作者 主题: 【第二章】调查员变体职业  (阅读 16375 次)

副标题: 和连环杀手针锋相对

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« 于: 2017-08-01, 周二 21:23:54 »
心理测量者 Profiler

  宜野,别试着去理解犯罪者的内心思想,会深陷不可自拔的哦 —— 狡啮慎也


专业测量者 Expert Profiler (Ex):心理测量者获得等于他一半职业等级(最低+1)的察言观色加值,在第2级时,他可以在察言观色上任意使用灵感能力但不消耗任何灵感点数,只要他在该技能上已受训。在第3级时,运用他对该生物心理学上的了解,心理测量者可以尝试预测一名生物的行动。(例如一名连环杀手,虽然他的真实身份尚未被识破,但是心理测量者已经对他的犯罪行为进行了足够多的研究。)为了做到这一点,他需要从该生物去过并且知道是为什么而去的地点开始(通常是犯罪现场),并且进行一个察言观色检定,对抗DC40或者20+该生物的唬骗加值,以高者为准,并由GM暗骰。如果失败,那么心理测量者对该生物行动的猜测就会不准。如果成功,那么心理测量者可以跟踪该生物的一般行动,如同使用了生存技能检定进行追踪(尽管一般生效于生存技能检定的调整值并不适用,并且该能力允许他追踪通常因没有留下痕迹而无法追踪的目标),在最多一小时后(甚至更早,如果该生物有多种可能性的行动方案,由GM判定),如果心理测量者没有找到任何进一步的证据(如脚印、指纹、或任何其他迹象表明生物确实是这么行动的),他会失去对该生物的追踪;而一旦他发现了线索,他可以通过另一个检定尝试猜测该生物下一个目标。

预言分析 Divination Analysis (Su):在第2级时,心理测量者可以分析思维的运行模式,在决定预言系化合的持续时间上,施法者等级提高1级,并且在对抗预言系效果的豁免上+1加值。该施法者等级和豁免加值在第5级和第8级时额外+1。在第11级时,心理测量者可以消耗消耗1点灵感点数在使用预言系化合或调查员类法术能力的专注检定结果上增加1d6。

血迹溯源 Blood Sleuth(Sp):在第4级时,心理测量者可以消耗一点灵感来以类法术形式使用辨知亲族(ACG);或者他可以消耗两点灵感来以类法术形式使用血之讯息(APG)。

团伙心理学 Pack Psychology(Su):在第7级时,心理测量者可以理解团体行动的方式,并允许其利用他们攻击中的薄弱环节。一名心理测量者不会被有智力属性的生物所夹击,并且他在面对这些尝试夹击他的家伙时,可以利用他们的行动来使他们相互干扰,从而在AC上获得+1加值。

劇透 -  原文:
Source Horror Adventures pg. 55
Profilers understand the human psyche to an intense degree, allowing them to predict the criminals they hunt.

Expert Profiler (Ex): A profiler gains a bonus equal to 1/2 his class level (minimum +1) on Sense Motive checks. At 2nd level, he can use inspiration on any Sense Motive check without expending a use of inspiration, provided he is trained in the skill.
,At 3rd level, he can attempt to predict a creature’s movements using his knowledge of the creature’s psychology. He can use this ability only on a creature familiar to him (for example, a serial killer whose crimes the profiler has studied will suffice, even if the profiler hasn’t yet identified the serial killer’s true identity). To do so, he starts from a place where he knows that the creature has been and why (most often the scene of a crime) and attempts a Sense Motive check against a DC equal to 40 or to 20 + the creature’s Bluff modifier, whichever is higher, which the GM rolls in secret. On a failure, the profiler’s guess about the creatures movements is inaccurate. On a success, the profiler is able to track the creature’s general movements as if using Survival to track (though the usual modifiers on Survival checks to track don’t apply, and this ability allows her to track a creature using pass without trace or otherwise leaving no trail). After at most 1 hour (or sooner if there are many possible options for the creature to take, at the GM’s discretion), if the profiler has not yet found further evidence of the creature’s passing (such as footprints, fingerprints, or any other indication that the creature came this way), he loses track of the creature’s movements; if he does, he can try to guess where the creature went next by attempting another check.
This ability replaces trapfinding, poison lore, and trap sense.

Divination Analysis (Su): At 2nd level, a profiler has analyzed the workings of the mind. His caster level to determine the duration of his divination extracts increases by 1, and he gains a +1 bonus on saving throws against divinations. The increases to caster level and bonus on saving throws increase by 1 at 5th level and by another 1 at 8th level. At 11th level, a profiler can expend one use of inspiration to add 1d6 to the result of a concentration check when using a divination extract or investigator spell-like ability.
This ability replaces poison resistance and poison immunity.

Blood Sleuth (Sp): At 4th level, a profiler can expend one use of his inspiration to use discern next of kinACG as a spell-like ability. Alternatively, he can expend two uses of inspiration to use blood biographyAPG as a spell-like ability.
This ability replaces swift alchemy.

Pack Psychology (Su): At 7th level, a profiler can understand the way that groups act together, allowing him to exploit the vulnerabilities in their attacks. A profiler can’t be flanked by creatures with an Intelligence score and he gains a +1 bonus to his AC against such creatures when they would otherwise flank him, as he plays their movements against each other.
This ability replaces the investigator talent at 7th level.

« 上次编辑: 2020-10-22, 周四 11:53:09 由 沉淪 »

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掘墓人 Gravedigger(挖坟调查员2号)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2017-08-02, 周三 23:25:07 »
掘墓人 Gravedigger

  如需获得确凿的证据,本官要开棺验尸 —— 宋慈


武器与防具擅长 Weapon and Armor Proficiency:掘墓人擅长简易武器以及巨镰,并可以如同拥有随手武器专长一样使用诸如铲子或者灯笼这样的掘墓人工具进行战斗。掘墓人擅长轻甲,但是不擅长盾牌。

有限炼金术 Limited Alchemy:掘墓者可以准备并使用化合,如同正常的调查员,但是无法获得任何炼金术能力的其他好处。这也意味着掘墓者无法选择炼金术师发现作为调查员天赋,或者任何影响或涉及炼金术的天赋。

御魂秘法 Grave Magic(Sp):掘墓者可以牺牲未使用的化合炼成,来以类法术形式使用以下法术,消耗的化合炼成必须等于或高于该等级,以他的调查员等级作为施法者等级,并以智力属性决定DC:1环—快速挖掘APG;2环—安抚魂魄OA;3环—死者交谈;4环—永恒安眠;5环—呼唤魂魄OA;6环—不死归亡

遗物专注 Relic Focus (Su):掘墓者可以和一件他亲手发掘或者从墓地回收的颅骨或者骨头形成心灵感应(呕),将其作为一个秘学士的死灵灵器来使用,并且获得基本的灵器之力。掘墓者无法投入心智点到灵器中,因此无法获得任何共鸣之力。然而,每天一次,他可以消耗一点灵感,来使用任何消耗一点心智点的已知灵器之力。3级以及之后每3个调查员等级,他都可以多使用一次该能力。如果一项灵器之力需要使用多点心智点,那么掘墓者需要消耗同样数量的每天使用次数(以及相对应的灵感点)。此外,每天不限次数,掘墓者可以消耗一点灵感点来以类法术形式使用墓穴之语OA。(一个零环你都要烧我灵感点,是不是太残忍了点)

拒亡 Deny Death (Ex):在第2级时,掘墓者在所有对抗死亡效果以及能量吸取的豁免上获得+2加值,该加值在第5级时成长为+4,在第8级时为+6,在第11级时为+8.

阅骨 Read the Bones (Su):在第2级时,掘墓者可以如同秘学士一样进行触物感知,但是仅限于尸体,骨骼以及其他的物质性遗物。

灵力天赋 Focus Talent (Su):在选择调查员天赋时,掘墓者可以用调查员等级作为秘学士等级,得到一个对应灵器的灵器之力。

专杀不死 Kill the Dead (Ex):掘墓者专注于和不死生物作战,所以他在对抗除不死生物外的其他生物时,战斗策略和策士之击视为低2级(这意味着,在6级前,他无法对其他生物使用这两种能力)。

引魂灯Grave Lamp (Su):在第4级时,掘墓者可以与一盏提灯形成心灵感应,将其视为咒法系灵器,其他方面如同遗物专注能力的死灵系灵器。他可以以灵感点为燃料使用引魂灯的灵器之力,每天的使用次数和遗物专注相同(举个例子,一个六级掘墓者拥有6点灵感,他可以消耗3点灵感作为心智点使用遗物专注的灵器之力,另外3点灵感用在引魂灯上)。

劇透 -  原文:
Source Horror Adventures pg. 54

Gravediggers pursue long buried mysteries, figuratively and literally digging up the truth and finding answers to secrets only moldering corpses and dry bones can tell.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A gravedigger is proficient with simple weapons and scythes, and can fight with gravediggers’ tools such as a shovel or lantern as if she had the Catch Off-Guard feat. A gravedigger is proficient with light armor, but not with shields.
This replaces the investigator’s weapon and armor proficiencies.

Limited Alchemy: A gravedigger prepares and uses extracts as an investigator but gains no other benefits of the alchemy ability. This also means that a gravedigger can’t take the alchemist discovery investigator talent or any discovery that affects or involves alchemy.
This alters alchemy and investigator talents.

Grave Magic (Sp): A gravedigger can sacrifice unused extract slots of the level given below or higher to use the following spells as spelllike abilities, using her investigator level as her caster level and her Intelligence to determine DCs: 1st—expeditious excavationAPG; 2nd—calm spiritOA; 3rd—speak with dead; 4th— rest eternalAPG; 5th—call spiritOA; 6th—undeath to death.

Relic Focus (Su): A gravedigger can form a psychic bond with a skull or bone that she has personally exhumed or recovered from a burial site, using it as an occultist necromancy implement (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 47) and gaining its base focus power. The gravedigger cannot invest mental focus into the implement and thus doesn’t receive any resonant powers. However, once per day she can expend one use of inspiration to use any focus power she knows that has a cost of 1 point of mental focus (Occult Adventures 47). She can do this an additional time each day at 3rd level and every 3 investigator levels thereafter. To activate a focus power that costs more than 1 point of mental focus, the gravedigger can expend that number of daily uses of this ability (as well as uses of inspiration) at the same time. In addition, any number of times per day, she can expend 1 use of inspiration to use grave wordsOA as spell-like ability.
This ability replaces trapfinding and trap sense.

Deny Death (Ex): At 2nd level, a gravedigger gains a +2 bonus on all saving throws against death effects and energy drain. This increases to +4 at 5th level, to +6 at 8th level, and to +8 at 11th level.
This ability replaces the investigator’s poison resistance and poison immunity.

Read the Bones (Su): At 2nd level, a gravedigger can perform object reading as an occultist (Occult Adventures 48), but only on corpses, bones, and other physical remains.
This ability replaces poison lore.

Focus Talent (Su): A gravedigger can select a focus power for one of her implements as per an occultist of her investigator level in place of an investigator talent.
This ability alters investigator talents.

Kill the Dead (Ex): A gravedigger focuses on battling the undead, and her studied combat and studied strike function as if she were 2 levels lower against creatures other than undead (this means she can’t use them at all against such creatures until 6th level).
This ability alters the investigator’s studied combat and studied strike.

Grave Lamp (Su): At 4th level, a gravedigger can form a psychic bond with a lantern, using it as a conjuration implement in much the same way as she uses her relic focus as a necromancy implement. She can expend inspiration to fuel her grave lamp’s focus powers the same number of times each day as she can for her relic focus (for example, a 6th-level gravedigger with 6 points of inspiration could expend up to three uses of inspiration as mental focus for her relic focus and up to three uses of inspiration as mental focus for her grave lamp).
This ability replaces swift alchemy.

« 上次编辑: 2017-08-03, 周四 12:10:55 由 丞相 »

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Re: 【HA】调查员变体职业
« 回帖 #2 于: 2017-08-03, 周四 16:34:09 »


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Re: 【HA】調查員變體職業
« 回帖 #3 于: 2017-08-03, 周四 16:55:08 »
很RP的变体 :em020

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

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Re: 【HA】调查员变体职业
« 回帖 #4 于: 2017-08-03, 周四 21:57:57 »

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Re: 【HA】调查员变体职业
« 回帖 #5 于: 2018-01-07, 周日 17:17:26 »