作者 主题: 【Bestiary 2】迷妖雾(Mihstu)  (阅读 12084 次)

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【Bestiary 2】迷妖雾(Mihstu)
« 于: 2014-08-12, 周二 11:23:35 »

迷妖雾(Mihstu),CR 8
XP 4800
中立邪恶 中型 异界生物(气系,元素,跨位面)
先攻 +10;感官 60尺黑暗视觉(darkvision);察觉 +13


AC 22,接触 17,措手不及 15(+6 敏捷,+1 闪避,+5 天生)
HP 92(8d10 + 48)
强韧 +12,反射 +12,意志 +4
防御能力 乱风护体(wind defense)
伤害减免 10/魔法
免疫 闪电(electricity),元素特性(elemental traits)
法术抗力 19
弱点 寒冷易伤(susceptible to cold)


速度 20尺,飞行20尺(良好)
近战 4次触手 +14(1d4 + 1 外加 攫抓)
特殊攻击 死亡之拥(deadly embrace)


力量 12,敏捷 23,体质 23,智力 14,感知 14,魅力 13
BAB +8;CMB +9(擒抱+13);CMD 26(无法被摔绊)
专长 闪避(Dodge),精通先攻(Improved Initiative),灵活移动(Mobility),武器娴熟(Weapon Finesse)
技能 特技动作 +17,唬骗 +12,逃脱 +17,飞行 +21,知识(位面)+13,察觉 +13,察言观色 +13,潜行 +17
语言 风族语(Auran)
特殊能力 气态(gaseous)


环境 任意(气元素位面)
组织 单独
财宝 标准


死亡之拥(Deadly Embrace,Ex):压制(pin)一名敌人的迷妖雾能够将其完全包覆,使得该生物每轮受到1d2点体质伤害,这是由于血液、眼泪或其他体液被虹吸而造成的。对迷妖雾来说维持压制是自由动作,而且不会使其获得擒抱状态(grappled condition),这使得它能够使用自己的触手攻击其他敌人。
寒冷易伤(Susceptible to Cold,Ex):魔法寒冷会震慑迷妖雾而非对其造成伤害。若它在对抗魔法寒冷(magical cold)效果的豁免检定中失败的话,便会被震慑(stun)1轮,并且在之后额外恍惚(staggered)1d4轮。
乱风护体(Wind Defense,Ex):迷妖雾身体里的翻搅之风会自动偏转非魔法投射物(包括箭矢、弩矢和投石索弹丸)。所有其他远程武器(包括魔法投射物和投掷武器)具有20%的失手率。大体型的武器,比如巨人投石(giant-thrown boulders)、攻城武器的投射物、以及其他巨大远程武器不受该能力的影响。

致命的迷妖雾来自气元素位面(Plane of Air)。当它们来到主物质位面(the Material Plane)之后,更喜欢栖息在阴冷黑暗的地城通道、被遗弃的废墟、以及失落文明的那些被遗忘长廊里。学者们就驱使这些生物行动的原因、以及它们来到主物质位面是为了寻找何物而进行争论,但是最终只有一点是得到一致赞同的,即迷妖雾是致命的斗士和无情的猎手。迷妖雾那半固态的身躯似乎是由一种奇怪的白色烟云构成,而且它们可以随意塑形自己的气态身躯,在追踪猎物时通过细小的孔洞和裂隙。在进行攻击时,迷妖雾会将自身那雾状的触手并在一起,变成带刺的爪子,并使用这些尖锐的肢体挥打敌人。迷妖雾会利用自身那虚无的本质快速靠近敌人,将最靠近自己的威胁吞没后,继续攻击任何想要夺回同伴的敌人。当迷妖雾抱住敌人的躯体后,便会以惊人的速度抽取该生物的体液。生物体内所流失的液体会在散落至附近的墙壁和地板上之前保留数轮——迷妖雾似乎不会从这些液体中获取养分,因此这种攻击可能只不过是它所中意的杀戮方式而已。
迷妖雾是不朽的存在,只会被武力所杀死,如果能够与其进行恰当的交涉,这种致命的异界生物确实可以成为有趣的信息源。迷妖雾对于围捕和追杀猎物之外的事情不怎么感兴趣,因此作为提供可靠信息或者合作的结果,迷妖雾会继续追捕和杀害这些有趣的受害者。一些恶毒的生物,比如罗刹(rakshasas)和邪恶的云巨人(cloud giants)通常会利用迷妖雾,作为追踪者或者刺客使用,有时也会雇佣迷妖雾作为巢穴中的走廊护卫。

劇透 -   :
攫抓 (Grab, Ex):具有此能力的生物一旦用近战武器 (通常为爪抓或啮咬) 命中目标,它在造成正常伤害之外,还会自动展开擒抱,这是自由动作且不会引发借机攻击。除非特别说明,否则攫抓只能针对体型比该生物至少小一级的对手。如果该生物可以擒抱其他体型的生物,那么会在特殊攻击中列出。该生物可以用通常的方式展开擒抱,或仅限于用展开攫抓的身体部位将对手定身。如果选择后者,它对抗擒抱的CMB将有-20的减值,但这样它自身便可认为不处于擒抱状态。攫抓能力成功的擒抱检定不会造成任何额外伤害,除非生物同时还有「紧勒」的特殊能力。在后续轮中,如果该生物不会紧勒,每个成功的擒抱检定将自动造成伤害,伤害相当于最初定身对手的攻击所造成的伤害;否则,它还将造成紧勒伤害 (具体数目在生物的描述中给出)。有「攫抓」特殊攻击的生物开始和维持擒抱的战技检定+4。

劇透 -   :
A miasmal form roils as barbed tentacles emerge from the central mass, coalescing into razor-sharp talons and claws.
Mihstu CR 8
XP 4,800
NE Medium outsider (air, elemental, extraplanar)
Init +10; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +13
AC 22, touch 17, flat-footed 15 (+6 Dex, +1 dodge, +5 natural)
hp 92 (8d10+48)
Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +4
Defensive Abilities wind defense; DR 10/magic; Immune electricity, elemental traits; SR 19
Weaknesses susceptible to cold
Speed 20 ft., fly 20 ft. (good)
Melee 4 tentacles +14 (1d4+1 plus grab)
Special Attacks deadly embrace
Str 12, Dex 23, Con 23, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 13
Base Atk +8; CMB +9 (+13 grapple); CMD 26 (can't be tripped)
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +17, Bluff +12, Escape Artist +17, Fly +21, Knowledge (planes) +13, Perception +13, Sense Motive +13, Stealth +17
Languages Auran
SQ gaseous
Environment any (Plane of Air)
Organization solitary
Treasure standard
Special Abilities
Gaseous (Ex) A mihstu can pass through small holes, even cracks, without reducing its speed.
Deadly Embrace (Ex) A mihstu that pins an opponent completely surrounds that creature and deals 1d2 Constitution damage every round as it siphons away blood, tears, and other vital fluids. Maintaining a pin is a free action for a mihstu and it does not gain the grappled condition (allowing it to attack other creatures with its tentacles).
Susceptible to Cold (Ex) Magical cold stuns a mihstu rather than damaging it. If the creature fails its save against a magical cold effect, it is stunned for 1 round and then staggered for an additional 1d4 rounds.
Wind Defense (Ex) The churning winds of a mihstu's body automatically deflect nonmagical projectiles (such as arrows, bolts, and sling stones). All other ranged weapons (including magical projectiles and thrown weapons) have a 20% miss chance. Weapons of significant size, such as giant-thrown boulders, siege engine projectiles, and other massive ranged weapons are not affected by this ability.

The deadly mihstus hail from the Plane of Air. When they come to the Material Plane, they prefer to inhabit dank dungeon corridors, abandoned ruins, and the forgotten corridors of lost civilizations. Scholars dispute what drives the ambitions of these creatures, or even what they seek on the Material Plane, but all agree that they are deadly combatants and merciless hunters. Their semi-solid bodies appear to be composed of a strange, white smoke, and they can shape their vaporous bodies at will to seep through small cracks and openings in pursuit of prey. When attacking, they coalesce the tips of their misty tentacles into wickedly barbed talons, slashing at opponents with these razor-sharp appendages. Mihstus rely on their insubstantial nature to close with opponents quickly, engulfing the nearest threat while continuing to attack any who seek to deprive them of their chosen victim. When a mihstu manages to embrace a foe with its body, it drains away the creature's vital fluids at an alarming rate. These fluids churn in the creature's body for a few rounds before spattering against nearby walls or on the floor—the mihstu seems to gain no nourishment from these fluids, so this attack may be nothing more than a favorite method of cruelty.
Mihstus are immortal unless slain by violence, and if properly bargained with, these deadly outsiders can actually be intriguing sources of information. Mihstus are normally interested in little more than stalking and consuming prey, and as a result only tend to provide reliable information or cooperate when supplied with intriguing victims to pursue and destroy. Nefarious creatures such as rakshasas and evil cloud giants often utilize mihstus as trackers and assassins, or sometimes employ them as guards in the forgotten corridors of their lairs.

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Re: 【Bestiary 2】迷妖雾(Mihstu)
« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-06-23, 周六 21:11:23 »