作者 主题: 【AG】掌灯人(Lantern Bearers)  (阅读 26828 次)

副标题: 救赎之光,指路明灯。

离线 墨叶

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【AG】掌灯人(Lantern Bearers)
« 于: 2018-06-05, 周二 10:59:40 »
掌灯人(Lantern Bearers)

掌灯人(Lantern Bearers)

掌灯人建立于数个世纪之前,为了对精灵之外的世人隐藏黑暗精灵的存在并挫败卓尔精灵的阴谋,多年来一直由寒冬议会(the Winter Council)——一个致力于隐瞒卓尔存在真相的秘密集团——引领她们的行动和使命。然而,不为人知的是,掌灯人同时也是寒冬议会用来掌控精灵社会某些形势和方向的马前卒(pawns)。掌灯人坚信她们是为了追求更高善(for the greater good)而服务,为此无怨无悔的隐藏自身的存在;但事实却是,掌灯人的默默无闻让日渐腐败的寒冬议会能更轻易的把控住她们。

总所周知的,精灵们会随着时间的推移改变自己,以适应她们周围的环境。而当她们误信了恶魔或是其他邪恶存在并因此犯下大恶后,这种本质会将一名精灵转化为一名卓尔精灵——这也是掌灯人数个世纪来一直致力于隐瞒的真相之一。这种转换,被掌灯人称为黑暗命运(Dark Fate),事实上是一种只发生在少数团体身上的罕见事例,不难隐瞒下去-直到一名寒冬议会的成员引发黑暗命运并险些开启第二次黑暗之年(Age of Darkness);这场动乱下,掌灯人们投入了双倍的精力和奉献精神来守护精灵同族们的善良和纯洁。最终,随着各族英雄们及时伸出援手,才阻止了这场灾难的发生;而掌灯人们也发现,她们对自身行动和使命的过度隐瞒让她们在这次灾难中承担了巨大的压力。


随着莎伦莱教会的愈加介入和协助,卓尔精灵的存在不再是地表世界的秘密,掌灯人也首次修改了内部条例,开始邀请非精灵加入她们的行列。这些新成员中包括许多在世界之伤对抗恶魔暴行的蒙蒂维十字军(Mendevian Crusades)老兵和各类善神的信徒。而那些获得了救赎,从腐化过去中被解救出来的潜在新成员也会受到组织的重点关注和观察,以确保她们确实的走上了善良之道;虽说仍然有某些人依然在救赎之道上挣扎徘徊。

佩瑞勒尔(Perelir)(混乱善良 女性精灵 卡莉丝翠牧师13)
泰勒梭·尼尔娜(Telessel Neirenar)(混乱善良 女性卓尔精灵 游荡者9)
随着泰勒梭战死于某场散兵猎杀(Razmiri skirmish),一名本意善意的德鲁伊尝试让她以转生回一名精灵散兵。然而,在命运的残酷玩弄下,她被塞进了某个卓尔精灵的身体,尽管这并没有对她的灵魂造成任何的负面侵蚀腐化。泰勒梭在这之后迎来了一阵艰难的日子,若非她忠诚的独角兽伙伴依然不离不弃,这名可怜的精灵或许早已自我了断。在得知了她的悲惨命运后,掌灯人找到了她并邀请她加入她们的行列;如今她作为掌灯人的一员,帮助组织照顾寻求救赎的卓尔精灵,让她们能尽快的适应地表生活。泰勒梭与众不同的状况引起了数名掌灯人领袖的关注,她们认为泰勒梭作为一名卓尔精灵转生恰好证明了卓尔精灵们并非是本质上的邪恶,只要给予她们合适的环境和选择,她们是可以被拯救的。
泽瑞纳斯(Zarineth)(中立善良 男性精灵 法师15)
劇透 -   :
A Light Against the Coming Darkness
Scope regional
Alignment NG
Headquarters Iadara (Kyonin)
Values nurture beauty and those who seek redemption, oppose conspiracies and reveal destructive secrets, remain pure-hearted, reveal and fight corruption
Goals push back the darkness (be it literal or metaphorical) and light the way for allies, redeem corrupted elves (and in particular, provide drow who seek redemption a safe venue to escape their society), thwart drow and demon plots
Allies followers of elven deities and neutral good empyreal lords, Kyonin’s people and government, Sarenites, Shelynites
Enemies cults of demon lords and Rovagug, demons, drow, Lamashtans
Rivals none

The Lantern Bearers were originally founded centuries ago to oppose the machinations of the drow and to help hide the existence of the dark elves from the rest of the world. For many years, their actions and missions were guided by a secret cabal known as the Winter Council, whose members worked zealously to prevent non-elves from learning of the drow. Unbeknownst to the Lantern Bearers, however, the Winter Council was in fact manipulating them to control certain aspects of elven society, and Lantern Bearers were often used as pawns in Council schemes. The Lantern Bearers believed their work was for the greater good, and that secrecy was a vital part of this work, when in fact their secrecy kept them firmly in the grip of the increasingly corrupt Winter Council.

That elves, over time, physically adapt and change to reflect the nature of their environs was never a secret. The fact that this same quality, when mixed with great acts of evil and the worship of demons or other chaotic evil entities, allowed for the sudden transformation of an elf into a drow was one that the Lantern Bearers fought for many centuries to keep from becoming common knowledge. This transformation, known to the Lantern Bearers as the Dark Fate, was rare enough that the relatively small group could cover up the few occurrences, but after one of the members of the Winter Council itself fell victim to the Dark Fate and nearly brought about a second Age of Darkness, the Lantern Bearers have redoubled their commitment to goodness and purity. Only the timely actions of a diverse group of heroes prevented this catastrophe, and in hindsight, the Lantern Bearers realized that their prior obsession with secrecy had been an enormous liability.

Today, with the Winter Council a thing of the past, the Lantern Bearers function in the open and have increasingly shifted the focus of their work from meeting the threat of violence with violence to diplomacy and redemption. Still, they are the first to admit that many cannot or will not be redeemed, and in such instances swift justice is the best answer. The similarity of these teachings to the values held dear by the church of Sarenrae led that church to help the Lantern Bearers expand beyond a secretive cabal of elves into a regional defense against corruption, be it from within or without.
With this increasing sponsorship from the church of Sarenrae, and the fact that the existence of the drow is no longer a secret to the surface world, the Lantern Bearers have for the first time begun to invite non-elves into their ranks. Many of these recruits are veterans of the various Mendevian Crusades against the demon-infested Worldwound, while others are drawn from the congregations of good faiths. Recruits rescued from sordid pasts via redemption are observed extensively before being extended an invitation to ensure that new members are good-hearted, although some agents still struggle on the path to redemption.

Perelir (CG female elf cleric of Calistria 13): A former member of the Winter Council, Perelir had doubts about the organization’s usefulness even before its fall. During its dismantling—a process accomplished with her aid—the priestess witnessed the fall of two allies to the Dark Fate. Reflecting on what had transpired, Perelir successfully petitioned Queen Telandia to permit her to redeem herself by joining the Lantern Bearers. True to her goddess’s teachings, Perelir encourages Lantern Bearers to experience pleasure and beauty, seeing the denial of these urges as a path to self-destruction. Her shift from neutrality to goodness has caused some friction with others in her faith, but Perelir is as devoted to the Lantern Bearers now as she is to Calistria.

Telessel Neirenar (CG female drow ranger 9): After Telessel’s recent death in a Razmiri skirmish, a well-meaning druid reincarnated the elven scout. In a cruel twist of fate, however, Telessel returned to life in a drow’s body, despite having no previous corruption staining her soul. In the difficult days thereafter, only her faithful unicorn mount’s companionship kept Telessel from suicide. After learning of her fate, the Lantern Bearers sought her out; now Telessel aids the organization, helping redeemed drow acclimate to surface life. Her unusual genesis has intrigued several of the Lantern Bearer’s leaders, and many hold up her reincarnation as a drow as evidence that drow are, themselves, not intrinsically evil, and that given the right conditions and options, they can be saved.

Zarineth (NG male elf wizard 15): Until relatively recently, the leadership of the Lantern Bearers was shrouded in mystery. A masked wizard who went by the name Swallowtail claimed to be a field leader, but much information about this strange figure was hidden. With the new order established and the shift from secrecy to openness, Swallowtail has abandoned his mask and revealed himself to be an elven wizard named Zarineth. The previously whispered-of “true leaders” of the Lantern Bearers were in fact the secretive elves of the Winter Council, and now that this broken organization is no more, Zarineth has felt free to come out as the group’s true commander. His focus of late has been on repairing the group’s reputation and helping to refocus their efforts on redemption.
« 上次编辑: 2018-06-05, 周二 13:11:57 由 墨叶 »

离线 墨叶

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« 回帖 #1 于: 2018-06-05, 周二 10:59:56 »
掌灯人(Lantern Bearer)(进阶职业)


基本攻击加值(Base Attack Bonus):+5
武器擅长(Weapon Proficiency):必须擅长长弓(longbow)或者复合长弓(composite longbow)以及一种军用近战武器

本职技能(Class Skills):
每级技能点数(Skill Ranks at Each Level):4 + 智力调整值

等级  BAB  强韧  反射  意志  职业能力

职业能力(Class Features):

奥秘之灯(Lantern Arcana)(Sp):掌灯人获得一系列类法术能力。这些效果的施法者等级等于掌灯人的角色等级,其豁免DC为10 + 法术等级 + 她的智力调整值。要使用这些法术,她的智力属性必须至少等于10 + 类法术能力的法术等级。
随意施展:舞光术(dancing lights),光亮术(light),火花术APG(spark)。
1级 妖火(faerie fire),行踪无迹(pass without trace)以及防护邪恶(protection from evil)。
3级 黑暗视觉(只限自身,darkvision(self only)), 减缓毒发(只限自身,delay poison(self only))以及识破隐形(see invisibility)。
5级 不灭明焰(continual flame(3级法术))持续至多10分钟/等级;若不灭明焰是由掌灯人使用该能力创造的,并且她在距离不灭明焰20尺范围内,那么掌灯人可以通过将其熄灭以施放灼热光辉(Searing Light), 解除魔法(dispel magic)以及反邪恶法阵(只限自身,magic circle against evil(self only))。
7级 升阶昼明术(heightened daylight)升阶至4级法术,次元锚(dimensional anchor)以及行动自如(只限自身,freedom of movement(self only))。

神秘潜能(Numinous Potency)(Su):当掌灯人施放其他职业的法术或者掌灯人的类法术能力时,可以将掌灯人的职业等级加到为了克服法术抗力而进行的施法者等级检定中。

寒仇军备(Bitter Armament)(Su):2级起,掌灯人持用的金属武器在克服伤害减免时被视为寒铁(在武器的其他特殊材料特性之外附加)。该特性会在这些武器(包括发射出的弹药)会在离开掌灯人的持握后保持1轮。

宿敌(Favored Enemy)(Ex):2级起,掌灯人从下列生物类型中选择1种:异怪类,动物类,精类,类人生物(精灵),异界生物(邪恶)以及植物类。该能力的功能与游侠的同名职业能力完全一致,并且掌灯人职业等级与其他带有宿敌职业能力的职业等级叠加。

卓越洞察力(Superior Discernment)(Ex):3级起,掌灯人获得后述专长中的一个作为奖励专长,即使她并不满足先决条件:鹰眼APG(Eagle Eyes)精灵之眼APG(Elven Accuracy)精确感知APG(Sharp Senses)

无阻穿行(Unbounded Stride)(Su):4级起,掌灯人可以以迅捷动作让自身免疫那些会妨碍她行动的效果,比如茂密的枝叶,蛛网,浓雾或其他削弱移动能力或赋予纠缠状态的魔法范围效果。该能力与德鲁伊的穿林(woodland stride)职业能力效果类似,不过它对魔法效果也生效,并且掌灯人必须在无阻穿行的效果生效前声明使用。她不会由于穿过带刺的植物、荆棘甚至荆棘之墙(Wall of Thorns)而受到伤害,但是有害气体以及其他有害的效果,比如焚云术(Incendiary Cloud)的火焰伤害仍旧如常对她生效。掌灯人每日可以使用该能力的轮数等同于她的职业等级;这些轮数不必连续使用。

精通武器之证(Proven Weapon Familiarity)(Ex):5级起,掌灯人在使用复合长弓(composite longbows),复合短弓(composite shortbows),长弓(longbows),长剑(longswords),细剑(rapiers),短弓(shortbows),短剑(short swords)或任何冠以“精灵”之名的武器时,攻击与伤害检定获得+1加值。

天界兵器(Celestial Weaponry)(Su):6级起,掌灯人的武器在克服伤害减免时视为善良武器。

视线消隐(Fade from Sight)(Su):7级起,掌灯人可以使用潜行技能在没有任何遮挡物的地方躲藏,甚至在被察觉的情况下也可以。掌灯人每日可以使用该能力的轮数等同于她的职业等级;这些轮数不必连续。

艾厄达拉定位术(Aiudara Alignment)(Su):9级起,每日1次,掌灯人可以以整轮动作使用与艾厄达拉网络(aiudara network,见PF战役设定:格拉利昂的精灵Pathfinder Player Companion: Elves of Golarion)的交互之力,将自己传送至对她来说极有研究(studied carefully,见传送术Teleport)的精灵之门(elf gate)。该能力如同回返真言(Word of Recall)一般运作,不过掌灯人只能传送自身以及50磅重的物体。
   此外,每日2次,掌灯人能够以迅捷动作利用魔法穿过现实的空间,就如同使用任意门(Dimension Door)一般。该能力的最远距离为50尺,并且掌灯人无法带着其他人一同传送。

光辉使者(Bringer of Brightness)(Sp):10级起,每日1次,掌灯人能够使用辉煌的光芒将自身吞没。该能力如同目标仅限掌灯人的圣洁灵光(Holy Aura)一般运作,并且使用与奥秘之灯中一样的公式计算施法者等级与豁免DC。

劇透 -   :
Originally, only elves were allowed to join the Lantern Bearers, but with the destruction of the Winter Council and the group’s new focus on openness, these restrictions have been abandoned. While elves still hold a majority in the organization and its base of operations remains in Kyonin, any who seek to further the group’s goals are welcome as members. The same goes for those passionate about opposing demonic influences or threats from the Darklands. These dedicated soldiers and redeemers, called Lantern Bearers after the group that gave rise to them, form the backbone of that organization.

While Lantern Bearers direct the majority of their missions and goals in the Darklands, particularly in fighting against the machinations of the drow, they have increasingly turned to surface regions where demonic corruptions similar to those suffusing drow society have erupted. The primary focus is on the doorstep of their own homeland of Kyonin: the swampy realm of Tanglebriar, where the nascent demon lord Treerazer rules. The Worldwound has also seen a considerable number of Lantern Bearers joining the crusade, but they are increasingly encountered throughout the Inner Sea region, especially as drow agents and their influences on surface world interests become more and more apparent.

To qualify to become a Lantern Bearer, a character must fulfill the following criteria.
Alignment: Any good.
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Skills: Knowledge (dungeoneering) 5 ranks, Knowledge (nature) 2 ranks, Survival 5 ranks.
Weapon Proficiency: Must be proficient with the longbow (or composite longbow) and one martial melee weapon.

Class Skills
The Lantern Bearer’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Heal (Wis), Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex), and Survival (Wis).
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features
The following are class features of the Lantern Bearer prestige class.
Lantern Arcana (Sp): A Lantern Bearer gains a series of spell-like abilities. The Lantern Bearer’s caster level for these effects is equal to her character level, and the save DC is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + her Intelligence modifier. To use a spell-like ability, she must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell-like ability’s spell level.
A Lantern Bearer gains additional abilities as she advances in level. When she initially gains access to a set of spell-like abilities of 1st or higher level, she can use each spell-like ability once per day. For every 2 class levels after she gains a specific set of spell-like abilities, she gains an additional use per day of each ability in that set. (For example, a 3rd-level Lantern Bearer can use darkvision, delay poison, and see invisibility each once per day, and faerie fire, pass without trace, and protection from evil each twice per day.)
At Will: Dancing lights, light, and sparkAPG.
1st Level: Faerie fire, pass without trace, and protection from evil.
3rd Level: Darkvision (self only), delay poison (self only), and see invisibility.
5th Level: Continual flame (3rd-level spell, lasts up to 10 minutes per level; a Lantern Bearer within 20 feet of a continual flame she created using this ability can extinguish it to cast searing light), dispel magic, and magic circle against evil (self only).
7th Level: Heightened daylight (heightened to a 4th-level spell), dimensional anchor, and freedom of movement (self only).

Luminous Potency (Su): When casting spells from other classes or using lantern arcana spell-like abilities, a Lantern Bearer gains an additional bonus equal to her Lantern Bearer class level on caster level checks for the purpose of overcoming spell resistance.

Bitter Armament (Su): At 2nd level, metal weapons wielded by a Lantern Bearer are treated as cold iron for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction (in addition to the weapons’ other special material properties). These weapons, including fired ammunition, retain this property for 1 round after leaving the Lantern Bearer’s grasp.

Favored Enemy (Ex): At 2nd level, a Lantern Bearer selects a creature type from the following: aberration, animal, fey, humanoid (elf ), outsider (evil), and plant. This ability functions like the ranger class ability of the same name, and Lantern Bearer levels stack with other class levels that grant the favored enemy ability.
At 8th level, the Lantern Bearer can select an additional favored enemy from this list. In addition, the bonus against any one favored enemy from this list (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by 2.

Superior Discernment (Ex): At 3rd level, a Lantern Bearer gains one of the following as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites: Eagle EyesAPG, Elven AccuracyAPG, or Sharp SensesAPG.

Unbounded Stride (Su): At 4th level, as a swift action, a Lantern Bearer can make herself immune to effects that would impede her movement, such as overgrown foliage, solid fog, webs, or other magical area effects that impair movement or confer the entangled condition. This ability is similar in effect to a druid’s woodland stride ability, but its benefits extend to magical effects as well. She takes no damage from moving through spiky vegetation, briars, or even a wall of thorns, but harmful gases and other detrimental effects, such as fire damage from an incendiary cloud, still affect her as normal. A Lantern Bearer can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to her class level; these rounds need not be consecutive.

Proven Weapon Familiarity (Ex): At 5th level, a Lantern Bearer gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with composite longbows, composite shortbows, longbows, longswords, rapiers, shortbows, short swords, and any weapon with “elven” in its name.

Celestial Weaponry (Su): At 6th level, a Lantern Bearer’s attacks are treated as good-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Fade from Sight (Su): At 7th level, a Lantern Bearer can use the Stealth skill without having anything to hide behind, and even while being observed. Activating this ability is a swift action in addition to the action required to hide. A Lantern Bearer can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to her class level; these rounds need not be consecutive.

Aiudara Alignment (Su): At 9th level, once per day as a full-round action, a Lantern Bearer can use the interconnected power of the aiudara (a series of magical portals sometimes called “elf gates”) to teleport herself to an elf gate that she has studied carefully (as per the spell teleport). This functions as word of recall, but the Lantern Bearer can transport only herself plus 50 pounds of objects.
In addition, a Lantern Bearer can magically slip between the spaces in reality twice per day as a swift action, as if using dimension door. This ability has a range of 50 feet, and the Lantern Bearer cannot take other creatures with her.

Bringer of Brightness (Sp): At 10th level, once per day a Lantern Bearer can engulf herself in a brilliant radiance. This functions as a holy aura spell targeting only the Lantern Bearer, and uses the same formula for caster level and save DC as her lantern arcana.
« 上次编辑: 2018-06-05, 周二 13:13:02 由 墨叶 »

离线 墨叶

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Re: 【AG】掌灯人(Lantern Bearers)
« 回帖 #2 于: 2018-06-05, 周二 11:00:08 »
绽放之光(Blossoming Light)(牧师变体)

信仰的承诺(Promise of Faith):绽放之光发誓要信任她的神灵的庇佑高于靠武器和盔甲的保护。她不擅长任何护甲或盾牌。当穿着护甲或使用盾牌时,或在此后的1分钟,绽放之光不能使用或受益于任何她的职业能力(包括施法)。

纯洁的承诺(Promise of Purity):绽放之光必须有一颗真正纯洁的心。她必须是善良阵营并信仰非邪恶神祇。若绽放之光故意犯下的恶行,她将失去全部的职业能力(包括施法)直到他赎罪为止。

光之源(Luminous Font, Su):绽放之光放弃她神性的深层奥秘,专注于仁慈、医疗、和在暗黑中带来光明。绽放之光依然能选择领域并获得领域能力,但不会获得领域法术位。绽放之光是善良的信标,引领他人遵循自己最优的本性。绽放之光在跟善良生物交涉、或说服邪恶的生物对他邪恶的天性说不时,交涉获得相等于其职业等级一半的加值。


劇透 -   :
There are some clerics who take their pursuit of purity and light to extremes. These clerics are known as blossoming lights, and forsake armor and weaponry in favor of opening their hearts to pure goodness. Many are peace-loving or even pacifistic, and nearly every blossoming light favors redemption over righteous wrath.
Blossoming lights are primarily found among the Lantern Bearers, as their powers are a great boon against the organization’s foes. Despite this, their ways did not originate with elvenkind. Legend tells that Sarenrae, horrified by the consequences of the destruction of Gormuz, reached out to one of that city’s survivors. She granted the frightened woman divine powers to guide her fellow survivors, both to safety and to goodness, and humbly asked her to spread the message of redemption and forgiveness. While this priestess’s identity has been lost to history, the Dawnflower’s imparted wisdom has not.
Within the Lantern Bearers, given their growing alliance with Sarenrae’s faith, the traditions of the blossoming light have found the perfect place to flourish. These clerics are increasingly at the vanguard of the organization’s efforts to redeem the fallen, particularly drow who seek to escape their society’s strictures.

Promise of Faith: A blossoming light vows to trust in her deity’s protection over arms and armor. She is not proficient with any armor or shields. The blossoming light cannot use or benefit from any of her class features (including spellcasting) while wearing armor or using a shield, or for 1 minute thereafter.
This ability alters the cleric’s armor proficiencies.

Promise of Purity: A blossoming light must be truly pure of heart. She must be good-aligned and worship a nonevil deity. If the blossoming light willfully commits an evil act, she loses all class features (including spellcasting) until she atones.
This alters the cleric’s alignment.

Luminous Font (Su): A blossoming light forsakes her deity’s deeper mysteries to focus on benevolence, healing, and bringing light to darkness. A blossoming light still selects domains and retains access to domain powers, but does not gain domain spell slots.
Blossoming lights are beacons of goodness, guiding others to follow their own best natures. A blossoming light adds half her level on Diplomacy checks against good creatures or to convince an evil creature to take an action against its evil nature.
A blossoming light’s channel energy is usable a number of times per day equal to 5 + her Charisma modifier. At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, the blossoming light gains an additional use per day of channel energy.
At 3rd level, when a blossoming light channels energy to harm undead, her channeled energy also harms chaotic evil outsiders, worshipers of chaotic evil deities, and evil creatures with light sensitivity or light blindness as if they were undead.
At 7th level, when a blossoming light channels energy, she can expend an additional use to fill the affected area with bright light (as per daylight) for a number of rounds equal to her cleric level.
At 10th level, a blossoming light can use atonement once per day as a spell-like ability, but only to offer redemption to others (as per the spell). Using the spell in this way does not require a focus or material component.
This ability alters channel energy and the cleric’s domains.
Redeemed Drow
In recent years, the Lantern Bearers have begun to more ardently pursue the ideal of drow redemption, despite misgivings from some within the organization. While opportunities to pursue this noble goal have been fleeting, the Lantern Bearers are aiding several promising converts on the path to goodness. Now that the group spends its resources on providing support to drow who seek new lives rather than on obscuring the existence of drow, progress is swift.
Drow raised from childhood in societies outside of the traditional demon-worshiping cruelties in the Darklands retain all of the typical drow abilities (as such, they are more powerful characters and can be used as PCs only at the GM’s discretion). The fact that they lose none of these powers upon shifting alignment is all the proof the Lantern Bearers need that being born a drow does not mean one must be evil, and that redemption is possible for all.
« 上次编辑: 2018-06-05, 周二 11:43:48 由 墨叶 »

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Re: 【AG】掌灯人(Lantern Bearers)
« 回帖 #3 于: 2018-06-05, 周二 11:00:15 »
燃灯人(Lantern Lighter)(游侠变体)


强化视域(Enhanced Vision,特异能力):燃灯人在地下战斗的经历强化了他的感知,他获得昏暗视觉。假如燃灯人已经拥有昏暗视觉,作为代替,他能在昏暗(dim light)环境下看到人类3倍远。

毒素抗力(Poison Resistance,特异能力):3级时,燃灯人在抵抗毒素时获得+4额外加值。

偏好地形(Favored Terrain,特异能力):3级时,燃灯人如常获得一个偏好地形。它提供的技能和察觉加值在8级以及之后每5级额外+2。

地穴疾行(Cavern Stride,特异能力):7级时,燃灯人在地下的移动不受非魔法困难地形和非魔法蛛网的影响。


毒素免疫(Poison Immunity,特异能力):12级时,燃灯人免疫毒素。

震慑之光(Stunning Light,超自然能力):13级时,燃灯人学会了增加光亮对强光致盲(light blindness)生物的效果。燃灯人释放的昼明术或是其他光亮法术除了致盲外,还会使区域内的强光致盲生物震慑一轮。

伪装(Camouflage, Ex):17级时,燃灯人获得伪装,如同游侠同名特性。

麻痹之光(Paralyzing Light,超自然能力):18级时,燃灯人可以阻止光盲的敌人行动,以此来获得战斗中的优势。燃灯人释放的昼明术或是其他光亮法术可以使区域内的强光致盲生物麻痹一轮代替目盲和震慑。

劇透 -   :
Lantern lighters were originally entrusted with secretly eliminating the drow and quarantining any knowledge of their existence, but in the new Lantern Bearer era, the lantern lighters have refocused their efforts on helping to rescue those imprisoned by the drow, or even to help individual drow who seek to escape the cruelties of their society for a chance at redemption on the surface. Of course, escape from drow society is only the beginning of a drow’s long and fraught path to redemption, and even the kindest or most repentant drow are likely to face prejudice from most of those who recognize her origins. In addition to their rescue efforts, lantern lighters often serve as sponsors for escapees and work to create pockets of civilization where redeemed drow can live in relative peace and safety by encouraging surface dwellers to cast aside the lurking shadows of prejudice and fear.
While the vast majority of lantern lighters are elves from Kyonin, a few non-elven members of the organization have proven themselves trustworthy and dedicated enough to join their ranks. As their efforts to spread the light to other regions beyond Kyonin grow, lantern lighters of other races are beginning to round out the order’s numbers, particularly in areas and regions that suffer under oppressive regimes.

Daylight: A lantern lighter treats daylight as a 3rd-level ranger spell.
This ability alters the ranger’s spells.

Enhanced Vision (Ex): A lantern lighter hones his senses to better combat subterranean enemies. He gains low-light vision. If the lantern lighter already has low-light vision, he can instead see three times as far as humans in areas of dim light.
This ability replaces wild empathy.

Poison Resistance (Ex): At 3rd level, a lantern lighter gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against poison.
This ability replaces endurance.

Favored Terrain (Ex): At 3rd level, a lantern lighter selects a favored terrain as normal. The skill bonus and initiative bonus granted in this favored terrain increase by 2 at 8th level and every 5 ranger levels thereafter.
This ability alters favored terrain.

Cavern Stride (Ex): At 7th level, a lantern lighter’s movement is unimpeded by nonmagical difficult terrain underground and nonmagical webs.
This ability replaces woodland stride.

Darkvision (Ex): At 8th level, a lantern lighter’s senses fully attune to the darkness, granting him darkvision to a distance of 60 feet. If the lantern lighter already has darkvision, its range increases by 30 feet.
This replaces the favored terrain gained at 8th level.

Poison Immunity (Ex): At 12th level, a lantern lighter gains immunity to poison.
This ability replaces camouflage.

Stunning Light (Su): At 13th level, a lantern lighter learns to increase the effectiveness of bright light on creatures with light blindness. Daylight spells cast by the lantern lighter or other sources of bright light he wields cause creatures with light blindness within the area of bright light to become stunned for 1 round in addition to being blinded.
This ability replaces the favored terrain gained at 13th level.

Camouflage (Ex): At 17th level, a lantern lighter gains camouflage, as the ranger class feature.
This ability replaces hide in plain sight.

Paralyzing Light (Su): At 18th level, a lantern lighter can stop light-blind enemies in their tracks, often gaining a great edge in battle. Daylight spells cast by the lantern lighter or sources of bright light wielded by him cause creatures with light blindness within the area of bright light to become paralyzed for 1 round in addition to being blinded and stunned.
This ability replaces the favored terrain gained at 18th level.
« 上次编辑: 2018-06-05, 周二 11:51:13 由 墨叶 »

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« 回帖 #4 于: 2018-06-05, 周二 11:00:24 »

一个想要成为掌灯人的角色首先需要联系到组织的代理处。你通常可以在奇奥尼地区通过一个DC20的交涉检定来找到代理处,但具体取决于GM的判断,有时会拥有更高的DC或是无迹可寻。一旦取得联系,请愿者将会与掌灯人进行一次简短的面试,旨在展现出申请人的个性和经历;整个过程会处于侦测邪恶(detect evil)和诚实之域(zone of truth)下,但只要申请人是真心想要帮助掌灯人,要求通常都会被允诺。当然,假如你行事残忍,背弃了掌灯人的理念或是和恶魔机构进行了合作,你们间的盟友关系会很干脆的破裂。


价格 60GP
类型 单手异种近战武器
重量 4磅
伤害(小型)1d4 伤害(中型)1d6 重击范围18-20/x2 伤害类型 穿刺/挥砍
这把适合于格挡和突刺的利刃尤其擅长造成深入血肉的贯穿伤害。一名拥有武器娴熟(Weapon Finesse)专长的持用者能够将他的敏捷调整值取代力量调整值加到命中骰上。但是双手持用精灵荆棘刃也不会带来额外的好处。此外,使用精灵荆棘刃造成重击威胁时,持用者可以在确认重击的命中骰上获得+2的加值。

价格 40GP
类型 轻型异种近战武器
重量 3磅
伤害(小型)1d3 伤害(中型)1d4 重击范围18-20/x2 伤害类型 穿刺/挥砍

价格 150GP
重量 -磅


女妖之啸(Banshee’s Howl)
这柄墨晶色的+3细剑在战斗中挥舞时会发出无声的鸣泣。任何被女妖之啸命中的生物必须成功通过一个DC16的意志检定,否则将会受到极度绝望(crushing despair)效果的影响,持续1分钟。每次失败的豁免检定都会将负面效果延长1分钟。
每当女妖之啸造成一次重击,持有者可以通过一个自由动作于击伤处曲折剑刃。如果持有者如此做,女妖之啸将解放出一个女性精灵外貌的幽灵并发出毁灭性的哭嚎,视同女妖之嚎(wail of the banshee,强韧豁免DC23通过则无效)。武器持有者和她盟友也会受到效果的影响,不过受到细剑重击的对象会额外获得-4的豁免惩罚。只要女妖之啸使用了这个能力,它就无法再次使用,但其他效果依然保留(依然值32320gp)。
制造要求:制造魔法武器和防具,极度绝望(crushing despair),女妖之嚎(wail of the banshee)

精灵誓仇甲(Elven Vengeance)
这件+2精灵链甲(elven chain)会让持有者在对抗特定恶魔领主以及它的信徒所施展的法术,类法术能力或是其他类似效果时在豁免检定上获得+4抗力加值。这个誓仇之敌需要在链甲制造时选定,并且在对抗它时护甲的增强加值会提升到+4。最早的精灵誓仇甲由佩瑞勒尔为她的挚友游侠玛林蒂尔(Malindil)所设计并制作,作为征讨恶魔领主阿巴拉克萨斯(Abraxas)前的饯别礼;自此,精灵誓仇甲都被制作用来对抗各种强大的恶魔(尤其是新生的恶魔领主泰拉泽尔(Treerazer))。

隐光灯(Lantern of Hidden Light)

退却指环(Ring of Retreat)
这些宝石银指环都与艾厄达拉(aiudara)或是精灵之门(elf gate)有所链接。退却指环必须在艾厄达拉制作,其上的宝石构成即为开启对应门扉的钥匙。每周一次,通过一个指令,指环会将佩戴者传送回对应的门扉,就如同使用了回返真言(word of recall)。就理论上来说,退却指环可以将佩戴者传送到某些特定位置,比如核心神殿或是要塞,但至今,退却指环还是仅仅于精灵之门进行过链接。



这是掌灯人(Lantern Bearer)——秘密精灵组织——的标志性法术。法术如同昼明术,除了持续时间更久,且能自动解除那些源头进入到其照明范围的较低等级的黑暗法术。此外,在法术持续时间内,你有一次机会指挥光芒去尝试驱散一个魔法黑暗效果,这是一个标准动作,魔法黑暗的等级可以等于或高于至亮之光,且能距离该法术散发的光芒60英尺以内。尝试一次解除检定(1d20+你的施法者等级),DC=11+黑暗效果的施法者等级。如果你成功,黑暗效果就会结束。不管你是否成功,至亮之光会在法术的剩余持续时间里减弱到一个火炬的亮度。



慈悲之护(Preserve Grace)

掌灯人在执行任务时往往会遇到类似的困境—究竟应该如何对待被俘虏的敌人;他们应该被处决,监禁,释放或是给予改过自新的机会?你能通过本法术赋予一个生物预知行为影响的能力,就如同她穿戴着虔信经匣(phylactery of faithfulness)一般。这个法术是为了守护美好,怜悯和追求和平的心灵。
劇透 -   :
Agents of the Lantern Bearers prefer to arm themselves with the finest elven gear available, including items rarely seen outside of elven lands, such as those listed here.

TYPE light exotic melee
WEIGHT 3 lbs.
DMG (S) 1d3 DMG (M) 1d4 CRIT 18–20/×2 TYPE P/S
Elves have traditionally eschewed the use of larger weaponry, opting instead for lighter weapons that take advantage of their wielders’ agility and poise. The elven curve blade is perhaps the best-known weapon in this category, but the leafblade (often partnered with the substantially longer thornblade) embraces these fighting styles to an even greater extent. This short sword has a blade reminiscent of a long, narrow leaf and is suitable both for slashing swings and targeted thrusts. These weapons are designed to be wielded alongside elven thornblades. Attacks with an elven leafblade gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls made to confirm critical hits.

TYPE one-handed exotic melee
WEIGHT 4 lbs.
DMG (S) 1d4 DMG (M) 1d6 CRIT 18–20/×2 TYPE P/S
This blade is suited for thrusts and parries, making it especially capable of inflicting deep, penetrating wounds. A wielder with Weapon Finesse can apply her Dexterity modifier to attack rolls with an elven thornblade instead of her Strength modifier. An elven thornblade grants no additional benefit when wielded two-handed. In addition, attacks with an elven thornblade gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls made to confirm critical hits.

Price 150 GP
Weight -
This alchemically enhanced honey is typically transported in small, lantern-shaped containers capable of holding up to 3 doses of honey. A single dose of lantern honey functions as normal antitoxin, except that it also provides immunity to drow poison for 1 hour after consumption.

Magic Items
The Lantern Bearers have created many potent items during their long crusade against the drow menace and demonic corruption.

SLOT none PRICE 38,480 GP
CL 17th WEIGHT 2 lbs.
AURA strong necromancy
This jet-black +3 rapier weeps quietly when wielded in combat. A creature critically hit by banshee’s howl must succeed at a DC 16 Will save or be affected by crushing despair for 1 minute. Each time an affected creature fails this save, the effect’s duration increases by 1 minute.
As a free action upon confirming a critical hit with a banshee’s howl, the wielder can twist the blade in the wound. Doing so causes the weapon’s blade to release a ghostly female elven form that rises up to unleash a devastating cry, functioning as a wail of the banshee (Fort DC 23 negates). The wielder and her allies gain no special protection against this effect, and the creature struck by the critical hit takes a –4 penalty on its saving throw against it. Once a banshee’s howl has used this ability, it can never do so again, but it does retain its other abilities. A banshee’s howl whose wail of the banshee ability has been expended is still worth 32,320 gp.
The first banshee’s howl was only recently discovered, but the creation process has since been reproduced. Rumors have spread of female Lantern Bearers spontaneously transforming into such weapons upon death to continue the fight, though their truth is uncertain.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Craft Magic Arms and Armor, crushing despair, wail ofthe banshee
COST 19,400 GP

SLOT armor PRICE16,150 GP
CL 12th WEIGHT 20 lbs.
AURA strong abjuration
This set of +2 elven chain grants its wearer a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws against spells, spell-like abilities, and other effects created by worshipers and minions of a specific demon lord, chosen when the armor is created. Against such foes, the armor’s enhancement bonus increases to +4. The first suit of this armor was created quite recently by Perelir for her close friend Malindil as part of the ranger’s vengeful crusade against Abraxas; since then, many other suits focused against other powerful demons (particularly the nascent demon lord Treerazer)
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Craft Magic Arms and Armor, detect evil, resistance
COST 10,650 GP
PRICE 1,000 GP
SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT 2 lbs.
AURA faint evocation
A lantern of hidden light can be an invaluable tool for one who wishes to see in darkened areas without being revealed to those accustomed to the darkness. This magical lantern can be activated with a touch to one of its crystal panes, and functions as a hooded lantern, save that this light (and what it illuminates) is visible only to the character who holds the lantern in one hand. To other observers, the lantern always appears unlit, and does not appear to be shedding any light at all.

PRICE 12,000 GP
SLOT ring CL 12th WEIGHT —
AURA strong conjuration
Each of these silver-and-gemstone rings is attuned to a specific aiudara, or elf gate. The ring must be created at the aiudara in question, and its gemstone always matches the gate’s portal-key. On command once per week, the ring teleports its wearer back to that gate, as per word of recall. Theoretically, a ring of retreat could be crafted instead to transport the wearer to a specific site of import, such as a temple or stronghold, but to date, these rings have been crafted only with elf gates in mind.
CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS Forge Ring, word of recall
COST 6,000 GP

These spells were developed by the Lantern Bearers to aid in the exploration of the Darklands, to deal with the drow love of poison, and to help fight against choices that could result in corruption of the soul.
School evocation [light]; Level bard 4, cleric 4, druid 4, inquisitor 4, magus 4, occultist 4, paladin 4, ranger 4, shaman 4, sorcerer/wizard 4
Duration 1 hour/level (D)
This trademark spell of the Lantern Bearers functions as daylight, except it lasts longer. In addition, as a swift action once during the spell’s duration, you can will the light to try to end a magical darkness effect located within 60 feet of the light this spell emits. Attempt a dispel check (1d20 + your caster level), with a DC equal to 11 + the caster level of the darkness effect. If you succeed, the darkness effect ends. Regardless of whether you are successful, the light from this spell dims to the brightness of a torch for the spell’s remaining duration.

School transmutation; Level cleric 3, druid 3, inquisitor 3, paladin 3, ranger 2, shaman 3, witch 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a dandelion stem)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature
Duration 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance yes
You remove a creature’s ability to poison others, whether inherent or via poisoned weapons. Whenever an affected creature would inflict poison with an attack, spell, or other method (including auras and other constant methods), that poison is automatically neutralized. This does not grant the subject of the spell any resistance to poison itself.

School divination [good]; Level cleric 2, inquisitor 1, paladin 1
Casting Time 1 minute
Components V, S, F (a silver hand mirror worth 50 gp)
Range touch
Target one good-aligned creature
Duration 1 day
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance no
The Lantern Bearers must often make difficult decisions during their missions, such as determining what to do with captured enemies—should they be executed, imprisoned, set free, or given a chance to mend their ways? With this spell, you grant a creature the ability to foresee moral consequences, as if the creature were wearing a phylactery of faithfulness. The spell’s guidance focuses on the protection of beauty and encourages peaceful resolution and mercy.
« 上次编辑: 2018-06-05, 周二 12:51:53 由 墨叶 »

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Re: 【AG】掌灯人(Lantern Bearers)
« 回帖 #5 于: 2018-06-05, 周二 11:54:10 »

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Re: 【AG】掌灯人(Lantern Bearers)
« 回帖 #6 于: 2018-06-05, 周二 12:04:21 »
固定兜帽还行 :em021

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Re: 【AG】掌灯人(Lantern Bearers)
« 回帖 #7 于: 2018-06-05, 周二 12:35:16 »

"...to help hide the existence of the dark elves from the rest of the world."
Nat One to screw them all, Nat One to botch plans.
Nat One to TPK. It's time to roll new sheets then.
On the Virtual Table where the GM lies.

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Re: 【AG】掌灯人(Lantern Bearers)
« 回帖 #9 于: 2018-06-05, 周二 12:48:52 »

"...to help hide the existence of the dark elves from the rest of the world."
多谢指正,我也再校对一遍。 :em004
« 上次编辑: 2018-06-05, 周二 13:03:33 由 墨叶 »