作者 主题: 【釋疑】官方FAQ合集  (阅读 122320 次)

副标题: 本FAQ除UW以外,在校对完毕前皆不能保证准确度,建议有一定语文能力者直接阅读原文确认FAQ相关内容。——沉淪

离线 Falengel

  • Chivary
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  • 帖子数: 1352
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« 回帖 #1 于: 2014-05-08, 周四 09:32:57 »
概论 (General)

替换基于属性值的检定(Alternate Ability Score-Based Checks):若我改变了某一技能(或其他检定)的关键属性,打个比方,我把知识的关键属性从智力换成了魅力,那它是不是就不再算是基于智力的检定,而是基于魅力的检定了?
Generally yes—at the time of rolling a check, if you substitute the ability score, the check is now based on the new ability score. In the example, at the time of rolling, Knowledge would now be a Charisma-based skill and not an Intelligence-based skill for you, which would affect things like feats, spells, or items that grant bonuses on checks based on their key ability score (like circlet of persuasion). However, if you are adding a second ability modifier to a check, this is not the case. For instance, when adding both Wisdom and Dexterity on initiative checks, initiative is still a Dexterity check, not a Wisdom check. Also, this changes the check only at the time of rolling, so this does not change static class features or options made during character building such as your class's class skills. Classes that receive 「all Intelligence-based skills」 as class skills, for instance, are the victim of sloppy writing, and furthermore sometimes effects might muddy the water by only changing the ability dependency sometimes and not others, which is why you check the new dependency only for a specific given roll.


进阶职业诡术师 (CRB P.378) 的【奇袭施法 (Surprise Spells)】职业特性该分别如何应用于『火球术』和『魔法飞弹』一类的法术?

  【奇袭施法】职业特性允许诡术师将偷袭伤害骰加到对措手不及的敌人施展的伤害性法术上。该伤害每个法术仅应用一次。对『火球术』而言,其作用于整个局域,每个目标拥有一次豁免机会来将伤害减半 (包括偷袭伤害)。对『魔法飞弹』而言,额外伤害仅作用于1颗飞弹,在施法者施展法术时决定。



  【速查】疲乏 (Fatigued):疲乏的角色无法奔跑或冲锋,并且力量和敏捷-2。疲乏角色在进行一些通常会让人陷入疲乏状态的行为之后会陷入力竭。在8小时完全休息后,疲乏的角色就不再疲乏。





  举例而言,大多数场合下你都是在战斗中获得『牛之力量』,所以书中有写「基于力量的技能检定、近战攻击检定、基于力量的武器伤害检定、CMB和CMD」。书中没有明文提及,使用敏捷代替力量属性的攻击检定 (如使用「武器娴熟」专长),以及力量加值需要减半或加倍 (如副手或双手使用武器) 的情形要如何处理。你通常不会用1分钟/CL级的法术来提升负载能力,因此也未提及;但临时属性加值应该作用于此,还有用来破门的力量属性检定,等等。



GM判定 (GM Rules)

同伴/盟友 (ally):我可以算作我自己的同伴吗?








  否。免疫火焰的生物 (譬如巴洛炎魔) 不应自动视为寒冷易伤。类似的,免疫寒冷的生物也不应被自动视为火焰易伤。(注意这与生物带有的火焰或寒冷亚种不同,上述亚种确实会自动对相反的能量类型易伤。)




  562页的规则是通用规则,但几乎每条特殊规则在游戏中都以不同的方式运作,而特殊大于通用。Incidentally, the universal monster rule for energy drain doesn't explicitly say that the negative levels are considered temporary before they become permanent (it just says 「negative levels」), and we want to make it clear that they are temporary negative levels at that time (and thus that you can remove them more inexpensively with restoration). The only text directly in error is the reminder text at the end of enervation which claims that becoming permanent after 24 hours is the general rule.


  每当角色可能会遭毒素侵染时,就有一次进行豁免的机会 (譬如被沾满毒药的小刀攻击时)。毒素的豁免DC如规则书表格中所列,当前已影响目标的毒素每多1剂,豁免DC +2 (不包括此刻正要通过豁免来对抗的那1剂)。已痊愈或已失效的毒素不计入。此外,中毒的生物在自己的每回合都必须进行1次豁免,但这次检定可以在他回合的任意时点进行。这无法通过准备动作来推延。



  于是一只会能量吸取 (每次使用获得5点临时HP) 的生物就不能在PC们来干她之前,通过榨干全村100人来收集500点临时HP。

  不同来源的临时HP之间仍然可以相互叠加 (譬如1发『援助术』、1次能量吸取、以及1发『吸血鬼之触』)。




种族和职业 (Race and Class)




职业变体:如果某个职业变体将一项职业能力替换为更明确、具体版本的能力 (或与原先能力机制类似的特性),该职业变体的能力是否可以在处理提升原先能力的规则时,视为原先的能力?

  这依赖于该职业变体的能力如何描述。如果该职业变体能力说它与标准能力作用机制类似,它就能视为相同能力。如果该职业变体能力需要你为标准能力做出某项具体选择,它就能视为相同能力。否则,该职业变体能力将不被认为与标准能力相同。 (该职业变体能力的名称是否与标准能力相同并不重要;关键在于其描述和游戏机制是否相似。)

  范例:龙骑兵 (Dragoon,UC战士变体) 拥有被称为【枪矛训练 (Spear Training)】的能力,它要求龙骑兵选择「矛类」作为他的武器训练组,并为他提供【武器训练】的加值 (尽管其加值的提升方式与标准的【武器训练】略有出入)。因此,该能力在处理能够提升【武器训练】的规则时 (譬如能提升持用者通过【武器训练】能力获得的加值的物品决斗手套 (gloves of dueling)),可以视为【武器训练】。

  范例:弓手 (Archer,APG战士变体) 拥有【射击专家 (Expert Archer)】等数项取代【武器训练】、而并未进一步提及与【武器训练】关系的能力。因此,该能力在处理能够提升【武器训练】的规则时 (譬如决斗手套),不可视为【武器训练】。即便对【射击专家】这种每4级提升加值、与【武器训练】类似的能力而言亦是如此。

  【速查】枪矛训练 (Spear Training, Ex):5级,在选择武器训练时,他必须选择长枪类。龙骑兵的武器训练将提供所有枪矛+1命中和+2伤害,此加值在之后的每4级分别上升1和2,直到17级的命中+4伤害+8。龙骑兵不会得到其他的武器训练组。
  【速查】射击专家 (Expert Archer, Ex):5级开始,弓手使用弓时在攻击和伤害上获得+1加值。这个加值在5级后每4级增加1。此能力取代武器训练1。



  举例而言,一位智力18的1级法师在1环、2环和3环各有1个奖励法术 (参阅《表1-3:属性修正与奖励法术》)。然而由于他只是1级法师,只有使用1环法术的能力 (2环和3环的每日法术为「—」,意味着「无权使用此环级的法术」),因此只能享受1环的1个奖励法术。当他成为3级法师、拥有使用2环法术的能力时,将立刻获得高智力属性带来的2环奖励法术,类似地在5级获得3环的奖励法术。




  举例而言,一位1级元素血统的术士拥有【元素射线 (Elemental Ray)】这项类法术能力。因为1级术士的最高可用法术环级为1环,因此该类法术能力视为1环法术。一位9级元素血统的术士拥有【元素爆发 (Elemental Blast)】这项类法术能力。因为9级术士的最高可用法术环级为4环,因此该类法术能力视为4环法术。


  否——除非该能力特别指出它能与类似能力叠加 (譬如刺客的偷袭),或以某种方式合并角色的总职业级别来计算 (譬如【精通直觉闪避 (improved uncanny dodge)】),这些能力不会叠加而是需要你分别使用。因此,牧师的引导与圣武士、死灵师、生命先知的引导等类似效果互不叠加。

牧师:神只偏好武器为重剑 (bastard sword)的牧师,是否会免费获得该军用或异种武器的擅长?


决斗家——精明防御:【精明防御 (Canny Defense)】能力是否可以提高决斗家的CMD?

  根据第6版印刷的《内核规则》,【精明防御】能力带来的是AC的闪避加值,因此可以提高决斗家的CMD。 (在第6版之前,【精明防御】的加值并不属于CMD规则中可以应用的类型,所以无法加至CMD。)


  决斗家将其智力加值 (而非敏捷加值) 加至AC。她在任何会导致AC失去敏捷加值的情形下,都会失去上述智力加值。由于依赖智力而非敏捷加值,她基于智力获得的AC加值无视盔甲的最大敏捷限制。 (上述智力加值也应用于角色的接触AC。)




  否。尽管以防具擅长专长的方式来描述,战士 (和其他职业) 都有给予特定防具擅长的职业特性——其实它们并非给予特定的专长。因此,战士可以学习新专长取代旧专长的能力并不适用于这些装备擅长。

战士:我可以用战士奖励专长的职业特性来重训1级时获得的专长 (譬如「顺势斩 (Cleave)」),来学习一项1级时不满足先决条件、而现在已满足的专长吗 (譬如「突刺 (Lunge)」)?



  《内核规则》里列出的情形假设你的角色是单一职业者 (未兼职)。战士重训专长的能力允许你重训一项战士奖励专长 (1级、2级、4级等时候获得的)。你不能用它重训其他来源的专长 (无论是否为战斗专长),譬如你在1级、3级等时候按角色级别获得的、1级人类的奖励专长、其他职业的奖励专长等。


半精灵或半兽人:上述种族的角色可以选择人类的变体职业吗 (譬如《扩展种族手册》中的那些)?

  可。半精灵和半兽人可以选择种族天赋职业奖励、变体职业、种族背景特性等等,如同他们完全是双方的种族一样 (半精灵可以选择人类和精灵的内容,半兽人可以选择人类和兽人的内容)。


  第1个HD为PC用职业的生物,可以在该HD取满生命骰。当前的PC用职业包括:炼金术师、奥能师、野蛮人、吟游诗人、血脉狂怒者、拳师、骑士、牧师、德鲁伊、战士、铳士、猎手、调查员、审判者、魔战士、武僧、先知、圣武士、游侠、盗贼、萨满、战歌、杀手、术士、召唤师、游荡剑客、战斗祭司、女巫和法师 (及其变体职业、子职业和其他替换性职业)。

  第1个HD为NPC职业 (导师、望族、平民、专家、武者) 或种族HD (如大多数怪物) 的生物不可在该HD取满生命骰。

  所有拥有职业级别的生物 (包括拥有NPC职业的生物,或拥有职业级别的怪物) 可以选择一项天赋职业,并如常获得天赋职业奖励。生物永不会从种族HD中获得天赋职业奖励。




  举例而言,一个智力6的1级人类战士初始具有2个技能点:从职业技能点数中加上-2的智力修正 (目前总值为0),使用「至少1点」规则 (目前总值为1),再加上人类的1点 (最终总值为2)。




  技术层面来讲,智力头带等提高智力的物品也能给予你一门特定的语言 (类似对于技能点数)。【译注:智力头带能提高角色某项特定的技能级数 (制造时选定),同理也应该给予角色特定的语言,而非由装备者自行选择。】






  武僧使用疾风连击时,来自武僧职业的BAB等于其武僧级别。他仍然如常能从其他来源处获得可叠加的BAB (譬如其他职业或种族HD)。



  是。气池能力的额外攻击中并未说明其作用类似加速术,也未指出不与加速术叠加,因此武僧可以获得两次额外攻击 (一次来自消耗气池,一次来自加速术)。








  举例而言,如果牧师/术士/秘术师今天没有准备任何『次等复原术』,则他无法以术士法术位施展次等复原术 (因为他只能用本能力施展这一天准备好的牧师法术)。但是,能力描述中没有任何文本阻止他使用已准备好的牧师 (准备施法) 法术位施展术士 (自发施法) 已知法术。


  如果秘术师的施法职业之一为非自发施法型 (如牧师) 而另一则是自发施法型 (如术士),他只能以自发施展非自发施法职业中的、他这一天确实地准备过的法术 (无论该法术是否已被施展掉)。







圣武士:如果我免疫疾病,我是否免疫同时视为诅咒和疾病的腐尸症 (Mummy Rot)?








  然而,施法能力却非向下兼容:你有可能已能施展3环法术 (主要是通过类法术能力获得),却无法使用2环法术。若你只能施展3环法术,你并不满足「能够施展2环法术」的先决条件。




  如果你是先知,它不会给予你额外的秘示域法术。(不过作为先知施法特性的延续,它还是会给予你高环的治疗或造成伤害法术。) 如果你是女巫,它不会给予你额外的庇护主法术。如果你是法师,它不会给予你高级别的学派之力。以此类推。

  提升施法能力的进阶职业只会提高施法者级别、每日法术、已知法术 (对自发施法者而言),以及你原先职业的施法特性中提及的能力。(注意龙脉术士职业拥有【龙之血脉】能力,它特别地指出会提供给你血统力量和血统法术;这是一项特例,而非提升施法能力的进阶职业的一般准则。)






  上述情形的例外状况是你获得了「进阶魔宠」专长,这允许你立刻将魔宠替换为新魔宠,并且没有时间和金钱消耗 (它假设你在升级并拿到专长的过程中,这些过程已经被完成了)。

  一旦遣散,动物魔宠就仅仅是同类型的普通动物而已 (「进阶魔宠」专长的特殊魔宠则将恢复为其原本类型的普通生物)。它是否还想要继续跟随你则由GM裁决,并可能参考它还是魔宠时你是如何对待它的来决定。


  当你的职业描述告诉你获得某项职业特性时 (通常是当你在某个职业上获得级别时),你视为拥有该职业特性 (可能还有一些其他因素,见下文)。

  如果你的职业变体或其他规则取代了某项职业特性,你不再拥有该职业特性。举例而言,如果你的职业变体取代了盗贼的偷袭,你不再拥有偷袭职业特性 (无论一项先决条件是泛指的「偷袭能力」还是具体的「偷袭+1d6」,你都不满足它们)。


  范例:如果你的战士职业变体取代了武器训练1 (但未取代武器训练2、3和4),你在9级前不会获得武器训练2,这意味着你在战士9级前完全没有武器训练职业能力。任何以「武器训练」或「武器训练职业特性」为先决条件的事物,在你9级前都无法获取。

  范例:如果你的牧师职业变体取代了1级的引导能量 (但未取代后续的引导能力增量),你在3级前不会获得引导能量能力,这意味着你在牧师3级前完全没有引导能量职业特性。任何以「引导能量」或「引导能量职业特性」为先决条件的事物,在你3级前都无法获取。

  范例:如果你的女巫职业变体取代了1级获得的巫术 (但未取代后续的巫术、强力巫术或高等巫术),你在2级前不会获得第一项巫术,这意味着你在女巫2级前完全没有巫术职业特性。任何以「巫术」或「巫术职业特性」为先决条件的事物,在你2级前都无法获取。
« 上次编辑: 2023-04-23, 周日 13:43:14 由 蕾貝卡【沉淪】 »

离线 Falengel

  • Chivary
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  • 帖子数: 1352
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  • ウミトソラ キレイ
« 回帖 #2 于: 2014-05-08, 周四 13:21:13 »
专长和技能 (Feats and Skills)


  特技允许你在敌人的威胁区域移动时通过检定来避免引发借机攻击。你必须在离开被敌人威胁的格子时进行检定,但对每个敌人只需检定一次。检定DC (基于每个敌人的CMD) 会在第一个敌人之后逐次+2。若你尝试穿越敌人占据的方格,则DC +5。在尝试经过同时被两个敌人威胁的区域时,由移动的角色来决定先针对谁进行检定。

  举例而言,一名盗贼被一只和蔼的地精 (a meek goblin) 和一个口怕的反圣骑士夹击。盗贼要从他们身边离开会引发两者的借机攻击,但可以尝试用特技安然脱身。她必须在被威胁的格子中半速移动,并能决定先针对谁进行检定。如果检定失败,她将引发该敌人的借机攻击。如果成功,她在这轮不会因移出该敌人的威胁区域而触发借机攻击。












  否。若你的第一次攻击命中了施法者,你无法顺势斩向其幻象,如同那是一个实在的生物般。若你的第一次攻击命中了一个幻象,则你对原定目标 (施法者) 的攻击失败,并因此无法继续顺势斩。由于你无法确定目标是否为幻象 (因为你无法在幻象中找出真实的施法者),你也无法描述一个幻象、并尝试顺势劈向下一个幻象。




强效超魔法术:如果我把「法术强效」加在某个同时具有投骰和数值加值 (譬如『治疗中伤』) 的法术上,专长会影响其中的数值加值吗?





Flight and Magical Flight: Can a paralyzed or stunned creature keep flying with magical flight? Does a creature with magical flight not apply bonuses or penalties to Fly checks because it doesn’t have a “natural” fly speed? Does flying make a creature immune to being flat-footed?

No, any creature that loses all actions can’t take an action to attempt a Fly check to hover in place and thus automatically falls. That includes a paralyzed, stunned, or dazed creature. Magical flight doesn’t act any differently, even for paralysis, as it isn’t a purely mental action. A creature with 0 Dexterity can’t fly, and paralysis sets a creature’s Dexterity to 0. Despite the fact that the Fly skill mentions that bonuses and penalties from maneuverability apply to creatures with natural fly speeds, they apply for any fly speed. If they didn’t apply to creatures that gained flight artificially or through magic, then those maneuverabilities (like the listed good maneuverability for the fly spell) would have no game effect. Finally, the statement “You are not considered flat-footed while flying” means that flying (unlike balancing using Acrobatics or climbing) doesn’t automatically make you flat-footed or force you to lose your Dexterity bonus to AC; it doesn’t mean that flying makes you immune to being caught flat-footed.



Greater Feint: Greater Feint says the target is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC until the beginning of my next turn in addition to against my next attack. Is that just against my attacks, which probably won’t be more than just my next attack until my next turn, or is it against my allies as well?

Greater Feint makes the target lose its Dexterity bonus against all melee attacks by anyone until the start of your next turn, not just you. Unless a feint ability specifically mentions ranged attacks (like the Ranged Feint feat), it always denies Dexterity bonus against melee attacks.

高等摔绊:如何与「恶毒践踏 (Vicious Stomp, APG)」共同作用?我会获得2次还是1次借机攻击的机会?


驯养动物:通过驯养动物技能来让动物接受战斗训练 (Combat Trained),是否会让其擅长轻型盔甲?

  否,以此种方式来训练动物或坐骑并不会给予它额外的专长。不过呢,你也可以假设那些特别适合用来骑乘的动物 (譬如马或狗) 拥有「擅长轻型盔甲」专长,但须根据等价交换原则抹除其原先的「坚忍」或「技能专攻」等专长。


  「法术升阶」的文字描述不佳,容易引起困惑。它允许你以较高环法术位来准备或施展法术,并将其有效环位视为比原版的法术更高。与总是将法术环位+1的「法术静发」等专长不同,「法术升阶」允许你在+1到+9的范围内自行决定提高的环位数。这才是本专长的恰当描述,由于核心规则直接沿用了DND3R的文本,它并未详细解释:(1) 以较高环法术位准备法术的一般性规则;(2) 与其他超魔专长合用时的情况。

  对 (1) 来说,拥有「法术升阶」专长并不意味着你以较高环位施展的法术能够自动获得升阶效果;你仍然需要决定是正常地、还是升阶来准备或施展此法术。若你不是自发施法者 (如牧师或法师),而你想用较高环的法术位来准备一个较低环的法术,那你没有理由拒绝为其升阶 (并无额外时间消耗或任何其他代价)。若你是自发施法者,升阶施法需要增加施法时间,正如你使用其他超魔专长一样。因此,你需要在「以较高环法术位正常施法」和「增加施法时间,将法术升阶为实际使用的法术环位」之间权衡利弊。

  举例而言,一位10级的术士能以3环、4环或5环的法术位来正常地施展『火球术』,施法时间为1个标准动作,法术视为3环,豁免DC为 (13 + 魅力修正)。如果她拥有「法术升阶」专长并想以4环或5环的法术位来将法术升阶,施法时间将为1个整轮动作,但将被视为4环或5环法术,豁免DC也相应提升为 (14 + 魅力修正) 或 (15 + 魅力修正)。

  对 (2) 来说,你不能没有代价地将法术升阶:任何法术有效环位的提升,都会在添加其他超魔专长、带来进一步的环位提升前追溯确认。【译注:这里和下例的意思就是莫耍无赖:我有升阶专长,所以我用7环丢的瞬发火球术DC天然就是17+Int。】

  范例:一位15级的法师拥有「法术瞬发」专长。若他准备1个『瞬发火球术』,这需要1个7环法术位 (火球术3环 + 瞬发提升4环)。因为法术实际上仍然是一个3环法术,所以豁免DC仍为 (13 + 智力修正),尽管它占用的法术位高达7环。若他同时拥有「法术升阶」专长,法术并不会自动升阶;它仍然视为3环法术,DC也视同3环法术。如果他想用「法术升阶」专长来提升『火球术』的有效环位,他需要用比7环更高的法术位来调整法术。将『火球术』的有效环位+1 (从3环到4环) 将使法术环位+1 (在本例中即为8环法术位,取代7环);将『火球术』的有效环位+2 (从3环到5环) 将使法术环位+2  (在本例中即为9环法术位)。

  另一种处理 (2) 的方法是先使用「法术升阶」专长,再添加其他超魔专长。仍沿用上例,你可以先将『火球术』升至4环,再以8环法术位瞬发之;或者先将『火球术』升至5环,再以9环法术位瞬发之。


Improved Familiars: There are various ways for characters other than arcane spellcasters to gain familiars at this point, and some of those options even grant Improved Familiar as a bonus feat, but technically each Improved Familiar option requires a certain arcane spellcaster level to take it. Does that mean that non-arcane characters with Improved Familiar have a dead feature? How does it work? If it does work, can I take an Improved Familiar as some kind of variant familiar or a temporary familiar like the occultist’s soulbound puppet?

The Improved Familiar description was written back when only arcane spellcasters could have familiars, and it wasn’t sufficiently future-proofed. To that end, you can always substitute your effective wizard level for the purpose of determining your familiar’s abilities for “arcane spellcaster level” to determine the available improved familiars for your character. In general, you can take Improved Familiars for class-granted variant familiars like a shaman’s spirit animal, with a few exceptions: First, temporary familiars like the occultist’s soulbound puppet can’t become Improved Familiars from the Improved Familiar feat, and those class features don’t qualify you to take the Improved Familiar feat. Second, tumor familiars, as lumps of flesh in the shape of animals, can’t become Improved Familiars. In other cases, treat Improved Familiar as if it was an archetype to see if it stacks with other familiar options: since the two things it alters from a regular familiar are that it removes the ability to speak with animals of its kind and it prevents changing the creature type for non-animals, you couldn’t make a familiar that changes the creature type of non-animals or alters or removes speak with animals of its kind an Improved Familiar.



Jumping: If I want to jump over a 10-foot pit, is the DC 10, like the table says, or is it higher, since I need to move a total of 15 feet to reach a non-pit square?

The DC is still 10 to jump over a 10-foot pit. You do move a total of 15 feet when you make that jump, but some of that is not required to be part of the jump. One way to visualize it is to think of it as walking/running the 2–1/2 feet from the center of your original square to the edge of the pit, jumping the pit right to the other edge, and then walking the 2–1/2 feet to the center of the new square.



Metamagic: At what spell level does the spell count for concentration DCs, magus spell recall, or a pearl of power?

The spell counts as the level of the spell slot necessary to cast it.

For example, an empowered burning hands uses a 3rd-level spell slot, counts as a 3rd-level spell for making concentration checks, counts as a 3rd-level spell for a magus's spell recall or a pearl of power.

In general, use the (normal, lower) spell level or the (higher) spell slot level, whichever is more of a disadvantage for the caster. The advantages of the metamagic feat are spelled out in the Benefits section of the feat, and the increased spell slot level is a disadvantage.

Heighten Spell is really the only metamagic feat that makes using a higher-level spell slot an advantage instead of a disadvantage.



Perception: When I use Perception as a move action to search for traps or other secrets, how wide of an area can I search? The Core Rulebook doesn’t say, and Pathfinder Unchained mentions a 10 by 10 area, but it’s part of an optional consolidated skills subsystem.

As per Ultimate Intrigue, there are two ways Perception checks happen in the game. The first way is automatic and reactive. Certain stimuli automatically call for a Perception check, such as a creature using Stealth (which calls for an opposed Perception check), or the sounds of combat or talking in the distance. The flip side is when a player actively calls for a Perception check because her PC is intentionally searching for something (this is the relevant type of Perception used to find traps, unless you have the trap spotter rogue talent, which makes it reactive). This always takes at least a move action, but often takes significantly longer.

The core rules don’t specify what area a PC can actively search, but for a given Perception check it should be no larger than a 10-foot-by-10-foot area, and often a smaller space if that area is cluttered. For instance, in an intrigue-based game, it is fairly common to look through a filing cabinet full of files. Though the cabinet itself might fill only a 5-foot-by-5-foot area, the number of files present could cause a search to take a particularly long time.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that the GM or player needs to roll a Perception check for every 10 foot by 10 foot area, however. It’s much smoother to have the GM roll several secret Perception checks for each searching character and then apply each roll only when the PC is searching an area that actually has something to find.


  否,「近距射击」的额外伤害只能作用于投掷溅射武器直接命中时的伤害 (包括炼金术师的炸弹)。

猛力攻击:如果我用单手持握一件双手武器 (如骑乘中持用长枪),我还能获得双手武器猛力攻击的+50%效果吗?

  可。【译注:本FAQ与另一条相互冲突 (见本楼最后一条)。官方简直小马上脑。笔者和朋友讨论认为,一般情况下,单手持用双手武器时,伤害相关效果应按单手武器处理;而骑乘持枪是一个特例。GM有权诅咒骑马持双长枪的家伙们出门就掉坑里。】

法术瞬发:我能在施法时间为“1轮”的法术上 (譬如『变巨术』) 添加「法术瞬发」专长吗?施法时间为“1个整轮动作” (譬如自发施法者超魔施法) 的呢?


法术掌握 (Spell Mastery):炼金术师、魔战士和女巫可以选择本专长吗?




  和以生物为目标的法术相同,你必须能够看到或碰触到一个生物,才能对其造成影响 (在本专长中,还针对了“选择其不受影响”的情形)。仅仅是将隐形生物定位还不够——你必须能够看到它或者碰触到它。

  注意这和炼金术师的〖精准炸弹 (precise bombs)〗科研发现不同,后者允许炼金术师直接将特定方格排除在炸弹溅射范围以外。

【New!】Shield Master: When Shield Master says “You do not suffer any penalties on attack rolls made with a shield while you are wielding another weapon” it seems like in context it means you don’t take the penalty for Two-Weapon Fighting, but it just says “any penalties” so it isn’t clear. Which penalties does the feat let a character ignore?

Shield Master allows a character to ignore the Two-Weapon Fighting penalties on attack rolls with a shield while wielding another weapon, but not any other penalties.



  。。。A 1 2 3 X



  从另一个角度看,如果角色只是想从A移动到3再返回A,由于并未在3处结束移动,因此是符合规则的移动。结合跳跃攻击,角色同样没有在3处结束移动;本专长只是给予他“在从A到3再到A的连续移动”过程中进行1次攻击的能力而已 (而无关乎这1次攻击发生在移动路径上的何处)。



  这取决于你尝试发动的战技种类。一般而言,卸除、击破和摔绊是为数不多的、能通过武器来施展的战技,武器加值可以作用于战技攻击检定。因此,如果你发动卸除、击破或摔绊战技时 (当然,假设你持用符合娴熟规格要求的武器),你能以敏捷修正来取代战技攻击检定中的力量修正。对其他战技而言,你使用正常的战技攻击检定 (力量修正而非敏捷修正)。


  【速查】灵巧武艺 (Agile Maneuvers):用你的敏捷修正代替力量修正来决定CMB加值。

武器专精:我能选择「武器专精 (射线)」或「精通重击 (射线)」作为专长吗?炼金炸弹呢?


  注意「武器专精 (射线)」只能对造成生命值伤害的射线攻击生效;它并不会增加属性伤害/吸取 (如『极冰射线』)、属性减值 (如『衰弱射线』)、负向等级 (譬如『弱能术』) 或其他效果。



  不过呢,作为一条房规 (并非规则的官方更新),允许采用「法术扩展」来让线形法术距离加倍是合适的。毕竟,你已经将法术的环位提高了3环,以6环法术位施展的『闪电束』起码也应该能biu出240尺来。

要害打击 (Vital Strike):我能将本专长与「跳跃攻击」或冲锋同时使用吗?

  否。「要害打击」只能以攻击动作来发动,而“攻击动作”是标准动作的分类之一。「跳跃攻击」是一种特殊的整轮动作,它包含了1次近战攻击,并非1个攻击动作。冲锋与此类似,同样无法与「要害打击」联用。【译注:请注意“1次攻击 (one attack)”和“1个攻击动作 (an attack action)”的区别。陈年老坑了。】




装备和魔法物品 (Gear and Magic Items)


  可,如果讲重拳护符的增强加值增加到+3,那么你的天生武器攻击可以克服 [DR/银和寒铁];堆到+4则可克服 [DR/精金];堆到+5则可击破 [DR/阵营]。



  大多数有手柄部分的武器使用木柄而非金属柄。举例来说,使用钢刃的战斧斧头有10点硬度,但是它的木柄只有木材的5点硬度。因此,这件武器在击破时视为硬度5 (你不会去敲它最坚固的部分,所以硬度取低)。

  对于一件基本上全部为单质材料部件组成的武器 (比如单手刀剑),它的硬度使用材料本身的硬度:木制长剑的硬度为5,玻璃长剑的硬度为1,精金长剑则为20。

  如果一件武器是由硬度不同的部件组成的 (比如上面提到的手柄与刀刃的情况),这种情况下,使用这把武器的部件中最脆弱的材质来决定它的硬度。举例来说,假定一把战斧是铁头 (硬度10) 冰柄 (硬度0),那么它的整体硬度是冰的0点;即使这把斧头是精金头 (硬度20) 冰柄 (硬度0),它的整体硬度仍然是0点 (我们忽略那些无关紧要的部分,比如缠手的皮革)。

  不过注意,尽管在击破时我们选择这件武器的最弱部分决定硬度,但它在击破其他物品时仍然使用攻击部分的材质来决定是否能击穿——精金头木柄大战斧在攻击时自然是精金武器,并且因为是精制品而在攻击检定上拥有+1增强加值 (虽然它的木柄仍然会很轻易大被击破,和普通的钢战斧没什么区别)。GM有权决定在受到只影响武器头部的效果时 (比如刺入强酸物质) 是否使用武器头部材质的硬度来决定其承受的破坏。


  目前的patch中,重拳护符的价格是:4000GP (+1),16000GP (+2),36000GP (+3),64000GP (+4),100000GP (+5);造价也随之下调为2000GP (+1),8000GP (+2),18000GP (+3),32000GP (+4),50000GP (+5)。对我们就是要buff和尚和天武,咬我呀~顺便我们来削一下牧师和肉鸽吧~


  你可以为一把武器附魔多个破敌效果。比如,你可以做一把+1破敌 (龙,精类) 长剑,这把长剑在攻击龙类和精类生物时都可以获得额外的增强加值和附加伤害。

  但是,如果多于一个破敌附魔的效果会同时指向同一种生物 (比如<破敌 (混乱异界生物)>和<破敌 (邪恶异界生物)>之于恶魔亚种生物),破敌的效果不会叠加,你只能获得一次+2增强加值和+2d6伤害。


  重剑是单手武器。所有与重剑相关的数据都视为它是单手武器 (硬度,生命值,手艺检定,特殊材质,使用炼银增强,等等)。

  如果职业能力,专长和其他特定规则需要决定你使用的是单手还是双手武器,你用单手使用重剑它就是单手武器,你用双手使用重剑它就是双手武器。举例来说,你单手挥舞重剑 (通常你需要一个擅长异种武器专长这么做),它就是单手武器,猛力只提供每段+2额外伤害,并且你不能获得剑刃屏障之类专长的好处 (因为它们需要双手武器发动);如果你双手挥舞重剑,它就视为双手武器,猛力攻击时每段增加额外1点伤害,并且你可以使用需要双手武器才能发动的专长和能力。杂修最高!

  一些可以让你将双手武器视为单手武器使用的专长或能力 (比如巨人斩蛮子的约顿之卧职业能力,使你能单手使用双手武器) 可以使你无视擅长异种武器专长的前提要求单手使用重剑,但仍然 (职业能力限制) 将之视为单手武器,在决定其他效果时也将重剑视为单手武器。

【New!】Cost Multipliers for Items: When an item has a cost multiplier, for instance for its size, unusual shape, or composition, does that apply before or after additional costs such as for making the item masterwork or using a special material?
First add up the total cost of the base item, including any special material. Then multiply by any multiplier for the size and unusual shape from Table 6-8. After that, add any additional cost for masterwork, if that isn't already part of the special material. Finally, apply any multiplier for discounts such as the 1/3 cost multiplier for crafting the item. For example, a chain shirt costs 100 gp and a mithral chain shirt costs 1,100 gp after the +1,000 gp cost for mithral. If you were applying the 1/3 cost multiplier for crafting the item using the Craft skill, the cost multiplier from Table 6-8 based on size and body type, or both, you would apply those multipliers to the full 1,100 gp cost for the mithral chain shirt. This means a mithral chain shirt built for a rune giant costs 8,800 gp and a mithral chain shirt built for the tarrasque costs 35,200 gp. On the other hand, a Large masterwork cold iron greatsword costs 500 gp (50 gp for a greatsword, doubled for cold iron, doubled again for a Large weapon, then adding masterwork last because cold iron isn't always masterwork).


  根据核心规则,此处只有两项无法忽略的限制:(1) 你必须拥有对应的造物专长;(2) 在制造药剂、法术触发或法术完成型物品时,你必须掌握对应的法术。因此,种族条件、特定法术条件、其他数字条件 (如“CL至少为增强加值的3倍”之类) 等都适用忽略后DC+5的规则。



  然而,角色必须在造物的过程中能够用某种方式来启动该卷轴。这可能需要该奥术施法者通过使用魔法装置技能检定来激活神术。若施法者施展该神术失败,则他当天无法获得造物进度,除非他还拥有该神术的其他来源 (譬如该卷轴的另一份拷贝)。






  不行。如同你通常情况下无法单手使用双手武器一样,重剑在这里也是一样:它需要双手来使用,但是你可以通过专长的特殊训练掌握单手使用的方法。在没有接受特殊训练前,单手使用重剑和单手使用巨剑一样无理 (其他类似情况的异种武器与此相同,比如矮人战斧)。





Magic Items, Wearers, and Durations: If a magic item grants an effect with a duration to the wearer, can I put it on, activate the effect, take it off, and keep the effect active?

No, as soon as you remove an item that grants an effect to the wearer, you are no longer the wearer, so any remaining duration immediately expires. The same is true if the item affects the owner, wielder, and so on. If the item's effect does not specify the recipient as the wearer (or owner, wielder, etc), then unless it says otherwise, it remains when the item is removed.

Magic Ranged Weapons and Ammunition: When a ranged weapon shares its enhancement bonus with its ammunition, does this count as “true” enhancement bonus or more like a temporary bonus like greater magic weapon? In other words, does the shared enhancement bonus allow the arrow to bypass damage reduction as if it was cold iron, silver, adamantine, and aligned?

No, other than the ways indicated in the Core Rulebook (if the ranged weapon is at least +1, they count as magic, and if the ranged weapon is aligned they count as that alignment as well) the enhancement bonus granted to ammunition from the ranged weapon doesn’t help them overcome the other types of damage reduction. Archers and other such characters can buy various sorts of ammunition or ammunition with a high enhancement bonus to overcome the various types of damage reduction.





秘银:我要如何通过秘银武器 (或非盔甲的秘银物品) 的重量,来推算其价格?

  要决定秘银所占的额外价格 (相较通常物品的原价),使用非秘银物品的原始重量,并将其乘以每磅500GP的价格。

  举例而言,一把中型生物使用的钢匕首重1磅。它的秘银版本中,材料价格为1磅乘以500GP/磅,即+500GP。加上原始物品的价格 (2GP),秘银匕首的总价为502GP。


Mithral armor: What exactly does it mean when it says mithral armor is counted as one category lighter for “other limitations?”

This means that mithral armor allows its wearer to use it when her own class features or special abilities demand her to wear lighter armor; in other words, the character wearing the armor is less limited. For example, a bard can cast spells in mithral breastplate without arcane spell failure, a barbarian can use her fast movement in mithral fullplate, a ranger can use his combat style in mithral fullplate, brawlers, swashbucklers, and gunslingers can keep their nimble bonus in mithral breastplate, rogues keep evasion in mithral breastplate, a brawler can flurry in mithral breastplate, characters without Endurance can sleep in mithral breastplate without becoming fatigued, and so on. It does not change the armor’s actual category, which means that you can still store a creature one size category larger in a hosteling mithral fullplate, and you can’t enhance a mithral breastplate with special abilities that require it to be light armor, like brawling (though you could enhance it with special abilities that require it to be medium armor), and so on.




  以成本计算,而非价格/售价。否则该角色无法通过造物专长获得任何收益。理所当然,GM有权为该角色设限,譬如“你用于盔甲的财富不能超过总值的40%” (而非规则书中原本指定的25%)。



  然而,(对其本身作为魔法物品属性的CL而言) 珍珠本身的CL不应低于能够施展珍珠预设环位的施法者的最低CL。<2环法力再生珍珠>的CL若仅为1显然是不恰当的,至少应为3。

  举例而言,一位拥有「制造奇物」专长的3级法师能以最低CL 1来制作<1环法力再生珍珠>。他能把物品的CL设定为任意值 (假设他已满足制作的DC),尽管珍珠本身的CL对其效用并无影响 (除了抵抗『解除魔法』以外)。如果他想要制作<2环法力再生珍珠>,则物品CL至少为3,因为法师在达到CL 3前无法施展2环法术。他甚至能尝试制作<3环法力再生珍珠>,不过物品的最低CL为5,由于未满足“能够施展3环法术”的先决条件,因此制造时的DC +5。


  否。药剂规则并未改变你豁免与否的判定。即便有人递给你一瓶毒药、并告诉你那是瓶治疗重伤药剂 (并且你信了还喝了),你也有权进行豁免。


  戒指只能影响你以为目标的法术,而非范围包括你的法术。一种可能的理解是戒指能使你免疫这次施法 (而法术仍影响范围内的其他区域),但这就需要额外的解释说明,以及在处理『控制水位』或『铜墙铁壁』之类法术时就会十分怪异——你居然在法术效果里逍遥自在。因此我们界定戒指只能反制以你为目标的法术。(本物品的描述措辞会在未来的修订中详述。)




  无论你是否擅长将盾牌作为防护手段来使用,以盾牌攻击等于持用一件军用武器,而你在不擅长军用武器的情况下如此施为就会承受相应的惩罚 (譬如若你是一名牧师,你在发动盾击时承受-4减值,因为你并不擅长军用武器)。


  盾击的文本描述是假设你以副手攻击发动盾击,但你并无须如此。譬如,你能发动单次盾击 (如常使用惯用手的攻击加值),或以盾击为主手攻击、以剑发动副手攻击。





  否。发动摔绊战技时,你并不需要使用具有摔绊特性的武器——你可以使用任何武器。举例而言,你能以长剑或徒手打击来发动摔绊,尽管这类武器并无摔绊特性。注意发动绊摔战技时,使用具有摔绊特性的武器 (简称“摔绊武器”) 确实会带来优势:如果检定失败10点以上,你可以扔掉武器避免遭到反摔。

  类似地,你在发动卸除战技时也无需持有具有卸除特性的武器 —— 你可以使用任何武器。


徒手打击:『魔牙术』和其他法术对徒手打击的强化是作用于全身,还是仅限于身体的特定部位 (如单拳或单腿)?

  规则文本描述得不够清晰。因为『魔牙术』要求施法者指定一件天生武器,你可以理解为这也意味着同样需要针对身体的一部分来进行强化 (拳、肘、脚、膝、额等等)。

  然而,游戏机制并未规定武僧必须用身体的某一部分来发动徒手打击 (否则武僧双手捧物时就没法徒手打击了)。这意味着游戏机制并未规定『魔牙术』需要针对身体的一部分来强化徒手打击。因此,生物的徒手打击即其全身,1次针对某生物徒手打击的『魔牙术』(或类似法术) 能够影响它所做出的所有徒手打击。


武器加值:武器的特性 (如<破敌>) 或者职业能力 (譬如圣骑士的〖神契〗) 能让武器突破+5的增强加值,或+10的等效加值上限吗?



  圣骑士:〖神契〗能力注明:“此 (增强) 加值能赋予任何武器,并与其原有的加值叠加,最高为+5。”这意味着若一位圣骑士持有一把+5长剑,她无法通过〖神契〗将其增强加值提高到+6以上 (但她仍可将此加值转换为<炽焰>等其他特性赋予武器)。



  如果你单手持用 (即便其原本是双手武器),在决定力量加值、「猛力攻击」伤害和其他效果时,将它视为单手武器。

When I use a magic item like ring of invisibility or hat of disguise that can be activated to gain the effects of a spell, does the wording "as the spell" also include the spell’s duration?
Yes, such items' effects have a duration, as indicated by the spell’s duration and the item’s caster level. If the item has no daily use limit, however, you can simply use the item again to reset the duration.

Wild armor and other transforming armor: When I use a wild armor and gain the armor’s benefits, what restrictions, if any, apply to me? In general, when I transform with a polymorph effect and some of my gear melds into the form, what restrictions do I have for melding with large amounts of heavy gear? What about other types of transforming armor?
If you were in medium or heavy load from encumbrance before transforming, you continue to take those penalties in your melded form. Otherwise, ignore the weight of melded items and calculate your encumbrance in your polymorphed form entirely based on non-melded items. When wearing melded armor and shields, if you gain no benefit from the melded armor, you still count as wearing an armor of that type, but you do not suffer its armor check penalty, movement speed reduction, or arcane spell failure chance. If you do gain any benefits (as with the wild property), then you do suffer the armor check penalty, movement speed reduction, and arcane spell failure chance. This also applies to all other situations where you or an armor transform: you always count as wearing an armor of that type, and if you gain any benefit at all from the armor (such as mistmail), you apply the armor check penalty, movement speed reduction, and arcane spell failure chance.

Adamantine: Adamantine says it bypasses hardness less than 20, but hardness says adamantine bypasses hardness of 20 or less. Which one should I use?
Use “less than 20” from the adamantine entry. Adamantine, which has 20 hardness, is strong enough to stand against adamantine (this is also why adamantine armor provides DR/— rather than DR/adamantine).
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« 回帖 #3 于: 2014-05-15, 周四 16:59:34 »
法术和魔法 (Spells and Magic)

Abilities that work “as a spell”: How do I calculate the DC of an ability that says it works as or like a particular spell?

Some abilities that work as a spell tell you what their DC is, like the bard’s fascinate performance. An ability that doesn’t tell you anything about its DC has a DC of 10 + the spell level + the key spellcasting ability score of the class that granted it (or Charisma otherwise). In the case of a spell with multiple spell levels, use the spell level from the class that granted the ability if that class has the spell on its spell list, and otherwise use the spell level that’s most appropriate (usually sorcerer/wizard for an arcane ability, cleric for a divine ability, and psychic for a psychic ability).

Arcane Bond: Can you identify an item that is the subject of an arcane bond from a wizard with detect magic or a similar affect, even if the item contains no other enchantments?

Since the arcane bond class feature, when tied to an item, grants a wizard the ability to cast any one spell, it is safe to assume that it does radiate magic when it is the subject of detect magic. The aura power would be directly related to the highest level spell it could be used to cast, but there would be no school associated with the item unless it was further enchanted.

Arcane Trickster: How does the Surprise Spells class feature work with spells like magic missile and fireball?

The Surprise Spells class feature allows the Arcane Trickster to add his sneak attack dice to spells that deal damage that target flat-footed foes. This damage is only applied once per spell. In the case of fireball this means it affects all targets in the area, with each getting a save to halve the damage (including the sneak attack damage). In the case of magic missile, the extra damage is only added once to one missile, chosen by the caster when the spell is cast.

Amulet of Mighty Fists: If a creature with multiple natural attacks (such as bite/claw/claw) wears an amulet with the speed property, does it get one extra attack with each of its natural weapons?

No... mainly because that combination is way too good for monsters with multiple attacks, and gets better the more natural attacks a monster has. Doubling a creature's attacks per round is really powerful, even for 80,000 gp (the price of a +4 amulet).

Awaken: Does changing the creature's type to "magical beast" affect its HD type, BAB, or other features? What about its 2 additional HD? How does training to wear barding relate to armor proficiency?

Only the animal's type changes to "magical beast"--it doesn't gain all the mathematical benefits for this type change (think of it as a "quick rules" version of adding a template to a creature).

The 2 HD it gains are d8s, just like its other animal HD.

An animal trained to wear barding can continue to do so without penalty once it is awakened. Once it's awakened, it can either spend a feat on armor proficiency or take class levels in a class that grants armor proficiency, just like any intelligent creature.

Big creatures and centered effects: If a Large or larger creature has up an effect “centered on you,” does that mean that sometimes the emanation doesn’t even affect the creature’s entire space, let alone anything else?

No, when such a creature uses an emanation or burst with the text “centered on you,” treat the creature’s entire space as the spell’s point of origin, and measure the spell’s area or effect from the edges of the creature’s space. For instance, an antimagic field cast by a great wyrm red dragon would extend 10 feet beyond her 30x30 foot space, for a total of a 50 foot diameter.

Charm Person: How does the "try to issue orders" aspect of this spell work?

The spell makes the target your friend. It will treat you kindly (although maybe not your allies) and will generally help you as long as your interests align. This is mostly in the purview of the GM.
If you ask the creature to do something that it would not normally do (in relation to your friendship), that is when the opposed Charisma check comes into play.
For example, if you use charm person to befriend an orc, the orc might share his grog with you and talk with you about the upcoming raid on a nearby settlement. If you asked him to help you fight some skeletons, he might very well lend a hand. If you asked him to help you till a field, however, you might need to make that check to convince him to do it.
This answer originally appeared in the 9/11/12 Paizo blog.

Contact Other Plane: Can you Take 10 on the Intelligence check for this spell?

Having your Int and Cha blasted down to 8 by an extraplanar entity is a significant and distracting threat, therefore you can't Take 10 on that check.

Darkness: Can adding additional sunrods to the area of the spell increase the light level?

No, sunrods can never increase the light level of an area of darkness because they are not magical sources of light. In such an area, it automatically defaults to the ambient natural light level (the light level from natural sources, such as the sun, moon, and stars—not torches, campfires, light spells, and so on), and then reduces it one step.

Darkness: Can a nonmagical light source increase the light level within the area of darkness if the light source is outside the spell's area?

No. Nonmagical light sources do not increase the light level within the spell's area, regardless of whether the light source is in the area or outside the area.

Darkness: Can I see light sources through an area of darkness?

No. If a darkness spell reduces the light in the area to actual darkness (or supernatural darkness, if using a more powerful spell), you can't see through the darkness into what is beyond it.

Defending Weapon Property: Do I have to make attack rolls with the weapon to gain its AC bonus?

Yes. Merely holding a defending weapon is not sufficient. Unless otherwise specified, you have to use a magic item in the manner it is designed (use a weapon to make attacks, wear a shield on your arm so you can defend with it, and so on) to gain its benefits.
Therefore, if you don't make an attack roll with a defending weapon on your turn, you don't gain its defensive benefit.
Likewise, while you can give a shield the defending property (after you've given it a +1 enhancement bonus to attacks, of course), you wouldn't get the AC bonus from the defending property unless you used the shield to make a shield bash that round--unless you're using the shield as a weapon (to make a shield bash), the defending weapon property has no effect.

Dimension Door: If the caster brings other creatures with him when he casts the spell, are the passengers unable to take any other actions until their next turn, or is that just for the caster?

That restriction only applies to the caster.

Dispelling: If I use a "diametrically opposed" spell to counter or dispel another spell (bless vs. bane, haste vs. slow, and so on), does my spell have any effect other than dispelling?

It depends on whether you are using the spell as a counterspell or as a dispel.

If used as a counterspell, your spell has no effect other than to counter the target spell. If used as a dispel, there may be "spillover" from your spell or the target spell, depending on whether you affect more or fewer targets than the opponent's spell.

Counterspell Example: You are a 5th-level wizard, your opponent is a 6th-level sorcerer. On your turn, you ready an action to counterspell. The sorcerer begins to cast slow. You succeed at the Spellcraft check to identify the spell and cast haste as a counterspell against it. Your haste counters the slow, and neither spell has any effect.

Dispel Example: You are a 5th-level wizard, your opponent is a 6th-level sorcerer. On her turn, the sorcerer casts slow and targets 6 of your allies; all 6 of them fail their saves and are slowed. On your turn, you cast haste and target 5 of your allies; this automatically dispels (no caster level check needed) the slow spell on those allies, leaving them without the effect of slow or haste (your 6th ally is still affected by slow). Note that this does not merely suppress the slow effect for the duration of your haste—the effect is completely dispelled on those 5 allies. Note that it doesn't matter if the target would normally get a saving throw or spell resistance to negate or avoid the spell used to dispel (such as casting slow to dispel an already-caste haste); to speed up gameplay and prevent lopsided applications of this sort of dispelling, the "diametrically opposed" spell automatically dispels its opposite, regardless of the desires of the creature affected by the opposite.

Update 5 June 2013: FAQ clarified as to the difference between using an opposed spell to counterspell and using it as a dispel.
Update 6 June 2013: Additional text added to dispel example about saving throws and spell resistance.

Fabricate: Can I use this to make a masterwork item or an item with a special material?

Yes and yes. In effect, the spell is only saving you time compared to crafting the item nonmagically; you still must provide the raw materials (which costs you 1/3 of the item's price).
The spell doesn't require a Craft check if you're making an item that doesn't require a high degree of craftsmanship, such as a desk, door, club, outfit, or simple kind of armor.
Creating a desk with a secret compartment, a door that matches a wall when it is closed (i.e., a secret door), or a masterwork item count as items with a "high degree of craftsmanship," so you must succed at a appropriate Craft check against the DC to craft these sorts of items with the spell. In general, any item that has a Craft DC of 15 or higher requires you to succeed at a Craft check to fabricate the item.
If you want to create (for example) a mithral chain shirt, you need to provide the mithral and other materials needed for the chain shirt (costing 1/3 of the item's price). Because mithral items are always masterwork, you would have to succeed at a Craft check to successfully create the item.
As with the normal crafting rules, if you fail this check by 4 or less, you fail to create the item but do not ruin your materials (and could cast the spell again using those materials). If you fail by 5 or more, you ruin half the raw materials and have to pay half the original raw material cost again.

Ghost Sound: Can this create intelligible speech?

Making something that sounds like speech, and actually making intelligible speech are two different things. Ghost sound can sound like people talking, but anyone listening can't make out what the "people" are saying. After all, it is a cantrip, and shouldn't be as good as ventriloquism (which is a higher-level spell).

Grease: If an opponent casts this spell on my item, and I succed at my initial save, what happens?

The spell description says "an object wielded or employed by a creature requires its bearer to make a Reflex saving throw to avoid the effect," so succeeding at your save means you avoid the effect—the spell is negated and there is no grease on your item.

Haste: Haste says a hasted creature can make an additional attack during a full attack with a natural or manufactured weapon, but what about other sorts of attacks like unarmed strikes?

Unarmed strikes and other attacks that work via full attacks (such as mystic bolts, kinetic blade, and flame blade) all allow an extra attack with haste. However, single attacks such as incorporeal touch attacks or melee touch spells delivered round by round after holding the charge do not.

Invisibility: Can you see yourself when you're invisible?

The spell doesn't say one way or the other.

Because being invisible doesn't give you penalties on actions that require you to be able to see exactly what you're doing (such as picking a lock), you can assume that you can at least see yourself well enough to perform such actions without penalty. Whether this means you can see yourself as if you were not invisible, can see yourself as a ghostly image, or some other description is up to the GM, so long as the description doesn't hinder your own actions.

Invisibility Purge: Does this work on creatures that are naturally invisible?

In general, yes--nothing in the spell description says it only works on spells or other magical sources of invisibility.
However, note that the invisible stalker's natural invisibility specifically says that it is not subject to invisibility purge. Thus, will-o'-wisps and pixies become visible, but invisible stalkers do not.

Items as Spells: Does using a potion, scroll, staff, or wand count as "casting a spell" for purposes of feats and special abilities like Augment Summoning, Spell Focus, an evoker's ability to do extra damage with evocation spells, bloodline abilities, and so on?

No. Unless they specifically state otherwise, feats and abilities that modify spells you cast only affect actual spellcasting, not using magic items that emulate spellcasting or work like spellcasting.

Light and Darkness: I am confused by light and darkness. Someone please help!

Check out the extended FAQ about Light and Darkness here.

Mirror Image: Can I use magic missile to destroy one or more images from a mirror image spell?

No. Magic missile targets a creature and does not require an attack roll, so it bypasses all the images and always hits the real creature.

【New!】Mirror Image and Miss Chance: If I have a miss chance and a mirror image, how do I combine them?

Miss chances generally only apply when an attack hits. For most miss chances, such as blur, there’s no need to roll them if an attack would hit a mirror image because a hit and a miss by 5 or less would both pop the image. The only exception to this rule is blink and similar effects, which already have some other exceptions from normal miss chances due to moving you to another plane (for instance, unlike other miss chances, blink protects you from targeted effects). The 50% chance to be on the Ethereal Plane protects both the caster and the images.

New Spells Known: If I gain the ability to add a spell that is not on my spell list to my list of spells known, without adding it to my spell list, can I cast it?

No. Adding a spell to your list of spells known does not add it to the spell list of that class unless they are added by a class feature of that same class. For example, sorcerers add their bloodline spells to their sorcerer spell list and oracles add their mystery spells to their oracle spell list. The spell slots of a class can only be used to cast spells that appear on the spell list of that class.

Positive and Negative Energy: These two terms show up in a variety of abilities, but they have no definition outside those abilities, and the abilities aren’t always consistent. How do positive and negative energy work?

Positive and negative energy are two damage types, though despite their name, they are usually not included on the list of energy types you can choose with spells like resist energy or feats like Elemental Spell. You’ll sometimes come across both the phrasing “deals X damage; this is a negative energy effect” and the phrasing “deals X negative energy damage”; these two are functionally equivalent.

Positive energy often heals living creatures, though not always (for instance channeled positive energy to harm undead or the life blast spell). It often harms undead creatures, though not always (for instance channeled positive energy to heal living creatures). Individual effects will tell you whether they heal living (if they mention healing without specifying what they heal, they always mean only living creatures), harm undead, or both. Positive energy never heals or harms creatures or objects that are neither living nor undead (such as constructs), and it never directly damages the living or heals undead, barring some special effect that explicitly changes this like a dhampir’s negative energy affinity. These rules extend to the fast healing from positive-energy attuned planes as well (though overhealing on a major positive-energy attuned plane can be dangerous as well); only living creatures gain fast healing on such a plane.

Negative energy works just as described above for positive energy, reversing living creatures and undead in all cases (it often heals undead, it often harms living creatures, if it mentions damage without specifying what it damages, it always means only living creatures, and so on).

Preparing Spells in Open Slots: The Magic chapter says a wizard can leave spell slots open and prepare spells in them later. Can any other class do this?

That text was written when wizard was the only class that prepares arcane spells. This option is also available to magus and witch characters (both of which are classes that prepare arcane spells).

Prestige Classes and Spellcasters: Does a wizard (or other character that uses a spellbook), receive bonus spells to add to his spellbook when he gains a level in a prestige class that grants an increase to spellcasting?

No. The increase to his spellcasting level does not grant any other benefits, except for spells per day, spells known (for spontaneous casters), and an increase to his overall caster level. He must spend time and gold to add new spells to his spellbook.

Protection From Evil: Does the "protection against possession and mental control" aspect work against non-evil controlling spells and effects?
No. The spell says "This second effect only functions against spells and effects created by evil creatures or objects." So if a chaotic neutral enemy casts charm person on you, protection from evil doesn't have any effect because neither the spell nor the caster is evil.

Protection From Evil: Does this work against all charm and compulsion effects? Or just against charm and compulsion effects where the caster is able to exercise control over the target, such as charm person, command, and dominate person (and thus not effects like sleep or confusion, as the caster does not have ongoing influence or puppet-like control of the target)?

The latter interpretation is correct: protection from evil only works on charm and compulsion effects where the caster is able to exercise control over the target, such as command, charm person, and dominate person; it doesn't work on sleep or confusion. (Sleep is a border case for this issue, but the designers feel that "this spell overrides your brain's sleep centers" is different enough than "this spell overrides your resistance to commands from others.")

Ray: Do rays count as weapons for the purpose of spells and effects that affect weapons?

Yes. (See also this FAQ item for a similar question about rays and weapon feats.)

For example, a bard's inspire courage says it affects "weapon damage rolls," which is worded that way so don't try to add the bonus to a spell like fireball. However, rays are treated as weapons, whether they're from spells, a monster ability, a class ability, or some other source, so the inspire courage bonus applies to ray attack rolls and ray damage rolls.

The same rule applies to weapon-like spells such as flame blade, mage's sword, and spiritual weapon--effects that affect weapons work on these spells.

Scrolls: If I fail my caster level check to activate a scroll, but don't have a mishap, is the scroll used up?


Update: Page 490—In the Activation section, in the first paragraph after the bullet points, add the following sentence: “If the caster level check fails but no mishap occurs, the scroll is not expended.”

Shocking Grasp: Do I get the +3 on the attack roll if I'm delivering the spell with something other than a touch attack, such as a natural weapon?

Yes. The +3 bonus is not dependent on using a melee touch attack to deliver the jolt. For example, a magus using spellstrike to deliver shocking grasp through his weapon would get the +3 bonus on the attack roll.

Spell-Like Abilities and Item Crafting: Can I use a spell-like ability for an item's spell requirement?

Yes. Core Rulebook page 461, Requirements section, paragraph 2 says, "A spell prerequisite may be provided by a character who has prepared the spell (or who knows the spell, in the case of a sorcerer or bard), or through the use of a spell completion or spell trigger magic item or a spell-like ability that produces the desired spell effect."

For example, a demon with the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat and who has fireball as a spell-like ability can craft a +1 flaming sword, which has fireball as a prerequisite.

Spell-Like Abilities as Spells: Does a creature with a spell-like ability count as having that spell on its spell list for the purpose of activating spell completion or spell trigger items?

No. A spell-like ability is not a spell, having a spell-like ability is not part of a class's spell list, and therefore doesn't give the creature the ability to activate spell completion or spell trigger items.

Spell-Like Abilities, Casting, and Prerequisites: Does a creature with a spell-like ability count as being able to cast that spell for the purpose of prerequisites or requirements?

Only if the pre-requisite calls out the name of a spell explicitly. For instance, the Dimensional Agility feat (Ultimate Combat) has "ability to use the abundant step class feature or cast dimension door" as a prerequisite; a barghest has dimension door as a spell-like ability, so the barghest meets the "able to cast dimension door prerequisite for that feat. However, the barghest's dimension door would not meet requirements such as "Ability to cast 4th level spells" or "Ability to cast arcane spells".

Spell-Like Abilities: How do I know whether a spell-like ability is arcane or divine?

The universal monster rules for spell-like abilities states: "Some spell-like abilities duplicate spells that work differently when cast by characters of different classes. A monster's spell-like abilities are presumed to be the sorcerer/wizard versions. If the spell in question is not a sorcerer/wizard spell, then default to cleric, druid, bard, paladin, and ranger, in that order."

For spell-like abilities gained from a creature's race or type (including PC races), the same rule should apply: the creature's spell-like abilities are presumed to be the sorcerer/wizard versions. If the spell in question is not a sorcerer/wizard spell, then default to cleric, druid, bard, paladin, and ranger, in that order.

For spell-like abiities gained from a class, use the spell type (arcane or divine) of that class to determine whether the spell-like ability is arcane or divine. If the class doesn't cast spells, use the above rule for spell-like abilities from race or type.

Edit 7/15/13: Wording changed match the precedent in the universal monster rules for spell-like abilities.

Edit 9/23/13: Wording updated to clarify racial/type SLAs vs. class SLAs.

Spontaneous Casting and Multiple Classes: Can I spontaneously cast spells from one of my classes using a different class’s spell slots?

No. This is only possible if you have a class feature that explicitly allows it, such as Combined Spells. This applies even if the two classes share a spell list or if one of the classes allows you to spontaneously convert that class’s spell slots into certain spells on that class’s spell list, such as cleric and druid.

Touch Spells: Does wearing a gauntlet, cestus, or similar glove-like weapon count as "touching anything" for the purpose of accidentally discharging a held touch spell?


Touch Spells: If a spell allows multiple touches, are you considered to be holding the charge until all charges are expended?


Touch Spells: In the Magic and Combat chapters, it says that I can touch a single ally as a standard action or up to six allies as a full-round action and that I can combine delivering a touch spell with a natural attack or unarmed strike. But what if I just want to deliver the touch spell to an enemy? It just says I can do it “round after round.”
Making a touch attack against an enemy by touching it, beyond the free action to do so as part of casting the spell, is a standard action. It can’t be used with a full attack.

True Seeing: Does this spell protect you from phantasmal killer?

Yes. True seeing lets you "see all things as they actually are." Because phantasmal killer is an illusion (phantasm) spell and creates an image directly in the target's mind, a target with true seeing would (mentally) see the image and (physically) see that there is nothing really there, and would therefore immediately recognize that the mental image is actually unreal. Because phantasmal killer says the target "gets a Will save to recognize the image as unreal," the creature with true seeing automatically succeeds at that saving throw (no roll needed), and therefore never has to deal with the Fort-save aspect of phantasmal killer.

What exactly do I identify when I’m using Spellcraft to identify a spell? Is it the components, since spell-like abilities, for instance, don’t have any? If I can only identify components, would that mean that I can’t take an attack of opportunity against someone using a spell-like ability (or spell with no verbal, somatic, or material components) or ready an action to shoot an arrow to disrupt a spell-like ability? If there’s something else, how do I know what it is?

Although this isn’t directly stated in the Core Rulebook, many elements of the game system work assuming that all spells have their own manifestations, regardless of whether or not they also produce an obvious visual effect, like fireball. You can see some examples to give you ideas of how to describe a spell’s manifestation in various pieces of art from Pathfinder products, but ultimately, the choice is up to your group, or perhaps even to the aesthetics of an individual spellcaster, to decide the exact details. Whatever the case, these manifestations are obviously magic of some kind, even to the uninitiated; this prevents spellcasters that use spell-like abilities, psychic magic, and the like from running completely amok against non-spellcasters in a non-combat situation. Special abilities exist (and more are likely to appear in Ultimate Intrigue) that specifically facilitate a spellcaster using chicanery to misdirect people from those manifestations and allow them to go unnoticed, but they will always provide an onlooker some sort of chance to detect the ruse.
« 上次编辑: 2017-08-19, 周六 02:01:45 由 Anacius »

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« 回帖 #4 于: 2014-05-15, 周四 17:15:35 »
战斗 (Combat)







  简单的讲,凡是要扔骰子的伤害,只有武器自身的骰子翻倍 (长剑的1d8翻倍,巨剑的2d6翻倍,诸如此类)。



  我们自开脑洞声明将一件双手武器改成单手持有或是单手武器双手使用说一个自由动作,那么就假定你这么玩也是一个自由动作吧 (当然,你如果这样做的话会导致失去触及带来的威胁范围)。

  顺便,因为你用的是临时武器,这意味着你将丢失相关专长 (比如武器专攻) 和附魔等等好处,但是你也可以从影响临时武器的效果中受益。

Concealment and Precision Damage: Does concealment (the 20% kind, not total concealment) negate all kinds of precision damage? There is some confusion from the multiple places where precision damage appears.
Yes, in general concealment does negate all kinds of precision damage, unless you have a special ability that particularly says otherwise like the Shadow Strike feat or the Unchained rogue’s sneak attack.

重击:“打了一个重击”(Scoring a critical hit)和“确认了一个重击”(onfirming a critical hit)有甚区别?



  • 擒抱不会让你在AC上失去敏捷加值,被抱也一样。
  • 被擒抱的生物可以正常发动整轮攻击。
  • 被压制只会失敏,不会措手不及。


  如果一个法术并没有说明具体的伤害类别,那么DR对它无效;但是,如果一个法术的描述中指明了这个法术造成钝击、穿刺或挥砍伤害,那么在穿透DR时,它就会被视为具有相应伤害类别的物理攻击 (事实上实际的法术效果也相当有限,除非是造成会不会把泥怪分裂成两个这样的情况)。

  范例:『冰风暴』法术造成3d6钝击和2d6寒冷伤害,如果你用冰风暴A一群有 [DR 5/挥砍] 的丧尸,那么它们受到的钝击伤害减少5点,但是寒冷伤害不会受到影响。






  一个被偏斜而失手的攻击不但不造成伤害,而且其附加的其他效果 (属性吸取、负向等级、有害效果等等) 也不会生效;如果一个接触法术可以“维持能量 (Holding the Charge)”,它也会在被偏斜的情况下仍然保持能量。例:食尸鬼的爪抓攻击如果被偏斜,它的麻痹特殊攻击也直接无效;如果一个『电爪』法术的接触攻击被偏斜,施法的攻击者可以仍然维持法术能量。


Dim Light: When an ability requires a character to be near shadows or an area of dim light (like the shadowdancer’s shadow jump or hide in plain sight), how does that interact with low-light vision, darkvision, and the like?
While it’s true that most creatures in the game have low-light vision or darkvision, when the rules talk about being in or near an objective light level (for example “in an area of dim light”), they always refer to the state of light and darkness from the perspective of normal vision, like a human. The exceptions, effects that depend on an observing creature’s perspective, such as the heavens shaman’s enveloping darkness ability, call this out with text indicating that the ability alters or depends on that creature’s perspective, rather than the overall light level.

Drawing and Sheathing a Weapon-like Object: I know I can draw or sheathe a weapon-like object as a move action using the "Draw or sheathe a weapon" action, but if I have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, can I draw a weapon-like object with a regular move?
Yes. As shown on the chart on page 183, when you have a BAB of +1 or higher, you are combining the regular draw or sheathe a weapon action (to draw a weapon) with a move action. Thus all rules for draw or sheathe a weapon apply, including the ability to draw a weapon-like object.

Free Actions: Can you take free actions during an attack of opportunity? For instance, can you use the Grab, Trip, Pull, or Push universal monster rules after hitting with an attack of opportunity, since they require free actions and free actions can’t be used off-turn? What about Rock Catching? That seems like it could only work off-turn.
While you can’t take most free actions off your turn, Grab, Trip, Pull, Push, and Rock Catching’s free actions can all be used off-turn. This will be reflected in future errata.







  比如,如果你在一次整轮攻击中尝试发动一次摔绊攻击,但是你又没有精通摔绊而因此被目标AO,而你的对手的武器里恰好储法了一个『人类定身术』,而且你又恰好意志败了,那么你就会立刻被麻痹,失去其他的动作 (包括正在进行的整轮攻击)。

  另一个例子:如果你的对手拥有「恍惚重击」专长或是储法武器里储存了一个可以造成恍惚的法术,你被攻击影响就会立刻陷入恍惚,并且恍惚对你造成的动作限制立刻生效。这表示,如果你受到这个造成恍惚效果的攻击是来自一次移动导致的借机攻击,那么你可以完成这次移动,但是因为恍惚,本轮将不能进行标准动作;如果你在进行整轮攻击的期间被造成恍惚状态 (参照上面的例子),那么你的整轮攻击会被打断,并且你失去本轮的移动动作 (因为你已经进行过需要标准动作的攻击,且引发了借机攻击),恍惚会导致你的整轮攻击无法完成。



  骑乘冲锋是骑手和坐骑同时发动的冲锋。在骑乘冲锋时,你在使用长枪,或是拥有「奋力冲锋」专长 (或类似效果) 然后使用其他武器攻击时可以造成双倍伤害;使用长枪攻击,且拥有「奋力冲锋」专长则是造成三倍伤害。

This change will be reflected in future printings of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook



  假设你是6级战士 (BAB +6/+1) 一手拿长剑一手拿轻型硬头锤,你不使用双持武器战斗的整轮攻击方法可以是:
  1. 长剑 +6,轻锤 +1
  2. 轻锤 +6,轻锤 +1
  3. 长剑 +6,长剑 +1
  4. 轻锤 +6,长剑 +1


  如果你有「即时备战」专长,你甚至可以只拿一把武器发动整轮攻击,然后自由动作拔出另一把武器发动接下来的攻击 (因为高BAB而获得的攻击次数)。只要你的整轮攻击次数不超过你的BAB提供的次数,你就不视为在使用双持武器战斗,也就不会受到双武减值。

  双武减值只出现于一种情况:你使用副手的武器进行额外的一次攻击。如果你不进行这次攻击,就不会受到双武减值 (如上面4个例子)。

  如果你使用双持武器战斗规则来获得整轮攻击中的额外的一次攻击,那么便会是下面的两种组合方式 (未计入双持武器战斗减值):
  A. 主手长剑 +6,主手长剑 +6,副手轻锤 +6
  B. 主手轻锤 +6,副手轻锤 +1,副手长剑 +6

  换句话说,一旦你决定这一轮利用双持武器战斗来发动额外一次攻击 (必须在任何攻击发动前决定),你在主手持用的武器发动第一次攻击和接下来的攻击,然后我在副手持用的武器因为双持武器而额外攻击一次,最后记得算上双武器战斗减值。

Natural 20 and Natural 1: On attack rolls and saving throws, a natural 20 is an automatic success and a natural 1 is an automatic failure. But should I treat them differently than other results when deciding if a roll succeeded or failed by 5 or more, when comparing two opposed attack rolls to see which is a higher result, or other similar situations?

No, unless a specific rule tells you otherwise, treat a natural 20 or natural 1 result on an attack roll or saving throw the same as any other result when comparing the total result to other numbers. For example, if a fighter rolls a natural 1 for a total of 31 against the wizard’s AC of 33, the attack misses by 5 or less and destroys one of the wizard’s mirror images.


  是。如果你通过种族特性 (参照怪物手册)、你的职业能力 (如德鲁伊职业能力描述) 或是其他途径 (如炼金术士的〖野性突变〗药剂发现) 而获得来天生武器,你自动擅长它们。

Nauseated and Actions: Does the nauseated condition really mean what it says when it says “The only action such a character can take is a single move action per turn” or does it just mean I can’t take a standard action?
The nauseated condition really means what it says. You are limited to one move action per round, and not any other actions. Compare to the staggered condition, which says “A staggered creature may take a single move action or standard action each round (but not both, nor can he take full-round actions). A staggered creature can still take free, swift, and immediate actions.”

压制:一个生物如果想通过擒抱战技压制对手,它通常需要进行两次战技攻击检定 (成功发动擒抱一次,追加压制尝试一次)。那么如果你被压制,你也需要两次战技检定才能挣脱压制 (一次反抗擒抱一次挣脱压制)?

  否。被压制只是被擒抱的一种升格形态,所以被擒抱状态和被压制状态不会同时存在 (如被压制状态的描述)。你不会因为被擒抱者压制而受到擒抱和压制两者同时造成的减值 (压制覆盖了擒抱,而不是并存)。所以,你在被压制时只需要进行一个对抗战技检定就可以同时挣脱擒抱和压制。



  但是,一次发射多发射线的远程接触攻击法术 (如较高施法者等级的『灼热射线』) 只会触发一次因为远程攻击而导致的借机攻击 (施法仍然导致另一次)。



Reach increases and size increases: The description of Large or larger creatures with reach weapons says that they can strike up to double their natural reach but can’t strike at their natural reach or less. Do I calculate this doubling before or after effects that alter my reach like Lunge or longarm?
Double the base reach for a creature of your size first, then add in all the other abilities afterwards. So for instance, an ogre with the longarm spell wielding a longspear and using the Lunge feat would be able to attack creatures that were 15, 20, 25, or 30 feet away but not creatures that were 0, 5, or 10 feet away.



Reflex Saves: If I’m paralyzed, held, dying, or otherwise completely immobilized or insensate, can I still attempt a Reflex save?
Yes, you can still attempt a Reflex save, but since your Dexterity is set to 0, you’ll have to replace your Dexterity bonus with a –5 penalty, so you’re not likely to succeed. If you do succeed, it might be due to the power of your cloak of resistance, a good angle for cover, or even luck. Either way, follow the rules of the spell for a successful Reflex save, even if this would change your space, like create pit. However, you lose evasion in these circumstances. If you are under the influence of a rare effect that causes you to be immobilized or insensate and allows ongoing Reflex saves to escape the effect, as an exception to the rule, you can use your full Dexterity bonus (instead of a –5 penalty) for the purpose of attempting those ongoing saves only, since your full Dexterity is at work within the confines of the spell, trying to break free.



  伤害骰增长表:1, 1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 2d6, 2d8, 3d6, 3d8, 4d6, 4d8, 6d6, 6d8, 8d6, 8d8, 12d6, 12d8, 16d6

  如果体型增大一级,按照下表将原伤害骰提升两个级别。如果原本的武器体型为小型或更小 (或说被视为小型或更小),又或是它原本的伤害为1d6或更少的话,那么它的伤害骰只提升一个等级。

  如果体型缩小一级,按照下表将原伤害骰降低两个级别。如果原本的武器体型为中型或更小 (或说被视为中型或更小),又或是它原本的伤害为1d8或更少的话,那么它的伤害骰只降低一个等级。

  如果一件武器的伤害骰数量在本表上不存在,你可以按照以下调整来获得一个对比伤害骰:如果伤害骰的基本骰为d6,那么骰数下降到同骰面少一等,骰面上升到d8 (例:10d6 = 8d8);如果伤害骰到基本骰为d6,那么骰数上升到同骰面多一等,骰面下降到d6 (例:5d8 = 6d6),这样你就可以按照新得出的骰数来依据表格调整武器伤害骰变化了。

  如果一件武器的基本伤害骰类型在本表上不存在,可以按照以下调整来获得一个对比伤害骰:2d4 = 1d8,3d4 = 2d6,此后的d4骰以此类推;1d12 = 2d6,此后的d12骰以此类推。





  不能。举例来说,法术『灼热射线』的多条射线可以同时射击一到多个目标,施法者可以在施法时选择将额外伤害添加在其中一道射线之上(and extra damage is only added once to one ray, chosen by the caster when the spell is cast)。



  否。使用投炸武器仅仅是一个攻击动作,并且绝大多数投炸武器并不需要准备——扔出去,在撞击目标时就会爆破 (你所有的动作只需要将它们从你的身上取出,投掷攻击,仅此而已)。



  如上述描述,这个整轮动作是为油壶装置引线的动作,而非使用它作为投炸武器的动作 (“准备”油壶并不包括投出它)。



【New!】Temporary Hit Points: When determining my current hit point total for effects like power word kill, do I include my temporary hit points?
Yes, add your temporary hit points together with your remaining normal hit points to determine your hit point total for the purpose of effects that have differing effects based on your current hit point total.

Tiny and smaller creatures: In the section on Tiny and smaller creatures, it says that entering a creature’s space provokes an attack of opportunity, but typically 5-foot steps don’t provoke an attack of opportunity. If a Tiny or smaller creature took a 5-foot step into a creature’s space, would it provoke an attack of opportunity?
Yes. Even with a 5-foot step, a Tiny or smaller creature entering a creature’s space provokes an attack of opportunity (unless it is using a more specific ability to avoid the attack of opportunity such as the Monkey Shine feat). This doesn’t mean that a Tiny or smaller creature entering a creature’s space and moving out of a threatened square with a move action provokes two attacks of opportunity from that creature, for the same reason that moving out of multiple of a creature’s threatened squares in the same move action doesn’t provoke two attacks of opportunity.


  不行。因为起身而导致的借机攻击发动时目标并没有完全站起,所以在借机攻击时,目标仍然视为俯卧 (你仍然可以获得攻击俯卧目标的优势)。但是,因为摔绊并不会阻碍目标的动作,它仍然能正常站起来。


  自由动作。这意味着一个法师可以在战斗时双手使用他的木棍,以一个自由动作松开一只手施法,然后再以一个自由动作重新双手拿好自己的武器,这样他在本轮的其他时候就可以发动借机攻击了 (因为木棍需要双手才能使用)。

  当然。因为这是一个自由动作,GM可以限制它的次数 (比如一轮只能放手/抓住武器一次)。



  一般来说,只在你的回合生效的攻击检定减值不影响你的借机攻击,除非特别说明 (比如「猛力攻击」和「寓守于攻」专长)。



Weapon Attacks and Special Abilities: Many places in the rules use the term “ranged weapon attacks” and similar terms, but how does this apply to spells, spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities, and extraordinary abilities (heretoafter called special abilities) that require ranged attacks but might not necessarily seem like weapons?

In general, special abilities that require attack rolls benefit and suffer from all modifiers affecting attack rolls even if those modifiers mention weapon attack rolls (such as the penalty for firing into melee, the bonus on attack rolls from Point-Blank Shot and inspire courage, and the like), unless the spell specifically calls out that it doesn’t apply them (for instance spiritual weapon calls out that it isn’t affected by feats and combat actions, but it would still have to deal with cover, and firing into melee if ranged).

When it comes to modifiers that affect weapon damage rolls, or simply “damage rolls” (such as the bonus on damage rolls from Point-Blank Shot, inspire courage, and smite evil), special abilities that deal damage on a successful attack roll, apply them on hit point damage only, and only once per casting or use, rather than once per attack. For instance, if a spell or special ability launched a dozen different ranged attacks simultaneously, only one (of the user’s choice) would receive bonus damage. This doesn’t apply on area effects with the rare potential for extraneous attack rolls, like fireball. However, there is a category of abilities that deserve a special note: Abilities like Arcane Strike that specifically enhance a character’s weapon or weapons themselves never apply to special abilities (with the exception of special abilities like the warlock’s mystic bolts that specifically call out that Arcane Strike applies).

In the same vein as abilities like Arcane Strike that affect a character’s weapons, abilities that say “with a weapon,” “with a melee weapon,” and “with a ranged weapon” almost never work with special abilities because such wording is almost always used as shorthand for “manufactured weapon,” “manufactured melee weapon,” and “manufactured ranged weapon.” The exception is abilities that deal damage when a creature touches or hits you in melee (for instance, the occultis’s energy ward focus power), which should also deal damage when a creature makes a melee touch attack against you but rarely call them out directly.

Certain special abilities (for instance rays, kinetic blasts, and mystic bolts) can specifically be selected with feats like Weapon Focus and Improved Critical. They still aren’t considered a type of weapon for other rules; they are not part of any weapon group and don’t qualify for the effects of fighter weapon training, warpriest sacred weapon, magus arcane pool, paladin divine bond, or any other such ability.

Abilities that modify the action usage of ranged weapon attacks or require their own special action almost never work with special abilities, since special abilities require their own actions. For instance, Pinpoint Targeting wouldn’t work with scorching ray or the soundstriker’s weird words because each of them requires its own action to activate and thus can’t be part of the feat’s specific standard action. Rare exceptions include mystic bolts and kinetic blade, which can specifically be used as part of other actions.
« 上次编辑: 2018-02-09, 周五 13:55:25 由 Anacius »

离线 Falengel

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【FAQ】进阶种族手册(Advanced Race Guide)(2016.11.25)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2014-05-15, 周四 17:18:25 »
进阶种族手册(Advanced Race Guide)


半精灵,『博采众长 (Paragon Surge)』法术:我能在同一天内多次施展博采众长,来获取不同的增益效果吗?


半兽人,〖敏锐黑暗视觉 (Acute Darkvision)〗种族特性:我能在选择了替换掉黑暗视觉的种族特性的情况下,选择这项特性吗?


半兽人,「凶暴召唤 (Ferocious Summons)」专长:召唤生物的HP被降为0时即消失,那这项专长是如何作用的?

  召唤生物并非在HP被降为0时消失,而是在被杀时 (当前HP降至体质属性负值时) 消失。



人类:帝王血统术士的“pure strain”法术在哪本资源书里?

  “pure strain”法术在编书时被删除了,但有些相关内容还未修改。请将此奖励法术改为『排斥术 (repulsion)』。



「天界仆从 (Celestial Servant)」:生物类型的改变,会影响我的伙伴生物的生命骰、豁免、技能点数吗?

  否。它所做的仅是把生物类型改为“魔法兽 (magical beast)”(这使得它免疫其他生物的那些只影响动物的能力) 并给予其天界生物模板的能力 (除了模板本身述及的内容,并未改变其他任何东西)。
« 上次编辑: 2016-11-26, 周六 00:12:23 由 Anacius »

离线 Falengel

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进阶玩家手册(Advanced Player's Guide)(2016.11.25)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2014-05-15, 周四 17:19:05 »
进阶玩家手册(Advanced Player's Guide) (翻译 by 月夜白雨)


炼金术师,施法选择:如果我准备了一个有多个选择的化合炼成 (比如防护能量),我是喝的时候选择具体能量,还是准备的时候选择?


炼金术师和灌注炼成:灌注炼成可以用来准备一个限定范围为自己的化合炼成 (比如克敌机先),然后让别人喝下这瓶灌注炼成并生效吗?




炼金术师:从Cheliax,Empire of Devils一书里的专长Accelerated Drinker可以让角色用一个移动动作使用化合炼成吗?












Archetype Stacking and Altering: What exactly counts as altering a class feature for the purpose of stacking archetypes?
In general, if a class feature grants multiple subfeatures, it’s OK to take two archetypes that only change two separate subfeatures. This includes two bard archetypes that alter or replace different bardic performances (even though bardic performance is technically a single class feature) or two fighter archetypes that replace the weapon training gained at different levels (sometimes referred to as “weapon training I, II, III, or IV”) even though those all fall under the class feature weapon training. However, if something alters the way the parent class feature works, such as a mime archetype that makes all bardic performances completely silent, with only visual components instead of auditory, you can’t take that archetype with an archetype that alters or replaces any of the sub-features. This even applies for something as small as adding 1 extra round of bardic performance each day, adding an additional bonus feat to the list of bonus feats you can select, or adding an additional class skill to the class. As always, individual GMs should feel free to houserule to allow small overlaps on a case by case basis, but the underlying rule exists due to the unpredictability of combining these changes.

Barbarian Increased Damage Reduction: The increased damage reduction rage power says it increases the “barbarian’s damage reduction”, but does that refer to the barbarian class feature “damage reduction” or to any damage reduction the barbarian might possess. In particular, the invulnerable rager archetype trades away the barbarian’s damage reduction class feature for a new ability called invulnerability that gives a slightly different form of damage reduction, so would the rage power work with that?
The rage power refers to the class feature damage reduction, meaning that it doesn’t help invulnerable ragers’ invulnerability class feature. The suggestion for the archetype to take that rage power in the suggested rage powers is in error and will be removed in the next errata.


  每轮都由野蛮人自己决定。它们不会受到增减攻击和伤害的效果影响 (比如祝福术和绝望术)。它们的攻击出发点一直是野蛮人的位置。它们不会得到夹击加值也无法与其他单位造夹击。




  如果这个坐骑 (动物伙伴) 同时在骑将的坐骑列表和德鲁伊的伙伴列表上,那么就叠加等级来计算能力。如果没有同时在两个列表上,那么就无法叠加,而该角色将会获得两只动物。


  这里是我们的错。打个比方来说异界誓缚邪恶生物需要用反邪恶法阵来进行束缚,但一个会异界誓缚邪恶生物的牧师 (比如恶魔子域的牧师) 奖励法术是反善良法阵,这会使得该角色无法正常使用异界誓缚,因为这名牧师无法使用反邪恶法阵,这是一个[善良]法术。












  这个能力基本上类似于游侠的猎手羁绊 (伙伴),只不过是将大地旅者的地形加值给予盟友而不是宿敌加值。由此考虑,持续轮数等于大地旅者的感知调整值 (最少为1轮)。









Monk ki mystic archetype: The ki mystic ability seems like it alters the monk’s ki pool ability, but it doesn’t say “This ability alters ki pool.” Is this because the ki mystic’s ki pool is a separate second pool that can only be used for the powers described in the ki mystic archetype, and the monk then also receives the regular ki pool that works as normal?
No. When Advanced Player’s Guide was written, archetypes were new and the “this alters” language didn’t exist yet, meaning archetypes in this book, including ki mystic, never include it, even when they should by current standards. The ki mystic ability alters ki pool. At 3rd level, a ki mystic gets a ki pool of Wisdom modifier points that can be used for the abilities listed in the archetype. At level 4, this upgrades to a ki pool of 1/2 monk level + Wisdom modifier + 2 points, which is a single ki pool (the ki mystic does not gain two) that can be used in all the usual ways a monk can use ki, plus those mentioned in the archetype.



先知:对于那些法术说明里需要使用感知决定效果的法术 (比如灵能武器),我可以用我的魅力吗?












Oracle Bones Mystery: What exactly does the raise the dead revelation mean when it says you can summon a skeleton or zombie to serve you? Do I need a corpse? If not, can I just summon whatever I want, like a tarrasque fast zombie?
The raise the dead doesn’t require a corpse; you summon the creature (rising up out of the earth is a potential visual for this effect). You summon the base creature from the Bestiary in either case (human skeleton or human zombie) aside from the modifications from the revelation (adding extra HD, fast or bloody, and the advanced template). At the GM’s discretion, an oracle with a noticeably different body or bone structure might summon skeletons and zombies with this ability that look cosmetically more similar to the oracle than to a human, but this doesn’t affect their game mechanics.




  会。包括神授力量,领域法术,可以正常获得并使用的领域法术位。 (比如神圣使徒最多只有1-4环领域法术和领域法术位)






























  但多个不同角色对同一目标使用邪眼巫术选择同一减值时,该减值不会叠加——因为它们是来自同一个资源——邪眼巫术。不过以此类推,降咒法术选择不同减值后也可以在同一目标身上共存 (降力量、降敏捷等等)。只要邪眼巫术选择降低不同的数据,就可以叠加。












Bodyguard: The Bodyguard feat says that I can spend one of my attacks of opportunity to aid another the AC of an adjacent ally, but it doesn’t say one way or the other whether this removes other restrictions on aid another? Particularly, do I need to threaten the attacking enemy? Also, has that enemy provoked an attack of opportunity from me?
You still need to fulfill all requirements of aid another, including threatening the attacking enemy. Bodyguard uses up one of your attacks of opportunity for the round, but the enemy hasn’t provoked an attack of opportunity from you, nor are you making one (which is relevant for abilities like Paired Opportunist).

梯云纵:这个专长 (同时还有壁虎游墙专长) 对于有无限轻身落的20级武僧来说怎么搞?




魔法裔 (背景特性):我可以用这个背景特性将某个法术的环数降低到比正常该法术环低吗?

















Weapon Cord:用这个东西拉会武器是个什么动作?

  在原书 中我们写的是一个迅捷动作,不过设计小组最近把它改成一个移动动作,我们会在新印刷的版本里修改这一条.

法术 (Spells)

"Does not stack with" and spells with effects other than bonuses: What does it mean if a spell tells me it doesn’t stack with another spell or "similar effects" if some of the effects aren't bonuses?
If you have two spells with effects other than bonuses and those spells or effects are called out not to stack, that means that the effects that apply to the same rules component or situation do not stack, so if they apply different non-bonus effects to the same rules component, the most recent spell takes precedent. For example, aspect of the falcon specifically doesn't stack with any other effect that expands the threat range of a weapon, such as Improved Critical or keen. This means that the part of aspect of the falcon that applies to criticals doesn't stack with those effects, but it doesn't prevent someone with Improved Critical from receiving the competence bonuses on attack rolls and Perception checks. If a character with Improved Critical (light crossbow) cast aspect of the falcon, his criticals would change from 17–20/x2 to 19–20/x3. Similarly, blessing of fervor does not stack with haste, which means that the increased speed, extra attack, and attack roll/AC/Reflex save bonuses wouldn't stack between the two spells, but if you had both spells active, you could still get those three benefits from haste while choosing to stand up as a swift action or apply metamagic to a low-level spell.
« 上次编辑: 2016-11-26, 周六 00:01:51 由 Anacius »

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【FAQ】进化职业手册(Advanced Class Guide)(2017.08.01)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2014-05-15, 周四 17:31:28 »
进化职业手册(Advanced Class Guide)

Anger management: If I am in a rage, or an Unchained rage, or a bloodrage, or some similar form of rage, can I stack up as many benefits as possible?
No. When you either activate or are affected by a new form of rage (such as a barbarian’s rage, a skald’s raging song, a bloodrager’s bloodrage, and the rage spell), you can choose whether to keep your current rage or to accept the new rage instead, much like a creature affected by multiple polymorph effects. If you are in the throes of a rage that you could not automatically end on your own, such as a wild rager’s wild rage, you may not choose to replace it with a new rage effect. The exception to this rule is the skald’s master skald ability, which explicitly allows the skald’s raging song to stack with other rage effects.

Bloodrager Bloodlines: Can a bloodrager use abilities that require sorcerer levels and relate to sorcerer bloodlines like robe of arcane heritage?
No. Some hybrid classes, like the brawler, have a class feature allowing them to use items related to their parent class, but the bloodrager doesn’t.







劇透 -   :

引述: 四月的血脉狂怒者翻译

奖励专长(Bonus Feats):盲斗(Blind-Fight)、顺势斩(Cleave)、强韧加强(Great Fortitude)、精通先攻(Improved Initiative)、猛力攻击(Power Attack)、技能专攻:飞行(Skill Focus:Fly)、健壮(Toughness)

奖励法术(Bonus Spells):7级-护盾术(shield),10级-抵抗能量伤害(resist energy),13级-飞行术(fly),16级-恐惧术(fear)

狂血之力(Bloodline Powers):体内奔涌着的龙之力量在许多方面展露头角。1级起,你必须从彩色龙或者金属龙中选取一种类型。一旦选择之后就无法修改。许多狂血之力产生的伤害或赋予的抗力都与这个类型相关,如下表所示。
类型能量类型      喷吐形状
黄铜龙      火焰60尺线形
劇透 -   :

龙类抗力(Draconic Resistance,Ex):4级起,在对抗你所选择的能量类型时,你获得5点能量抗力,并且防御等级获得1点天生防御加值。8级起,你的能量抗力增加至10点,天生防御加值增加至+2点。16级起,天生防御加值提升至+4点。

喷吐武器(Breath Weapon,Su):8级起,你获得喷吐武器,每日可以使用1次。这个喷吐武器造成的伤害类型与你选择的相同,伤害为每血脉狂怒者等级1d6点。处于喷吐区域内的生物可以尝试反射豁免来使伤害减半。该能力的豁免DC为10 + 1/2你的血脉狂怒者等级 + 你的体质调整值。喷吐武器的形状基于你的龙裔类型(如上表所述)。16级起,每日能够使用该能力2次。20级时,每日能够使用3次该能力。

龙翼(Dragon Wings,Su):12级起,当你进入血怒时,你能够选择在背上长出一对坚韧的翅膀,这会赋予你60尺飞行速度(机动性一般)。16级起,你的飞行速度增加至80尺(机动性良好)。

龙形(Dragon Form,Su):16级起,当你进入血怒时,你能够选择化身为你所选择的龙类形态,如同巨龙形态II(form of the dragon II),不过你的飞行机动性为一般或良好,就如同龙翼狂血之力中描述的一般。

飞龙之力(Power of Wyrms,Su):20级起,你免疫麻痹(paralysis)、昏睡(sleep)以及与你所选择的能量类型相同的伤害。你还会获得60尺盲感。即便没有处于血怒之时,你也会一直获得这些优势。




兽群围猎(Pack Flanking)专长:这是一个战斗专长吗?


Skald: The skald class says “If the skald has rage powers from another source, he (but not his allies) can use those rage powers during an inspired rage,” what exactly does it mean by “another source”?
Another source means any source other than the rage powers gained at 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter. A few examples of other sources are rage powers gained from multiclassing in barbarian, rage powers gained from Extra Rage Power, and rage powers gained from a magic item.



【New!】灵魂向导:当灵魂向导变体的先知选择了巫术「奥术启蒙(arcane enlightenment)」时会怎么样?这个巫术能将法术添加至萨满法术列表中以让其进行准备。






Unsworn Shaman: The unsworn shaman’s minor spirit ability tells you exactly when you gain hexes, but it doesn’t technically say you don’t gain the other hexes from the class progression. Pre-errata, it replaced the hex class feature entirely, which unambiguously removed them. How many hexes does the unsworn shaman receive?

Unsworn shaman still only receives the hexes from minor spirit and does not gain hexes at any other levels. The change from ‘replaces’ to ‘alters’ fixes a problem where the unsworn shaman used to have hexes while simultaneously removing the hex class feature, but the way the minor spirit ability alters the hex class feature is that it changes when you gain hexes to the listed levels.
« 上次编辑: 2017-08-03, 周四 15:23:07 由 Anacius »

离线 Falengel

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【FAQ】极限魔法(Ultimate Magic) ( 2015.03.30 )
« 回帖 #8 于: 2014-05-15, 周四 17:33:43 »
极限魔法(Ultimate Magic) (翻译 by 月夜白雨)



  正常情况下,给失去意识的单位喂下一瓶药水是一个整轮动作。 (规则没有写明给他人喝下化合炼成的动作为何,不过可以与喂药水做同等考虑。)
  而生命之息必须给死亡在1轮内的单位使用才能复活,而上述动作需求使得外科医师没办法使用生命之息化合炼成复活他人 (因为需要多使用一个标准动作)。
  为了让超越死亡能力能够真实起到作用 (让该变体可以复活他人),我们考虑将超越死亡能力改为允许外科医师能使用一个整轮动作掏出化合炼成灌注并喂给死体使其复活。


  当然。炸弹的主要目标需要进行豁免来抵抗困惑效果 (意志豁免,DC为炸弹的DC)。
  PS:此处chm译文有误,正确应为:此炸弹扭曲被击中者对敌我的认知,被炸弹直接命中的单位遭受困惑术效果影响,持续时间为炼金术师每施法者等级1轮。被附加此效果的炸弹其伤害降低2d6 (所以如果一个炼金术师的炼金炸弹正常能造成6d6+4点伤害,那他的癫狂炸弹仅仅能造成4d6+4点伤害)。他必须达到8级才能选择此发现。


  例如,当你是个低等级双武炼金术师时,你该轮可以进行两次攻击 (每武器1次)。如果你此时选择触手发现,那么在你的回合你可以








  不行,同时你也不能使用该专长给黑键附加特殊能力 (比如炽焰)。你只能通过消耗奥能力池来给黑键附加临时能力。




  可以。尽管是用武器攻击来代替近战接触攻击进行传递,但魔战士的法术打击能力不会改变战斗中使用接触法术的基本规则 (见crb书185)。因此,如同使用接触法术,魔战士可以使用法术打击来释放接触法术,然后移动靠近敌人,然后进行近战攻击传递法术,该次近战攻击视为自由动作。

  经过一些讨论,魔战士接触自己的持握武器不会视为“接触任何事物”,因为接触自己的武器不会使接触法术散发。当魔战士使用法术打击能力后,若该次武器攻击丢失/被敌人卸除武器/以任何原因丢下武器,他的该次接触法术依然会暂不散发,如同普通施法者一样。额外的,这名没有武器的魔战士若在散发法术前用该手重获武器 (比如捡起来),他依然可以尝试使用该武器传递法术。不过,若魔战士用该手触摸了非武器的任何事物 (比如药水),则法术自然散发。



魔战士,法术战斗:使用法术战斗时,另一只手必须要使用武器吗?不能使用混合武器 (比如甲刺或啮咬) 来使施法手保持空闲的同时持盾或干其他事?



  修订:修订后的加速术与类似效果会影响本质上其实就是全回合攻击的攻击,比如法术战斗。早期规则里法术战斗无法适用加速术等效果 (因为法术战斗并不是全回合攻击)。


  你在使用武器进行全回合时你可以攻击多少次,你在进行法术战斗时就可以攻击多少次。例如,8级魔战士 (BAB+6/+1),那么法术战斗时我的主手武器攻击就有2次。






  可以。例如,如果你使用寒冷之触 (允许进行多次接触攻击),你可以使用法术打击用武器来传递该法术,并且之后的每次武器攻击都可以用来传递多余的法术接触攻击 (每武器攻击传递一次法术接触)。
  如果你可以在一轮内进行多次武器攻击 (比如很高的BAB),那么你可以每轮都用武器传递多次接触攻击,只要你还有法术接触攻击的次数剩余。
  比如,8级魔战士 (+6/+1),使用寒冷之触,那么你有总计8次法术传递攻击。若使用全回合攻击进行两次武器攻击,那么每次成功的武器攻击都会传递一次法术。


  例如,轮回僧替换了混元体 (7级)、金刚体 (11级)、渗透劲 (15级)、超凡入圣 (20级)。那么若内家拳师同时想获得轮回僧变体,那么首先得替换掉这4个能力。至于其他等级的职业能力内家拳师可以自由选择是否替换,但这4个级别的能力则无法被内家拳师替换——因为它们已经被轮回僧变体给替换了。




  虽然GM可以放开这方面的限制,不过不管如何,角色不能通过混血术士能力来在高等级选择已经被狂野血统替换掉的血统能力。举个例子,一个狂野血统残暴 (深渊) 混血术士已经在9级用“深渊之翼”替换了“深渊强壮”,那么该混血术士就无法在15级和20级通过混血术士的特性重新获得“深渊强壮”血统力量。


  之所以写的是魅力,是要考虑其他非先贤血统的术士,和通过非术士方式获得血统力量的角色 (比如悠远血脉专长),所以这里写的是魅力。


  不行。该术士20级能力只适用于强酸和土元素位面。这是一个Ctrl错误 (笑)。

术士:谐律血统里的奖励专长,Mystic Motif专长是什么?

  这个专长已经被砍掉了 (专长效果是改变法术表征提高被法术识别的DC),用余音绕梁代替。

术士:罗刹血统专长,Deceptive专长和Mystic Motif专长是什么?


召唤师:混元学者可以在同一回合内同时使用他本体 (比如人造武器,徒手攻击,天武) 和附体幻灵进行攻击吗?

  可以。不过混元学者自己的天武攻击次数要与幻灵的天武攻击次数加起来计算每回合最大天武攻击次数 (见幻灵表格)。比如,1级混元学者无论有多少天武,合体后每轮至多进行3次天武攻击。
  如果混元学者想要同时使用幻灵天武攻击和自己的人造武器攻击,那么幻灵必须要有足够的肢体来实现这些攻击。比如,一名侏儒混元学者融合了两足两手型幻灵,那么融合形态就有两只手可用于攻击;若该角色想同时使用幻灵的爪抓和自己的武器 (比如匕首或木棍),那么就需要幻灵有额外的手臂来持握那些武器——因此一回合内该两手幻灵不能在进行2次爪抓攻击后再使用匕首或木棍进行攻击 (除非它多进化出了手)。
  要记住混元学者依然适用于人造武器和天武混合攻击的规则 (天武与人造武混合攻击时所有天武视为次要天武承受-5减值)。





  注意:这修正了早期的一个对混元学者使用人类变巨术的问题 (因为混元学者的幻灵必须至少和召唤师一样大)。








  因为幻灵会给予临时hp而非使用分离的hp池,因此治疗上海的效果将不会回复融合幻灵带来的临时hp。这让无法治愈融合后的幻灵。为了弥补幻灵,那些特定用来治疗幻灵的效果 (比如幻灵回复术) 将可以给融合后的混元学者回复临时hp (视为治疗了幻灵)。这意味着用这些法术给穿上的幻灵外套进行了修补和治愈,使召唤师更难受到伤害。



  使用召唤师的hp。明显地并不是召唤师吞掉了目标,而是目标被夹在了幻灵外套中,不过因为“胃”的hp基于实际的hp而非临时hp,所以是使用召唤师的hp来进行判定。幸运的是,那些增加召唤师hp的能力 (比如熊之坚韧) 也可以增加“胃”的hp。


  幻灵承受肉体属性伤害和吸取,召唤师承受心智属性伤害和吸取。若因此造成幻灵的力量或敏捷降为0,召唤师会变得无助 (不过他还可以解除幻灵融合)。若幻灵的体质因此降为0,幻灵会死亡返回。当幻灵返回后,召唤师立刻使用自己的力量、敏捷、体质。

  不过溢出的属性伤害不会进一步造成影响。比如1体质的幻灵受到3点体质伤害然后死亡离开,召唤师并不会受到剩下的2点体质伤害。不过持续性的效果 (比如毒素) 就会继续对剩下的召唤师进行伤害。


  在幻灵离开后继续影响召唤师。例如,力竭射线击中了混元学者,力竭效果会在幻灵离开后依然持续,同理还有降咒和强酸箭等。因为召唤师和幻灵是被看做一个整体,幻灵的离开就不意味着召唤师会从这些效果下解脱 (肉体属性伤害单独计算,具体请看上一条FAQ)。若在幻灵离开时效果结束,再召唤时也不会重获效果。有益状态和有害状态都如此计算。举个例子——一名隐形的混元学者不会因为隐身时解除融合就立刻现形,也不会因为在隐形时间到后再召唤幻灵而继续隐形。


  普适规则是弱目标单位通过了豁免,就不需要承受该次攻击的额外影响 (比如若没有击破DR那么攻击附带毒素就无效)。因此免疫寒冷的生物不会受到该巫术的伤害且不会被冰封。




  是火焰之躯fiery body。


  是扰人噪音distracting cacophony,







  他们被砍了!以后你们也见不到他们了!哦,也许Paizo blog上会有。

Choose Fate法术:这个法术在哪?女巫先祖庇护主18级奖励法术不就是这个吗?


Cold Ice Strike法术:该法术的成分是?施法时间是迅捷动作?


Fleshworm Infestation法术:这个法术的“准备时间”一行是什么意思?

  那个是没有删掉的某个弃用系统的残留。它没有任何意义,删掉吧删掉 (柴刀切下



Terrible Remorse法术:若我通过了该法术的豁免,我会在法术持续时间内一直麻痹吗?



  这里经过修改,将前置中的法术专攻 (附魔) 改为了法术专攻 (死灵)。


构装铠甲Construct Armor:针对构装铠甲的攻击如何判定?可以获得抗力、免疫和其他防御能力吗?这里所提到的“好处”和“坏处”是什么意思?穿它影响速度吗?

  无视AC进行的攻击也尅呀忽视构装铠甲的防护直接影响穿戴者 (比如大多数范围效果)。若构装铠甲对特定攻击免疫或有抗力,那么该特定攻击也会穿过构装铠甲的防护直接影响穿戴者。基本上,构装铠甲能够有效减轻物理伤害,但不会使穿戴者如同构装体一样够硬。
  有一个特例是哪怕是作为胸甲计算,穿戴构装铠甲也不会减少移动速度 (我们设想因为构装铠甲会辅助穿戴者进行移动)。




« 上次编辑: 2017-08-03, 周四 12:27:21 由 Anacius »

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【FAQ】极限战斗(Ultimate Combat)(2016.11.25)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2014-05-15, 周四 17:34:15 »
极限战斗(Ultimate Combat) (翻译 by 月夜白雨)






Dead Shot: When it says you make the number of attack rolls based on your base attack bonus, would that also include extra attacks from things like haste or Rapid Shot?
No, dead shot only includes attacks from base attack bonus (so two attack rolls at 7th, three at 11th, four at 16th). Dead shot is meant more of a backup option for particular situations (such as shooting against something with high hardness or avoiding misfires).

Dragon Totem Resilience: Dragon totem resilience says that I get energy resistance equal to twice my barbarian DR, but then it says “This DR increases by 2 for each dragon totem rage power she possesses”. From the context, it seems like it meant that the energy resistance increases. Which one is right?
It should say that the energy resistance increases by 2 for each dragon totem rage power. This will be reflected in the next errata






  战士盔甲训练1 (3级获得) 让战士穿中甲不减速。重装魔战盔甲训练1 (8级获得) 同样让重装魔战穿中甲不减速。
  战士盔甲训练2 (7级获得) 让战士穿种甲不减速。重装魔战盔甲训练2 (14级获得) 同样让重装魔战穿重甲不减速。






















恐怖最终拥抱:为什么会有能力专攻 (紧勒) 作为前置呢?







Advanced Firearms and Rapid Reload: How does Rapid Reload work with advanced firearms? It seems like I can reload an early firearm with alchemical cartridges and Rapid Reload faster than an advanced firearm. Are advanced firearms meant to receive an additional reload reduction for using metal cartridges? Are they meant to work differently with Rapid Reload than early firearms?
Advanced firearms do not receive an additional reload reduction for using metal cartridges; their reload speed is the one listed in the chart, and they must use metal cartridges, which don’t affect the reload. On page 136 under loading a firearm, it mentions that Rapid Reload reduces the time to load a firearm in the section for rules that apply to both early and advanced firearms; however, the Rapid Reload feat doesn’t break out advanced firearms separately from other firearms. It should reduce their reload speed from a move action to a free action.



Double-barreled Muskets and other Double-Barreled Weapons: In the third printing of Ultimate Combat, double-barreled musket’s wording received an erratum to clarify, but not double-barreled pistol or shotgun, which have similar wording. Should they also use the double-barreled musket’s erratum?
Yes, all three should use the new wording from double-barreled musket.







蝎尾鞭(Scorpion Whips):这东西到底怎么用?有好几个版本的蝎尾鞭资源了,前后矛盾

  蝎尾鞭现在的说明将会变成“这只鞭子上镶嵌着一系列犬牙交错的锋刃。就算是面对AC具有护甲加值的生物,它也能造成致命伤害。若你同时擅长使用长鞭(Whips)和蝎尾鞭(Scorpion Whips),你可以选择用何种方法使用蝎尾鞭:正常的轻型演武武器,或者如同长鞭。当你选择将蝎尾鞭如同长鞭一般使用时,各方面都相当于你装备使用长鞭,且面对有护甲AC的单位也可造成致命伤。”这将在下一版里修正。

武器:UC里有不少武器重量为“—”,如果这武器的基本材质是金属 (比如虎牙刺),那么在用秘银等特殊材质制造这些武器时如何计算价格?



« 上次编辑: 2017-08-24, 周四 08:46:37 由 月夜白雨 »