作者 主题: 【SG】短篇故事:无人涉足之处WHERE FEW DARE TO TREAD P6~9  (阅读 5760 次)

副标题: 不容错过的故事

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  • Hero
  • ****
  • 帖子数: 971
  • 苹果币: 2

地球上的每一个暗影狂奔者,都拥有与其他狂奔者一模一样的三件东西,不管她选择承认与否。亚历桑德拉·塞维尔纳亚(Aleksandra Severnaya)博士,毫无疑问地承认了第一个问题——她的出生名——因为它一直出现在她的名片上。直到她从一个不同寻常的波段频道中接到这个奇怪的电话,她才想起另外两个。













劇透 -   :
Every shadowrunner on the planet has three things that every other runner has, whether she chooses to acknowledge them or not. Aleksandra Severnaya, ThD, had no problem admitting the first thing—her birth name—because it appeared on her business cards. Not until she received the strange request from unusual channels did she remember the other two.
Everyone, from SINners to SINless, from mundanes to Awakened, has a mother. And everyone, whether a homeless vagrant or well-to-do corp man, has a home. Not necessarily a “where I sleep at night” home or “where I feel safe” home, but somewhere they come from. Once Sandra got a call from an unknown number in the opposite hemisphere, she remembered her real home, the place where she was born.
“Sashka,” the caller had said when Sandra played the voicemail in her Atlanta office.
Only a select few had her commcode; fewer still knew her well enough to use that name. No matter how much she had tried to forget, no matter how much noise from the distant Matrix connection garbled the audio, her Uncle Grigoriy’s husky, accent-laden voice was unmistakable.
“Your mother and many others here have taken ill,” the voicemail continued. “Doctors are not sure what is wrong. She keeps asking for you. If you want to see her before she takes a turn for the worse, I would suggest coming home as soon as possible. Perhaps—perhaps maybe you can find out what is wrong.”
There was more to the message, but Sandra stopped listening about halfway through. She hadn’t been home in more than a decade, mostly because she wanted to forget where she came from. For years, her busy life in the CAS capital pushed any recollections of Pripyat, Ukraine, out of her head. But unless she was mistaken, Uncle Grigoriy had been fighting off a good cry while recording that message.
What to do? she thought.
You want my opinion? Judah volunteered in her head. Sandra’s ally spirit was hovering nearby in astral space, doing whatever it did when she didn’t have any active tasks for it. She liked to imagine it was sitting in the corner chair of her office, licking its giant, golden paws and cleaning its fur and mane like the big cat that it resembled when materialized.
Always, she replied, turning her astral gaze on the spirit, whose fiery, leonine aura blazed with golds and oranges and reds.
The spirit stared right back with an eerily level gaze. If you don’t get a chance to say goodbye, I guarantee you will regret it later. I know you don’t like going back home, but it’s more than just your mother who’s sick. And what is it your scriptures say? “Whatever you’ve done for the least of my brethren, you have done also for me.” Something like that.
Sandra turned away from the spirit.
Plus, Judah added, it might be fun to get away from Hotlanta for awhile.
She closed her eyes and conjured images of her mother and her hometown, as she’d last seen them ten years ago. How many people were barely scratching out a living over there while some mysterious sickness ravaged through the town?
Sandra bit her lip and shook her head. Judah was right.
Go wake up Miles, she told the spirit. And tell him to pack for an international flight.

就世界所关心的来说,桑德拉的精灵助手,迈克尔·“迈尔斯”·道切斯特从德克萨斯A&M&M大学所拿到的“奇术技艺”硕士学位的确符合要求。只有桑德拉和几个导员清楚他的学位是伪造的,但她知道,如果她的助理只有佐治亚理工大学的学士学位,那么那些需要神秘调查服务的客户就不会把她当回事。有传言说,他的绰号来自于他的启蒙考验,他不得不赤脚在莫哈韦沙漠里走了数不清的公里,但事实并非如此。有一次,她让他喝了个酩酊大醉,才知道他之所以被称为“迈尔斯”,是因为儿时的一个恶作剧,其中涉及罗伯特•弗罗斯特(Robert Frost)的一首关于雪的诗。当然,一旦她在博利施皮尔机场(Boryspil Airport)下了弹道导弹式飞机(Semiballistic),整个乌克兰就没有人会问她的助理拥有什么样的魔法学位,或者他的绰号从何而来了。







劇透 -   :
As far as the rest of the world was concerned, the Master of Thaumaturgical Arts degree that Sandra’s elven assistant Michael “Miles” Dorchester got from Texas A&M&M was on the level. Only Sandra and a few facilitators knew his degree was a forgery, but she knew no one who needed occult investigation services would take her seriously if they knew her assistant only had a bachelor’s from Georgia Tech. The rumor was that his nickname came from his initiatory ordeal, where he had to walk barefoot for untold kilometers out in the Mojave Desert, but this was not actually the case. She once got him drunk enough to learn that he was called “Miles” because of a childhood prank involving some Robert Frost poem about snow. Of course, once she stepped off the semiballistic at Boryspil Airport, no one in the whole Ukraine gave a devil rat’s ass what kind of magical degree her assistant had or where his nickname had come from.
Back in the Confederated States, Sandra would hand out AR business cards at the drop of a hat—”severnaya spiritual investigations: we know what haunts you”—but here, everything felt different and detached, even in Kiev. The whole landscape of the city held a somber tone, as though some kind of intangible storm had blown through and sucked up all traces of life and color. This was not the Ukraine she remembered. Her childhood home had never been the lap of luxury, but seeing it like this pricked her insides with an icy spike of unreality.
“What a dump,” Miles said, absently scratching the tip of his pointed ear as they waited for a taxi. “You sure this is where you grew up?”
Am I remembering this place wrong? Sandra thought.
No, Judah replied. The spirit hovered about in astral space, prowling around like a caged circus animal. Puffs of annoyed breath fumed from its catlike nostrils. It’s not just you. There’s something wrong out there. I can feel it.
Sandra shuddered. Go see what you can find. And be careful.
Judah grinned, his astral form revealing sharp canines that would have frightened just about anyone else but her. Then the spirit vanished.






“你知道的和我一样多。 如果联邦调查局说‘您无法进入禁区’,那么我就无法进入禁区,无论乘客是否付费。 就那么简单。”他在驾驶座上转过身来,好奇地盯着她看,“你为什么要去普里皮亚特?我可以带你去基辅其他很多标志性建筑。”







出租车司机舔了舔嘴角, “你想让我怎么给你通过检疫检查站呢? 你还有另一个小饰品来贿赂保安吗?“





劇透 -   :
“Pripyat, please,” Sandra said in Ukranian after sliding into the next available airport taxi. She had spent so long in the States that she had to deliberately remind herself to add a little native touch to her accent.
The ball-cap-wearing ork taxi driver turned pale, as though she’d just asked him to drive over his own grave. “Not a chance,” he growled with an accent far more convincing than her own. “I can take you as far as the Exclusion Zone perimeter, but if you want further than that, you’re on your own.”
Sandra frowned and glanced sideways at Miles in the seat next to her. “What’s wrong with Pripyat?” she asked the cabbie.
“No one goes to Pripyat anymore. Not since the outbreak.”
Uncle Grigoriy had said some people were sick, but his message didn’t sound like there was a full-on epidemic going on. And the newsnets never mentioned any problems in the region. “Outbreak? What outbreak?”
“You know as much as I do. If the feds say ‘You can’t enter the Exclusion Zone,’ then I can’t enter the Exclusion Zone, paying passengers or not. Simple as that.” He turned around in the driver’s seat and fixed her with an inquisitive stare. “Why you wanna go to Pripyat anyway? There’s a ton of Kiev landmarks I could take you to instead.”
“I grew up there,” she replied.
“My condolences,” said the cabbie. “Now, unless you want me to take you somewhere else around the city, get the hell out of my cab.”
Uncle Grigoriy’s voicemail replayed in her head. How much longer did her mother have? Sandra knew that unless she took some shortcut, she might never get a chance to say goodbye. She and Miles could probably slip into Pripyat by themselves, but time was running out. Wheels would help speed things up.
She fiddled around in her pockets and then reached at the back of her neck to unclasp her necklace. “I’ve got a better proposition,” she said. “You take me and my partner here to Pripyat, and I’ll give you this necklace as payment.” The shimmering, orange-gold charm on the reinforced golden chain was an Eastern Orthodox cross, with a smaller crossbeam at the top and a slanted cross beam near the bottom. Every millimeter of the cross was inscribed with scripture passages in enameled, red Cyrillic text.
The glint of greed reared its head in the cabbie’s eyes. “How— how much is it worth?”
Sandra shrugged. “I haven’t gotten it appraised, but it’s made out of solid orichalcum. The metal alone should be worth several thousand hryvni to the right buyer.”
The cabbie licked the corner of his lips. “And how do you expect me to get you past the quarantine checkpoint? You got another one of those trinkets to bribe security?”“Let’s say I’ve got a few aces up my sleeve,” she said with a smirk. The ork looked her up and down. “All right. I’ll take it.”
Sandra clasped her hands around the cross to dissolve the enchantment on it before handing it over. The necklace had been a minor spell focus—no big loss, all things told. She could always make another, but she couldn’t make a second chance to bring her mother back from the brink.
“Name’s Petro,” the cabbie said. He readjusted his cap and faced the steering wheel. “Okay, let’s do this before I change my mind.”






“没有。 他仍在前方侦察,但是——”她慢慢地摇了摇头。“我不喜欢这一点。 这不仅仅是一种流行病。”


劇透 -   :
Years before Sandra was born, the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone created by the infamous nuclear reactor disaster of 1986 had been deemed safe for human habitation. Both Chernobyl and Pripyat had slowly repopulated in the years since, and Sandra and all of her childhood friends had grown up without any trace of mutations that the Exclusion Zone naysayers had warned would happen. Now, as Petro’s taxi approached the Exclusion Zone border, she saw something completely unexpected. A guardhouse with an electronically controlled chain-link gate, electrified razor-wire fences, drone patrols whizzing about overhead, and dozens of armed guards who were more security than she had ever seen in the area.
Under the cover of Sandra’s sustained invisibility spell and Miles’ silence spell, the taxi followed right on the heels of an official government truck that pulled up to the checkpoint. Once the truck cleared, Petro floored the taxi and followed the truck through the gate before the guards could close it. While security was present, they were either unobservant or lax; none of them noticed the maneuver or cared about it.
Beyond the gate, the landscape Sandra had grown up with felt completely foreign to her. Grey everywhere—grey tree trunks, grey earth, grey sky, grey buildings—as though the whole physical plane had been photographed in monochrome.
“Everything looks … dead,” Sandra said with a shiver.
“Yeah,” Miles said. “Anything from ol’ Jude?”
“No. He’s still scouting ahead, but—” She shook her head slowly. “I don’t like this one bit. This is more than an epidemic.”
“Almost looks like an aspected domain,” Miles said. And he would know. His bachelor’s thesis dealt with that very thing.






































她说不出话来,只是微笑着走进了医院。她的星界形体从一个房间漂流到另一个房间,搜寻着。即使分开了这么多年,当她发现自己的母亲灵光时,她仍然能认出它。就像她自己的一样,它很微弱,但是阿内塔·塞维尔纳亚(Aneta Severnaya)是一名战士,现在辐射源消失了,她和所有这些辐射患者也必然会康复。



劇透 -   :
They say you can’t go home again, and Sandra saw the truth of this firsthand as Petro drove through Pripyat. Her old stomping grounds had fallen victim to the ravages of decay. Collapsed fences, dilapidated buildings, and wilting vegetation ruled each block of the street Uncle Grigoriy’s message had mentioned. Not even the worst Atlanta ghetto looked this bad.
Petro parked in front of an ancient-looking hospital that Sandra knew had been built before she emigrated from the country. The few staff she saw milling about were green around the gills—dark, sunken eyes and pale, clammy skin.
Grigoriy was waiting for her in the somber reception area and gave her a fierce bear hug. His haggard face looked no different than those of the hospital staff. Sandra didn’t need a degree in medicine to know her uncle had also contracted the contagion.
“What happened here?” she asked.
“They say it’s radiation sickness,” he said, coughing. “But that’s impossible. The Exclusion Zone has been radiation free for decades. Government doesn’t want to cause a panic, so we’re all stuck here until they find out what’s making everybody sick.”
“Something in the water, maybe,” Miles mused.
Sandra’s quick dip into astral space revealed how wrong her assistant was. Grigoriy’s aura was muddled with blacks and greys of what was likely radiation sickness, but it carried a faint astral signature too, which was not at all normal. Trying to assense the signature set her stomach doing backflips, and she suppressed the urge to throw up.
But the urge won. All over Miles’ thousand-nuyen deathrattle-leather wingtips.
“You all right, Sashka?” Grigoriy asked.
Sandra wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “No,” she said. “But I think I know why everyone’s sick.”
She felt the floor wiggle underfoot, as though someone heavy was walking too hard nearby. Then the ground shook beneath her, hard, nearly knocking her to the ground. Miles stumbled to his knees; Sandra braced herself against the wall. Another tremor followed it, then another. Something of incredible mass was heading toward the hospital.
Judah’s ghostly feline face suddenly appeared in front of her, his auburn mane rippling in the air. Grigoriy and the nearby hospital staff gasped at the manifested spirit. “Sandy, Miles,” Judah said, “we’ve got incoming. Better get outside now, or it’s going to follow me in here.”
Sandra snapped into operating mode. “Uncle, keep these people inside and make sure my mother is safe! Miles, follow me!”
Between earthquakes, she burst through the front doors into stark daylight and saw something that turned her blood to ice. A massive wolf, larger than anything imaginable, loped down the street, crushing—no, rusting—whole cars beneath its massive paws. Its hide was a knotted tangle of mange and bloated, mutated pustules. Chipped and broken fangs dripped a ghostly green saliva, as though the wolf had been chewing radioactive rocks. One of its eyes was ghosted over with a cataract; the other was crusted closed and leaking vitreous fluid.
Sandra had no doubts the wolf could still see her. On the astral, the spirit was just as twisted as its exterior. Its aura radiated a dizzying swirl of browns, greys, and blacks that made her want to throw up again. A shimmering astral tendril connected the spirit to its nearby summoner.
This diseased and mutated spirit had to have been summoned by a toxic magician, a path few sane magicians dared to tread. Sandra had faced a toxic spirit before, but never one like this, never one so powerful that its radioactive energy aura had polluted the whole landscape. Just looking at the spirit in meat space made her feel weak in the knees—and, once again, in the stomach. But she had no time for nausea.
She coughed hard into a fist. Her hand came away bloody.
“Miles!” she shouted. “The summoner! Take out the summoner!”
“On it!”
Her assistant ran down the street to avoid the incoming monstrosity, but it was too fast. The wolf spirit lunged forward and swatted Miles aside. Its giant paw struck him so hard that one of his wingtips was left where he’d been standing. Miles hit the side of the nearest building, fell down, and didn’t rise. The vibrant colors of his aura meant he was still alive—for now—but he wouldn’t be able to help her.
Chips of concrete rattled free from nearby buildings with each of the monster’s steps. Sandra readied as many spells as she could to try stopping this monstrosity, but it was too close. Fireballs barely singed the mutated hide. Other magical distractions only seemed to anger it. It stood above her. Toxic waste dripped from its teeth. Its waiting jaws exuded a storm of heated air laced with the stink of burning metal.
A massive current of mana flooded to her fingertips. Before the toxic wolf could bite her in two, Sandra was ready to blast it with a spell powerful enough to incapacitate or kill her. Better her own magic kill her than something so twisted.
As if from nowhere, a reddish-gold blur slammed into the wolf’s side and crushed the beast against the building across the street. When the bricks and dust settled, Sandra saw a gargantuan lion the same size as the wolf grappling with the spirit. Judah reared back on his hind legs and swatted at the wolf with both paws. Her materialized ally’s mouth was open in a snarling rictus of hatred.
Better late than never, Judah said. At least that toxic summoner won’t be causing us any problems for awhile.
Sandra let her spell fizzle. She could only watch in awe, spellbound as Judah ripped the toxic spirit apart, one swipe at a time. But he was paying the price. Huge patches of the lion’s coat were falling out. Misshapen tumors formed across his face and hide.
Another bloody cough wracked Sandra. Dizziness swept over her, and she fell down to her knees, unable to focus her vision. She knew the radiation was quickly killing her.
Banish it, Sandy! Judah shouted in her brain. Now! It’s our only chance!
Sandra propped herself up on one knee and shifted her focus to the astral plane to home in on the gossamer tendrils connecting the wolf spirit to its incapacitated summoner. She envisioned herself slashing through the cords with a sword made solely out of wind. The strands were slick and oily. Just grazing them made Sandra empty her stomach again; blood and bile splattered the pavement. In her lightheadedness, a sense of euphoria mixed with a sickening sensation. Vileness mixed with a cloying, heady stench.
Come now, the wolf spoke directly into her head. You know you want a little taste of corruption.
She could barely keep her eyes open. Her limbs felt heavier than shipping containers. To buy herself more time, she abandoned her doomed meat body and freed herself from fleshly constraints. No matter what happened, she couldn’t let this monster destroy her mother or her home.
Go to Hell! she commanded the spirit. With the last of her willpower, her astral form shattered the bond between spirit and summoner.
The wolf’s tortured howl reverberated throughout astral space. With nothing to anchor it to the physical plane, the spirit vanished and departed for whatever twisted metaplane it called home.
Judah’s astral form drew up alongside hers as she sat down next to her meat body. His aura was weak and tainted with strands of brown and black, but he would eventually recover. Her own body, bruised and bloody from severe radiation poisoning, would not.
I’m sorry, Judah said, rubbing his muzzle against her astral shoulder. I wish there was a way to fix you.
In astral form, she found it impossible to cry. Keep an eye on Miles for me, will you? she said. He’s an idiot, but he means well. Shall I stay with you until you go? the lion asked.
With her meat body close to death—or already gone, for all she knew—Sandra felt her astral form already beginning to slip away. Go chase down that summoner, she said. There’s something I have to do.
Judah nodded. You’ve been good to me, Sandy. I won’t forget you.
At a loss for words, she merely smiled and wandered off into the hospital. Her astral form drifted from room to room, searching. Even after all these years apart, she still recognized her mother’s aura when she found it. It was faint, just like her own, but Aneta Severnaya was a fighter, and now that the source of radiation was gone, she and all of these radiation sufferers would likely recover.
Sandra didn’t even have the strength to manifest. Instead she sat by the bedside and touched her mother’s aura, which was strengthening by the moment.
Goodbye, Mother, her astral form whispered. It was all she had left. 
« 上次编辑: 2019-01-21, 周一 11:06:55 由 失语 »