作者 主题: 【ISC】进阶职业(Prestige Classes)  (阅读 24896 次)

副标题: 恶城管NPC和北欧姐贵,你还用选么?

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【ISC】进阶职业(Prestige Classes)
« 于: 2014-05-19, 周一 16:16:21 »
进阶职业(Prestige Classes)

精纯卫队执行者(Pure Legion Enforcer)
拉哈多姆(Rahadoum)的国境内,所有宗教都被报以同等的蔑视态度。从呼唤圣炎的艾奥梅黛(Iomedae),到吟诵着寂静祷文并维护着死者利益的法莱斯玛(Pharasma),任何对于信奉宗教的表态或者劝人改信的意图都是会被判处罚金、放逐、关押或者更糟刑罚的犯罪行为。在数个世纪之前,莎伦莱(Sarenrae)的信徒与内希斯(Nethys)和诺格巴(Norgorber)的追随者之间爆发了一场战争,这场被称作誓言战争(the Oath Wars)的圣战在数十年间蹂躏着拉哈多姆,最终,被称之为“凡人律法(the Laws of Man)”的庞大典籍从这场灾难的解决之道中诞生,而反宗教法律则是这部律法中的一部分。
精纯卫队(The Pure Legion)是由政府出资组件的军事组织,这个组织的建立便是为了在拉哈多姆的边疆与领海执行凡人律法。尽管精纯卫队雇佣了大量不同种类的执行人员,不过其中大部分人只是兼任城市守卫的普通士兵。而执行者则是作为调查者和特工存在于卫队中,专注于搜寻地下宗教、调查宗教物品走私、并缉拿具有危险思想的哲学家与宗教恐怖分子。他们可能会率领一些精纯卫队的普通成员,也可能成对或单独行动。尽管各自的行事方式各有不同,所有精纯卫队执行者都会追踪和清除任何在这人之国度中神祗影响,致力于保持国家免受神祗的束缚。执行者中有一部分人是无神论的追捧者,他们试图将那些狂热的宗教信徒隔绝在拉哈多姆的国境之外,不过大多数执行者仅仅是具备做好这项工作的熟练技巧,而非受到任何让人头脑浑浊的意识形态之影响。
生命骰(Hit Die):d10

专长(Feats):无信者自愈ISWG(Godless Healing)
劇透 -   :
无信者自愈(Godless Healing)
先决条件:不能信仰神祗(Cannot have a patron deity)
好处:每日1次,当你的生命值降低至总生命值的一半或更低时,你可以以移动动作治疗自身的伤害,数值为1d8 + 你的总生命骰点生命值。这是一个超自然能力。

本职技能(Class Skills)
升级技能点数(Skill Ranks at Each Level):4 + 智力调整值

职业能力(Class Features)

武器和防具擅长(Weapon and Armor Proficiency):精纯卫队执行者擅长所有简易武器,外加弯刃大刀(falchion)、弯刀(scimitar)和短弓(shortbow)。精纯卫队执行者还擅长所有轻甲、中甲和盾牌(塔盾除外)。

感知灵光(Aura Sense,Sp):精纯卫队执行者能够以类法术能力随意施放侦测混乱/邪恶/善良/秩序(detect chaos/evil/good/law),不过他只能够侦测到中等(Moderate)或更高强度的灵光。同一时间他只能选择一种类型的灵光来进行侦测。


嗅探宗教(Divine Detective,Sp):2级起,精纯卫队执行者获得以类法术能力随意施放侦测魔法(detect magic)的能力。他还能够在鉴别宗教物品(religious paraphernalia)、神术(divine spells)或者神术本质的魔法物品(比如神术卷轴、阵营武器以及对应特定神祗的魔法物品)时获得加值,加值的数量相等于精纯卫队执行者等级的一半。这些加值还能够应用至辨识正在施放的神术的法术辨识检定、鉴别非魔法宗教物品和图案的知识(宗教)检定、以及查找秘密或隐藏圣徽的察觉检定中。

律法之音(Voice of Law,Ex):2级起,精纯卫队执行者能够以标准动作,来尝试一次威吓检定来挫败30尺范围内所有信奉某个特定神祗的生物。受到该能力影响的施法者只要仍旧处于战栗(shaken),就会在施放神术的专注检定中承受-4减值。

精通无信者自愈(Improved Godless Healing,Su):3级起,精纯卫队执行者每日能够额外获得一次无信者自愈专长的好处,并且他每拥有3个等级,就能够额外治疗1d8点伤害,最高为9级时额外治疗3d8点伤害。


律法之令(Decree of Law,Ex):4级起,精纯卫队执行者能够以移动动作使用律法之音能力。此外,执法者在对抗受到他的律法之音能力影响的生物时,攻击与伤害检定获得+2士气加值。

辨识谎言(Discern Lies,Sp):5级起,精纯卫队执行者能够辨识谎言,就如同同名法术一般,该能力每日可以使用的轮数等同于他的执行者等级。这些轮数不需要连续。启动该能力是直觉动作。

切断神力(Disruptive Critical,Su):5级起,当精纯卫队执行者对神术施法者确认重击时,他能够暂时切断施法者与其神祗之间的神力关联,防止施法者施放神术或者使用神术施法职业赋予的超自然或类法术能力。该效果持续每等级1轮,或者直至施法者成功进行专注检定为止(DC = 20 + 1/2执行者的职业等级 + 他的魅力调整值)。

律法敕令(Edict of Law,Ex):6级起,精纯卫队执行者能够以迅捷动作使用律法之音能力,而且若他的威吓检定成功了,受影响的生物最低会战栗1分钟,以取代原本的1轮。执行者的检定结果每超过DC5点,这个效果的持续时间就会再增加1轮。

偶像破坏者(Iconoclast,Ex):7级起,精纯卫队执行者在对神术装备与魔法物品(divine paraphernalia and magic items)使用破武(sunder)战技时,战技检定获得+2加值。他在尝试对上述物品进行破武战技时,不会引起借机攻击。

绝对律法(Absolute Law,Ex):8级起,精纯卫队执行者在对抗受到自己的律法之音影响的生物时,伤害加值增加至+4点。

神力痕迹(Traces of Divinity,Su):9级起,精纯卫队执行者能够侦测出法术持续时间结束之后残留的魔法效果。在对神术或者神术施法职业所赋予的类法术能力造成的残存灵光(Lingering Aura)使用侦测魔法进行侦测,并且判断残存灵光的持续时间时,执法者能够将原本灵光的强度视为比实际强度高1级。若执法者在鉴别法术的法术辨识检定中胜出5或更多的时候,他便能够在自己的侦测魔法剩余的持续时间内,察觉到法术施法者身上残存的相同暗淡灵光(dim aura)。

铁心无信者(Iron-Willed Atheist,Su):10级起,精纯卫队执行者获得法术抗力,用于对抗神术以及神术施法职业赋予的类法术能力,数值为11 + 他的角色等级。执行者无法主动降低自身的法术抗力。此外,他在对抗受到自己的律法之音影响的生物时,伤害加值增加至+6点。

等级      BAB      强韧      反射      意志      特殊

劇透 -   :
Prestige Classes
The following prestige classes each present additional options for martial and skilled specialist characters.

Pure Legion Enforcer
The nation of Rahadoum holds all religions equally in contempt. From calling down the holy fires of Iomedae to saying a quiet prayer on behalf of the dead to Pharasma, any expression of religious worship or spiritual proselytization is a crime punishable by fines, exile, imprisonment—or worse. These anti-religion laws, part of a larger code known as the Laws of Man, were originally created as the solution to the Oath Wars, a decades-long series of holy wars between the faithful of Sarenrae and followers of Nethys and Norgorber that ravaged Rahadoum centuries ago.
The Pure Legion is a government-sponsored military organization created to enforce the Laws of Man within Rahadoum’s borders and territorial waters. While the Pure Legion employs many different types of agents, most are simple soldiers who double as city guards. The enforcers, however, are investigators and spies who specialize in ferreting out hidden cults, clandestine relic smugglers, subversive philosophers, and religious terrorists. They might lead squads of rankand- file legionnaires, operate in pairs, or work alone. Though their methods vary, all Pure Legion enforcers are dedicated to keeping their nation free of the gods’ shackles by tracking down and purging any divine influence from the Kingdom of Man. Some take on an atheistic fervor that rivals the zealotry of those they seek to keep out of Rahadoum, but most enforcers are simply incredibly skilled at their jobs rather than suffering from any kind of mind-clouding ideology.
Hit Die: d10.

To qualify to become a Pure Legion enforcer, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Alignment: Any lawful.
Deity: Cannot worship a deity.
Feats: Godless HealingISWG.
Skills: Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, Sense Motive 4 ranks.
Special: Cannot cast divine spells.

Class Skills
The Pure Legion enforcer’s class skills are Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int), and Survival (Wis).
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are class features of the Pure Legion enforcer prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Pure Legion enforcer is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the falchion, scimitar, and shortbow. Pure Legion enforcers are proficient with all light and medium armor and shields (except tower shields).

Aura Sense (Sp): A Pure Legion enforcer can cast detect chaos/evil/good/law at will as a spell-like ability, though he can detect only auras of moderate or higher power. He can detect only one type of aura at any given time.

Nonbeliever (Su): A Pure Legion enforcer gains a bonus equal to 1/2 his class level (minimum +1) on saving throws against divine spells and spell-like abilities granted by a divine spellcasting class. The enforcer must always attempt a saving throw against the effects of beneficial divine magic.

Divine Detective (Sp): At 2nd level, a Pure Legion enforcer gains the ability to cast detect magic at will as a spell-like ability. He also receives a bonus equal to 1/2 his Pure Legion enforcer level on checks to identify religious paraphernalia, divine spells, or magic items that are divine in nature (such as divine scrolls, aligned weapons, and magic items keyed to specific deities). This bonus also applies to Spellcraft checks to identify the casting of divine spells, Knowledge (religion) checks to identify nonmagical religious items and iconography, and Perception checks to detect hidden or concealed holy symbols.

Voice of Law (Ex): At 2nd level, a Pure Legion enforcer can, as a standard action, attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize all worshipers of a specific deity within 30 feet. Spellcasters who are affected by this ability also take a –4 penalty on concentration checks to cast divine spells as long as they are shaken.

Improved Godless Healing (Su): At 3rd level, a Pure Legion enforcer can benefit from the Godless Healing feat one additional time per day, and heals an additional 1d8 points of damage for every 3 levels he possesses, to a maximum of an additional 3d8 points of damage healed at 9th level.

Confiscate (Ex): At 4th level, the Pure Legion enforcer gains a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks to disarm or steal (Advanced Players Guide 322) divine paraphernalia and magic items (such as aligned weapons, divine scrolls, holy or unholy symbols, and items affiliated with a specific deity). He can attempt disarm and steal combat maneuvers against such targets without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Decree of Law (Ex): At 4th level, the Pure Legion enforcer can use his voice of law ability as a move action. Additionally, the enforcer gains a +2 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls against creatures affected by his voice of law ability.

Discern Lies (Sp): At 5th level, a Pure Legion enforcer can discern lies, as per the spell, for a number of rounds per day equal to his enforcer level. These rounds don’t need to be consecutive. Activating this ability is an immediate action.

Disruptive Critical (Su): At 5th level, when a Pure Legion enforcer confirms a critical hit against a divine spellcaster, he temporarily severs the divine conduit between the spellcaster and her deity, preventing her from casting divine spells or using supernatural or spell-like abilities granted by divine spellcasting classes. This effect lasts for 1 round per level or until the spellcaster succeeds at a concentration check (DC = 20 + 1/2 the enforcer’s class level + his Charisma modifier).

Edict of Law (Ex): At 6th level, the Pure Legion enforcer can use his voice of law ability as a swift action, and if he is successful, creatures affected are shaken for a minimum of 1 minute instead of 1 round. The duration of this effect is still increased by 1 round for every 5 by which the enforcer exceeds the DC.

Iconoclast (Ex): At 7th level, a Pure Legion enforcer gains a +2 bonus on combat maneuver attempts to sunder divine paraphernalia and magic items. He can attempt sunder combat maneuvers against such items without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Absolute Law (Ex): At 8th level, the Pure Legion enforcer’s damage bonus against creatures affected by his voice of law ability increases to +4.

Traces of Divinity (Su): At 9th level, a Pure Legion enforcer can detect the lingering effects of magic long after the spell’s duration has expired. When using detect magic on a lingering aura from a divine spell or a spelllike ability granted from a divine spellcasting class, the enforcer treats the original aura as one strength level higher than it actually was when determining its duration. If the enforcer exceeds the Spellcraft check to identify the spell by 5 or more, he can sense the same dim aura upon the spell’s caster within the extended duration of his detect magic spell.

Iron-Willed Atheist (Su): At 10th level, a Pure Legion enforcer gains spell resistance equal to 11 + his character level against divine spellcasting and spell-like abilities granted by a divine spellcasting class. A Pure Legion enforcer cannot voluntarily lower his spell resistance. Additionally, his damage bonus against creatures affected by his voice of law ability increases to +6.
« 上次编辑: 2019-12-17, 周二 18:01:06 由 黎白羽 »

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Re: 【内海战斗】进阶职业(Prestige Classes)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2014-05-19, 周一 16:17:23 »
乌尔芬卫士(Ulfen Guard)
在遍及阿维斯坦(Avistan)的地域劫掠了一个世纪之后,乌尔芬人赢得了残暴与无畏的声誉。尽管看起来与这种野蛮的认知不太符合,不过乌尔芬人确实也因为坚定的忠诚、强烈的荣誉感和不屈的决心而闻名于世。这些名气结合在一起,很大程度解释了为何乌尔芬人成了内海地区内最为理想的保镖人选。塔尔多(Taldor)在这方面的选择最为明显,乌尔芬人在此处已经成为了塔尔多人的传统选择,而她们也确实成为了斯坦维恩三世大公爵的精英护卫。乌尔芬卫士作为局外人,通常被认为不会有不可告人的目的,也不会效忠于其他塔尔多家族或秘密的政治组织;她们的荣誉感让自身终于皇室。乌尔芬卫士需要至少一半的乌尔芬血统,而且双亲中至少要有一人来自林诺姆诸王国(Lands of the Linnorm Kings)。非乌尔芬人可以在组织中进行后援方面的工作,但是无法成为乌尔芬卫士。尽管乌尔芬卫士在职务上是斯坦维恩三世私人保镖,不过皇室也经常指派她们去执行可能涉及到内海地区任何地点的其他任务,保护斯坦维恩三世本人与其利益,或者以乌尔芬商人、甲板战斗员乃至无所属的雇佣兵身份从事秘密活动,自始至终都是为了塔尔多的王权服务。
生命骰(Hit Die):d10

基本攻击加值(Base Attack Bonus):+5

本职技能(Class Skills)
升级技能点数(Skill Ranks at Each Level):4 + 智力调整值

职业能力(Class Features)

护卫盟友(Chosen Ally,Ex):1级起,在进入狂暴(rage)状态的时候,乌尔芬卫士能够以自由动作选择一名意欲保护的盟友。乌尔芬卫士必须在她的狂暴开始时进行此次选择,而且在狂暴期间无法变更她所作出的决定。每当乌尔芬卫士与她选择的盟友相邻时,她能够选择AC承受-1减值来让她的盟友的AC与反射豁免获得+1闪避加值。这个加值在5级和10级都会再增加1点。

护卫之心(Guard Dedications):1级起以及之后的每2个等级,乌尔芬卫士都能从下面的列表中选择一种护卫之心。除非另有说明,否则乌尔芬卫士选择相同护卫之心的次数不能超过1次。

警觉卫士(Alert Guardian,Ex):具有该项护卫之心的乌尔芬卫士能够以直觉动作进入狂暴,甚至能够在措手不及或者突袭轮中自身还未能行动时这么做。

文明之外衣(Clothed in Civilization,Ex):乌尔芬卫士获得重甲擅长。5级起,若乌尔芬卫士具有野蛮人的快速移动(Fast Movement)能力,那么她能够在佩戴重甲时使用该能力。该能力并不会使护甲自身施加的移动惩罚无效化。


拨挡飞箭(Deflect Arrows,Ex):乌尔芬卫士获得拨挡飞箭作为奖励专长。若她与护卫盟友所选择目标相邻,则能够使用该能力拨挡以该盟友为目标的箭矢。乌尔芬卫士不需要满足这个奖励专长的先决条件。

正规训练(Formal Training,Ex):在选择该项护卫之心时,乌尔芬卫士获得一个奖励专长。她必须在战士奖励专长列表中选择这项专长。此外,乌尔芬卫士将她的等级加到她所具有的战士等级之上,并依此来判断是否满足专长的先决条件(若她不具有战士等级,则将乌尔芬卫士等级作为战士等级来判断)。乌尔芬卫士必须至少达到3级才能选择该项护卫之心。

大狂暴(Greater Rage,Ex):乌尔芬卫士获得大狂暴(Greater Rage);该能力如同野蛮人的同名能力一般。乌尔芬卫士必须至少达到7级才能选择该项护卫之心。

狂暴之力(Rage Power,Ex):乌尔芬卫士能够选择她有资格选取的野蛮人狂暴之力(Rage Power),将她的乌尔芬卫士等级加到她的野蛮人等级之上以判断是否满足狂暴之力的先决条件。该项护卫之心至多选取三次。

团队协作(Teamwork,Ex):每当乌尔芬卫士开始狂暴时,她都能够选择一个护卫盟友的目标已经具有的团队专长(teamwork feat);乌尔芬卫士必须满足这个团队专长的先决条件。在乌尔芬卫士狂暴期间,她能够获得该专长带来的好处。这项护卫之心可以被选取多次;每次选取都使得乌尔芬卫士能够在狂暴开始时额外多选取1个团队专长吗,从而使她在同一时间使用一个以上的团队专长。

直觉闪避(Uncanny Dodge,Ex):乌尔芬卫士获得直觉闪避(Uncanny Dodge),就如同野蛮人同名职业能力一般。若乌尔芬卫士已经从其他来源获得了直觉闪避(或者先前已经选择了该项护卫之心),那么她就会获得精通直觉闪避(Improved Uncanny Dodge)作为替代。若她已经具有了精通直觉闪避,并且再选择了该项护卫之心,那么只要她与护卫盟友的目标相邻,该名盟友也会获得精通直觉闪避的效果。使用乌尔芬卫士的职业等级加上她的野蛮人等级,以此来判断夹击任意角色所需要的最低盗贼等级。该项护卫之心至多选取三次。


卫士决心(Guarded Thoughts,Ex):2级起,若乌尔芬卫士在对抗魅惑(charm)或胁迫(compulsion)效果的豁免检定中失败,而且这个效果将要迫使她攻击她的护卫盟友的目标,则她会立刻获得一次额外的豁免机会,并且该次豁免具有+5环境加值。乌尔芬卫士可以随意使用该能力,但是针对每个效果仅能生效一次。

临机应变(Adaptable Guardian,Ex):4级起,乌尔芬卫士能够在狂暴中以移动动作来变更她的护卫盟友所选择的目标。8级起,她能够以迅捷动作变护卫盟友所选择的目标。

紧随其后(Tight Follower,Ex):6级起,若乌尔芬卫士位于她的护卫盟友目标10尺范围内,而且该名盟友移出10尺范围并远离她,那么只要乌尔芬卫士能够在移动结束后在距离该名盟友10尺范围内,就能够以直觉动作使用自身的速度跟上盟友。

反射打击(Reactive Strike,Ex):8级起,若有敌人向着乌尔芬卫士的护卫盟友目标移动或者对其进行攻击的话,她就能够对该名敌人进行借机攻击。若乌尔芬卫士在该轮内已经对一个生物进行过借机攻击,那么她就无法对其进行反射打击。

不屈卫士(Unbreakable Defender,Ex):10级起,只要乌尔芬卫士位于她的护卫盟友目标10尺范围内,她就会获得顽强(Diehard)专长的效果,而且不会在她狂暴结束后变得疲乏(fatigued)。

等级      BAB      强韧      反射      意志      特殊

劇透 -   :
Ulfen Guard
After centuries of raiding and pillaging throughout Avistan, the Ulfen have earned their reputation for ferocity and fearlessness. Though seemingly at odds with this perception of barbarism, Ulfen are also known for their staunch loyalty, strong sense of honor, and unyielding resolve. The combination of these reputations is in large part why they have become desired as bodyguards throughout the region. Nowhere is this practice more pronounced than in Taldor, where Ulfen have become ensconced in the Taldan tradition and adopted as the elite bodyguards of Grand Prince Stavian III himself. Ulfen Guards, as outsiders, are generally thought to have no ulterior motives or secret loyalty to other Taldan families or political organizations; their honor keeps them loyal to the crown. An Ulfen Guard is required to be of at least half- Ulfen descent, with one or both parents hailing from the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. Non-Ulfen may serve the organization in a support capacity, but may not be Ulfen Guards themselves. While the Ulfen Guards are officially Stavian III’s personal bodyguards, he often has them perform other tasks that take them all over the Inner Sea region, protecting his interests as well as his person, or operating secretly under the auspices of traveling Ulfen merchants, raiding seafarers, or unaffiliated mercenaries, all the while serving the Taldan crown.
Hit Die: d10.

To qualify to become an Ulfen Guard, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Skills: Knowledge (nobility) 2 ranks, Perception 5 ranks, Sense Motive 3 ranks.
Special: Ulfen descent.

Class Skills
An Ulfen Guard’s class skills are Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis).
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are class features of the Ulfen Guard prestige class.

Chosen Ally (Ex): At 1st level, when entering a rage, an Ulfen Guard can choose an ally to protect as a free action. The Ulfen Guard must make this choice when beginning her rage and cannot change her designated ally while raging. Whenever the Ulfen Guard is adjacent to her chosen ally, she can choose to take a –1 penalty to her AC to grant her ally a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. This bonus increases by 1 at 5th and 10th level.

Guard Dedications: At 1st level, and at every 2 levels thereafter, an Ulfen Guard chooses a guard dedication from the list below. An Ulfen Guard cannot choose a guard dedication more than once unless the dedication specifies otherwise.

Alert Guardian (Ex): An Ulfen Guard with this dedication can enter a rage as an immediate action, and can do so even when flat-footed or during a surprise round in which she cannot otherwise act.

Clothed in Civilization (Ex): The Ulfen Guard gains proficiency in heavy armor. At 5th level, if the Ulfen Guard has the barbarian fast movement ability, she can use her fast movement ability while wearing heavy armor. This does not negate the penalties to movement imposed by the armor itself.

Curiosity (Ex): The Ulfen Guard’s peculiar nature makes her an object of intrigue. Civilized people are fascinated by the “tamed” barbarian, while more barbaric cultures are fascinated by her choice to turn her back on her heritage. The Ulfen Guard gains a bonus equal to her class level on Diplomacy checks.

Deflect Arrows (Ex): The Ulfen Guard gains Deflect Arrows as a bonus feat. If she is adjacent to her chosen ally, she can use this ability to deflect an arrow targeting her chosen ally. The Ulfen Guard does not need to meet the prerequisites for this bonus feat.

Formal Training (Ex): When selecting this dedication, the Ulfen Guard gains a bonus feat. She must select this feat from the list of fighter bonus feats. Additionally, the Ulfen Guard adds her level to any levels of fighter she has for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites for feats (if she has no fighter levels, treat her Ulfen guard levels as fighter levels). The Ulfen Guard must be at least 3rd level to select this dedication.

Greater Rage (Ex): The Ulfen Guard gains greater rage; this works as the barbarian ability of the same name. The Ulfen Guard must be at least 7th level to select this dedication.

Rage Power (Ex): The Ulfen Guard can select a barbarian rage power for which she qualifies, adding her Ulfen Guard level to her barbarian level to determine access. This guard dedication can be chosen up to three times.

Teamwork (Ex): Each time she begins her rage, the Ulfen Guard can select a teamwork feat (Advanced Players Guide 150) that her chosen ally possesses; this must be a teamwork feat for which the Ulfen Guard otherwise qualifies. For the duration of her rage, the Ulfen Guard gains the benefits of that feat. This guard dedication can be chosen multiple times; each additional time allows the Ulfen Guard to select an additional teamwork feat at the start of her rage, thus granting her the use of more than one teamwork feat simultaneously.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): The Ulfen Guard gains uncanny dodge, as the barbarian class feature of the same name. If the guard already has uncanny dodge from another source (or a previous instance of this dedication), she instead gains improved uncanny dodge. If she already has improved uncanny dodge, taking this dedication grants the effects of improved uncanny dodge to her chosen ally as long as the guard is adjacent to the ally. Use the guard’s class level plus her barbarian levels to determine the minimum rogue level required to flank either character. This guard dedication can be chosen up to three times.

Rage (Ex): An Ulfen Guard is trained to harness her brutish nature while in combat in the defense of her charge. This works as the barbarian ability of the same name. An Ulfen Guard’s class levels stack with any other classes granting this ability for determining the effects of rage powers and the number of rounds per day the guard can rage.

Guarded Thoughts (Ex): At 2nd level, if the Ulfen Guard fails a saving throw against a charm or compulsion effect, she immediately receives an additional save with a +5 circumstance bonus if the effect would compel her to attack her chosen ally. The guard can use this ability any number of times, but only once per effect.

Adaptable Guardian (Ex): At 4th level, the Ulfen Guard can change her chosen ally during a rage as a move action. At 8th level, the Ulfen Guard can change her chosen ally as a swift action.

Tight Follower (Ex): At 6th level, if the Ulfen Guard is within 10 feet of her chosen ally and the ally moves more than 10 feet away from her, the Ulfen Guard can move up to her speed as an immediate action so long as she ends the movement within 10 feet of her chosen ally.

Reactive Strike (Ex): At 8th level, an Ulfen Guard can make an attack of opportunity against an enemy that moves adjacent to or attacks the Ulfen Guard’s chosen ally. The Ulfen Guard cannot make a reactive strike against a creature she has already made an attack of opportunity against during the round.

Unbreakable Defender (Ex): At 10th level, as long as she is within 10 feet of her chosen ally, the Ulfen Guard gains the benefits of the Die Hard feat and no longer becomes fatigued when she ends her rage.
« 上次编辑: 2014-05-20, 周二 08:52:13 由 四月 »

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Re: 【内海战斗】进阶职业(Prestige Classes)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2014-05-19, 周一 16:23:47 »

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Re: 【内海战斗】进阶职业(Prestige Classes)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2014-05-19, 周一 17:04:31 »


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Re: 【内海战斗】进阶职业(Prestige Classes)
« 回帖 #4 于: 2014-05-19, 周一 17:12:50 »

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Re: 【内海战斗】进阶职业(Prestige Classes)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2014-05-19, 周一 17:29:02 »

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Re: 【内海战斗】进阶职业(Prestige Classes)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2014-05-19, 周一 17:42:31 »
只是反神术而已,奥术不反 :em013

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Re: 【内海战斗】进阶职业(Prestige Classes)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2014-05-19, 周一 20:52:28 »
偶像破坏者(Iconoclast,Ex):7级起,精纯卫队执行者在对神术装备与魔法物品(divine paraphernalia and magic items)使用破武(sunder)战技时,战技检定获得+2加值。他在尝试对上述物品进行破武战技时,不会引起借机攻击。



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Re: 【内海战斗】进阶职业(Prestige Classes)
« 回帖 #8 于: 2014-05-19, 周一 21:02:19 »

离线 低血糖的怪兽

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Re: 【内海战斗】进阶职业(Prestige Classes)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2014-05-19, 周一 22:15:13 »
