作者 主题: 【AG】概述(Introduction)  (阅读 10682 次)

副标题: 似乎还没别人翻译,就姑且暂译为冒险者指南(Adventurers' Guide)吧

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« 于: 2017-07-18, 周二 20:25:48 »

使用本书(Using This Book)
本书中的组织均取自Pathfinder的官方战役设定集——格拉利昂世界(the world of Golarion)。这些组织都在内海地区(Inner Sea region)具有一定的影响力,所谓的内海地区则包含阿维斯坦(Avistan)以及加伦德北部(northern Garund),详细地图请见本书第七页。每一节起始部分所提供的信息并不会太全面,但会说明相关团体的基本信息。关于格拉利昂的更多信息,请查阅战役设定:内海世界指南(The Inner Sea World Guide)和其他Pathfinder战役设定产品。要使用本书(Pathfinder RPG Adventurer’s Guide)中提供的规则,你并不需要精通格拉利昂世界观的方方面面。本书提供的所有新选项都整合到了最后几页(186 - 191)的快速查阅目录中,而且如果你不打算使用这些规则中源自格拉利昂世界的名称的话,则可以使用目录中编入的更加直白的设定名称(比如奥多里决斗剑的名称直接变为决斗剑)。您可以自由地将本书的内容改编到自己的故事中!请注意本书中新加入的规则会标上星号(“*”)作为提示(原书中使用的是十字型的上角标)。
此外,本书中有数个组织在初次登场时是刊载于冒险之路模组(Pathfinder Adventure Path campaigns)上的。请注意这些相关内容,以避免自己受到这些与冒险之路相关的剧透;不过在所有情况下,这些组织都默认视同为已经经历过了冒险之路中的所有事件,而且这些冒险之路中的玩家角色们获得了战役的最终胜利。

新选项的使用权(Access to Options)
本书提供了各种角色选项,这些内容均会与某个特定组织相关,但是某些选项会被标注为独立于该组织(unaffiliated with a group)。这些选项在主题方面会与它们所处章节的组织相关,但是它们并没有受到相关组织的控制,因此这些选项总是被视为属于随意选用(full-access)一档,详细请见后文。大多数情况下,本书中提供的选项会与内海地区的某个特定组织有着紧密的联系。不过GM可以完全凭个人爱好来选择如何将这些内容融入到自己的游戏中。

随意选用(Full Access):最简单粗暴的方法是,允许使用本书中的所有选项,无视角色和组织的关系或者干脆让组织根本就不存在。这种做法对角色来说是一种优势,因为他们获得了更加丰富的选项,但是通过新选项来表现世界性组织的趣味也被冲淡了。对于本书中的部分选项来说,角色在选取它之前需要先得到对应组织的成员的支持或赞助——在随意选用模式下,这些先决条件都可以被忽略。

受限选用(Limited Access):与随意选用完全相对的模式便是受限选用——在此模式下,只有特定组织的成员才能有权选取和该组织相关的选项,也就是说只有当一名角色加入到组织中之后,才能够选择与该组织相关的选项。这让每个组织都保留了自己的标志——强烈的主题以及具有识别性的规则元素,但这限制了玩家的选择。GM应当将加入组织这件事作为随着游戏发展带来的结果,并将其作为某个角色进行的奖励。如果队伍已经使用了各种各样的玩家选项,那么限制本书中的选项使用权可能会是一种有吸引力的选择。

结盟获取(Affiliation Access):该模式在随意选用和受限选用两者之间,而且是本书的默认使用模式。在结盟获取模式中,角色需要与组织结盟才能获得与之相关的选项使用权——角色不需要成为该组织的成员。此种模式会在为玩家提供广泛选项以及维护组织特性的主题中达到一种平衡。

意外发现(Discovery):本书中的许多新选项可以在游戏过程中被意外发现。一名玩家角色不需要加入到红螳螂(Red Mantis)组织,也可以从他打败的敌人身上搜到螳螂面罩(Mask of The Mantis);如果玩家在怪物巢穴中发现的法术书上包含有奥多里迅捷咒(Aldori alacrity),那么她不需要与奥多里剑豪(Aldori swordlords)结盟便能够学到这个法术。当然,在此情况下,GM是玩家们能发现何种内容的最终仲裁者,不过对某些选项(比如专长或进阶职业)来说,意外发现并非符合逻辑的获取手段。

玩家角色与结盟(Affiliations for PCs)

盟约栏位(Affiliation Slots):每名玩家角色都有一定数量的盟约栏位,这个数量等同于角色的魅力调整值 + 1(最低1个栏位)。每当玩家角色选取额外盟约专长(Additional Affiliations feat;详细请见后文边栏)时,他的总盟约栏位数量会增加2个。最后,GM可以将额外的盟约栏位当做游戏进行的奖励来发放,但是通常来说,这些奖励栏位都只能用在特定的组织上。举例说明:当玩家角色们成功完成了白银渡鸦(Silver Ravens)授予的危险人物时,GM可以把与白银渡鸦结盟作为奖励发放给玩家的队伍。

起始盟约(Starting Affiliation):在玩家建立自己的角色时,她可以决定玩家角色的第一个结盟关系,只要她的角色背景能够和她所选择的结盟对象相符便可。举例说明:某个玩家角色的父母属于探索者协会(Pathfinder Society),且她父母在组织内的声誉足以作为角色与该组织结盟的保障。出生在阿尔-撒布瑞提部落(Al-Zabriti tribe)的玩家角色依旧可以保留她的继承权与出身,哪怕她由于长年的旅行而远离了这支位于卡蒂亚(Qadira)的游牧民族。或许某个玩家角色在幼年时曾经身为奴隶,被玲花会(Bellflower Network)的成员所解救出来,自那以后,他便以该组织的英雄为榜样而锻炼自我。这些起始盟约必须得到GM的认同,也许GM会要求禁止加入组织,或者在加入之前必须在游戏中与组织取得联系。

缔结盟约(Subsequent Affiliations):一旦游戏开始了,玩家角色在尝试加入或与某个组织结盟之前,就必须首先要找到该组织的代理人并与其取得联系。在进行接触后,她必须说服这名代理人,让代理人明白自己是会对组织有益的存在。当玩家决定与某个组织结盟之前,她应当先在游戏外向GM说明这件事,因为最终决定本书哪些组织存在于游戏中(或者哪些选项可用)的是GM。缔结盟约不应是玩家单方面自行决定的东西——这应当是游戏中与对应组织的NPC交互的结果。关于如何与每个组织缔结盟约的附加信息刊载于对应组织的章节中,除了具体要求之外,还会附带一段简短的范例遭遇,GM可以用该范例作为参考来设计队伍与组织结盟的遭遇。

冒险队伍与结盟(Affiliations for Adventuring Parties)
作为一种选择,小队能够以组织成员的身份使用规则,就如同Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Faction Guide中刊载的那样一般(此处存疑,并不是很了解这本战役设定里是什么写的);或者说加入到组织中对于这场战役来说一个重要的组成部分,就像在地狱叛军冒险之路模组(Hell’s Rebels Adventure Path)中的白银渡鸦一般。在此情况下,玩家角色在成功加入组织时,便自动获得了与该组织的结盟关系。

非玩家角色与结盟(Affiliations for NPCs)

需要注意的是,本书刊载的组织描述中会注明它们的宿敌,这代表本书中的某个其他组织与其有着长期对抗的关系。盾徽联合(The Aspis Consortium)与探索者协会(the Pathfinder Society)是老对手了,地狱骑士(Hellknights)与玲花会(Bellflower Network)一直以来也纷争不断。没有理由认为具有宿敌关系的两个结盟关系无法在同一个队伍中并存(尽管这样的队伍更有可能产生内部冲突),但是单个角色通常无法同时与两个互为宿敌的组织进行结盟。

放弃盟约(Abandoning Affiliations)
作为一种选择,角色可以通过选取额外盟约(Additional Affiliations)专长(详见边栏)来获得更多的盟约栏位,以不需要放弃盟约的方式来扩展自己的关系网。当然,若角色的魅力属性永久增加(并且因此使得魅力调整值增加)时,她会获得1个新的盟约栏位(Affiliation Slots)。

引述: 边栏:专长 额外盟约
Additional Affiliations
好处:你的盟约栏位(Affiliation Slots)增加2个。
正常:你的盟约栏位(Affiliation Slots)数量等同于你的魅力调整值 + 1(最低1个)。

进阶职业与变体职业(Prestige Classes and Archetypes)
关于进阶职业的完整规则刊载于核心手册(Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook)的374页,变体职业的完整规则刊载于进阶玩家手册(Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide)的72页。除非另有说明,进阶职业都不会提供新的武器或护甲擅长。本书中刊载的进阶职业都有着许多不同的角色选项,不过其中一部分都共同具有后述能力。

每日法术(Spells per Day):角色会在相应的等级获得新的每日法术,就如同她在进阶进入进阶职业之前的时候,施法职业等级得到提升一般。除了额外的每日法术、已知法术(若她是自发施法者)、以及有效施法等级的提升以外,她无法获得任何该职业本应提供的其他好处。若角色在获得本项进阶职业能力之前,拥有多于一种的施法职业的话,则在判断每日法术能力时,必须决定哪一个施法职业如同获得新的等级一般提升上述能力。部分进阶职业会限定该能力只对某类魔法生效(比如奥术、神术或异能);在此情况下,这些限定会在进阶职业的文本中说明。

引述: 边栏:参考书目
进化职业手册(Advanced Class Guide)        ACG
进阶玩家手册(Advanced Player’s Guide)APG
进阶种族手册(Advanced Race Guide)ARG
怪物图鉴 II(Bestiary 2)B2
怪物图鉴 III(Bestiary 3)B3
怪物图鉴 IV(Bestiary 4)B4
怪物图鉴 V(Bestiary 5)B5
怪物图鉴 VI(Bestiary 6)B6
惧怖冒险(Horror Adventures)HA
神话冒险(Mythic Adventures)MA
异能冒险(Occult Adventures)OA
极限战斗(Ultimate Combat)UC
极限宝具(Ultimate Equipment)UE
极限诡道(Ultimate Intrigue)UI
极限魔法(Ultimate Magic)UM

劇透 -   :
Only the bravest, or perhaps the most foolhardy, adventurer seeks fame, glory, and wealth on her own. Most join parties, supporting each other with a diverse array of abilities and tactics, but even these groups often need to call upon the aid of experts. Presented in the pages of this book are 18 groups of such experts—a mix of organizations with access to powerful abilities, magic, and secrets that can bolster the effectiveness of any adventurer. These organizations can be your party’s guide to success!

The organizations in this book are all drawn from the official Pathfinder campaign setting—the world of Golarion. These groups all hold power in the Inner Sea region, which consists of Avistan and northern Garund (see the map on page 7). The information presented at the start of each section is not intended to be comprehensive, but rather to give basic information regarding the group in question. Further information about Golarion can be found in Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide and in many other Pathfinder Campaign Setting products. Yet you don’t need to be an expert on Golarion to make use of the new rules found in Pathfinder RPG Adventurer’s Guide. All of the new options presented in this book are collected in easy-to-reference indices at the end of the book (see pages 186–191), along with setting-neutral names you can use to refer to the options if you prefer not to use their names from the world of Golarion. Feel free to adapt this book’s content to the campaign setting of your choice! Note that new rules options introduced in this book are indicated with a dagger symbol (“*”).
In addition, several of the organizations presented in this book were first introduced in the context of Pathfinder Adventure Path campaigns. Care has been taken in the following pages to avoid too many spoilers for these Adventure Paths, but in all cases, the organization is presented with the assumption that the events of the Adventure Path in which it was introduced have already come to pass, and that the PCs of that Adventure Path were victorious.

Access to Options
This book presents a wide range of character options that are tied to specific organizations, but certain options are indicated as being unaffiliated with a group. These options, while still thematically tied to the organization in whose section they appear, are not controlled by that organization and are always considered to function under the full-access approach detailed below. Most, however, are more closely associated with a specific organization in the Inner Sea region. How GMs incorporate these latter options into their own games depends entirely on personal preference.
Full Access: The simplest solution is to allow full access to all of the options in this book, regardless of characters’ affiliations or lack thereof. This has the advantage of allowing all characters a wide range of new options to choose from, but dilutes the flavorful aspect of having these options define specific in-world organizations. Some of the options in this book require sponsorship or similar support from an established member of an organization before a character can select the option—for full access, ignore these requirements.
Limited Access: At the opposite end of the scale from full access is limited access—in this approach, only members of the specific group can ever have access to the options associated with that group, and before a character can select one of that group’s options, the character must be accepted into the group. This preserves the strong themes and identifiable rules elements that are iconic to each group, but it limits player choice. Access to a group should be awarded by the GM only to specific characters as the result of inplay developments. If a party already uses a wide range of player options, limiting the options in this book might be an attractive choice.
Affiliation Access: This is a midway approach between full and limited access, and is the assumption for how this book will be used in play. With affiliation access, a character need only be affiliated with a group to gain access to its options—the character does not need to be a full member. This approach strikes a balance between making a wide range of character options available while preserving the thematic identities of the organizations associated with those options.
Discovery: Many of the options in this book can be discovered organically during play. A PC doesn’t need to be affiliated with the Red Mantis to loot a mask of the mantis from a defeated NPC, nor does she need to be affiliated with the Aldori swordlords to learn the spell Aldori alacrity from a spellbook she discovers in a monster’s lair. Of course, in such situations, the GM is the arbiter of what can and cannot be discovered, and for some options (such as feats or prestige classes), discovery isn’t a logical source.

Affiliations for PCs
Affiliation with a group means that a character has proven to be an ally with the group’s interests at heart and is trusted to be a caretaker for that group’s secrets.
Affiliation Slots: Each PC has a number of affiliation slots equal to the character’s Charisma modifier + 1 (minimum 1 slot). Each time a PC takes the Additional Affiliations feat (see the Additional Affiliations sidebar on page 6), his total number of affiliation slots increases by 2. Finally, a GM can award bonus affiliation slots as rewards for gameplay, but typically these slots must be spent on specific groups. (For example, after the PCs successfully undertake a dangerous mission for the Silver Ravens, the GM may reward the group with a bonus affiliation with the Silver Ravens.)
Starting Affiliation: A player can choose her PC’s first affiliation when she creates the character, so long as she justifies her choice via the character’s background. For example, perhaps a PC’s parents belong to the Pathfinder Society, and her parents’ reputation in that organization could vouch for her own affiliation. A PC born into an Al-Zabriti tribe may retain her birthright and history by belonging to these horse-riding folk despite having since traveled far from Qadira. Or maybe a PC was rescued from slavery at a young age by members of the Bellflower Network, and has modeled his life upon heroes from that group. This starting affiliation must be approved by the GM, who may say that certain affiliations are off-limits or some organizations must be contacted in-play before joining.
Subsequent Affiliations: Once play begins, a PC must seek out and contact agents of an organization before attempting to join or gain affiliation with it. Upon making contact, she must convince that agent that she would make a good addition to the organization. Players should speak with their GM out of the game when they make the decision to pursue affiliation with a group, since the GM has final say as to which groups (and thus which options) from this book are available. An affiliation should never be something players just decide they have on their own—it should be the result of gameplay and interaction with NPCs associated with the organization. Additional information on how to earn affiliation is presented in each group’s chapter, along with a short example encounter GMs can use as inspiration for setting up the attempt to affiliate with the group.

Affiliations for Adventuring Parties
At the GM’s discretion, an entire adventuring party can have a group affiliation. In such a case, the assumption is that the campaign the GM has chosen to run involves the whole party being agents of a specific group. Once the GM assigns a group affiliation, all members of the party are treated as if they were affiliated with that group. This affiliation does not take up any individual PC’s affiliation slots.
Alternatively, a party can use rules for membership in groups, such as those presented in Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Faction Guide, or joining a group could be a significant part of a campaign, as in the case of the Silver Ravens in the Hell’s Rebels Adventure Path. In such a case, a character automatically gains affiliation with a group once he successfully joins the group in question.

Affiliations for NPCs
An NPC should typically have only one affiliation (if any), and the GM gets to decide what that affiliation is. Yet there is no maximum number of affiliations for NPCs—an NPC can have as many as are needed for the GM to tell the story she wishes to tell. It’s generally unnecessary to list in an NPC’s statistics what affiliations he has, since that should be clear from the NPC’s background.

Note that certain groups presented in this book have rivals listed in their group stat blocks, representing long-standing conflicts with other groups presented in this book. The Aspis Consortium and the Pathfinder Society are perennial enemies, and the Hellknights and the Bellflower Network have long been at odds. There’s no reason that characters of rival affiliations can’t exist in the same adventuring party (although such a group will likely be more prone to party strife than others), but a single character cannot normally have an affiliation with two rival groups.

Abandoning Affiliations
A character can abandon an affiliation at any time, but she cannot replace the abandoned affiliation with a new affiliation until she has gained at least 1 character level (unless the GM decrees otherwise). Once a character has abandoned her affiliation with a group, only exceptional circumstances can allow her to regain her affiliation with that group. Abandoning an affiliation may have in-game repercussions, as members of the group may not take kindly to learning that a character has deserted them.
When a character abandons an affiliation, she cannot gain new options from that group until her affiliation with the group is restored. However, she does not lose access to options she already has, and can still gain access to affiliation options via alternative means. If a character has a prestige class or archetype associated with a group, she can continue to gain levels in that class or archetype, regardless of her current affiliation status with that group.
As an alternative way to gain more affiliation slots rather than abandoning one, a character could take the Additional Affiliations feat (see the Additional Affiliations sidebar) to expand her set of affiliations without having to sacrifice existing affiliations. And of course, if a character’s Charisma score (and thus her Charisma modifier) permanently increases, she can gain access to new affiliation slots as a result.

Full rules for prestige classes can be found on page 374 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, while full rules for archetypes can be found on page 72 of the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide. Unless otherwise indicated, a prestige class grants no new weapon or armor proficiencies. While each prestige class detailed in this book presents a wealth of different character options, many of them share the following ability in common.
Spells per Day: At the indicated levels, the character gains new spells per day as if she had also gained a level in a spellcasting class she belonged to before adding the prestige class. She does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if she is a spontaneous spellcaster), and an increased effective level of spellcasting. If a character had more than one spellcasting class before gaining this prestige class ability, she must decide to which class she adds the new level for the purposes of determining her spells per day. Some prestige classes limit this ability to specific types of magic (such as arcane, divine, or psychic); if this is the case, it is indicated in the text of the prestige class.

Feat: Additional Affiliations
You have an expansive personality and can forge more affiliations than normal.
Benefit: Increase your affiliation slot total by 2.
Normal: You have a number of affiliation slots equal to your Charisma modifier + 1 (minimum 1).
Special: You can take this feat multiple times; each time you do so, your number of affiliation slots increases by 2.


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Re: 【AG】概述(Introduction)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-07-22, 周六 13:52:58 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due