作者 主题: 【VC】PZO1136 惡棍誌(Villain Codex):法術章節 (完成)  (阅读 37416 次)

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离线 笨哈

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有關法術的使用職業:譯者採用內西斯檔案庫的做法,將可以施展此法術的其他職業也補了上去,例如原文寫術士/法師 1,而奧能師使用的法術表是術士/法師,那此法術在職業上就是術士/法師/奧能師 1。

« 上次编辑: 2017-01-24, 周二 03:29:29 由 笨哈 »

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2016-12-08, 周四 00:53:39 »
劇透 -   :

等級:吟遊詩人/歌者 4、通靈者 3、催眠師 4、異能者 4、術士/法師/奧能師 4
範圍:近距 (25呎+5呎/2等級)

你使目標失去大部份的記憶;目標的技能、目標的過去以及甚至是目標的姓名都神秘了起來。儘管目標可以獲得新記憶,但是目標對自身受害於此法術之前的記憶則難以獲取。目標仍能說與讀任何目標本身知曉的語言,並且目標也能履行日常事務,但目標失去在受到失憶術影響之前所獲得的所有職業能力、專長以及技能等級。目標保留他的基本攻擊加值(BAB)、豁免檢定、戰技加值(CMB)、戰技防禦(CMD)、所有經驗值(Exp)、生命骰(HD)以及生命值(HP)。如果目標在受到失憶術影響時獲得一個角色等級,目標可以正常的使用因為獲得此職業等級所獲得的任何能力。如果目標獲得的職業等級是自身已經有了等級的職業,目標會獲得此職業1級角色所能獲得的能力,儘管從技術上來說目標在此職業有更高的等級。如果失憶術被治癒,目標重新獲得所有的職業能力,包括在目標在受術期間所獲得的任何等級。失憶術僅能被醫療術(heal)有限祈願術(limited wish)神蹟術(miracle)心智手術(psychic surgeryOA)祈願術(wish)移除。

劇透 -   :
You cause the target to lose most of its memories; its skills, its past, and even its name become mysteries to it.

While the target can build new memories, it has trouble accessing those gained before falling victim to the spell.

The target can still speak and read any languages it knows and perform basic tasks, but it loses all class abilities, feats, and skill ranks gained before being affected by amnesia.

It retains its base attack bonus, saving throws bonuses, Combat Maneuver Bonus, Combat Maneuver Defense, total experience points, Hit Dice, and hit points.

If the target gains a character level while suffering from amnesia, it can use any abilities gained by that class level normally.

If the class level it gained was from a class in which it already has levels, it gains the abilities of a 1st-level character of that class, even though it is technically of a higher level in that class.

If the amnesia is cured, the target regains the full abilities of the class, including those gained from any levels taken while suffering from this condition.

Amnesia can be removed only by heal, limited wish, miracle, psychic surgeryOA, or wish.
【幻術】(五官幻覺)高等鮮活外觀(Appearance of life, greater)
劇透 -   :

等級:牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 5、通靈者 4、催眠師 5、異能者 5、術士/法師/奧能師 5、喚魂師 4、女巫 5

此法術如同鮮活外觀(appearance of lifeHA)般作用,除了你可以易容一個單一的不死生物,而且不用理會它的HD數,並且此幻術也創造相關的味道、聲音、肌膚紋理與溫度來匹配易容的外觀。如果你將目標易容成該目標物的活物形象,那生物與此目標互動時,會在不相信幻術的意志豁免檢定上得到-5減值,但如果目標攻擊這個生物,那被攻擊的生物不會得到這減值。

劇透 -   :
This spell functions as appearance of life (Pathfinder RPG Horror Adventures 108), except that you can disguise a single undead creature regardless of its number of Hit Dice, and the illusion also creates relevant smells, sounds, textures, and temperatures to match the appearance.

If you disguise the target as a living version of itself, creatures that interact with the target take a –5 penalty on their Will saving throws to disbelieve the illusion, though if the target attacks a creature, the attacked creature no longer takes this penalty.
【惑控】(脅迫)無盡貪婪(Covetous urge)[詛咒,依賴語言,影響心靈]
劇透 -   :

等級:吟遊詩人/歌者 2、術士/法師/奧能師 2、召喚師 2、女巫 2
成分:語言、姿勢、材料 (一枚黃金硬幣)
範圍:近距 (25呎+5呎/2等級)
持續:1分鐘/等級 (D)



破除結界(Break enchantment)有限祈願術(limited wish)奇蹟術(miracle)移除詛咒(remove curse)祈願術(wish)每一個都可以在無盡貪婪的法術持續時間結束前結束它的效果。解除魔法(Dispel magic)並不會影響無盡貪婪

劇透 -   :
You curse the target with insatiable greed, causing it to attempt to steal any item worth 100 gp or more that it can see, each time it enters a new room or area.

If it can see multiple items of value in a single room or area, it attempts to steal the item it thinks is worth the most.

This covetous compulsion might cause the target to act recklessly where it normally would not (unless acting in this manner would clearly cause it to die, suffer great harm, or get caught).

In combat, if the target sees a valuable item on an opponent, it must, for example, attempt to disarm its foe to take a valuable weapon or use the steal combat maneuver (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 322) to grab a precious item kept on the opponent’s belt.

Once the target has either attempted to steal an item in combat or else taken damage, this magical compulsion subsides until the threat of the current combat ends
and the target enters a new room or area.

Affected targets in combat that have neither attempted to steal an item nor taken damage (perhaps because the opponent with the most valuable item is far away) can attempt a saving throw each round to ignore the spell’s effect until the threat ends and the target enters a new room.

Break enchantment, limited wish, miracle, remove curse, or wish can each end covetous urge before the duration expires. Dispel magic does not affect
covetous urge.
« 上次编辑: 2017-01-24, 周二 19:36:37 由 笨哈 »

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« 回帖 #2 于: 2016-12-08, 周四 00:53:43 »
【幻術】(五官幻覺)隱藏傷痕(Hide bruises)
劇透 -   :

等級:反聖武士 1、吟遊詩人/歌者 1、審判者 1、催眠師 1、秘學士 1、異能者 1、術士/法師/奧能師 1、女巫 1
成分:語言、姿勢、材料 (流下的血)
持續:10分鐘/等級 (D)
豁免:無 與 意志,通過則不相信 (見下)


劇透 -   :
The target's wounds to seem to disappear.

A creature attempting a Heal check to tell the severity of the target's injuries takes a –10 penalty on that check.

A creature that physically touches the glamered areas can attempt a Will save to recognize it as an illusion
【變化】抵抗飢餓(Resist starvation)
劇透 -   :

等級:反聖武士 1、牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 1、薩滿 1
成分:語言、姿勢、材料 (食物碎屑)
豁免:意志,通過則無效 (無害)
抗力:有 (無害)


劇透 -   :
If the target doesn't eat on the day this spell is cast on it, the DC to avoid taking nonlethal damage from starvation on the following day doesn't increase by 1.

This spell fails if the target hasn't already attempted at least one Constitution check to avoid starvation.
« 上次编辑: 2017-05-23, 周二 10:35:41 由 笨哈 »

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« 回帖 #3 于: 2016-12-08, 周四 00:53:47 »
【塑能】犯罪信標(Beacon of guilt)[詛咒]
劇透 -   :

等級:吟遊詩人/歌者 2、審判者 2、秘學士 2、術士/法師/奧能師 2
持續:24小時 或 直至發散,然後立即生效
豁免:意志,通過則無效 (物體);見下

你安置一個不可見的守衛在一個物件上,它會在首次有個生物嚐試將該物件從當前的地方移動時被處發。下一個接觸此物件的生物將會被詛咒,使其對周圍的所有人都清晰可辨。該生物必須成功通過一個意志豁免,否則周身會環繞著閃爍的紅色靈光,如同妖火(faerie fire)般作用(法術抗力適用)。經由此法術所賦與的詛咒不可被解除,但一個破除結界(Break enchantment)有限祈願術(limited wish)奇蹟術(miracle)移除詛咒(remove curse)祈願術(wish)法術可以將之移除。

劇透 -   :
You place an invisible ward upon an object that is triggered the first time a creature tries to move the object from its current location.

The next creature to touch the object is cursed to become obvious to everyone around it.

The creature must succeed at a Will save or be surrounded in an aura of twinkling red light that functions as faerie fire (spell resistance applies).

The curse bestowed by this spell cannot be dispelled, but a break enchantment, limited wish, miracle, remove curse, or wish spell can remove it.
【防護】逃離警報(Escape alarm)
劇透 -   :

等級:吟遊詩人/歌者 2、審判者 2、秘學士 2、異能者 2、遊俠/獵人 2、術士/法師/奧能師 2、喚魂師 2、召喚師 2
成分:語言、姿勢、器材 (一條鎖鍊的一段)
範圍:中距 (100呎+10呎/等級)

它會在當一個生物離開此區域時提醒你,而非進入此區域,並且你無法選擇一組密碼來繞過此法術的效果。除此之外,當你安置一個逃離警報(escape alarm)時,你可以在每個施法者等級附加一個額外的生物。你自動的計入在你的逃離警報(escape alarm)上,並且不記入上限。被記入的生物們可以進入與離開法術的區域而不會觸動警報。如果你選擇的是一個精神警報(Mental Alarm)而不是一個聲音警報(Audible Alarm),所有被記入的生物,會在有人離開時收到精神警報。

劇透 -   :
You place a ward on an area that notifies you when a creature exits it.

This functions as alarm, except as noted.

It alerts you when a creature leaves, rather than enters, the area, and you can't select a password to bypass its effects.

Instead, when you place an escape alarm, you can attune up to one additional creature per caster level to the spell.

You are automatically attuned to your own escape alarm and don't count against the limit.

Attuned creatures can enter and exit the spell's area without triggering the alarm.

If you select a mental alarm rather than an audible one, all attuned creatures receive the mental alert when someone exits the warded area.
« 上次编辑: 2017-01-17, 周二 00:58:55 由 笨哈 »

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« 回帖 #4 于: 2016-12-08, 周四 00:53:50 »
劇透 -   :

等級:反聖武士 2、血脈狂怒者 3、牧師/先知/戰鬥祭司 2、德魯伊/獵人 2、術士/法師/奧能師 3
範圍:近距 (25呎+5呎/2等級)


劇透 -   :
You cause any diseased creatures in the area to become extremely contagious.

Any affected creature is overcome by a fit of wracking
coughs, causing it to become fatigued and exposing any creatures within 10 feet of the diseased creature to the diseases it carries.

On a successful save, a creature is fatigued for 1 round and doesn’t have a chance to infect nearby creatures.
【死靈】致命毒氣(Virulent miasma)
劇透 -   :

等級:反聖武士 2、血脈狂怒者 3、德魯伊/獵人 3、術士/法師/奧能師 3
成分:語言、姿勢、材料 (一個來自患病生物乾掉的痂)
範圍:中距 (100呎+10呎/等級)

致命毒氣(Virulent miasma)創造類似雲霧術(fog cloud)[b/i]的霧氣,除了這些煙霧攜帶疾病的汙染。只要活著的生物們停留在雲霧中,就會在對抗疾病效果的豁免檢定上獲得-4減值,並且在離開之後也會持續1d4+1輪。此法術的效果允許通過一個強韌豁免來使之無效,並且受法術抗力影響。一個成功通過雲霧豁免檢定的生物(或因法術抗力忽視雲物)不會被影響,並且就算停留在雲霧中也不需要進行更多的檢定。

劇透 -   :
Virulent miasma creates fog like fog cloud, except that the vapors carry the taint of disease.

Living creatures take a –4 penalty on saving throws against disease effects as long as they remain within the cloud and for 1d4+1 rounds after leaving.

This effect of the spell allows a Fortitude save to negate it, and it is subject to spell resistance.

A creature that succeeds at its saving throw against the fog (or ignores the fog due to spell resistance) is not affected and need not make further saves even if it remains in the fog.
« 上次编辑: 2017-01-17, 周二 04:16:34 由 笨哈 »

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« 回帖 #5 于: 2016-12-08, 周四 00:53:54 »
【幻術】(幽影幻覺)陰影斗篷(Cloak of shadows)[邪惡,陰影]
劇透 -   :

等級:反聖武士 4、吟遊詩人/歌者 5、催眠師 5、術士/法師/奧能師 5、喚魂師 5

你將自己包裹在一件半真實陰影的保護罩中。這給了你許多優勢:你獲得了隱蔽(20%失手率),在隱匿檢定上獲得+5增強加值,以及DR5/善良。此陰影罩也保護你直面陽光、使日光易傷(sunlight vulnerability)日光虛弱(sunlight powerlessness)以及類似效果無效。

當你處於昏暗或是黑暗光亮中,在對抗沒有黑暗視覺看透黑暗(see in darkness,Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 301)能力的敵人可以獲得前兩個效益。這樣的生物會遭受50%的失手率(儘管你不會獲得全隱蔽)並且,你對於這樣的生物,在隱匿檢定上的增強加值增加至+10。

劇透 -   :
You wrap yourself in a protective mantle of semi-real shadow.

This grants a number of advantages: you gain concealment (20% miss chance), a +5 competence bonus on Stealth checks, and DR 5/good.

This shroud of shadows also protects you from direct sunlight, negating sunlight vulnerability, sunlight powerlessness, and similar effects.

When you are in dim light or darkness, the first two benefits increase against foes that don’t have darkvision or the see in darkness ability (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 301).

Such creatures suffer a 50% miss chance (though you don’t gain total concealment) and your competence bonus on Stealth checks increases to +10 with respect to such creatures.
【幻術】(幽影幻覺)陰影之爪(Shadow claws)[陰影]
劇透 -   :

等級:反聖武士 1、吟遊詩人/歌者 2、血脈狂怒者 2、魔戰士 2、術士/法師/奧能師 2、喚魂師 2


劇透 -   :
You summon a pair of claws over your hands formed from semi-real material.

This grants you two primary claw attacks dealing 1d4 points of damage if you are Medium (1d3 if Small) plus 1 point of Strength damage.

A successful Fortitude saving throw negates the Strength damage (DC = this spell’s DC).
【幻術】(幽影幻覺)陰影穿梭(Shadow jaunt)[陰影]
劇透 -   :

等級:反聖武士 3、吟遊詩人/歌者 4、術士/法師/奧能師 4、喚魂師 4、召喚師 4
範圍:近距 (25呎+5呎/2等級)


劇透 -   :
You instantly travel between shadows to a point within range, though line of sight is not necessary.

You leave a shadowy image of yourself in your former location and are wrapped in shadow at your destination; you can attempt a Stealth check as a free action to hide in your new location.

Creatures that fail opposed Perception checks typically aren’t aware that you are no longer at your former location unless they are familiar with this spell and identify the effects.

Any attack on your former location causes the shadows to disperse, allowing any creature that can see your former location to immediately notice your disappearance.

In addition, for 1 round, the envelope of shadow around you grants you concealment (20% miss chance).

This spell doesn’t function if there are no shadows within 5 feet of your starting location, and you can’t travel through your own shadow.

If you choose a destination that has no shadows, you appear from the shadow closest to your destination that’s within the spell’s range (this could be your starting location if there are no other shadows within the spell’s range).
« 上次编辑: 2017-01-22, 周日 03:11:10 由 笨哈 »

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« 回帖 #6 于: 2016-12-08, 周四 00:53:57 »
【幻術】愚人之金(Fool’s gold)
劇透 -   :

等級:吟遊詩人/歌者 1、通靈者 1、催眠師 1、異能者 1、術士/法師/奧能師 1
成分:語言、姿勢、材料 (一枚銅幣或銀幣)
豁免:無 或 意志,通過則不相信 (見下)

你可以使銅或銀暫時地看起來像是等量的黃金。此法術影響價值 1gp/等級 的材料(因此,在3等時,此法術至多影響300枚銅幣,30枚銀幣,或一件銅製或銀製的物品,價值不超過3gp)。硬幣的價值增加至新種貨幣的正常價值。對於硬幣以外的東西,一些物品的價值來自它的手工藝,而非使用的材料,所以物品的價值約5倍(對銀製物品)或50倍(對銅製物品)其本身的真實價值。因此,一座銅燭台(candlestick)原始價值為5cp,因為此法術價值轉變為250cp,或2gp與5sp。通過一個DC25的估價檢定,可以自動察覺此硬幣或物品的真實性質。生物檢察此硬幣或物品,或與之互動,可以嘗試一個豁免檢定不相信此幻術。

劇透 -   :
You can temporarily make copper or silver seem to be an equivalent amount of gold.

The spell affects 1 gp/level worth of material (thus, at 3rd level, the spell affects up to 300 copper pieces, 30 silver pieces, or a copper or silver item worth no more than 3 gp).

Coins increase in value as normal for the new type of coinage.

For items other than coins, some of the value of the item comes from its craftsmanship, regardless of the metal used, so the value of the item seems to be 5 times (for silver items) or 50 times (for copper items) its true value.

Thus, a copper candlestick originally worth 5 cp transformed by this spell appears to be worth 250 cp, or 2 gp and 5 sp.

A successful DC 25 Appraise check automatically detects the true nature of the coins
or items.

Creatures inspecting or interacting with the coins or items can attempt a saving throw to disbelieve the illusion.
« 上次编辑: 2017-01-22, 周日 02:39:07 由 笨哈 »

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« 回帖 #7 于: 2016-12-08, 周四 00:54:01 »
【塑能】燃燒糾纏術(Burning entanglement)
劇透 -   :

等級:德魯伊/遊俠/獵人 3、薩滿 3、女巫 3
範圍:長距 (400呎+40呎/等級)
豁免:反射,通過則無效 或 部分生效 (見下)


劇透 -   :
This spell functions as per entangle, except it sets the foliage on fire.

A creature that begins its turn entangled by the spell takes 4d6 points of fire damage (Reflex half), and a creature that begins its turn in the area but is not entangled takes 2d6 points of fire damage (Reflex negates).

Smoke rising from the vines partially obscures visibility.

Creatures can see things in the smoke within 5 feet clearly, but attacks against anything farther away in the smoke must contend with concealment (20% miss chance).

When the spell’s duration expires, the vines burn away entirely.
« 上次编辑: 2017-01-23, 周一 19:50:47 由 笨哈 »

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« 回帖 #8 于: 2016-12-08, 周四 00:54:08 »
【預言】自然之路(Nature’s paths)
劇透 -   :

等級:吟遊詩人/歌者 1、德魯伊/遊俠/獵人 1、審判者 1、薩滿 1、女巫 1
成分:語言、姿勢、材料/法器 (一顆光滑的石頭)
持續:八小時 (D)
豁免:意志,通過則無效 (無害)
抗力:有 (無害)

目標本能的知曉通過曠野最短的、最簡單的與最快的路。在確定在路上的速度,目標是任何荒野(trackless)的地形,視為有道路或小徑(trail or road),並且在任何有道路或小徑的地形視為在該處有公路(highway,Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 171—172)。每施法者等級可以多一個生物與目標一起旅行,並且受益於此法術。這法術只會在室外起效,並且在被魔法所改變的地形中不會生效。

劇透 -   :
The target instinctively knows the shortest, easiest, and fastest way through the wilderness.

For the purpose of determining overland speed, the target treats any trackless terrain as though there were a trail or road, and any terrain with a road or trail as though
there were a highway (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 171—172).

Up to one creature per caster level traveling with the target can also benefit from the effect.

The spell functions only outdoors and does not function in magically altered terrain.

譯註:此法術同樣出現於Heroes of the Wild P.31,而在本書中新增了「(Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 171—172)這句話」,其於則完全相同。
【預言】沙盤(Sand table)
劇透 -   :

等級:吟遊詩人/歌者 3、通靈者 3、遊俠/獵人 3、術士/巫師/奧能師 4
成分:語言、姿勢、材料 (一把沙子)
持續:1小時/等級 (D)

沙盤(Sand table)允許你創造一個環繞你位置的戰場的模型,能顯示軍隊的數量,他們的相關位置,以及他們的行動,如同你在高空中觀察一般(1000呎高)。你將法術施放在桌子或其它平面上,並且使此5呎x5呎的模型出現在桌子或表面上。此模型精確的反映地勢與地形,儘管此模型不能辨別精確的地形特徵或隱匿處,或隱藏的地形。此模型還能顯示在此效果的區域中,所有在通常狀態下可見的小型或更大的生物,但它不能提供那些生物的識別特徵;每個生物以一個模糊的斑點顯現,在每個維度上小於1毫米。


此沙盤顯示在它周圍半徑1英哩的地面。沙盤(Sand table)並不揭露不可見或是虛體生物,也不揭露地下的生物、室內、浸沒在水面之下、林木線之下或其他上方有覆蓋物的地方,或在空中飛行高過1000呎生物。那些看著此模型的人,可以發現使用隱匿進行隱藏的小型或更大的生物,但他們會因為模型的尺寸而在察覺檢定上得到-10的減值。


劇透 -   :
Sand table allows you to create a scale model of the battlefield surrounding your position, showing numbers of troops, their relative positions, and their movement as if you were observing from a great height overhead (1,000 feet up).

You cast the spell upon a table or other flat surface and cause the model to appear upon a 5-foot-by-5-foot section of that table or surface.

It reflects accurate terrain and topography, though it doesn’t identify fine topographical features or concealed or hidden topography.

It also indicates all normally visible Small or larger creatures within the area of effect, but it doesn’t provide identifying characteristics of those creatures; each creature appears as an indistinct speck, under 1 millimeter in each dimension.

The spell marks obvious war camps and contingents of troops with a symbol of their banner (if they openly carry such a symbol).

The spell provides a snapshot of the topography and creature locations when cast; it doesn’t adjust for changes that occur during the duration.

The table shows the land surrounding itself up to a 1-mile radius from the surface.

The sand table does not reveal invisible or incorporeal creatures, nor does it include
creatures that are underground, indoors, submerged below the surface of water, below a tree line or other source of cover from above, or flying above 1,000 feet in the air.

Those looking at the table can spot Small and larger creatures that are using Stealth
to hide, but they take a –10 penalty on their Perception checks because of the size of the models.

Once the spell has been cast, if anything moves or shakes the surface upon which it was placed, the spell ends instantly.
« 上次编辑: 2017-01-23, 周一 02:43:08 由 笨哈 »

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« 回帖 #9 于: 2016-12-08, 周四 00:54:17 »
【塑能】瓢潑大雨(Dousing rain)[水]
劇透 -   :

等級:吟遊詩人/歌者 2、德魯伊/獵人 2、薩滿 2、女巫 2
成分:語言、姿勢、材料/法器 (一滴水)
範圍:中距 (100呎+10呎/等級)
區域:柱狀 (10呎半徑,40呎高)
持續:1輪/等級 (D)


劇透 -   :
With a beckoning gesture, you call forth a downpour of rain.

For the duration of the spell, the following effects apply within the affected area.

Nonmagical fires are automatically extinguished, and all creatures and objects in the area gain fire resistance 5.

The conjured water is conductive, and whenever a doused creature takes electricity damage, it takes 1 additional point of electricity damage.

At 6th, 12th, and 18th levels, the fire resistance increases by 5 and the additional electricity damage increases by 1 point.
【惑控】(脅迫)蘇活之風(Reinvigorating wind)
劇透 -   :

等級:吟遊詩人/歌者 2、德魯伊/獵人 3、薩滿 2、女巫 3
成分:語言、姿勢、材料/法器 (一片花瓣)
豁免:意志,通過則無效 (無害)

劇透 -   :
You exhale deeply, creating a gentle magical wind that invigorates any allies in the affected area, as follows.

Any sleeping allies immediately wake up.

Fascinated allies are shaken free of the fascinate effect.

Flat-footed allies no longer count as flat-footed even if they have not acted yet.

The duration of effects that cause any allies to be confused, frightened, paralyzed, slowed, or stunned is decreased by 1d4 rounds (roll separately for each target).

If the duration of any such effect is reduced to 0 rounds or fewer, the effect ends for that ally.

Finally, any allies lying prone may stand up as an immediate action, provoking attacks of opportunity as normal.
【變化】平穩鞍座(Steady saddle)
劇透 -   :

等級:反聖武士 1、德魯伊/遊俠/獵人 1、聖武士 1
持續:1分鐘/等級 (D)
豁免:意志,通過則無效 (無害,物品)
抗力:有 (無害,物品)

一個受此法術所影響的鞍座坐起來變得更加舒適,因為高速騎乘所造成的任何顛頗都會受到此魔法穩定。在此法術的持續時間,當乘坐在目標鞍座時,遠程武器受到的減值減少2。這會跟騎乘射擊(Mounted Archery)專長以及類似的效果疊加。此外。因為騎乘行動所要求進行的任何專注檢定的DC減少2。

劇透 -   :
A saddle affected by this spell becomes more comfortable to sit in, and the magic stabilizes any shaking motion caused by riding at a high speed.

For the duration of the spell, the penalty to use ranged weapons while mounted in the target saddle decreases by 2.

This stacks with the benefit of the Mounted Archery feat and similar effects.

Furthermore, the DC for any concentration check required as a result of the mount’s movement decreases by 2.
【咒法】(創造)柳條馬(Wicker horse)
劇透 -   :

等級:秘學士 2、薩滿 2、召喚師 2、女巫 2
成分:語言、姿勢、材料/法器 (一條蘆葦或樹枝)
效果:a horselike wicker construct
持續:1小時/等級 (D)





劇透 -   :
Reeds, grasses, creepers, or thin tree branches (your choice) that you touch animate, twisting and bending to form a wicker horse complete with a riding saddle.

The object is animated, but retains a wickerlike appearance.

A wicker horse has the statistics of a light horse or a pony, except it gains construct traits and counts as both an animal and a construct for the purposes of spells and effects.

It gains a number of extra hit points equal to your caster level.

It has no skills or feats except as noted below.

A horse made of reeds gains a number of Swim ranks equal to your caster level.

A horse made of grasses gains the Run feat and a number of Acrobatics ranks equal to your caster level.

A horse made of creepers gains a number of ranks in Climb and Stealth equal to your caster level.

A horse made of tree branches is continually affected by barkskin, as cast by a magic-user with a caster level equal to yours.

The wicker horse does not follow any commands given with the Handle Animal skill, and only you can ride it.

You can cast this spell only in an environment where suitable plant material is

When the spell ends or the horse loses all its hit points, the horse falls apart.
« 上次编辑: 2017-01-23, 周一 23:48:42 由 笨哈 »