作者 主题: 【SG】奇物商店(概不退货!) Talismonger Shop (ALL SALES FINAL!) P211-216 (校对完)  (阅读 12374 次)

副标题: 翻译:Forty-Two 校对:妖猫

离线 Forty-Three

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  • 帖子数: 105
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包括通常的试剂与法器,各种各样的产品都可以由会附魔的法师制造出来。虽然所有这些产品可以被任何法师使用,但是这些被炼成技能制造出来的产品必须先经过同调才能发挥作用。这是一个直觉+魔法【星界】(5 , 1小时)的延续检定。同调过的物品被法师用于仪式魔法时视为交感链接(P.121)。
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Besides the usual reagents and foci, all sorts of products can be created by a magician skilled in enchanting. While all these products can be used by any magician, those produced with the Artificing skill must be attuned before they can be functional. This is an Intuition + Magic [Astral] (5, 1 hour) Extended Test. An attuned item is considered a sympathetic link to the magician when used in ritual magic (p. 121).

有时你会发现自己在酒吧喝醉了,你放错地方的魔杖最后被酒保用作某位女士的鸡尾酒里的水果串。那么,这(放错地方)会如何影响使用那根魔杖进行的施法呢?除了奇怪的柑橘香味,环境的法力等级也会引起物品的失调,法师需要重新同调该物品才能重新使用它。他无需重新支付业力。一般来说,如果一个已被同调的物品不在法师的身上,或者不处在法师拥有激活的帐篷或环的地方,GM可以做一个每日检定背景计数x 2(3)(更多关于背景计数的信息见P.30)。如果成功,该物品不再与法师同调,修士同调物品(P.124)和法器如果遗落或丢失也会失调,在被重新同调之前,它们不会提供同调的奖励效果。修士重新同调物品的方式和法师相同。

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There are days when you’ll find yourself drunk at a bar and your misplaced wand ends up being used by the brew master as a fruit skewer in some lady’s cocktail. So how does that affect practicing magic with that wand? Besides the odd citrus smell, there is a chance that the ambient mana levels caused discord in the item, which forces the magician to reattune the item in order to use it again. He does not, however, need to re-spend Karma. In general, if the attuned item is not in the magician’s possession or at a location where he has an active lodge or circle, the gamemaster should make a daily test of Background Count x 2 (3) (for more information on background counts, see p. 30). If successful, the item is no longer attuned to the magician. Adept-attuned items (p. 124) and foci may also feel discord if lost or left behind, and such items will lose their attunement bonuses until they are re-attuned. Adepts re-attune items the same way magicians do.
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While nuyen is always accepted, such transactions are easy to track, and some unlicensed or unregistered magicians prefer an alternative currency that is accepted by all practitioners of magic. To fill this need, small vials of aqua regia containing a single dram of orichalcum are often used in bartering for magical goods. Half vials are rare but acceptable for smaller exchanges. While orichalcum cannot be used as a reagent in this state, it can be used by anyone with magic talent once it has precipitated from the solution.
协会成员同时学习如何酿造更具异国风情的生命水。这些酿造物有着与传统配方完全不同的魔法特性。酿造物诸如精灵佳酿(Tír Alamestra),日本屠苏(Japanese Toso)和地中海冥河(Mediterranean Styx)。这些不一定会带来好运,但对于高收入的客户来说,最终的结果是物有所值的。
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With trids propagating the myths of love potions and good luck charms, alchemists are constantly approached to provide such items to mundanes. Unfortunately, magic doesn’t work exactly that way. The positive that grew from this myth is the alchemists’ Guild of Brew Masters. A brew master witch or warlock learns how to use alchemy to create his or her own alcoholic beverages and how to be a bartender, serving mixed drinks akin to mythical potions.
Several upscale bars hire brew master witches or warlocks to provide harmless entertainment with contact-triggered magical drinks. Love Potion Number Nine and Potions of Healing or Wishes are names for mixed drinks that the witch or warlock makes for the average Joe in the bar.
Guild members also learn how to brew more exotic aqua vitae. These brews have different magical properties than normal formulas. Such brews include Tír Alamestra, Japanese Toso, and Mediterranean Styx. These may not bring good luck, but to highpaying clientele, the end result is worth the price.
作为星界安全的一部分,科学已经在培养对法力敏感的细菌菌株方面取得了一些成功。有三种类型:FAB I、FAB II和FAB III。第一种在会在星界形体或者法力比如一道法术通过后死亡。在死亡过程中,细菌释放出一种可以用紫外线照射的化学物质。第二种具有双重性质,使得星界形体很难通过它,并且位移会在物理上被看到。第三种突变菌株会积极寻找并摄食星界形体,对具有双重性质的生物可能是致命的。

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Science has had some success in cultivating mana-sensitive bacteria strains as part of astral security. Three strains exist: FAB I, FAB II, and FAB III. The first strain dies when an astral form or magical force such as a spell passes through it. In death the bacteria release a chemical that can be seen with UV light. The second strain is dual-natured, making it difficult for astral forms to pass through it, and the displacement can be seen physically. The third strain was a mutation that actively seeks out and feeds on astral forms and can be lethal to dual-natured creatures.
尽管一具尸体也可为寄生而准备,大多数精魂并不喜欢被限制在这样的东西上的概念。通灵者(Necromancers)常说:“骨头会让它们很恼火。”有些法师发现寄生在尸体上的精魂会做或者说一些奇怪的事情就好像它们凭依了一些其前主人的记忆一样。这也是创造僵尸或者活尸(corps cadavres)的风险。
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While a corpse can be prepared for inhabitation, most spirits don’t like the concept of being confined to such a thing.
Necromancers say “the bones rub them the wrong way.” Some mages find that the spirit inhabiting a corpse will do or say odd things as they channel some of the memories of the previous owner. Such is the risk of creating zombies or corps cadavres。
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Magecuffs are crafted with glomoss (a form of bioluminescent plant that glows in response to magic or astral entities) and a light-triggered shock device. If the cuffs detect spellcasting or astral projection, the cuffs subject the incarcerated individual to a 15S electrical attack (p.170, SR5).
A magemask is a plastic hood and gag that cuts off the incarcerated individual’s line of sight and produces a combination of light and sounds that disorient the magician and deters astral projection. Attempting astral projection while wearing a magemask requires a Willpower + Intuition (4) Test.

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A fool’s gold solution that can be used to make false reagents or make an object such as an alchemical preparation or a ritual circle appear to be magical. Aqua fictus looks like a swirling metallic solution that emits occasional flashes of light. Any item coated with aqua fictus appears to glow with a concentrated-mana aura like that of reagents. This trick is difficult to detect. A successful Alchemy + Magic [Mental] (3) Test lets a magician notice the false magic coating on a mundane object. Sales of such items are hit or miss because of the variety of reagents required, and the coating fades entirely after twelve hours. This solution is used in the creation of fake magical items, such as a paper lotus (p. 215).

这种物质可以检测出奥利哈刚和其它真元素的痕迹。一瓶8盎司的喷雾可以覆盖一平方米。任何奥利哈刚留下的痕迹,比如在洒出的王水中,会发出金光。而其它觉醒元素会发出紫光。使用者可以用强水来进行仔细观察(p. 165, SR5)是否有奥利哈刚和其它觉醒元素存在。GM可以决定对应检定的阈值。
译注:真元素(true elements)是一种在地球显形的星界挥发性物质。具体见Parageology书
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This substance detects traces of orichalcum and other true elements. An eight-ounce spray bottle can cover one square meter. Any traces of orichalcum left behind, such as from spilled aqua regia, glow gold. Other Awakened elements glow violet. Aqua fortis allows the user to Observe in Detail (p. 165, SR5) to see if orichalcum or other Awakened elements are present. The gamemaster determines the threshold of the test.

这种药剂可以溶解奥利哈刚并不破坏其金属的魔法特性。这使这种物质的运送变得变得非常方便。8盎司的王水可以溶解1打兰奥利哈刚。王水是一种能溶解任何金属的腐蚀性酸(P.170 , SR5)。基础伤害是14P,AP-4。
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This solution can dissolve orichalcum without damaging the metal’s magical properties. This makes the material very easy to transport discreetly. Eight ounces of aqua regia can dissolve 1 dram of orichalcum. Aqua regia is a corrosive acid (p. 170, SR5) capable of dissolving any metal. The base Damage Value is 14P with an AP of –4.
To extract orichalcum once it has been dissolved in aqua regia, the magician must subject the solution to near-freezing temperatures. This breaks down the formula and neutralizes the alchemical properties. Once the neutralization begins, the orichalcum begins to precipitate. The aqua regia then vaporizes into yellowish green smoke and dissipates.

更像是一个炼金术师笑话,生命水是一种通过炼金手段制造的酒精蒸馏物。由于大豆是第六世界盛行的主食,炼金术士们想出了从任何东西中提取酒精的方法(这给“以酒解酒”一个全新的含义)。这种酿造物比普通酒精更加烈性。生命之水的成瘾等级为4(P.414, SR5)。
译注:酒精( Alcohol)的成瘾等级是3,成瘾阈值是2。这里没有提到生命水的成瘾阈值,请咨询你的GM。
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More of an alchemist’s joke, aqua vitae is an alcoholic distillation created through alchemical means. Since soy is the prevalent food staple in the Sixth World, alchemists have worked out ways to distill liquor from just about anything (which gives “hair of the dog” a whole new meaning). Such brews are more potent than standard alcohol. Aqua vitae has an Addiction Rating of 4 (p. 414, SR5)
星界粉尘,也被称为仙尘,像静电吸附那样被持续的魔法吸引。星界粉尘被开发出来作为用FAB (星界荧光细菌)检测星界实体的代替方法,因为有些人认为无论是否遗传性变异FAB都是一种环境危害。星界粉尘会吸附于精魂,星界投影存在,守护,持续或活化的法术。这允许非觉醒者对这类事物使用仔细观察动作(P.165,SR5)。尽管观察者不会确切明白对象是什么。举例来说,一个被施以隐形术的人在星界粉尘的作用下看起来和一个星界投影的法师没什么不同。散布设备是一个纸球装置,它也是星界粉尘配方的一部分。这个球体会在被抛出后爆炸,包含在其中的星界粉尘分散成了半径为3米的云。
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Astral powder, also known as fairy dust, is attracted to sustained magic like static cling. Astral powder was developed as an alternative to using FAB (fluorescing astral bacteria) to detect astral entities, since some consider FAB an environmental hazard regardless of the genetic variant. Astral powder clings to spirits, astrally projecting beings, wards, and sustained or quickened spells. This allows non-Awakened characters to use an Observe in Detail action (p. 165, SR5) on such things, though the observer will not know exactly what the object is. For example, a person targeted with an Invisibility spell would look no different under astral powder than an astrally projecting magician would. The dispersal device is a paper sphere preparation, which is learned as part of astral powder’s formula. This sphere detonates after being thrown, and the astral powder contained within disperses a cloud with a three-meter radius. Since astral powder is physical, it cannot move through other physical objects. If an astral spirit coated in astral powder goes through a wall, the powder stops at the wall. If a sustained spell is dropped, the powder also drops to the floor. Astral powder doesn’t glow like FAB, so visibility modifiers apply. Other conditions, such as rain, wash off the astral powder after a few minutes. Requires Psychometry (see p. 144).
炼金术士可以创造出一个魔法装置当施放适应信物的法术时可以减少耗竭(P.212)。此类使用信物的法术需单独学习,这意味着该角色如果想在有信物与没有信物时都能施放该法术,则需要学习其两次。炼金术士需要1打兰的卓越试剂(radical reagents)使信物可供魔法使用。法师施放信物法术无论是通过施法还是仪式施法都可以减少2点耗竭。(最少减到2点)。
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An alchemist can create a magical device that reduces Drain when cast with a spell suited to fetishes (p. 212). Such spells have to be learned specifically with the fetish, meaning that a character would have to learn a spell twice if he wants to cast it both with and without a fetish. An alchemist needs 1 dram of radical reagents to make the fetish functional for magical use. A magician casting a fetish spell either through Spellcasting or Ritual Spellcasting can reduce the Drain Value by 2 (to a minimum of 2).
戈威可以像其它制剂那样被制造,戈威的强度等级决定了它容纳的监视灵的强度等级。效力由每周降低1,而不是正常的每小时降低1。法师可以在制造后付出(效力x25)打兰的试剂来使戈威在半年内不随时间降低效力。这个付出可以每六个月执行一次。戈威制造后,一个专属于这个戈威的监视灵也被制造出来。每个戈威同时只能容纳一个精魂。就监视灵来说, 戈威可以使其中的实体暂停, 允许法师将监视灵的有效时间分散开来。它可以让法师快速使用监视灵而不必进行仪式。从一个戈威里释放监视灵是一个简单动作。如果戈威被毁,与它相连的监视灵也会被毁灭(无论它当时是否处在戈威里)。戈威可以被联结,但是里面的监视灵只会听从创造它的那个法师。法师可以调谐被找到的戈威,但是与之相连的监视灵会被驱散。需要乞灵(见P.147)。
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In the vodou traditions, govi are specially prepared clay pots to hold work loa (watcher spirits). The houngan shapes clay into a pot, etches it with images of their mait-tete, and paints it. Since 2057, govi have been created from glass bottles or other modern containers properly designed with vevers (symbolic images of the loa). Other traditions have taken up creating their own versions of govi to contain watchers. These brooches and talismans are marked with spiritual symbols of the magician’s tradition and incorporate a small compartment to contain the watcher.
 A govi is created like other preparations, with the govi’s Force determining the Force of the watcher it can contain. Potency reduces by 1 point of Force per week, instead of the customary 1 per hour. The magician can offer (Potency x 25) drams of reagents after creation to prevent the govi’s Potency from reducing for half a year. This offering can be done every six months. After creation, a watcher is created specifically for that govi. Only one spirit can be connected to a govi at a time. In the case of a watcher, the govi keeps the entity suspended within it, allowing the magician to break up the watcher’s allotted time. It also allows for quick use of a watcher without having to perform the ritual. Releasing a watcher from a govi is a Simple Action. If a govi is destroyed, the watcher associated with it is also destroyed, whether it was residing in the govi or not. Govi can be found, but the watcher within can only be commanded by the magician who created it. A magician can attune a found govi, but the watcher associated with it is dispelled. Requires Invocation (see p. 147).
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The Hand of Glory is an alchemical formula found in the banned witchcraft book Compendium Maleficarum. This preparation’s lynchpin is the hand of a talented, deceased individual (the formula romanticizes this as the hand of a hanged criminal, but any hand will do). This unique alchemical preparation allows the magician to use the remembered talent of the individual when performing a task. In game terms, the Hand of Glory is tied to one physical Active skill known by the previous owner. The skill is limited by the Force of the ritual instead of any other limit, including Accuracy. Reagents used must be refined quality or better. When triggered, the magician can use the skill for a number of minutes equal to the Potency. The Hand of Glory, once created, is bonded to the magician and cannot be unbound until the Hand is destroyed or used. It also doesn’t lose Potency.
The Hand of Glory can be reused without re-preparing the item, but this requires the magician’s blood (and thus leads down the path to blood magic). Normally an object used in an alchemical preparation can be re-prepared if it hasn’t been destroyed, but the Hand’s talent fades twenty-four hours after being used. In order for the Hand to remember its talent, the magician must take Physical damage with a DV equal to the preparation’s Force, then transfer his blood to the Hand to recharge it. This wound cannot be healed by magic.
The Compendium Maleficarum warns of trying to own more than one Hand of Glory, saying that the Hands may seek vengeance on their creator if not used—idle hands being the devils tools and all that. Requires Necromancy (see p. 143).
准备一个容器需要等同于五倍于将要附身或寄生入容器的精魂强度的卓越试剂(radical reagents)。准备容器与标准准备的方法相同,其最小强度等同于将要进入其中的精魂强度。使用凭依来制造,法师的炼金检定必须超过容器的物品抗性(P.295,SR5)或者强度,以较大者为准。完成的时间为10天减去炼金检定的净成功数(至少要1天)。失败意味着等同于对抗检定的成功数的试剂将会失效,法师不得不重新开始。需要凭依(见P.148)。
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Preparing a vessel requires a number of radical reagents equal to five times the Force of the spirit that will possess or inhabit the vessel. Preparing a vessel is done in the same way as a standard preparation, with a minimum Force equal to the Force of the spirit that will enter the vessel. This creation is challenging to craft, as the magician’s Alchemy test must exceed the vessel’s Object Resistance (p. 295, SR5) or Force, whichever is greater. Time to complete is ten days minus the net hits from the Alchemy test (minimum of 1 day). Failure means that a number of reagents equal to the hits from the Opposed Test are lost and the magician has to start again. Requires Channeling (see p. 148).
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Modern magicians have updated the ancient process of daguerreotype photography, exchanging the essential chemical actions with an alchemical process. The layers of chemicals used are mana-sensitive, derived from various Awakened plants and animals, allowing auras, spirits, and even background count to be recorded on the plate. Mana-sensitive film plates are used with mortis optigrams and quicksilver cameras.
由于死亡时眼睛可能会闭上,所以尸体视觉成像并不总是可靠的信息来源。其它问题包括摄入物和赛博殖装。注意,赛博眼替代品无法用于尸体视觉成像。其在法力敏感胶片上会生成现实主义的古怪三维图像。如果死者有幻觉,即使是药物引起的幻觉,这些幻觉也会出现在胶片上。如果死者有能力感知星界,星界空间也可能出现在胶片上(见水银相机,P.215)。通过尸体视觉成像上生成的星界照片并不漂亮,因为它们被痛苦和情绪混乱的回声所污染,需要通灵(见 p. 143).
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According to an old, oft-ignored theory, in death the eyes record the last moments of life. Necromancers have found good reason to believe this theory, and they can photograph such images on astral film by using a mortis optigram and the eyes of the deceased. The eyes are positioned to face the plate in the camera. As the magician takes the picture, the last thing the eyes saw is captured on the mana-sensitive film plate. The process takes twenty minutes to complete.
The practice of using the mortis optigram varies greatly, as does the use of such an item as legal evidence. In a criminal case, Tír Tairngire treats a mortis optigram no differently than any physical evidence. The UCAS and CAS permits law-enforcement forensic thaumaturgists to create mortis optigrams as part of an investigation, but the image is considered a valid lead rather than evidence. NAN governments don’t allow the creation of mortis optigrams in any instance due to claims that the process is an aberrant ritual. Amazonia is mixed, depending on the severity of the crime.
The mortis optigram is not always a reliable source of information, as the eyes may be closed at the time of death. Other issues include drugs or cybernetics. Note that cybereye replacements cannot be used in a mortis optigram. The resulting image is almost realistic and oddly three dimensional on the mana-sensitive plate. If the deceased suffered from hallucinations, even ones induced by drugs, those hallucinations can appear on the plate. If the deceased had the ability to astrally perceive, astral space may also appear on the plate (see Quicksilver Camera, p. 215). Astral photos from a mortis optigram are not pretty since they are tainted with echoes of pain and emotional turmoil. Requires Necromancy (see p. 143).
« 上次编辑: 2023-08-31, 周四 16:23:53 由 阿飘 »

离线 Forty-Three

  • Guard
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  • 帖子数: 105
  • 苹果币: 3
校注:羊癫手twitchy fingers是部分凡俗对法师施法时手势的称呼,见核心【侦察魔法】一节。
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For confining petty Awakened criminals, law-enforcement officers use cuffs and hoods that distract the incarcerated with lights and sounds or use electric shock to keep twitchy fingers in line. For the hardened criminal magicians, however, police use individually tailored mystic restraints. The shape of these restraints acts like acupuncture that restricts the magician’s access to magic. Mystic restraints (cuffs, masks, or jackets) have to be crafted with the Artificing skill, using the same Force requirements as crafting a symbolic link. Permanently creating the restraint requires 1 Karma
Net hits from the Artificing Test determine the Force of the restraint, and the Force of the restraint reduces the Magic rating of the Awakened individual (including adepts). Adepts restrained this way temporarily lose Power Points associated with Magic loss; they may choose which powers are affected. There are many pressure points to use, but each restraint is limited to how much Magic it can it restrain. While restraints are made for a specific individual, an existing restraint can be attuned to another individual, but it will be half as effective. This requires an Intuition + Magic (5, 1 hour) Extended Test and requires either assensing the subject or having a material link of the subject to be used in attuning the restraints.
Mystic cuffs are made of steel or titanium and can have a maximum Force of 8; they are ineffective if the subject has one or more cyberarms. Masks are made of steel and leather or ceramic and have a maximum Force of 12. Similar to a straitjacket, a mystic jacket can have embedded brass studs on the inside and woven symbols on the outside. A mystic jacket can have a Force up to 18.
If the subject has the Flux metamagic (p. 150), he can reduce the effectiveness of the mystic restraints by his initiate grade while his aura is in flux.
不是所有奇物贩子都是好人或者按规则办事。为了经济利益而伪造魔法材料的能力是一种强大的动机。除了指少数大觉醒之前出现的奇物,“纸莲花”还是一个通用术语指用炼成技能(P.306,SR5)创造出的伪造魔法物品。除非观察者通过了侦查检定(见下),否则这些魔法造物难以和真实物品区分开,但它们不能被用于任何魔法目的。这些魔法物品被认为是伪造品质量(P.197,RUN & GUN)。如果物品可以被联结,绑定会在试图花费业力的那一步失败,并且物品将暴露其为伪造物。假试剂在使用时不起任何作用。在这两种情况下,幻象会最终消失,以致任何法师都能看出那东西是个假的。
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Not all talismongers are nice or play fair. The ability to falsify magical material for financial gain is a strong motivator. Besides the few pre-Awakening artifacts that have shown up, “paper lotus” is a general term for using the Artificing skill (p. 306, SR5) to create a counterfeit magical item. These magical items are indistinguishable from the real thing unless an observer passes a Perception Test (see below), but they cannot be used for any magical purpose. These magical items are considered to have the Counterfeit quality (p. 197, Run & Gun). If the item can be bonded, the bonding will fail when attempting to spend Karma, and the item will be exposed as counterfeit. Fake reagents don’t do anything when expended. In both cases, the illusion eventually expires, so any magician can see that the object is fake.
When the Artificing ritual is complete, the number of net hits becomes the threshold for an observer determining if the item is a fake through a Perception Test. The Force of the Artificing ritual determines how many days the item appears to be magical. Paper lotus creators run the risk of someone detecting their items as a fake and then using them in ritual magic as retribution against the artificer. These items are sympathetic links while the illusion lasts. Requires Masking (see p. 149).

译注:关于交感链接这里,如果这里的复制品(Duplication)指的是原始照片的炼金术副本(即COPY),那么它显然更符合“Creator has a copy of an astral photograph of the subject”这一条而非“Creator has met the target”这一条,所以这里的复制品(Duplication)译者推测应该指的是原始照片的光学(非炼金)副本而非通过炼金手段复制的可以灵视的副本。
劇透 -   :
The quicksilver camera is a handheld camera with a built-in collapsible tripod. It can hold five mana-sensitive film plates, with only one being exposed at a time. This camera can take an astral photograph in two minutes.
Early astral photography required several hours of exposure, but six years ago, technology and thaumaturgical research reduced the exposure time to only thirty minutes per mana-sensitive plate. These plates allowed anyone to take a picture of the astral world, and while beautiful enough to have a gallery at the MoMA in New York, they capture a very blurry view of astral space. Astral space is very dynamic, so it cannot sit still for thirty minutes. Also, the mana-sensitive plate could be overexposed since mana isn’t tied to light exposure, and whole sets of plates could be ruined if an astral entity moved through the camera during exposure.
To improve the process, alchemists altered the plates so that the Awakened photographer acted as the plate’s catalyst. To take a photo, the photographer removes the cap to expose the plate to visible light and activates the plate’s chemicals to record the astral world. Once activated, the exposure process cannot be stopped, and it completes in two minutes. Moving the camera before the full exposure time ruins the photograph (astrally and visibly). One the exposure time has elapsed, the astral photo automatically develops with a secondary alchemical process.
Physically the image is in color as seen with a normal camera but with iridescent marks overlaying the image. These swirls and spots represent the alchemical reaction to recording the astral plane, not what mundanes believe are auras and spirits captured on film. Viewing the picture astrally reveals another image: a snapshot of the flow of astral energies at that point in time. This astral image captures astral signatures, background count levels, and the auras of wards, sustained spells, Awakened individuals, spirits, critters, preparations, and bonded foci. The photograph can be replicated through alchemical means. The auras in the photo can only be read and recognized through astral perception.
Characters may attempt to use Assensing to analyze any astral being, aura, or signature captured in an original astral photo; the threshold for an Assensing Test is 2 more than normal, and the limit for the test is fixed at 4 due to the camera’s limitations. Astral entities or objects that pass through the area while the photo is being taken show up as ghostly images, but no information can be gleaned from them. Copies of astral photos also lose a level of detail, making the fixed limit for the Assensing Test 3.
Since astral photographs capture auras, the plate can serve as a sympathetic link (p. 145) to any entity or object that remained in the shot for the duration of the exposure. Duplications of the original photograph can be used as a symbolic link (p. 216), with the photograph meeting the “Creator has met the target” condition. An original astral photograph’s aura can be wiped through smudging (p. 136). The wiped photograph is treated the same as a copy, though the photograph is considered to have a Force 12 psychic imprint.
劇透 -   :
The shofar, which is a more impressive name than “the horn that scares spirits,” derives from the Judean tradition of exorcism. The shofar’s sound causes spirits to be shaken and leave the area. When using it, make an Opposed Test pitting the spirit’s Force + Willpower against the shofar’s Force x 2. Materialized or manifested spirits that fail the Opposed Test stop what they are doing and retreat back to astral space, wasting the service they are in process of fulfilling. Materialized or manifested free spirits attempt to leave the area as if affected by the Fear power for a number of Combat Turns equal to the shofar’s Potency. Spirits inhabiting a living or nonliving vessel are only distracted by the noise and suffer a –2 dice penalty to all actions for that Combat Turn. The shofar effect is instantaneous, but after activating it, the item disintegrates. The shofar has a longer shelf life than other compounds, as its Potency reduces by 1 per week. Requires Exorcism (see p. 148).
劇透 -   :
From effigies to drawings, a symbolic link is a representation of a spell’s target. The most notorious of symbolic links are voodoo dolls, which a magician can use to inflict curses upon the individual the doll represents. The magician uses the Artificing skill to create a symbolic link, but the required Force depends on how well the magician knows the subject. The symbolic link is viable for a number of days equal to the net hits in the Artificing Test. The downside to symbolic links is that the object contains the creator’s astral signature while the link remains viable. This means that a voodoo doll can be used as a material link against the creator. Requires Psychometry (see p. 144).
« 上次编辑: 2023-08-31, 周四 16:21:49 由 阿飘 »

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« 上次编辑: 2019-07-23, 周二 20:35:22 由 Forty-Three »

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So how does that affect practicing magic with that wand?