作者 主题: 【ISM】神嗣(Divine Scion)  (阅读 27715 次)

副标题: 配图的姐姐是内海世设中有名的坏蛋,信仰拉玛苏(或者说拉玛什图),所以手臂变异了

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【ISM】神嗣(Divine Scion)
« 于: 2013-04-28, 周日 00:51:01 »
神嗣(Divine Scion)
生命骰(Hit Die):d8

专长(Feats):钢铁意志(Iron Will),武器专攻(Weapon Focus,神祗的偏好武器)
信仰(Deity):必须信仰1名神祗(Must have a patron deity)

本职技能(Class Skills)
每级技能点数(Skill Ranks at Each Level):2 + 智力调整值

等级 BAB 强韧 反射 意志 职业能力每日法术
1级+0+0+0+1敌对阵营 +1神术施法者等级

职业能力(Class Features)

武器与护甲擅长(Weapon and Armor Proficiency):神嗣不获得任何额外的武器或护甲擅长。她能够在正常满足先决条件(不过她不需要为了选取这些专长而真正拥有战士等级)时选择后述专长:高等武器专攻(Greater Weapon Focus),武器专精(Weapon Specialization)以及高等武器专精(Greater Weapon Specialization)。


敌对阵营(Opposition Alignment)(Ex):神嗣必须从后述阵营中选择一种作为她的敌对阵营:混乱,邪恶,善良或秩序。她不能选择自身所属的阵营作为的敌对阵营。神嗣在穿透敌对阵营的生物的法术抗力时,施法者等级检定获得+1加值。

特化领域(Domain Specialization)(Su):3级起,神嗣从她的神祗所具有的领域中选择一个——这个领域会成为神嗣用来专门代表其神祗的选项。虽然大多数神嗣会选取她已经从其她职业(比如牧师)中获得的领域,但是她不需要一定这么做。每当神嗣施放她特化领域中的领域法术时,就会治愈等同于两倍法术等级的伤害。
此外,每个特化领域都会赋予一种类法术能力(在确定效果时,施法者等级等同于神嗣的总角色等级),并且在单一类型的d20检定中获得永久性的神圣加值(或者亵渎加值,如果神嗣是邪恶的话)。具体的类法术能力以及获取的加值见后文。带有星号(*)的法术的详细说明刊载于进阶玩家手册(Advanced Player’s Guide),带有两个星号(**)的法术的详细说明刊载于极限魔法(Ultimate Magic)。
劇透 -   :
动物(Animal):野兽形态 I(beast shape I)1次/日;+4驯养动物检定
手艺(Artifice):匠人祝福*(crafter’s fortune)3次/日;+4工艺检定
混乱(Chaos):恒定侦测秩序(detect law);+2意志豁免
魅力(Charm):诱人赠礼*(beguiling gift)3次/日;+4交涉检定
黑暗(Darkness):幽影武器**(shadow weapon)3次/日;+4察觉检定
死亡(Death):谋杀指令**(murderous command)3次/日;+2强韧豁免
土(Earth):石拳术*(stone fist)3次/日;+4生存检定
邪恶(Evil):恒定侦测善良(detect good);+2意志豁免
火(Fire):火焰箭(flame arrow)1次/日;+4特技动作检定
荣耀(Glory):亚空灵气**(archon’s aura)1次/日;+4威吓检定
善良(Good):恒定侦测邪恶(detect evil);+2意志豁免
医疗(Healing):医疗徽记**(symbol of healing)1次/日;+4医疗检定
秩序(Law):恒定侦测混乱(detect chaos);+2意志豁免
解放(Liberation):移除恶心**(remove sickness)3次/日;+4脱逃检定
机运(Luck):神恩(divine favor)3次/日;+2反射豁免
魔法(Magic):恒定侦测魔法(detect magic);+4法术辨识检定
植物(Plant):植物交谈(speak with plants)1次/日;+2强韧豁免
保护(Protection):狂怒斗篷*(wrathful mantle)1次/日;+1防御等级(AC)
安眠(Repose):尸体圣化**(sanctify corpse)3次/日;+2强韧豁免
符文(Rune):通晓语言(comprehend languages)3次/日;+4语言学检定
鳞裔(Scalykind):三级召唤自然盟友术(summon nature’s ally III,只限爬行生物reptilian creatures)1次/日;+2反射豁免
力量(Strength):束缚爆破*(burst bonds)3次/日;+4战技检定
旅行(Travel):脚底抹油(expeditious retreat)3次/日;+4特技动作检定
虚(Void):深幽黑暗术(deeper darkness)1次/日;+4专注检定
战争(War):克敌机先(true strike)3次/日;+1武器伤害检定
水(Water):水面行走(water walk)1次/日;+4游泳检定
气象(Weather):风之衣*(cloak of winds)1次/日;+4生存检定

神怒(Divine Wrath)(Su):4级起,对于自身阵营与神嗣的敌对阵营相符的生物,神嗣的伤害法术每骰增加1点伤害。

圣护(Deific Defense)(Su):7级起,神嗣获得DR 2,DR的类型为她的敌对阵营的阵营类型(因此敌对阵营为“邪恶”的神嗣获得DR 2/邪恶)。

神威(Divine Awe)(Su):8级起,神嗣的法术能够使自身阵营与神嗣的敌对阵营相符的生物恍惚(stagger)。当该类生物受到神嗣的法术影响,并且在该法术的豁免中失败时就会恍惚1轮。如果该生物豁免成功(或者法术不允许进行豁免)时,该能力无效。

真嗣(True Scion):10级起,神嗣成为她所信仰神祗的真正子嗣。特化领域对她所给予的治疗量加倍。神怒能力在对抗相应阵营的生物时,每骰造成的伤害提升至+2。圣护提供的伤害减免提高至5点。最后,她的感知或魅力属性(选择其一)永久增加1点。

劇透 -   :
Divine Scion
Many are the mortals who serve the gods, in small ways and large. Some give offerings to many divinities in hopes of appeasing them all, while others serve one faithfully and exclusively, even zealously. A few, however, are instead chosen by their deities to fulfill sacred missions. Some are merely graced with the anointing spirit of divinity, while a few are the literal scions of their divine patrons, by-blows of a dalliance with mortals. Whatever the source, these are the few who can, with the proper training, become divine scions. The spark of divinity animates their every deed, and voices whisper secrets and commands that were never meant for the ears of others. Divine scions may frustrate the orthodox hierarchy of their faith, as they represent an end-run around the ecclesiastical structures of the church. Their calling comes directly from their deity, and their orders supersede any earthly authority. Of course, many more claim such direct visitation and commission than actually have been touched by the divine, but it is risky to defy or deny any who claim it.
Hit Die: d8.

To qualify to become a divine scion, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Feats: Iron Will, Weapon Focus (deity’s favored weapon)
Skills: Knowledge (planes) 5 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks
Spells: Able to cast divine spells.
Deity: Must have a patron deity.
Alignment: Must be identical to patron deity’s.

Class Skills
The divine scion’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Diplomacy (Cha), Fly (Dex), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are class features of the divine scion prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A divine scion gains no additional weapon or armor proficiencies. She can select Greater Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, and Greater Weapon Specialization as feats once she qualifies for them normally (although she does not have to fulfill the prerequisite of having fighter levels in order to select these feats).

Spells: When a divine scion gains a level, she gains new spells per day as if she had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class. She does not, however, gain any other benef its a character of that class would have gained. This essentially means that she adds the level of divine scion to the level of whatever other divine spellcasting class she has.
If the character had more than one divine spellcasting class before she became a divine scion, she must choose which class she adds each divine scion level to for the purposes of determining spells per day.

Opposition Alignment (Ex): A divine scion must pick one of the following alignment subtypes as her opposition alignment: chaotic, evil, good, or law. The opposition alignment she chooses must be one that she does not possess as part of her own alignment. She gains a +1 bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance of creatures with that alignment subtype.

Domain Specialization (Su): At 3rd level, a divine scion selects a domain granted by her deity—this domain becomes the divine scion’s chosen specialization in representing her deity. Although most divine scions pick domains that they’ve gained from other classes (such as cleric), they don’t have to do so. Every time a divine scion casts a domain spell from her specialized domain, she heals damage equal to twice the spell’s level.
In addition, each domain specialization grants a spell-like ability (which functions at a caster level equal to the divine scion’s total character level) and a permanent sacred bonus (or profane, if the divine scion is evil) on a single type of d20 roll. The specific spell-like abilities and bonuses granted are listed below. Spells marked with an asterisk (*) are detailed in the Advanced Player’s Guide, while spells marked with two asterisks (**) are detailed in Ultimate Magic.
Air: f ly 1/day; +4 on Fly checks
Animal: beast shape I 1/day; +4 on Handle Animal checks
Artifice: crafter’s fortune* 3/day; +4 on Craft checks
Chaos: detect law constant ; +2 on Will saves
Charm: beguiling gift* 3/day; +4 on Diplomacy checks
Community: tongues 1/day; +4 on Diplomacy checks
Darkness: shadow weapon** 3/day; +4 on Perception checks
Death: murderous command** 3/day; +2 on Fortitude saves
Destruction: break* 3/day; +4 on Intimidate checks
Earth: stone fist* 3/day; +4 on Survival checks
Evil: detect good constant; +2 on Will saves
Fire: f lame arrow 1/day; +4 on Acrobatics checks
Glory: archon’s aura** 1/day; +4 on Intimidate checks
Good: detect evil constant; +2 on Will saves
Healing: symbol of healing** 1/day; +4 on Heal checks
Knowledge: identify 3/day; +4 on Knowledge checks (choose one)
Law: detect chaos constant; +2 on Will saves
Liberation: remove sickness** 3/day; +4 on Escape Artist checks
Luck: divine favor 3/day; +2 on Ref lex saves
Madness: fumbletongue** 3/day; +4 on Bluff checks
Magic: detect magic constant; +4 on Spellcraft checks
Nobility: command 1/day; +4 on Diplomacy checks
Plant: speak with plants 1/day; +2 on Fortitude saves
Protection: wrathful mantle* 1/day; +1 to Armor Class
Repose: sanctify corpse 3/day; +2 on Fortitude saves
Rune: comprehend languages 3/day; +4 on Linguistics checks
Scalykind: summon nature’s ally III (reptilian creatures only), 1/day; +2 on Ref lex saves
Strength: burst bonds* 3/day; +4 on combat maneuver checks
Sun: daylight 1/day; +4 on Perception checks
Travel: expeditious retreat 3/day; +4 on Acrobatics checks
Trickery: glibness 1/day; +4 on Stealth checks
Void: deeper darkness 1/day; +4 on concentration checks
War: true strike 3/day; +1 on weapon damage rolls
Water: water walk 1/day; +4 on Swim checks
Weather: cloak of winds* 1/day; +4 on Survival checks

Divine Wrath (Su): At 4th level, a divine scion’s damaging spells deal +1 point of damage per die against creatures with an alignment subtype that matches the divine scion’s opposition alignment.

Deific Defense (Su): At 7th level, a divine scion gains DR 2, bypassed by attacks with the alignment subtype of her opposition alignment (so a divine scion with “evil” as her opposition alignment gains DR 2/evil).

Divine Awe (Su): At 8th level, a divine scion’s spells can stagger creatures that match the alignment subtypes of the divine scion’s opposition alignment. When such a creature is affected by a divine scion’s spell, it is staggered for 1 round if it fails its save against that spell. If the creature makes its save (or if the spell doesn’t allow a saving throw), this ability has no effect.

True Scion: At 10th level, a divine scion becomes a true scion of her deity. The amount of healing she gains from her domain specialization doubles. Her divine wrath ability now deals +2 points of damage per die against creatures of the appropriate alignment. The damage reduction granted by her deific defense increases to 5. Finally, she permanently increases her Wisdom or Charisma score (her choice) by +1.
« 上次编辑: 2019-12-17, 周二 18:58:47 由 黎白羽 »

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Re: 【内海魔法】神嗣(Divine Scion)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2013-04-28, 周日 01:19:53 »

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Re: 【内海魔法】神嗣(Divine Scion)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2013-04-28, 周日 10:05:07 »

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Re: 【内海魔法】神嗣(Divine Scion)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2013-04-28, 周日 10:08:50 »
单个小孩的CR再X3,这遭遇怎么都是团灭的节奏啊…… T_T


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Re: 【内海魔法】神嗣(Divine Scion)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2013-04-28, 周日 10:14:53 »

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Re: 【内海魔法】神嗣(Divine Scion)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2013-04-28, 周日 10:38:25 »


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Re: 【内海魔法】神嗣(Divine Scion)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2013-04-28, 周日 12:01:19 »
她用的+1重剑,你们的贪财骑士正挥着呢 :em024


PC怎么会知道的 :em014
单个小孩的CR再X3,这遭遇怎么都是团灭的节奏啊…… T_T

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Re: 【内海魔法】神嗣(Divine Scion)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2013-04-28, 周日 12:07:08 »
她用的+1重剑,你们的贪财骑士正挥着呢 :em024
PC怎么会知道的 :em014


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Re: 【内海魔法】神嗣(Divine Scion)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2013-05-08, 周三 21:31:32 »

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Re: 【内海魔法】神嗣(Divine Scion)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2014-04-07, 周一 20:16:58 »
P子终于开始不做卖萌进阶了吗 :em006
[19:19] * Artoria|Saber 斩掉邪恶的LOLICON土司
[19:19] <Death> 请投破邪斩~~
[19:19] <DiceBot> Artoria|Saber进行一刀一刀割掉土司检定: d20=4
[19:19] <Artoria|Saber> ……
[19:19] <tooth|bower> 娃哈哈~~~
[19:19] <Death> ……
[19:19] <Artoria|Saber> 很好……
[19:20] <Artoria|Saber> DB你是在逼我发彪是吧?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[19:20] <DiceBot> Artoria|Saber进行再来一次,怒了!DB你给我老实点!!!检定: d20=5
[19:20] <tooth|bower> ...
[19:20] <Artoria|Saber> - -#
[19:21] <Artoria|Saber> 看来几天没来,DB又开始皮痒了……
[19:21] * Artoria|Saber 九尾猫抽了DB
[19:22] <DiceBot> Artoria|Saber进行现在想起自己该干什么了吗?- -#检定: d20=20
[19:22] <Death> 终于想起来了……
[19:22] <Artoria|Saber> ……看,果然如此
[19:22] <Artoria|Saber> 抓来签名……