作者 主题: 【SG】魔法幸存SURVIVING MAGIC P11~23  (阅读 11633 次)

副标题: 校对: Bellicose

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« 于: 2018-12-28, 周五 15:50:39 »

> 我想要说的是,我也是在暗影中走出来的,但是你们在很久以前就把这个故事称之为屁话。在一个魔法受到称赞的环境中长大和在一个施法会让你丧命的环境中长大是截然不同的。这是我们大多数人每天都要面对的严酷现实,还有谁比“多名之人”(Man-Of-Many-Names)更适合带我们走过这一难关呢?尽管他经常发布一些神秘莫测的帖子,但是他还是有一些关于魔法和第六纪事物运作方式的直接事实可以分享。集中注意力,我打赌你会学到一些东西。
> 霜寒(Frosty )
劇透 -   :
> I’d like to say I came up in the shadows, but you all called bullshit on that backstory a long time ago. There is a difference between being raised in an environment where magic is praised and growing up where casting a spell can get you killed. That is the harsh reality most of us deal with every day, and who better to walk us through it than Man-Of-Many-Names. In spite of his often-cryptic postings, he has some straight facts to share about magic and the way things work in the Sixth World. Pay attention and I’ll bet you learn something.
> Frosty


我并非出生在一个魔法世界中。相反,我来自一个相信魔法只会诞生在别人身上的家庭。我的父亲曾经告诉我们,魔法是另一种科学上可以定义的资源,它是如此有限,以至于可以忽略不计。我相信他。当我的父亲看到“丹尼尔·嚎狼(Daniel Howling Coyote)之舞”时,他转过身去,忘记了那一刻对我们所有人意味着什么(译注:多名之人一家是原住民)。他是一名核工程师。他希望魔法只代表我们未来的一小部分,他担心如果我们把所有的信仰都寄托在魔法上,我们的人民就会遭殃。
劇透 -   :
I was not born into a world of magic. I came from a family who believed that magic was something that happened to other people. My father used to tell us, as many still do, that magic was another scientifically definable resource so limited as to be negligible. I believed him. When my father saw Daniel Howling Coyote dance he turned away, oblivious to what the moment meant for our people. He was a nuclear engineer. He wanted magic to represent just a fraction of what the future held for us, and he worried our people would suffer if we put all our faith in magic.

劇透 -   :
We Dineh (Navajo) call those who possess magic Haatalii. When I was young, children pretended to be rich with magic and tradition. We didn’t pretend to be the Indians of old. We were the native people of a world with plenty of riches, and when the cowboys attacked in our games we hit them back, hard, with the ferocity of spirits. My father didn’t like us playing this way. He kept doubting magic, and I kept believing him. When the Haatalii came to my school to test our potential, I refused to participate. I thought that might make my father happy. Instead it made me an outcast from my own people. Simply put, people thought I was weird and picked on me. Some things don’t change much over the years.

劇透 -   :
I discovered my ability at the age of 15. I had no idea what happened at the time, but now I recognize it as Astral Perception. I’d been shielded from magic and tucked away in private schools that favored data over dreamcatchers, so my first impression was that I’d gone blind, even insane. It wasn’t that I didn’t know how to turn it off. I could see that trigger deep in my mind, but I didn’t want to turn it off. The astral world is beautiful contrast to our normal world of stone and steel. For the Awakened, the physical world is a skin we can peel away to see what lies beneath.

劇透 -   :
There was no one in my life who could tell me what I could do, or at least not anyone I trusted. I attempted to discover the Ways for myself and floundered until Wolf found me and showed me the Path. Once I knew what I was, I learned to hide my magic. The teachers wanted us to be Haatalii to earn the bonuses the schools offered for finding people like us. Gangs wanted us as evidence of their power. The military wanted us to project the Native strength Howling Coyote forged.

劇透 -   :
I thought my story was an isolated incident until I walked in the greater world. I was lucky. Others never live long enough to enjoy the gifts of the Awakening. Across the globe the Awakened are honored, revered, feared, or persecuted according to the rules of their culture. In some dark places even gender affects how magic use is perceived. Women born with the gift can be seen as cursed, and their lives end once that curse is discovered.

> 像这样定位和挖掘女孩的活儿在生意中可是有着真金白银的价值。我从事这一行并不是为了给你们讲心灵鸡汤故事,但一旦进入猎杀之月,我在做这份追逐法力的工作时,帮到的人可就不止雇佣我的公司了。当我有机会从那些不懂魔法的人手中拯救孩子们的时候——像从“人类旅队”(the Human Brigade)这种——我觉得也许我在为自己在其他时候做的那些恶心事情还清业债。(校注:人类旅队是一芝加哥帮派,全员均为人类非觉醒者,以歧视觉醒者著称)
> 麻烦(Ma’Fan)
劇透 -   :
> There is real money in the business of locating and extracting girls like this. I’m not in the biz for feel good stories, but once in a hunter’s moon I get to do a job that benefits more than the corp I’m pushing mana for. When I get a chance to rescue kids from people who don’t understand magic—folks like the Human Brigade—I feel like maybe I’m earning a bit of karma for some of the fucked-up shit that goes down the rest of the time. 
> Ma’Fan

> 但是你是为谁而撤走她们的呢?这些女孩大概会过上为企业主子服务的生活,对拯救她们的组织心存感激,并为她们的忠诚服务赚取最低工资。
> 米卡(Mika)
劇透 -   :
> But who are you extracting them for? These girls are probably looking at a life of serving corporate masters, beholden to the group that saved them and earning a minimum wage for their loyal service.
> Mika

> 那不是我的问题,御前。
> 麻烦
劇透 -   :
> That isn’t my problem, omae.
> Ma’Fan

> 在最初的投资之后,这些被刷下来的失败者要么被投入到实验项目中,要么就被倒回到街道上,流入暗影。少数人可以适应,成为暗影狂奔者,甚至是社区的稳定成员,但大多数人最终成为帮派的财产。
> 吉米No(Jimmy No)
劇透 -   :
> After the initial investment, the washouts end up in experimental programs or just dumped back out on the streets where they bleed into the shadows. A few can handle it and become shadowrunners or even stable members of the society, but most end up the property of gangs.
> Jimmy No

劇透 -   :
Magic is a curse. Magic is a gift. Magic is a choice—all depending upon where you are born. Since the Awakening we’ve been trying to make sense of who becomes Awakened and who doesn’t. For a time scientists assumed that to be goblinized or born of the elven breed made you more susceptible to having magical ability. Despite what science is capable of, there is no scientific way to determine whether a child is born with magic until magic decides to show its face. Likewise there is no scientific procedure to guarantee your child can wield mana or what style of magic that child will manifest.

劇透 -   :
As Ehran the Scribe said, “Magic is the purest expression of the relationship between man and the spirit world. There is something in our DNA that opens the door to that other place. However, it is the paradigms that we adopt that allow us to step through.”

劇透 -   :
Believing in Wolf is a paradigm, or system of understanding, that allows me to use my magical potential. The Christian priests believe their power comes from God, and they pray to manifest their abilities. Magicians write complex algorithms, Wujen manipulate qi to produce magical effects, and so on. As a magic user your paradigm can be nearly anything. The way you interact with magic determines how the world interacts with you.

> 我在德国听过一个关于医生绑架具有魔法潜能的育龄妇女的故事。他们会用具有魔法能力的男性精子给她们受精,试图生出具有潜力的孩子。
> 红安雅(Red Anya)
劇透 -   :
> I heard a story back in Germany about doctors kidnapping women of child-bearing age who had magical potential. They would inseminate them with the seed of a magically active male and try to birth a child with the potential.
> Red Anya

> 我信了——人们会尝试各种方法让魔法显现。有一次我被雇去给亚马逊的一个实验室送一个医疗包。当然,我偷偷窥探过了——如果你不确切地了解自己究竟会被卷入怎样的麻烦事里,你就不应该去亚马逊尼亚。我知道这个包裹来自波士顿的某个地方,是一个被囚禁的变形种的“男性产品”。我不想知道约翰逊先生打算给那个标本做什么,但听起来很像红安雅的故事。
> 莱兰(Lyran)
劇透 -   :
> I believe it—people will try a lot of things to get magic to appear. I was hired once to deliver a medical package to a lab in Amazonia. I snooped, of course—you don’t waltz into Amazonia without understanding exactly what the frag you’re getting into.  I learned the package came from somewhere in Boston and was the ‘male product’ of an imprisoned shapeshifter. I don’t want to know what Mr. Johnson was planning for that specimen, but it sounds a lot like Red Anya’s story.
> Lyran
« 上次编辑: 2019-06-15, 周六 14:42:59 由 失语 »

离线 失语

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-12-28, 周五 15:51:42 »

劇透 -   :
(Asked at The Galleria, Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex)

马克·塔克(Mark Tucker),64岁,企业主:它应该得到更好的监管。我的意思是,我怎么知道我要雇佣的那个人是不是对我施了魔法让我雇用他,这样他就能接管我的生意?
劇透 -   :
Mark Tucker, 64, business owner: It ought to be regulated better. I mean, how do I know the guy I’m trying to hire isn’t casting a spell on me and making me hire him, so he can take over my business?

萨曼莎·爱泼斯坦(Samantha Epstein),15岁,学生:这些书从来没有弄对过。灰袍甘道夫?哈他妈的利波特?没门,伙计。法师是核弹。有一次我看见一个路过的警察,只用一根手指就撞坏了一辆逃跑的汽车。这才是像样的魔法.
劇透 -   :
Samantha Epstein, 15, student: The books never got it right. Gandalf the Grey? Harry freaking Potter? No way, man. Mages are nuclear. One time I saw this cop step into the road and smash a getaway car just by pointing her finger. Now that’s some wiz stuff right there.

彼得·邓肯(Peter Duncan),28岁,失业:根本不是人们想的那样。这种力量必须来自某个地方,而不是来自某个狗屎的法力位面。那么这种力量一直在哪里?而且龙又是从何而来?使用魔咒的人越多,龙就越强大。我告诉你这是有联系的!
劇透 -   :
Peter Duncan, 28, unemployed: It’s not at all what people think. That power has to come from somewhere, and not some drekking manasphere. Where was that power all this time? And what about the dragons? The more people use that mojo, the stronger Dragons get. I’m telling you there’s a connection!

凯文·哈达威(Kevin Hardaway),47岁,政治说客:一个人能够行使这种不受监管的力量的想法是可怕的。他们需要被登记,如果他们威胁社会,他们需要被镇压。
劇透 -   :
Kevin Hardaway, 47, political lobbyist: The idea that one person can wield that kind of unregulated power is terrifying. They need to be registered, and if they threaten society, they need to be put down.
« 上次编辑: 2018-12-29, 周六 09:57:29 由 失语 »

离线 失语

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« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-12-28, 周五 15:52:33 »

劇透 -   :
Sukie Redflower 5 is an abomination. Thanks to the power of organizations like Horizon, the popular perception of shamans is that they’re either beautiful NAN princesses or weathered Amerind men wearing feathers and smoking peyote. Granted, there are some people like that out there, but the stereotypes do harm in the expectations they create. The media portrayal of magic is fundamentally flawed. Magic is normally an invisible process to the non-Awakened. A normal can no more discern the casting of a spell than a casual shopper can read the coding behind a sales algorithm directed against them. But this invisibility doesn’t look great on camera, so media outlets find ways to portray spellcasters as different and readily identifiable. Shamans are reduced to old men dressed in outdated tribal gear and mages return to the robes of Tolkien fantasy.

劇透 -   :
In rare cases we can see the physical effects of magic, and this is the type of magic the media tends to like. The portrayal of magic in the Sixth World leads to a strange separation from the reality of what it means to be Awakened and how the Awakened are viewed by the average person. Thing number one to remember is that magic is extremely rare. The average citizen is more likely to encounter a shadowrunner than they are to encounter a spellslinger. In fact, if they actually encountered an Awakened individual, it’s unlikely they would even know it. Nevertheless magic insinuates itself into daily life, acting as either the carrot or the stick. It carries with it a certain promise of wealth, with all those highend medical clinics that promise magical healing. The top security firms all claim to offer protection packages that include a personal mage—as long as you pay a hefty premium. At the other end of the spectrum, parents still remind their children that the bogeyman is real and he haunts the night waiting to cast spells on naughty children. Folklore and cultural mores are teeming with examples of what can come from magic, both good and bad—from the fairy godmother who will get you to the ball to the devil who will gladly buy your soul. So, even if no one really experiences it, the stories of what magic is and does shape the culture around us, affecting what mundanes think we can actually do.
« 上次编辑: 2019-06-15, 周六 14:30:46 由 失语 »

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« 回帖 #3 于: 2019-01-07, 周一 15:13:19 »

劇透 -   :
Few cultures initially greeted magic with exuberance. Many fell into the old prejudices. Fear drove those in power to seek control over the Awakened, and what they could not control, they destroyed. In parts of Africa, Eastern Europe, and deep within the CAS there remain pockets of denial where being a mage is punishable by death. Kids work hard to hide their abilities and sometimes are driven to suicide when they discover their talent in order to avoid the ridicule and disgrace the family would face for producing a spellcaster.

劇透 -   :
This prejudice resonates on a national level, fundamentally as a result of media perceptions. You’ve heard it all before: Tír na nÓg is crawling with druids, Chinese magic users are all Wujen, and if someone looks like they come from Aztlan, they probably want to tap your vein for their next spell. This isn’t what everyone in a particular place believes, but enough do that it can effect how you are perceived. The NAN is open about this. Shamanism is seen as the traditional path, and those who call themselves magicians or otherwise are still viewed as outsiders. A handful of Sixth World cultures are notable for their treatment of the Awakened.


劇透 -   :
Several metahuman nations sprouted up just after the awakening. Each handled the legalities of magic differently. In Asamando, the country’s laws were designed with magic in mind. Nearly thirty percent of the citizens are magicians from various traditions, but because they are also ghouls very few outsiders dare to venture inside the borders to learn what Asamandians have to offer. With a population that hovers around ninety-five percent HMHVV-infected, Asamando is known as the Ghoul Homeland. A nation of ghouls is a guaranteed draw for the attention of the Awakened. In addition to all the ghouls, Asamando boasts a sizable population of free spirits, which led to laws against spirit binding in certain parts of the country.

> 超企不会公开谈论他们在阿萨满多做的招聘和研究。他们对这个地区高度集中的魔法非常感兴趣。然而,他们却担忧强迫我国人民生活在暗影中毫无意义的偏见可能影响自己的利润盈亏。
> 汉尼贝拉(Hannibelle)
劇透 -   :
> Corporations won’t openly speak about the recruitment and research they do in Asamando. They are extremely interested in the high concentration of magic in the region. Yet they are afraid that the senseless bigotry that forces my people to live in the shadows may affect their bottom line.
> Hannibelle

> 愚蠢的偏见?别忘了食尸鬼是吃肉的。但不管怎样,阿萨满多并不是非洲唯一一个引起轰动的泛人类国家。如果你是一个圆耳朵,不要去非洲大陆的阿扎尼亚(Azania),在那里祖鲁精灵非常担心失去对国家的控制,并且一直向外界公布这一事实。
> 涡轮兔(Turbo Bunny)
劇透 -   :
> Senseless bigotry? Let’s not forget that ghouls eat flesh. But anyway, Asamando’s not the only metahuman nation in Africa causing a stir. If you’re a round-ear, avoid going down continent to Azania where the Zulu elves are extremely worried about losing their grip on the nation and have been making that fact known to outsiders.
> Turbo Bunny

> 圣战者(Mujaji)组织在这一地区的领导位缺位导致了极大的不稳定。横跨特朗-斯威士联盟(Trans-Swazi)甚至到目前为止还向包括阿萨满多在内的其他国家寻求帮助,以解决开普敦(Cape Town)日益严重的犯罪问题。到目前为止,唯一愿意提供帮助的是雇佣兵和暗影狂奔者。
> 霜寒(Frosty)
劇透 -   :
> Mujaji’s absentee leadership in that part of the world has led to a great deal of instability. The Trans-Swazi federation has even gone so far to reach out to other nations, including Asamando, for help with the growing crime problem in Cape Town. So far the only sorts willing to help have been mercenaries and shadowrunners.
> Frosty


劇透 -   :
Sharia law is rarely a constant throughout the Caliphate, where magic is considered to be against the teachings of Allah. The faithful treat magic as one of the seven deadly acts and openly oppose its practice within the Arabian Caliphate. Any use of magic within the Caliphate is outlawed. Meanwhile, the Islamic leadership itself is quick to differentiate between magic use and “gifts” handed down to the faithful by Allah. The Sufi, or Islamic mystics, are not magic users. In Caliphate thinking and terminology, they have received the gifts of Allah and use those gifts to advance His word.

这种区别也体现在政治上,伊斯兰教接纳伊本·艾萨(Ibn Eisa)就是一个例子。伊本·艾萨是伊斯兰统一运动(Islamic Unity Movement)的领导人,于2061年遭暗杀,但随后他从坟墓中爬了出来,继续不受到任何挑战地领导自己的秩序,即使他在2064年被揭露为邪魔也依旧如此。
劇透 -   :
This distinction can be political as well, as shown through Islam’s acceptance of Ibn Eisa, leader of the Islamic Unity Movement, who was assassinated in 2061 only to rise from the grave and continue leading his order without challenge, even after he was outed as a shedim in 2064.


劇透 -   :
The Philippines makes this list for two reasons: Yomi Island and the Huk. Yomi Island, or Lagu Lagu as the natives call it, remains a hotbed of spirit and metahuman activity. Despite the island being liberated from Japanese rule in ‘61, Japanese intelligence keeps records of everyone coming and going from the Island. Smugglers who know the waters earn a decent living moving people to and from Lagu Lagu in secret.

劇透 -   :
Smugglers can also earn some nuyen smuggling magically active teens out of the country before the Huk government can sink their claws into them. The Huk government came under fire in 2073 when a Horizon reporter exposed a connection between a rash of kidnappings in Marawi and the Huk government. The report proved that members of the government’s military branch hired guerrillas to kidnap children known to have magical potential, possibly to recruit into the army or for other as yet unknown purposes. The government denied this program existed, but the kidnappings continue to this day. The problem has gotten so bad that children are refusing to be tested for the talent in fear that it could lead to them being snatched from their homes in the middle of the night.

> 光天化日,朗朗乾坤。胡克人利用的是前游击战士,他们在胡克人占领国家后拒绝就此归顺政府。这给一个仍在努力维持与联合国的合法性的政府带来了巨大的政治反弹。如果能发现另一个与政府批准的绑架事件相关线索,这将给胡克人带来更多麻烦。
> K街偶客(Kay St. Irregular)
劇透 -   :
> Try broad daylight. The Huks are using former guerrilla warriors who refused to go straight after the Huks seized control of the country. It has created a huge political backlash for a government that is still struggling to maintain legitimacy with the UN. If another link to government-sanctioned kidnappings can be uncovered, it would cause a lot of trouble for the Huk.
> Kay St. Irregular


劇透 -   :
Nowhere else is magic so clearly a gift and a curse as in the Italian Confederation. The power of the Catholic Church stretches into every household of the nation. The mandate of the Church to locate and recruit Awakened children drives action. The Church considers a magical child a gift of God and pushes them to orders and societies where they are indoctrinated into the Catholic traditions and ways of magic.

劇透 -   :
The Church runs aptitude testing throughout the Confederation. It is embedded as part of weekly worship and teachings. If any child suspects they have been chosen by God to receive the talent, they are told to self-report. Most reporters have little to no magical aptitude and only do so for the increased social standing reporting gives their family.


生于幕后意味开始生活在一个地方,一个凡事都在你的脚下改变的地方——字面意义。提尔纳诺由魔法控制,而那些天生具有这种馈赠的人们被视为这个优越,觉醒世界的先驱。尽管有天赋的公民受到富人的优待,但穷人和被压迫者并不把觉醒孩子视为进入“明廷”(the Seelie court)的敲门砖。他们知道对于一个觉醒的孩子来说是获得名声和财富的可能性,但他们也知道剥削、陌生的泛位面旅行和疯狂也可能是等式的一部分。
劇透 -   :
Being born behind the veil means starting life in a place where everything is shifting beneath your feat—literally. Tír na nÓg is controlled by magic, and those born with the gift are seen as heralds of this improved, Awakened world. While citizens with the talent are treated well by the  rich, the poor and downtrodden don’t see Awakened kids as instant shoe-ins to the Seelie court. They know fame and wealth is a distinct possibility for an Awakened child, but they also know that exploitation, strange metaplanar journeys, and madness can also be part of the equation.


在这个地区的部落在“畸形利己主义”的持久谎言中日渐衰弱。你可以自由地练习任何你想要的魔法,只要它是萨满教。那些不遵循部落传统的人被视为被排斥之人。除了萨满以外,大多数“能量遗址”(power sites)都是关闭的,即使如此,遗址也经常被限制在特定图腾追随者的范围内。因此,非萨满流派倾向于秘密地练习他们的魔法,或模仿部落的穿着和仪式,以便混淆。
劇透 -   :
The tribes of this region languish in the enduring lie of “rugged individualism.” You are free to practice any sort of magic you want, so long as it is shamanism. Those who don’t follow tribal tradition are shunned as outcasts. Most power sites are closed to all but shamans, and even then sites are often restricted to particular totem followers. As a result non-shamanic traditions tend to practice their magic in secret or simulate the tribal wear and ritual in order to pass.

> 委员会领导人也意识到了这一点,他们定期让精魂扫荡全国,阅读灵光,看看是否有人在练习萨满教以外的任何东西。这些人被报告给地方当局。所以如果你不是阿萨巴斯坎领土上的萨满,确保你的“星际监视点数”(astral overwatch)是合格的。
> 鸡米No(Jimmy No)
劇透 -   :
> Council leaders are aware of this, and they regularly have spirits sweeping the nation and reading auras to see if they find anyone practicing anything besides shamanism. Those people are reported to local authorities. So if you’re a non-shaman in Athabaskan territory, make sure your astral overwatch is up to snuff.
> Jimmy No


劇透 -   :
To understand the cultural impact of Aztlan you have to recognize that the president also serves as the emperor of the national religion while holding a high rank within Aztechnology. This close relationship between state, church, and corporation fuels everything from international relations to the country’s criminalization of unsanctioned magic

劇透 -   :
Prior to the Awakening, eighty percent of the people living in the region practiced Catholicism. As magic returned, so did worship of the old Aztec Gods. Today Catholicism, along with all other non-native religions, are banned within Aztlan, severely limiting the number of traditions that can be legally practiced there. As with the Athabaskan Council, spellcasters born to other paths than the shamanic traditions hide their abilities or mask them in the garb of the Aztec gods. The people stand by the Path of the Sun. There is an ingrained sense of cultural value in the word of the church, so much so that mothers will turn in their children for practicing unsanctioned religions.

> 如果你不了解阿兹特兰人的大众狂热,你就没有什么生意可“跑”的了。
> 马科斯(Marcos)
劇透 -   :
> If you don’t understand the general fanaticism of the Aztlan people, you have no business running there.
> Marcos

> 如果你不明白如何侵蚀这种狂热并利用它来对付公民,你也没有什么生意可“跑”的了。
> 旅行者琼斯(Traveler Jones)
劇透 -   :
> If you don’t understand how to undermine that fanaticism and use it against the citizens, you also have no business running there.
> Traveler Jones


劇透 -   :
The islands of Hawai’i are notable in that Fifth World prejudices were only strengthened by the Awakening. Hawai’i remains one thing to tourists and something else entirely to natives, only now the law reflects this divergence. Haole, which covers both visitors and non-natives, are forbidden from practicing magic without a license. Getting a license is a multiple-day affair that requires the petitioner to have a native sponsor who is willing to take legal responsibility for the applicants actions as if they were their guardian. The datastores of paperwork reduced the number of haoles practicing magic legally to a handful of university professors and corporate researchers. More practice magically illegally, using forged permits and occasionally corporate writs.


劇透 -   :
It would be a joke to call the Amazonian government anything more than the puppet of the dragons who nest there. With those dragons recovering from wars against Aztlan and each other, the Awakened are high-value assets, both to assist in that recovery and replace what was lost. The Department of Amazonian Intelligence and Security (DISA) tries to keep a file on all the Awakened entities in the country. DISA utilizes an intricate network of informants to uncover the newly Awakened and visiting magicians alike. The spy organization falls short in some of the ghettos, but it is best to believe that if you’ve been tested, then the dragon has a file on you.

> 哪条龙?瓦帕(Hualpa)?博尤纳(Boiuna)?甚至可能是姆博伊(M 'boi)或者是另一条林德龙(Lindworm)?自从瓦帕和整个国家遭受多重打击以来,最近那里一直是一片混乱。
> 冬鹰(Winterhawk)
劇透 -   :
> Which dragon? Hualpa? Boiuna? Possibly even M’boi or another Lindworm? It’s been a free-for-all down there lately since the multiple blows Hualpa and the nation have taken.
> Winterhawk
« 上次编辑: 2023-08-17, 周四 12:41:46 由 阿飘 »

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« 回帖 #4 于: 2019-01-07, 周一 15:15:22 »

劇透 -   :
Media interpretations of magic ripple across all the institutes of socialization. Schools must answer to parents, and parents (bless their hearts) are afraid of everything. In public and private institutions across the world, testing for magical aptitude falls under the category of standardized testing. Some school systems begin testing as early as third grade, while others wait until fifth grade to see if your child displays magical aptitude. Testing continues annually into the high school years. Puberty is widely accepted as the point where Awakened abilities begin to manifest, so testing is mandated by the end of your freshman year of high school. Scientists suspect that the timing has to do with hormone levels, so research has largely focused on the relationship between genetic markers and the key chemical indicators of puberty. However, no one has been able to isolate a specific gene as the cause of magical ability. The fact that children of Awakened are very frequently not Awakened seems to argue against a strict genetic explanation for magic.

劇透 -   :
Once tagged as having magical potential, children are tracked by the school system. In some cases, such as school systems in Aztlan and many Southeast Asian nations, kids are separated out into classes where their abilities can be monitored. School districts say the reasoning behind this is to help the child reach their potential, but more often the separation is about security.

> 谁的安全?孩子们吗?学校吗?划分更多的是为了把这些年幼魔法师放在一个泡泡里,这样当局就可以密切关注这些力量是如何发展的,以便有朝一日利用它们。K-12学校向大学和企业出售数据库记录已经不是什么秘密。数据挖掘者翻查学校记录,以确定招募目标。你的学校招的人越多,你的学校就越声名狼藉,你的口袋里的钱就会越多。
> 肾升压素(Nephrine)
劇透 -   :
> Whose security? The kids? The schools? The separation is more about putting the magic kid in a bubble so authorities can keep a closer eye on how those powers develop in order to take advantage of them one day. It is no secret that K-12 schools sell database records to universities and corporations. Data miners troll through school records in order to identify recruitment targets. The more people get recruited from your school, the more notoriety your school gains, the more nuyen ends up in your pocket.
> Nephrine

> 只要有一个孩子不小心从攀爬架上摔下来,就会有一大群人尖叫是那个年幼魔法师如何如何利用她的力量推他下来。除非设立里昂贵的“监视结界”,否则学校无法追踪在这一层面上使用魔法的人。孩子们可以推脱“他的能力让我觉得不安全”这种狗屁话。事实上,这个年幼魔法师将会成为欺凌的目标,而不是成为欺凌者。在那个年龄段,能力是不可预测的,大多数孩子都害怕,不敢真正使用它们。
> 莱兰(Lyran)
劇透 -   :
> All it takes is one kid accidentally falling off a jungle gym and everyone’s screaming about how the magic kid used her powers to push him. Short of erecting expensive detection wards, schools can’t track who is using magic on that level. Kids can get away with that “his abilities make me feel unsafe” drek. The fact is the magic kid is going to be the target of bullying a hell of a lot more than being the bully. Powers are extremely unpredictable at that age, and most kids are too terrified to actually use them.
> Lyran

劇透 -   :
The pre-high school magical testing process is optional in most of the world. Surprisingly, few students opt out of the testing. A 2068 Awakened World Research study found that elves refused testing at a significantly higher rate than other racial groups. The study suggested refusing the test tends to do more with the social stigma of refusing than it does any fear of being found out as Awakened. This doesn’t hold true for elves, who reported that the refusal had more to do with being outed as not having abilities.

> 好吧,那太可怕了。想象一下,作为一个笨拙的十几岁的女孩,只是想要融入环境。现在试着掩盖这样一个事实:你几乎无法控制自己的魔法潜力,让整个新生班级充满了热核和法力球。
> 阳光(Sunshine)
劇透 -   :
> Well that’s simply terrifying. Imagine being an awkward teenage girl just trying to fit in. Now throw in trying to hide the fact that you have the barely controllable magical potential to go nuclear and powerball the entire freshman class.
> Sunshine

> 这简直为“少年荒原”一词赋予了新的意义。(校注:少年荒原指那些少年们聚集在一起浪费时间的地方,差生高中,网吧,诸如此类)
> 无耻政客(Snopes)
劇透 -   :
> Gives a new meaning to Teenage Wasteland.
> Snopes
« 上次编辑: 2023-08-17, 周四 12:42:32 由 阿飘 »

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« 回帖 #5 于: 2019-01-08, 周二 14:48:27 »

劇透 -   :
Awakened life is a very different experience in college than in K-12. Academia did not get around to pledging support to magic until about five years after the Awakening. Now magic as a field of study draws in more grant and contract dollars than any other field save for nanotechnology. UCLA claims to be the first university to have conferred a Doctorate of Thaumaturgy, but before such things had names Oxford and the University of Oslo were offering courses of study in Magical Awareness. Still, MIT&T is the most well-known program and one of a handful to offer magical degrees to non-Awakened individuals.

> 等等,什么?你怎么能给一个不会魔法的人一个魔法学位?
> 无耻政客
劇透 -   :
> Wait, what? How can you give a magical degree to someone who can’t wield magic?
> Snopes

> 本科课程资助大学的日常运作。课程能力旨在提供最大限度的访问,以产生最大的收入。所以,如果你有足够的钱去上课,你就可以不用念咒也能拿到魔法专业的本科学位。这是很少见,但是非施法者仍然可以在研究生阶段继续发挥作用,在研究生阶段,学位路线可以分为研究/哲学和应用方式追踪设计。
> 伊利亚(Elijah)
劇透 -   :
> Undergraduate courses fund day-to-day university operations. Course competencies are designed to provide maximum access in order to generate maximum revenue. So, if you have the nuyen to take the classes, you can feasibly earn an undergraduate degree in magic without ever casting a spell. It’s rare, but non-spellslingers can still play at graduate level where degree paths diverge into Research/Philosophy and Application-styled tracks.
> Elijah

> MIT&T魔法专业的本科课程更多的是了解魔法是如何运作的,而不是磨练你的个人能力。当你和一个没有法师的团队一起狂奔时,这些课程尤其有用。他们会告诉你如何知晓魔法什么时候会对你起作用。
> /dev/grrl
劇透 -   :
> The Magical Studies Undergraduate Program at MIT&T is more about understanding how magic works than honing your individual abilities. The courses are especially useful when you’re running with a crew that doesn’t have a mage. They tell you how to know when magic is working against you.
> /dev/grrl

劇透 -   :
Universities present the most consistent career path for magicians, but they create a problem because magicians often end up with the same flavor as their university, taking away from the individuality of the form. Overall there are Associate, Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral level degrees conferred in Thaumaturgy. The organization of Thaumaturgy colleges has sparked debate how magic should be taught. Traditionally speaking, Thaumaturgy is considered a science at the university level. Magicians construct spell formulae and follow traditions rooted in reason. Newer programs relate magic more closely to schools of art, treating the traditions as individual art forms and conferring Thaumaturgic Arts degrees at the Bachelors and Masters levels.

> 美国奇术进步协会(AAAT)和其他学术管理机构在决定什么算学术魔法,什么才不算时,一直生活在政治的噩梦之中。这些机构每年在法国马赛举行一次由DIMR主持的会议。AAAT倾向于将魔法定义为一门学术科学,这就是为什么赫尔墨斯启蒙常常需要包含到一篇论文。2069年会议最终接受了萨满研究作为博士学位的一种方式。
> 鸡米No
劇透 -   :
> The American Association for the Advancement of Thaumaturgy (AAAT) and other academic governing bodies live with the political nightmare of deciding what does and does not count as academic magic. These bodies hold a conference every year in Marseille hosted by the DIMR. AAAT leans towards defining magic as an academic science, which is why hermetic initiations often involve a thesis. The 2069 conference finally accepted Shamanastic Studies as a ThD degree path.
> Jimmy No

> 将魔法定义为“奇术艺术”还是“奇术科学”的争论陷入了政治流沙之中。没有暗影狂奔者会在意你是否拥有魔法硕士或者博士学位,但是它会影响大学水平和公司内部的薪级表。如果你拥有博士学位,大学和公司会给你更多的报酬。这种思维方式甚至会渗透到约翰逊雇佣你去做一份工作。事实上,拥有学位会影响你的工作质量以及客户愿意支付多少。
> 冬鹰
劇透 -   :
> The debate between defining magic as Thaumaturgic Arts or Thaumaturgic Sciences is mired in political quicksand. No shadowrunner cares if you have a M.M. or ThD, but it affects payscale at the university level and within corporations. Universities and corporations pay you more if you hold a doctoral degree. That thinking even filters down to the Johnson hiring you to pull a job. The fact is, having the degree can affect the quality of work you get and how much the client is willing to pay.
> Winterhawk

慢慢地,其他范式也正基于它们对支持机构的利益而被接受和培养。波士顿郊外的韦尔斯利学院(Wellesley College)开始招募物理修士,并通过舞蹈的形式来训练他们驾驭自己的能力。当地企业很快就抓住了这种基于艺术方法的潜力,因此,这种方法在贸易学校和专业企业教育中越来越普遍。在这些类型的课程中,授予的学位是“应用魔法硕士”(Applied Magic, M.M.).
劇透 -   :
Slowly other paradigms are being accepting and cultivated based on their benefit to the supporting institution. Wellesley College outside of Boston began recruiting physical adepts and training them to harness their abilities through forms of dance. Local corporations quickly glommed on to the potential of this art-based methodology, so it is becoming more common in trade schools and specialized corporate schooling. In these types of programs, the degree conferred is a Masters of Applied Magic, M.M.

> 令我惊讶的是博士生们与我之间的联系有多么频繁,他们希望我能帮助他们找到一种特殊的试剂、一些晦涩模糊的魔法规则的背景数据,以及其他什么。获得博士学位需要大量的专业知识,如果没有那些与暗影有关联之人的帮助,这些知识是很难获得的。
> 伊利亚
劇透 -   :
> I’m surprised at how often I’m contacted by Doctoral students looking for help running down a particular reagent, background data on some obscure magical order, and what not. Getting the Doctorate requires a tremendous amount of specialized knowledge that can be hard to come by without the help of those connected to the shadows.
> Elijah

劇透 -   :
For those who follow the path of shamanism there is little a university degree can offer. Shamanic studies are mentor based and some (including myself) work with the totem spirit and develop that relationship. This is preferable to training from an individual, because an individual will teach you all that he feels is useful to function in the Awakened world, as refracted through their biases and sensibilities. Your totem spirit is the truest reflection of your tradition and capabilities, so the learning you receive accentuates what you can do. More importantly it leads you to the path you are meant to follow. I serve Wolf, and from Wolf I learn all I need to in order to fulfill my total potential as a shaman. I have studied with others on occasion, but no training helped me to find my way in the same manner as Wolf.

劇透 -   :
In recent years there has been a spike in the number of community colleges that cater to the Awakened. Administrators found that so many Awakened were overlooked in the early days of magic that there currently is a marketable number of middle-aged students returning to the classroom to discover what they can do. The majority of them lack the discipline for university training or have so little magical potential that a two-year focused program is enough to maximize their abilities.

此外,两年制学院以社区为基础的性质更适合非流派的途径。大学专注于奇术科学,而社区大学仍然致力于满足社区的课程需求。因此,在波士顿爱尔兰区附近的社区大学里,开设一门德鲁伊历史课程要比开设一门韦斯特菲尔德神学课程(Westphelian Theurgists)容易得多。
劇透 -   :
Additionally, the community-based nature of twoyear colleges lends itself better to non-traditional pathways. Universities focus on the science of Thaumaturgy, while CCs remain dedicated to the curriculum needs of the community. So it would be easier to find a class on Druidic history at the CC down near Boston’s Irish quarter than it would be, say a class on Westphelian Theurgists.

> 对于无码者来说,CC系统比大学更安全,因为CCs是由当地政府资助,这意味着他们不会向企业和专修大学出售学生的信息。
> 错误(Glitch)
劇透 -   :
> The CC system is a safer bet than universities for the SINless, given that the CCs are locally funded, meaning they supposedly won’t be selling information about their students to the corps and major universities.
> Glitch

> 恰好拥有自己的跨国公司“百夫长服务集团”(Centurion Services Group)的市长乔纳森布莱克(Jonathan Blake)支持了贝尔维尤社区学院(Bellevue Community College)。同样地,坐落于CAS奥斯汀分校北岭的CC课程完全由“孤星”公司支持。许多其他CCs和私立大学都是由匿名捐赠者资助的,这就对捐赠的真正目的提出了质疑。
> 邦德先生(Mr. Bonds)
劇透 -   :
> Mayor Jonathan Blake, who happens to own the multinational Centurion Services Group, backs Bellevue Community College. Likewise, the Northridge CC program down in Austin, CAS is wholly backed by Lone Star. Many other CCs and private colleges are funded by anonymous donors, which raises questions about the true purpose of the donations.
> Mr. Bonds


劇透 -   :
Arcanoarchaeology     Artificing
Astral Studies          Attunement
Centering           Cleansing          
Divination          Feng Shui
Forensic Magic       Geomancy
Metaphysics          Metaplanar Studies
Occult Studies        Practical Conjuration
Psychometry          Somatics
Shamanistic Studies    Talismongering
Applied Thaumaturgy    Theoretical Magic
« 上次编辑: 2019-06-15, 周六 14:36:21 由 失语 »

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« 回帖 #6 于: 2019-01-10, 周四 10:17:46 »

劇透 -   :
It pains me to admit that magic owes a great debt to the corporations. Wagemasters were among the first to embrace magic in the Sixth World. Though spellcasters and adepts are barely a fractional portion of the world population, the power we wield makes us extreme security risks. Corporations first sought to understand how magic worked and moved quickly to find ways to exploit it—and us. Early spellcasters profited much in the same way as pioneers of social media. The newness of invisible power allowed those savvy enough to step into the void and provide a much-desired service. The first spellcasters set their own rates. A few even parlayed that into corporate ownership and remain players in the corporate game.

> 多名之人描绘了施法者和超企之间的美好关系,但他并没有告诉你们的是,他在掩盖这些公司多年来犯下的赤裸裸的虐待行为。在早期,日本公司会绑架具有魔法活动的个体,并对他们进行实验,试图找出是什么让他们与众不同。
> 恶鬼美星(Mihoshi Oni)
劇透 -   :
> Man-Of-Many-Names paints a few pretty brushstrokes of the relationship between spellslingers and corps, but he isn’t telling you that he’s covering over several years of outright abuse perpetrated by these same corporations. In the early days the Japanacorps would kidnap magically active individuals and experiment on them, trying to find out what made them special.
> Mihoshi Oni

> 阿兹特科技收集法师的仪式样本作为安全措施,以确保他们在被绑架时能够被找到。这与收集高管样本的道理是一样的。
> 强制退出(Hard Exit)
劇透 -   :
> Aztechnology collects ritual samples of its mages as a security precaution to ensure they can be located if abducted. This is the same reasoning used to collect samples of top execs.
> Hard Exit

> 每一家有能力这样做的公司都会抽取仪式样本。你应该问的真正问题是:谁在控制着样本?
> 邦德先生(Mr. Bonds)
劇透 -   :
> Every corporation with the means to do so takes ritual samples. The real question you ought to be asking is: Who controls the samples?
> Mr. Bonds

> 美洲虎卫士控制着这些样本,并将它们储存在亚马逊地区的安全设施中。我之所以知道是因为我曾试图搞定一个。但是事实我无法突破那里——他们在那边设立的符咒相当致命。
> 麻烦(Ma’Fan)
劇透 -   :
> The Jaguar Guard controls the samples and stores them in secured facilities throughout Amazonia. I know because I tried to hit one. I couldn’t break through—the ju ju they have down there is beyond lethal.
> Ma’Fan

> 听起来,比起为大公司工作,你可能最好给那些小机构工作以升职加薪,赢得更好的机会来宣传你自己那点臭名声。直到你被一个大雇主挖走。
> 基亚(Kia)
劇透 -   :
> It sounds like instead of going to work for a mega, you might be better off working for the smaller outfits better chance for promotions and notoriety. That is until you get poached by one of the bigger houses.
> Kia

劇透 -   :
The choice to sell yourself to a corporation is dangerous and some might say asinine, however the benefits hold enough allure to sway even the most radical of us. Corporations hire freelancers because they fill a skillset that would otherwise be unavailable to them. As such, hiring corporations continue pay top nuyen for specialized magic users, even going so far as to put up with our eccentricities. The smaller the corporation, the more they are willing to offer, in order to avoid seeing magical talent lured away.

劇透 -   :
Those born to in corporations have an entirely separate path. Corporate control starts at a young age, and individuals are specialized and tracked, almost from birth. This is as much a function of the corporate family as of the corporation itself. Having Awakened children means instant advancement for the parents. It moves them to another echelon, and the only cost is subjecting their children to the rigors of corporate training.

劇透 -   :
Working for the corps can mean access to resources you won’t find elsewhere. The cost of that access is that everything you do for a corporation is recorded somewhere. Even off-book or ‘black’ jobs are logged by Mr. Johnson, and occasionally their superiors, in order to see if the operator is corporate material.

> 我不知道公司给你做了多少工作,但是你在这里给我们喂的狗屎让你闻起来像个傻逼玩意儿。公司档案一直在雇佣魔法特工更多的是为了诱捕那些人,而不是检查他们是否可靠。为了回收足够的材料以构成仪式样本,他们派出净化人员前往现场,却被一名狂奔者逮着,至此五行在巫人中的名声一落千丈。
> 无耻政客
劇透 -   :
> I don’t know how much corporate work you do, but the line of drek you’re feeding us here makes you smell like a n00b. The file corps keep on magical operatives has more to do with ensnaring that person than checking to see if they are reliable. Wuxing got real unpopular with local Wujen after a runner caught them sending a cleanup crew to the op site in order to recover enough material to constitute a ritual sample.
> Snopes

劇透 -   :
Every corporation takes a slightly different stance on how they pursue and ultimately utilize magic. It is worth your nuyen to increase your understanding of at least the a handful of major magic players.


五行的上升潜力非常强大,值得关注,但却一直没有得到重视。在十大超企中,五行有时候是最容易被忽视的那一个。在邓凯尔赞的遗嘱中,五行被赠予两亿新円和两件神秘的魔法物品,从而声名鹊起。把握五行在魔法领域资产的龙头把手乃是“明解(Ming Solutions)魔法资产整合公司。明与五行的建筑部门紧密合作,确保所有的新式建筑都是按照风水的原则设计。如果你擅长的领域是地卜学或与气打交道,与五行的合作可以提供你提升技艺的机会。
劇透 -   :
Wuxing is a rising power that deserves attention but doesn’t get it. Sometimes the most overlooked of the Big Ten, Wuxing gained prominence after being gifted two hundred million nuyen and two mysterious magical items in Dunkelzahn’s will. Chief among Wuxing’s assets in the magic field is Ming Solutions, a magical asset integration company. Ming works closely with Wuxing’s construction arm to ensure that all new construction is designed around the principles of Feng Shui. If your field is geomancy or the pursuit of qi, working with Wuxing can provide the opportunity to advance your craft.


MCT是世界魔法产品的领导者。他们的“奇术研究部门”运营着一个受到顶尖大学青睐的魔法研究数据库。三津滨魔法帝国的宝石——“五星派送”,是世界上第二大奇物(telesma)公司。也因此,他们将“你是皇帝并不意味着你能保住皇冠”这条道理一直牢记于心。在伦敦,格伦道尔出口公司(Glendower Export Associates)想要挤入“五星派送”的地盘,参与这场战争的士兵们将能得到丰厚的酬劳。
劇透 -   :
MCT is a world leader in magical goods. Their Thaumaturgical Research Division operates a magical research database favored by top universities. The gem of the Mitsuhama magical empire, Pentacle Distribution, is the number two telesma corporation in the world. They would do well to remember that just because you’re the emperor it doesn’t mean the crown is safe. In London, Glendower Export Associates trying to muscle into Pentacle Distribution turf, and there is a lot of money to be had as a soldier in that war.


不管他们怎么宣传,阿瑞斯首先是一家军事解决方案公司。阿瑞斯的“看火人”被认为是UCAS对抗虫精魂的第一道防线,在虫巢成为问题之前便找到并摧毁它们。侦察可疑的虫巢往往被外包给暗影狂奔者小队,这些小队更了解虫巢所在的当地环境。阿瑞斯也不只是想在我们的位面上和虫子开战。他好几家子公司正在研究如何在这些虫子到达我们的位面之前将其消灭。真正前沿的外位面研究已经在“魁北克奇术师研究所”(Institut Thaumaturgique du Québec)进行。阿瑞斯将研究所的部分工作外包给具有探索泛位面丰富经验的专家。
劇透 -   :
Despite what they advertise, Ares is a military solutions company first. Ares Firewatch is considered the UCAS’ first line of defense against insect spirits, locating and destroying hives before they become a problem. Scouting out suspected bug hives tends to be contracted out to shadowrunner teams who have a better understanding of whatever local environment might be hosting the hive. Ares isn’t just trying to wage war against the bugs on our plane either. Several Ares subsidiaries are engaged in researching how to strike at the bugs before they reach us. The real cutting-edge extraplanar research has been happening at Institut Thaumaturgique du Québec. Ares contracts out some of the institute work to specialists with extensive experience exploring the metaplanes.

> 在CatCo破产后,阿瑞斯收购了“魁北克奇术师研究所”。阿瑞斯没有将这家研究公司与“薛西斯实证研究所”(Xerxes Positive Research)合并,而是在达米安·奈特的要求下与之保持距离。这一措施被证明是明智之举。ITQ(译注:魁北克研究所的缩写)在被一家超企恶意收购一年后几乎没有存活下来。在收购投标中列出的大多数公司都与天龙基金会有间接联系,包括“机械动态”(MechAnima)、“天秤座控股”(Libra Holdings)和“百夫长财政”(Centurion Financial),这进一步证明是纳贾·戴维娅(Nadja Daviar)精心策划的收购投标。
> 邦德先生
劇透 -   :
> Ares acquired Institut Thaumaturgique du Québec when CatCo crumbled. Instead of merging the research corp with Xerxes Positive Research, Ares held it at a distance at the behest of Damian Knight himself. The move turned out to be a smart one. ITQ barely survived a hostile takeover by a conglomerate of companies a year after its acquisition. Most of those companies listed in the takeover bid were indirectly connected to the Draco Foundation, including MechAnima, Libra Holdings, and Centurion Financial, strengthening the claim that it was a bid orchestrated by Nadja Daviar.
> Mr. Bonds


阿兹特科因其变态行为而闻名,尤其血魔法在那里非常常见,但它远不止如此。例如,该公司对德鲁伊的魔法同样非常感兴趣。德鲁伊的“地心仪式”(The earth-centric rituals)将为他们在亚马逊地区的扩张提供力量,并给予他们某种抵御丛林自身的力量。
劇透 -   :
Aztech is known for its perversions, specifically the blood magic that is commonplace there, but it is more than that. The corp is very much interested in druidic magic, for example. The earth-centric rituals of Druidism would lend power to their expansion into Amazonia and give them something of a defense against the jungle itself.


劇透 -   :
A dragon owning a corporation is nothing new, but Ryumyo hasn’t shown the profit-based instincts of his kind when it comes to this corporation. Eighty-five percent of corporate profits are put back into the corporation in order to fund magical research. 

> 剩下的15%被洗净,晾干,运送到极道的各个利益集团,通常是作为提供服务的回报。有时,水野的资本最终会流入暗影狂奔者以对抗律贼(Vory)。最近,我遇到过许多私人承包商,他们通过水野和极道共同拥有的皮包公司获得报酬,用于探索西伯利亚西部平原。
> 恶鬼美星
劇透 -   :
> The other fifteen percent are washed, dried, and shipped out to various Yakuza interests, often as a payoff for services rendered. Occasionally Suichini capital ends up funding shadowruns against the Vory. Recently I’ve met with a lot of private contractors who are being paid through shell companies shared by Suichini and the Yakuza to explore the West Siberian Plains.
> Mihoshi Oni


劇透 -   :
Search Parameters: Top Magical Goods and Services Labels
Search Results: Multinational results listed …

劇透 -   :
Manadyne             Parashield
Ares Firewatch          Mysticks and Magicks
HermeTech Associates       Ming Solutions
Elementals’ Services       Rees Arcana
Centurion Applied Magicks     
(Formerly Cross Applied Magicks)
Kami Consulting          Farsight

皮拉米德奥秘供应   五星派送
阿凯纳姆   奇点
魔网   魔法力制造
劇透 -   :
Pyramid Arcane Supplies    Pentacle Distribution
The Arcanum             TalisPoint
Magicknet             Manadyne Manufacturing

伊普斯苏姆   学识商店有限公司
魔哲伦   阴与阳
五角星   倒五角星
劇透 -   :
Ipissumus             Lore Stores Inc.
MageWerks             Yin and Yang
Pentacles             Pentagrams

五角星出版社   安布罗修斯出版物
倒五角星出版社   魔思

劇透 -   :
Pentacle Press          Ambrosius Publications
Pentagram Publishing       MagicMind
« 上次编辑: 2019-06-29, 周六 10:38:01 由 失语 »

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« 回帖 #7 于: 2019-01-14, 周一 10:47:11 »

劇透 -   :
Once major religions stopped shouting “Demon!” and holding crosses to the foreheads of spellcasters, they figured out that magic could be a helpful recruiting tool. Religion is based on the premise of believing in things that cannot be seen, but it must account for the things that can be seen. This is more easily accomplished when the folks doing the casting are sitting in the pew beside you praying to the same God.

劇透 -   :
Therein lies the problem. To truly gain mastery of the craft, especially at the higher levels of initiation, a magician must become aware that the paradigms are just that—age-old traditions we use in order to manifest the mysteries of the magical world. That understanding exposes a truth about belief that often contrasts with the realities of the Sixth World.

劇透 -   :
Most world religions are predicated on the belief that their word is the one true word. The existence of magic and the metaplanes suggests there may be more than one manifest faith. I can believe the slice of stone wall dividing my kitchen from my living space is a higher power and pray to that for guidance, but unless there are others who share my beliefs it isn’t a faith. In the sense that faith is shared belief, even a cult can become an organized faith. Through that faith Awakened members of a church can gain the ability to initiate and grow their abilities.

> 山达基教会,曾经在富人中一度被认为是极具流行的狂热崇拜对象和避税天堂,在40年代后期,它们跨越了信仰的门槛,它的成员开始显示出魔法能力,并在教会内部构成了一个教团。通过这个过程,成员们可以察觉到他们的精神意识。
> 伊利亚
劇透 -   :
> The Church of Scientology, once recognized as a fad cult and tax shelter for the rich, crossed the threshold to faith in the late forties when its members began manifesting magical abilities and formed an order within the ranks of the church. This order now oversees auditing of new members, the process by which members uncover their spiritual awareness.
> Elijah

劇透 -   :
Religion is about membership as much as it is about faith. Religions need people in order to flourish, and as pre-Christian religions gained sudden prominence following the Awakening, the big three recognized the threat for what it was. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam united for one flickering moment, though with the limited purpose of labeling these new religions as neopaganism and denouncing them. Neopaganism lumps together a number of polytheistic texts, cobbling the mythos of Wicca, Druidism, Asatru, Native American worship to name a few. The labeling was brief and managed only to slightly limit the number of followers the big three lost to the newer (or older, from some points of view) faiths.

> 谴责新异教徒主义背后的意图远比这更阴险。如果只是为了保留成员资格,他们也会谴责印度教和道教。我所能说的是,教会开始学龙玩起了后期运营。
> 霜寒
劇透 -   :
> The intentions behind the denouncement neopaganism were far more insidious than that. If it were just about preserving membership, they would have called out Hinduism and Taoism as well. All I can say is the churches play the long game nearly as well as dragons do.
> Frosty

劇透 -   :
The battle to be the true word is far from over. Many of faith have turned to the shadows to find the talent they need to pursue their goals. Take note of these potential employers:


梵蒂冈的力量遍及世界各地,对一些人来说就像阳光般温暖,对另一些人来说就像污染环境的雾霾。由“圣徒事业会众”(the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints)制定的,能轻松接受魔法的教会体系已经就位,也因此他们有可能顺利过渡到一个魔法的世界。第五纪的魔法虽然被认为是某种奇迹或是魔鬼的杰作,但它们仍被认为是存在于这个世界上的东西。然而,由于教会高级官员对新泛类型和魔法的消极应对,减缓了他们在觉醒对整体魔法的接受。不过气候已经回暖,如今除了最保守的会众以外,所有的会众都将魔法融入了他们的神学世界观中。他们区分好魔法和坏魔法的依据是你是否在为教会服务,是否遵循教会接受的流派。后者并非为绝对;教会会雇佣觉醒者,不管他们的流派是什么,只要他们有能力完成需要的工作即可。
劇透 -   :
The power of the Vatican reaches across the world like rays of sunlight to some, like polluting smog to others. They had the potential to make a smooth transition to a magical world, as the structure for the acceptance of magic was already in place, laid out by the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints. Acts of magic in the Fifth World were deemed miracles or relegated as the work of the devil, but they were acknowledged as something that existed in the world. Negative reactions to new metatypes and magic by the highest officials of the church, however, slowed their acceptance of magic as a whole after the Awakening. The climate has thawed, though, and today all but the most conservative congregations incorporate magic into their theological worldview. They distinguish between good magic and bad based on whether or not you are practicing your craft in service of the Church and in accordance with a tradition the Church accepts. This last part is not absolute; the Church will hire the Awakened regardless of tradition so long as the have the skills to complete the needed work.


劇透 -   :
It can be an extremely difficult road for a child of Allah who discovers they have magical potential. Islamic law outlaws the practice of magic—that is, unless it doesn’t. Within Islam the fine line between being an outlawed spellcaster and a herald of the Islamic faith often comes down to who you know and how well you are respected. There are other loopholes as well. Countless Muslims who believe they are blessed with potential or have family members that may be blessed turn to the sufi mystics. Sufism is considered to be the will of Allah, and thus exempt from the ban on magic use.


劇透 -   :
Given the number of people India, the Hindu faith is relevant on size alone. Proponents of Hinduism continue to believe they practiced magic prior to the Awakening. I’ve heard some describe practicing their brahmanas pre-Awakening as a turning on a faucet before the water actually flows to the house. Once it flowed it came out with such force as to wash away all doubt about the Vedic Texts. Specifically, the Atharva-Veda Samhita has developed a large following. This Vedic text speaks of the spells, charms, and magical formulae of the religion.


劇透 -   :
Wicca regained prominence in the post-Awakening world almost as swiftly as my own Native American traditions did. Without the flash and thunder of the Great Ghost Dance, Wicca was able to stay off the public radar for years, slowly gaining an informal structure that morphed into a network of initiate groups. Unlike most large religions, there is not a central organizing body to determine what is or isn’t Wicca, a fact which allows many groups to practice forms of neo-paganism under the guise of Wicca.

劇透 -   :
The “do no harm” principles inherent in the religion are largely forgotten in the public misinterpretation of Wicca. At the core of the religion is a principle that comes from the Wiccan Rede, “An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will.” However, when people think of Wicca they still see green witches and the spectacle of Halloween. Unfortunately, that longstanding tradition colors what many think of magic. Many of the Wiccan faith feel it is their duty to change the perception.


伏都教在非洲大部分地区被称为“非洲服务”(Sevis Gine),它不是一种宗教,而是多种宗教的集合体,所有这些宗教都以“侍奉精魂者”(Iwa-yo)为中心,据推测,“侍奉精魂者”是一种存在于泛位面的精魂集合体。伏都教与天主教有着紧密的联系,通常天主教的祈祷和仪式会被用作祈求罗亚过程的一部分。
劇透 -   :
Vodou, or Sèvis Gine as it is known in most of Africa, is not one religion but many, all of which center around the Iwa-yo, a collection of spirits that are presumed to exist on the metaplanes. Vodou is closely entangled with Catholicism, and often Catholic prayers and rituals will be used as part of the process to invoke loa.

劇透 -   :
Vodou is extremely popular amongst the pirate clans that roam the Carib League. Even non-practitioners continue to ‘practice’ rituals, be it an extension of their faith, or as habit learned from their parents.

> 伏都教是加勒比联盟的一种生活方式。每个人都相信伏都教,既害怕又尊重伏都教。伏都教祭司在岛上被如同拟感明星一样对待,你绝对不希望他们中的任意一个人对着你的船丢几个咒文,让你沉默在海浪之下。
> 凯恩
劇透 -   :
> Vodou is a way of life in the Carib league. Everybody believes in Vodou and is both scared and respectful of it. Vodou priests are treated like simstars on the islands, the reason being you don’t want one of them throwing some juju on your rig to make you disappear beneath the waves.
> Kane
« 上次编辑: 2023-08-17, 周四 12:44:12 由 阿飘 »

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« 回帖 #8 于: 2019-01-17, 周四 13:54:37 »

劇透 -   :
The most dangerous path we of magic can choose is to walk in the shadows. You may read my words and question why one would choose a life in the shadows when so many other options exist. The answer is simple: freedom. Though we are beholden to others, even in the shadows, the puppet strings are much longer, affording us a control over our actions that corporate, academic, religious, and other forms of SINner life cannot.

劇透 -   :
The shadows represent the greatest freedom for Awakened individuals, but this also comes with risks. Foremost amongst those risks is the isolation. A wage mage or even an academic has the backing of a cohort of like-minded professionals who have some responsibility to support what their paymasters are trying to achieve. Those of us who live in the shadows tend to operate without a coven or some other organization to support us. It exposes us to more risk to work alone, but it also means we are beholden to no one but the Great Spirit.

劇透 -   :
You can survive the shadows, so long as you understand the rules.


劇透 -   :
The first thing a combat mage needs to understand is they are the primary target in any combat situation. As such you have to take steps to not be so easily identifiable. Holding an AK-98 marks you as a warrior. Standing there empty handed marks you as the one who gets geeked first.

> 很有道理。战斗就是识别可变因素和控制你所能控制的。魔法使用者是一个不可控制的可变因素。当你弄清楚他们能做什么的时候,战斗就结束了,通常这个时候你会被绑在医疗马车载具的后备箱里。所以你最好在法师把你的胃挤爆之前干掉她,然后再处理子弹。这同样适用于对付物理修士。在近距离战斗中,一个物理修士将是房间中最危险的战斗力。
> 黑曼巴(Black Mamba)
劇透 -   :
> Makes perfect sense. Combat is about recognizing the variables and controlling what you can. A magic user is an uncontrollable variable. By the time you figure out what they are capable of, the fight is over, generally with you strapped in the back of a DocWagon extraction vehicle. So you geek the mage before she makes your stomach explode and deal with the bullets later. The same holds true for physical adepts. In close-quarters combat a physad is the most dangerous force in the room.
> Black Mamba

劇透 -   :
Fear can be your greatest advantage. Your enemy doesn’t know what you are capable of, so until you cast you are capable of anything. This principle carries over to interrogations, negotiations, and even social settings where people know you are a spellcaster or social adept. The threat of a lie-detection spell or magically heightened charm is often enough to keep people honest.


劇透 -   :
When I discovered my ability I was naïve. I followed spirits believing they were honest about their intentions to aid my learning. I once encountered an entity that claimed to be willing to teach me advanced techniques. But something felt wrong about the encounter. It was too eager to share what it knew for nothing in return. I refused the teaching and set about finding out where the spirit came from. I learned the entity was not what it claimed to be but instead a toxic form that had already claimed the lives of three shamans.

劇透 -   :
We spellcasters and adepts represent a fraction of the entities roaming the magical realms. Some are here to help us understand the gift of mana. Most have darker intentions. Don’t trust any being you don’t know unless you can vet it through sources you trust.

> 有些老狂奔者间经常讨论起一个叫“导师”(Tutor)的实体的故事。没有人知道那个是个什么,但他们知道这是麻烦。“导师”从未离开过。就在去年,我还听说过这个名字,与芝加哥的一些扭曲魔法有关。
> 世界之轴(Axis Mundi)
劇透 -   :
> The old-timey runners used to kick around stories about an entity named Tutor. Nobody quite knew what it was, but they knew it was trouble. Tutor never went away. I’ve heard the name as recently as last year associated with some of the twisted magic coming out of Chicago.
> Axis Mundi

> 关于“烟镜”(The Smoking Mirror)你们都知道些什么?我在研究一个与阿兹特克神泰兹卡特里波(Tezcatlipoca)有关的,鲜为人知的泛位面时,发现了这个名词。我不是很确定这镜子算是一种神器、仪式或其他什么东西,但它似乎是获取关于位面存在的知识的唯一途径。
> 以太网(Ethernaut)
劇透 -   :
> What do you all know about The Smoking Mirror? The name came up in my research on a little-known metaplane tied to the Aztec God, Tezcatlipoca. I’m not sure if the mirror is an artifact, ritual, or something else, but it seems to be the only way to access knowledge about this plane of existence.
> Ethernaut

> 考虑清楚你在问什么,御前。这些危险的能量,其动机和力量远远超出你的理解。与他们交往不仅危险,而且极其愚蠢。
> 霜寒
劇透 -   :
> Think about what you’re asking, omae. These are reckless energies that have motives and power far beyond your understanding. Getting involved with them is not only dangerous but also extremely foolish.
> Frosty

> 我不是三岁小孩,霜寒。我知道我在做什么。
> 以太网
劇透 -   :
> I have my big boy pants on, Frosty. I know what I’m doing.
> Ethernaut


劇透 -   :
Ehran the Scribe tells us the more obscure your tradition, the harder it is to find someone to light your path. The other side of that maxim is if you have the knowledge to teach others, someone out there is willing to pay for it. Let’s face facts; the problem with the shadows is that you don’t have a deep-pocket connection to university donors or corporate interests. Harvard is not going to bankroll your efforts to acquire reagents. Pentacle isn’t going to hand over the latest formulae for a Ball Lightning spell.

劇透 -   :
A shadowrunner needs to develop a strong network of contacts that allow him to stay connected to people who he needs and people who need him. What surprises me about runners is how quickly they forget their value outside the run. The Awakened can operate in a variety of roles. It is the sole area where the media helps our lives. Martial arts students, for example, are drawn to adepts and eager to pay for lessons from a true master of the craft. The same is true of shamans who can manage a good living dusting sage around wageslave’s homes to ward off evil spirits.

> 公式对初出茅庐的魔术师的需求量尤其大。通过创造法术语公式并在黑市上出售,可以换取大量的新円。
> 鸡米No
劇透 -   :
> Formulae are in especially high demand for nascent magicians. There is a good amount of nuyen to be made by creating spell formulae and selling them on the black market.
> Jimmy No

劇透 -   :
Pre-existing networks of contacts are there if you can find them. Lore stores rarely offer anything more than basic fetishes, so gaining access to people with real knowledge of local magic means tracking down a legitimate talismonger (I’m told the Magical Societies part of this posting might have useful information about contacting talismongers). Another option is to scan the local Matrix. Private usenet groups are crammed with people offering services. Usenets are difficult to breach, requiring an invite much like our JackPoint. Membership is often restricted to individuals who benefit the group, be it through knowledge, skill, or connections. If you cannot work your contacts for a link to a private usenet, try the colleges.  Major university programs operate accessible networks that help them understand what’s going on with magic off the grid. It is a good place to find basic contacts.


劇透 -   :
No offense to my good friend Netcat, but the spellcaster is always the most valuable player on a runner team. We execute a skill set that no one else on the team can learn to replace. Take care of yourself and get the nuyen you’re owed for a job, especially when you think you’re owed more than those around you. Your costs are higher, so the cut should reflect that.

> 你应该清楚自己在胡说八道。骇客同样不可替代。这不仅仅是数量的问题。我知道骇客的数量与觉醒者是一千比一或者类似的一些狗屎还多。但是你很难找到既能与你共事,又具备与团队其他成员互补的特定技能的人。一旦你开始在收获日胡闹,大家的感情就会受挫,那么就不会有好结果。
> 网猫
劇透 -   :
> That’s bullshit and you know it. Hackers are just as irreplaceable. It isn’t just about the numbers. I know hackers outnumber the Awakened a thousand to one or some shit like that. Finding people you can work with who also have the specific skills to complement other members of your team is hard. Once you start messing around with the payday, feelings are going to get hurt and it doesn’t end well.
> Netcat

> 我在法师、骇客和武士之间做了一个快速的维护成本分析,结果相当平均。直到我把设备升级的因素考虑在内,指正才有所偏向。生物改造、赛博改造和一些武器的成本相当于魔法法器的成本。然而,公式和帐篷的费用远远超过武士的维护费。
> 邦德先生
劇透 -   :
> I ran a quick maintenance cost breakdown between mages, hackers, and samurai and the numbers come out fairly even. The needle did not move until I factored in equipment upgrades. Bioware, cyberware and some weapon costs are comparable to magical foci costs.  However, formulae and lodge costs far outpace a samurai’s upkeep.
The disparity between magic and hacking technology is closer. Once you factor in the cost of purchasing and fitting rigger drones, you find it is more expensive to be a vehicle hacker than it is to be a mage.
> Mr. Bonds

> 我坚持我的观点。
> 多名之人
劇透 -   :
> I stand by my words.
> Man-of-Many-Names

劇透 -   :
Our rarity makes us targets, not just in terms of combat, but for extraction as well. There are corporations that will hire you to a run, just to see what sort of magic you are capable of. Be aware of the runs you sign on for; it might be that someone is setting you up to take you for your magic.


劇透 -   :
The shamans I know are the single magical operator on their respective teams. We come together monthly to share our stories, give tribute to our respective totems, and to remember we aren’t alone. Magic is a lonely profession. So few of us have the talent that it is rare to see multiple magic users operating in the same runner team.

劇透 -   :
Find other spellcasters or adepts with this shared understanding can help keep you grounded. Already you are separate from the team you work with because they can never see the world as you do. As hard as it is to find someone to trust, it is doubly hard to find one with skills significantly more advanced than your own to the point where they can teach you, even after more than half a century of magic in our world. Even if you cannot find someone skilled enough to help you better your craft, at least find someone who understands what you go through.
« 上次编辑: 2023-08-17, 周四 12:44:55 由 阿飘 »

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« 回帖 #9 于: 2019-01-17, 周四 13:56:00 »

劇透 -   :
The Matrix can be a treasure trove of magical knowledge if you know where to look. Private usenet hosts around the globe are key repositories of information about local magical happenings. These hosts represent a way to connect to others practicing or dealing in the magical ways. They also represent a recruitment tool for magical societies trolling for talent. Though the majority of these groups are too small to mention, a handful have grown large enough to gain recognition.


劇透 -   :
Magestone is a breakaway from a larger forum started by Oxford University. It began as a way for ThD students to maintain contact with the shadows for research. It grew into an information network drawing together talismongers, fences, university researchers, freelance spellcasters, and even corporate contacts. There are two stages of membership. Stage one means being invited in by an existing member. At this stage access is limited to the forums and datastores. Once a panel of administrators has vetted a new member, that member is granted stage two clearance, which gives full access to all of the information on the host. Rumors abound of a third clearance level that gives high-ranking members of the forum access to a private host.

美洲联邦Confederate American States

劇透 -   :
The Eye started as a content aggregator. Hackers would raid university datastores and repost the information to The Eye with changes to reflect what they knew vs. what the mainstream wanted people to know. It has since developed into a depository of files about all forms of magic in the Sixth World. The only way to gain membership is to bring in a new datastore either of the edited and updated variety or pure paydata gleaned from a private source.


劇透 -   :
Born out of the favelas, Liga, as it is known to locals, is one part research network and two parts smuggling network. Liga plays host to Amazonia’s extensive magical black market, serving as a contact point between talisleggers looking to move fauna around and even out of the country. The network is constantly hiding from Amazonia authorities, leading it to be invite-only.


劇透 -   :
Tucked away in a corner of ShadowSEA is Seattle’s premier magical information network. The host is managed by a trio of spellcasters and serves as a place where academic, corporate, and private interests merge. The Emerald Palace boasts a direct information link to Mitsuhama and MIT&T research. However, the main draw is its extensive magical groups database. Potential Emerald Palace users go through a rigorous background check before being offered membership. Members insist the network is crowdsourced, though rumors persist that the host is funded through DIMR interests.

香港Hong Kong

劇透 -   :
The Walled City is known for its mysterious magic, but in the Matrix Kowloon_MK is where you go to get mysteries solved. The host is notable for its collection of information on magical items and locations, especially data concerning Dragon Lines. The Kowloon host is purposefully designed to resemble the walled city in Matrix space. Specific locations within the host are overlaid on the walled city in AR, meaning you need to understand how to navigate the city itself in order to navigate the host.
« 上次编辑: 2023-08-17, 周四 12:45:56 由 阿飘 »