作者 主题: 【传世名作】吟游诗人传世名作汇总  (阅读 101392 次)


线上 Rivers

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« 于: 2019-04-13, 周六 12:59:04 »

线上 Rivers

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Re: 【传世名作】吟游诗人传世名作汇总
« 回帖 #1 于: 2019-04-13, 周六 13:43:07 »
系列 ~ 传世名作
核心系列极限魔法 Ultimate Magic万物之心(At the Heart of It All)~ 弦乐、管乐
猫步舞(The Cat-Step)~ 舞蹈
廿三步舞(The Dance of 23 Steps)~ 舞蹈
深山鸣涧(The Depths of the Mountain)~ 打击乐、管乐
格洛克默剧(The Dumbshow of Gorroc)~ 戏剧、喜剧
幻墙之屋(The House of the Imaginary Walls)~ 戏剧
地狱交易之连奏(Legato Piece on the Infernal Bargain)~ 弦乐
远古终末之眠(The Lullaby of Ember the Ancient)~ 歌唱
白夜藤蔓之舞步(Minuet of the Midnight Ivy)~ 舞蹈
血脉贲张(The Quickening Pulse)~ 打击乐、管乐
圣王镇魂歌(The Requiem of the Fallen Priest-King)~ 演讲、歌唱
磐石面容(Stone Face)~ 喜剧、演讲
百鬼夜行抄(Toccata and Fugue of the Danse Macabre)~ 键盘乐、管乐
三倍时制御(Triple Time)~ 打击乐、弦乐、管乐
五重天之风(The Winds of the Five Heavens)~ 戏剧、演讲
玩家伴侣奥术选集 Arcane Anthology箭歌咏叹调(Arrowsong's lament)*~ 演讲
格拉利昂的私生子 Bastards of Golarion诡笑颂歌(The Canticle of Joy)~ 歌唱
天界血脉 Blood of Angels天堂花开派拉维(Pallavi of Nirvana's Blossoming)~ 舞蹈
天国秩序回旋曲(Rondeau of Heavenly Order)~ 歌唱
乐土之心交响曲(Symphony of the Elysian Heart)~ 键盘乐、管乐
炼狱血脉 Blood of Fiends燃欲之舞(The Dance of Kindled Desires)~ 舞蹈
骇亡音律(Melody of Frightful Death)~ 弦乐
痰之歌(The Rheumy Refrain)~ 歌唱
古国血脉 Blood of the Ancient殇魂逝灭颂(Death of Heroes)~ 演讲、歌唱
萨克利斯挽歌(Song of Sarkoris)*~ 演讲、歌唱
虚假希望悲鸣曲(The Tragedy of False Hope)~ 演讲、歌唱
海洋之血 Blood of the Sea鲲跃北溟(The Sea Is Now My Sky)~ 歌唱、弦乐
谈笑间樯橹灰飞烟灭(Dirge of the Torn Sail)*~ 歌唱、弦乐
纯洁勇士 Champions of Purity天堂喧嚣(Clamor of the Heavens)~ 打击乐、歌唱
盐碱地上生命的绽放(Life Budding in Salted Earth)~ 歌唱、弦乐、管乐
门徒教义 Disciple's Doctrine神鸣太鼓(Kaminari Drums)~ 打击乐
白驹灵歌(Spirit of the Horse)~ 弦乐
神术选集 Divine Anthology优雅之节庆祀舞(Exhilarating Prayer of Grace)~ 舞蹈
复原和声赞美诗(Hymn of Restorative Harmonics)*~ 歌唱、管乐
脑力激荡演说(Stirring Discourse of the Mind)~ 演讲
屠龙者指南 Dragonslayer's Handbook先祖的迁徙(Ancients' Flight)~ 演讲
法夫尼尔和第一个国王(Fafnheir and the First King)~ 弦乐、歌唱
孔雀盛会(Pageant of the Peacock)*~ 戏剧、舞蹈
元素大师手册 Elemental Masters Handbook爆燃回旋曲(Blazing Rondo)~ 演讲、打击乐
迷欲之舞(dance of captivating desire)~ 舞蹈
治疗者手册 Healer's Handbook长者无尽华尔兹(Endless Waltz of the Eldest)~ 舞蹈、弦乐
赛兰杜拉攀登交响乐(Symphony of Sylandurla's Ascent)*~ 打击乐、管乐
边境英雄 Heroes of Fringe芬德烈莱拉的庇佑(Findeladlara's Refuge)~ 舞蹈、演讲
圣地礼赞(Hymn of Sacred Lands)*~ 舞蹈、演讲
荒野精魂的独奏(Wildsoul Aria)*~ 歌唱、管乐
皇庭英豪 Heroes of the High Court雍容赞美诗(Anthem of Pageantry)~ 弦乐、管乐
劝降曲(Melody of Surrender)~ 歌唱、管乐
睿智国王传奇(Wise King's Saga)~ 演讲、歌唱
第一世界遗产 Legacy of the First World拉格达恩的肚皮舞(Ragadahn's Raqs Beledi)~舞蹈
拉格达恩的旋转升华之舞(Ragadahn's Spiraling Ascent)~ 戏剧、舞蹈
魔法市集指南 Magical Marketplace四鼠方舞曲(Rat Quadrille)~ 打击乐、歌唱
怀恨独白(Vindictive Soliloquy)~ 戏剧、演讲、歌唱
近战战术工具箱 Melee Tactics Toolbox义勇军进行曲(Battle Song of the People's Revolt)~ 打击乐、管乐
贸易货品清单 Marchant's Manifest长篇大论(Lingering Leitmotif)~ 演讲、歌唱
运石工号子(Song of the Stonebearers)~ 打击乐、歌唱
怪物召唤者手册 Monster Summoners Handbook思乡游子篇(Ballad of the Homesick Wanderer)~ 演讲、歌唱
河流子民 People of the River熊之吉格舞(The Bears Jig)~ 弦乐、管乐
哈罗牌手册 The Harrow Handbook幻象赦令(Illusion's Decree)~ 喜剧、演讲
反转之剑(Tales of Twisting Steel)~ 戏剧、演讲
战役设定神器与传说 Artifacts and Legends灭绝之声(Song of Extinction)*~ 歌唱、弦乐、管乐
遥远国度 Distant Realms黑暗王子序曲(Symphony of the Dark Prince)~ 歌唱
暗夜女王之怒(Night Queen's Fury)~ 戏剧、演讲
惧怖国度 Horror Realms狺女挽歌(Banshee's Requiem)~ 歌唱
异界之声(Music Beyond the Spheres)*~ 舞蹈、歌唱、弦乐
无尽回响(Relentless Reprise)~ 键盘乐、歌唱、弦乐
失落宝藏 Lost Treasures守望者之谣(Ballad of the Warding Princess)*~ 演讲、歌唱
冒险之路Return of the Runelords月亏波罗列(The Waning Bolero)*~ 舞蹈
Strange Aeons奥塞尔街赋格曲(Fugue de Rue d'Auseil)~ 弦乐


线上 Rivers

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Re: 【传世名作】吟游诗人传世名作汇总
« 回帖 #2 于: 2019-04-13, 周六 13:46:05 »
[Ultimate Magic]

万物之心(At the Heart of It All)【UM】【核心】【PFS】


条件   表演(弦乐)或表演(管乐)7级
代价   专长或3环已知法术
使用   5轮吟游表演轮数
动作   5个整轮


劇透 -   :
At the Heart of It All (String, Wind)
Your song pierces to the heart of a creature's identity, weakening it against you.
Prerequisite: Perform (string) or Perform (wind) 7 ranks.
Cost: Feat or 3rd-level bard spell known.
Effect: This haunting melody teases at the veils of understanding and drills into the bedrock of truth. Upon completing this performance, the target attempts a Will save. Failure means you understand the target's primal nature; you gain a +4 bonus on Charisma-based checks to influence the target, and the DCs of your abilities and spells that would influence the creature or its actions (including charm and compulsion effects) increase by +2.
These bonuses last for 1 day.
You must have an idea of who the creature is when you begin to play the song, either through researching the creature or by observing it directly from no farther than 100 feet.
Use: 5 rounds of bardic performance.
Action: 5 full rounds.

线上 Rivers

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Re: 【传世名作】吟游诗人传世名作汇总
« 回帖 #3 于: 2019-04-13, 周六 13:48:11 »
猫步舞(The Cat-Step)【UM】【核心】【PFS】


条件   表演(舞蹈)5级
代价   专长或2环已知法术
使用   4轮吟游表演轮数
动作   4个整轮


劇透 -   :
The Cat-Step (Dance)
Your agile dancing allows you and others to fall safely and land gracefully.
Prerequisite: Perform (dance) 5 ranks.
Cost: Feat or 2nd-level bard spell known.
Effect: This quick dance is a series of small steps culminating in a series of leaps. When you complete the performance, for the next 10 minutes you treat any distance fallen as if it were a number of feet shorter equal to half your bard level × 5. You may spend the first minute of this effect demonstrating the dance to up to one creature per two bard levels; if these students succeed at a DC 15 Perform (dance) check, they also gain the benefits of this masterpiece for the remainder of its duration.
Use: 4 bardic performance rounds.
Action: 4 full rounds.

线上 Rivers

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Re: 【传世名作】吟游诗人传世名作汇总
« 回帖 #4 于: 2019-04-13, 周六 13:49:18 »
廿三步舞(The Dance of 23 Steps)【UM】【核心】【PFS】


条件   表演(舞蹈)4级
代价   专长或2环已知法术
使用   1轮吟游表演轮数
动作   一个自由动作

延长吟游表演持续时间的能力(例如「余音绕梁APG」)能够对此传世名作生效; 这可以使你得到多轮的好处(以及减值),且只要花费1轮吟游诗人表演。

劇透 -   :
The Dance of 23 Steps (Dance)
This complex dance makes you difficult to strike.
Prerequisite: Perform (dance) 4 ranks.
Cost: Feat or 2nd-level bard spell known.
Effect: The shuffling steps, bends, and leaps of this intricate dance make you a difficult target to hit, but also make it more difficult for you to perform other actions. When using this masterpiece, you take a –2 penalty on melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks, and you must make a concentration check to cast any spell (DC 15 + the spell's level), but you gain a +2 dodge bonus to your Armor Class.
When you have 8 ranks in Perform (dance), and every 4 ranks thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the dodge bonus increases by +1. You can combine this masterpiece with fighting defensively and Combat Expertise, but not total defense. When you use this masterpiece, it lasts until the start of your next turn.
Abilities that extend the duration of a bardic performance (such as Lingering Performance; see page 164 of the Advanced Player's Guide) affect this masterpiece; this allows you to get multiple rounds of its benefit (and its penalties) at the cost of only 1 round of bardic performance.
Use: 1 bardic performance round.
Action: 1 free action.

线上 Rivers

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Re: 【传世名作】吟游诗人传世名作汇总
« 回帖 #5 于: 2019-04-13, 周六 13:50:54 »
深山鸣涧(The Depths of the Mountain)【UM】【核心】【PFS】


条件   表演(打击乐)或表演(管乐)15级
代价   专长或5环已知法术
使用   10轮吟游表演轮数,之后每持续1轮额外消耗1轮吟游表演轮数
动作   10个整轮


劇透 -   :
The Depths of the Mountain (Percussion, Wind)
Your drumming skills can break solid rock.
Prerequisite: Perform (percussion) 15 ranks or Perform (wind) 15 ranks.
Cost: Feat or 5th-level bard spell known.
Effect: Like a singer shattering a wine glass with a perfect note, your music cracks stone, shivering solid rock until it snaps. When you complete the performance, you create a tremor identical to an earthquake spell.
For each round you continue to expend bardic performance rounds, the area experiences a round-long aftershock, which has the following effects.
Caves, Caverns, or Tunnels: Smaller collapses cause 4d6 points of damage (Reflex DC 5 half) and pin any creatures caught inside.
Cliffs: More cliffs crumble, creating a landslide that travels half as far horizontally as it falls vertically. Any creature in the path takes 4d6 points of bludgeoning damage (Reflex DC 5 half) and is pinned beneath the rubble.
Open Ground: Each creature standing in the area must make a DC 5 Reflex save or fall down. Fissures open in the earth, and every creature on the ground has a 25% chance of falling into one (Reflex DC 10 to avoid a fissure). The fissures are 20 feet deep, and these fissures remain open at the end of the quake.
Pinned Beneath Rubble: Any creature pinned by the effects of the aftershock takes 1d3 points of nonlethal damage per minute while pinned. If a pinned character falls unconscious, she must make a DC 5 Constitution check or take 1d3 points of lethal damage each minute thereafter until freed or dead.
Rivers, Lakes, or Marshes: The area drained away by the earthquake remains drained for the duration of the aftershock.
Spellcasting: The concentration DC to cast during an aftershock is 15 + the spell's level.
Structure: Any structure standing on open ground takes 50 points of damage. A collapsing structure deals 4d6 points of bludgeoning damage to creatures inside it (Reflex DC 5 half), and the creatures inside are pinned beneath the rubble.
Use: 10 rounds of bardic performance, +1 round for each round of aftershocks.
Action: 10 full rounds.

线上 Rivers

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Re: 【传世名作】吟游诗人传世名作汇总
« 回帖 #6 于: 2019-04-13, 周六 13:52:05 »
格洛克默剧(The Dumbshow of Gorroc)【UM】【核心】【PFS】


条件   表演(戏剧)或表演(喜剧)6级
代价   专长或2环已知法术
使用   2轮吟游表演轮数
动作   一个整轮动作


劇透 -   :
The Dumbshow of Gorroc (Act, Comedy)
Your acting conjures hellfire and salt to destroy plants.
Prerequisite: Perform (act) or Perform (comedy) 6 ranks.
Cost: Feat or 2nd-level bard spell known.
Effect: This pantomime tells the tale of Gorroc, a foolish farmer who failed to control the weeds that grew so quickly upon his land. In desperation, Gorroc bargained with a devil, who blasted the earth with salt and withering heat, leaving the fertile land desolate for a century. When you complete the performance, you can create a 30-foot cone or a 60-foot line that is blasted with scorching air and hot salt. Plants and oozes in this area take 1d6 points of damage per bard level (maximum 10d6); half this damage is fire damage, half is piercing damage. A Reflex save reduces the damage by half. Creatures other than plants or oozes take half damage, or no damage on a successful save.
Use: 2 bardic performance rounds.
Action: 1 full round.

线上 Rivers

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Re: 【传世名作】吟游诗人传世名作汇总
« 回帖 #7 于: 2019-04-13, 周六 13:53:42 »
幻墙之屋(The House of the Imaginary Walls)【UM】【核心】【PFS】


条件   表演(戏剧)10级
代价   专长或4环已知法术
使用   每轮消耗1轮吟游表演轮数
动作   每10尺平方1个标准动作


劇透 -   :
The House of the Imaginary Walls (Act)
You can trap opponents with the power of your acting.
Prerequisite: Perform (act) 10 ranks.
Cost: Feat or 4th-level bard spell known.
Effect: You silently mime building an invisible wall, flattening your hands along linear planes to indicate its location and orientation. This "wall" is only real for creatures that see you perform this masterpiece (Will negates); you and your allies may automatically fail your saves if you want to treat the wall as real (for example, if you want to use the wall as a bridge to cross a chasm). For creatures who believe the wall is real, it has hardness 8, 90 hit points, and a break DC of 30 (multiple believing creatures can attack the walls, breaking through it more quickly as if they were all attacking a real wall rather than each attacking separate mental constructs).
This is an illusion (phantasm) effect. Because the wall is a mental image, it blocks incorporeal creatures that fail their saves (because they perceive it as a magical barrier that excludes them), though they can still go around the wall or through the floor or ceiling to bypass it. It does not affect objects or creatures immune to mental effects (which can result in situations like an archer firing through the wall but unable to physically cross it).
You can create one 10-foot-square wall per use of this ability; over several rounds you can extend this square or create other walls, all of which persist until you stop using bardic performance rounds to sustain them. The wall is immobile once created. Part of the wall must be in or along the edge of your space, and you cannot create a wall that extends beyond your natural reach (though you can create a wall, move, and create another by using this ability again). Once created, the wall exists until you end your performance or affected creatures "break" it. Abilities that extend the duration of a bardic performance (such as Lingering Performance; see page 164 of the Advanced Player's Guide) affect this masterpiece.
Use: 1 bardic performance round per round.
Action: 1 standard action per 10-foot square.

线上 Rivers

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Re: 【传世名作】吟游诗人传世名作汇总
« 回帖 #8 于: 2019-04-13, 周六 13:54:56 »
地狱交易之连奏(Legato Piece on the Infernal Bargain)【UM】【核心】【PFS】


条件   表演(弦乐)11级
代价   专长或4环已知法术
使用   10轮吟游表演轮数
动作   10分钟


劇透 -   :
Legato Piece on the Infernal Bargain (String)
Your skilled playing can conjure up supernatural servants.
Prerequisite: Perform (string) 11 ranks.
Cost: Feat or 4th-level bard spell known.
This fast-paced tune harmonizes with the magical frequencies of another plane, allowing you to draw an extraplanar creature to you and bargain for its service.
When you complete this performance, you call one or more outsiders as if using planar ally. Unlike with planar ally, the creature is not necessarily associated with your deity, and has an initial attitude of "indifferent" toward you. Because it is intrigued by your performance, it remains for up to 1 minute to hear the service you are requesting and the payment you are offering. If you succeed at an opposed Charisma check against the creature (with a +0 to +6 bonus on your roll based on the nature of the service and the offered reward), it agrees to perform the service. This ability otherwise works like planar ally.
Though the best-known version of this masterpiece refers to an infernal bargain, it can be used to conjure any sort of extraplanar creature (such as an archon, elemental, or protean). Other versions and arrangements of this masterpiece may have different names but otherwise identical effects.
Use: 10 bardic performance rounds.
Action: 10 minutes.

线上 Rivers

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Re: 【传世名作】吟游诗人传世名作汇总
« 回帖 #9 于: 2019-04-13, 周六 13:56:46 »
远古终末之眠(The Lullaby of Ember the Ancient)【UM】【核心】【PFS】


条件   表演(歌唱)7级
代价   专长或3环已知法术
使用   每轮消耗1轮吟游表演轮数
动作   一个整轮动作


劇透 -   :
The Lullaby of Ember the Ancient (Sing)
You can put powerful creatures to sleep with the power of your song.
Prerequisite: Perform (sing) 7 ranks.
Cost: Feat or 3rd-level bard spell known.
Effect: When you activate this soothing performance, one target within close range falls asleep as if affected by deep slumber as long as you maintain the performance. Unlike the spell (which affects weaker creatures first), this masterpiece targets a specific creature of your choice. Although this lullaby does have words, it is not a language-dependent effect.
Use: 1 bardic performance round per round.
Action: 1 round.