作者 主题: 【Distant Worlds】遥远世界  (阅读 6030 次)

副标题: 整完了梦想家利亚瓦拉,下一个是摇篮伯瑞斯达

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Re: 【Distant Worlds】遥远世界
« 回帖 #10 于: 2024-03-16, 周六 22:59:50 »

劇透 -   :

环线(The Line)

劇透 -   :

威瑟斯,也被称为“环线”,因其被潮汐锁定的事实而得名,它始终用同一边的半球面向太阳。 由于这颗星球的一侧被持续不断的光线和辐射所烘烤,而另一侧则将热量散失到了太空的黑暗中,因此威瑟斯的稀薄大气层无法充分地分配能量,导致一侧酷热而另一侧冰冷。 只有沿着晨昏线(terminator line),即昼与夜交汇的狭窄地带,温度才适合常规的动物生存,也正是在这里,威瑟斯的文明蓬勃发展并环绕着这颗星球展开了热闹的活动。 这个地带朝向太阳的一侧遍布了潮湿的丛林和微小的热带海洋,这里充满沐浴在永恒午后阳光的冷血爬行动物,而农场和田野占据了日落的大部分区域,温血掠食者则在另一面的暮光中潜行,它们越过类人生物占据的土地并进入暗面(Darkside)那真正的黑暗中,因而变得愈发异化。

威瑟斯的几种不同环境支持着各种各样的怪物和魔法兽,从简单的野兽,到思维过程远超人类认知的怪异学者,然而这个星球无可争议的主人是威瑟斯人(Vercites),他们是唯一一个肩负了全球性文明的种族。 从生理上来说,威瑟斯人与格拉里昂的类人种族惊人地相似,他们身高 8 英尺,有着精致的五官和显得有些过长的腿部。 他们与人类或精灵最显着的区别是他们的眼睛——闪亮的黑色半球体从头部凸出来,就像老鼠的眼睛——以及他们非人般光滑完美的皮肤可以随意改变颜色的能力,这种适应可能源自于他们从一个太阳气候过渡到另一个太阳气候的时候需要调节吸收的辐射量。 威瑟斯人穿衣只穿实用的分量,他们更喜欢在皮肤上用绚丽的图案来装饰自己。 正如他们的星球分为三个总体的生物群落一样,威瑟斯的人民也分为三个种姓。

第一个种姓被称为“强化人”(the Augmented),这个种姓的威瑟斯人选择利用他们种族相当高的魔法和技术成就,以改造他们的身体并增强他们的自然能力。 他们是战士(warriors)和冒险者、星舰船长和精英技术贤者(technosages),他们有着嵌入式强化,涵盖了简单的夜视单片眼镜到机械化的肢体和强大的机载武器系统。

第二个被称为“纯净者”(the Pure Ones),包含了那些拒绝所有个人强化的威瑟斯人,这些人接受基本的魔法在任何社会中所发挥的必要作用,但他们所使用的技术通常并不会比格拉里昂上能够找到的农耕设备更先进。 纯净者通过田间劳作和工人之间的友谊来磨练心灵和身体,他们负责为社会生产食物,同时也负责社会大部分的治理和商业。

最后一个是“神仆”(God-Vessels),他们是完全致力于为神祇服务的公民。 奥术魔法是其他两个种姓的学者和术士的职权范围,只有神仆才是牧师。 无论是单独还是隶属于教会,这些宣誓的神祇使者都致力于促进其神祇的意志以及履行他们在社会中的个人角色。 神仆通常可以轻易地通过他们的虔印(devotionals)来识别——虔印是印在他们胸前的神圣符号,这些烙印被烧灼成无法变色的疤痕组织并永久定格在原处。

无论国籍,威瑟斯人的种姓选择都是一件个人事务,通常在 16 岁左右达到性成熟时做出选择。 虽然家人和朋友自然地会对年轻人的选择产生很大影响,但进行主动强迫是极其禁忌的。

来自其他星球的访客经常对各个阶级之间的权力平衡感到好奇,尤其是对于大部分的政府似乎被简单化的纯净者所掌控的事实。 他们想知道,为什么强化人种姓那些全副武装的战士没有去动手接管,或者为什么神仆没有利用他们的神力来统治其他人? 如同威瑟斯的许多事物一样,答案是平衡。 根据由来已久的传统,强化人和神仆只能从纯净者阶层中选择自己的新娘和丈夫。 这样一来就如古老的格言所说,阶级之间的平衡与理解可以在每个家庭内部之中维持。 这对纯净者来说也没什么坏处,他们作为负责粮食生产业务的人,必然是人口最多的阶级,并且可以依靠神仆中的传统主义者来支持他们应付任何对现状的挑战。

这种平衡与合作的概念也可以在威瑟斯的城市和国家的结构中见到。 随着炽热的太阳和冰冷的夜晚确立了东西方的边界,威瑟斯的国家被布置在一个巨大的分段环形中,从上到下环绕着这个星球,这些大致呈矩形的国家通常各自只与另外两个国家接壤。 这些国家边界曾经受到严密防守,但现在普遍是可通过的,使得贸易和交通能够相对不受阻碍地沿着文明大环线经过。 这些城市本身就是技术和工程的奇迹,有时玻璃与钢铁形成的拥挤建筑物能绵延数英里,当中光滑的塔楼捕捉着无尽的阳光,而阴暗的较低层则被迫依赖魔法或电力灯光,他们发光的闹区可以从太空中看见。 在某些情况中,巨大的奥术引擎将货物列车拉动数百英里的路程,把农产品从边远的农场社区运来,或者把邻近的定居点用高速铁路线连接起来,这些高速铁路线的建造是一个严格保守的商业机密。

尽管社会习俗千差万别,也存在一定程度的个人自豪感,但威瑟斯的所有文明国家都臣服于诸国之环大议会(Grand Assembly of the Ring of Nations)的意志。 在这个庞大的议会机构中,来自各国的代表平等互动,为整个星球的利益进行合作,同时也保护各自国家的利益。 尽管这一过程有时让人沮丧,但这也是一千多年来圆环(the Ring)的国家之间没有发生公开战争的原因之一。

另一个原因是“理事军”(the Stewards)。 这是一个只效忠于大议会的独立联盟,理事军是训练有素的维和部队,成员包括所有三个种姓,他们在每个国家都有防守严密的堡垒。 虽然理事军很乐意帮忙对抗来自东方或西方的怪物威胁,并且有时也被视为次要的警察部队,但理事军的存在是为了保卫诸国之环并确保各个国家的忠诚。 理事军在这个世界被公认为纪律严明且精英的战士兼外交官(warrior-diplomats),他们还有一个额外的优势,是唯一能够访问“引导网络”(the Draws)的组织,“引导网络”(the Draws)是一个由相互连接的传送石组成的网络,允许在星球上任何两个理事军堡垒之间轻松地进行传送,使理事军能够在接到通知后就立即动员起来。

在诸国之环的狭窄地带之外,威瑟斯被分为暗面区(Darkside)和全亮区(Fullbright)。 在那些阳光持续照射的土地上,带有毒刺且茎秆坚硬如铁的顽强植物为免疫酷热的动物提供食物和庇护所。 许多比较温顺的野兽会进行光合作用,它们通过照射皮肤的光线来获得大部分的营养,而壳质的阿巴基(abaki)和掘洞的尘蝠鲼(dust mantas)则通过更暴力的方式获取食物。 在这里谋生的沙漠人民经常从很远的地方就可以被看到,因为他们穿着可以保持凉爽的镜面长袍,除非他们正在打猎,因为这种时候他们会把长袍翻过来露出暗褐色的布料,这能让他们与阳光炙烤的荒地完美融合。 暗面区的人口也同样稀少,大多数的类人生物文明集中在靠近圆环的大冰海边缘的那些小型捕鱼定居点,那里的盐度和暖风使海水一直不结冰。 在更远的海洋上,人们被迫在冰层中寻找庇护所,他们向冰层的深处采掘以抵达相对肥沃的无光液态海洋。 在这里,怪物也占据主导地位,从可以在几秒钟内让一个人被榨干血的灰白蝙蝠(hoarbats),再到恐怖的血兄弟(bloodbrothers),血兄弟会让它们冰冷血肉内的猎物在痛苦中保持着生命,这些猎物紧张的心脏把自己的血液和温度传给掠食者的心脏,直到受害者因精疲力竭而死亡。

也许是因为他们先进的技术和普遍和平的文明,或者也可能单纯是因为他们很靠近“流放之地”(the Diaspora)并想要保护自己免受类似的命运,威瑟斯在太空旅行的领域取得了巨大的突破。 从”天空码头“(Skydock)这个几乎自给自足的轨道定居点,威瑟斯的巨大金属飞船将自己发射到世界之间的太空,它们的加压船体充满了珍贵的空气,并由魔法和凡俗的火焰一同推动。 尽管极其昂贵且仅由最勇敢的强化人组成,这些传奇的以太飞船(aetherships)都是由大议会委托和维护的,他们曾亲眼目睹了伊奥克斯(Eox)那些掠夺性的骨贤(bone sages)能够做到什么。

劇透 -   :
The Line
Diameter: ×1; Mass: ×1; Gravity: ×1
Atmosphere: Breathable; Orbit: 3 years

Verces, also known as “the Line,” draws its name from the fact that it is tidally locked, with the same hemisphere always facing the sun. With one side of the planet baking in the constant light and radiation, and the other losing its heat to the darkness of space, the thin atmosphere of Verces is unable to fully distribute the energy, resulting in one side that’s blistering hot and another that’s freezing cold. Only along the terminator line, the narrow band where day meets night, are temperatures favorable to conventional animal life, and it is here that Verces’ civilization has f lourished, encircling the planet in a bustle of activity. Steamy jungles and tiny tropical seas populate the sunward side of the band, filled with cold-blooded reptilian creatures that bask in the eternal afternoon sun, while farms and fields occupy the majority of the sunset, and warm-blooded predators stalk the twilight of the opposite side, becoming steadily more alien as they pass beyond humanoid-held lands and into the true black of Darkside.

Verces’s several distinct environments support a wide variety of monsters and magical beasts ranging from simple brutes to weird savants with thought processes far beyond those of human ken, yet the indisputable masters of the planet are the Vercites, the only race responsible for a planet-wide civilization. Physiologically, the Vercites are surprisingly similar to the humanoid races of Golarion, standing 8 feet tall with delicate features and legs that seem a touch too long. Their most striking differences from humans or elves are their eyes—shining black half-globes that protrude from their heads like those of a mouse—and the ability of their inhumanly smooth and perfect skin to change color at will, an adaptation likely spawned by a need to regulate the amount of radiation absorbed when passing from one sun-climate to another. Vercites wear only as much clothing as is functional, instead preferring to decorate themselves with brilliant patterns on their skin. And just as their planet is divided into three overarching biomes, so are the people of Verces divided into three castes.

The first caste, known as the Augmented, contains those Vercites who have chosen to take advantage of the race’s considerable magical and technological achievements to modify their own bodies, enhancing their natural abilities. These are the warriors and adventurers, the starship captains and elite technosages, with embedded augmentations ranging from simple nightvision monocles to robotic limbs and powerful on-board weapon systems.

The second, known as the Pure Ones, contains the Vercites who reject all personal augmentation, accepting the role that basic magic must play in any society but often employing nothing more technological than the same farming equipment one might find on Golarion. Honing minds and bodies through toil in the fields and the fellowship of other workers, the Pure Ones are responsible for producing the society’s food, as well as for much of its governance and commerce.

Last but not least are the God-Vessels, citizens devoted entirely to the service of a deity. While arcane magic is the purview of scholars and sorcerers of both other castes, only the God-Vessels are clerics. Whether singly or in churches, these sworn messengers of the gods work to further their patrons’ wills and fulfill their individual roles within society. God-Vessels can often be easily identified by their devotionals—holy symbols emblazoned on their chests, brands that have been burned to form scar tissue that can no longer change color, frozen permanently in place.

Regardless of nationality, caste selection on Verces is an individual affair, generally selected when one reaches sexual maturity around 16 years old. Though family and friends naturally have a large effect on a young person’s choice, active coercion is extremely taboo.

Visitors from other planets often wonder at the balance of power between the classes, in particular the fact that the simplistic Pure Ones appear to be in charge of most of the government. Why, they wonder, haven’t the heavily armed warriors of the Augmented caste taken over, or the God-Vessels leveraged their divine powers to dominate the others? As with so much on Verces, the answer is balance. By longstanding tradition, the Augmented and the God-Vessels may take their brides and husbands only from the ranks of the Pure Ones. In this way, the old adage goes, the balance and understanding between classes may be maintained within each individual home. It also doesn’t hurt that the Pure Ones, as those responsible for the business of food production, are by necessity the most populous class, and can count on traditionalist members of the God-Vessels to back them against any challenge to the status quo.

This concept of balance and cooperation can also be seen in the structure of Verces’s cities and nations. With the blazing sun and frozen night establishing their eastern and western borders, the nations of Verces are laid out in a giant segmented ring that encircles the planet from top to bottom, with each roughly rectangular nation usually bordering only two others. These national borders, once fiercely defended, are now generally permeable, allowing trade and traffic to pass along the grand circuit of civilization relatively unhindered. The cities themselves are wonders of technology and engineering, sometimes stretching for miles in great warrens of glass and steel, with smooth towers catching the endless sun while shaded lower levels are forced to rely on magical or electric light, their glowing hives visible from space. In some cases, great arcane engines pull trains of goods for hundreds of miles, bringing produce in from the outlying farm communities or connecting neighboring settlements with high-speed rail lines whose creation is a closely kept trade secret.

Despite wildly varying social customs and a certain amount of individual pride, all the civilized countries of Verces bow to the will of the Grand Assembly of the Ring of Nations. In this large parliamentary body, representatives from the various nations interact as equals, cooperating for the good of the planet as a whole while simultaneously protecting the interests of their individual homes. Though sometimes frustrating, this process is one of the reasons that none of the nations of the Ring have engaged in open warfare with one another in more than a thousand years.

The other reason is the Stewards. An independent coalition owing loyalty only to the Grand Assembly, the Stewards are a highly trained peacekeeping force drawn from all three castes, with well-defended citadels in every nation. Though happy to lend a hand against monstrous threats from the east or west, and sometimes treated as a secondary police force, the Stewards exist to defend the Ring of Nations and ensure individual countries’ loyalty. Recognized the world over as elite and disciplined warrior-diplomats, the Stewards also have the added advantage of being the only organization with access to the Draws, a network of linked teleportation stones that allow easy passage between any two Steward citadels on the planet, allowing them to mobilize at a moment’s notice.

Beyond the narrow band of the Ring of Nations, Verces is divided into Darkside and the Fullbright. In those lands where the sun constantly shines, hardy plants with poisonous spines and stalks as hard as iron provide food and shelter for animals immune to the blistering heat. Many of the more docile beasts engage in a form of photosynthesis, gaining much of their nutrition through the light striking their skin, while chitinous abaki and the burrowing dust mantas earn their sustenance through more violent means. Those desert people who eke out a living here are often visible from far away because of the mirrored robes that keep them cool, save for when they’re hunting, when the robes are turned inside-out to reveal dun-colored fabric capable of blending in perfectly with the sun-baked badlands. Darkside is similarly depopulated, with the majority of humanoid civilization centered in the little fishing settlements clustered around the edges of the great ice seas closest to the Ring, where salinity and warm winds keep the water from freezing all the way. Farther out on the seas, people are forced to take shelter within the ice, mining deep through it to reach the relative fertility of the lightless liquid oceans. Here as well, monsters hold sway, from the white-furred hoarbats capable of exsanguinating a man in seconds to the horrors of the bloodbrothers, inside whose frigid f lesh a prey creature is kept alive and in agony, its straining heart adding its own blood and warmth to the predator’s until the victim dies from exhaustion.

Perhaps as a result of their advanced technology and generally peaceful civilization, or maybe simply as a result of their proximity to the Diaspora and the desire to defend themselves from a similar fate, Verces has made enormous breakthroughs in the field of space travel. From the nearly self-sufficient orbital settlement of Skydock, the great metallic dirigible-shaped ships of Verces launch themselves into the space between worlds, their pressurized hulls filled with precious air and propelled by f lame both magical and mundane. Though exceedingly expensive and crewed only by the bravest Augmented, the legendary aetherships are both commissioned and maintained by the Grand Assembly, who have seen firsthand what the predatory bone sages of Eox are capable of.


在圆环(the Ring)的国家进行冒险的PC们对于环境危害几乎没什么需要害怕的,因为那里的气候与格拉里昂的温带地区相似,有着相对田园风光的农作物围绕在令人生畏的金属城市。 这里的的一系列当地习俗有时显得很奇怪,并且当地人经常试图将外来者归入某个种姓,这些都会让人感到更加困惑。 尽管如此,威瑟斯人并没有比其它地方的人们更具掠夺性,一旦克服了初见外来者的震惊,他们可能就会带着好奇和热情去迎接外来者。

然而,远离晨昏线后,事情很快就会变得危险。 温度会根据行进的方向而飙升或下降,并且很快就会超越一个简单的“忍受环境”(endure elements)法术所能安全处理的范围。 即使是大多数的威瑟斯强化人也知道,如果没有特殊防护服就不要太过深入暗面区或全亮区,这种防护服是魔法与机械的综合体,可以抵御恶劣天气,有时还包括物理援助和战斗能力增强。 为了捕猎生活在两种环境中的奇异生物,或者开采那些会被圆环的庞大工厂用作组件的晶体和金属,他们需要经常进行旅行,所以这类防护服虽然昂贵且笨重,不过相对来说还算常见。 这些防护服可供人类使用的版本在第 55 页有数据。

劇透 -   :

PCs adventuring in the nations of the Ring have little to fear in terms of environmental hazards, as the land there is similar in climate to the temperate swaths of Golarion, with the intimidating metallic cities surrounded by relatively pastoral fields of crops. Far more confusing is the collection of sometimes bizarre local customs and the tendency for locals to try to assign outsiders to a caste. Still, Vercites are no more predatory than people anywhere, and those who get over the initial shock of meeting outsiders are likely to greet them with curiosity and hospitality.

Away from the terminator, however, things quickly become dangerous. Temperatures soar or drop depending on which direction one travels, approaching and soon surpassing the range of what can safely be handled with a simple endure elements spell. Even most Augmented Vercites know better than to travel too deep into either Darkside or the Fullbright without special protective suits, syntheses of magic and machinery that defend against the elements and sometimes include both physical assistance and increased combat abilities. Such suits are expensive and bulky, but relatively common, given the number of excursions necessary to hunt the bizarre creatures that live in either environment, or to mine the crystals and metals used as components in the Ring’s monolithic factories. Statistics for a version of these suits usable by humans appear on page 55.



秩序之心要塞 Fastness of the Ordered Mind:在暗面区的永恒冻土深处,坐落着一群相互连接的圣殿要塞,统称为“秩序之心要塞”。 这里居住着隐居的纳尔苦行僧(Ascetics of Nar),这些人是才华横溢的学者僧侣(scholar-monks),他们在冰雪的晶体结构中看到了宇宙的内在秩序。 虽然他们对深奥事物的了解令人印象深刻,甚至对圆环(the Ring)的学者来说也是如此,但修道院中的这群兄弟姐妹同样是令人感到恐惧和陌生的存在。 为了更好地集中注意力,纳尔苦行僧使用锋利的冰块在他们的肉体上刻入印记,然后一动不动地躺着,让冰冻的刀刃融化并流过他们淌血的身体,抚慰他们,并且(据说)给他们注入水中不再包含的秩序和结构。 此外,许多僧侣在寒冷的荒原中长时间冥想,这些人只有最低限度的保护,他们在黑暗肆虐的狂风中失去手指和肢体。 那些因此失去大量肢体而无法独立行动的人,要么以高价被卖到天空码头的造船厂,在那里他们会被永久地连接到船上以协助航行,要么在修道院最深处的圣殿中与同样残缺不全的同伴在精神上结合在一起——这两种命运对要塞来说都是最高的荣誉和服务。

劇透 -   :

The following are just a few of the notable locations on Verces.

Fastness of the Ordered Mind: Deep in the permafrost expanse of Darkside rests the cluster of linked templestrongholds known collectively as the Fastness of the Ordered Mind. Here dwell the reclusive Ascetics of Nar, brilliant scholar-monks who see in the crystalline structure of snow and ice the inherent order of the universe. While their knowledge of esoteric matters is impressive, even to academics of the Ring, the brothers and sisters of the monasteries are frightening and strange. To better focus their minds, the Ascetics of Nar use sharpened ice to carve sigils into their f lesh, then lie perfectly still as the frozen blades melt and run down their bleeding bodies, soothing and—supposedly— infusing them with the order and structure the water no longer contains. In addition, many of the monks spend long periods meditating in the cold wastelands with only minimal protection, losing digits and limbs to the blackening, ravaging winds. Those who lose so many limbs in this manner that they can no longer function unaided are either sold at great cost to the Skydock shipyards, where they are permanently linked into ships to aid in their navigation, or else joined psychically with their similarly mutilated cohorts in the deepest sanctums of the monasteries—with both fates being considered the highest of honors and service to the Fastness.

卡沙克 Kashak:即使在圆环(the Ring),也不是每个人都满足于受到传统和诸国共识所统治,然后还要被理事军持续监视。 纵观历史,圆环内部各种怨恨情绪的高涨导致了分歧或彻底的冲突,而最近的这类复杂情况正在卡沙克国家中激起。 在这里,一群特别狂热的强化人不断获取权力和声望,他们宣扬纯净者是落后的,对进步与科学发展的伟大机器造成了不必要的阻碍。 令人惊讶的是,这个国家的许多神仆支持了这个想法,那些最关心知识和奥术的强大牧师(priests)也加入了这个新的势力范围。 结果,卡沙克目前在某种程度上来说几乎完全是强化人了,并且强化人的比例仍在上升。 他们的邻国理所当然地担心卡沙克人(或他们的意识形态)随时可能跨越边境,但到目前为止,大议会还不愿意派出理事军来强制执行一致性。

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Kashak: Even within the Ring, not everyone is content to be ruled by tradition and the consensus of all nations, constantly watched over by the Stewards. Throughout history, various upwellings of resentment within the Ring have led to dissension or outright conflict, and the most recent of these complications is currently stirring in the nation of Kashak. Here, a particularly zealous cadre of Augmented caste members has been gaining power and popularity, preaching the idea that Pure Ones are backward, unnecessary brakes on the great machine of progress and scientific advancement. Surprisingly, many of the nation’s God-Vessels have gotten behind this idea as well, with those powerful priests most concerned with knowledge and arcana joining the new sphere of influence. As a result, Kashak is now almost entirely Augmented in some fashion, and the proportion of the Augmented is still rising. Their neighboring nations are understandably nervous that the Kashakians (or their ideology) may spill over the border any day now, but as of yet the Grand Assembly has been unwilling to send in the Stewards to physically enforce conformity.

法外王国 The Outlaw Kingdoms:圆环的诸国拥有威瑟斯最优质的领土,但他们并不是这里唯一的文明人。 许多其他小团体和派系不愿意合并加入圆环的同质整体,这些人在全亮区或暗面区勉强维持自己微薄的存在,他们通常被嘲笑地称为“法外王国”。 其中包括了孤立主义的冰地渔民和在针叶林狩猎的游牧民族,以及蒙面沙漠人和太阳崇拜者的氏族。 法外王国的居民倾向于氏族和教派形式的松散团体,他们除了与圆环最基本的贸易之外与其他一切都隔绝,威瑟斯那些更国际化的居民通常都认为他们落后且近交(inbred)。 他们中的许多人有自己的替代种姓制度或宗教信仰,这使他们进一步与主流威瑟斯文化疏远,并且随着时间的推移,一些人已经在身体上适应了他们所选择的生态系统以更好地统治那里。 这些火与冰的部落从被认为文明的圆环同胞那里受到了了蔑视,但很少有人能否认他们对地形的完全掌握,这使他们成为完美的向导、游击队、和小偷——所有这些特征对外来者而言都是有用的,只要他们能够驾驭法外王国的复杂习俗网络。

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The Outlaw Kingdoms: The nations of the Ring hold the choicest territory on Verces, yet they are not its only civilized peoples. Usually referred to derisively as the “Outlaw Kingdoms,” many other small groups and factions unwilling to consolidate and join the homogenous totality of the Ring eke out their own meager existences within the Fullbright or Darkside. These include isolationist ice fishermen and taiga-hunting nomads, as well as clans of masked desert people and sun worshipers. Tending toward loose collections of clans and cults, and cut off from all but the most basic trade with the Ring, the residents of the Outlaw Kingdoms are generally seen as backward and inbred by Verces’ more cosmopolitan residents. Many have their own alternative caste systems or cultic beliefs that further alienate them from mainstream Vercite culture, and over time some have physically adapted to better rule their chosen ecosystem. Yet for all the disdain the tribes of fire and ice earn from their supposedly sophisticated Ring brethren, few can deny the total mastery of their terrain that makes them perfect guides, guerillas, and thieves— all traits useful to outsiders, provided they can navigate the outlaws’ complex web of customs.

奇德,太阳之巢 Qidel, Aerie of the Sun:在全亮区的中心,一座狭窄的尖塔从沙漠中拔地而起。 这座数千英尺高的巨石耸立在周围的土地上。 尽管方圆几英里内都可以看见这座名为“奇德”的尖塔,但它对大多数人来说仍然是个谜,这要归功于它的居民。 一群奇异的闪亮钢铁鸟类从尖塔顶端的栖息地出发,结成掠食性的群体飞过大地,人形的霸主(overlords)统治着这群鸟类,这些霸主利用翅膀来飞行,而它们的翅膀明显是人工制品且用了类似的钢铁。 这些空中生物会发出尖锐的叫声,它们与周围的沙漠人民进行的接触就只有袭击牲畜和绑架年轻男女——这大概是为了繁殖和更黑暗的愉悦。 虽然许多人认为奇德的鸟人其实是很久以前就抛弃了文明的强化人流氓(rogue)——事实上,这个例子经常在大议会中被提出来,作为对现状的支持——但由于其守卫的凶猛,没有人真正知道太阳之巢里面发生了什么。 最近,从飞越尖塔的航天器收集到的数据提出了新的问题,因为尖塔顶峰的定居点似乎是某种古老的寺庙,预言扫描(divination scans)显示出尖塔本身可能是空心的,是一根伸入到地面以下未知深度的长管。

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Qidel, Aerie of the Sun: In the center of the Fullbright, a narrow spire rises from the desert. Thousands of feet high, the stone monolith towers over the surrounding land. Though visible for miles around, the spire called Qidel remains a mystery to most, thanks to its residents. From their roost atop the spire, strange bird-creatures of shining steel sail out over the landscape in predatory packs, ruled by human-shaped overlords who fly on obviously artificial wings of a similar metal. These aerial creatures speak in shrill screams, and make contact with the surrounding desert peoples only in the form of raids on livestock and the abduction of young men and women—presumably for breeding and darker pleasures. Though many believe the bird-men of Qidel to be rogue Augmented who long ago forsook civilization—and indeed, this example is often held up in the Grand Assembly as support of the status quo—no one truly knows what goes on in the Aerie of the Sun, thanks to the ferocity of its defenders. Recently, data gathered from a spacecraft flying over the spire has raised new questions, as the settlement at the spire’s peak seems to be some sort of ancient temple, and divination scans have revealed that the spire itself may be hollow, a long tube that drops below ground level into some unknown depths.

天空码头 Skydock:从赤道附近的巨大底座上拔地而起的是威瑟斯最伟大的奇迹:”天空码头“的传奇针塔,它实际上是一条魔法缆线,一直延伸到太空并将末端的卫星拴在星球的同步轨道上。 那些有机会传送到顶层的人会发现自己身处于一个狭窄的建筑群,其中一部分是军事基地,一部分是港口,一部分是造船厂。 天空码头由圆环的所有国家共同控制,这里有着最优秀聪明的技术贤者和传统的施法者,他们一同努力设计更好的船只用来在世界之间进行长途旅行。 威瑟斯也在这里训练太空飞行员、为返回的飞船补充燃料和补给、以及接待那些通过传统方式到达而不是直接传送到星球表面的少数外星访客(例如”萨先人 sarcesians“)。

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Skydock: Rising up from a tremendous base near the equator is the greatest wonder Verces has to offer: the legendary needle-spire of Skydock, which is in fact a magical cable stretching all the way to space and tethering the satellite at the end of the cable in geosynchronous orbit. Those given the opportunity to teleport to the top find themselves in a cramped complex that is one part military base, one part port, and one part shipyard. Controlled jointly by all the nations of the Ring, Skydock is where the best and brightest technosages and traditional spellcasters work together to design ever-better ships capable of making the long journey between worlds. It’s here as well that Verces trains its space pilots, refuels and provisions returning ships, and receives those few offworld visitors (such as the sarcesians) who arrive via conventional means rather than teleporting directly to the planet’s surface.

太阳农场 Sun Farms:虽然全亮区在没有防护服或魔法的情况下冒险进入可能太过危险,但这并不意味着它没有用处。 为了给他们的庞大城市供能,威瑟斯人维护着太阳农场,这些农场是巨大的太阳能电池板园地,里面的太阳能电池板可以持续有效地吸收太阳光,并将之转化为可用能源。 太阳农场位于灼热土地的深处,高薪的工人维护着太阳农场以及其数英里长的能量管道,这些人住在完全封闭的结构中,这样可以更好地避免热量以及任何突破大气层的危险辐射。 除了技术人员之外,太阳农场也需要大量的守卫来保护设施,以抵御掠食性野兽、来自沙漠的反技术狂热分子、以及那些会抽走农场的能源而不对其功能做出贡献的”法外王国“成员。

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Sun Farms: While the Fullbright may be too dangerous to venture into without protective suits or magic, that doesn’t mean it’s not still useful. To help power their massive cities, the Vercites maintain the Sun Farms, huge plantations of solar panels that constantly and efficiently drink in the sun’s light, translating it to usable energy. Situated well into the scorched lands, the Sun Farms and their miles of power conduits are maintained by well-paid workers who live in completely enclosed structures, the better to avoid both heat and any dangerous radiation breaking through the atmosphere. In addition to the technicians, the Sun Farms also require significant numbers of guards to protect the facilities against predatory beasts, anti-technology zealots from the desert, and those members of the Outlaw Kingdoms who would siphon away the farms’ energy without contributing to its function.

冒险引子(Adventure Hooks)


• 大议会因种姓问题而爆发冲突,只有完全没有种姓的局外人才能调解。 但PC们能否在谈判中幸存下来并在内战开始之前阻止它呢?

• ”法外王国“其中一个较大的沙漠氏族计划要夺取附近的矿井和太阳农场。 在得知他们的计划后,PC们会为保护了圆环的合法财产而战——还是加入那些寻求自由与平等的受压迫者?

• PC们即将找到位于太空某处的一个非凡的神器或冒险地点,但任何传送魔法都无法将他们带到该地点,因为其确切位置仍然未知。 只有威瑟斯的传奇以太飞船才有可能让搜索变得可行。

劇透 -   :
Adventure Hooks

Below are some adventure hooks for Verces.

•    Conflict has erupted in the Grand Assembly over caste issues, and only outsiders totally without castes themselves can mediate. But can the PCs survive the negotiations and stop a civil war before it starts?

•    One of the larger desert Outlaw Kingdoms clans has plans to take over the nearby mines and Sun Farms. Upon learning of their plans, will the PCs fight to protect legitimate Ring holdings—or join the downtrodden people in their quest for liberty and equality?

•    The PCs are close to locating a fabulous artifact or adventure location somewhere in the void of space, but no teleportation magic can take them to the site when its exact whereabouts are unknown. Only the legendary aethercrafts of Verces can possibly make the search feasible.

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« 上次编辑: 2024-04-13, 周六 09:43:52 由 happykj »

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Re: 【Distant Worlds】遥远世界
« 回帖 #11 于: 2024-03-23, 周六 22:52:45 »
流放之地(The Diaspora)

劇透 -   :

消失者(The Lost Ones)
直径:数百万颗直径可达 600 英里的小行星;
质量:总计×2(任何一颗单独的小行星则小于 ×1/100)

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如今,格拉里昂的太阳系有 11 颗行星,但并非一直都是如此。 现代天文学家长期以来一直着迷于这样一个事实,也即古代阿兹兰特学者的著作中提到了另外两个世界:双子星,达米尔和艾沃(the Twins, Damiar and Iovo),它们运行在威瑟斯和伊奥克斯(Eox)之间。 达米尔和艾沃的距离足够近,以至于两颗行星在各自的轨道运行中会相互旋转,它们的居民很可能是太阳系中第一批实现星际交流和贸易的知觉种族。 他们的联合世界一起成为了强大的伙伴关系,并共同努力向太阳系的其他内部世界派遣使者。

然后事情出了问题。 经过了几千年,即使是这对姐妹世界流离失所的孩子们也不再记得到底发生了什么。 大多数人认为,发生过一场星际战争并最终导致了两颗行星本身的毁灭。 其他人则认为,在世界之间建立大规模魔法旅行的尝试使得它们的轨道发生变化,从而导致了一场碰撞。 还有一些人声称,邻近的伊奥克斯应该为此负责,它用威力无与伦比的武器摧毁了双子星。

不管怎样,阿兹兰特人和其他行星学者的著作记录了那一天,双子星爆发出足以媲美正午太阳的一道光芒——然后就消失了。 取而代之的是一片不断扩大的碎片区域,横跨天空并迅速填充两个行星原来的轨道。 此后的几个世纪里,附近的世界经常受到陨石的轰击——有些小,有些毁灭性的大——因为动量和引力将碎片抛出。 慢慢地,所造成的屠杀安定了下来,并在太空中占据一个广阔的环形。

现在,双子星几乎被遗忘了,而小行星带被称为了”流放之地“(Diaspora),有时更诗意地称为”星辰的游行“(the March of Stars)。 尽管流放之地主要是尘埃以及石头和金属的微小碎片,但它仍然包含超过一百万个直径大于 1 英里的天体。 不过,这片小行星带占据的空间如此之大,以至于重大物体之间的碰撞很少见——至少在人类的时间观念来说是这样——并且穿过碎片区域的生物或船只极不可能意外地撞上任何大小足以被识别的小行星。 尽管会发生偶尔的撞击和不可预测的引力效应,但大多数较大的小行星都安全地呆在它们的轨道内,不过人们怀疑传说中导致了黑暗之年(Age of Darkness)的星石可能原本是流放之地的一个物体,底栖魔鱼的神秘力量打破了它的停滞状态并将其拉向格拉里昂。

与太阳系诞生时正常形成的小行星带不同,流放之地的暴力诞生仍然留下了许多痕迹。 虽然其不断移动的质量(shifting mass)中包含的大多数小行星和矮行星都是些由石头、金属和冰块构成的岩石,不起眼且不规则,但它们成形之时所摧毁的文明仍然在其中某些留下了可辨别的痕迹。 个别小行星可能包含一些凿刻的字或城市街区废墟的区块,而整片的破碎建筑物和其他的人工制物可能会聚在一起旋转,它们神秘地幸免于撕裂了世界的灾难。

然而,关于流放之地最惊奇的事情也许是仍然有人居住在那里。 虽然达米尔和艾沃的人口几乎完全被消灭——实际上,除了他们是类人生物这一事实之外,他们的本质和文化已经被遗忘了——但生命仍在星球的废墟中绽放。 随着两个世界的财富被抛入虚空,对于能够到达这些碎片并生存下来的种族来说,进行打捞是极其有价值的。 来自威瑟斯的以太船船长们所组成的法外组织在大型的小行星上建立了他们的海盗巢穴,而长腿的机械蜘蛛——可能是由阿巴隆的初始者所播种的——则在采矿和拾荒,它们以绝对的数学精度从一个小行星发射到另一个小行星,在这个环境下哪怕是最轻微的错误也会让它们无助地永远漂浮在太空中。 在这里,人们也可以找到厌倦了所有其他生命形式的隐士、无比强大的法师、以及半神,个别小行星就是他们贫瘠的家园——或者监狱。 这些智慧居民之间散布着更兽性的生物,例如精致且长有三张嘴的”虚空束缚者“(void-binders)以及仿佛闪闪发光的丝带的”闪光蛇“(flaresnakes)

流放之地中最文明且最多人口的生物是萨先人(sarcesians)。 萨先人自认为是双子星失落民族的唯一后裔,他们已经适应了严酷真空中的生活。 萨先人平均身高 10 至 15 英尺,外形为人形,但体型修长且纤瘦如鸟,其苍白的身体适合在没有重力的情况下生活。 这些温和的外星人能够无限期地暂停呼吸,他们用由纯粹能量构成的蛾翅在小行星之间翱翔,宛如热气流中的鸟儿一样乘着太阳风和反射光。 来自格拉里昂的罕见旅行者之中接触过这个有翼种族的人有时会将萨先人的柔美完美(willowy perfection)与天使进行比较,尽管这种相似之处通常被视为巧合或异端邪说。

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The Diaspora
The Lost Ones
Diameter: Millions of asteroids up to 600 miles across;
Mass: ×2 total (less than ×1/100 for any single asteroid)
Gravity: Varies; Atmosphere: Varies; Orbit: Varies

Today, Golarion’s solar system has 11 planets, but this was not always the case. Modern astronomers have long been fascinated by the fact that the writings of ancient Azlanti scholars reference two more worlds: the Twins, Damiar and Iovo, orbiting at a point between Verces and Eox. Damiar and Iovo were close enough that the planets spun around each other in the course of their orbits, and their residents were likely the first sentient races in the system to achieve interplanetary communication and trade. Together, their federated worlds became a powerful partnership, and worked together to send emissaries to the other inner worlds of the system.

And then something went wrong. After thousands of years, even the displaced children of the Sister Worlds no longer remember exactly what happened. Most believe that there was an interplanetary war culminating in the destruction of the planets themselves. Others believe that attempts to establish mass magical travel between the worlds led to a shift in their orbits, resulting in a collision. Still others claim that neighboring Eox is to blame, having destroyed the Twins with a weapon of incomparable power.

Whatever the case, the writings of the Azlanti and other planetary scholars record a day when the Twins flared into a single light bright enough to match the noon sun—then were gone. In their place was a expanding field of debris that stretched across the sky, quickly filling the entirety of the planets’ former orbit. For centuries afterward, nearby worlds were regularly bombarded by meteorites—some small, some devastatingly large—as detritus was cast out by momentum and gravitational forces. Slowly, the carnage stabilized, coming to occupy a vast ring of space.

The Twins are mostly forgotten now, and the asteroid belt is instead known as the Diaspora, sometimes more poetically referred to as the March of Stars. Primarily dust and tiny shards of stone and metal, the Diaspora nevertheless contains more than a million celestial bodies with diameters greater than a mile. So vast is the space the belt occupies, however, that collisions between significant objects are rare—at least as humans think of time—and creatures or vessels passing through the debris field are exceedingly unlikely to accidentally strike an asteroid of any discernible size. Despite occasional impacts and unpredictable gravitational effects, most of the larger asteroids are safely contained within their orbits, though it’s suspected that the fabled Starstone that caused the Age of Darkness may have started life as an object within the Diaspora, knocked out of its stasis and pulled toward Golarion by the mysterious powers of the aboleths.

Unlike an asteroid belt formed normally during a solar system’s birth, the Diaspora still holds many traces of its violent birth. While most of the asteroids and dwarf planets contained within its shifting mass are nondescript, lopsided rocks of stone, metal, and ice, some still bear identifiable traces of the civilizations that were destroyed in their formation. Individual asteroids might contain a few chiseled words or chunks of a ruined city block, while whole fields of crumbled buildings and other artifacts might spin together in a mass, mysteriously spared by the cataclysm that ripped the worlds apart.

Perhaps the most amazing thing about the Diaspora, however, is the fact that it remains inhabited. While the populations of Damiar and Iovo were almost completely wiped out—and indeed, other than the fact that they were humanoid, their nature and culture have been forgotten— life continues to f lower among the planets’ ruins. With the riches of two entire worlds cast into the void, salvage is extremely valuable for those races capable of reaching and surviving among the debris. Outlaw conclaves of aethership captains from Verces make their pirate dens on large asteroids, while long-legged robotic spiders— perhaps seeded by the First Ones of Aballon—mine and scavenge, launching themselves from asteroid to asteroid with absolute mathematical precision, in an environment where the slightest error would see them floating helplessly into space for eternity. Here as well one can find hermits sick of all other life forms, immensely powerful wizards and demigods for whom individual asteroids are barren homes—or prisons. Scattered among these intelligent residents are more bestial creatures such as the delicate, three-mouthed void-binders and the brilliantly glowing ribbons called f laresnakes.

The most civilized and populous creatures of the Diaspora are the sarcesians. Believing themselves to be the only descendents of the lost peoples of the Twins, the sarcesians have adapted to life in hard vacuum. Averaging 10 to 15 feet tall, sarcesians are humanoid in shape, but stretched long and bird-thin, their pale bodies designed for life in the absence of gravity. Able to suspend respiration indefinitely, these gentle aliens soar between asteroids on moth wings of pure energy, riding the solar wind and ref lected light like birds on a thermal. Those rare travelers from Golarion who’ve made contact with the sarcesians sometimes compare the willowy perfection of the winged race to that of angels, though of course this resemblance is generally dismissed as coincidence or heresy.


流放之地的巨大岩石浪花几乎就和太空本身一样不宜居。 除了少数的萨先“育幼世界”(creche worlds)之外,没有任何小行星能够维持大量的大气层。 它们气温极低,通常在零下 100 华氏度左右。 尽管在构成了这个小行星带的畸形石头中,有相当数量的小行星足够大,可以对中型生物施加明显的引力,但这还不足以让人们脚踏实地。 在这些小行星上的生物可以携带数量庞大的物品,或者以最小的力气做出巨大的跳跃——可能达到他们的 10 或 20 倍正常高度——但如果他们跳得太猛或跑得太快,可能会让自己完全抛出表面。 较小的小行星需要生物抓牢才能在太空的零重力之舞中维持接触。

到目前为止,穿越流放之地最安全的方法是通过传送魔法,像“传送术”(teleport)和“高等传送术”(greater teleport)之类的法术足以在小行星带的不同天体之间运送队伍,而探知魔法或高倍望远镜对于勘察目的地来说往往很有用。 其它选择则包括了魔法飞行、按照萨先人的天生附肢来模仿可以乘着太阳风的能量飞翼、在星间之河(the River Between)航行、骑在阿巴隆蜘蛛机械经过精心计算的一次跳跃、或任何足以进行星际旅行的方法。 关于在无大气层和低重力世界进行操作的信息可在第 54 页找到。

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The vast and rocky spray of the Diaspora is almost as inhospitable as the void of space itself. Except for a select few sarcesian creche worlds, none of the asteroids are capable of maintaining a significant atmosphere. Temperatures are extremely cold, typically around –100 degrees Fahrenheit. Though a fair number of the irregular, misshapen rocks that make up the asteroid belt are large enough to exert noticeable gravitational pulls on Medium-sized creatures, this is barely enough to keep one’s feet on the ground. Creatures on these asteroids can carry tremendous amounts or make enormous leaps with minimal effort—perhaps 10 or 20 times their normal height—but may run the risk of f linging themselves completely off the surface if they jump too hard or run too fast. Smaller asteroids require creatures to hang on to maintain contact in the zero-gravity dance of space.

By far the safest method of traveling through the Diaspora is via teleportation magic, with spells like teleport and greater teleport being sufficient to carry parties between various bodies within the belt, and scrying magic or high-powered telescopes often proving useful for surveying destinations. Other options include magical flight, sailing the solar wind via energy wings modeled off the sarcesians’ natural appendages, sailing the River Between, riding along on one of the Aballonian spider-machines’ carefully calculated leaps, or any methods sufficient for interplanetary travel. Information on operating without atmosphere and on lowgravity worlds can be found on page 54.



育幼世界 Creche Worlds:当双子星被摧毁时,它们的大多数居民文明也随之被摧毁。 数以百万计的灵魂曾经居住在这两个毁灭的世界,他们之中只有极少部分幸免于难,要么是由于奇怪的机遇,要么是因为刚好在前往其他世界的罕见外交和贸易航行所以离开了星球。 在这些绝望的少数人中,有些人离开这里并前往其他世界定居。 其他人则转身向外完全逃离了太阳系,希望能找到另一个世界或位面让他们重新建立和遗忘过去。 然而大多数的幸存者选择留下来,他们利用了强大的魔法和科学,将自己转变成可以在失落家园的废墟上殖民的生物。 后者成为了奇异而美丽的“萨先人”(sarcesians)。

虽然萨先人主要在真空以及漂流小行星之间的寒冷虚空中度过生活,但他们的种族记忆仍然保留着关于他们所失去的世界,并且他们需要温暖和可呼吸的大气才能生育后代。 因此,在一个早已失落的时代中,最伟大的奥术师和牧师结合了他们的能力创造出十几个被称为“育幼世界”的庇护所,它们每个都是直径不超过几百英里的小行星,而“星间之河”(the River Between)将所有庇护所连接在一起。 在这些世界,小行星深处的强大魔法引擎会产生人造大气层以及用来把大气层锁在地表的魔法场,同时也通过它们的作用使小行星变暖。 这些世界是漂流在太空中的奇异微缩天堂,生态系统中充满了森林、田野和田园村庄,精致的萨先人可以在这里放松和抚养孩子,以及翱翔在微弱的重力中并欣赏他们很久以前被夺走的东西。 当然,这些品质同样让育幼世界成为太空海盗、流氓法师、以及其他投机者的主要目标,但萨先人也已经做好了照顾自己的准备。

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Though the Diaspora contains a staggering number of boring, lifeless rocks, the following are a few of the more interesting locales.

Creche Worlds: When the Twins were destroyed, most of their resident cultures were destroyed with them. Of the millions of souls that once populated the doomed worlds, only a tiny fraction were saved, either through freak chance or by virtue of being off-planet at the time in one of the rare diplomatic and trade voyages to other worlds. Of these desperate few, some left to settle other worlds. Others turned outward, f leeing the system entirely in the hope of finding another world or plane where they could rebuild and forget. Yet most of the survivors chose to stay, using powerful magic and science to transform themselves into creatures capable of colonizing the ruins of their lost home. These latter became the strange and beautiful people known as sarcesians.

While sarcesians’ lives are spent primarily in vacuum and the cold void between drifting asteroids, they still maintain a racial memory of the worlds they lost, and require warmth and breathable atmosphere in order to bear young. As such, the greatest arcanists and clerics of an age long lost combined their abilities to create a dozen sanctuaries known as the creche worlds, each an asteroid no more than a few hundred miles in diameter, all tied together by the River Between. On these worlds, powerful magical engines deep within the asteroids generate artificial atmosphere and magical fields capable of holding it to the surface, as well as warming the planetoids with their exertions. These worlds are strange, miniature paradises drifting through space, arcologies filled with forests, fields, and pastoral villages where the delicate sarcesians can relax and raise children, soaring through the weak gravity and appreciating that which was taken from them so long ago. Of course, these same qualities also make the creche worlds prime targets for space pirates, rogue wizards, and other opportunists, but the sarcesians are well prepared to take care of their own.

虚空之屋 House of the Void:没有人知道虚空兄弟(the Brothers of the Void)起源于哪个世界,是逃脱了毁灭的双子星居民,还是最近移民到流放之地的人。 在外人看来,他们甚至无法判断所有的虚空兄弟是否都是同一种族,因为他们坚持穿着完全黑色的长袍,这个长袍彻底隐藏他们看似人形的形体。 他们的修道院名为“虚空之屋”,是一座低矮而杂乱的石头堡垒,它位于一颗相对较小的小行星,虚空之屋本身与这颗小行星相比显得不成比例。 就在这里,通常处于静默的虚空兄弟们沉思着空间中的虚无,他们在完全的虚无中寻求启蒙。 虽然大多数其他居民都乐于不去打扰这些黑暗的人物,但虚空兄弟经常出现在小行星地(asteroid field)中意想不到的地方,这让一些人质疑他们的自我孤立不仅仅是单纯地在寻求安宁,同时也猜测他们的堡垒中心隐藏着什么未知的魔法,让他们能够在孤独的荒原上生存。 关于他们本质的谣言飞速而激烈地传播——他们是被放逐的天使、是崇拜暗幕中那些呓语神祇的信徒,或者是导致了双子星毁灭的不老建筑师在寻求赎罪——但到目前为止,所有理论都没有证据作为支持。

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House of the Void: No one knows what world originally spawned the Brothers of the Void, whether they were residents of the Twins who escaped destruction or more recent immigrants to the Diaspora. As far as outsiders are concerned, it’s impossible to even tell if all the brothers are of the same race, as they insist on draping themselves in perfectly black robes that completely hide their seemingly humanoid forms. Their monastery, the House of the Void, is a squat and rambling stone fortress all out of proportion to the relatively small asteroid it sits on. From here, the generally silent brothers contemplate the void of space, seeking enlightenment in the perfect absence of being. While most other residents are content to leave the dark figures alone, the brothers’ tendency to turn up in unexpected places in the asteroid field leads some to question whether there’s more to their self-imposed isolation than a mere search for peace, as well as to speculate on what unknown magics hidden in the heart of their fortress allow them to survive in the lonely wasteland. Rumors about their nature f ly fast and furious—that they’re exiled angels, cultists of the gibbering gods of the Dark Tapestry, or the ageless architects of the Twins’ destruction seeking atonement for their sins—but so far no theories have any evidence to back them up.

尼西斯 Nisis:尼西斯是流放之地最大的小行星,它也是唯一一颗大得足以在自身重力作用下形成球体的矮行星。 在尼西斯的冰壳和粘土核心之间存在着液态水的海洋,这个海洋占据了小行星 600 英里直径的大部分,并且这里的淡水比整个格拉里昂能找到的还要多。 在尼西斯的表面——也是它最冷的地区——它的气温只有零下30 华氏度,但仍然可以通过一个简单的“忍受环境”(endure elements)法术来处理。

与育幼世界不同,尼西斯的环境是自然产生的。 早期,那些后来会成为萨先人的人们对这一发现感到高兴,他们开始将集体中的水栖成员转移到广阔的大海,同时也让他们的一些陆栖成员适应冰壳下的生活。 有一段时间,尼西斯似乎是天赐之地,它有非常充裕的空间来容纳达米尔和艾沃的所有幸存者。

然而人们很快就发现,新的定居者在海洋中并不孤单。 某种东西——也许是某种东西的整个种族——已经居住在这个世界上,它们从黑暗中游上来把新来者三三两两地带走,只留下一片血雾悬浮在水中。 迄今为止,没有人知道这些奇怪的掠食者是什么——也许是以前双子星相当于“幽暗之地”(Darklands)的地方所居住的生物,这些生物因为有岩石家园的保护使它们免于毁灭,或者是一些更熟悉的动物,因为大灾变释放的魔法能量而变异得面目全非。 无论如何,萨先人是一个繁殖缓慢的种族,承受不起长期探索活动的损失以及潜在的种族屠杀。 那些仍然生活在尼西斯的文明生物保持在冰层下方相对明亮的浅水处,他们在必要时会撤退到地表的小前哨,并且将黑暗且碾压性的数英里深处让给了占有那里的任何东西。

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Nisis: The largest asteroid in the Diaspora, Nisis is the only dwarf planet large enough to have formed into a sphere under its own gravity. Between a crust of ice and a clay core lies an ocean of liquid water that accounts for most of the planetoid’s 600-mile diameter and masses more fresh water than can be found on all of Golarion. On its surface—its coldest region—Nisis is a chilly –30 degrees Fahrenheit, yet still quite manageable with a simple endure elements spell.

Unlike the creche worlds, Nisis’s environment is naturally occurring. Early on, the people that would become the sarcesians rejoiced over its discovery, and set about transferring those aquatic members of their collective to the spacious sea, as well as adapting some of their terrestrial kin for life beneath the ice crust. For a while, Nisis seemed like a godsend, with more than enough space to house all the survivors of Damiar and Iovo.

Yet it quickly became apparent that the new settlers were not alone in the oceans. Something—perhaps whole races of something—already inhabited the world, swimming up from the darkness to take the newcomers in twos and threes, leaving only clouds of blood hanging in the water. To date, no one knows what these strange predators are—perhaps denizens of their former planets’ Darklands equivalents who were shielded from destruction by their rocky homes, or some more familiar animals mutated beyond recognition by the magical energies unleashed in the cataclysm. Regardless, the sarcesians are a slowbreeding race, and can’t afford the losses of a prolonged campaign of exploration and potential genocide. Instead, those conclaves of civilized creatures who still live on Nisis keep to the relatively well-lit shallows just beneath the ice, retreating to small outposts on the surface when necessary and ceding the miles of crushing, blackened depths to whatever has claimed them.

星间之河 The River Between:星间之河是通过萨先人早已失传的魔法或技术创造而成,它是流淌在流放之地的水体,连接着其中一些育幼世界。 一个直径一百英尺的奇异管状力场把水和大气束缚起来,它蜿蜒穿过世界之间的太空,最终以一个巨大圆环的形式绕回自身。 这条河是如何运作的,尤其它是怎么移动和膨胀来适应小行星不断漂移的位置,这个问题即使对萨先人最伟大的贤者来说也是一个谜,不过沿着这条看似湍急的河水游泳或航行是穿过小行星带的最快方法之一。 不幸的是,并非所有开始这段旅程的人都能回来;有些人干脆就消失了,而萨先人对此窃窃私语地认为,给星间之河的奇异合流提供动力的魔法是冥河(River Styx)本身分裂出来的一小部分——而那些失踪的人引起了更大的河流的注意,或者可能由于河流创造者的某种未知契约而被选为祭品。

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The River Between: Crafted via magic or technology long since lost to the sarcesians, the River Between is flowing body of water running through the Diaspora and connecting several of the creche worlds. Both water and atmosphere are held in by a strange, tube-shaped force field a hundred feet in diameter, which meanders through the empty space between the worlds before eventually looping back around on itself in a great torus. How the river functions, especially the manner in which it shifts and distends to match the planetoids’ constantly drifting positions, is a mystery to even the greatest sages among the sarcesians, yet swimming or sailing along the deceptively swift-flowing waters is one of the fastest ways to travel through the asteroid belt. Unfortunately, not all who begin such a journey return; some simply disappear, with the sarcesians whispering that the magic powering the strange concourse is a tiny splintered fraction of the River Styx itself—and that those who go missing have drawn the notice of the greater river, or perhaps been selected as sacrifices in accordance with some unknown pact of the river’s creators.

空无之厅 The Vacant Halls:虽然许多小行星都包含了洞穴和通道——有些可以从它的起源或居民得到解释,而有些则不能——但没有任何一个可以与这颗迷宫般的小行星相提并论,它被称为“空无之厅”。 这颗葫芦形的巨大岩石布满了数千条的通道,有些通道只能容纳一个孩子,有些则足以容纳二十个人并排行走,所有通道显然都经过精心的开凿。 这些大厅蜿蜒数百英里,没有明显用意地相互连接和缠绕。 有传言声称迷宫的中心隐藏着某种重大秘密或神器,使得人们多次尝试去测绘这个迷宫,但所有探索行动的结果都是带着沮丧返回——如果他们有返回的话。 那些尝试过的人愤怒地表示,这颗小行星似乎在故意反抗他们的入侵,他们特意标记的通道一旦离开视线就消失了,或者重新出现在完全不同的地方。 由于这种奇怪的防御机制,关于它所保护的财富的传说只增不减,不过它也催生了一种反论:这颗小行星实际上是一个巨大的谜题锁,它作为牢笼把一些无法形容的威胁关押在中心处。

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The Vacant Halls: While many asteroids contain burrows and passages—some explainable by dint of their origin or residents, others not—none quite compare to the labyrinthine asteroid known as the Vacant Halls. This large, gourd-shaped rock is riddled with literally thousands of passages, some sized for a child and others large enough for twenty men to walk abreast, all obviously carved with deliberation and care. These halls turn and twist for hundreds of miles, interconnecting and curling around  each other without apparent purpose. Rumors of some great secret or artifact hidden at the labyrinth’s heart have led to several attempts to map it, yet all such expeditions have returned frustrated—if they return at all. Those who have made the attempt speak angrily of the asteroid seeming to intentionally defy their intrusion, with passages they deliberately marked disappearing as soon as they’re out of sight, or reappearing in a completely different spot. As a result of this strange defense mechanism, the legend of the riches it protects has only grown, though it has also given rise to a counter-theory: that the asteroid is in fact a single great puzzle-lock, a cage for some unspeakable threat locked away in its center.

哀嚎石 The Wailing Stone:这颗巨大的小行星大部分是空心的,其内部有相当于一座小城市的通道和房间。 这块岩石是萨先人最近才发现的,显然曾经居住过数百名类人生物,他们很可能是萨先人的一个流氓派系,或者是来流放之地发家致富的打捞者和矿工。 然而现在,精心挖掘的走廊里只剩下污浊的空气和死亡的恶臭。

在过去百年的某个时候,哀嚎石的居民都陷入了疯狂。 从最近的育幼世界过来的调查人员最初认为这是虚空病导致的结果——虚空病是因长时间凝视黑暗或被困在封闭空间中而引起的一种幽居病。 在尘土飞扬的寂静大厅里,小行星居民的尸体躺在紧锁的门后,他们摆着恐怖或极端暴力的姿势,有些人撕扯着自己的眼睛,有些人把手磨成破烂的残肢并用自己的血在石墙上乱写乱画。 在这个毁灭的栖息地被发现后的几周,萨先人的考古学家们尽最大努力去拼凑所发生的事情,他们对提到“印记”(the Sign)的无数笔记特别感兴趣。 然而,他们中的一人——一位可靠且受人尊敬的学者——独自走在大厅时,突然陷入同样的疯狂并在被打倒前杀死了三名同事,他们的研究就此被打断了。

自从那次不幸的探索之后,萨先人隔离了这颗小行星,认为它要么闹鬼,要么感染了某种能够在真空中生存的疾病。 现在,这颗小行星被戏称为“哀嚎石”,它被用作萨先人及其邻居种族中最严重的罪犯的惩罚场所,罪犯会被困在那里,有足够一年的食物和补给,并且被告知刑期结束后他们会被接走和释放。 萨先人是否真的会去接回这样一个人还是一个有争议的问题,因为到目前为止从未见过有人在集合点等待。

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The Wailing Stone: This large asteroid is mostly hollow, its interior carved with a small city’s worth of passages and chambers. Discovered relatively recently by the sarcesians, this rock was clearly once inhabited by hundreds of humanoids, likely a rogue sect of sarcesians or salvagers and miners come to make their fortune in the Diaspora. Now, however, the carefully excavated corridors house only stale air and the stench of death.

Sometime in the last hundred years, the residents of the Wailing Stone went insane. Investigators from the nearest creche world initially believed it to be the result of void sickness—a sort of cabin fever that comes from staring too long into the darkness, or being trapped in an enclosed space. Inside the silent, dusty halls, the corpses of the asteroid’s residents lie sprawled behind locked doors in postures of terror or extreme violence, some tearing at their own eyes or scouring their hands to ragged stumps scrawling nonsense across the stone walls in their own blood. For weeks after the doomed habitat’s discovery, the sarcesian archaeologists did their best to piece together what had happened, taking particular interest in the myriad notes that spoke of “the Sign.” Yet their research was cut short when one of their own—a solid and respected scholar—suddenly came down with the same madness while walking alone in the halls, killing three of his colleagues before being brought down.

Since that ill-fated expedition, the sarcesians have quarantined the asteroid, believing it to be either haunted or infected with some sort of illness capable of surviving in vacuum. Now bearing the mocking name of the Wailing Stone, the asteroid is used as a punishment site for the worst criminals among the sarcesians and their neighbor races, with individuals marooned there with sufficient food and supplies to last a year, along with the understanding that at the end of their tenure they’ll be picked up and freed. Whether or not the sarcesians would actually retrieve such an individual is a moot point, as so far no one has ever been seen waiting at the rendezvous point.

冒险引子(Adventure Hooks)


• 一颗小行星即将撞上其中一个脆弱的育幼世界,萨先人需要PC们通过一件传奇神器来帮助他们避免毁灭。

• PC们曾在不知情的情况下救了某个威瑟斯以太船船长的生命,这位船长来访并向PC们做了个一次性的提议,即陪同她去双子星的废墟执行一个涉及危险、探索、及打捞的任务。

• 最近在一个育幼世界发生的一系列谋杀事件引发了人们的担忧,他们担心感染了哀嚎石的东西已经开始蔓延。 为了拯救一个脆弱的世界,PC们需要冒险进入哀嚎石并揭开其中的可怕秘密。

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Adventure Hooks

Below are several adventure hooks for the Diaspora.

•    An asteroid is about to collide with one of the delicate creche worlds, and the sarcesians need the PCs to help avert the destruction via a legendary artifact.

•    The PCs are made a one-time offer by a visiting Vercite aethership captain whose life they unknowingly saved to accompany her on a mission of danger, discovery, and salvage in the ruins of the Twins.

•    A recent spate of murders on one of the creche worlds has led to fears that whatever sickness infects the Wailing Stone has begun to spread. In order to save a delicate world, the PCs need to venture into the Wailing Stone itself and uncover its terrifying secrets.

劇透 -   :
« 上次编辑: 2024-04-10, 周三 21:00:22 由 happykj »

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Re: 【Distant Worlds】遥远世界
« 回帖 #12 于: 2024-03-29, 周五 20:41:37 »

劇透 -   :

死星(The Dead)

劇透 -   :

数以千年的时间以来,格拉里昂的占星家从伊奥克斯的逆行轨道上看到了一些不详而预言性的东西。 尽管他们的推理可能更多是出于迷信而非科学,但他们在这一实例上是对的,因为伊奥克斯确实是一个死亡的世界——但仍然充满着邪恶的活动。

很久以前,伊奥克斯是一个郁郁葱葱的世界,充满生机勃勃的森林和肥沃的金色海洋。 它的主要种族是所有外星种族中与格拉里昂的人类最相似的,人们经常认为人类(humanity)本身可能就是某种失散多年的表亲或任性的孩子。 伊奥克斯人(Eoxians)平均身高 6 英尺,他们几乎半透明的苍白皮肤可以吸收远处太阳的光芒,伊奥克斯人与人类的不同之处还在于他们有着稍大的头盖骨,他们的额头因脑子比较大而突出。 无论是由于更久的进化还是神圣的恩赐,伊奥克斯人都比人类或者他们最近的邻居双子星的居民更有智力天赋,每个伊奥克斯人本身都是天才。

最终,这种天然的优势导致了伊奥克斯人的衰落。 虽然他们强大的智力带来了许多恩惠——能够藐视格拉里昂上任何建筑学校的城市、能够到达天空和星星的机器、能够随心所欲弯曲时空的法师——但它也带来了傲慢和固有的优越感。 作为一个种族,伊奥克斯人变得痛苦而狭隘,他们不断地追求新的发现,放弃了诸如爱和道德之类的较弱关注点。 他们中最伟大的人甚至可能已经通过奥术手段晋升为神,形成他们自己的万神殿(pantheon)。 然而,尽管他们取得了一系列成就,伊奥克斯人却不知何为平静,他们只有想要得到更多的无休止欲望。

如同双子星的死亡——并且可能也与它有所关联——把伊奥克斯的丰饶给摧毁掉的灾难是一个谜,甚至众神对此事也保持着奇怪的沉默。 由于神祇的这种沉默,一些人推测这场灾难是众神的惩罚,因为伊奥克斯人狂妄地试图成神而激怒了众神。 然而最流行的理论是,伊奥克斯人对自己的世界和双子星的毁灭负有责任,他们将那对姐妹世界视为他们自以为是的威严的竞争对手。 根据流放之地居民的说法,伊奥克斯人制造的巨大星际武器毁灭了他们祖先的家园,这台歼灭引擎的威力如此强大,仅仅成功发射所产生的反作用力就足以让伊奥克斯的大气层燃烧起来,造成一场全球性的火焰风暴并烧掉了维持生命的气体。 城市烧焦变黑,而海洋沸腾并凝结成污泥。

伊奥克斯的大多数居民在这场灾难中立即丧生。 有数千人在独立环境和安全掩体中幸存下来,对他们来说这是一个新时代的开始。没有大气层,人口极少,灾难性爆炸带来的辐射还导致大多数居民绝育甚至更糟,伊奥克斯的居民发现自己无法重建他们曾经熟悉的文明。 然而他们的力量如此之大,仅凭这一点还不足以阻止他们。

由于别无选择,伊奥克斯的残余居民都转变成了亡灵。 虽然集体转变成巫妖类的存在永久地限制了他们的数量,但新的存在使他们能够摆脱不必要且烦人的生物过程,例如呼吸和繁殖。 为了纪念他们新的存在阶段,伊奥克斯的人们重新命名了自己,而当遍布全球的大火最终将自己烧尽时,第一批骨贤(bone sages)走出去迎接他们的新世界。

在此后的数千年里,伊奥克斯的骨贤变得更加聪明、更加强大,甚至更加不在乎道德问题。 在他们广阔但绝大部分空旷的墓地城市(necropolis cities)或遍布荒原的分散领地中,死亡星球的公民将所有才华转向了留给他们的两项追求:魔法与科学。 在他们庞大的领地中,个别骨贤追随自己的激情,他们只有在伟大事业需要时才会团结起来,例如星球防御或者进行大规模的魔法工作来接触——并奴役——未知的存在。 不过总的来说,让他们落入如今境地的偏执自大也阻止了骨贤之间的合作,并且还使他们陷入琐碎的政治操纵。

虽然骨贤对大多数世界的文明生物来说都是可憎的存在,但如果不是因为他们的尸船(corpse ships),他们的反社会不朽也只会是纯粹的学术问题。 伊奥克斯人的尸船由钢脊和熊熊火焰组成,有些如同城市那么大,它们能够穿越星球之间的遥远距离,这在很大程度上要归功于骨贤独特的不死本质。 作为不朽者,伊奥克斯的居民并不怎么关心在航行中牺牲的漫长时间,他们也不需要运输食物或空气。 相反,他们的船只往往有某些地方向虚空敞开,装饰着阴森的战利品,并且只载有一些无感情的骨贤或被束缚的仆人以及让他们从其他种族那里夺取想要的东西的可怕武器。

劇透 -   :
The Dead
Diameter: ×2/3; Mass: ×2/3; Gravity: ×1
Atmosphere: Unbreathable; Orbit: 5 years

For millennia, Golarion’s astrologers have seen something sinister and prophetic in Eox’s retrograde orbit. Though their reasoning may be more superstitious than scientific, in this instance they are correct, for Eox is indeed a dead world—yet one that still seethes with malignant activity.

Long ago, Eox was a lush world, filled with vibrant forests and fertile golden seas. Its primary race was the most similar of any extraterrestrial race to the humans of Golarion, and it’s often been posited that humanity itself may have been some long-lost cousin or wayward child. Averaging 6 feet tall and with almost translucently pale skin that soaked up the light of the distant sun, Eoxians also differed from humanity in having slightly larger craniums, their foreheads distended with the great masses of their larger brains. Whether by a longer period of evolution or divine gift, the Eoxians were far more intellectually gifted than humanity or the residents of their nearest neighbors, the Twins, with every Eoxian a genius in his or her own right.

In the end, this natural advantage was the Eoxians’ downfall. While their powerful intellects gave them many boons—cities that would defy any architectural schools on Golarion, machines capable of reaching the sky and stars, wizards capable of bending space and time to their whims—it also brought hubris and an innate sense of superiority. As a race, the Eoxians turned bitter and petty, constantly striving for new discoveries, abandoning weaker concerns such as love and morality. The greatest among them may even have ascended to godhood through arcane means, forming their own pantheon. Yet despite their achievements, the Eoxians knew no peace, only a ceaseless desire for more.

As with the death of the Twins—with which it may be linked—the calamity that destroyed Eox’s bounty is a mystery, and even the gods remain strangely reticent about the matter. As a result of this divine silence, some theorize that the catastrophe was punishment from deities moved to wrath by the Eoxians’ presumptuous attempts at godhood. Yet the most popular theory is that the Eoxians themselves were responsible for the destruction of both their world and the Twins, seeing the Sister Worlds as rivals to their own self-important majesty. According to the residents of the Diaspora, the destruction of their ancestral homes was caused by an enormous interplanetary weapon crafted by the Eoxians, an engine of annihilation so powerful that the mere backlash from its successful firing set the atmosphere of Eox af lame, burning off the life-sustaining gases in a worldwide firestorm. Cities burned and blackened, and seas boiled and condensed into sludge.

Most residents of Eox were killed instantly in the cataclysm. For the few thousand who survived in selfcontained environments and secure bunkers, it was the beginning of a new era. With no atmosphere, a critically low population, and most inhabitants sterilized or worse by the wash of radiation that accompanied the catastrophic blast, the inhabitants of Eox found themselves unable to rebuild the civilization they had once known. Yet such was their power that this alone was not enough to stop them.

Left with no other choice, the remaining residents of Eox turned to undeath. Though this mass transformation into lichlike beings permanently capped their population, the new existence allowed them to do away with unnecessary and distracting biological processes such as breathing and breeding. In honor of their new phase of existence, the people of Eox renamed themselves, and when the planetwide fires finally burned themselves out, the first of the bone sages stepped out to greet their new world.

In the millennia since, the bone sages of Eox have grown wiser, more powerful, and even less concerned with matters of ethics. In their vast and mostly empty necropolis cities or scattered holdings across the wastelands, the citizens of the dead planet have turned all of their faculties to the two pursuits left to them: magic and science. In their sprawling demesnes, individual bone sages follow their own passions, banding together only when great works demand it, such as planetary defense or large-scale magical efforts to contact— and enslave—beings beyond knowing. In general, however, the paranoid megalomania that led to their current state prevents bone sages from working together, instead keeping them embroiled in petty political maneuvering.

While the bone sages are abhorrent to civilized beings from most worlds, the issue of their sociopathic immortality would be strictly academic were it not for their corpse ships. Vessels of steel spines and blistering f lame, some as large as cities, Eoxian corpse ships are capable of traversing the vast distances between planets, thanks in large part to the bone sages’ unique undead nature. Effectively immortal, the residents of Eox care little about the long spans of time sacrificed in the voyage, nor do they have any need to transport food or atmosphere. Instead, their ships are often open to the void in places, adorned with grim trophies and laden only with a few emotionless bone sages or bound servants and the terrible weapons that allow them to take what they want from other races.


对活着的旅行者来说,伊奥克斯几乎就和流放之地一样不受欢迎(或者更糟,考虑到这个星球上的残忍居民)。 由于所有氧气和其他易燃气体早已被烧尽,这个星球剩下来的大气层对大多数生物来说是无法呼吸的,不过它保留了足够的大气隔离层来传输声音并防止星球完全冻结。 即使在大灾难发生数千年之后,某些辐射区和魔法伤痕也会导致活着的生物在穿过其无形的边界时突变或死亡,而且在某些区域中,巨大的魔法电磁风暴可能会在原本漆黑的天空中突然肆虐并造成破坏性影响。 虽然一些灌木丛植物已经成功地恢复过来并适应了新的环境,但伊奥克斯的大部分表面都是一片炸毁的荒地,单调且烧焦。

虽然伊奥克斯的环境危害很严重,但与其居民带来的危害相比,它仍然是次要的。 尽管处于不死状态,骨贤并不认为自己是邪恶的——相反,他们认为“善良”和“邪恶”的概念是无可救药的落后,而效力才是用来衡量一种作法的真正标准。 自然的,这种功利主义的观点经常导致他们做出在大多数其他文明人看来是邪恶的决定。 这种完全缺乏对其他存在的尊重已经够糟糕了,但在这个情况下,它还伴随着极端的狂妄自大和一种偏执的信念,也就是认为其他人取得的任何进步都会使他们更加有能力在某一天挑战骨贤的至高无上。 尽管存在这些复杂性,骨贤仍然无可争议地聪明,因此可以跟他们讲道理,甚至可以和他们讨价还价,只要请求者有一些值得提供的东西。

要见到一名骨贤是令人痛苦的经历,任何骨贤的住所都可能完全纠缠在魔法陷阱和召唤守护者所组成的网络。 即使在“大墓园”(Necropoleis)中也是一样,那里混杂的建筑物代表着众多骨贤的领地,相互毗邻的领地之间是维护良好的边界。 探知魔法在伊奥克斯无处不在,而骨贤本身用来对抗探知魔法的强力防护也同样如此,因此在某个骨贤所关注的区域内很少有事情能瞒过他。

那些设法与骨贤进行了交谈的外星访客通常会觉得这个经历令人感到不安。 经过数以千年的时间,许多骨贤已经放弃了保持自己外表的任何尝试,因此拥有许多巫妖的典型骨骼外观,他们僵化的骨头披着精致的华服。不过,时尚有着规律的变动和极大的差异,其他骨贤则利用魔法手段保留了他们古老的肉体、用石头或金属重建了他们以前的外观、把自己笼罩在令人不安的幻觉中、或者用机械义体替换掉关键部位以外的所有部分。 近来变得特别流行的服饰就是最近一次的威瑟斯探险队(现已去世)所带来的压力服(pressure suits),或者不断改变佩戴者外貌的怪异面具。 大多数交流都是通过魔法进行的,好让骨贤可以安全地呆在他们的城堡中,而骨贤的偏执、坚定不移的优越感、以及讨论最可怕暴行的轻松态度经常让其他文明的类人生物感到惊讶。

劇透 -   :
As a world for living travelers, Eox is almost as uninviting as the Diaspora (or much worse, given the planet’s ghoulish inhabitants). With all oxygen and other easily combustible gases long since burned away, what’s left of the planet’s atmosphere is unbreathable by most beings, though it retains enough atmospheric insulation to transmit sound and keep the planet from freezing over entirely. Even thousands of years after the cataclysm, certain irradiated regions and magical scars cause mutations or death in living creatures moving past their invisible borders, and in certain areas great electromagical storms can rage suddenly and destructively in the otherwise night-black sky. While a few scrubby plants have managed to recover and adjust to the new environment, for the most part the surface of Eox is a blasted waste, drab and burnt.

Harsh as it is, the environmental dangers of Eox are still secondary to those presented by its residents. Despite their undead status, the bone sages don’t consider themselves evil—rather, they consider the concepts of “good” and “evil” to be hopelessly backward, with the true measure of a method’s worth being its effectiveness. Naturally, such a utilitarian perspective frequently leads them to decisions that most other civilized beings would consider evil. This complete lack of regard for other beings would be bad enough, but in this case it’s also partnered with extreme megalomania and the paranoid belief that any advances made by others make them more able to someday challenge the sages’ supremacy. Still, despite these complications, the bone sages remain indisputably intelligent, and as such can be reasoned and even bargained with, provided a petitioner has something worthwhile to offer.

Gaining an audience with a bone sage is a harrowing experience, and any sage’s dwelling is likely to be thoroughly enmeshed in a network of magical traps and summoned guardians. This holds true even in the Necropoleis, where the patchwork of buildings represents numerous sages’ territories abutting each other along well-maintained boundaries. Scrying magic is ubiquitous on Eox, as are powerful wards against it for the bone sages themselves, and thus little occurs within a given sage’s area of concern without his or her knowledge.

Those off-world visitors who manage to converse with a bone sage generally find the experience unnerving. After millennia, many sages have given up any attempts at preserving their appearances, and hence have the skeletal look typical of many liches, their ossified bones draped in elaborate finery. Fashions change regularly and vary widely, however, and others preserve their ancient flesh magically, reconstruct their former appearances out of stone or metal, shroud themselves in disturbing illusions, or replace all but their key elements with robotic prostheses. Of late, it’s become especially popular to wear pressure suits taken from the most recent Vercite expedition to the planet (now deceased), or bizarre masks that constantly shift the wearer’s appearance. Most communication is conducted magically so as to keep the sages safely ensconced in their citadels, and other civilized humanoids are frequently taken aback by the bone sages’ paranoia, their unwavering sense of superiority, and the easy manner with which they discuss the most horrendous atrocities


伊奥克斯的大部分地区都是毁坏、孤独的地方——一片贫瘠的地狱景象,这里焦得和它的统治者的灵魂一样黑。 然而,即使是这种地方也有伟大作品和自然奇观。

沉默教堂 Church of Silence:虽然格拉里昂的大多数人都给默语魔道(the Whispering Way)和塔-巴丰(Tar-Baphon)画上等号,但早在这位凡人法师第一次呼吸之前,就已经有人在遵循以不死(undeath)通向完美的道路。 在伊奥克斯,让人们可以广泛进行巫妖化的技艺被称为”沉默之歌“(the Song of Silence)——巫妖化的过程有时也会称作”伟大转变“(the Great Change)或”不朽化“(the Undying)——并且骨贤们为其赋予了他们最接近宗教崇敬的事物。 沉默教堂就矗立在巨大的墓地城市"奥尔菲斯"(Orphys)外,它是伊奥克斯人将“不死”(undeath)尊为种族救世主的高耸证明。 这座黑色的尖塔有二十层楼高,布满了尖刺和无栏阳台,它的窗户以一种可怕且仿佛有生命的平滑度一闪一闪地开合着。 根据由来已久的协议,这座大教堂的异端图书馆是中立的,向所有人开放。

劇透 -   :

Much of Eox is a blasted, lonely place—a barren hellscape charred as black as the souls of its rulers. Yet even here, there are great works and natural wonders.

Church of Silence: While most people on Golarion equate the Whispering Way with Tar-Baphon, the path of perfection through undeath was followed long before that mortal wizard took his first breath. On Eox, the art that allowed the population’s widespread lichdom—sometimes called “the Great Change” or “the Undying”—is referred to as the Song of Silence, and is given the closest thing the bone sages have to religious reverence. The Church of Silence, standing just outside the great necropolis city of Orphys, is a towering testament to the Eoxians’ respect for undeath as the savior of their race. Twenty stories tall, this black spire is a mass of spines and rail-less balconies, its windows winking open and closed with horrible, organic smoothness. By longstanding agreement, the heretical libraries of this cathedral are neutral ground, open to all.

费西诺拉盆地 Facinora Basin:当毁灭伊奥克斯生态系统的大灾难袭来时,它带来的力量甚至远远超过了格拉里昂传奇星石的陨落。 无论是巨大的撞击还是某种不可思议的武器的后坐力,这场爆炸都把数百万立方英里的岩石从星球表面撕裂下来,将其蒸发或抛入太空。 在原本的位置,星球的北半球有一道溃烂的伤口沸腾和渗出,从世界核心涌出来的熔岩徒劳地填补缺口。 几个世纪以来,这颗星球在尖叫和扭动,努力地治愈它所受到的惨重伤害。 最终,它只取得了部分成功。

如今,这片结痂的荒地被称为费西诺拉盆地——这是一个如此宽如此深的巨大坑洞,以至于伊奥克斯获得了一个不靠谱的荣誉,也就是格拉里昂太阳系中唯一一颗真正的非球形行星。 随着时间的推移,重力和侵蚀很可能会弥补损害,慢慢地把伊奥克斯人傲慢的证据给埋葬掉。 然而,目前这个火山口状的盆地仍然是一片刀锋般的熔岩地,里面居住着怪物,遭受背叛的星球所放射出的报复性辐射让这些怪物扭曲得面目全非。 ”边缘山脉“(the Fringe)是环绕盆地的一片黑化山脉,登上山顶的旅行者将立即注意到山脉在坑洞内的一侧会高出一倍,这一侧陡峭地达到盆地的底部,那里由一片黑曜石和煤灰色巨石组成,夹杂一些海洋蒸发后残余下来的泥泞池子。 那些设法到达坑洞底部的人会遭遇受损的磁场和魔法灵脉(ley lines)的疯狂冲击,有着球状闪电和奇异火焰或席卷大地的魔法变化风暴(magical transmutation storms)。 在这里,人们也能最容易地接触到那些死于灾难的众生灵魂——即使是最强大的骨贤也往往会避免这种交流,因为饥饿的灵魂组成了呓语不休的群体在这片地区漫游, 人们称之为”鬼魂之风“(the Ghost Wind),也许死时的纯粹暴力使得它们与灵魂之河(the River of Souls)隔绝并否定了它们的来世。

尽管如此,当地人并没有完全避开这个坑洞。 虽然这里有 30 英尺长的玻璃巨蛇(glass serpents)在岩石之间滑行,半透明的身体让它们吃的上一餐在里面清晰可辨(而且有时还在徒劳地乱抓),并且也有持续的间歇泉以及火山喷发,它们在摧毁生命的同时提供赋予生命的化学物质绿洲,但这个盆地仍然有些值得去获取的东西。 一些骨贤寻找辐射和恶劣环境所孕育出来的奇异新生命,例如热气腾腾的硫磺泉中的半智能幼虫群落(semi-intelligent grub colonies),或者长着角且起泡的辐射象(ellicoths),辐射象拥有象腿、悲伤的哀声以及对灵魂能量的不懈渴望 。 其他人则研究大灾难的持续影响,或者在平原上搜寻与这个事件相关的古代文物的痕迹。 还有一些人只想利用这个地区的原始力量。 不过所有人都小心行事,因为虽然伊奥克斯可能已经死了,但她的死亡痛苦却在这里挥之不去。

劇透 -   :
Facinora Basin: When the cataclysm that destroyed Eox’s ecosystem struck, it did so with a force far beyond even the fall of Golarion’s legendary Starstone. Whether a great impact or the recoil from some inconceivable weapon, the explosion tore millions of cubic miles of rock from the planet’s face, vaporizing it or casting it into space. In its place, a festering wound boiled and oozed in the planet’s northern hemisphere, molten rock from the world’s core surging up in a futile effort to fill the gap. For centuries, the planet itself screamed and writhed, struggling to heal over the grievous injury done to it. In the end, it only partially succeeded.

Today, this crusted-over wasteland is known as Facinora Basin—a vast crater so wide and deep that it gives Eox the dubious honor of being the only true planet in Golarion’s system that isn’t spherical. In time, gravity and erosion will likely even out the damage, slowly burying the evidence of the Eoxians’ hubris. Yet for now the calderalike basin remains a knife-edged lava field inhabited by monsters twisted far out of true by the vengeful radiation of a planet betrayed. Travelers cresting the Fringe—the blackened mountain range that surrounds the basin— immediately notice that the mountains are twice as tall on the crater side, dropping precipitously down to the basin’s f loor, a bed of obsidian and cinder-gray boulder fields broken only by pools of the sludgy, evaporated remnants of former seas. Those who manage to make it down to the crater’s f loor are greeted by the frantic lashings of injured magnetic fields and magical ley lines, with ball lightning and strange sheets of f lame or magical transmutation storms tearing across the landscape. Here, too, can one most easily make contact with the spirits of those legions destroyed by the catastrophe—a communication that even the most powerful bone sages tend to avoid, as hungry spirits roam the region in gibbering packs known as the Ghost Wind, perhaps cut off from the River of Souls and denied their afterlife by the sheer violence of their passing.

Yet for all of this, the crater is not totally avoided by the locals. Despite the 30-foot-long glass serpents that slither through the rocks, their previous meals clearly identifiable (and sometimes scrabbling futilely) inside their translucent coils, or the constant geysers and volcanic eruptions that simultaneously destroy life and provide oases of life-giving chemicals, there are still things in the basin worth having. Some sages seek the strange new life forms that radiation and harsh environments breed, such as the semi-intelligent grub colonies of the steaming sulfur springs, or the horned and blistered ellicoths, with their elephantine legs, mournful dirges, and relentless thirst for soul energy. Others study the lingering effects of the cataclysm, or comb the plains searching for traces of ancient artifacts related to the event. Still others want nothing less than to harness the raw power of the region. Yet all tread carefully, for while Eox may be dead, her death throes linger here.

生者之厅 Halls of the Living:不是所有在伊奥克斯的人都是死的。 墓地城市“卡鲁斯”(Karus)的中心有一个独特的景点——也是这座城市形成的原因——被称为生者之厅。 在这里,从大灾难中拯救了一小撮伊奥克斯人的其中一个封闭环境仍然处于封闭状态,直到骨贤们转变了很久之后才被发现。 当骨贤们最终在几个世纪后发现了这个地方时,他们发现里面的人们已经发展成一个近亲繁殖(inbred)但可持续的社会。 比起解放自己的同胞,这些扭曲的骨贤反而着迷了,他们扩大这个建筑并安装了观察与操纵的魔法设备,以便他们可以更好地从中获取娱乐。 生者之厅的居民早已意识到发生了什么,但要么放弃了任何逃跑的尝试,要么在这个封闭的社区中享受特权地位,骨贤经常迫使这个封闭社区的居民进行酷刑或色情大会,这是出于他们对疼痛和性之类的事物的一种偷窥兴趣,他们自己无法再体验到这些东西。 在极少数情况下,拜访伊奥克斯的其他活人会在醒来时会发现自己被囚禁在生者之厅,用意是要补充停滞的人口。

劇透 -   :
Halls of the Living: Not everyone on Eox is dead. In the center of the necropolis city of Karus lies a singular attraction—and the reason for the city’s formation— known as the Halls of the Living. Here, one of the closed environments that saved a handful of Eoxians from the cataclysm remained sealed, undiscovered by the bone sages until long after their transformations. When the bone sages did eventually uncover the vault centuries later, they discovered that the people inside had grown into their own inbred but sustainable society. Instead of freeing their fellow citizens, the twisted sages became fascinated, expanding the complex and installing magical viewing and manipulation devices so that they might be better entertained. The residents of the Halls have long since realized what’s going on, but have either given up any attempt at escape or else enjoy positions of privilege inside the sealed community, in which the bone sages frequently force the residents into acts of torture or erotic congress out of a voyeuristic interest in things like pain and sex, which they can no longer experience themselves. Upon rare occasions, other living humanoids visiting Eox have woken to find themselves imprisoned within the Halls, intended to supplement the stagnant population.

大墓园 Necropoleis:虽然大多数骨贤不怎么需要社区,但数千年来,各个派系已经为了共同防御和伟大事业而联合起来。 这些临时联盟所产生的结果就是散布在星球表面的巨大墓地城市,统称为“大墓园”。 其中有一些是建立在古代的灾前城市遗址,而另一些则是全新的城市,矗立着由钢铁和合成骨头建成的怪诞尖塔,这些塔楼浸染着各种颜色。 虽然奥尔菲斯因为靠近沉默教堂所以成为人口最多的一个,但大墓园的每一个城市都极其独立,彼此之间往往很少互动。

劇透 -   :
Necropoleis: Though most bone sages have little need for community, over the millennia various factions have  banded together for mutual protection and great works. The results of these temporary alliances are the great cemetery cities that litter the planet’s surface, known collectively as the Necropoleis. Some of these build off the remains of ancient pre-cataclysm cities, while others are entirely new, rising in grotesque spires of steel and synthesized bone, their towers leeched of all color. While Orphys is the most populous of these by dint of its proximity to the Church of Silence, the Necropoleis are all extremely independent, and often have little interaction with each other.

纪念岩 Remembrance Rock:在形成费西诺拉盆地的爆炸中,坑洞正对着的另一端星球表面升起了一个数英里高的巨大台地,这个平顶高原从星球上凸出来并保持在那里。 正是位于这个名为“纪念岩”的地层上,骨贤们在他们根源的纪念之所展现了仅存的一点情感。这个巨大台地的墙壁上开凿了数以千计的墓穴和迷宫,这些墓穴和迷宫由个别的骨贤所塑造和守护,以纪念他们在大灾难中失去的人。 除了守护这里的生物和偶尔的访客之外,纪念岩及其密布的隧道无人居住,这里是一个既悲伤又自豪的场所,因为许多骨贤仍然记得在那场悲剧中丧生的朋友和家人,但他们也认为这种暴行是让他们侥幸地转变为死灵的必要催化剂。

劇透 -   :
Remembrance Rock: During the explosion that formed Facinora Basin, the surface of the planet directly opposite the crater rose up in a massive mesa several miles high, a flattopped plateau that bulged from the earth and remained there. It is here, on the formation named Remembrance Rock, that the bone sages reveal what little emotion is left to them in a shrine to their origins. Carved into the walls of this monolithic mesa are thousands of crypts and labyrinths shaped and warded by individual bone sages as monuments to those lost in the cataclysm. Uninhabited save by guardian creatures and the occasional visitor, Remembrance Rock and its warren of tunnels are a place of both sadness and pride, as many bone sages still remember those friends and family lost in the tragedy, yet recognize the atrocity as a necessary catalyst in their fortuitous conversion to undeath.

哨兵 The Sentinel:在所有围绕伊奥克斯运行的天体中,被称为“哨兵”的遗迹是其中最重要的一个。 这个宽三英里、类似城市的建筑物是一个轨道防御平台,它的创建时间过于久远,以至于建造和操作的秘密已经丢失。 在曾经充满珍贵空气的破裂圆顶和狭窄走廊里,精心挑选的骨贤们操作着那些仍然知晓功能和用途的巨大武器系统。 虽然也许只有三分之一的军备仍能使用,但已经足以防御萨先人的殖民地舰队,这些舰队偶尔为了世代相传的追求而去袭击伊奥克斯,他们乘着巨大的太阳帆翱翔在太空中,为祖先所受到的攻击进行报复。 尽管骨贤们可以轻松地消灭这些袭击者,但“哨兵”的工作人员受到这个星球为数不多的其中一个监管委员会的精心管理,以防有人决定把“哨兵”的武器转向下方的世界。

劇透 -   :
The Sentinel: Of all the objects that orbit Eox, the relic known as the Sentinel is the most important. Created so long ago that the secrets of its construction and operation have been lost, this 3-milewide, citylike structure is nothing less than an orbital defense platform. Inside the cracked domes and cramped corridors that once held precious atmosphere, carefully chosen bone sages operate those great weapons systems whose functions and use are still known. Though perhaps only a third of the armaments remain functional, these are more than enough to defend against the sarcesian colony f leets that occasionally embark on the generations-long quest to attack Eox, soaring through space on great solar sails to take revenge for the attack on their ancestors. Though the bone sages have no trouble picking off such attackers, the staff of the Sentinel is carefully managed by one of the few regulatory committees on the planet, lest someone decide to turn the station’s weaponry toward the world below.

千月 The Thousand Moons:在费西诺拉盆地形成时被撕裂下来的岩石中,并非全部都被蒸发或者以一场致命的流星雨坠回伊奥克斯。 相反,很大一部分的喷出物被抛到了星球大气层之外,变成围绕轨道运行的一圈散落石头,与流放之地本身的那些较小世界没有什么不同。 那些得以留下来看见它们的人将其称为“千月”,这些物体沿着一条规则的轨道穿过伊奥克斯的夜空,要不是它会提醒伊奥克斯人所犯下的罪孽,这场灿烂的游行将会更加美丽。 大多数骨贤都对这片小卫星抱有不信任的态度,因为他们知道任何到达这些小卫星的萨先人都可以轻易地利用这些漂流岩石作为攻击星球表面的集结地。 事实上,在密切研究这些卫星的骨贤之间最近出现了紧张的气氛,表明这样的攻击可能已经开始,某人——或某物——在碎片场中引起魔法能量的大爆发。

劇透 -   :
The Thousand Moons: Not all of the rock that was torn free in the creation of Facinora Basin was vaporized or fell back to Eox in a deadly rain. Instead, a significant portion of the ejecta was f lung high beyond the planet’s atmosphere, becoming a scattered ring of orbiting stones not dissimilar to the smaller worlds of the Diaspora itself. Called the Thousand Moons by those left to see them, these objects trace a regular orbit across Eox’s night sky, a brilliant procession that would be more beautiful were it not also a reminder of the Eoxians’ guilt. Most of the bone sages view this band of moonlets with distrust, knowing that any sarcesians who reached them would have an easy time using the drifting rocks as a staging ground for attacks on the planet’s surface. In fact, a recent undercurrent of tension among those sages who study the moons closely suggests that such an assault might already be beginning, with someone—or something—causing large outbursts of magical energy in the debris field.

冒险引子(Adventure Hooks)


• PC们醒来后发现自己被运送到伊奥克斯并且被困在生者之厅内。

• 默语魔道的信徒已经前往伊奥克斯,他们在沉默教堂中搜寻可能会导致塔-巴丰被释放的信息,只有PC们才能阻止他们。

劇透 -   :
Adventure Hooks

Below are several ways to involve your players with Eox.

•    The PCs wake to discover themselves transported to Eox and trapped inside the Halls of the Living.

•    Whispering Way cultists have traveled to Eox to search the Church of Silence for information that might lead to TarBaphon’s release, and only the PCs can stop them.

劇透 -   :
« 上次编辑: 2024-04-10, 周三 21:03:33 由 happykj »

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Re: 【Distant Worlds】遥远世界
« 回帖 #13 于: 2024-04-01, 周一 06:45:11 »
埃齐亚 Eziah,16级人类法师,嫌弃格拉里昂的琐碎政治,所以决定搬到太阳
为啥16级就能和太阳肩并肩 :em021

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Re: 【Distant Worlds】遥远世界
« 回帖 #14 于: 2024-04-01, 周一 07:02:10 »

线上 happykj

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Re: 【Distant Worlds】遥远世界
« 回帖 #15 于: 2024-04-03, 周三 22:51:36 »

劇透 -   :

流浪者(The Wanderer)

劇透 -   :

崔亚修斯从许多方面来说,实际上是两个世界。 由于有着极其离心(eccentric)的轨道,崔亚修斯被称为“流浪者”,当它在天空中沿着缓慢的路径移动时,它与太阳之间的距离会有很大的变化。 在崔亚修斯距离太阳系中心最远的位置,它会越过那两颗庞大的气态巨行星,使得太阳只不过是天空中一个明亮的点,而这个世界则被冰川和广阔雪原所覆盖。 然而,当崔亚修斯处于距离太阳系中心最近的位置时,它又比热而潮湿的卡斯卓韦更加接近太阳,这个世界会变得充满了生机勃勃的森林、湍急的河流、和肥沃的土地。 由于这种极端的季节变化,崔亚修斯有两种截然不同的生态,当其中一种崛起时,另一种则会变化或休眠。

在崔亚修斯的冬季,这个星球的文明种族待在由冰和石所雕成的城堡和城镇中,他们捕猎平原上的巨大毛茸昆虫和可怕雪鸟,同时燃烧苍白的真菌和雪苔来取暖。 海洋部分冻结,而狭窄的海峡成为了连接岛屿和地峡的冰桥。 这对每个人来说都是一段艰难的时期,人们的性格也反映了这一点——粗野但光荣,将家人的生存和舒适放在第一位,不会轻易给予友谊,但愿意为了信守一个承诺而战斗至死。 尽管赤道沿线的生活仍然稍微轻松一些,那里的国家有时会建造巨大的能量吸收板和倾斜的镜子来帮助他们利用和引导微弱的太阳光线,但大多数定居的人们更愿意坚守阵地,而不是试图迁移,他们把故事传递给孩子们,讲述着这片冰雪世界的暂时性以及将会到来的新天堂。

春季,崔亚修斯的冰川在大季风中融化并消退,在这之后,那些被称为“夏之子”(Summerborn)的幸运世代就会放弃坚固的堡垒,并自由自在地生活在一夜之间生长的森林和丛林中,他们以丰富的野生动物为食,例如有着明亮羽毛的蒸汽野猪(bright-plumed vapor boars)以及蜈蚣般的达希伦(dashilen)。 虽然大多数的国家会保留最大的城市和乡镇,但对于一些文化来说,传统上这是一个游牧的时代,而其它文化则鼓励建立家园(homesteading)以利用那些突然变得肥沃的无主土地。 无论一个国家或家族在夏季采取了什么特定策略,只有最愚蠢的人才会忘记历史的警告,而大多数牧师和政府官员在秋季都会要求他们治下的人们把一定比例的农作物储存起来,以帮助在接下来的黑暗岁月里养活子孙后代。 当然,和任何社会一样,不乏喜欢活在当下的傻瓜——崔亚修斯绕太阳一周需要 317 年,而这里的类人种族很少活到超过 80 岁。因此, 秋季通常对一些人来说是反叛和不满的时期,这些人认为没有任何理由为了一个传说中的艰难季节而做劳碌的准备,他们甚至可能无法活着看到那个时候。

崔亚修斯的主要人民在很多方面都与人类相似,而最大的区别是他们的生理有着与季节相关的周期性变化。 虽然崔亚修斯上的许多生物会进入休眠状态或产下能够在它们适应不了的季节存活的卵,但崔亚修斯人(Triaxians)已经进化到与行星的轨道匹配。 夏之子往往有深色的皮肤和相对较少的毛发,这样可以更好地调节热量并防止有害的太阳辐射。 然而,这些人的子孙不可避免地会逐代拥有更浅的肤色和更多的毛发,直到几代之后,冬之子(Winterborn)的身体就会覆盖着细腻的白色毛发,他们的眼睛变窄并拉长以防止雪盲。 奇怪的是,这种繁殖周期似乎符合环境情况,但却不依赖于此——在其他世界生长的崔亚修斯人会继续他们数百年的周期。

经过初步检查,崔亚修斯上的一切似乎都显然已经进化到适应了这颗行星离心而漫长的轨道——但真正的奇迹可能是轨道本身。 即使考虑到这个行星从内太阳系越过气态巨行星所必须经过的漫长路线,传统物理学也会表明它的轨道应该在几十年而不是几个世纪。 其它行星的轨道速度完全对应了它们与太阳的距离,崔亚修斯与它们相比似乎在慢动作移动。 每个人都在猜测为什么会出现这种情况,尽管学者们已经提出了各种假设,从仿佛气泡一样围绕着星球的时间异常,再到星球中心的某种魔法引擎或传送门。 不管怎样,对于在这个世界土生土长的人来说,崔亚修斯就是崔亚修斯,而夏之子和冬之子都忙着充分利用他们的环境,无暇过多操心是什么存在——神祇还是凡人——塑造了他们和他们的世界。

劇透 -   :
The Wanderer
Diameter: ×1; Mass: ×1; Gravity: ×1
Atmosphere: Breathable; Orbit: 317 years

In many ways, Triaxus is actually two worlds. Dubbed “the Wanderer” because of its extremely eccentric orbit, Triaxus’s distance from the sun varies greatly as it traces its slow path through the heavens. At its farthest point from the system’s center, out past the great gas giants, the sun is little more than a bright spot in the sky, and the world is covered by glaciers and vast snowfields. At its closest point, however, Triaxus comes even closer to the sun than steamy Castrovel, transforming into a world of vibrant forests, rushing rivers, and fertile earth. Because of this extreme seasonal shift, Triaxus has two distinct ecologies, each of which changes or goes dormant while the other is ascendant.

During the Triaxian winter, the planet’s civilized races hunker down in castles and towns carved from ice and stone, hunting the giant furred insects and terrifying snowbirds of the plains while burning pale fungi and snowmoss for warmth. Seas freeze partway over, and narrow straits become ice bridges connecting islands and isthmuses. This is a hard time for everyone, and the people’s personalities ref lect it—gruff but honorable, concerned first and foremost with the survival and comfort of their families, slow to give friendship but willing to fight to the death to uphold a promise. Though life remains slightly easier along the equator, with the nations there sometimes constructing vast energyabsorbing plates and angled mirrors to help harness and redirect the weak sun’s ray’s, most settled peoples prefer to stand their ground rather than attempt to migrate, passing stories to their children of their icy world’s transient nature and the new paradise to come.

In the spring, Triaxus’s glaciers melt and recede in great monsoons, after which those fortunate generations known as the Summerborn abandon their stalwart forts to live free and easy in the forests and jungles that spring up overnight, feeding off the plentiful wildlife, such as bright-plumed vapor boars and the centipede-like dashilen. While most nations retain their greatest cities and townships, this is traditionally a time of nomadism for several cultures, while others encourage homesteading to take advantage of the unclaimed but suddenly fertile landscape. Regardless of the particular tactics a nation or family takes during the summer months, only the most foolish forget the warnings of history, and most priests and government officials during the autumn years require those under their control to stow away a certain percentage of their crops to help feed future generations during the dark years to follow. Of course, as with any society, there is rarely a shortage of fools who prefer to live for the moment—on Triaxus, a single orbit around the sun takes 317 years, while its humanoid races rarely live more than 80. As a result, autumn is typically a time for rebellion and resentment by those who see no reason to toil in preparation for a season of hardship they know only from legends and may not even live to see.

The primary peoples of Triaxus resemble humans in many ways, with the biggest difference being cyclical changes in their physiology tied to the seasons. While many creatures on Triaxus go dormant or lay eggs capable of surviving through whichever season they find themselves unsuited for, the Triaxians have evolved to match the planet’s orbit. Summerborn individuals tend to have dark skin and relatively little hair, the better to regulate heat and protect against harmful solar radiation. Yet the children and grandchildren of these people are inevitably and progressively born with lighter skin and more hair, until in just a few generations the Winterborn’s bodies are coated in fine, white fur, their eyes narrowing and elongating to protect against snowblindness. Strangely enough, this reproductive cycle seems to match environmental conditions but is not dependent on them—Triaxians raised on other worlds continue their several-hundred-year cycle.

Upon initial inspection, it seems clear that everything on Triaxus has evolved to accommodate the planet’s eccentric, long-seasoned orbit—and yet the true wonder may be the orbit itself. For even taking into consideration the long route the planet must travel from the inner system to out past the gas giants, conventional physics would say that its orbit should be measured in decades, rather than centuries. Compared to the other planets, whose orbital speeds correspond neatly to their distance from the sun, Triaxus appears to be moving in slow motion. Why this might be is anyone’s guess, though scholars have postulated everything from a temporal anomaly surrounding the planet like a bubble to some magical engine or portal at the planet’s center. Regardless, for those native to the world, Triaxus is simply Triaxus, and both the Summerborn and Winterborn are too busy making the best of their environment to worry overmuch about what hand—divine or mortal—may have shaped both them and their world.


崔亚修斯对来自格拉里昂的访客相对友好,有着相似的重力以及可呼吸的大气。 即使在最热和最冷的时候,这颗星球仍然保持在适合人类居住的范围内——虽然只是勉强——而且特定季节所需的冒险装备与格拉里昂的极地或热带地区所需的冒险装备相似。 崔亚修斯上最大的危险反而来自这颗星球的居民。

虽然来自其他世界的生物曾访问过这个星球,但这样的旅行者很少见,对于普通的崔亚修斯人来说可能只不过是童话故事。 没有伪装的外星人可能会从不同城市不同国家得到差异很大的对待。 在龙兽之地(Drakelands),PC们无疑会被当作囚犯带到一位巨龙霸主(draconic overlord)面前,而布瑞塔(Preita)的学者会将PC们视作关于他们家园世界的知识源泉,而宁(Ning)的颓废贵族会立即将PC们纳入他们的地位和声望的游戏中。 尽管几乎所有职业都在崔亚修斯得到体现,但来自格拉里昂的施法者和炼金术师很可能会发现他们自己的魔法与当地实践者的魔法之间存在许多差异,双方都可以从对方身上学到很多东西。

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Triaxus is relatively friendly to visitors from Golarion, with similar gravity and a breathable atmosphere. Even at its hottest and coldest, the planet still stays within ranges habitable to humans—if only just barely—and the required adventuring gear for a given season is similar to that needed for arctic or tropical regions on Golarion.  Instead, the greatest dangers on Triaxus come from the planet’s residents.

While creatures from other worlds have visited the planet before, such travelers are rare, and likely little more than fairy tales to the average Triaxian. The reception undisguised aliens might receive varies greatly from city to city and nation to nation. In the Drakelands, the PCs would undoubtedly be brought before a draconic overlord as prisoners, while the scholars of Preita would find the PCs a font of knowledge about their homeworld, and the decadent nobles of Ning would immediately incorporate the PCs into their games of status and prestige. Though almost all of the classes are represented somewhere on Triaxus, spellcasters and alchemists from Golarion are likely to find numerous differences between their own magic and that of local practitioners, and both sides could learn much from each other.



同盟疆域 Allied Territories:同盟疆域的无数国家代表了崔亚修斯上的大多数类人生物文明。 尽管从理论上来说,这个联盟是一个单一的联邦单位,但它事实上仅代表类人生物愿意为了抵御龙兽之地的侵略者和其他更遥远的威胁而联合起来。 在日常生活中,“疆域 ”(更常见的称呼)的国家以完全自治的方式运作,他们在领土和贸易上相互争执,偶尔也会以不稳定的形式相互吞并,或者在一场迅速的内战中分裂和解体。 只有当其中一个国家似乎有可能会征服几个邻国时,其他国家才会介入,其中大多数国家只有在对本国公民有益的情况下才愿意参战。 疆域中一些最重要的王国、民主政体和神权政体包括了边境之国“卡莫拉”(the border state of Kamora),这里的每一个夏之子无论男人、女人还是孩子都会戴着一把刀刃,以帮助抵御乌克瑞丛林(Uchorae Jungle)南部的吸血鬼掠食者; “千船之港”佐港(Zo, the Port of a Thousand Ships); 艾洛克(Aylok),其肥沃的平原在夏季孕育出最优秀的陆地骑兵,而在冬季则孕育出白毛的恐怖存在; 以及布瑞塔(Preita),又名学者的天堂(Scholar’s Paradise),智慧和知识在这里比黄金更有价值。

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Below are a few of the most notable regions on Triaxus.

Allied Territories: The myriad nations of the Allied Territories represent the majority of humanoid civilizations on Triaxus. Though in theory acting as a single federated unit, this alliance in fact extends only so far as to represent the humanoids’ willingness to band together in order to defend against conquerors from the Drakelands and other, more distant threats. In daily life, the nations of the Territories (as they’re more commonly called) operate with complete autonomy, squabbling over territory and trade and occasionally swallowing each other whole in uneasy mergers, or else splitting and dissolving in swift civil wars. Only when one of their number seems likely to conquer several of its neighbors do the rest of the nations step in, with most of them preferring to go to war only when it benefits their own citizens. Some of the most important kingdoms, democracies, and theocracies of the Territories include the border state of Kamora, where every Summerborn man, woman, and child wears a blade to help defend against the vampiric predators of the southern Uchorae Jungle; Zo, the Port of a Thousand Ships; Aylok, whose fertile plains breed the best terrestrial cavalry during the summer and white-furred horrors in the winter; and Preita, the Scholar’s Paradise, where wisdom and knowledge are more valuable than gold.

龙兽之地 The Drakelands:龙兽之地占据了一块大陆的大部分地区,它包含了一系列经常交战的国家,与同盟疆域相比没有太大不同,除了他们的领导者——虽然龙兽之地的大多数农奴和低等居民都是类人生物,但领导者却是龙及其族裔。 在这里,数十条古老的龙维持着城邦和整个国家的仆人,而它们的年轻后代、龙血的崔亚修斯人、以及这个星球独特的“座龙 dragonkin”(较为弱小且智力较低的一种龙,介于真龙与兽性的“双足飞龙wyverns”和“龙兽drakes”之间)则充当将军和管理者。 没有人记得龙最初是为何决定将它们的事情与类人生物的事情混在一起,但这种安排已经持续了无数的世代。

虽然龙兽之地中存在一些由善良的龙所维持的领地,但大多数情况下,正义的金属龙在崔亚修斯的繁殖速度较慢,并且许多品种已经被它们的彩色亲戚猎杀到几近灭绝的地步,这些品种之中只有最有勇气的才敢和它们的同类一起露面。 这片土地被各种颜色的恶龙以狡猾和野蛮的方式统治着,从善于操纵的蓝龙和它们的现实政治政策(realpolitik policies),再到野蛮的白龙,后者会在前线率领它们嚎叫的野蛮人军队。 虽然龙国之间的相对力量平衡会定期发生变化,如同任何一组国家,但季节的更迭也会对其产生影响,其中白龙在冬季更为突出,但到了夏季时又会被其它颜色的龙赶回最北端,夏季往往是红龙和蓝龙占据主导地位,绿龙则建立它们的学术飞地,而黑龙挖掘并加固它们的孤立定居点。

劇透 -   :
The Drakelands: Taking up most of a continent, the Drakelands are a collection of regularly warring states, not so different from the Allied Territories save for their leadership—for while most of the serfs and lesser residents of the Drakelands are humanoid, the leaders are dragons and their kin. Here, dozens of ancient dragons maintain city-states and whole countries of servitors, with their younger offspring, dragonblooded Triaxians, and the planet’s unique dragonkin (weaker and less intelligent versions of dragons, falling somewhere between true dragons and bestial drakes and wyverns) acting as generals and administrators. No one remembers how or why the dragons originally decided to mingle their affairs with those of humanoids, but the arrangement has been in place for countless generations.

Though a few holdings maintained by good dragons exist in the Drakelands, for the most part the righteous metallic dragons are slower to breed on Triaxus, and many strains have been hunted into near-extinction by their chromatic kin, with only the bravest remaining visible in the company of their peers. The lands are instead ruled with both cunning and savage ferocity by evil dragons of all colors, from the manipulative blues and their realpolitik policies to the barbarism of the whites, who lead their armies of howling barbarians from the front. While the relative balance of power between the dragon states shifts regularly, as per any set of nations, the changing of the seasons tends to affect it as well, with the whites being more prominent during the winters, only to be driven back into the most northern reaches by the other colors during the summer years, in which reds and blues tend to be dominant, with greens establishing scholarly enclaves and blacks digging in and fortifying isolationist settlements.

宁 Ning:广阔的赛佛利海(the Sephorian Sea)隔绝了来自同盟疆域和龙兽之地的威胁,“不朽的宗国”宁(Immortal Suzerainty of Ning)在历史上一直得以在相对较小的外部威胁下发展(尽管在他们所宣称的边界以内仍然存在巨大的怪物威胁)。 不朽宗主(the Immortal Suzerain)被视为土地意志的直接体现——不朽宗主是象征性的“不朽”,而非字面上的“不朽”,每一位新统治者都会放弃自己的出生名字以换成这个头衔——在历史上一直仁慈而公正地统治着,尽管他对辽阔的帝国拥有绝对的权力,但叛乱和内乱却很少发生。 部分原因是因为军队所发挥的关键作用,他们保护着居住在这片土地上混乱陡峭的山脉和隐蔽山谷中的村民,抵御那些潜伏在野外的生物,这些生物不仅奇异,而且有时还聪明得可怕。 往往建立一个新村庄时首先会建造的东西就是城镇的庇护石(town's shelterstone)——一座设防的金字形神塔(ziggurat),当周期性的怪物浪潮席卷而来时,村民可以撤退到那里,里面通常包含一些用来联系军事当局的魔法手段。

虽然宁的乡下地区在生活上与其它边疆地区没有多少差别,但这个国家的城市却是不同情况。 除了寻常的艺术和商业之外,宗国的市民还痴迷于地位、荣誉和位次观念(matters of precedence)。 尽管人们普遍彬彬有礼,但统治着社会的潜规则却是铁定的,无视这些规则的人可能会发现自己被当成隐形人——对于那些无法进行交易或寻求治疗和保护的人来说,这可能是个危及生命的处境。 这些城市另一个值得注意的特征是被称为“乌卡拉”(ukara)的精英战士阶层,这个名字的大致翻译是“战花”(battleflowers)。 这群轻盈而中性的战士(lithe, androgynous warriors)放弃了与家庭和地位的一切联系,以便可以彩绘自己的身体并参加高度仪式化的武术比赛,这些比赛是流行的观赏性运动。 乌卡拉被视为贵族,当中最优秀的战士在地位上仅次于最高级别的贵族。 然而,这一地位是有代价的,那些宣布自己为乌卡拉的男女如果第一年后未能在竞技场上证明自己,他们会被悄悄地“鼓励”把自己的技能带去偏远地区并保护这些社区直到死去。 在上层阶级中,把乌卡拉纳为配偶被认为是相当有面子的事,许多贵族都希望他们能得到最受好评的配偶,无论性别或性取向。

劇透 -   :
Ning: Separated from the threat of both the Allied Territories and the Drakelands by the vast expanse of the Sephorian Sea, the Immortal Suzerainty of Ning has historically been allowed to develop with relatively little threat from outside sources (though the monstrous threats within their own declared borders remain significant). Seen as a direct manifestation of the land’s will, the Immortal Suzerain—whose immortality is figurative rather than literal, with each new ruler forfeiting his birth name in favor of the title—has historically ruled kindly and justly, and despite his absolute power over the vast empire, rebellions and civil unrest are rare. In part this is due to the military’s key role in protecting the rural villagers who dwell in the land’s chaotic, sharp-walled mountains and hidden valleys, guarding them against the strange and sometimes fearsomely intelligent creatures that lurk in the wild. Often the first thing constructed when a new village is founded is the town’s shelterstone—a fortified ziggurat that villagers can retreat to when the periodic waves of monsters sweep through, and that generally contains some magical means of contacting the military authorities.

While life in Ning’s rural areas is little different from life in frontier regions anywhere, the nation’s cities are a different story. In addition to the usual art and commerce, citizens of the Suzerainty are obsessed with station, honor, and matters of precedence. Though the people are generally polite, the unspoken rules governing their society are iron-clad, and those who disregard them may find themselves effectively invisible—a potentially life-threatening situation for those unable to trade or seek healing and protection. Another notable feature of the cities is the elite warrior caste known as ukara, a name which translates roughly as “battlef lowers.” These lithe, androgynous warriors renounce all ties to family and station in order to paint their bodies and compete in highly ritualized martial competitions that are popular spectator sports. Ukara are treated as nobility, with the best warriors second only to the highest-ranking nobles in status. This position comes with a price, however, as those men and women declared ukara who fail to prove themselves in the ring after their first year are quietly “encouraged” to take their skills to the hinterlands and protect those communities until death. Taking a ukara as a consort is seen as quite prestigious among the upper classes, and many nobles want the most acclaimed consort they can get, regardless of gender or sexuality.

赛佛利群岛 Sephorian Archipelago:由于崔亚修斯没有卫星,这个行星的海洋并没有真正的潮汐作用,只有天气、洋流以及年度(annual)的冰川融化会引起波浪和水位变化。 在赛佛利群岛的数百个岛屿中,相对温和的海水使得这里形成了一个由小城镇和村庄组成的社区,这里的人们几乎完全依靠独木舟在夏季的时候旅行,而冬季的时候则靠步行穿过浅滩的浮冰。 尽管贸易对于这些分散部落的生存来说至关重要,但每个海滨小村庄都有自己独特的习俗和传统,那些毫无准备的人可能会发现自己因为某种无法理解的原因而被赶回水里。 奇怪的是,尽管群岛上的耕地一直很珍贵,但仍然有相当多的岛屿处于闲置状态,而居民将这些地方视为禁忌。 同样,一些有人居住的岛屿上矗立着高大的圆柱形塔楼,从中偶尔会有烟雾喷出,这些烟雾在水上清晰可见,而这些塔楼也经常被用来辅助导航。 然而,即使在最寒冷的岁月里,这些遗迹(monuments)附近的岛屿社区也没有一个会住进这些巨大的塔楼,而外人问起这些显眼的存在时也只会得到冷漠的沉默。

劇透 -   :
Sephorian Archipelago: Due to the planet’s lack of a moon, the seas on Triaxus have no true tidal action, with only weather, currents, and the annual glacial melt causing waves and changes in water level. In the several hundred islands of the Sephorian Archipelago, the relative gentleness of the sea has led to a community of tiny towns and villages that travel almost exclusively via canoe in the summer and by walking across the ice f loes of the shallows in the winter. Though trade is vital to the scattered tribes’ survival, each beachside hamlet has its own particular customs and traditions, and the unprepared may find themselves driven back into the water for reasons they cannot decipher. Strangely, though arable land is always at a premium in the archipelago, a sizable number of islands are left fallow, treated as taboo by the residents. Similarly, several of the inhabited islands bear tall, cylindrical towers that occasionally exhale plumes of smoke that are clearly visible from the water and often used as navigational aids. Yet even in the coldest years, none of the island communities near these monuments dwell inside the vast towers, and outsiders asking about their obvious existence are met with stony silence.

天火领 The Skyfire Mandate:并非所有崔亚修斯上的龙都想要统治或支配类人生物种族。 在这片被称为“天火领”的地区,很久以前,逃亡的善龙与同盟疆域的人民之间达成了协议,两个种族共同努力,在龙兽之地的混乱与恐惧以及同盟疆域的相对和平之间维持一块缓冲地。尽管真龙早已离开,但在这里,较弱的座龙(dragonkin)与类人生物结合在一起组成了著名的飞龙军团(Dragon Legion),这些龙骑士队伍在边境巡逻并以圣战士的韧性维持着和平。 龙骑士的生活主要依靠了他们保护的那些边境社区所送上的贡品,或者是被迫陷入严重冲突时所获得的战利品,他们生活在僻静的山顶巢穴,这些坚固的堡垒甚至能够承受一头真龙的怒火。 尽管受他们保护的公民可能会抱怨沉重的什一税(tithing),但很少有人愿意放弃这面天火领的盾牌,即使是那些更加冷酷傲慢的龙骑士也受人尊重。

任何想要成为龙骑士的人都可以在天火领的高地巢穴接受多年的训练和服务,但最后会是所有座龙自己做出最终决定,要跟谁或不跟谁上战场。 天火领的座龙通常聪明且性情善良,但与类人生物一样容易产生相同的情感,因此必须与他们的骑手建立牢固的爱与信任,这些骑手充当了龙的战友、家庭伴侣和看护者 。 在某些情况下,这种伙伴关系甚至带有浪漫的特质,并且拥有龙脉血统的术士在天火领异常地普遍,尽管这个话题通常被上流社会回避着,而对龙骑士最常见的那些侮辱则反映了这一点。

劇透 -   :
The Skyfire Mandate: Not all of the dragons on Triaxus seek to rule or dominate the humanoid races. In the region known as the Skyfire Mandate, established long ago by an agreement between f leeing good dragons and the people of the Allied Territories, the two races work together to maintain a buffer between the chaos and fear of the Drakelands and the relative peace of the Territories. Though the true dragons have long since moved on, here the weaker dragonkin bond with humanoids to form the famed Dragon Legion, squadrons of dragonriders who patrol the border and keep the peace with a crusader’s tenacity. Living primarily on tribute from those border communities they protect, as well as on the spoils of war when forced into serious conf lict, the dragonriders live in secluded mountaintop aeries, fortified redoubts capable of withstanding the wrath of even an enraged true dragon. Though the citizens under their protection may grumble about the heavy tithing, few are willing to give up the shield of the Mandate, and even the more callous and arrogant dragonriders are treated with respect.

Anyone who feels called to be a dragonrider can undertake the years of training and service at the aeries of the Mandate, but in the end, all dragonkin make the final decision regarding who they will and will not carry into battle. Generally wise and good-natured, the Skyfire dragonkin are nevertheless prone to all the same emotions as humanoids, and thus must form a strong bond of love and trust with their riders, who serve as the dragons’ military comrades, domestic partners, and caretakers. In some cases, this partnership even takes on romantic qualities, and sorcerers with the draconic bloodline are unusually common in the Mandate, though this topic is generally avoided in polite society, and is ref lected in the most common anti-dragonrider insults.

冒险引子(Adventure Hooks)


• 数千年来第一次,崔亚修斯的轨道正在把它带到一个接近格拉里昂的距离——非常接近的距离。 当奇异的新光芒划过夜空时,学者和领导者都急切地想要找出它的含义,只有将一群大胆的探险家直接送到这个流浪世界的表面才可以满足他们。

• 格拉里昂的一些著名善龙已经消失了。 调查显示,有使者把它们偷偷带到或者邀请过去另一个世界,这些使者来自某个叫”天火领“的东西。 幸运的是,他们留下了充足的证据,足以让一名熟练的施法者在格拉里昂的彩色龙与金属龙之间的微妙平衡被永久打破之前追踪他们。

• 格拉里昂出现了一个前所未见的邪恶,无数邪恶的龙兽和巨龙没有在单纯的横冲直撞,它们显然联合起来组成了某种正规化的军队,这在学者们的记忆中还是第一次见到。 从惊恐民众的窃窃私语中可以得知,领头的龙并非自然出现的,它们是来自其它世界的流放者,而国家在龙类战争机器日益强大的力量面前颤抖。 PC们能否阻止日益激烈的战争,并且这么做是否需要他们旅行到格拉里昂之外的地方呢?

• 在同盟疆域的中心地带,领导者们担心这可能是传说中的“最后冬天”(the Final Winter),而秋季的混乱和叛乱已经把他们的储备耗费到无法修复的地步。 在没有其它出路的情况下,精疲力竭的领导者们将目光投向了一个古老的预言,这个预言声称在最漆黑的夜晚中,失落的赛佛利塔楼将掌握生存的关键。 然而传说也声称,揭开这个秘密的人不会诞生于崔亚修斯,而是来自星星之外的世界的生物……

劇透 -   :
Adventure Hooks

Below are a few ideas to help get your party invested in the planet of Triaxus. 

•    For the f irst time in millennia, Triaxus’s orbit is bringing it close to Golarion—very close. As the strange new light blazes across the night sky, scholars and leaders are eager to find out what it means, and only transporting a party of bold explorers directly to the wandering world’s surface will satisfy them. 

•    Several prominent good dragons from Golarion have disappeared. Investigation reveals that they’ve either been spirited away or invited to another world by emissaries from something called the Skyfire Mandate. Fortunately, they’ve left behind enough evidence that a skilled spellcaster can follow them before Golarion’s delicate balance between chromatic and metallic dragons is permanently disrupted. 

•    An unprecedented evil has appeared on Golarion, and for the first time in scholars’ memory, numerous evil drakes and dragons are not just rampaging, but apparently banding together into some sort of regulated army. Whispers among the frightened populace tell that the lead dragons are not natural, but rather exiles from some other world, and whole nations tremble before the growing might of the draconic war machine. Can the PCs stop the burgeoning war, and will doing so require traveling beyond Golarion? 

•    In the heart of the Allied Territories, leaders fear that this may be the Final Winter of legend, and that disorganization and rebellion during the autumn months have depleted their stores beyond repair. With nowhere else to turn, the exhausted leaders look to an ancient prophecy indicating that, in the darkest of nights, the towers of lost Sephoria will hold the key to survival. Yet the legends also say that the ones to uncover this secret will not be born of Triaxus, but rather creatures of the worlds beyond the stars...

劇透 -   :
« 上次编辑: 2024-04-13, 周六 13:07:00 由 happykj »

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Re: 【Distant Worlds】遥远世界
« 回帖 #16 于: 2024-04-05, 周五 20:40:30 »

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Re: 【Distant Worlds】遥远世界
« 回帖 #17 于: 2024-04-09, 周二 14:55:36 »

劇透 -   :

梦想家(The Dreamer)

劇透 -   :

继伊奥克斯和流浪的崔亚修斯之后,太阳系内部这些熟悉的岩石世界就让位给了新种类的行星,也就是两颗庞大的气态巨行星,它们没有岩石和金属的坚固表面,取而代之的是浓厚气体,其硕大的体积足以无影无踪地把所有其它行星容纳在里面。 这两个星球是如此之大,以至于在它们的强大引力所牢牢抓住的许多卫星之中,有一些几乎达到了行星的大小。

利亚瓦拉是两颗气态巨行星中比较靠近的一颗,它和另一颗较大的同伴”伯瑞斯达“(Bretheda)之间有几个主要的区别,那便是它有着桃色的色彩、较少的重大卫星、以及由尘埃组成的明亮光环,它的光环大到足以从格拉里昂用基本望远镜来看到。 除了光环和无数的牧羊犬卫星(shepherd moons)之外——它的某些牧羊犬卫星不比一栋房子大——这颗行星还有一些居住了生物的卫星,下面将详细描述。

然而,利亚瓦拉周围的生命并不局限于它的卫星。 橙白色的巨大气体海洋构成了这颗星球的外层大气,其中有完全不同于任何陆地动物的奇异生物在盘旋和潜入,它们以奠定了食物链基础的漂浮植物和巨型细菌为食。 外层的动物群如同任何丛林的动物群一样数量众多且种类繁杂,这些生物有着多样的形式,从皮肤既是眼睛又是消化器官的鸟形飞行生物,到通过喷气推进的形式在天空中滑翔的巨大云鳐(cloud-skates) ,然后再到漂浮凯吉(keji)的危险集群以及完全透明的塔雷纳克(taranake),塔雷纳克的巨大体积只能通过它们在浓稠气体中形成的轮廓来辨别。 再往下,大气的压力增加,而生物也会呈现出更近鱼类的特征,这里有着巨大的掠食者在稠密的大气层中缓慢游动,它们以飞在更高处的生物的幼崽为食物。 这颗星球的上层大气中有许多生物必须把它们的卵落入深处才能繁衍。 这些落下去的卵在浮力达到中性后就会保持在那里,然后在无光且不可侵犯的层面中被孕育,直到它们孵化出来并受到新生儿的本能驱使而寻求上层大气的光和安全。

虽然利亚瓦拉的生态系统丰富多样,展现出了大自然奇观的狂野不羁,但对于其中的大部分生物是否为原生生物仍然存在一些疑问。 这种不确定性在很大程度上归因于这个星球上唯一的智慧种族:一种状似飞艇的不定型生物,它们几乎与普通的伯瑞斯达水母(Brethedans)相同,但却不像伯瑞斯达那边发现的样本有着协作的文明。 根据伯瑞斯达学者的口述历史,利亚瓦拉的主人曾经是伯瑞斯达探险家,它们长途跋涉穿越黑暗的太空,以在这颗星球播种自己的生命烙印。 然而,到达那里的时候,探险家们似乎就变得狂野起来,退化到一种更加兽性的状态,而它们用巨大生物船(creature-ships)一起带来的生物体已经扎根并融入了当地生活。 如今,在利亚瓦拉发现的“伯瑞斯达水母”仍然能从它们的歌曲和复杂的社交互动中显示出它们以前的智慧,但它们的逻辑大多都很奇怪,而且行为似乎没有明确的目的,因为它们只是满足于在气体海洋中漫游并寻找较小生物和植物作为食物。 伯瑞斯达语对于类人生物来说已经很难解析,而伯瑞斯达水母称呼这群利亚瓦拉的同类所用的术语可以大致翻译为“梦想家”(Dreamers),并且这些野性的表兄弟似乎受到了它们相当大的尊重,这就导致一些学者怀疑这些在利亚瓦拉以自然状态生活的生物是否并非退化而是开悟了。


劇透 -   :
The Dreamer
Diameter: ×10; Mass: ×100; Gravity: ×1 (at “surface”)
Atmosphere: Unbreathable; Orbit: 12 years

Past Eox and wandering Triaxus, the familiar rocky worlds of the system’s interior give way to a new type of planet, the two titanic gas giants who trade a firm surface of rock and metal for thick expanses of gas vast enough for all the other planets to disappear into without a trace. So large are these goliaths that some of the many moons held fast by the giants’ massive gravitational pulls are nearly the size of planets themselves.

Liavara is the closer of the two, with the major differences between it and its larger counterpart, Bretheda, being its peach-colored complexion, its smaller number of significant moons, and its bright rings of dust, which are so massive as to be visible from Golarion through a basic telescope. In addition to the rings and their myriad shepherd moons—some no larger than a house—the planet also has several populated moons, described in detail below.

Yet life around Liavara is not restricted to its moons. In the great orange-white seas of gas that make up the planet’s outer atmosphere, strange creatures totally unlike any terrestrial animals wheel and dive, feeding upon the floating plants and giant bacteria that make up the foundation of the planet’s food chain. As numerous and varied as those of any jungle, the fauna of the outer layers take a variety of forms, from birdlike fliers whose skin is both eye and digestive apparatus, to great cloud-skates that glide through the skies via a form of jet propulsion, to dangerous swarms of floating keji and the utterly transparent tarenake, whose great bulks are discernible only by the shapes they displace in the thick gases. Farther down, the pressure of the atmosphere increases, and creatures take on a more piscine aspect, with massive predators swimming slowly through the dense atmosphere, feeding on the young of higher-flying creatures. Many of the creatures in the upper layers of the planet’s atmosphere must drop their eggs down into the depths to reproduce. The eggs gestate in the sacred, lightless layers where they finally achieve neutral buoyancy, held there until the hatching and the newborn’s reflexive quest for the light and safety of the upper atmosphere.

While Liavara’s ecosystem is rich and diverse, a wild and untamed display of nature’s wonders, there is some question as to whether or not most of it is native. This uncertainty is due in large part to the planet’s only intelligent race: amorphous, blimplike creatures almost identical to common Brethedans, yet lacking the collaborative civilization of those specimens found on Bretheda. According to the oral history of Brethedan scholars, the masters of Liavara were once Brethedan explorers who made the long voyage across the darkness of space to seed the planet with their own brand of life. Once there, however, the explorers seem to have gone feral themselves, devolving back into a more animalistic state even as the organisms they brought with them in their great creature-ships took root and blended with the native life. Today, the “Brethedans” found on Liavara still show evidence of their former intelligence in their songs and complex social interactions, yet much of their logic is strange, and their actions are seemingly without clear purpose as they wander contentedly through the gas seas, searching out lesser creatures and plants as food. Though Brethedan language is already difficult for humanoids to parse, the Brethedan term for their Liavaran counterparts translates roughly as “Dreamers,” and these feral cousins appear to be held in considerable esteem, causing some scholars to wonder if the creatures living in a state of nature on Liavara are not so much regressed as enlightened.


即使先不谈当地动物群和植物群的问题,利亚瓦拉的气体丛林对于陆地旅行者来说也是一个难以生存的地点,主要原因有两个。 首先,这里缺乏可呼吸的大气层——虽然利亚瓦拉周围有大量的气体,但它的大气层几乎完全由氢和氦组成,而对于那些从类似格拉里昂的世界进化出来的生物而言,这两种元素都毫无帮助,因此他们需要施展强大的魔法或携带大量的瓶装空气才能避免窒息。 然而,更加复杂的是,利亚瓦拉并没有陆地生物所理解的那种“地面”。 相反,利亚瓦拉是一个巨大的气体球,越接近它的核心,密度和压力就会越大,这与潜入海洋时的压力增加没有什么不同。 无论是通过魔法还是通过翅膀,具有飞行能力的生物应该能够轻松地在天空中飞行,但任何失去这种能力的生物,哪怕只是片刻,都会发现自己快速地坠向行星的中心,如同格拉里昂上的坠落石头一样, 而一个飞行法术失效的角色可能在设法重施法术的当儿就从视野中消失了。 利亚瓦拉是如此之大,以至于一个无法让自己停下来的角色会持续坠落几天,逐渐穿过大气层的各个密度层,直到最终被行星核心的热量和压力烧死或压死(参见第 5 页的太阳冒险部分)。

一旦机动性和大气问题得到解决,在利亚瓦拉上的冒险就会变得容易得多,但仍然远远算不上安全。 与伯瑞斯达不同,利亚瓦拉是一个荒野——甚至可能算得上某种由梦想家(Dreamers)维护的全球性野生动物保护区,梦想家充当了这个地方的管理员。 这里的大多数生物在任何遭遇中都做好要么吃掉要么被吃的准备,而它们会被冒险者小队的热量、心灵放射(psychic emanations)、或明显的营养所吸引。 由于许多生物都是软体或充满了气体(这样可以更好地渡过这颗行星的风暴和”赤道无风带 doldrums“),因此与牙齿和爪子相比,捕食者更常见的武器是诸如吸血鬼触手、吸盘、魔法固定力场(magical holding fields)、以及其他用来确保猎物在战斗失败后不会直接掉落下去的手段。

劇透 -   :

Even setting aside the issue of local flora and fauna, the gas jungles of Liavara are a difficult destination for terrestrial travelers to survive in, for two main reasons. First is the lack of breathable atmosphere—while Liavara has plenty of gas to go around, its atmosphere is composed almost entirely of hydrogen and helium, neither of which is helpful to creatures that evolved on Golarion-like worlds, which will need to enact powerful magic or bring great stores of bottled air in order to keep from asphyxiating. Even more complicated, however, is the fact that Liavara has no “ground” as terrestrial creatures understand it. Instead, Liavara is an enormous ball of gas, with the density and pressure increasing as one travels toward the core, not unlike the increase in pressure when diving in an ocean. Creatures with the ability to f ly, either magically or via wings, should be able to ply the skies easily enough, yet anyone who loses this ability for even a moment finds himself falling toward the planet’s center as quickly as a dropped stone on Golarion, and a character whose f lying spell fails may be lost from view by the time he manages to get the magic recast. So large is Liavara that a character who falls without any ability to check himself continues to do so for days, gradually working his way down through the various density layers of the atmosphere until he is eventually burned up or crushed to death by the heat and pressure of the planet’s core (see the Adventuring section for the Sun on page 5).

Once the problems of maneuverability and atmosphere have been addressed, adventuring on Liavara becomes significantly easier, but still far from safe. Unlike Bretheda, Liavara is a wild place—perhaps even a sort of planet-wide wildlife preserve maintained by the Dreamers, who act as its stewards. Most of its creatures  expect to eat or be eaten in any given encounter, and are drawn to the heat, psychic emanations, or obvious nutrition evident in a party of adventurers. As many of the creatures are soft-bodied or full of gas (the better to ride out the planet’s storms and doldrums), teeth and claws are less common weapons among predators than digestive acid, vampiric tentacles, suckers, magical holding fields, and other methods that ensure prey won’t simply fall away as soon as it’s lost the fight.



阿卡宁 Arkanen:在利亚瓦拉的所有卫星中,阿卡宁是居民最多且传统文明程度最高的一颗,而它的存在处于一种奇妙的平衡。 单靠它自己,这个类似格拉里昂的世界将无法保住它的大气层,因为它会不断地流失空气,就像一条白色彗星般的尾巴跟着它穿过太空。 然而,每年一次,这个卫星的轨道会让它来到一个非常靠近利亚瓦拉的距离,以至于它会穿过母星的上层大气,这个时候阿卡宁会从利亚瓦拉带走足够的气体来补充自己的大气层,使得它的生态系统能够再维持一年的运转。

尽管这种年度的补充对于维系阿卡宁的生命来说至关重要,但它也是一个极其危险的时期,因为灾难性的风暴会肆虐这个卫星、来自利亚瓦拉的可怕掠食者会在两个世界之间穿行、并且两个星球的磁场相互造成的干扰和冲突会导致它们之间划过巨大的闪电束。 对于阿卡宁上那些类似半人马的施法者和科学家来说,最后一个现象是巨大力量的源泉,因此大多数的重大项目都在每年的这个时候进行(在饥饿的野兽跟着闪电束一起从天而降的这段时期,事情因此变得更加麻烦)。 奇怪的是,传统物理学认为阿卡宁的轨道以及它从母星偷走气体的行为应该是不可能存在的,这个说法支持了一个理论,该理论声称这个卫星可能是以魔法手段创造出来的,作为一种奥术发电机给某个未知的事业提供动力。

劇透 -   :

With no firm surface, Liavara’s cloudscape is constantly changing, and most of its notable locations are instead found among its moons and rings.

Arkanen: The most populated and conventionally civilized of Liavara’s moons, Arkanen exists in a strange balance. On its own, the Golarion-like world would be unable to hold its atmosphere, as it steadily bleeds off its air in a white, cometlike tail that follows it through space. Once each year, however, the moon’s orbit takes it so close to Liavara that it plunges through the upper levels of its parent’s atmosphere, tearing away enough of Liavara’s gas to replenish its atmosphere and keep its ecosystem functioning for another year.

As vital as this annual replenishing is to sustaining life on Arkanen, it’s also an extremely dangerous time in which catastrophic storms wrack the moon, monstrous predators from Liavara sail between worlds, and disruptions and conf licts between the planets’ magnetic fields cause enormous bolts of lightning to arc between the two. This last phenomenon is a source of great power for the humanoid and centaurlike spellcasters and scientists of Arkanen, and most major projects take place at this time of year (thus making it all the more troublesome when hungry beasts follow the lightning bolts down from the heavens). Strangely, conventional physics holds that Arkanen’s orbit and theft of gas from the giant should be impossible, supporting the theory that the moon may have been created magically as a sort of arcane dynamo in order to power some unknown undertaking.

哈拉斯 Hallas:哈拉斯是一个相对宜居的卫星,其中有着为了统治这里而进化出来的生物,他们几乎没有天敌——这个种族结合了蛇类、头足类动物和鸟类最有趣的特征。 事实上,他们在自己的小小世界生活得如此轻松,以至于他们的学者和施法者创造了带有一个明显漏洞的魔法系统:这个系统完全缺乏传送魔法。 对他们来说,宇宙显然是围绕着哈拉斯旋转的,而离开这里的想法——去追寻星星、触摸伟大的利亚瓦拉的表面、或者探索理论上存在的遥远位面——等同于异端邪说。这个卫星的生物反而向内发展,完全专注于自己种族的完美和进化,无论是通过自然的方式,还是通过生物和认知工程学(biological and cognitive engineering)的方式。

在这方面,他们成功了。 一千多年前,哈拉斯的人民终于达到了进化的顶峰,他们摆脱了肉体形态并成为由纯粹能量构成的生物,这些发光形体具备闪电般的迅捷速度、完美的心灵感应交流、以及其它更多能力。 不幸的是,大约在这个时候,来自阿卡宁的第一批使者到达了这个世界。 在最初的接触中,哈拉斯人(Hallasians)的灼热意识把这群大使的柔软脑子给点燃了,而他们死后,阿卡宁最伟大的法师们和神圣卫士们(divine champions)就利用阿卡宁的巨大能量在哈拉斯周围建立了一道魔法警戒线,用来警告旅行者远离这里并囚禁里面无意的危险人群。 讽刺的是,这条警戒线是完全没有必要的:就哈拉斯的生物而言,尽管他们处于惊人的高端状态,但还是认为不需要旅行,他们反而处于一种不断交流的纽带中,虚体的形态让他们无需吃饭或睡觉 ,而他们也满足于用狭隘的思想和缺乏好奇的心态朝着种族神格(racial godhead)冲刺。

劇透 -   :
Hallas: The creatures that evolved to rule the relatively habitable moon of Hallas—a race that combined the most interesting features of snake, cephalopod, and bird— had few natural predators. So easy was life on their little world, in fact, that their scholars and spellcasters created a system of magic with a single glaring hole: a complete lack of magical transportation. To them, the universe clearly revolved around Hallas, and the idea of leaving it—to pursue the stars, touch the surface of great Liavara, or explore distant and theoretical planes of existence— was tantamount to heresy. Instead, the creatures of the moon turned inward, focusing themselves entirely on the perfection and evolution of their race, both naturally and by way of biological and cognitive engineering.

In this, they succeeded. More than a thousand years ago, the people of Hallas finally reached the culmination of evolution, shedding their physical forms and becoming creatures of pure energy, glowing figures of light capable of lightning-swift movement, perfect telepathic communication, and more. Unfortunately, it was around this time that the first emissaries from Arkanen reached the world. In that initial contact, the searing weight of the Hallasians’ consciousness set the soft curds of the ambassadors’ brains aflame, and in the wake of their deaths the greatest wizards and divine champions of Arkanen used that planet’s significant energy to set up a magical cordon around Hallas, warning away travelers and imprisoning the unknowingly dangerous population within. Ironically, this cordon is completely unnecessary: the creatures of Hallas, for their part, still see no need for travel despite their incredibly advanced state, and instead exist in a nexus of constant communication, no longer needing to eat or sleep in their incorporeal forms, content in their small-minded and incurious sprint toward a racial godhead.

梅洛斯 Melos:尽管这里环境宜居,空气可供呼吸,大海安静地拍打着,但一千年来没有人在梅洛斯生活过。 从覆盖了这颗卫星表面的巨大金字形石塔和圣殿建筑群来看,这个世界曾经拥有一个高度进步和极度虔诚的社会。 然而,从复杂的镶嵌画(mosaics)所呈现的半完成历史记载来看,梅洛斯的生命在数千年前就停止了,它的人口消失了,甚至没有留下一具尸体来讲述它的故事。 阿卡宁的学者们对梅洛斯的命运进行了长期而激烈的争论:他们大规模迁徙到其它星球或位面了吗?还是整个物种都进化成不需要物理形态的生物,就像他们在哈拉斯的邻居一样? 和这个问题有关的少数几幅镶嵌画都提到了“大接引”(the Taking),这是众神因他们的奉献而赐予的一种狂喜飞升。 然而,一群阿卡宁的考古学家最近在其中一座圣殿的石头中发掘了精心密封的藏身处,同样没有尸体在里面,但潦草地写满了可怕的警告,这表明”大接引“可能并不像镶嵌画所声称的那样美好。

劇透 -   :
Melos: Despite its hospitable environment, with breathable air and quietly lapping seas, no one has lived on Melos for a thousand years. Judging by the great stone ziggurats and temple complexes that coat the moon’s surface, the world once played host to a society of significant advancement and extreme piety. Yet judging from half-completed histories rendered in complicated mosaics, life on Melos simply stopped a millennia ago, its population disappearing without leaving so much as a single corpse to tell its tale. Scholars from Arkanen have argued long and hard about the fate of Melos: Was it a vast migration to some other planet or plane? A species-wide evolution into creatures with no need for physical forms, like their neighbors on Hallas? Those few mosaics that address the issue at all speak of the Taking, a rapturous ascendance gifted by the gods for their devotion. Yet a group of Arkanen archaeologists recently unearthed a carefully sealed hiding place in the stone of one of the temples, similarly empty of corpses, but scrawled thoroughly with dire warnings suggesting that the Taking may not have been as glorious as the mosaics purport.

恩查克 Nchak:恩查克这颗巢穴卫星的大小是格拉里昂的四分之一左右,节肢动物是这里的王者,这个岩石世界有着数百万条纵横交错的隧道,大量不同的物种在空气稀薄的隧道中穿行。 尽管这里的许多生物只不过是体型过大的昆虫——其中最引人注目的是体型如马匹的掘地虫(ankhegs),它们看起来与格拉里昂的掘地虫没有什么区别——但这些四处窜动的恐怖存在之中有一些已经进化且专精化,让自己成为了一个极其复杂的社会中具有思维能力的组成部分。 脉动的哲学虫(philosopher worms)保守着预言,并利用它们巨大的心灵力量来连接和组织一群有着铲状下颌的工虫,而细腿的牧师虫(priest-bugs)则诠释着永恒女王(the Forever Queen)和她当前的凡体化身的意志。 并非所有恩查克的生物都能和谐相处——事实上,恩查克的智慧居民必须经常抵御兽性同类的侵害,以保护它们有着惊人艺术感的栖息地——但这颗卫星上的一切最终都依赖于扭曲的真菌、快速生长的苔藓、和翱翔的蝶状生物,其中的蝶状生物可以将遥远的太阳光转化为它们的食物。

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Nchak: On the hive moon of Nchak, roughly a quarter the size of Golarion, the arthropod is king, with a wealth of different species making their way through the thin atmosphere of the rocky world’s millions of crisscrossing tunnels. Though many of the creatures are little more than oversized insects—most strikingly the horse-sized ankhegs, apparently indistinguishable from Golarion’s own—some of these scuttling horrors have evolved and specialized to become thinking parts of a vastly complicated society. Pulsating philosopher worms keep the prophecies and use their vast psychic powers to link and organize hives of shovel-jawed workers, while thin-legged priest-bugs interpret the will of the Forever Queen and her current mortal incarnation. Not every creature on Nchak works in harmony—and indeed, the intelligent residents of Nchak must often defend their surprisingly artistic warrens from their bestial kindred—but everything on the moon is ultimately dependent on the twisted fungi, fast-growing moss, and soaring butterf ly-shaped things that turn the light of the distant sun into food.

奥索罗 Osoro:在许多卫星上,大气层的匮乏是生命和殖民的主要障碍。 然而,在奥索罗,大气本身才是最大的危险。 奥索罗是一颗多山的岩石行星,其表面覆盖着一层厚厚的致命气体,厚度从几十英尺到半英里不等,这层气体是由整个有毒植物丛林的呼吸以及含硫气体的喷口共同产生的。 在这一层之上,高山的山峰和斜坡像大海中的岛屿一样突出,它们延伸到富氧而安全的上层空气中。 正是在这些高耸的据点上,居民们——据信是来自阿卡宁的归化殖民者——安家落户,他们利用极长的绳索桥来穿行于山峰之间,并熟练地使用悬挂式滑翔机和魔法兽来乘在风中。 然而,在高山的森林与湖泊中生活仍然很不安全,因为适应了有毒世界的可怕生物偶尔会上来恐吓孤立的定居点,而风暴很容易使一个定居点与其它所有定居点的联系一次性中断数周。 在过去的几代人中,奥索罗的各种学者和冒险者已经开始利用魔法和机械的潜入设备来冒险进入彩色气体波浪的下方,他们寻求证实一个理论,这个理论声称这颗星球的致命大气海洋曾经要小得多,而隐藏在其底部的废墟或许蕴藏着毒气上升的秘密——以及可能让它消退的秘密。

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Osoro: On many moons, a lack of atmosphere is the primary barrier to life and colonization. Yet on Osoro, it is the atmosphere itself that is the greatest danger. A rocky, mountainous planet, Osoro’s surface is covered in a thick layer of deadly gases, anywhere from a few dozen feet to half a mile thick, produced by a combination of sulfurous gas vents and the breathing of whole jungles of poisonous plants. Above this layer, the peaks and slopes of tall hills and mountains protrude like islands in a sea, stretching forth into the safe, oxygen-rich air of the upper strata. It is on these high redoubts that the residents—believed to be naturalized colonists from Arkanen—make their homes, traveling between peaks on incredibly long rope bridges and skillfully riding the winds on hang gliders and magical beasts. Life among the high mountain forests and lakes is still far from safe, however, for terrifying creatures suited to the poisonous world at their doorsteps occasionally rise from the depths to terrorize isolated settlements, and wind storms make it easy for a settlement to be cut off from all others for weeks at a time. Over the last few generations, various scholars and adventurers on Osoro have begun to venture below the colored waves of gas in magical and mechanical diving apparatuses, seeking confirmation of the theory that the planet’s deadly atmospheric seas were once much smaller, and that ruins hidden at their bottom may hold the secret to their ascendance—and a potential recession.

光环 The Rings:由积聚的尘埃和冰块所组成的颗粒环绕着利亚瓦拉,它们是许多生命的家园,光环的颗粒不停地相互碰撞并产生出微小但无处不在的电场,而生物就以这些电场为食物。 光环中最常见的生命形式是微小的魔蝠(mephits)和闪电元素生物(lightning elementals),这些由纯粹电力构成的生物(spritely beings)在光环之中躲避和玩耍,它们大多数并不比人的手掌更大。 然而这里还有其他东西——能够完美伪装的环蛇(ring serpents),或者偶尔出现的消沉的纳米集群(nanite swarm),这个纳米集群与曾经驱动它的神秘动力源隔绝了,如今几乎无法复制足够的自身来保持连贯和半知觉(semi-sentient) 。 到目前为止,光环中最大的生物是欧玛(oma),它们有时被粗略地称为“太空鲸”(space whales)。 居住在太空的奥玛是伯瑞斯达水母中最大的一类,它们的体型足够大,有时可以被它们较小的同类用作往返不同世界的船只。 在利亚瓦拉的光环中发现的奥玛通常都是野性的,它们会掠过光环并吞掉必要的营养和能量(特别是任性的元素生物)来喂养它们的庞大体型。 有关欧玛的更多信息,请参阅第 62 页。

劇透 -   :
The Rings: The accreted dust and ice particles that ring Liavara are home to numerous forms of life, creatures that feed off the miniscule but pervasive electrical fields generated by the rings’ particles constantly smashing into each other. The most common life forms among the rings are tiny mephits and lightning elementals, spritely beings of pure electricity that dodge and play through the rings, most no larger than a human hand. Yet there are other things here as well—the perfectly disguised ring serpents, or the occasional half-hearted nanite swarm that, cut off from whatever mysterious power source once drove it, can now barely replicate enough of itself to stay coherent and  semi-sentient. By far the largest creatures in the rings are the oma, sometimes referred to crudely as “space whales.” The largest of the class of creatures known as Brethedans, the space-dwelling oma are big enough to sometimes be used as vessels between worlds by their smaller kin. Those found in the rings of Liavara are generally wild, feeding their massive bulks by skimming across the rings and straining out the necessary nutrients and energy (particularly wayward elementals). For more information on oma, see page 62.

牧羊犬卫星 Shepherd Moons:除了利亚瓦拉的五颗主要卫星以外,这颗行星还有大量的小型轨道天体,当中有许多并不会比流放之地的小行星更大。 这些卫星通常被学者们称为“牧羊犬卫星”,因为它们的引力有助于维持住利亚瓦拉光环的清晰边缘,以及光环之间的条纹和间隙。 尽管这些绕着轨道运行的岩石和冰块大部分都没有生命,但其中一些却带有文明的秘密痕迹,这些痕迹的形式包括矿井、无法解释的方尖碑和文物、以及陵墓,其中陵墓的主人是来自其它卫星的强大统治者和施法者。 利亚瓦拉本身那些奇异的漂浮居民似乎也以近乎宗教崇拜的态度对待牧羊犬卫星,他们对牧羊犬卫星的预言几乎无法解读,但似乎在说这些牧羊犬在某个时刻会“聚集成群”(gather together their flocks)以准备迎来某种重大事件。 这种假定的轨道结合或轨道交叉究竟是在预示着某种奇妙的事情还是某种可怕的事情,尚无定论,因为利亚瓦拉的居民(the Liavarans)自己似乎也无法对两者做出区分。

劇透 -   :
Shepherd Moons: In addition to Liavara’s five major moons, the planet has a huge number of small orbital bodies, many no larger than asteroids from the Diaspora. These moons are often called shepherd moons by scholars, as their gravity helps maintain the sharply defined edge of Liavara’s rings, as well as the striations and gaps within them. Though most of these orbiting chunks of rock and ice are lifeless, some bear the secret marks of civilization in the form of mines, unexplained obelisks and artifacts, and tombs for powerful rulers and spellcasters from the inhabited moons. The strange, floating residents of Liavara itself also seem to hold the shepherd moons in an almost religious regard, their prophecies about them nearly indecipherable, but seeming to speak of a time when the shepherds will “gather together their flocks” in preparation for some great event. Whether this supposed conjunction or intersection of orbits presages something wonderful or terrible has yet to be determined, as the Liavarans themselves seem unable to make the distinction.

冒险引子(Adventure Hooks)


• 格拉里昂有一位强大的奥术师计划了一项极为庞大的实验,除了阿卡宁年度的闪电风暴之外,没有任何东西可以为其提供动力。 为此,PC们作为使者被派去说服这颗利亚瓦拉卫星上的居民法师,以让他们允许这个外来者加入他们的行列。 反过来,这个魔法也可以是一种巨大邪恶的武器或仪式,而PC们必须前往阿卡宁,以在他们自己的世界发生不可挽回的变化之前阻止它。

• 梅洛斯的“大接引”对于知道此事的学者来说,长期以来一直是个令人不安的话题,但现在,这颗星球的诡异遗弃变得更加不祥,因为有另一个世界也开始显示出类似发展的迹象。 PC们需要弄清楚这个空荡荡的世界究竟发生了什么,以及另一个世界——也许就是他们自己的世界——该如何避免同样的命运。

• 奥索罗的毒海已经开始上升,缓慢但坚定,而这颗星球的山顶岛屿居民都迫切希望扭转这种影响。 然而,为了做到这一点,需要有人冒险深入汹涌的波浪之下并进入传说中的沉没废墟,以揭开一段可能被蓄意遗忘的过去。

劇透 -   :
Adventure Hooks

Presented here are several ways to get your characters involved with Liavara and its surrounding worlds.

•    A powerful arcanist on Golarion has planned an experiment so monumental that nothing short of the annual lightning storms of Arkanen can possibly hope to power it. To this end, the PCs are sent as emissaries to convince the resident wizards of the Liavaran moon to allow this outsider to join their ranks. Conversely, the magic in question may be a weapon or ritual of great evil, and the PCs must travel to Arkanen in order to stop it before their own world is irreparably changed.

•    The Taking of Melos has long been a disturbing subject for those scholars who know about it, yet now the planet’s strange abandonment has become even more ominous as another world has begun to show signs of a similar development. It’s up to the PCs to figure out exactly what happened on the vacant world, and how another—perhaps their own—can avoid the same fate.

•    The poison seas of Osoro have begun to rise, slowly but steadily, and the residents of the planet’s mountaintop islands are desperate to reverse the effect. In order to do so, however, someone will need to venture deep below the roiling waves and delve into the fabled sunken ruins to uncover a past that may have been deliberately forgotten.

劇透 -   :
« 上次编辑: 2024-04-14, 周日 08:57:40 由 happykj »

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Re: 【Distant Worlds】遥远世界
« 回帖 #18 于: 2024-04-13, 周六 21:34:18 »

劇透 -   :

摇篮(The Cradle)

劇透 -   :



冒险引子(Adventure Hooks)

劇透 -   :

劇透 -   :
1- 燃烧之母 The Burning Mother,太阳别称
2- 格里奥戈里克·塔拉斯庇Greogorik Taraspi, 泽庇斯特二世(Xerbystes II)宫廷的首席占星术顾问
3- 燃烧群岛 The Burning Archipelago,太阳上的泡沫城市
4- 寂静私室 The Silent Sanctum,太阳上的一个隐居处,住着一个叫埃齐亚Eziah的法师
5- 埃齐亚 Eziah,16级人类法师,嫌弃格拉里昂的琐碎政治,所以决定搬到太阳
6- 沉睡之海 The Sleeping Sea,太阳上一个静止的太阳黑子,被太阳的火元素当成开会地点
7- 星之心 Starheart,通往正能量位面的大门
8- 阿巴隆,骏马 Aballon,The Horse,
9- 初始者” First Ones,,第一批来到阿巴隆的智慧生物,造了一堆机器开采这里,收获几百年后就走了
10- 等待派 Those Who Wait,阿巴隆被留下的机械整的一个派系,等着初始者回来指引它们
11- 成为派 Those Who Become,阿巴隆被留下的机械整的一个派系,打算离开阿巴隆去播种,成为初始者
12- 自动矩阵 The Automatrix,阿巴隆最早也是最大的机械制造工厂
13- 初始者之城 Cities of the First Ones,初始者在阿巴隆留下的城市
14- 纪元,奋斗之城 Epoch, the Striving,“成为派”的首都,有一个接近神性的超级神经网络,名叫“纪元,也就是在Starfinder变成三贤一的“纪元”
15- 审判之地 The Fields of Judgment,某个神秘力量让任何进入审判之地的机械自动烧毁
16- 马喉 Horsethroat,一个有神秘传送门的冰井,时不时把外星人传送过来
17- 阿巴西·纳斯夫 Abasi Nasf,住在马喉的6级游侠
18- 卡森·梅尼亚斯 Casson Menias,住在马喉的10级法师
19- 冰井 The Ice Wells,阿巴隆的特色地形,有生物生活在里面
20- 锐翼(sharpwings),貌似是可以在地表生存的生物,排泄物可以帮忙在冰井之间播种,starfinder有数据
21- 挖掘鼠(diggers),鼹鼠形生物,会打洞来连接几个冰井
22- 午夜壕沟 The Midnight Trenches,巨大的矿井网络
23- 玻璃海 Sea of Glass,被某个地质事件烧成了一片玻璃海,据说正中心有一个水晶宫殿
24- 太阳盆地 Sun Basin,巨大的太阳能收集器
25- 中央导管(Central Conduit),太阳盆地的中央导管
26- 空眼鬣蜥(vacant-eyed iguanas),住在玻璃海的啥玩意儿
27- 卡斯卓韦,绿星(Castrovel,The Green)
28- 心灵术士(psions)和心灵感应者(telepaths),貌似不是啥重要的词
29- 阿肖克默思族(Contemplatives of Ashok),阿基顿的种族,外形类似长了肢体的大脑,译名从“aka. Snowy”那儿抄来的,Ashok这个名字有无悲或无忧之类的含义
30- 山鳗(mountain eels),卡斯卓韦的怪物,在starfinder有数据,眼睛长得有点恶心
31- 飞天垂钓者(sky fishers),卡斯卓韦的怪物,在starfinder有数据,想不到啥正常点的名字
32- 霉菌风暴(moldstorms),卡斯卓韦的气候带来的某个灾害
33- 卡斯卓韦的地名志大部分抄了“aka. Snowy”的帖子,除了”西海岸的璀璨明珠“被我改成”西海的璀璨明珠“
34- 索塔(Shota),拉申塔人骑的蜥蜴
35-“战斗场”(Battle Yards),“船夫终点”(Shipman’s End),“三重宫”(Threefold House),首席配偶(Chief Consort),战斗领袖(Battle Leader),恰巴拉特的一些地名和职位名
36- 格拉里昂,牢笼 Golarion The Cage
37- “月殇”(Moonscar),阿兹兰特人改造月球不小心炸出了深渊能量
38- 死区(Dead Zones),月亮没有空气和生命的地区
39- “袖珍”(the Pockets),魔法的反作用整出的小区域,分散在月球表面并创造了一堆互不相干的独特生态
40- 无面者之城 City of the Faceless,阿兹兰特人的小黑屋,关押有价值的政治犯,阿兹兰特没了之后这些囚犯还生活在这里
41- 月球地下城 The Moon Dungeons,月球地底一些来历不明的隧道网络
42- 星石碎片 Shards of the Starstone,星石掉下来的时候有一些碎片留在了格拉里昂的轨道
43- 阿基顿,红星 Akiton The Red
44- 绍贝德人(Shobhads),阿基顿的四臂种族
45- 绍贝德尼 Shobhad-neh, 绍贝德部落的统称
46- 阿尔 Arl,以前被阿兹兰特人征服过的城市
47- 高原的自由人民(Free Peoples of the High Plateau),指阿尔的居民
48- 猩红广场(Crimson Forum),阿尔的角斗场
49- 苏洛克”(thurok),阿尔的领袖职位名
50- 开放之路迷宫 Maze of the Open Road,从果园抄来的译名
51- 理性大厅 The Halls of Reason,阿肖克默思族的聚集地,放着一个通往格拉里昂的传送门,也就是红星传送门的另一端
52- 巢市 The Hivemarket,独立的自由市场
53- 库兰(khulan),看守蜂巢市场,在starfinder有数据
54- 卡,天之柱 Ka, Pillar of the Sky,突破大气层的高山
55- 氏族大会(Clanmoot),绍贝德部落的年度大会
56-“山之考验”(Test of the Mountain),爬卡山
57- 马诺,壕沟之城 Maro, City of the Trench,壕沟里的城市,阶级分裂严重
58- 阿尔西斯集团(Arsis Holdings),某个北方高原王国,加剧了马诺的阶层分裂
59- “千灯”(Thousand Lights),马诺的不知道啥玩意儿
60- 冬之地 The Winterlands,分为北极和南极,两边都分别有一个失落种族的废墟,双边疑似打过全球大战
61- 阿拉布克兽(arabuk),北极生物,在starfinder有数据
62- “冰族”( Ice Clans),住北极的人
63- 环线 威瑟斯 Verces The Line
64- 暗面区 Darkside / 全亮区 Fullbright,威瑟斯一明一暗的两侧
65- 威瑟斯人(Vercites)
66- “强化人”(the Augmented),用科技和魔法改造自己的威瑟斯种姓
67- “纯净者”(the Pure Ones),拒绝个人改造的威瑟斯种姓
68- “神仆”(God-Vessels),虔诚信仰的威瑟斯种姓
69- 虔印(devotionals),神仆印在胸前的神圣符号
70- 诸国之环大议会(Grand Assembly of the Ring of Nations),类似联合国
71- 圆环(the Ring),一个代称
72- “理事军”(the Stewards),威瑟斯的维和部队
73- “引导网络”(the Draws),理事军专用的传送石
74- 阿巴基(abaki),某个甲壳生物
75- 尘蝠鲼(dust mantas),会挖洞的怪物,starfinder有数据
76- 灰白蝙蝠(hoarbats),吸血蝙蝠
77- 血兄弟(bloodbrothers),活吞生物的怪物,starfinder有数据
78- 秩序之心要塞 Fastness of the Ordered Mind,一群仿佛宗库山信徒的苦行者
79- 卡沙克 Kashak,强化人占主导的国家,觉得纯净者是落后的玩意儿
80- 法外王国 The Outlaw Kingdoms,不想被圆环合并,住在暗面区或全亮区的人们
81- 奇德,太阳之巢 Qidel, Aerie of the Sun:全亮区中心的高塔,有一群钢铁鸟类
82- 霸主(overlords),统治奇德鸟类的人形生物
83- 天空码头 Skydock,挂在同步轨道的卫星
84- 太阳农场 Sun Farms,太阳能电池板的园地,给城市供能
85- 消失者,流放之地 The Diaspora,The Lost Ones
86- 双子星,达米尔和艾沃(the Twins, Damiar and Iovo),流放之地的前身
87- ”星辰的游行“(the March of Stars),流放之地别名
88- ”虚空束缚者“(void-binders),没数据的玩意儿
89- ”闪光蛇“(flaresnakes),没数据的玩意儿
90- 萨先人(sarcesians),双子星居民的后裔,译名抄了“月夜白雨”的帖子
91- 育幼世界 Creche Worlds,萨尔塞斯人改造的宜居小行星
92- 虚空之屋 House of the Void,住着一群怪人的堡垒
93- 虚空兄弟(the Brothers of the Void),一群穿黑袍的沉思者
94- 尼西斯 Nisis,流放之地最大的小行星,有未知怪物种族居住
95- 星间之河 The River Between,连接育幼世界的河
96- 空无之厅 The Vacant Halls,几千条地底通道的小行星
97- 哀嚎石 The Wailing Stone,待久了会发疯的小行星
98- “印记”(the Sign),哀嚎石里一些笔记提到的玩意儿
99- 伊奥克斯 死星(Eox The Dead)
100- 伊奥克斯人(Eoxians)
101- 骨贤(bone sages),伊奥克斯人为了生存而巫妖化,然后称呼自己为骨贤
102- 墓地城市(necropolis cities),骨贤的城市,necropolis在希腊语意为死者之城
103- 尸船(corpse ships),骨贤的掠夺飞船
104- 沉默教堂 Church of Silence,骨贤崇敬“不死”而盖的教堂,有一个开放给所有人的图书馆
105- 默语魔道(the Whispering Way)和塔-巴丰(Tar-Baphon)
106- 沉默之歌 the Song of Silence,进行巫妖化的技艺
107- 伟大转变the Great Change/不朽化the Undying,巫妖化的别称
108- "奥尔菲斯"(Orphys),在沉默教堂附近的墓地城市
109- 费西诺拉盆地 Facinora Basin,伊奥克斯人一炮轰出来的坑
110- ”边缘山脉“(the Fringe),伊奥克斯人一炮轰出来的坑的边缘
111-灵脉(ley lines)
112- ”鬼魂之风“(the Ghost Wind),在盆地游荡的一堆鬼魂
113- 玻璃巨蛇(glass serpents),在starfinder有数据
114- 半智能幼虫群落(semi-intelligent grub colonies),不知道啥玩意儿
115- 辐射象(ellicoths),在starfinder有数据,译名抄了“月夜白雨”的帖子
116- 生者之厅 Halls of the Living,伊奥克斯的活人幸存者,现被骨贤当作观察对象和玩具
117- “卡鲁斯”(Karus),盖在生者之厅附近的墓地城市
118- 大墓园 Necropoleis,墓地城市的统称
119- 纪念岩 Remembrance Rock,伊奥克斯人一炮轰出了坑,星球另一端凸起个台地
120- 哨兵 The Sentinel,星球轨道上的古老防御系统,
121- 千月 The Thousand Moons,伊奥克斯人一炮轰出了坑,一些岩石被轰上轨道当卫星
122- 崔亚修斯 流浪者 Triaxus The Wanderer,部分翻译抄了”空山鳴“的帖子
123- “夏之子”(Summerborn),夏季出生的崔亚修斯人
124- 有着明亮羽毛的蒸汽野猪(bright-plumed vapor boars)/蜈蚣般的达希伦(dashilen),两个没数据的玩意儿
125- 崔亚修斯人(Triaxians)
126- 冬之子(Winterborn),冬季出生的崔亚修斯人
127- 同盟疆域 Allied Territories,一堆类人生物的国家联盟,主要是一起抵御龙兽之地
128- 边境之国“卡莫拉”(the border state of Kamora),同盟疆域之一
129- 乌克瑞丛林(Uchorae Jungle),有一堆吸血鬼怪物的丛林,在卡莫拉那边
130- “千船之港”佐港(Zo, the Port of a Thousand Ships),同盟疆域之一
131- 艾洛克(Aylok),同盟疆域之一
132- 布瑞塔(Preita),又名学者的天堂(Scholar’s Paradise),同盟疆域之一
133- 龙兽之地 The Drakelands,一群巨龙统治的地方
134- “座龙 dragonkin”,虽然原文直译不是座龙
135- 宁 Ning,崔亚修斯另一块大陆的国家
136- 赛佛利海(the Sephorian Sea),崔亚修斯的海
137- “不朽的宗国”宁(Immortal Suzerainty of Ning),宁的别称
138- 不朽宗主(the Immortal Suzerain),宁的领袖头衔
139- “乌卡拉”(ukara),宁的一个特殊战士阶层
140- “战花”(battleflowers),乌卡拉的含义
141- 赛佛利群岛 Sephorian Archipelago,一堆有人居住的岛屿
142- 天火领 The Skyfire Mandate,龙兽之地和同盟疆域之间的国家,Mandate的含义不确定咋翻,就照抄了
143- 飞龙军团(Dragon Legion),天火领的龙骑士军团
144- 利亚瓦拉 梦想家 Liavara The Dreamer
145- 云鳐(cloud-skates),starfinder有数据
146- 凯吉(keji),starfinder有数据
147- 塔雷纳克(taranake),没数据的玩意儿
148- “梦想家”(Dreamers),伯瑞斯达水母的探险家来到利亚瓦拉后变得兽性,像是退化又像是开悟了
149- 阿卡宁 Arkanen,一个不断流失空气的卫星,每年会进到利亚瓦拉的上层大气里顺走一些空气,同时也会引发闪电风暴之类的现象
150- 哈拉斯 Hallas,一群进化到抛弃肉身的居民住在里面
151- 哈拉斯人(Hallasians),灼热的意识能够伤害到试图与之心灵交流的人,在starfinder叫Hallajin,长得不像人,但也不知道要叫什么
152- 梅洛斯 Melos,曾有文明的卫星,但如今空荡荡
153- “大接引”(the Taking),疑似带走了梅洛斯所有人的未知东西
154- 奥索罗 Osoro,住着节肢动物的卫星
155- 掘地虫(ankhegs)
156- 哲学虫(philosopher worms),starfinder有数据
157- 牧师虫(priest-bugs),没找到数据
158- 永恒女王(the Forever Queen),貌似是个神祇
159- 恩查克 Nchak,充满毒气的卫星
160- 光环 The Rings,利亚瓦拉的光环
161- 魔蝠(mephits)和闪电元素生物(lightning elementals),住在光环的玩意儿
162- 环蛇(ring serpents),没数据的玩意儿
163- 纳米集群(nanite swarm),纳米机器,小子,但没数据
164- 欧玛(oma),超大鲸鱼版本的伯瑞斯达水母
165- “太空鲸”(space whales),欧玛别称
166- 牧羊犬卫星 Shepherd Moons

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