作者 主题: 【EE】Chapter 1: Welcome to Extreme Earth 欢迎来到极端地球 什么是极端地球What is Extreme Earth?  (阅读 8642 次)

副标题: P10-12,为我们讲明EE的设定与基调

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劇透 -   :
In many ways, Extreme Earth is a world very much like our own. People, places, and events throughout its history often have shared counterparts in our world, and where they diverge, it isn’t too hard to imagine the same thing happening here under similar circumstances. Even the maps are nearly identical, as are the wars that were fought to draw the borders of the nations depicted on them. But Extreme Earth is an alternate earth in a parallel universe, and many of the similarities are merely superficial.

极端地球和我们自己的世界之间的差异既微妙又深刻。翻开极端地球的国王詹姆斯的《圣经》并翻到《福音书》,我们能了解到四福音由马太,马可,拉撒路和约翰组成。(译注:现实世界的四福音是巴拿巴、多马、犹大、雅各)。约翰弗朗兹·舒伯特(Franz Schubert)在他去世前完成了他的第8号交响曲,但贝多芬在1820年没有写出他的第九交响曲,因为他死于霍乱。(译注:现实中,舒伯特的第八交响曲是未完成的残本,而舒伯特本人留下过1500首歌曲等作品,如此高产的音乐家与未完成的残本,由此产生了大量有关该交响曲的阴谋论点。而贝多芬的第九交响曲是他作品的巅峰,其中包含有最为出名的“欢乐颂”第四乐章)也许,今时我们两个世界之间最显著的区别之一,可以在曼哈顿的天际线上看到,世贸中心的双子塔仍然矗立在那里,高大而违和。然而,在极端地球上存在着三大主要差异,能让我们以想象的方式来将两个世界分离开。
劇透 -   :
The differences between Extreme Earth and our own world can be both subtle and profound. Picking up the King James Bible on Extreme Earth and turning to the Gospels, we learn the Four Evangelists were comprised of Matthew, Mark, Lazarus, and John. Franz Schubert managed to complete his Symphony No. 8 in B minor before his death, but Beethoven never wrote his Ninth Symphony having succumbed to cholera in 1820. Perhaps one of the most striking differences between our two worlds today can be seen in the Manhattan skyline of Extreme Earth where the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center still stand, tall and defiant. There are three major differences found on Extreme Earth, however, that set it apart from our world in ways we can only imagine.

逐渐无力Running on Empty
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Extreme Earth is a world that started with far fewer natural resources than our own, but these resources are being consumed at a much greater rate. Fossil fuels, like oil and coal, are becoming increasingly rare, and the excessive consumption of this limited supply has damaged the environment, thanks to global warming brought about by greenhouse gases. While we may have enough crude oil for another century of consumption on our own planet, Extreme Earth will have exhausted its supply by the end of the decade. In many parts of the world, fresh drinking water is becoming a scarce commodity. From the rainforests of the Amazon Basin to the great woodlands of Russia and the American Northwest, excessive logging has led to extensive deforestation. This lack of fossil fuels and other natural resources is a major catalyst for many of the tensions and conflicts on Extreme Earth today, and the resulting military confrontations only exasperate the problem.
劇透 -   :
Corporate greed and military objectives have also added to the environmental stresses placed on Extreme Earth. Concepts like conservation, recycling, even safety regulations receive lip service at best from government agencies in the corporation’s pockets. Modern warfare has left many areas of the globe, like the Arabian Wastes, barely habitable. Scientists are allowed to conduct all manner of experiments – even on human subjects – with little to no government oversight (unless they are the ones paying the bills). It is this very same reckless attitude that led to the development of the second major difference between our world and Extreme Earth.

超能天资Super Talents
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Shortly after World War II, the United States military began working on a top secret project to create super soldiers with exceptional abilities above and beyond previous maximum human potential. Building on the work of former Nazi scientists, subsequently hired by the American government, advances were made in genetics, molecular biology, virology, and other scientific fields on Extreme Earth at an advanced pace compared to our world. This secret military program developed a genetic strand of DNA known as the Wildstrain sequence that could imbue anyone infected with enhanced abilities and special powers which would come to be known collectively as Super Talents.
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As other nations like the Soviet Union and China raced to develop their own super soldiers in response, a catastrophic accident at the US military facility housing the project resulted in the release of the Wildstrain sequence into the general population where it continues to mutate and evolve to this day. While most people remained unaffected after exposure, a few were genetically altered and developed Super Talents. Further compounding the problem, mutations began to be passed down to offspring. The United States government attempted to control the damage by limiting exposure, but it was too late; Pandora’s Box had been opened.
劇透 -   :
Today, Super Talented individuals are an accepted fact of life, be they feared or revered. There are now many ways in which one can acquire Super Talents, both intentionally and accidentally. And for those who do not possess innate Super Talents of their own, advancements in engineering and technology can provide comparative abilities to counterbalance an otherwise significant evolutionary advantage. Most people, however, do not possess or have access to either, and they live in both fear and awe of those who do. This sophisticated science and technology responsible for Super Talents (whatever their source) comprises the third and final major difference between our own world and Extreme Earth.
« 上次编辑: 2018-06-29, 周五 08:44:12 由 cmoon »

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未来即是当下The Future is Now 
劇透 -   :
Compared to similar developments on our own world, advancements in science and technology on Extreme Earth have been achieved at an accelerated pace, both in theory and practical application. Molecular biology and genetics were already years ahead of their time when American scientists created the first Super Talented super soldier in 1951. When individuals with Super Talents became more commonplace, so did the spread of fear and paranoia among those without them. Scientific and technological advancements were once again pushed to their limits in search of countermeasures against this perceived new threat to national security.
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From computer processing speeds to efficient weapon design, technology on Extreme Earth today is years (and in some instances decades) ahead of our own time. Research and development (R&D) is mostly spurred on by the needs of the military and the government, with practical applications of the same technology for private industry, healthcare, and everyday life following soon after. Security and surveillance, replicating and neutralizing the abilities of Super Talents, and incessant warfare around the globe are the biggest motivators to innovation after profi t margin. After all, in a world where the lines have become blurred between government and corporations, greed is the biggest motivator of all.
劇透 -   :
The full spectrum of science has contributed to the advanced technological wonders of Extreme Earth. The first bionic limbs were invented in the 1970s, and since that time, cybernetic augmentation and enhancement have advanced to a state of near-perfect integration with the human body. Genetic cloning of all manner of plant and animal species is quite common in agriculture, and although human cloning is also possible, it is still considered by the vast majority of the population to be an unethical pursuit. Gene selection, however, has become a widely accepted practice, and would-be parents choose desirable traits for their children every day at fertility clinics like they were picking from paint and fabric swatches. The introduction of nanotechnology in the early 1980s was perhaps the most dramatic development of all with microscopic, self-replicating nanites transforming all this other technology both literally and fi guratively. Despite all of these modern marvels, they still remain in the exclusive domain of those who can afford them.
劇透 -   :
Space exploration programs are similarly further along and more technologically advanced on Extreme Earth. NASA is the largest and most successful space organization, but several other countries maintain space programs, including Russia, the Pan-Asian Alliance, the United Kingdom, and the People’s Republic of China. Like most government agencies in the United States, NASA is a semi-privatized endeavor with a signifi cant corporate presence. NASA’s space program is centered around its fl eet of 20 state-of-the-art space shuttles with launches scheduled every other week.

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The space shuttles undertake a variety of missions, including maintenance on the sophisticated satellite network that drives much of information traffic on the world below as well as providing transportation to and from the dozens of space stations orbiting around Extreme Earth. Most space stations are privately owned by corporations, but a few are maintained by the government and the military. The International Space Station is the oldest and largest of them all and houses over 100 astronauts and scientists. Beginning with the Apollo Program and first lunar landing in 1969, the United States has actively led the way in the exploration and colonization of the Moon. There are now three active moonbases on the lunar surface, including a facility to harvest and study helium-3 on the dark side of the moon. NASA is currently on target to launch the first manned flight to Mars in 2020.
在极端地球上停滞不前的科学研究和技术进步的一个主要领域是开发替代能源的化石燃料。像KT石油这样的大公司对联邦政府有很大的影响,他们反过来控制着替代能源研究和发展的资金来源,所以保持美国和世界其他国家依赖石油只符合他们的集体利益。世界石油生产地区正在进行的战争使军火制造商和国防承包商的腰包鼓了起来,引起了连锁反应。然而,并不是每个人都是自私的,像有超能天资的天才,N-Tec公司的创始人兼首席执行官Jonathan Fisher,一直在独自寻求其他的能源替代品。但是,拒绝与权利结交是有代价的,在政府执法机构睁一只眼闭一只眼的情况下,N-Tec不止一次地下成了企业间谍活动的受害者。
劇透 -   :
One major area of scientifi c research and technological advancement that has remained stagnant on Extreme Earth is the development of alternative energy sources to fossil fuels. Powerful corporations like KT Oil hold a lot of infl uence over the federal government, who in turn control the purse strings for alternative energy research and development, so keeping the United States and the rest of the world dependent on oil only serves their collective interests. Ongoing wars in the oil-producing areas of the world line the pockets of the arms manufacturers and defense contractors, causing a ripple effect. Not everyone is out for themselves, however, and men like Super Talented genius Jonathan Fisher, founder and CEO of the N-Tec Corporation, have been independently pursuing other energy alternatives. But refusing to play ball with the Powers That Be has its consequences, and N-Tec has been the victim of corporate espionage on more than one occasion while the government’s law enforcement agencies turn a blind eye.
« 上次编辑: 2018-07-23, 周一 22:07:12 由 cmoon »

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这部分主要是为了引起众人兴趣的尝鲜部分 :em021
« 上次编辑: 2018-06-30, 周六 00:07:07 由 cmoon »