作者 主题: 【AoE】悲慟故事(Sad Stories)  (阅读 8462 次)


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【AoE】悲慟故事(Sad Stories)
« 于: 2018-05-02, 周三 17:00:27 »


遭受背叛 (故事)
即時收益:當你處於盟友所造成的有害區域時(通過法術或其他手段),你可以進行兩次檢定並取較高的結果。 如果你這樣做,你動搖的信任意味著你一小時內你不能為任何盟友提供夾擊加值。
專長目標:追查出賣你的人,並將他們繩之以法或擊殺他們。 根據GM的判斷,(目標團體的)部分成員可以在提供重要的情報來引出更顯眼的對象時獲得倖免。

即時收益:你熟悉黑暗世界的思維方式和古老陋習。選擇一種使你愛人慘遭墮落或自願接受的腐化形式: 邪惡 神術施法者,邪惡奧術施法者,不死生物或類人生物變形子類。你在面對該類型生物時的交涉和察言觀色檢定獲得+2加值,且當你在對抗他們任何散播傳染他們腐化效果的豁免檢定上獲得+2加值 (例如吸血鬼的創造衍體能力或狼人的獸化詛咒)。每天一次, 當你的生命值被該類型生物的攻擊降低到0點以下時,你立刻獲得相當於你角色等級一半的的臨時生命值。

先決條件:你必須在對抗五種不同的情緒操控法術的豁免檢定中失敗,或對抗超自然生物的恐懼效果(例如龍的氣勢兇猛) 的豁免檢定中失敗,或擁有「不見天日」或「獨自倖存」角色背景。
專長目標:你透過一個重大的情緒事件來克服你的冷漠的心靈,例如找到真愛或對無從悔改的惡行感到興奮。或者, 你透過切斷你的情感關係來剝奪所有的情感,並且你的陣營永遠改為絕對中立。
完成收益:你掌控著你的情緒。你可以忽視任何外在提供給你的士氣加值或罰值, 儘管其他基於情緒的效果 (例如戰慄狀態或愛情靈藥) 依舊會影響你,如果沒有成功通過豁免檢定的話。

即時收益:選擇一個特定的國家,組織或類人生物 (例如切利亞斯,雄鷹騎士,或是地精)。你在確認一名生物是否隸屬於該類型成員時的察言觀色檢定上獲得+4加值,並且在隱藏你對該類型成員的敵意時的唬騙和交涉檢定上獲得+4加值。
專長目標:對你所仇恨的敵人帶來噩夢般的殺戮,擊殺類型成員的總HD要達到10 ×你的角色等級。
特殊備註:透過完成這個專長,你的名字會被你的敵人熟知。在他們透過成功的知識(地方) 檢定 (DC = 10 +你的角色等級)認出你的身分時,你所選擇類型成員的敵人在對抗你的攻擊和傷害檢定上獲得+1士氣加值。


成就大業 (故事)
即時收益:你在力竭時只會受到通常一半的罰值。在選擇這個專長時選擇一個技能。每天一次,你可以放棄休息來學習與練習,在你選擇的技能上的所有檢定獲得+3加值,持續24小時,但會維持疲勞狀態。如果你因為休息從疲勞狀態回復過來,則此加值結束 (但你不能透過其他方法回復疲勞狀態,例如次級復原術)。為此目的放棄休息不會影響施法者準備法術的能力。

悲劣館員 (故事)
先決條件:你必須在一個非法交易的場合中購買一個帶有邪惡描述的法術卷軸或法術書,或擁有「祕密結社」 或「邪惡教育」角色背景。
完成收益:每當你施展一個帶有邪惡描述的法術時,你可以從法術中移除該描述並將自己視為一名中立陣營的施法者,來規避防護邪惡 與偵測邪惡和類似的效果。如果你施展一個帶有邪惡描述的法術,並且不移除該描述,那麼每個法術等級獲得2點臨時生命值。這些臨時生命值持續1小時。

劇透 -   :
Sad Stories

Those who side with evil often have compelling reasons for turning their backs on charity and altruism. Some may have been hurt by their previous acts of kindness,while others may have known only the world’s cruelty and believed it to be the natural order. Tragic or unexpected
events commonly lead folks otherwise ignorant of or opposed to evil into the service of wicked powers.

Story Feats
The following story feats incorporate the backgrounds found on pages 6–7 of this book to give characters ongoing story motivations. Story feats were originally presented on page 66 of Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign.

Betrayed (Story)
Believing in a just cause left you with a knife in your back. Now you hoard your trust in others,rarely sharing it.
Prerequisite: You must have had a valuable item (worth at least 1,000 gp per character level)stolen by a former ally, have been left for dead by a former ally, or have the Wrong Enemy background.
Benefit: When you are in a harmful area of effect created by an ally(through a spell or other means), you can roll your saving throw twice and
take the better result. If you do so, your shaken trust means you do not provide flanking bonuses to any allies for 1 hour.
Goal: Track down the people who betrayed you, and either bring them to justice or slay them. At the GM’s discretion, certain members of this
group can be spared if they provide important information leading to more prominent targets.
Completion Benefit: You grow more confident in reading others, if not exactly more trusting of them. Your allies and enemies no longer provide cover bonuses on attacks you make against other creatures. You also gain a 20% miss chance against any attacks of opportunity made against you, as long as an ally is threatening the creature making the attack.

Cursed Love (Story)
Your love forces you to endure the harshest of endeavors,despite the fact that most people would view your romance as madness.
Prerequisite: You must have a romantic interest who has fallen to some dark influence and rejects you out of shame or fear of newfound capabilities, or must have the Bad Romance or Temptation background.
Benefit: You are well versed in a dark society’s way of thinking and in weathering abuse. Select a form of corruption that your lover fell to or willingly embraced: evil divine casters, evil arcane casters, undead creatures, or humanoid creatures with the shapeshifter subtype. You gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks when dealing with such creatures, and a +2 bonus on saving throws to resist any effects that would spread their corruption to you (such as a vampire’s create spawn ability or a werewolf ’s curse of lycanthropy). Once per day, when you would normally be reduced below 0 hit points by an attack from such a creature, you instead immediately gain a number of temporary hit
points equal to half your character level.
Goal: Find a way to be with your lover in a permanent fashion, either by persuading your lover to reject the influence of evil or by willingly embracing thesame corruption.
Completion Benefit: You no longer suffer abuse from those with whom your lover associates, and instead command a measure of their respect.You gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks against members of your chosen form of corruption. If you have 10 or more ranks in Intimidate, this bonus
increases to +4. When you would normally be reduced below 0 hit points by an attack from such a source, you instead immediately gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your character level.

Dead Inside (Story)
You are devoid of both hatred and joy. While many regard you as callous, you have no particular malice in your heart.
Prerequisite: You must have failed your saving throws against at least five different emotion-manipulating spells or your saving throw against a supernatural creature’s fear effect (such as a dragon’s frightful presence), or you have the Sunless or Sole Survivor background.
Benefit: When you are the target of a spell or spell-like ability with the emotionUM or fear descriptor, you can roll your saving throw twice and take the better result.
Goal: You overcome your detached state by taking part in an important emotional event, such as finding true love or taking great pleasure in an act of unrepentant evil.Alternatively, you divest yourself of all emotion by severing your remaining emotional ties and eventually changing
your alignment to neutral.
Completion Benefit: You master your emotions. You can ignore any morale bonuses or penalties applied to you by outside forces, though other emotion-based effects (such as the shaken condition or an elixir of love) still affect you if you fail a saving throw against them.

Gruesome Butcher (Story)
You dedicated yourself to the cause of slaughter against a specific group or people, either for country, for vengeance,or perhaps just for sport.
Prerequisite: You must have been rendered unconscious and left for dead on a battlefield between warring factions or have the Child Soldier or Drafted background.
Benefit: Select a particular nation, organization, or humanoid subtype (such as Cheliax, Eagle Knights, or goblinoids). You gain a +4 bonus on Sense Motive checks to determine whether a given creature is affiliated with that group and a +4 bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks to conceal your animosity toward members of that group.
Goal: Deliver the killing blow to a number of your hated foes whose combined Hit Dice total is equal to 10 × your current character level.
Completion Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Bluff,Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against foes of your selected type, and a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. These bonuses stack with a ranger’s favored enemy bonuses.
Special: By meeting the goal of this feat, your name becomes known to your enemy. Creatures of your chosen enemy faction gain a +1 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls against you should they become aware of your identity with a successful Knowledge (local) check (DC = 10 + your
character level).

Otherworldy Influence (Story)
Extradimensional forces vie for your soul, and have offered you riches and power to claim it.
Prerequisite: You must have refused an evil creature with at least 15 Hit Dice who offered gifts or assistance, have refused an evil creature offering to cast a spell of 7th-level or higher on your behalf, or have the Planar Offering background.
Benefit: When negotiating with evil outsiders, you gain a +2 bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks. You gain an amount of spell resistance equal to 5 + your character level against spells and spell-like abilities originating from outsiders with the evil subtype.
Goal: Receive a boon from an evil creature that is equivalent in value to a month’s service or an 8th-level spell without becoming indebted to the creature or giving up anything in return. This cannot be the result of magical compulsion.
Completion Benefit: You gain an amount of spell resistance equal to 5 + your character level against spells or spell-like abilities originating from outsiders.

Overachiever (Story)
Others made you feel small for too long, and now you drive yourself hard and never settle for second place.
Prerequisite: You must have been defeated by the same individual, organization, or creature type at least four times,or have the Boarding School or Humiliated background.
Benefit: You take only half the normal penalties from exhaustion. Choose one skill upon selecting this feat. Once per day, you can forgo rest to study or practice, gaining a +3 bonus on all checks attempted with your selected skill for 24 hours but becoming fatigued in the process. If you rest to recover from this fatigue, this bonus ends (but not if you recover from your fatigue in other ways, such as via lesser restoration). Forgoing rest for this purpose does not interfere with a spellcaster’s ability to prepare spells.
Goal: You must utterly humiliate a member of your hated group by besting that creature at an activity for which it is known or in which it takes pride. This opponent’s Hit Dice must exceed your current character level by at least 1.
Completion Benefit: Each time you forgo rest to study or practice, you can apply this feat’s +3 bonus to a different skill.If you have 10 or more ranks in the skill selected, this bonus increases to +6.

Wretched Curator (Story)
Some fools fear the written word, but you that understand knowledge—all knowledge—is a valuable tool, and restricting it out of superstition is abominable in your eyes.
Prerequisite: You must have purchased a scroll or spellbook containing a spell with the evil descriptor in a place where such dealings are illegal, or must have the Secret Society Inductee or Diabolical Upbringing background.
Benefit: You can always purchase potions and scrolls of spells with the evil descriptor at a 10% discount, even if they are not normally available in a settlement because of its size or the local laws. You gain a +4 bonus on Knowledge (arcana), Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device checks related to spells with the evil descriptor or evil written works.
Goal: You must own scrolls of spells with the evil
descriptor or tomes of forbidden lore worth a total of 50 gp per character level, and be the primary caster of a successful occult ritual (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 208) of at least 5th level that has the evil descriptor.
Completion Benefit: Every time you cast a spell with the evil descriptor, you can remove that descriptor from the spell and treat yourself as a neutral-aligned caster for the purpose of determining the spell’s effects, circumventing defenses such as protection from evil and preventing detection via detect evil and similar effects. If you cast a spell with the evil descriptor and do not remove that descriptor,you instead gain 2 temporary hit points per spell level.These temporary hit points last for 1 hour.

« 上次编辑: 2019-12-17, 周二 04:09:53 由 黎白羽 »

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Re: 【Agents of Evil】悲慟故事(Sad Stories)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-05-09, 周三 12:08:25 »
惊了居然有人翻这个,感谢苦力 :em032

线上 longman123

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Re: 【Agents of Evil】悲慟故事(Sad Stories)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-05-16, 周三 12:20:50 »