表演DC,失败则会打断飞行动作。若该生物的所有飞行尝试都被打断,则在他的回合结束时,会无害坠落至下方的地面上。窜天猴消耗2剂灌注试剂而非1剂。

地精狂欢表演(Goblin Jubilee Display)    专长 10
先决条件 烟火技师入门(Firework Technician Dedication)
火焰与爆炸带来的缤纷色彩让空气中弥漫着焦味,由此造成的损害甚至可以与最狂野的地精宴会媲美。这种表演即美丽又混乱,让人心神意乱,但它也会对所有近处之人的人身安全、视觉及听觉产生重大风险。你获得地精狂欢烟火表演(Goblin Jubilee fireworks display)。
地精狂欢(Goblin Jubilee)三动(火 音波 视觉) 开销 3剂灌注试剂;效果 120尺范围内的半径20尺爆发(burst)区域中充满了混乱。所有此区域内的生物会承受3d6点火焰伤害以及3d6点音波伤害,并且必须尝试1次强韧豁免。地精狂欢消耗3剂灌注试剂而非1剂。
  大成功 生物不受影响。
  成功 生物陷入目眩(dazzled)和耳聋(deafened),持续至其下个回合结束为止,并且会承受半额伤害。
  失败 生物陷入目眩(dazzled)和耳聋(deafened),持续1分钟并承受全额伤害。
  大失败 生物陷入目盲(blinded)1轮,陷入持续1分钟的目眩(dazzled)和耳聋(deafened),并且承受双倍伤害。

女妖之嚎表演(Banshee Cry Display)    专长 12
先决条件 烟火技师入门(Firework Technician Dedication)
你懂得如何在烟火表演中以恰当的时机引发骤然的巨响,这种技巧能够搅乱人们说话时的发音准确性。你获得女妖之嚎烟火表演(Banshee Cry fireworks display)。
女妖之嚎(Banshee Cry)反应 触发 30尺范围内有1个生物正在施法(Casts a Spell)且法术具有语言成分(verbal component),或者进行使用命令(command)启动1件物品的行动;效果 你发射1支烟火并使其在该生物周边爆炸并引起尖锐的声响。该生物必须尝试1次意志豁免。
  成功 该生物不受影响。
  失败 该生物必须在触发动作或行动上使用1个额外动作,否贼该动作将被打断(disrupted)。
  大失败 触发动作被打断(disrupted)。

劇透 -  原文:
Firework Technician
The brilliant display of cascading lights and flickering aerial flowers, the thunderous boom, the sizzling crackle, and piercing screech—these are the stock and trade of your craft. You know how to perfectly pair light and sound to create fireworks displays that can amaze children and adults, comfort friends, and even confound your foes.
As a fireworks technician, you might be an itinerant wanderer, roaming from town to town and developing your craft on your own. In that case, you make a living on the road, selling fireworks to the townsfolk, setting up public displays upon request and receipt of payment, and even tailoring individualized performances to those wealthy or interesting enough to be worthy of receiving their own private show.
On the other hand, you might be part of an established fireworks house from Tian Xia or Vudra and rely on teamwork to perfect your various formulas and displays. Hoping to produce the next great innovation in fireworks technology, you often send back the notes from your studies and field demonstrations to esteemed colleagues from your fireworks house, seeking their opinions on your next big idea.

As a firework technician, the exact visuals of your character’s special abilities might matter significantly to you. No two firework technicians use exactly the same fireworks display, even if they come from the same fireworks house and both use the same feat to generate the display. In fact, it’s likely that when you use a feat from the firework technician archetype, the resulting display remains a bit different each time as you tinker, perfect, and refine your technique. Even so, you probably have a few themes that you prefer for each of your firework technician feats. For instance, your Coughing Dragon Display might appear in the sinuous serpentine shape of a literal imperial dragon, coughing out glittering trails. It might also resemble a simple series of geometric shapes, an enigmatic spiraling aeon trailing off in a shape with radial symmetry, a pattern shaped like a tree blossoming with flowers in the sky, or anything else you can imagine. To help your fellow players visualize what your character is doing, you might come up with some go-to descriptions or draw art depicting some of your favorite displays.

Prerequisites trained in Crafting
You’ve learned the secrets of making fire and sound bloom using black powder, metals, and paper. You most likely came by this knowledge through formal training with a fireworks house in Tian Xia or a fireworks company from Vudra, though perhaps you mastered fireworks completely by yourself after finding a secret stash in an old shipwreck.
You become trained in Fireworks Lore or become an expert if you were already trained in it. You gain the Alchemical Crafting feat, a pool of infused reagents equal to your level, and advanced alchemy (allowing you to make alchemical items during your daily preparations without the normal cost or time expenditure). You can use your infused reagents only to make fireworks, Launch a Fireworks Display, and use other feats from this archetype (see below). Your advanced alchemy level is 1. The rules for these are in the Alchemical Crafting section on page 258 of the Core Rulebook, and rules for infused reagents and advanced alchemy are on page 72. If you gain infused reagents from more than one source, you use the highest number of reagents to determine your pool rather than adding them together.
You can also create special fireworks displays using your infused reagents, designed to create distinctive effects you can use to make onlookers marvel and even to gain an advantage in combat. You gain the Launch Fireworks Display action and learn some basic displays, and you can learn additional, more complex displays through other firework technician feats. The DC for any display is equal to your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher.
Launch Fireworks Display[one-action] to [three-actions] (see below); (manipulate); Cost 1 or more batches of infused reagents; Requirements You have a free hand; Effect You set off a fireworks display. You can launch a normal firework to simply create a visual or audible signal within 20 feet or you can choose one of the following special effects. A firework display has the listed traits, and if it costs more than 1 batch of infused reagents, it is noted in its Cost entry.
Comet [one-action] (visual) You shoot a streak of shining light in a 60-foot line. All spaces in that line are lit with bright light until the start of your next turn. As part of this action, you can also Point Out a single creature in the line, and your allies do not need to hear or understand you.
Flower [one-action] (visual) You ignite a ring of sparks, creating a shape that might be reminiscent of a flower blooming in the sky. Each enemy with 20 feet of you must attempt a Fortitude save. On a failure, the enemy is dazzled for 1 round, and on a critical failure they are dazzled for 2 rounds.
Salute[one-action] (auditory) You create a startling bang or whistle, adding an auditory component to your fireworks display. When you launch a salute display, you can choose a confused or fascinated ally within 60 feet. If the ally you chose is fascinated, the noise is so violent that it acts as a hostile effect for the purpose of their fascinated condition (though it has no negative repercussions) automatically ending most applications of the fascinated condition. If they’re confused, the sound is so loud and violent that it might snap the ally out of confusion. They can immediately attempt the flat check to remove the confused condition which normally occurs when a creature is damaged. If the confused condition has special rules that remove the flat check when taking damage or make the flat check harder, those rules also apply to the salute.
Special You can’t select another dedication feat until you’ve gained two other feats from the fireworks technician archetype.

Prerequisites Firework Technician Dedication
This display emits a cascade of loud bangs or glittering trails. While you initially designed the display to captivate your audience’s attention, it turns out to have a surprisingly effective use in combat, suppressing auditory or visual effects behind your magnificent display. You gain the Coughing Dragon fireworks display.
Coughing Dragon [two-actions] Cost 2 batches of infused reagents; Effect Choose either auditory or visual effects. The display gains that trait, and you attempt to counteract one or more effects within 60 feet that have this trait. On a success, the effect is suppressed until the start of your next turn, rather than ending entirely. Use your Fireworks Lore modifier as your counteract modifier, and your counteract level is equal to half your advanced alchemy level (rounded up). A coughing dragon costs 2 batches of infused reagents rather than 1, but you can increase the cost to 3 batches and spend an additional action to create an even bigger coughing dragon display that attempts to counteract both auditory and visual effects at the same time.

Prerequisites Firework Technician Dedication, expert in Crafting
You’re particularly adept at crafting fireworks, allowing you to create much more powerful fireworks than you otherwise could. Your advanced alchemy level for fireworks increases to your level – 3.

Prerequisites Firework Technician Dedication
This multi-sequence rocket blasts confetti at a series of altitudes. While the design is intended to delight children of all ages, you’ve found it has an unexpected side effect of confounding enemy fliers. You gain the Jumping Jenny fireworks display.
Jumping Jenny [one-action] Cost 2 batches of infused reagents; Effect Target a flying creature within 60 feet. Until the start of your next turn, each time that creature attempts to Fly, they must succeed at an Acrobatics check to Maneuver in Flight against the DC of your fireworks display, or the Fly action is disrupted. If all the creature’s attempts to Fly are disrupted, at the end of its turn, it falls harmlessly to the ground below. A jumping jenny costs 2 batches of infused reagents, rather than 1.

Prerequisites Firework Technician Dedication
Flames and explosions sear the air in a riot of color and devastation that rivals that wrought by even the wildest goblin party. The display is both so beautiful and chaotic that, while mesmerizing, it poses a significant risk to the physical health, sight, and hearing of anyone who gets too close. You gain the Goblin Jubilee fireworks display.
Goblin Jubilee[three-actions] (fire, sonic, visual) Cost 3 batches of infused reagents; Effect Chaos fills a 20-foot burst within 120 feet. All creatures in the area takes 3d6 fire damage and 3d6 sonic damage and must attempt a Fortitude save. A goblin jubilee display costs 3 batches of infused reagents, rather than 1.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature is dazzled and deafened until the end of its next turn and takes half damage.
Failure The creature is dazzled and deafened for 1 minute and takes full damage.
Critical Failure The creature is blinded for 1 round, dazzled and deafened for 1 minute, and takes double damage.

Prerequisites Firework Technician Dedication
You’ve learned how to pull off a sudden noisemaker at just the right moment in your display, a technique that can disrupt precise wording. You gain the Banshee Cry fireworks display.
Banshee Cry [reaction] Trigger A creature within 30 feet Casts a Spell that has a verbal component or Activates an Item using a command Activation; Effect You set off a firework to explode with a loud screech near the creature. The creature must attempt a Will save.
Success The creature is unaffected.
Failure The creature must use an additional action on the triggering action or activity, or it’s disrupted.
Critical Failure The triggering action is disrupted.

离线 杀菌@深坑未填

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Re: 【G&G】烟火技师(Firework Technician)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2021-10-24, 周日 17:50:17 »

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Re: 【G&G】煙火技師(Firework Technician)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2021-10-24, 周日 20:00:57 »

离线 杀菌@深坑未填

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Re: 【G&G】煙火技師(Firework Technician)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2021-10-24, 周日 22:06:38 »