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离线 Ophidia

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« 于: 2019-03-30, 周六 03:23:57 »
New Feats

劇透 -   :
Any character who meets the prerequisites can choose from the following feats, many of which are of particular use to Dreamlands cats, ghouls, gnorri, and zoogs.

你的体质增加 1,上限为 20。

劇透 -   :
Close to Undeath
Prerequisite: Mythos ghoul
Although you are still a living creature, your flesh is infused with necromantic energies that make you, in some ways, akin to the undead. You gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• You have resistance to necrotic and poison damage.
• You have advantage on saving throws against effects that would give you the poisoned condition.
先决条件:体质 13 或更高,必须有深潜者祖先
你的体质增加 1,上限为 20。
你获得凸起的眼睛,使你拥有 60 尺的黑暗视觉。若你已经有黑暗视觉,则该范围增加 30尺。
你的皮肤变得厚重又带鳞,使得你无甲时的AC等于 13 + 你的敏捷调整值。

劇透 -   :
Deep One Toughness
Prerequisite: Constitution 13 or higher, must have a deep one ancestor
Traces of deep one ancestry manifest in your body, giving you some partially or obviously ichthyic features, particularly in regard to your eyes and skin. You gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• You gain bulging eyes that grant you darkvision 60 ft. If you already had darkvision, its range increases by 30 feet.
• Your skin is thick and scaled, so that your AC without armor is equal to 13 + your Dexterity modifier.

先决条件:体质 13 或更高,必须有深潜者祖先
你的力量增加 1,上限为 20。

劇透 -   :
Deep One Might
Prerequisite: Constitution 13 or higher, must have a deep one ancestor
Traces of deep one ancestry manifest in your body, giving you some partially or obviously ichthyic features, particularly in regard to your hands and teeth. You also sprout gills. You gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Strength score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• You can breathe air and water and don’t have to spend extra movement when swimming.
• You grow webbed claws on your hands and when you make an unarmed strike with a claw it deals 1d6 slashing damage and has the light and finesse properties.
• You grow monstrous fangs and when you make an unarmed strike with your bite it deals 1d6 piercing damage and has the light and finesse properties.

先决条件:魅力 13 或更高
你的魅力增加 1,上限为 20。

劇透 -   :
Prerequisite: Charisma 13 or higher
Your vivid imagination unlocks the secret world of the Dreamlands to you. You gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• You gain proficiency in Charisma saving throws. If you already had that proficiency, instead you gain proficiency in Intelligence saving throws.
• You can travel knowingly in your dreams to the shared universe of the Dreamlands (see Chapter 4). Generally, you can only bring miniscule mundane things without value (such as a leaf or rock) between your physical form and the Dreamlands unless they are artifacts or magic items designed to be brought this way. You can wake yourself up from the Dreamlands by succeeding at a DC 15 Charisma check as an action. When you do, your dream-form vanishes until you return to the Dreamlands, and you awaken in your physical body. If your Charisma check fails, you can’t make another attempt for 10 minutes.
• When you gain this feat, you gain full access to all your dream form’s memories alongside your waking form’s memories and your two parallel identities are no longer independent: you are the same person in both worlds.

先决条件:Psychic Feast特性,至少可以施展一个法术
你可以从你的Psychic Feast 特性中维持三个额外的insight。
如果你用你的Psychic Feast 特性食用一个施法者的遗骸,你可以吸收他的一部分法力为己用。如果该躯体存在了100年以下,你可以代替skill insight从尸体获得一个该生物曾经知道或准备过的,在你职业法术表中且是你能释放的环位的法术。如果躯体存在了100年以上,你可以用一个不同环位的法术代替你获得的第二个insight。这样获得的法术不计入你已知的法术数量。如果你准备法术,这些法术不计入你每天准备法术数量中。

劇透 -   :
Erudite Feaster
Prerequisite: Psychic Feast trait, ability to cast spells
When you feast on a dead body, you gain enhanced knowledge from its remains. You gain the following benefits:
• You can maintain three additional insights from your Psychic Feast trait.
• If you use your Psychic Feast trait to consume a spellcaster’s remains, you can absorb a bit of its lingering power to augment your own. If the body is less than 100 years old, instead of gaining a skill insight from the corpse, you can gain a spell known that the creature knew or had prepared in life if it is on your class list and is of a spell level you can cast. If the body is over 100 years old, you can gain an additional spell of a different level in place of a second insight. Spells gained in this way don’t count against your number known. If you prepare spells, you can instead prepare the spell without counting it against the number you can prepare normally.
• If you are a wizard, the spell is immediately prepared without scribing, and while it is prepared you can scribe it into your spellbook as if you were replacing a lost spellbook.
劇透 -   :
Four-Armed Fighting
Prerequisite: Gnorri, Three-Armed Fighting feat
You train to attack with your many arms in rapid succession. You gain the following benefits:
• When you use your reaction to make an opportunity attack that misses, you regain your reaction at the end of the turn. You can only use this reaction to make an opportunity attack with a weapon other than the one you made an opportunity attack with since the end of your last turn.
• You can use two-weapon fighting to attack with any weapon you wield in one or two hands after using the Attack action to attack with any weapon you wield in one or two hands.
• When you use two-weapon fighting with light melee weapons, you can make a third attack and a fourth attack with light melee weapons you wield in two other hands. You don’t add your ability modifier to the damage with either attack (even if you chose the Two-Weapon Fighting option for your Fighting Style feature).


劇透 -   :
Insulating Insanity
You seek refuge from terrible truths by isolating parts of your mind. You gain an insanity of the GM’s choice (see Dread and Insanity in Chapter 4). Your GM should work with you to ensure its nature makes the game more fun for you and the group, and it should generally fall into the category of a first-degree insanity as described on page 79. As long as you have this insanity, you have advantage on Constitution saving throws to concentrate on spells and on all Wisdom saving throws. If your insanity is cured, you may either gain a different insanity or choose a new feat in place of this one.


劇透 -   :
Mad Passion
Prerequisite: Insanity or worship the King in Yellow
Your obsessiveness prevents any distraction from stopping your creativity. You gain the following benefits:
• When you make a Constitution saving throw to concentrate on a spell, treat a d20 roll of 7 or lower as an 8.
• Enchantments, dread, insanity, and the incapacitated condition don’t prevent you from doing any of the following: casting spells; using or giving Bardic Inspiration dice; making ability checks using Arcana, History, Nature, Performance, Religion, or YogSothothery; making ability checks with artisan’s tools; or discussing any of the previous. However, you still can’t perform actions you are physically incapable of (such as if you are petrified or unconscious).

劇透 -   :
Quick Tail
Prerequisite: Gnorri
Your training allows you to move your tail with incredible speed to attack or to propel you. You gain the following benefits:
• Your base speed increases by 5 feet. • You can use a portion of your tail to make an unusually effective unarmed strike. Your unarmed strike with your tail deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage and has the finesse and light properties.
• When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike using your tail, you can use a bonus action to attempt to shove the target.

你的智力、感知或魅力增加1 ,上限为20。

劇透 -   :
Supernatural Feline
Prerequisite: Dreamlands cat, ability to cast at least one spell
 The magic of the Dreamlands suffuses your very being, making it easier for you to cast spells. You gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• You gain a magical symbol or holy symbol as a pattern in your fur. This pattern or symbol can be used as a spellcasting focus for any class you belong to, even if the class can’t normally use a spellcasting focus. The focus cannot be disarmed or stolen from you, but can be (temporarily) rendered unusable if the surrounding fur is shaved, burned away, etc.
• You can use material components or a spellcasting focus within 30 feet for your spells without touching them.
• You can use a bonus action to remove the requirement for verbal components for the next spell you cast this turn.


劇透 -   :
Sweeping Tail
Prerequisite: Gnorri, Quick Tail feat
You elongate your tail and learn to manipulate its mass to more easily knock foes off balance. You gain the following benefits:
• Your unarmed strike with your tail has a reach of 10 feet.
• As an action, you can sweep a 10-foot semicircle with your tail. Make a single attack roll for an unarmed strike with your tail against each creature in the area.
• When you use a bonus action to successfully shove a creature with your tail, you regain your bonus action.

劇透 -   :
Three-Armed Fighting
Prerequisite: Gnorri
You train to attack with your many arms in rapid succession. You gain the following benefits:
• You can draw or stow up to one one-handed weapon per arm you have or one two-handed weapon per two arms you have (in any combination) when you would otherwise be able to draw or stow a single weapon.
• You can use two-weapon fighting to attack with a light weapon after using the Attack action to attack with any weapon you wield in one or two hands.
• When you use two-weapon fighting with light melee weapons, you can make a third attack with a third light melee weapon you wield in a third hand. You don’t add your ability modifier to the damage with the third attack (even if you have the Two-Weapon Fighting option for your Fighting Style feature).
先决条件:幻梦境猫或祖格,感知 15 或更高
你获得 15 尺的颤动感知。这能让你探测和定位 15 尺内震动的来源,只要你和震动来源共同接触同一个地面。你的颤动感知无法察觉飞行生物。
劇透 -   :
Tactile Sense
Prerequisite: Dreamlands cat or zoog, Wisdom 15 or higher
Your whiskers or facial tentacles have developed incredible sensitivity. You gain the following benefits:
• You gain tremorsense with a range of 15 feet. This allows you to detect and locate the source of vibrations within 15 feet, provided you and the source of the vibrations are in contact with the same surface. Your tremorsense can’t detect flying creatures.
• In addition, attackers don’t get advantage on melee attack rolls to hit you just because you can’t see them (including as a result of invisibility).
Into this house we are born, into this world we are thrown.
I am a good Hegelian. If you have a good theory, forget about the reality.
Men must not cut down trees. There is a God. Change the world. No one kills from hatred.


O mother of flames,
       You who have kept the fire burning!
       Lo, I am helpless!
Would God they had taken me with them!