作者 主题: 【Haunted Heroes Handbook】《闹鬼英雄手册》全变体职业整理贴  (阅读 45527 次)

副标题: 完工,变体共有10个,还有别的什么术士血脉一类的资源等就交给其他有爱的大佬们吧~

离线 白药君

  • 沉迷跑团の阿斯塔特
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« 回帖 #10 于: 2017-03-07, 周二 10:42:36 »



闹剧怀疑(Suspect Hoax,Ex):无论实际情况为何,怪谈终结者总是自然而然地把自己将要面对的情景当做是闹剧或者恶作剧来应对。这样的心态让怪谈终结者即使在遭遇到最恐怖的情景时依然能处之泰然,无论这种状况背后是不是存在着真正的超自然事件都是如此。2级时,怪谈终结者在对抗伪装成超自然存在的法术和类法术能力时,其豁免检定获得+1洞察加值。同时在面对来自于真正作祟和虚体不死生物的所有效果时,其豁免检定得到+1洞察加值。上述加值在5级的时候提升到+2,8级的时候提升到+3。11级时,怪谈终结者免疫恐惧效果。这项能力替代毒素抗力。

制裁作祟(Smite Haunt,Su):通常,要对作祟造成伤害是相当棘手的活计,一般需要引导正能量或者施展能达到同样效果的法术才行,但怪谈终结者学到了如何利用自己的意念以达到同样效果。4级时,怪谈终结者可以通过一个标准动作集中自己的意志力以对正在活动的作祟造成伤害。他必须要身处作祟效果范围才能使用此能力。当怪谈终结者使用此能力时,他能对作祟造成等同于策士之击的伤害。这项能力替代迅捷炼金。

驱魔之触(Exorcising Touch,Su):7级时,怪谈终结者能不对被附身的宿主造成致命伤害的前提下,对宿主体内的附身生物造成伤害。要使用这种驱魔攻击,怪谈终结者必须成功对被附身的宿主进行一次接触攻击。一旦击中,怪谈终结者能对宿主体内的附身生物或者实体造成等同于其策士之击的致命伤害,而被附身的宿主同时受到同等数量的非致命伤害。这项能力替代7级时获得的调查员天赋。

劇透 -  原文:
Skeptic(Investigator Archetype)
The skeptic accepts the existence of the occult world while challenging claims that the supernatural explains all of life’s problems. Skeptics tirelessly strive to debunk the legends surrounding possessions and spiritual hauntings, but stand prepared on the off chance a legend turns out to be true. Though these strong- willed investigators master the art of identifying and overcoming haunts and possessions, they often revel in the thrill of revealing a more mundane truth.

Hauntfinding (Su): At 1st level, a skeptic’s knowledge of haunts allows her to notice them with ease, regardless of the methods by which the haunts make their presence known in the realm of the living. The skeptic adds 1/2 her level to all skill checks to notice haunts. If she notices a haunt, she adds this same bonus to any initiative check made as a result of that haunt activating. This bonus is an insight bonus. This ability replaces trapfinding.

Suspect Hoax (Ex): Regardless of the actual situation at hand, a skeptic naturally suspects that trickery or hoaxing is at hand. This mindset helps to set the skeptic at ease even when confronted by the most terrifying of situations, be the source of that fear mundane or legitimately supernatural. At 2nd level, a skeptic gains a +1 insight bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities used to falsely create the impression of a supernatural presence, as well as a +1 insight bonus on saving throws caused by the effects of actual haunts or incorporeal undead. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, and to +3 at 8th level. At 11th level, a skeptic is immune to fear effects. This ability replaces poison resistance.

Smite Haunt (Su): Normally, damaging a haunt is a tricky affair requiring the ability to channel positive energy or wield spells capable of doing the same, but the skeptic learns methods of using her own convictions to accomplish the same feat. At 4th level, as a standard action, a skeptic can focus her willpower to damage an active haunt. She must be within a haunt’s area to smite the haunt. When the skeptic uses this ability, she deals an amount of damage to the haunt equal to her studied strike bonus. This ability replaces swift alchemy.

Exorcising Touch (Su): At 7th level, a skeptic can damage a creature currently possessing another without lethally harming the possessed creature. To make an exorcising strike, the skeptic must make a touch attack against the possessed creature. On a hit, she damages the possessing creature or entity, dealing an amount of lethal damage equal to her studied strike bonus damage. The possessed creature takes this amount of damage as nonlethal damage at the same time. This ability replaces the investigator talent the skeptic would otherwise gain at 7th level.

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白雪諾 10/18/12/13/10/16 | LG 人类 男性 | 义洛理圣武2| HP 21/21 | AC 20(16 tch, 14 fl) | CMD 16 | F7 R7 W6 | 先攻+4 | 骑术+7,生存+3,魔法装置+5,唬骗+5,杂技+7,驯养动物+7|普通视觉 |随意攻击 AB+6,DMG 1D8| 随意侦测气池|试炼(1/1) +1| 圣疗(4/4)1D6+3正能量
赵灵儿 20/13/10/05/08/18 | LG 娜迦裔 女性 | 神圣使徒圣武4| HP 32/32 | AC 22(14 tch, 18 fl) | CMD 21 | F8 R6 W7 | 先攻+1 | 宗教+1,位面-1,交涉+8|昏暗视觉 |随意攻击 AB+8,DMG 2D8+7| 随意侦测邪恶|制裁(1/1) +4,毁灭(1/1) +1| 圣疗(6/6+3/3)2D6正能量|勇气灵光,病免,移除疲乏,引导正能量,法术1,领域1

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导灵修士(Rivethun Spirit Channeler)【通灵者】


心与魂(Mind and Soul,Ex):导灵修士必须选择以感知或者魅力来决定所有通灵者的职业相关能力,包括但不限于变体职业能力,学习并施放通灵者法术的最低相关属性,通灵者法术的豁免DC,由高属性带来的奖励法术数量,以及其英灵能力的效果等。这样的选择在1级时作出,之后无法更改。导灵修士每法术等级每日可使用法术数量比《异能冒险》33页里面列出来的通灵者每日可知法术少1个。这调整了通灵者的施法能力。

祈灵上身(Spiritual Invocation,Su):取代降灵某个职阶的英灵到自己身上24小时,导灵修士能邀请附近的本地精魂进入自己身体,持续24小时。这如同灵舞士变体(《异能冒险》,94页)的降灵之舞(Spirit Dance)能力一般运作,然而导灵修士无须寻找合适地点进行降灵,因为其邀请的是附近的精魂而非英灵。这项能力调整了英灵能力以及替代了英灵同调和灵力奔涌。

精魂会谈(Spiritual Parley,Ex):2级时,导灵修士在面对精类,元素,除了本地亚种外的异界生物,以及不死生物的交涉检定上获得1/2职业等级加值。同样在禊术(见下文)的交涉检定上也能得到同样加值。这项能力替代禁忌。

禊术(Wrangle Condition,Su):3级时,导灵修士能看见并和附着在自己和盟友身上,导致其陷入异常状态的不净之灵交谈,这如同御灵巫的禊术能力一般运作.

制祟者(Haunt Channeler,Su):导灵修士在7级而不是3级才能获得该能力。这项能力替代呼唤浮游灵。

劇透 -  原文:
Rivethun Spirit Channeler(Medium Archetype)
Rivethun spirit channelers are mediums who practice the ancient dwarven philosophy of the rivethun, which teaches that power lies in the connection between physical bodies and immaterial souls. Most rivethun spirit channelers are dwarven adherents of this ancient philosophy, but mediums of other races are accepted with equal fervor, for the rivethun teachings state that discord and heterogeneousness are the most surefire way to open one’s senses to the spiritual world. Rivethun spirit channelers act as ambassadors and negotiators between the denizens of the natural and supernatural worlds.

Mind and Soul (Ex): A rivethun spirit channeler chooses whether she uses her Wisdom or Charisma score to determine the effects of her medium class abilities (including this archetype’s abilities). This includes (but is not limited to) the minimum ability score needed to learn or cast a medium spell, the save DC of her medium spells, the number of bonus spells (if any) she receives for having a high ability score, the number of times per day she can use her medium abilities, and the effects of her spirit’s abilities. This choice is made at 1st level, and once made, it can’t be changed. A rivethun spirit channeler knows one fewer spell of each spell level that she can cast than is indicated on Table 1–3: Medium Spells Known (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 33). This alters the medium’s spellcasting.

Spiritual Invocation (Su): Rather than channel the legend of a single spirit for 24 hours, a rivethun spirit channeler can invite a nearby local spirit into her body for 24 hours. This functions exactly like the spirit dance ability of the spirit dancer medium archetype (Occult Adventures 94), except the rivethun spirit channeler doesn’t need to find an appropriate location to channel her spirits since she invites nearby spirits into her body instead of channeling a legend. This alters spirit and replaces spirit bonus and spirit surge.

Spiritual Parley (Ex): At 2nd level, a rivethun spirit channeler adds 1/2 her medium level to Diplomacy checks attempted against fey, elementals, outsiders (except native outsiders), and undead creatures, as well as on Diplomacy checks attempted as part of the wrangle condition ability (see below). This ability replaces taboo.

Wrangle Condition (Su): At 3rd level, a rivethun spirit channeler can interact directly with unwholesome spirits of the ills that trouble her or her allies. This functions like the animist shaman’s wrangle condition ability (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 110).

Haunt Channeler (Su): A rivethun spirit channeler receives this ability at 7th level instead of at 3rd level. This ability replaces connection channel.
抱歉挖一下, 这祈灵上身(Spiritual Invocation,Su)抄了灵舞士变体的降灵之舞(Spirit Dance), 但这样的话降靈會怎么辦??
由于降灵之舞是一次過降靈所有英靈並作出選擇,那降靈會當然是獲得全部6個降靈獎勵啦! :em032

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due


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祈求庇护主(Invoke Patron,Su):1级时,祈求者能以一个迅捷动作邀请与其庇护主主旨相关的精魂进入自己的身心。该能力如同猎人的动物之力(Animal Focus)一般运作,只不过祈求者模仿的是其庇护主的面相,并从以下列表中选择效果。祈求者每日能够使用该能力的分钟数等同于她的等级。这些时间不需要连续,但是必须以1分钟为单位来使用。这项能力替代了女巫1级,8级,和16级时获得的巫术。




Curiosity: The DCs of the invoker’s hexes and patron spells increase by 1. These DCs increase by an additional 1 at 8th level and 16th level.




Rapture: The invoker can increase the duration of any spell she casts on herself by 1 round. This applies only to spells with a duration other than instantaneous. This increases to 2 rounds at 8th level and 3 rounds at 16th level.

清算(Reckoning):祈求者在所有天武攻击伤害和法术伤害上获得每伤害骰1点的洞察加值。8级时,祈求者在确认天武攻击和法术伤害的重击威胁时得到+4加值。16级时,其天武攻击和法术的重击范围翻倍,如同精通重击(Improved Critical)专长好处一般。

Revelation: The invoker gains a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls made with weapons. This bonus increases to +2 at 8th level and +3 at 16th level.
« 上次编辑: 2022-04-22, 周五 09:43:17 由 犬良人 »

While you live, shine
have no grief at all
life exists only for a short while
and Time demands his due

离线 白药君

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祈求庇护主(Invoke Patron,Su):1级时,祈求者能以一个迅捷动作邀请与其庇护主主旨相关的精魂进入自己的身心。该能力如同猎人的动物之力(Animal Focus)一般运作,只不过祈求者模仿的是其庇护主的面相,并从以下列表中选择效果。祈求者每日能够使用该能力的分钟数等同于她的等级。这些时间不需要连续,但是必须以1分钟为单位来使用。这项能力替代了女巫1级,8级,和16级时获得的巫术。




Curiosity: The DCs of the invoker’s hexes and patron spells increase by 1. These DCs increase by an additional 1 at 8th level and 16th level.




Rapture: The invoker can increase the duration of any spell she casts on herself by 1 round. This applies only to spells with a duration other than instantaneous. This increases to 2 rounds at 8th level and 3 rounds at 16th level.

清算(Reckoning):祈求者在所有天武攻击伤害和法术伤害上获得每伤害骰1点的洞察加值。8级时,祈求者在确认天武攻击和法术伤害的重击威胁时得到+4加值。16级时,其天武攻击和法术的重击范围翻倍,如同精通重击(Improved Critical)专长好处一般。

Revelation: The invoker gains a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls made with weapons. This bonus increases to +2 at 8th level and +3 at 16th level.
