作者 主题: 【Heroes of The High Court】《皇庭英豪》全部变体职业自翻整合帖  (阅读 16398 次)

副标题: 肝出一片新天地!

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  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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【HoHC】先知变体-真言智库(Inerrant Voice)
« 回帖 #10 于: 2017-03-02, 周四 16:35:54 »
引述:皇庭英豪《Heroes of The High Court》

先知变体-真言智库(Inerrant Voice)



推荐秘示域(Recommended Mysteries):先祖(Ancestor),阴谋(Intrigue),生命(Life),知识(Lore)。

奖励法术(Bonus Spell):真言智库得到以下法术:2级-护卫他人(shield other),4级-占卜术(augury),8级-预言术(divination),14级-灵视(vision)。这些法术取代了在对应等级的先知秘示域奖励法术


警醒护卫(Vigilant Protector,Su):每天当你恢复法术的时候,你能选择除自己以外的一个特定人物作为自己的护卫对象。当你的护卫对象成为某次攻击或法术的目标,且你能意识到这次攻击或法术时,你能以一个直觉动作对盟友施放一个已知的防护系法术。要使用该能力你必须消耗一个对应的法术位,并且能像正常的施法一样以一个盟友作为目标。11级时,当意识到护卫对象成为某次攻击或法术的目标时,你能通过一个直觉动作交换自己和护卫对象的位置,并把自己传送到护卫对象原来的格子里,并代替成为了该次攻击或法术的新目标,同时盟友传送到你之前的格子里。这是一个不会引发借机攻击的传送效果。你每天能使用一次该启示。在7级和之后每4级,每天使用次数增加一次。

劇透 -  原文:
Inerrant Voice(Oracle Archetype )
An inerrant voice serves as a spiritual advisor to either a monarch or noble. Most Qadiran nobles retain one’s services, for both guidance and protection. 

Recommended Mysteries: Ancestor UM , intrigue UI , life, lore.

Bonus Spells: An inerrant voice gains the following bonus spells: shield other (2nd), augury (4th), divination (8th), vision (14th).  These replace the bonus spells at those levels gained from the oracle’s mystery.

Revelations: An inerrant voice must take the following revelation at 3rd level. Vigilant Protector (Su): Each day when you recover your spells, you can select a specific person you know other than yourself as your ward. When your ward becomes the target of an attack or spell and you are aware of the attack, you can cast an abjuration spell you know on the ally as an immediate action. You must expend the appropriate spell slot and be able to target the ally as normal for the spell. At 11th level, as an immediate action when you know your ward is targeted, you can transpose yourself with your ward, teleporting into the original target’s square (and becoming the new target of the attack or spell) while your ally is teleported into yours; this is a teleportation effect that doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. You can use this revelation once per day, plus an additional time at 7th level and every 4 oracle levels thereafter.

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  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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【HoHC】歌者变体-宫廷文豪(Court Poet)
« 回帖 #11 于: 2017-03-02, 周四 16:36:38 »
引述:皇庭英豪《Heroes of The High Court》

歌者变体-宫廷文豪(Court Poet)

                            ——威廉·莎士比亚,《Fate Grand Order》


战怒之歌(Raging Song,Su):宫廷文豪得到以下的战怒之歌,并允许其通过演讲,音乐,或其他表演来提升其盟友对于美学的欣赏力。

发人深省(Insightful Contemplation,Su):1级时,受此影响的生物在智力和魅力上得到+2士气加值,并且在意志豁免检定上得到+1士气加值。但同时也在AC上承受-1减值。当处于此能力的影响下,除了宫廷文豪外的所有盟友都不能使用任何基于力量的技能检定,或是进行任何需要体质检定的肉体活动。4级及之后的每4级,发人深省对意志豁免提供的加值额外+1,在AC上的减值不变。在8级和16级时,智力和魅力得到的士气加值额外+2。和野蛮人的狂暴不同,这个效果在结束后不会导致被影响的生物疲乏。这项能力替代激发狂暴。

启智之歌(Song of Inspiration,Su):6级时,宫廷文豪能通过表演来让盟友们的内心空澈似水,澄明如镜。只要歌者每轮保持表演,所有在他周围60尺内能听到表演的盟友就可以在感知检定以及基于感知的技能检定上获得相当于1/2宫廷文豪等级的加值。这项能力替代蛮力之歌。

逍遥行(Handling the Crowd,Ex):2级起,宫廷文豪与两名或以上生物邻接时,表演检定+1,AC+1。同时宫廷文豪的移动不会受到人群的阻碍,并在影响人群的交涉技能检定上获得等于宫廷文豪等级一半的加值。这项能力替代通晓音律。

劇透 -  原文:
Court Poet(Skald Archetype )
Many courts are places of artistic refinement, attracting those performers who wish to revel in an aristocratic art scene. Such artists may aim to become a darling of the court, focusing on the aesthetic requirements of a particular tradition as well as learning details about that court’s history and culture. Court poets elevate the skald’s love of history and poetry to an aristocratic ideal, captivating courts with complicated poetic traditions and inspiring others with their craft. Some court poets go on to create their own works, weaving their magic and force of personality into their unique performances.

Raging Song (Su): A court poet gains the following raging songs, allowing her to use oratory, music, and other performances to elevate the aesthetic sensibilities of her allies. Insightful

Contemplation (Su): At 1st level, affected allies gain a +2 morale bonus to Intelligence and Charisma and a +1 morale bonus on Will saving throws, but they also take a –1 penalty to AC. While under the effects of insightful contemplation, allies other than the court poet can’t use any Strength-based skills or make any physical effort that requires a Constitution check. At 4th level and every 4 skald levels thereafter, the song’s bonus on Will saves increases by 1; the penalty to AC doesn’t change. At 8th and 16th levels, the song’s bonuses to Intelligence and Charisma increase by 2. (Unlike the barbarian’s rage ability, those affected are not fatigued after the song ends.) This ability replaces inspired rage.

Song of Inspiration (Su): At 6th level, a court poet can use raging song to inspire her allies to greater mental clarity. Once each round while the court poet uses this performance, allies within 60 feet who can hear her can add 1/2 the court poet’s skald level to a single Wisdom check or Wisdom-based skill check. This ability replaces song of strength.

Handling the Crowd (Ex): At 2nd level, a court poet gains a +1 bonus to AC and on Perform checks when adjacent to two or more creatures. In addition, her movement is not impeded by crowds and she gains a bonus equal to 1/2 her skald level on Diplomacy checks to influence crowds. This ability replaces well-versed.

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  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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【HoHC】吟游诗人变体-朝廷弄臣(Court Fool)
« 回帖 #12 于: 2017-03-02, 周四 16:37:05 »
引述:皇庭英豪《Heroes of The High Court》

吟游诗人变体-朝廷弄臣(Court Fool)




吟游诗人表演(Bardic Performance:):朝廷弄臣获得以下的吟游表演:

七彩夺目(Distracting Motley,Su):1级时,朝廷弄臣可以通过失衡滑稽的蹦跳或者扬起双臂拍翼般抖动身上五颜六色的衣服让盟友们回过神来。每一轮,他都可以尝试一次特技检定。所有30尺内的盟友们,包括弄臣自己都能以上述检定结果替代对抗困惑和迷魂效果。已经受到困惑或迷魂状态影响的盟友也可以每轮以弄臣的特技检定结果进行一次新的检定。而身穿戏服的弄臣在进行这类特技检定时得到+2加值。七彩夺目对于那些无法进行豁免的效果无能为力。这是一个依赖视觉成分的影响心灵效果。这项表演替代破咒曲。

缓解压力(Defuse Tension,Su):3级时,朝廷弄臣能通过让人啼笑皆非的表演安慰一个身陷困境的盟友。那位盟友距离弄臣的距离不得超过30尺以上,而且必须能看见朝廷弄臣才能得到此好处。只要此盟友还能看见吟游诗人的表演,则他忽略疲乏和战栗的负面效果,但无法忽略在此之上的状态效果,比如力竭或者惊惧等。而在7级及之后每4个职业等级,该表演都能额外多影响一个生物。弄臣的缓解压力能力无法对自己生效。这是一个依赖视觉成分的效果。这项表演替代提振技能。

滑稽闹剧(Caper and Jeer,Ex):5级时,朝廷弄臣即使在身处危险或者分心的状态下也能在特技和唬骗检定上取10。并且能像隐匿技能那样,以一个迅捷动作使用唬骗技能分散对方注意力并进行躲藏。此外,弄臣每天还可以在处于危险或者分心的状态下让一次特技或唬骗检定直接取20,这个能力在5级后的每6级每天能额外多使用1次。这项能力替代了博学。

劇透 -  原文:
Court Fool(Bard Archetype )
Arguably the oldest and most widespread role for a court entertainer is that of the court jester or fool. This role arose from the need to offset the intense, even deadly, seriousness of court business. The court fool serves as an outlet for the constant pressure of aristocratic dealings, relieving tensions through humor. The motley clad acrobat is a good example of this style of court fool, using physical comedy to generate belly laughs and raise spirits. In other courts, the court fool might ridicule social conventions with bawdy songs or engage in biting satire, parodying manners or even mocking individuals to spread good cheer. The court fool holds up an unflattering mirror to those in charge or speaks truths, however veiled, that no one else can safely utter.

Buffoonery (Ex): A court fool gains a bonus equal to 1/2 his bard level on Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, and Disguise checks (minimum +1). This replaces bardic knowledge.

Bardic Performance: A court fool gains the following types of bardic performance.

Distracting Motley (Su): At 1st level, a court fool can startle his allies back to their senses with erratic capering or by fluttering multicolored clothing. Each round, he attempts an Acrobatics check. Any ally (including the court fool) within 30 feet can use this check in place of her own saving throw against confusion and fascination effects. Those already under a confusion or fascination effect can attempt a new save each round using the court fool’s Acrobatics check. A court fool wearing an entertainer’s outfit gains a +2 bonus on these Acrobatics checks. Distracting motley doesn’t work on effects that don’t allow saves. This is a mind-affecting effect that uses visual components. This performance replaces countersong.

Defuse Tension (Su): At 3rd level, a court fool can use a silly performance to comfort a beleaguered ally. That ally must be within 30 feet and be able to see the court fool. The ally ignores the fatigued and shaken conditions (but not more extreme conditions, such as exhausted or frightened) as long as she continues to see the court fool’s performance. This performance affects one additional creature at 7th level and every 4 bard levels thereafter. A court fool can’t use defuse tension on himself. Defuse tension relies on visual components. This performance replaces inspire competence.

Caper and Jeer (Ex): At 5th level, a court fool can take 10 on Acrobatics and Bluff checks, even when in danger or distracted, and can use Bluff to create a diversion to hide (as per the Stealth skill) as a swift action. He can take 20 on an Acrobatics or Bluff check once per day, plus one time per 6 levels beyond 5th, even when in danger or distracted. This ability replaces lore master.

离线 白药君

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« 回帖 #13 于: 2017-03-02, 周四 16:37:35 »
引述:皇庭英豪《Heroes of The High Court》




削弱施法(Diminished Spellcasting):守望女巫每法术等级每日可使用法术数量比平常的女巫少1个。如果该级获得的每日法术量为0,那么他就只能依靠智力修正带来的额外施法数量以使用该级的法术。这调整了女巫的施法能力。

守望誓约(Covenant Ally,Su):守望女巫在每天准备法术时可以和自己的庇护主立下盟约以此为单一生物提供庇护,这个生物被称为女巫的守望对象。当守望对象在30尺距离内,守望女巫可以通过一个标准动作选择下列能力中的一个并赐予守望对象,每项能力的持续时间等同于守望女巫的智力修正的分钟数。守望女巫每天能给予守望对象能力的次数上限等同于1/2女巫等级(至少为1)。




抗法(Spell Resistance):守望对象得到了等同于6+守望女巫等级数的法术抗力,持续时间等同于守望女巫智力修正的轮数。在10级时,得到的法术抗力增加到11+守望女巫等级数。该法术抗力无法被压制,但不会影响由守望女巫所释放的法术。

劇透 -  原文:
Witch-Watcher(Witch Archetype )
For reasons known only to them, witch-watchers offer protection to nobles across Golarion. While they serve openly in Irrisen and Varisia, they watch from the shadows in courts in Brevoy, Mendev, the River Kingdoms, and Ustalav, where their presence is barely tolerated.

Diminished Spellcasting: A witch-watcher gains one fewer spell of each level than normal. If this reduces the number to zero, she can cast spells of that level only if her Intelligence score is high enough to grant bonus spells of that level. This alters the witch’s spellcasting.

Covenant Ally (Su): Once per day when preparing her spells, a witch-watcher makes a covenant with her patron to provide protection to a single creature, known as her covenant ally. As a standard action when her covenant ally is within 30 feet, a witch-watcher can grant it one of the abilities listed below. Unless otherwise noted, each ability lasts for a number of minutes equal to the witch-watcher’s Intelligence modifier. She can grant a number of abilities per day equal to 1/2 her witch level (minimum 1).

Health: The covenant ally gains a number of temporary hit points equal to the witch-watcher’s witch level + her Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). The temporary hit points from this ability do not stack with themselves, but additional uses cause the total number of temporary hit points and the duration to reset.

Safeguard: The covenant ally gains a deflection bonus to AC or a resistance bonus on saving throws equal to 1/2 the witch-watcher’s witch level (minimum 1). When given, this bonus can be divided between the AC and saving throws as the witch-watcher wishes, up to a maximum of +5 for either.

Solace: The witch-watcher temporarily disrupts a spell affecting her covenant ally by succeeding at a dispel check against the spell, as per dispel magic. The ability suppresses a spell effect for a number of rounds equal to the witch- watcher’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). If the spell affects multiple creatures, this ability suppresses the spell effect only for the covenant ally. At the end of this duration, the spell resumes and the suppressed rounds do not count against its total duration. This ability has no effect on spells that are instantaneous or have a duration of permanent.

Spell Resistance: The covenant ally gains spell resistance equal to 6 + the witch-watcher’s witch level for a number of rounds equal to the witch-watcher’s Intelligence modifier. At 10th level, the spell resistance increases to 11 + the witch-watcher’s witch level. The spell resistance cannot be suppressed, but it doesn’t affect spells cast by the witch-watcher.

离线 白药君

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« 回帖 #14 于: 2017-03-02, 周四 17:00:13 »
 :em003 由于本人肝力有限,所以剩下的什么诸如魔法物品专长法术巫术新异能精神境界就交给有爱的大佬们去接受吧,请原谅 :em032

下面请随意吐槽 :em006