作者 主题: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】启蒙 INITIATION p. 324-326  (阅读 6551 次)

副标题: 翻译:giligilipony;校对:marfish

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男なら 谁かのために强くなれ (译者强烈意见要求要加)

当觉醒者的能力渐渐增长时,他们发现他们对于魔法和星界的初步探索只能让他们对于自己的能力拥有有限的理解和提升。像是《贤者之书(Picatrix)》、《罗洁爱尔之书(Book of Raziel)》、《摩西之剑(Sword of Moses)》这类罕见的书卷记载了通向更高等级的魔法的道路,但是想要行走在其中一条道路上的话,你必须怀着加强与觉醒者联系的这种愿望去经历启蒙来达到魔法与泛位面的诸神秘境界。
(校注:《贤者之书(Picatrix)》是古代阿拉伯的星象魔法书,用阿拉伯语写成于11世纪。全书包括了丰富的天文学理论知识,认为星体运动能够对人产生影响,并记录了许多从星体运动中获取力量的咒语;《罗洁爱尔之书(Book of Raziel)》记述了天使、怪物和行星运行的一些描述,还有召唤的规则和咒语;《摩西之剑(Sword of Moses)》是公元10世纪的著作,它的原文是希伯来文 ,现今已经残缺破损,这部魔典记载着关于希伯来地区各种各样的法术及秘术,也是十分的珍贵和稀缺。这本书一直到1896年被M. Gaster翻译成英文版。)
劇透 -   :
As Awakened characters grow in power, they find that their initial explorations into magic and the astral plane can only take them so far in understanding and increasing their abilities. Rare books such as the Picatrix, Book of Raziel, and Sword of Moses talk about paths to higher magics, but in order to take a step down one of those paths, one must undergo initiation into the mysteries of magic and the metaplanes in hopes of increasing the connection with the Awakened world.

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Initiation allows you to wield greater magical abilities known as metamagics and raise your Magic attribute beyond the natural maximum of 6. Only characters with a Magic attribute can initiate. Initiation is a serious process that requires a great deal of mental and spiritual preparation, rituals, and study appropriate to your tradition. A mage might spend months in research on a particular point of magic, writing a scholarly thesis in order to prepare. A shaman might undergo a vision quest and seek guidance from her mentor spirit. The time it takes to complete initiation is determined by an Arcana + Intuition [Astral] (initiate grade, 1 month) Extended Test.

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Initiation is measured in grades, beginning with Grade 1 and increasing from there. At the end of a character’s first initiation, she is a Grade 1 initiate. When she completes her second initiation, she is a Grade 2 initiate, and so on. The numerical system is for tracking initiation levels in game terms: each tradition refers to grades of initiation with its own system (generally not with numbers).

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The cost to initiate is 10 + (Grade x 3) Karma. After you’ve finished your preparations, spend the appropriate Karma and you’ve got yourself a shiny new initiative grade and all of its benefits.

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Your initiate grade can never exceed your Magic attribute. If your Magic is reduced below your initiate grade, you lose an initiate grade right along with it.

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Becoming an initiate gives you access to a number of benefits and abilities.

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The natural maximum for your Magic attribute is 6 + your grade of initiation. You’ve still got to pay normal Karma costs to increase your Magic attribute.

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Upon your first initiation, you learn how to travel to any of the metaplanes (The Metaplanes, p. 317), if you can use astral projection.

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Every time you gain an initiative grade (including the first), you learn a metamagic. Unless otherwise noted, you can’t learn a metamagic more than once. Some metamagics are for adepts only, and some are pretty useless to adepts.

修士专注AO(Adept Centering):修士专注能让你通过同时进行一些非魔法动动作来在物理和战斗技能上降低负面骰池调整(比如在不利环境下的调整)。这个动作是你用来集中精力于你当前正在进行的事(集中注意力)的,比如说吟诵,唱歌,喊叫 ——只要不是过于隐秘的话,它可以是任何事情。只要你能进行你所选择的集中精力的方法,你就能抵消等同于你启蒙阶层的骰池罚值,这是一个需要在你的动作阶段进行的自由动作。
劇透 -   :
Adept Centering (Adepts Only): Adept Centering allows you to reduce negative dice pool modifiers to Physical and Combat skills (such as modifiers from adverse conditions) by performing some mundane action at the same time. This action is something you use to focus on what you’re doing (you center yourself), for example chanting, singing, shouting—it can be just about anything as long as it’s not subtle. Reduce negative dice pool modifiers by your initiate grade as long as you can perform your chosen method of centering, which is a Free Action you take during your Action Phase.

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Centering: A magician who learns to center has an easier time resisting Drain. By using a mundane activity appropriate to your tradition to quiet your mind and block out distractions, you add a number of dice equal to your grade to all your Drain Resistance Tests. Centering is a Free Action. The actual activity for your technique is something you choose for yourself (appropriate to your tradition, of course), and could be something like chanting in Latin, playing a musical instrument, dancing, singing, making arcane gestures, screaming the names of ancient gods—just about anything that isn’t subtle. If you’re prevented from performing your centering technique of choice, you can’t use it.

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Fixation: You magically infuse an alchemical preparation with Karma, extending its shelf life. When you create the preparation, spend at least 1 Karma (up to the Force of the preparation). When the preparation’s Potency starts to decay, instead of losing 1 Potency every hour it loses 1 every day. It also gets a dice pool bonus against Disjoining (p. 307) equal to the amount of Karma you spent on it.

灵活印记(Flexible Signature):你可以凭借自己的意志改变你的星界印记(p.312)。你可以伪装你的灵光,这样灵光就不能用来识别你的身份,或者将星界印记伪装成另外一个你灵视探知过的施法者的,或者就简单地降低星界印记地持续时间。有人想要灵视探知你那伪装过的印记时,在他的灵视阈值上加上你的启蒙阶层——如果一个2级启蒙者留下了一个伪装过的星界印记,另外的施法者在阅读这个印记正如在一般的情况一样只需要3成功,但他需要在得到5成功以后才能意识到这个印记是假的然后看穿在其下的真正的印记。你只能伪装出你已经通过灵视阅读过的星界印记(你的GM可能会要你做一个回忆检定)。你也可以降低你留下的星界印记的寿命,每等级可以降低一小时——所以一个等级2的启蒙者可以选择不留下任何激活的强度为2或者更低强度的星界印记,而强度为5的印记只会持续三个小时。
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Flexible Signature: You can alter your astral signature (p. 312) at will. You can disguise your aura so that it can’t be used to identify you, or forge the astral signature of another magician you’ve assensed, or simply reduce the amount of time your astral signature lasts. When someone attempts to assense your faked signature, add your initiate grade to the Assensing Test threshold—if a Grade 2 initiate leaves a forged astral signature, another magician could read the signature with 3 hits as usual, but at 5 hits would realize the signature is fake and spot the true signature underneath. You can only forge astral signatures you’ve read through assensing (your gamemaster may ask for a Memory Test). You can also reduce the longevity of the astral signatures you leave behind by your grade in hours—so that Grade 2 initiate can choose to leave no signature at all on effects that are Force 2 or less, and the signature of a Force 5 effect would last only 3 hours.

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Masking: You learn to change the appearance of your aura (and astral form). You can make it look mundane, or make your Magic Rating look higher or lower by up to your grade. When someone tries to read your masked aura, the Assensing Test becomes opposed by your Magic + initiate grade—if they get any net hits, they see both your mask and your real aura. If you can use astral perception, you can even make your aura look like a different type (like a spirit or a focus—great for astral costume parties). You can also use this metamagic to mask the auras of as many of your bonded foci as your initiate grade.

异能点AO(Power Point):如果你是一个修士,你可以获得一点异能点来替换超魔。你愿意选择这个多少次就多少次。
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Power Point (Adepts Only): If you’re an adept, you gain a Power Point instead of a metamagic. You can take this as many times as you like.

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Quickening: You can manipulate your sustained spells into a sort of loop, so that they sustain themselves instead of relying on you to do it for them. To quicken a spell, take a Complex Action and spend karma while you’re sustaining the spell. You must spend at least 1 Karma but may spend up to the Force of the spell. The spell becomes permanent and gets a dice pool bonus against dispelling (p. 295) equal to the amount of Karma you spent on it.

法术塑形(Spell Shaping):你可以在施法的时候增加难度(提升骰池罚值)来重塑一个区域法术。对于你因此在施法检定中的每一个-1骰池罚值,你都可以将一个范围法术的半径增加/减少1米,或者在法术范围中创造一个半径为1米的球形“空泡”——在这个空泡范围内你的法术将不会生效。你必须在施放法术的时候宣告使用这个超魔。你不能在承受比你魔法等级更多的骰池罚值。
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Spell Shaping: You can reshape your area spells at the cost of making casting them harder. For every –1 dice pool penalty you take to your Spellcasting Test, you may either increase an area spell’s radius by 1 meter, decrease it by 1 meter, or create a 1-meter-radius spherical “bubble” within the area of your spell that remains unaffected by it. You must declare the use of this metamagic when you cast the area spell. You may not take more dice worth of penalty than your Magic Rating.

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Shielding: A character with the shielding metamagic learns to better protect herself and others against hostile spells as they are cast. When the magician declares spell defense, they can add additional dice to the spell defense pool equal to his initiate grade. These additional dice cannot be used for any other use of Counterspelling, including dispelling.
