作者 主题: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】电子设备 P.438-P.443  (阅读 14755 次)

副标题: (又)拖了好久。。

离线 hyno111

  • Peasant
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   模拟模块:这个数据链升级可以提供虚拟感知体验,把电脑数据转换成神经信号,让 使用者直接体验虚拟感知程序和增强现实。一个模拟模块必须通过直连神经接口才能使用(贴片,数据插口,或者植入型通信链)。模拟模块是各种各样的虚拟现实的必备组件,包括VR俱乐部,VR游戏,模拟感官,和更黑暗的虚拟娱乐。模拟模块可以改造成热模(hot-sim),它打开了全部的(而且是危险的)VR 体验的大门。
劇透 -   :
For complete coverage of the Matrix attributes used by
electronic equipment, see Devices, p. 219.
Commlinks are universal communication devices; they’re
used by everyone all the time. Commlinks are essentially
the digital Swiss army knives of the modern world. Even
the most basic of them includes AR Matrix browsing capability,
multiple telephone and radio modes of real-time
talk and text, music players, micro trid-projectors, touchscreen
displays, built in high-resolution digital video and
still image cameras, image/text and RFID tag scanners,
built-in GPS guidance systems, chip players, credstick
readers, retractable earbuds, voice-access dialing, textto-
speech and speech-to-text technologies, and a shock
and water resistant case. And all of this at an inexpensive
price that a few decades ago would have seemed absurd.
Sim Module: This commlink upgrade gives you
the simsense experience, translating computer data
into neural signals that allow you to directly experience
simsense programs and augmented reality. A sim
module must be accessed via a direct neural interface
(trodes, datajack, or implanted commlink). Sim modules
are a must-have for virtual reality of sorts, including
VR clubs, VR games, simsense, and darker virtual
pleasures. Sim modules can be modified for hot-sim,
which opens up the full (and dangerous) range of VR

Meta Link12100¥
索尼 帝皇24700¥
联络 Sensei361,000¥
艾瑞卡 精英482,500¥
赫尔墨斯 标致5103,000¥
系通 阿瓦隆6125,000¥
衡光 石中链Caliban  7148,000¥


劇透 -   :
If you were a decker and someone swung a monofilament
claymore at you, you’d protect your cyberdeck
with your body, and not the other way around. This isn’t
just because the things are fraggin’ expensive—cyberdecks
(or decks) are a decker’s life’s blood, an all-inone
ticket to hacking the planet. The most common
form of a deck is a smooth, flat, elongated rectangle,
slim with plenty of display space for touch controls, although
they can take many forms. For more information
about them, see Cyberdecks, p. 227.
All cyberdecks include illegal hot-sim modules right
out of the box.
Electronics Accessories
Unless otherwise noted, these accessories are compatible
with commlinks, cyberdecks, and (with the gamemaster’s
permission) other electronic devices.
AR gloves: Available in numerous styles, AR gloves
allow you to manually interact with the Matrix in Augmented
Reality mode, letting you “touch” and “hold”
virtual AROs and receiving tactile force-feedback. AR
Gloves can provide the exact weight, temperature, and
hardness of touched or held objects, and more at the
gamemaster’s discretion.
Biometric reader: Sometimes someone online likes
to know it’s really you. This handheld device can be used
for fingerprints, retina scans, voice patterns, tongue
prints—pretty much anything but a DNA scan. You can
use it to lock your electronics so only you (or one of your
body parts) can unlock it.
Electronic paper: This electronic sheet is anywhere
from post-it note to poster sized, and it can be folded
or rolled up. It digitally displays images, text, data, or
video and can act as a touchscreen. Electronic paper
is wireless and can be written on or erased wirelessly.
Sometimes hacker gangs cover the surfaces of buildings
in electronic paper so they are constantly changing and
overwritten with graffiti that can be seen even by people
with their AR image-links turned off.
Printer: In case you need something in hardcopy
(perhaps if Mr. Johnson hired you through a time portal),
this full-color printer comes attached to a paper supply.
Satellite link: This allows the user to uplink to communication
satellites in low-Earth orbit, connecting to
the Matrix from places where no local wireless networks
exist (which is rare but unfortunately extant). This link
limits Noise due to distance to –5. Includes a portable
satellite dish.
Simrig: This simsense recorder can record experience
data (sensory and emotive) from you or whoever is wearing
it. Simrig rigs are used to make most of the simsense
chips sold on the market. You’ll need to have a working
sim module (with the DNI interface) to make a recording.
Subvocal microphone: The next best thing to telepathy
is the ability to stage-whisper at any range. Attached
with adhesive to your throat, this hard-to-spot
microphone lets you communicate via subvocalized
speech. A –4 dice pool modifier is applied to Perception
Tests to overhear you when you’re subvocalizing.
Trid projector: This device projects a trideo hologram
into a five-meter cube right next to or above the device.
The hologram can be quite realistic, but unless you’re really
artistic about it, it’s pretty obvious that it’s just trid.
Trodes: Available as a headband, net, or full-on cap,
this electrode-and-ultrasound net gives you a direct
neural interface. Useful if you’re too squeamish to get
a hole drilled in your head for a datajack. Adding this to
headgear takes two slots of Capacity.

     RFID标签是可以存储一个或几个文件的设备(见234页)。标签的物理位置可以在矩阵里找到(见追踪标志Trace Icon,243页)。标签信息可以用标签擦除器(见441页)抹除,或者用编辑文件(Edit File)动作(见239页)修改。RFID标签和所有其他设备一样具有物主信息,不过和其他设备不同的是,标签的物主可以改成“无”。
     安全标签:关注安全的企业巨头经常给他们的上班族和重要公民植入这些安全芯片,用来监视员工的工作效率,或者在遭遇绑架(有时是逃跑)的时候追踪他们。同样的标签被用在禁闭和假释中的囚犯身上,家长和学校也用它们追踪学生。由于加入了EMP防护,安全标签不能被标签擦除器抹除。如果标签被植入在皮下,取下它需要通过一个持续医学+逻辑[精神](10,1分钟)( Extended Medicine + Logic[Mental] (10, 1 Minute)) 检定。
劇透 -   :
These tiny computers (named after old-fashioned radio
frequency identification tags) form an integral part
of every product commercially available in the Sixth
World. Ranging in size from microscopic to slightly
larger than a price tag, RFID tags have a stick-to-anything
adhesive backing and can be tricky to spot. Tags
are used for geo-tagging locations and objects, leaving
a virtual AR message for anyone who comes by,
employee tracking, access control, owner-contact information
for everything from vehicles to pets, vehicle
and weapon registration, and so on. They can also be
used as tracking devices, periodically transmitting GPS
data to the Matrix.
RFID tags are devices (p. 234) that can hold one or
more files, but not much else. The physical location of
a tag can be found via the Matrix (Trace Icon, p. 243).
Tag data can be erased with a tag eraser (p. 441) or
programmed with an Edit File action (p. 239). RFID tags
have owners like all other devices, but unlike other devices
a tag’s owner can be changed to “nobody.”
Datachip: For occasions when you want to transfer
data by physical means—like bringing the project specs
on the competition’s new cyberdeck to Mr. Johnson
in person at the meet—a datachip can hold enormous
quantitites of data in a small finger-sized chip, accessible
by any electronic device. Datachips have no wireless capability,
so you need to plug them into a universal data
connector (found on any device) if you want to read or
write to them.
Security tags: Security-conscious megacorps often
implant these security tags in their sararimen and valued
citizens, either to monitor employee workplace productivity,
grant and deny clearance and security access, or
track employees in the case of abduction or extraction
(or escape). These same tags are used on incarcerated
and paroled criminals, and parents and schools also use
them to track students. Security tags cannot be erased
with a tag eraser due to EMP hardening. If a tag is implanted
under the skin, an Extended Medicine + Logic
[Mental] (10, 1 minute) Test is needed to remove it.
Sensor tags: A sensor RFID tag can be equipped
with a single sensor (sold separately) of up to Rating 2
(Sensors, p. 445). It then records everything it can, to a
maximum of 24 hours of time, at which point you can
program it to either shut off or overwrite data older than
24 hours. Sensor tags are often used for diagnostic purposes
in various devices, including cyberware.
Wireless: You can monitor the data in real time, if
you’re the tag’s owner. The tag still records the last 24
hours for you.
Stealth tags: A stealth tag always runs silent (p. 235)
and has a Sleaze rating equal to its Device Rating. It’s
disguised to not look like RFID tags, which gives it an
additional –2 Concealability modifier. Stealth tags are
often used as a backup for security tags by megacorps
that are security conscious (and sneaky). They can be
implanted the same way security tags can.

     扫虫网(Bug scanner):又叫做电波信号扫描器,这个设备可以定位并锁定20米以内的无线设备。这个扫描器也可以测量信号的强度,并指出它的位置。操作扫虫网时,骰电子战+逻辑[评级](Electronic Warfare + Logic [Rating])。一个安静的设备(比如隐形标签)可以用它的Logic + Sleaze对抗扫描。如果得到了任意数量的净成功,就找到了设备。
     数据分流(data tap):这个入侵工具需要连接在一根数据线上。把它固定在线缆上之后,就可以通过通用数据接口使用它。所有直接连接到数据分流上的设备具有与线缆两端的设备的直接连接(见直接连接,232页),反之亦然。卸下分流不会损坏线缆。
     无线:数据分流可以通过无线指令自毁,作为一个Free Action。自毁立刻中断直接连接,不过不会伤害到线缆。
     扰头器(Headjammer):安全人员使用扰头器压制植入型通信链。当它连接到你的头部(或者其他任意身体部位)并启动时,和其他所有干扰器的作用相同。不过效果仅限于你和你的增强设备(即插件)。不用钥匙从某人身上取下扰头器需要一个硬件+逻辑[精神]( Hardware + Logic [Mental]) 或者一个锁匠+敏捷[物理](8,1复杂动作)持续检定 (Locksmith + Agility [Physical] (8, 1 Complex Action) Extended Test)。不用钥匙从自己身上取下扰头器需要一个 Escape Artist + Agility [Physical] (4) 检定,和一个复杂动作。

劇透 -   :
Communications and
Bug scanner: Also called a radio signal scanner, this
device locates and locks in wireless devices within 20
meters. The scanner can also measure a signal’s strength
and pinpoint its location. To operate a bug scanner, roll
Electronic Warfare + Logic [Rating]. A device that is running
silent (like a Stealth tag) can use its Logic + Sleaze
to defend against the scan. If you get any net hits at all,
you find the device.
Wireless: You may substitute the scanner’s Rating for
your Electronic Warfare skill when you use it.
Data Tap: You use this hacking tool by attaching it to
a data cable. Once it’s clamped onto the cable, you can
use it via universal data connector. Any device directly
connected to the data tap also has a direct connection
with the devices on either end of the cable (see Direct
Connections, p. 232) and vice versa. The tap can be removed
without damaging the cable.
Wireless: The data-tap can be wirelessly commanded
to self-destruct as a Free Action, immediately and
instantly severing the direct connection. This does not
harm the cable.
Headjammer: The headjammer is used by security
personnel to neutralize implanted commlinks. When
it’s attached to your head (or other body part) and activated,
it works in the same way as any other jammer,
with its effects limited to you and your augmentations.
Removing a headjammer from someone without the
proper key requires a Hardware + Logic [Mental] or a
Locksmith + Agility [Physical] (8, 1 Complex Action)
Extended Test. Removing a Headjammer from yourself
without the proper key is an Escape Artist + Agility
[Physical] (4) Test, requiring a Complex Action.
Jammer: This device floods the airwaves with electromagnetic
jamming signals to block out wireless and radio
communication. The jammer generates noise equal
to its Device Rating. The area jammer affects a spherical
area—its rating is reduced by 1 for every 5 meters from
the center (similar to the blast rules for grenades). The
directional jammer affects a conical area with a 30-degree
spread—its rating is reduced by 1 for every 20 meters
from the center. The jammer only affects devices
(and personas on those devices) that are within the jamming
area, but it affects all of them. Walls and other obstacles
may prevent the jamming signal from spreading
or reduce its effect (gamemaster’s discretion).
Wireless: You can set your jammer to not interfere
with devices and personas you designate.
Micro-transceiver: This classic short-range communicator
has been favored by professional operatives
since the 2050s. It doesn’t do anything special, it just
lets you communicate by voice with other micro-transceivers
and commlinks that you (and the other person)
choose, within a kilometer. The micro-transceiver consists
of an ear bud and an adhesive subvocal microphone
(p. 439), both of which are commonly available
in hard-to-spot designs.
Wireless: The micro-transceiver’s range becomes
Tag eraser: This handheld device creates a strong
electromagnetic field perfect for burning out RFID tags
and other unshielded electronics. It is probably strong
enough to destroy a commlink, and you might want to
keep it away from your cyberdeck just in case. When you
bring the eraser within 5 millimeters of an electronic device
and push the button, the device takes 10 boxes of
Matrix damage (resisted normally). The extremely short
range makes it hard to use on targets like vehicles, most
drones, maglocks, and cyberware (and by the time you
open them up to get at the electronics, you’ve already
done plenty of damage). The tag eraser has one charge
but can be fully recharged at a power point in 10 seconds.
Wireless: The tag eraser recharges fully in an hour by
White noise generator: This device creates a field
of random noise, masking the sounds within its area
and preventing direct audio surveillance. All Perception
Tests to overhear a conversation within (Rating) meters
of a white noise generator receive a negative dice pool
modifier equal to the generator’s Rating. If more than
one generator is in use, only count the highest rating. A
white noise generator is redundant in a noisy environment
(such as a nightclub or a firefight) and does not
help to curtail video surveillance or jam wireless signals.
Wireless: The white noise generator’s effective radius
is tripled.

     购物软件:像 Clothes Horse, Caveat Emptour和Guns Near Me这样的购物软件可以提供价格分解和用户评价用于购物比较,对普通商品和黑市进货都有效。购物软件经常自动更新。一个合适的购物软件——对于电子产品、火器、近战武器、装甲等等每种商品都有一个——可以在买卖这些商品的时候对可得性(Availability)和交涉(Negotiation)检定提供+1社交界限加值。

劇透 -   :
Software can be purchased as an online download or less
commonly on chip from physical stores. Datasofts, mapsofts,
shopsofts, and tutorsofts can be easily stored and
accessed on a commlink, dataterminal, or cyberdeck.
Agents and cyberprograms: These are used in cyberdecks
and are explained in Programs, p. 243.
Autosofts:For information on these programs for
drones, see p. 269.
Datasofts: Datasofts encompass a wide variety of information
files, databases containing information on everything
from hydraulic fracturing to 18th century romantic
poetry. An appropriate datasoft gives you a +1 bonus
to your Mental limit on related Knowledge Skill Tests.
Mapsoft: Mapsoft programs feature detailed information
about a particular area, from streets to business/
residential listings to topographical, census, GPS and
environmental data. An interactive interface allows you
to quickly determine the best routes and directions, locate
the nearest spot of your choice, or create your own
customized maps. If a wireless link is maintained, the
map automatically self-updates with the latest data from
GridGuide. Of course, this feature also means that the
mapsoft can be used to track your location. At the gamemaster’s
discretion, mapsofts provide a +1 limit bonus
to Navigation Tests made to navigate the area they cover.
Shopsofts: Shopping apps like Clothes Horse, Caveat
Emptour, and Guns Near Me provide pricing breakdowns
and user reviews for comparison shopping
purposes, both for standard goods and black market
purchases. Shopsofts self-update regularly to stay cur-
rent. An appropriate shopsoft—one exists for each type
of product like electronics, firearms, melee weapons, armor,
et cetera—provides a +1 bonus to your Social limit
for all Availability and Negotiation tests you make to buy
and sell those items.
Tutorsofts: These virtual private tutors aid you in
learning a specific skill. The tutorsoft makes Instruction
Tests with a dice pool equal to its Rating x 2. Tutorsofts
cannot teach skills based on Magic or Resonance.

     动作软件:动作软件代替实际的身体技能,基本上所有不是基于魔法或者共鸣的行动技能都行。需要用一个技能闭路(Skillware system)(455页)把软件转化为实际可用的肌肉记忆。可以同时使用的技能数量上限基于技能闭路的评级(Rating)。

劇透 -   :
A skillsoft program is a recorded skill—digital knowledge
and muscle memory. When used in conjunction
with the proper augmentations (a skilljack for knowsofts
and linguasofts, and a skillwire system for activesofts)
skillsofts let you know and do things you’ve never
otherwise learned. Even kung fu.
Skillsofts aren’t educational tools; you can’t actually
learn from them. They’re highly favored by corporations
interested in a cheaper labor force (when the difference
between a skilled and unskilled worker can be as simple
as slotting a chip, the difference in salary is smaller).
When a skill test is called for, the character may use
the skillsoft rating in place of the skill. Downside: tests
made with a skillsoft may not be boosted with Edge in
any way.
Activesofts: Activesofts replace physical active
skills, basically every Active skill that isn’t based on Magic
or Resonance. A skillwire system (p. 455) is needed to
translate the ‘softs into usable muscle memory. There’s
a limit to the number of skills you can use at once, based
on your skillwire’s rating.
Knowsofts: Knowsofts replicate Knowledge skills,
actively overwriting the user’s knowledge with their own
data. Knowsofts must be accessed with a skilljack, and
the number you can use at once is limited by the skilljack.
Linguasofts: Linguasofts replicate language skills,
allowing a user to speak a foreign language by automatically
translating signals from the speech cortex,
although chipped speech can be awkward and stilted—
then again, so can anyone speaking a language that’s
not their native tongue. Linguasofts must be accessed
with a skilljack, which limits how many skillsofts you can
use at a time.

    信用账户:一个信用账户是一个可以通过通信链在任何时间访问的在线银行账户。交易需要密码或者生物特征进行验证。好消息是没有人可以(物理上)偷走你的银行账户,而且黑掉信用账户通常需要闯进苏黎世-轨道(Zurich Orbital)或者其他类似的自杀式行为。坏消息是数字交易会留下一个“书面记录”。尽管它可以被隐藏起来,但是用于重大犯罪行动还是太容易被追踪了。每个账户必须注册到一个特定的(通常是假的)SIN,除非账户是由一个匿名地下银行服务经手(有它的风险和复杂情况)。银行服务的费用包含在你的生活方式开支中,只要你有低级或更好的生活方式——不然你只能把所有的钱存在信用条上了。
    没有SIN的生活会十分痛苦,所以绝大多数狂奔者满足于次佳选择:伪造品。高品质的伪造品对老大(The Man)来说很难辨认,而低品质的伪造品则.....差了点。假SIN的评级用于对抗验证系统的检定(见假SIN,第367页)
    假执照:假执照让那些不能或者不想走标准合法途径的人获得各种受限的商品和参与活动。可得性旁边没有字母的物品不需要执照。对于禁止使用(Forbidden)的物品不存在执照。每种物品/活动通常需要单独的执照。需要执照的物品包括狩猎用品(弓和步枪),拥有火器,隐蔽携带火器(单独执照),施法物品,所有受限的(Restricted )装备和强化,等等。就像SIN存在通信链上一样,假执照存在SIN上面,并与之相连。当购买假的隐蔽携带火器执照的时候,不是买给专业暗影狂奔者凶杀狂( Murderman)的,而是买给张三,一个凶杀狂的假SIN的。玩家必须把每个执照分配给一个特定的(假的)SIN。假执照的评级(Rating)用于对抗验证系统(见假SIN,第367页)

劇透 -   :
ID and Credit
IDs and credsticks are discussed in more detail under
Identification, p. 366.
Certified credstick: Cash for the late 21st century. A
certified credstick is not registered to any specific person—
the electronic funds encoded on it belong to the holder, requiring
no special ID or authorization to use. The bad news
is that you can be physically mugged, any money you have
on your credstick jacked and rolled. The good news is that
certified credsticks are completely untraceable. They’re not
even wireless—you have to slot them into a universal data
connector to transfer cash onto or off of them. This makes
them enduringly popular with shadowrunners and the Mr.
Johnsons who love to hire them.
Each type of credstick can only hold up to a certain
amount of money, listed on the table. This is the maximum
amount it can carry, not the amount it always has
on it—so don’t get excited when you see a gold credstick
until you’ve slotted it and checked its balance.
Credit account: A credit account is an online banking
account that can be accessed at any time via your
commlink. Transactions require passcode or biometric
verification to be authorized. The good news is no one
can (physically) steal your bank account, and hacking
credit accounts often requires a run to Zurich Orbital or
something equally suicidal. The bad news is that digital
transactions leave a “paper trail” that, while it can be
hidden or concealed, is entirely too traceable for serious
criminal activities. Each account must be registered
to a particular (usually fake) SIN, unless the account is
handled by an anonymous underworld banking service
(with its own risks and complications). The cost of banking
services is included in your lifestyle costs if you’ve
got a Low Lifestyle or better—otherwise you’ll need to
keep all your money on credsticks.
Fake system identification number (SIN): In 2075,
you’re just a number. A SIN (or its international equivalents)
is what makes a mere metahuman into a real
person. Solid citizens receive their SINs at birth and carry
them until they die. Not having a SIN means living
outside the system, living with restricted or non-existent
civil rights. Shadowrunners by default are SINless—they
have a SIN only if they have the SINner quality (p. 84).
Most runners don’t have one, either because they were
unfortunate enough to be born poor, or because they
lost it or ditched it somewhere along the way. SINs are
digital, not physical objects. They exist on your commlink,
or in your PAN.
Getting by without a SIN can be a pain, so most runners
settle for the next best thing: a fake. High quality
fakes are difficult for The Man to spot; low quality fakes
are … less good. The rating of the fake SIN is used in tests
against verification systems (Fake SINs, p. 367) .
Just like a real SIN, anytime you use a fake SIN for legitimate
activity, you leave a datatrail in your wake. The
fact that criminal activities can be tracked to fake SINs
makes fake SINs inherently disposable. Most runners
operate two or more fake SINs at a time, one for legal
activity like paying rent and going shopping, another
for shadier activity, and possibly a third to be used only
when it’s time to get the hell outta Dodge.
Fake license: For those who can’t or won’t go through
the standard legal channels, fake licenses are available for
all kinds of restricted items and activities. Items with no
letter next to their availability don’t require licenses. Items
that are Forbidden have no license available. Licenses,
therefore, are for Restricted items. Each type of item/activity
permission requires a separate license. Things that
require licenses include hunting (bow and rifle), possession
of a firearm, concealed carry of a firearm (separate
license), spellcasting, and any Restricted gear or augmentations,
etc. Just as SINs essentially exist on your commlink,
fake licenses exist on your SIN and are linked to it.
When you buy a fake concealed-carry license, you don’t
buy it for Murderman the professional shadowrunner,
you buy it for John Doe, one of Murderman’s fake SINs.
Each license must be assigned to a particular (fake) SIN of
the player’s choosing. Use the fake license’s rating against
verification systems (Fake SIN, p. 367).

« 上次编辑: 2017-06-03, 周六 20:09:33 由 hyno111 »

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Re: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】电子设备 P.438-P.443
« 回帖 #1 于: 2016-02-10, 周三 09:30:20 »

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Re: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】电子设备 P.438-P.443
« 回帖 #2 于: 2016-02-10, 周三 11:14:10 »
挑出最優解不是容易的事。很多四版戰鬥時間就是花在等待或討論最優解之上的... 戰:"我應該把他打倒地還是推開他?" 賊:"別推別推我要夾擊" 牧:"可是不推的話他一快步我們就全體吃光環" 賊:"那麼你別動,我用換位打?" 法:"我也可以拉人." 戰:"不可以那是牆角你不能鈄拉" 法:"如果我這樣走的話好像可以拉了但牧師要讓路" 牧:"我走開就罩不住賊?" 然後,過了十多分鐘,大家談好了,戰士投骰,打失... "是時候重新想了."

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Re: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】电子设备 P.438-P.443
« 回帖 #3 于: 2016-06-11, 周六 19:55:56 »
trodes译成电极贴片比较好,simsense =>虚拟感知;agent=>代理

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Re: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】电子设备 P.438-P.443
« 回帖 #4 于: 2016-06-11, 周六 20:47:26 »
主动软件(lv1~6;lv*5,000¥):使用它的等级代替指定(主动)技能等级,不包括基于魔法和共鸣的技能。需要技能闭路(skillwire)系统(p. 455),主动软件的数量与等级上限取决于技能闭路的等级


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Re: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】电子设备 P.438-P.443
« 回帖 #5 于: 2016-09-13, 周二 01:43:13 »
« 上次编辑: 2017-01-22, 周日 15:37:37 由 空気 »
Faith in their hands shall snap in two,
   And the unicorn evils run them through;
      Split all ends up they shan't crack;
         And death shall have no dominion.



离线 马非鱼

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Re: 【暗影狂奔第五版核心规则书翻译】电子设备 P.438-P.443
« 回帖 #6 于: 2017-01-21, 周六 23:22:03 »
* marfish 捂脸
在群里已经稍微提了一下了,感觉skillwire翻译成 技能闭路技能线路系统 要好,特此一提